HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-09, Page 8G. D. McTAGG AR'T M. D. MCTAGGART McTaggart Bros.. ---- BANER S - A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES !MISCOUNTED, 1)11ADTS ISSUJ:D. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PUR- CHASED. - - IL T. MANCE ,... - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL' ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT, REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLI\'1'O\. V. BRYDON1 , BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office- Sloan Block CLINTON CHARLES B. HALE. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, -- CLINTON DRS. GUNN & GANDTER Dr. W. Gunn,'L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. D1t. J. W. SHAW OFFICE -•- ItATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON 'LOH. C: W. TT[OMPSON I'HSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. eareaully examined and suit able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Rotel, Huron St. nit. F. A. AXON - DENTIST Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C ( O.S., "`Chicago, and R..C.D.., To- ronto: Bayfield Id on Mondays from May to December. at - Bran, Shorts and ` Flour - TIME TABLE - Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Staticin as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: , Going 'Epees 7.35 a,. m, ,r 11 3,07 p. m: 5.15 p. m.. Going West, 11,07 a, m. 1.25 p. m. " rr 6.40 p. m. " ++ 11.28 p. m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV From the Best Mille at the lowest possible prise. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE for OATS, PEAS and BAR- LEY, also HAY for Baling. Ford. 8r. McLeod THE nEST CONS - Going South, 7,50 a., m. 4.23 p. m. Going North, 11.00 a. tn. rr 6.35p'.m. • (;se V691 66 YEARS" £XP^ri Fries 'FROM. -Ell A.RWt9 - Deem -COPYRIGHTS &C Anyenonend•ng a elmtelt nil g'oc Ptlnn may .1,Indy asaertuh, our oi,blinu free w ,0t1ar an tiiireutimu ,o pronn513 pntaatabin. ('ornnnnrira tionaet, latiaoonndmlb& 515059011 m, Patante ,one lice. Cildost a snap for socnrugt puto5s. l'nlanta tak�ltl it robarII�laniia & CpQ. innaant,e sileo�laltwE[grs, , 6nAe icae$O Ante 4 li A Asn,, of 31 do laiit100 ' joeiil nl. Largest cis. L•leti • outage prepaid.'. 0011 by l mea, dale n year. 1? all ppn��e{��vap1daatartlg�t 82 ew art, ip�eV( I & 4tld 88tntagdtatat n,aa0h 01500. 051.1?? at. Vtnsblaatan, n. U. �j r' ill fl("'vt'ts a y� OE �GFN '871 I4'1t2h03'THf.'+! f4M'MA 'AZfNi. A FAMILY t:larssAnY `qhs /B�o t hi Current Litoretture '12 CoM,OPtr:Te Novet:•a 'iEAat.y. MANY HORTsTOFtlf"',AI' CA l'APt:f3S OI'1 TIMELY 'TOPICS to.6JJ yr:n+,"sun; 26 ors. a oo Pr N CONTINUED fi�:'Ofill%S &VbbrY PeUN1M n IF YOU WANT THE BEST COAL AND PROMPT DE - .LIVERY, SECURE YOUR SUPPLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT ROW - LAND'S HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO. J. W. STEVENSON GI':011GE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made ler Sales Date at .The Nee -s -Record. Clinton, or'by calling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. D. N. WATSON CLINTON, -- ONTARIO 1 ir'ensed Auctioneer for the County of Baron Correspondence promptly answered. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed Immediate arranaeinents for Sale Dates may be made by calling at The News -Record Office, or on Frank Watson at Beacom & Smyth's grocery. THOMAS BROWN Licensed Auctioneer for the Coun- ties of Huron anis Perth Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sale Dates at The News -Record, Clinton. or by calling Phone 97, Seaforth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed Ilio "ciliop lu`u�l fire - Ilsuraloo Company Farm and Icnlated Town Property o...y Insured - OFFICERS - J. B. McLean. President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Vice-Presi dent. Godcrich-.P.O. T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. --Directors - D. F. McGregor'. Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinse Constance; John Watt, Harlock; John Benuewiea, Brodhagen ; James Evans, Beechwood; M. McEven, Clinton P.O. - Agents - Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hineh• leo, Seaforth; William Chesney, E.imondvilie; 3, W. Yeo, Holmes- ville. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co.. Cline ton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other business hill be prdnlplay attended to on ap- plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post - offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. Clinton News -Record Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cure many common ailments which are very different, but which all arise from the same cause -a system clogged with itnpurities. The pill. cause the bowels to move regularly, strengthen and stimulate the kidneys thepores of thekin. and open up s These organs immediately throw off the accumulated impurities, and Bili- ousnese, Indigestion, Liver Complaint. Kidney Troubles, Headaches, Rheum- atism and similar ailments vanish. