The Clinton News Record, 1913-01-09, Page 7Do You Feel Moly, irritable, Depressed? When That Languid, Leggy, Easily -Tired Feeling Comes, Your Liver is Slow. '..ty Tells Hots to Cure Quickly. '"Even when I was young I was not robust and healthy like other A MODERN Police Iteyeal Suniptuously-Ap- He Had Eczema 25 Years and Doc- GAIIIBLING MANIA IN LONDON , pointed Gaming Houses. tore Stud, , No Lure. Yet Zanedluk has 'Worked Complete Cure. PIMPLES THICKLY land) it 'is me news that, given re. CATTEIIED ON FACE TO these' who know Loudon (Eng - quitito capral, it s s e ter to discover facilities tur losing This is the experience of a man of . . • it over a gambling table. The ged- high reputation, widely known ed youths of the capital need notMontreal, and whose CMS° can read - restrain their propousity to (lona ily be investigated. Mr, T. AL the goddess of fortune to oocasional Mareh, the genaiernan referred too, visits to Menta Carlo or Engelea, lives at 101 Delorimier Avenue, or the naauy clubs which flourish in Montreal. For twontyttive years he girls. I suffered from headaches, parts. 1 has had eczema on his hands and and had sort of blue feelings that Public attention has been drawn ' wrists. The disease first started in deprived me of tee joyful spirits lately to thje opportuuities aftorded , red blothus, widen itched, and and pleasures other girls seemed in Lennon by ate police 'raid on a ' whet' scratched became painful. to get. After I married I found I garableig astablis,hment caindutted I Bad sores followed, until h.ti , could not th-now worries off like in the highly detorous neighbor- hands were one raw, painful masa other women, and those full feel- hood cf Vviiton Terrace, Belgravia. el sores. This state of 'affairs con.. ing,s of despondency and weariness Stories are told of a wealthy Pro -1 tin ued for twenty-five years I made me very unhappy. There was vincial losing $25,000 at a sitting,' In that time four emilient inedi- nc cause to feel so, and my doctor and another ease of an heir to large cal men tried to cure lairn, and said my Liver was sluggish, and this estates squander•ng his patrimony accounted for my poor color, my within a fortnight. tiredness, langour and despair. "1 believe gambling to -day is ' The pills the doctor gave me were heavier than in the time of Charles too purgative, made me weaker be- Fox," a well-known elubma,u is cause they were too active for my quote.d as saying. "It is rare when oonstitution. Dozens of my friends there is not some goss.p about recommended Dr. Hamilton's Pills, heavy play at certain west -end and they were so mild and helpful. clubs." Well, I never used a pill that act- It is outside the precincts of the perseverance with this great uorbal ed Ito quietly as Dr. Hamilton's. clubs that the mania is found to be balm resulted in what he had given They were so comfortable to use, I strong. The limited powers of the up all hope of—a complete cure I was afraid they might not help. Poliee are a serious handicap to its And the cure was no temporary But in a week I knew they had been suppreesion. It is not enough to cure. It was permanent. He wad actively engaged in cleaning up my rad a house and catch persons in cured nearly four years aw,. In. system. They did the work of a the act of gambling. Tne police terviewed the other day, Me Marsh tonic and blood medicine combined. must prove that the place is a said; "The cure which Zam-Buk so it must worked has been absolutely per. .1 improved to a mamvelous degree gaming house, and to do With Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and I be shown that the owner is deriving manent. From the day that I was now maintain the most perfect kind advantage betel the gambling going cured to the present moment I have of health by using them just once er twice a week." It is Mrs. E. V," Erlanger, tvell known at Gloucester, who relates the above experience. She proved what you and all others, rnen and women, can prove—that Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills are best for restoring health and best for keeping the :system iu perfect running order. Don't be misled into using anything but Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c. a box, five for $1.00, at all druggists and storekeepers, or postpaid by the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada, "There is no reason to believe that the Chinese Republic will not be perpetuated," said the Rev. Dr. James Smith, a missionary lately returned from China. "There are a great •many able men among the Chinese and the For real practical reliability and The existing system of