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills 41 Save Doctors' Bilis Forty years in ase, 20 years the standard, prescribed and recon mended b3' physioia•tts. For Wontan's Ailments, Dr. Martel's Female Pills, at 'your druggist. JUST A LITTLE MENTHOLINE On Your Lips - ''CHAPS GONE" it quickly heals Cracked hands Cold Sores Chilblains An immediate remedy for Cold in Head and; Headache CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discon• tinned until all arrears are paid, runless at the option of the pub Helier. The date to which every, subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising Pates - Transient ad- vertisements, 10 cents per non• pared line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subse quent insertion. Small advertise- ments dvertise ,tents not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for Be cents, and each subsequent in- sertion 10 cents. • Communicatione intended for pulp licatien must, as a 'guarantee t,f br the good faith, be accompanied� . name, of the writer, W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. ryWoat 10 interested and shauld.know about the wonderful i' srvsal sterling Sprayeffrei Yon can get it at The Rexall Store W, S, R. HDLMES$ P.M.B. Manufacturing .Chemist ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, TILE CRICK TO ORDER. bore 15 ft man who will it19.122 A itpc,n t:alhinr; a,bouL himself rwhen oil. to tall`, about yourself, h• '.sk your, dl' ' ,.O for 1i' je no -(t310O 00)110 OtteatL0 tt7Io5 aauopt 00 IUcar, ;bat send stamp for 1(tna- trnta,i book-eoaiod. It gtvoi n111 amt partieuturo and411o0r10nsInvaluable .r l».dlvs'WIPMSOR a0 PPir 1f CO,,4irfatleor, erne Oonorat. A gentsfor Canada, THE EOM SCIWL STUDY INTERNATIONAL LEoSO)�l, JANUARY a 12. Lesson IL -Man the Crown of ere. Mien. Gen. 1. 26, 27; 2. 4-25. Golden Text, Gen. 1. 27. GEN. 1. 26, 27. The selection of printed verses forming the basis for this lesson is intended to. set clearly before the students the • ultimate purpose which the combined creation narra- tives of Genesis were to serve. That; purpose was' none other than to im- press the reader with the fact that Gocl is the creator of all things, visible and invisible, and that man, made in the image and after tho likeness of God ,• is the superlative ' and crowning work of the divine c1•eation. Our lesson, therefore, reaches back to that portion of the preceding chapter in which man's preeminence over the other works of creation is recorded. Verse 26. Let us make man -Tho plural of, majesty, used also in the next phrase, in our -image, and in Gen. 3. 22, "Behold, the man is be- come as one of us" ; in 11. 7, "Come, let us go down, and there confound their language" and in Isa. 6. 8,, "Whom shall I send,. and who will go for us'?" After our likeness -An immateri- al resemblance, consisting primar- ily in the possession of self-consci- ous reason and free will. These form the ground or basis of man's preeminence" over the lower ani - m418. GEN. 2. '7-9, 15-24. 7. The breath of life -The -author has clothed in simple language his naive conception of the way in which. man, as it were, becomes a frag- ment of the divine life. 8. A garden -The original word translated garden means literally an inclostu•e, and in its genera] application more particularly a park. It is the word from which comes our English word paradise. Eastward -The original home of man is placed Cy she author in the far -distant East, in the region of the Tigris and Euphrates, the seat of the most ancient and influential civilization known to the Hebrews. Eder -The Hebrew word means pleasure, or delight. 9. The tree of life -The tree whose fruit renders these who eat it im- mortal. 10-14. The four rivers referred to in these verses have been the sub- ject of much controversy, though none of the theories advanced con- cerning their location and identifi- cation has yet found any large de- gree of acceptance. Only the fourth river, the well-known Euphrates, COM be definitely identified, 15. The garden of Eden -Called in the earliest Latin translation of the Old Testament the paradise of pleasure, and in the earliest Greek translation the paradise of Eden. From these • expressions has' been derived our English word paradise as a name both for Eden and for the Christian heaven. To dress it -To properly care for the plants and trees, and to. keep Or guard the garden. 16, 17. Jehovah God coiumanded the man, saying . . thou, Shalt surely die -"Man is not designed solely to 5111 and keep the garden. There are dormant' in him capaci- ties of moray and religious attain- ment, which must be exercised, de- veloped and tested, .A command is There is an ancient Jewish legend therefore laid upon him, adapted to the effect that the true pronun to draw out his• character, and to cation of the name of Jehovah has form a standard by 'which it may been lost and that whoever recovers be tested. It is a short and simple it' will have open to him the secrets command, unaccompanied even by and forces of nature_ and hold in a reason; but it is sufficient for the his Hand" the hearts of men. This is purpose; man's full knowledge of more than a legend. There carne what he must do: or not do cate-be i one lvho did pronounce the eternal attained only as the result of a long name with true filial accent, heart moral and spiritual development, of son answering to heart of fa- it. cannot exist at the beginning., ther, character of son answering to I And the command relates tosome- character of father, life of son an- swering 'to life of father. They were one in purpose and character. At the word of that true son tossing! waves grew quiet. Deaf ears and; blind eyes opened as he spoke., Dead men arose at his command.' Men in trade and ,ten at work fol- lowed him• when he told then to. The poor clung to him in love, the weak gave themselves . to hint in faith the strong in obedience, the rich in adoring love. He knew•how to speak the ineffable name. He was sovereign lord of nature and the world of ,ren is at his feet. The significance of the incarna- tionI is much more likely to be un- derestimated than overestimated. IEs nleanieg as a revelation is ad- mitted. In Christ God revealed himself. Its significance for truth is clear enough. Jesus was the Truth All kinds of Coal on hand: CHT°TNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL' FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 21A in., 3 in, and 4 iot. Tile of the Bost Quality. ARTHUR FORSES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 6th 1 - VENT HAL ��// ice/ r STRATFORD. ONT- does more for its stridents and graduates thstn do other similar. schools. Courses are up-to-date and instructors are experienced. Graduates are piaced.in good positions. The three applications re-eived to -dao offer average s'lar5' .of $1,133.00 net! annum. Three depertmerts • Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write for our free catalogue at once. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal Pope. "That girl has rejected mo three times," confided the disconsolate youth. "Well," replied Miss Cay- enne, ``you should feel encouraged. A girl who will listen to three pro- posals from. the same pian must think something of him." A GOOD HABIT Tea when you are tired particularly if it's RJP'4rOWS e Goes farthest for the money moreoltaftoftiPtwormatt LEARNING CHRISM S TRUTH His Way, His Truth, His Life, Being the Way, the Truth and the Lite, Gave Him Power thing to be avoided; the acknow- ledgment of a limintation, imposed upon his " creaturely freedom oy his Creator and Lord, must be for man the starting point of every- thing else. Dillman. 18. A help meet for hire -Or, an- swering to him. One who may in various ways assist him, while at the same time proving a compan- ion capable of sharing his thought and communicating with him on terms of intellectual equality. The essentially social character of man's nature required such companion- ship fel-its proper highest develop- ment. 19. Whatsoever the man called every living creature, that was the name thereof -Man would comment Ion each according to the impres- i cion received of its nature, and the epithet or phrase which he chanced to apply to each w'tuld be its name. Only one example is given, that of his naming woman. 21. A deep sleep -In Hebrew a single word signifying trance or su- pernatural slumber, 22. And the rib .. made he a woman -Heb., banded 'he into a woman. The author sets forth the moral and social relation of the sex- es to each other in the form of a beautiful and impressive allegory. this is well. We have not begun to emphasizing at once the natural exhaust the meaning of the incea- basis for the attachment existing nation in these realms, Itt is the between them and for the mutual regard which each should have for the other. 23. Called Woman, because she was taken put of man -The English fortunately reprt,cleces the Hebrew play on words, the Hebrew for man being Ish. and for woman Ishah. Such popular• etymologies form one characteristic of this earliest record. 24. One flesh -The institution of monogamic marriage is explained by the writer as the direct conse- quence of a relation established be the Creator, This verse is quoted be Jesus as an argument against divorce for trifling reasons (Matt. 19. 5; Mark 10. 7), while .the apostle Paul cites it in an exhortation against unchasity (1 Cor: 6. 