State. people are becoming more widely something to swear by, expel:000e schools was founded in the second oduitated. They have never accept- —plain old experience—is able to half of the nineteenth century, ' ed with good. grace the rule of the; carry a big load yet without getting when the edict of the abolition of Tartars. There are from 300,000.000 swaybacked, serfdom appeared. Until the year to 400.000,000 people in China pre- A Western woman found some 1860 Russ a only had 4.077 public per including Manchuria and Mon- things about food trove Old Experi- schools. When in 1864 the zemstvoz golia. Of these about 10,000,000 are ence a good, reliable teacher. were established, the number of Mane:hue or Taters. These 10,000,- She writes. schools increased rapidly, and at 000, however, controlled the Gov- ernment until the uprising which resulted in the overthrow of the dynasty. "'Under the old regime none of the people were allowed to use for their own families much of the mon- ey they earned. The system 01 gov- eminent was for those in authority to squeeze. from all classes of indus- trial and other workers the money they earned. This money was dis- tributed among the officeholdere, oornniencing with the Teti or Gover- each gave ‘up the case aa hopeless. • aturally, Mr. Marsh tried reme- dies of all kinds, but he, also, at last gave it up. For two years ho had to wear gloves day and nigoe. Then came nam-Buk But be soon found out that &in -Bilk was differ- ent. Within a few weeks there were distinct signs of benefit, and a little • CHINA ADVA.NCING RAPIDLY. Misale.pary Thinks Republic Will Be Perpetuated. on there. One of the houetea, which is des - had no trnee of eczema, and I feel sure it will never return." er.bed as the most magniheeet If you suffer from any skin•troti- gambling hall in London, is fur- ble cut out this article, write acmes nished throughout with exquisite it the name of this paper, and mal taste and, apart frorn the drawing- it with one cent stamp wpay re - room, where the board or green turn postage, to Zam-Buk Co., To - cloth holds men and women faeci- ronto. We will forward you by re- nated, there are a library, a sleek- turn a free trial box of Zane -Bilk. ing-rtom, boudoirs, and darkened All druggists and stores sell this rest rooms for jaded players. famous remedy. 50e, box. or three This house also is famed for the for $1.25, Refuse harmful substi- generous scale of its catering. tutes. Champagne is uncorked with the Leedom of mineral water, and handsome plate is set out with the choicest fruits. All catering is de- ducted from a 3 per cent. allowance made the keeper of the establish- ment, but he ca.n well afford to treat his guests sumptuously, as in one night $200,000 to $250,000 may change hands. THE REST TEACHER. In Bad Condition. Pimples Large. Fee ore an 3/. Looked Badly. Cutioura Soap and Oint- ment Cured in Two VVeeks. ' Mummy, Ontario.—" Some time ago my' fate traeln a 'very had condition wait BOHM .1dsa of pimples. Tho pimples were thickly scattered: The tops of them, woro white; matter was in thorn. They wereoulto largo and nit' face was soro and itchy and, looked badly. had to scratch to bo comfort- 1 able and sometimes lost 017 1 sloop. Tito sores lasted about two months and I tried some ointments but didn't like thOnf. 'Then I sent for some Cutioura Soap and Cuticula Ointment, used thorn for two wooks anti I Was completely cured," (Signed) Alex. Oke, Aoril 2, 1012. SCALY ECZEMA ON FACE • Clarkson, Ontario.—" My little girl, aged two years, atarted with a skin disease on her face, so I called In tho doctor and he sem it was eczema. mho emin was quite red and all scaly. I washed the parts null with the Cuticura Soap and then I put the Cutletwo, Ointment on. You ought to site her now --as fair as a lily! . "I suffered n great deal with piles. I had them very bad, and they Itched and turned so I could hardly bear it. When I tot the Calcium Ointment I tried IL Now It has entirely cured me... (Signed) Mrs. Cyrus Ward, Jan. 1, 1012. Cuticura Soap and Cuticula Ointment aro sold throughout the world. Send to Potter D. &C. Corp., Dept. 53D, Roston. for free sample er each with 52 -page book. Old Experience Still Holds the Palm. .5. MORE SCHOOLS IN RUSSIA.. Education Malting Rapid Strides Under Czar's Policy. Popular education in Russia is making rap d terides in advance; so much so that the next statistics of people who can neither read nor write, not long ago officially esti- mated at 60 per cent. of the total poptilatlon, will certa:nly indicate c a notable decrease. In the last fif- teen years pub iinstruction has 1 immensely improved. "I think I have used almost every the end of the '602 there were in breakfa-st food manufactured, but Russia 22,770 schools with 1,490,915 none equal Grape -Nuts in my esti- mation. mation. 'I was greatly bothered with weak stomach and indigestion, and at the end of his reign the num- with formation of gas after eating bit' of schools had reached 43.385 and tried many remedies for it, but with 2,970.000 tupils. Under the did not find relief. present Czar educational matters "Then I deeided I must diee and have received increased attention. see if I could overcome the dia. Thus the schools eponed by the culty that way. My choice of food zemstvos were granted a State sub - wits Grape-Ents because the doctor sidv $190 for every fifty schools, me I could hy while the teachers got increases in told not , . pupils Under Alexander III. popular etlucation made further advances, nor, a the province, and. going digeststarc f d salary. oo down the line to the huniblestAt the present time there are in of "G„pe-Nuts food has been a great Russia 100 295 elementaty schools thoth in the Government employ. benefit to me for I feel like a di f- • For seventy-five years at least with 154.177 male and female teach- ferent person since I begun to eat n the" was a wen defined attd more It is wonderf„I to me hew or less well directed effort among 11..11 my nerves have become. I the Chinese people to get rid of nhe ,Manchu dynasty and restore the adnise everyone th try in for ex - government to the Chinese. perience is the best teacher. "The Chinese ordinarily are not , digest • "If von have any stomach Mem- o warlike race. They mtare de , 'le in- ble—can t ' your fond, use telligent and industrious,For 300 Grape -Nuts food for brealifnet at least, and you won't be able to Years there was no incentive for the ordinary Chinaman to endeavor to Praise it enough when you see hnw better his.ocindition, because if by different von feel." Name given his efforts ho made more money it bv Canadian Postern Co., Windenr. was taken away from him fer the Ont. Read the little book, "The support of the ofecers of the Gov- ernment who ruled him. „ "There was no inducement for tho display of industrial ability, which the Chinese confessedly p05 - sees. China is about one-third larger in area than the United States. It is one of the richest ma - Cons on earth. It has more coal and iron than any other; it has gold, silvet and other minerals; a great extent of tirnber land and as fine agricultural land undeveloped as there is in any part of the world. The great plains of Mongolia aro has been inetalled with every requa peculiarly adapted for gradingsite to deal in the first, place with With the resources of the country, 300 LOIS of pulp per month, but love of peace and the intelligence with room for any development. In of the people and with a atable re- this ease the pulp will be treated in pubhe China win soon rank with the greateat of nations. Read to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above UMW? A new one annears from time to thne. They 5-0 genuine, true, and full of human interest PAPER FROM BAMBOO. Scottish Eegineere Have Perfected Plans For Its Manufacture. - Scottish engineers have porfe,cted plans for the manufacture of paper, on a large scale, from bambini. On a site near Kagi (Japan) a factory Be Admitted It. "English as she ie Jappe(1" is the title of an article in a recent num- ber of the Oriental Review. The Oriental capacity for using bamboo pulp will enable Eaetern our mother tongue with strange mills 10 thmpete with the British twists of unconscious humor is well and American impintrd paper of the finer qualities. The process of known, but few examples are equal th this delicious sign on a Japanese manufacture, from bamboo is a baker's shop : more expensive one than that from "A Karinura, Biggest Loafer in Tokyo." NAND FOOT CALLOUSES REMOVE) QUICKLY Formosa, and eh'pped in rolls or she-ets to the paper mills at Kobe; r just In the same manneas the wood pulp of Norway, Sweden, Russia and Fieland is shipped to the United Kingdom th feed the British paper mills. It is hoped that in the Far East wood. It is thought that experi- ments may cheapen the process and the eupplu• of the cane is practically inexhauet Moreover, the bamboo is it plant that can readily be cultivated.. If Anything on your feet that shouldn't any particular species is eoneidered be there—whether corns, ,callousee or the best for paper -making pur- aore nunas—they Alan till be removed in poses, it ea•n easily be grown in any short order by Pittman's qui entity. Aeia, Africa, America corn Extractor. Think