16) and as illustrating the relation of the church to Christ, its head (Fell. 5. 31). C.• DEA'TII OF JAMES R. REENE. Long Familiar in Financial and Sporting Circles. A despatch from New York says: The death early on Friday of James. R. Beene removes a figure which was long familiar in financial and sporting circles, net only in this country, but abroad. Mr. Keene died in a prieate hospital at 2.15 o'clock on Friday morning, follow ROYAL PURPLE Stock 84 Poultry Slpecifics. ��EWe will ae..d absolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of our �.�. large 04 -page books (wit': In. sert), on the common diseases of stock and ands light horses,w to coltsand med ares`,ds of miloh cowu calves and fattening steers, also how• to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as well In winter as in summer. It contains 860 recommends fr,ln all over Canada, from people who have used our goods. No farmer should be without it. You can fatten cattle and hogs in a month's less time by using our lrcynl Purple Stock Specific than you could tangibly do without It, thereby saving a month's- feed and labor and the cost to you will not be snore than .01.60 for six pigs or 01,00 for one Meer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordinary feed. 16 you have a .poor, miserable.look- 'ing animal on your place try It on this one list and see the mor.cllous result which will be obtained. Our Stock Specific wIP increase the milts flow three to Ave lbs. per cow per Mtn while being fel in the stable. A 600 package will last a cow or horse TO days. ROYAL P1TR"LF POULTRY SPECIFIC willmakeyour hens lay just as well in the winter as In the summer, and will keep them free from disease. These goods are puri and unadul'ersted. We do not use any cheap filler to make n largo paekacn. entirely different from any on the market at the present time. Royal Purple Stoak Sneciaa, 60a pekga.: four 600 nckgs., in an aur-ttt,ht tin. for 91.60. Royal Purple Poultry Specinc, 26e and hue pekga., and 01.60 air -tight tins `eat bold four 50e pokgs. Royal Purple Lice Killer, 26e and OOc tins; llOc by mall,. Royal Purple Gall Cure, 260 and 60e tins; 800 bt mail. Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, sOc bottle; 000 by mail. Royal Purple Cough Cure,. 606 tin; 000 b' ,hall, royal Pun110 Disinfectant, 25c and. Ole tins. in human life, the new incarnation. God in all men's life means rather more than God in one life alone Christ has given 08 a new concep- tion of human personality. He nob only 'defined God; he defined man. He not only made clear the divine personality, showing its reality and disclosing its qualities ;'he illustrat- ed and in his own person denied human personality. He brought a new revelation, a new gospel, a new religion. He brought in his own person and char- acter a new- and commanding ideal. And he brought into human life a new and transcendent power by which men might be renewed in hie own image. In the Christian pr -an a new word goes before persoeal- itve a word which sets it apart from all other conceptions. Personality as conceived by philosophy or sci- ence apart from Christianity lacks that word, Jesus Christ the re- deemer has set out into the world the conception of A. Redeemed Personality We cannot teach the truth of Christ unless we have first learned the truth from hint. We cannot. carry to our age the plans and at•• tivities of Christ liuless we have learned his Mans and acrivttfe:t fro mhim. Shall I go on? Dare I go on ? Dare I or any one stop!1 We cannot repeat or interpret and im- part the life of Christ unless we have from him received that life. The Bible lens bean interpreted in terms of theology. Will it bear in- terpretation in terms of life? Will it finally bear any other interpre- tation? The ince 'nation has been interpreted in terms of metaphy- sics, theology,.auc1 socialism. Will it finally hear any oilier interpre`a- tion than the personal one? Life itself has been interpreted in terms I of science, psychology, metaphysics, and theology. The use of abstract terms has been free and constant. Will life bear interpretation in terms of the incarnation 7 Will it finally bear any other interpreta- tion? -Bishop 'William F. McDow- ell. And he taught the truth. Its siq- nificance for redemption is beyond all dispute. "'there is no other name given tinder heaven dr ant ong mon whereby men may be saved." He alone has power on e'.trth to forgive sins. The ignificance of the incarnation for faith and doe - trine has had continued emphasis through the Christian centuries. All Royal Purple Roup Cure, 26a tins; 10c by, in tin o station On Thursday for mail g " p y' Rovnl. Purple Worm Powder, Ole tins ; sea by abdominal trouble, the end coming ' Manufactured only by - somewhat suddenly, net mug ,r TheW.A.Jenle.s;r1sMfg.Co. been realized that his wad t:on was serious. L.flri� . ,. 