of and Oceania all have ferests of it. the pain you are saved For "as, papettrnalting'the cane is eut when that sore corn g"' itito trnall pieces, of one or two 18 to te°t16h exPeriThez4 I theo belled with sulphate of with untried remedies-- gn /7„timin.a time, blea,ehed be electricity. wash - tractor and the work will be done ed machine rolled and pressed into onice y and without pain. Putnam a tissue forms. and dried by steam. Extractor casts 25o. per bottle. sold and reoornmended by. • druggists. , "Tha a ,el! -bred f'Yon There are spots on the sun, .yet bet she is, Never corrects her par - me people expect a small boy to ents 'petition', no metthr what the perfect " ' lexigencies of the ease may be." ors and 6.130'.510 pupils. Of these schOOls 56 910 have been opened un- der the reign of Nicholas IL, the resent Czar. During the same period the nnmber of industrial echools has risen from 1,223 to 2,- 748. A tca,chor in the State schools now beg•ies on a salary $172 a year. After five years he draws $200 aftet ten years eet10 and the maximum is only $270 a year. Significant. The second day ct:ew to its close with the twelfth jutyrna,n still un - colt vineed. "Well, gentlemen," said the be/. tiff. entering quietly. "shall I, as usual, order twelve dinners?" "Make it," said the foreman, eleven dinners and a bale of hay.'' Substantial Breakfast Pleasure in every package of Post r-fn0 I oasties Crisp ,swe,it bits of toasted Indi in Co -n, 10 be served with creArn or milk. Alwnvs Roady to Eat Direct From Package — Always Delicious. Sold by Grocers every- where. "The Memory Lingers" Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor. Ontario. FAINT-HEARTED V.C. DEAD. Hero of Lucknow Who Feared the Colonel H. Gore -Brown, the "fairt-heagted" V.C. who went through all the scenes of slaughter duiang the Indian Mutiny, won. the Victoria Crane in the defence of Lucknow, and yet swooned at the sight of 'blood from a cut finger, died suddenly at hie borne at Shank - 1.n, Iso of Might, recently. He was an uncle ot Colonel Seely, the secretary for war. He was on•e of the defenders in the siege of Lucknow by the muti- neers and was abut up in the i•esi- dency from June 30. 1857, 10 Aug. 31. It was in August that he per- formed the deed of valor for which he rtheiCed the Victoria Cross. He led a sortie in order to spike two guns that were laying the defences sI Lucknow itt ruins. Placing himself at the head of his men, Captain Gore-Brown—as he then was—sprang first and alone into the rebol battery. He shot the sentry dead with his revolver. Over one hundred of the enemy were slain by the captain and a few of his men. The guns were successfully put out of action. and Captain Gore -Brown brought his men safely back to the Residency. , Yet his own words prove that his heroism was not the simple daring ot a reck.ess man, but a, triumph e,f will over a nattn•e inherently sensitive. In an interview in a Lon- don paper three years ago, he said: "My fear of bleed is a fact I am whelty una,ble to explain. Notwith- standing all the terrible slaughter during thr mutiny I live in fear of the sight of -blood My feelings im the calm events or life are such that if you cut your finger in my pre- sence I should he so overcome as to be unconscious. I can not explain it except bv eupposing that in the height of warfare a man's pereonal sensitiveness is completely over- shadowed. "Though I shot inney a rebel in the elefence of Lucknow and was sev-ral times smothered with the blood of men killed beside me, yet I am too fnint-hearted to see even an animal led to the slaughter. On o•te occasion I wes working a gen when a bullet went right through th head of the man on the'opposite sde of the breech. On another oc- casion I was commanding a po-ition when a bullet came throieth oloon- hole and struck the man beside mo r'ght in the n•eek. HIS blood pelt- ed all over me. Yet I was quite cello] and undisturbed in the dis- charge of my duty." M D E.RNIZIN G SEM U SALEM. _no Mids Fair to Become Again the Chief City of the Hebrews. The latest indication of the pro- gress going on in Jeranalem was the artival a short titne ago of it mas- sive inttor reed i•oller, and the de- cision to equip the city with tall efficient tramway system, says the American Hebrew. The walls en- close 209 acres, of which 35 acres are occupicel by the temple enelo- sure. But owing to the impesiii- hint:, of housing the thousands of Jewish mimagtarts who still con- tinue to arrive, bull•ding has been proceeding outside the walls to a very considerable extent. The consequeece of the pre.tence of this external population is that firet One and then another of the gates was left open by night, until teedae they are all perpetually open. Indeed, two of the gateways have no gates at all. Meanwhile the Mohammedan population is not by any means keeping pace with the Jewish, and the Holy City seems in a fair way to become once more in fact as -well as in name the capital city of the Hebrew race, Jeruealem is soon to have its own tramway service, as a concession for the purpose has already been granted to a French company, which will start laying the tram Enee in the oourse of the summer. An English company has applied for a concession to illuminate the city with water by the construction of large reservoirs near wells situated at a distance of about sixteen miles from Jerusalem. The municipality is also cons:dering proposals for paving the streets and constructing sewage works. A -modern fire -ex- tinguishing apparatus aed a tele- phon- installation are also to be provided. The project of construct- ing a harbor in Jaffa, which has been discussed for the last thirty years, is likely to be realized at last. A 'Trench -Belgian company, with the co-operation of the Jaffa- Jetusalem Railway Company, is said to have applied tor a conces- sion to carry out the project, for which it has raised a capital of pearly one million pounds sterling. The Government is reported to have come to an agreement with the com- pany -about the conditions of the concession, and only the consent of Parliament is now necessary. Possible (teason. Lumbago Cured Every Ache Gone Thousands Still Suffering That Can be Quickly Cured by "Neevilinc." The case of Harald P. Bushy. Whenever you teei a headache coming on take NA.DRU-CO Headache Waters They stop headaches promptly and surely. Do not contain opium, morphine, phenacctio, acctanilid or other dangerous drugs. 25c, a box at your Druggist's. • 125 NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL GO. OF CANADA, LINuTED, AFFLICTION OF THE CZAR. FARMS FOR SALF ti Russia Is Shocked Over His Hag.' goefSON111051 e.mtdir, 7 0011:thene gard A.ppearnee. The Czar has made his first pub- lic appearanee einem the tragedy of his son's illness and the people are ehocleed at hie changed looks, writes O St. Petersburg correspendent. At' the anniversary of St. Cre,orge's feast it is the Czar's cus- tom to attend a dinner given to•ex- soldiers who have won the St. George cross for bravery in war. He tastes their food, embraces the Fret of the older men and moves amgoraegettihnce.tables with kingly words ef At the recent celebration of the anniversary, however, he seemed so haggard and broken down with deep grie,f that the people forebore 10 utter a ound, He sat in a bent at- titede near the head of the table for a few minutes then bowed sadly and withdrew. The Czar's grief-stricken attitude muttonshomes. ETC,. over his son's afilictioe is weighing C, ANC'ER' interoal end te exrnal, cured with. . 'upon the whole country. Next t't,t,,Initt'te February is the third centenary of co,. Limited. rolliemonod. Ont the Romanoff dynasty. It was an- noenced last summer, during the celebrations of the centenary of the Moscow campaign, that the Czar was to inaugurate national rejoic- ings for his dynasty and there would be amnesty for many grades of prisoners and acts of benevolence: to the poor, But the programme jest issued is 'of a most melancholy character for the four successive days. There are to be church ser- vices in memory of the dead Roma- noffs preceding and succeeding Pe- ter the Great. and then a eervice of intercession for the present genera- tion. The mass of people who have been looking forward to feasting and holidays are grumbling deeply at the turn the CEO r and court are giving the forthcoming celebrations. Fresh revelations of the disrepu- table methods of the Noyoe Vremva have been made. He present fuel - Otte campaign againet Jews and for- eieners falls to cover up the evi- dences of corruption. For a long time the Vreniya con- dected a hitter camnaign romintt giving any contracts for rebeilding, the Rea.ian fleet to Vicker^ az Max- im. Then came a sieeitleent inter- val of silence. Now the Vreenva is printing a series of enthe.eastic articles in fnvor of aiving Vickers the llon's share in the enormous naVal proernmme of $125.010 000. "Three years ago I discovered that a ma n subject to lumbago might just as well be dead as alive." These words open the sin- cere, straightforward letter of H. P. Bushy, a well-known man in the plumbing and tinsmithing business. "One ttack came after another, and lumbago got to be a chronic thing with me, I could scarcely get in a day's work