1,, a • Tsts Royal Purple Supplies a+rd Booklets Bon seennesese Foie anactsmee may be obtained from Fore: Sr, .t13reLoti, Flour and Feed; W. S. R. LIolmcs, Drug s, Gina toll. ekte> t an Ever Christmas is again over, and as we stwai't into wish t o thank our patrons for. their 1.018 wa � le• a l Ill ulru,l patronage, andto intimate that our kfs' - to -date that always '1E; X01 � it, up-to-date stock will �t,ll�,l,y 1. l I jou , win have a feeling of satisfaction in dealing with, us. u I p 't p A• e,;,' i TI�Ra1, 14 p!t /, R g A g E f:, s.0.i,5.�..lNwf"•Y N.r r"-'+. nJ.�t4l'di-n &�. �t1' Lr a['�l. e^+:W�lt1'Y., �s.P. W�i..Eiw atl-id t Syndicate Planning to Acquire Large Areas in Spring. A despatch from Edmonton, .Alta„ says : That a syndicate of wealthy South Africans will, com- mencing next spring, establish 005- tlements of Dutch fainters ie Northern Alberta is the statement made by Hardee Snyman, who is in the city investigating conditions. Mr. Snynlau is a Boer, and farmed in South _Africa before going to New Mexico to engage in ranching a few years ago. BELL ON EACH SIDE OF RIVER Port Heron and Sarnia Have Mayors of Santo Nettle. A despatch from Sarnia says: A coincidence has -occurred here in. that Port Huron and Sarnia, on op- posite losite sides of the River St. Clair, are both under the rule of a Mayor by the name of 33011, Port linron's Mayor has been in ofliec for some time, ane' the new Mayor of Sarnia is Dr. 33e11. ii1NG'S SON NEST TO LAST, Standing of Pr WOO in l;valnitiution Sign of Impartiality. A to:epo Les tram London says: Prince Albert, son of King (Teepee, stood-sixty-fourthi it order of merit in a lint nt s5J1-f1ee persons who nude VVC112 an e.aminetiof for naval cartels ltyt month. The newsplpprs comment on elm standing of the Prince as evidence of the complete impartiality of the exeminers, supreme fact in history. Bub the significance of the incar- nation for personality, for the con- ception of personality, and for per- sonality itself will bear an empha- sis it has not often had. I mean something more than Christ in re- ligious experience. I anean Christ ATTEMPT TO WRECK TRAIN. Switch Look Broken and Switch Thrown Open. A despatch from Charlottetown, P. E. I., says; A deliberate attempt was nude to wreck the train which left Charlottetown for Summerside Wednesday morning ab 6 o'cleek. The switch lock at a siding near the oil tanks, about a quarter of a mile a ion wasbroken, and the t from station, r thrownwide the switches were open. The train on reaching this point ran off, toppling over, The engineer and fireman jumped and camped without injury; the bag- gage master, the only occupant of the baggage car, also escaped. No passengers were hurt. d. WRECKERS DON PRISON SA.RB. Thirty-three Dynamiters Photo- graphed Like Other Crooks. A .despatch from ,Leavenworth, Kansas, says: The labor union offi- cials sentenced at Indianapolis fol complicity in the McNamara dyna- mite plots, arrived at the. Federal prison here at 7,15 on. Wednesday. They immediately were photograph-. ed, dressed in penitentiary clothes and formally enrolled as convicts. As Frank M. Roan. president of the Ironworkers international Union; Oalf A. Tveitunoe, the Pacific coast leader ; Herbert S. Hoskin, John T. Butler and the others, stepped from the special train which brought thole from Indianapolis, they were taken in charge by the prison au- thorities. R, THIEF REPENTS HIS CRIME. Brines Loot Back to Halifax .Ex- press Office and is Arrested. A despatch from Halifax says: John Little, an 1.8 -year old cleric in the office of the Canadian Express Company at Halifax, is alleged to have entered the office early en Wednesday morning, opened the safe and taken a package contain- ing $1,000. He left for Truro, but on the way repented, returned to Halifax, and getting into the office put the money behind tho safe. In the nieentimo the loss el the money had been discovered. Little was arrested and is said to have con- fessed. to) IP The money you invest in Phonograph Records goes farthest when you buy 1 . b roi c s n a musical stall i ,oitat heralose L'ltie Ainberols have Farthest from l ,, o Liner tone thali. anyorher phonograph records and -reproduce in. a more lifelike way, -Farthest flelrn an i' catlli lir: s;afuipolnt, be- cause .ill U,f i.li 11uoi11S 'All) 115'15:0 W ear al it' I•i". pro- duce less perfectly than when new, and will never become injured by careless handling, Tho .3 sue Aouberol is a Rcleor•d for rc 10 ne ,L4 anon Ph orfrxopg" Heal' it at y'ouai Edison dealer's today Thom,it A, Relicon. Inc., 100 1. oi,aihle Ave., Grasso, N. ,r., U. S. A. 0 uonlplote lees of Eylioou P]ronographs quad Reedits Will bofocand aka f \r " K. y, ,� grarem "h,, viVTzTM lse Fill