before that knifing cruel pain would attack my back. I used a gallon of liniments; not one of them seemed penetrat- ing enough to get at the core of the pain. I read in the Montreal Wit- ness about Nerviline, awl got five bottles. It is a wonderful medicine —I could feel its soothing, pain - relieving action every time it wa.s aril/Heel. When t got the el:settee under control' with Nern toe, built up my strength and tortited my blood be taking Ferree:me at meals. This treatmeut cured me permanently, and I urge everyone to give up the thick, white, oily liniments they are using, and try an up-to-date, penetrating, pain - destroyer like Nerviline. "Please publish my letter the world over. I want all to hear of Nerviline." Don't be cajoled into. receiving anything from your dealer but "Nerviline." Large family • size bottles 50c., trial size 25e., all deal- ers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buf- falo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. Not having coal is no disgrace. We've been in that condition num- erous times. minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. "Why do you suppose he his such elegy; wiiie yeu den't seem to vacant expression?" be enjoying yourself." "No, unc, "Well, he thinks of himself a good I'm having a miserable time. Auntie deal." told me to eat as much as I wanted —a,nd I can't." When Your Eyes Need Vara TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Try Murine Eye Retnetly. No Smarting--Ferls Lrina—Aats Quickly. Try it fur Red, Weak, Take LAXATIVE 13110580 Quinive Tablets. Watery, Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus. Draggles ref toad money if it Calla to euro. trate,) Book in each Package. Marine is E. W. MOVE'S ei_gua_ture is on each box. compounded by our Oculists—net a entomb Med. 2se. Moe"— but need In ammessful Physicians' nue- Nue for many years. Now dedicated le the Ptah - 11c and sold by Druggists at %a nnd NW per Bottle. ! An idle rumor never spends much Marine -nye Salvo In Montle Tubas, 25o ana 60o, . Monne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago time.,in the office of a busy man. A pretty girl always knows at least two or three girls who are jea- lous of her. • • minard's Liniment curse Ca-rttet In Cows. One On Dad. MinaiLd's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "That bride across the way is the laziest woman I ever saw. She never does any work about the house." "Why doesn't her husband make her?" "05, he simply worships her." "That accounts then, for This sent -in kid story is vouched herleading an idol existe' nee." for, but somehow or other it sounds strangely familiar to us, Some- body will write in to -morrow and tell us that it was in Hostetter's Almanac for 1869, but we'll take Si chance: The preacher was calling at little Bobby's house, "And do you always say your prayers at night, my little raan 1" asked the clergyman. "Yes, sir," answered Bobby, "an' inatitima does, too," "That'e right. Bet doesn't your papa say his prayers?" "No—be don't have to." "Why, what do you mean?" "Efe don't have to—you soo he never gets home till WS daylight, an' then uvhat is there to pray 4„ about?" III' ›. ()RED miltliti—COUNTY DAL ▪ A Good Rouse: Buil ci ince: Oreharti. cjIrr,ii,1nn 01100 terma. tttk1Y.iUXtl,11i4i4 W 01)1,1) buildings and nople orehard: about floe n a re iltnn H w DAWSON. Taranto. a0e1e5—C1,0eiti TO LONDON MARKET; s) new frame cottage, stable, Wool(' ercenneo for farm. 6 cent fere to eltY. 'he Western Real Dstate, London, Ont • ACENTS WANTED. OME WORN, 67 TO 810 PER WEER— Li We want reliable parties to knit for es at tome, whole or spare time. We furnish machine, yarn, e`c. 1,e^g 10110 noire and address at mice for full mirth et& rs, The Canadian VITholesole bating Co„ Dept. Vir.. Ortllin. Ont. STAMPS AND 001145. IQ TAMP COLLEG fORS—RUNDRED 1)1 1'. ferent Foreign Stampa, Catalogue. Album. only Raven Cents. Marks Statile Company, Toronto. MISE 5 1.1. A NE 0115 Mineral's Liniment Co., Limited. n cnI pave ',sea ttletantve twentv 'Mora. rYt. rn'es tr(;.nni77711 jr7ici C!'topn7:: bv a nromieeot nhvilieir-t• Montroal, who rolled it the "i"rnyt Neve Peotie trent." It deep the deetor a tomtit t it is partienlarly good in oases of Rheumatism and Barone. Yours truly, G.. G. DTTST AN, Chartered Accountant. Rallies, N. 8., Boot. 21 1905. Do not dwell too much upou your failures. Do not took linek too much. Life will not bear this re- trospection and indulgence in vain revel; is not a fitting luxitry for those who have their fortunes to make. PILES CURED 10 6 TO 14 DAYS lbw; druggist W111 yentriti money if P1.'1.0 ii`1171.1Brig,ti,14 Pfilgett; 6 to 14 days. 60o. BULGARIA 1q4. PRIMITIVE. Cattle. Horses rind Wine Are All Interior. Tho )3alkan wa.r 5:80 shown the eftleiency of the Relearien army and the modern methods of the 13u1- gariane themselves. and to believe all the stories written about the Bulgags one wettld think the State 0111 eritereriqng as any Ametican state of similar size, This. say the corre-ponclents, is far from being the case. The Bulgarian peasant is very prirri'ive 'and his primitiveness lim- its his prosperity If he exports in large geanittles wheat, barley and corn. his wine. 00 the other hand, is mediocre and his tobacco mu•ch inferior to Turkish tobacco ; his cat- tle are of an inferior breed. his hotses area:To:II and his hogs thin. Then, in direert contrast, as if to balaece the inferiority. the Bulgar- ian roses areemagnificent and their perfume. captured and condensed into "attar," contributes consider- ably to the prosperity of the coun- try. - In some communities the heavi- est demand is for light literature. et ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND PLAIN 471. der Stones; Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new Cli.rmon Itrnusly. -Nasal," price 5140. Another new remedy for Thabete.-Mellitua. and sUre evir77, to "Sanol's Ant...II:Abates, Price $200 from druggists or direct. The S. nol 1,1anerne. tuiieg 'i!t).41 r'o B 7 of Canada. Limnos, The Heart of a Plan,, is tho Act:on. Insist or. The —OTTO EillIGEL" Piano Action DYEING! CLEANING I te.e tee ve, bent, send yen!! w 71,t ta the "BRIT! H AIME!' 1 AN DYEING 00.* Lech fur agent in yeur tew a, or nand direct. Montreal, Toronto, (Llama, Quebec., BOILERS NeW and ltlecond hand. •or heaiine and power pommies. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. mtg.:, A ter Stu,t,, vont Von t 0..I is an t 0,00.5,, POLSON tacrieres 10PO1TO Engines and Shipbuilders Sixty Thottrand tratleam 000 seed ,t0 their Raw Num Why slat you? Wo pay higheat prices oad capreatichargeti. charge no onnmiacian and meld money anew da,y gouda are received. Mblioas of oath. aro raid trasPara wwh pair 051 nIll. 5 reliable house. Wo am the Inman in our lino in Canada. FREE 1.._.1°,111.1...1SRili.ni CALLAN; TRAPPERS GIIIRE, shook of 60 pages, mailed FREE. Write • --day to iohn Hallam, Mall Dern 80 TOROW10,111FrontSLU. "79 A Serious Question, "IIas Jolakins any money ?" asked Hicktinleoper.. "011, he must have," said (Ogre. way. "Oh, we all must have -l -•but have we?" said Hickenlooper. minarda Liniment cores nistemeer. She—"Now you must admit that women are better than men. Oh, I don't know. History doesn't say anything about seven devils being cast out of man." She—"No, of course not; he has every one of them still I WAS A CONFIRMED OYSPEPTIG Km Plods it a Pleasure to Noy Meals Tlere is a case which smiled as bad and Els hopeless ns yours enn posYibiy bit wTohirsdIs the experience of ItIr.11. J. Brow n,384 384. Bathurst 58., 'Toronto, in his own "Gentlemet —thrivemuch pleastire in mentioniitg to you the hem fits received front your Na.-Dru.Co Dyspepsia Tablet and can cheerfully recoultnend thetn. I simply had confirmed dyspepsia with all ha wretched symptoms, and tried about all the advertised cores whit. 710 succesS. You have in Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets the best curative agent I could find. It is now such it pleasure to enjoy nteala with their corh.equent nourudt- :tient that 1 want to mention this for tho benefit of otlierS." The fact that a lot of prescriptions Of so-called "cures" have failed to help rill is no sign that you have got to go on suffering. Try Na-Drtt-Co Dyspetsia Tablets ancl see how quickly this sterling remedy will give you relief and start your stomach working properly. • If it doesn't -,--"r" helpyou, you get your money back. tem a box at your druggist's. Compounded by ctlale,llna.11m National iDwrzu.tr gaendCeahromtl C1401. o HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEAN IMONT, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ISSUE 2- S. a A magnificeat ton-st,ory, fireproof addition in Seat being Completed, making 'Ghia 0aller/11n hostelry the newest and most up-to-date of Atlantic City Rebels. A now feature to the unusual size of the bed rooms, averagiug 19 feel square. Every room commands an ocean view, bath attached with sea n,nd Creak ,vstor Chevalglass in every chamber. Tonmeratnra 1eirti1ated by Therineedadt, Lin lotest development In steam heating, Telephone in ovoky 10051, Solt privileges. Capacity 600. Write for illustrated booklet. . c A R 1.ES 0. maleQUETTE, TIZAYMORP. 1-101"tal, COMPANY., istanatier. D. S. WHITE,. President.