HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-09, Page 511111111111MINIIIIIMIEM11111111,
Miss Erma Diehl, returned. to her
school at I.,ieury, Nliddleseir Coun-
ty, after , spending, the holidays
with her parents. A 'number
of the young people drove back
to the residence of ,Mr. and 'Ms.
Henry Diehl, and sPentl a yeti' Pica-
' sant evening primto bet 'departure.
• Court Varna 0.'0, 1., No. 264 at
;their recent annual meeting elected
the following officers
• ChMf Ranger, •Artie Keys.
" Past Chief,' Wm. Makins, '
• Vibe Chas, Ward,
Rec,-Secretary, T. Browriette,
•Fin,-Filecretaey, D. F. Anderson.
Treaeurer, John 'Sparrow.
• , Chaplain, R. Stephenson,
S. W., V. M. Deihl..
.1. W., Ben. Keys.
S. 13., Geo. Ciark.
J, B. 'red Tudor.
Court Physician, Dr. Pagers.,
Clinton News -Record
Good Morning ! dear reader. How
does your sub, to The News -Record
read ? The label tells the story.
Diaries for 1913..
Blank Books
S.S. Helps for 1013
Canadian Almanac
Cooper Co.
On Monday .ovening last, the, Meat: -
hers of Bethel congregatiolt aseeira.:
bled' at, thehalite of 11.
to fat:meal •:io hot :daugb-,
ter Miss 'Florence, ..te.he left on 1?ttes,
day ter 'Willow. Bench, Sask., • :where
she will enter inio life 'Partnership •
with: .'a ..thrifty young farmer • of
that distriet. We twat that ,
Flame will becoine as , populat and..
as fullY appreciated Inc her 'true
Worth as a thorough Christian work-
er as, she has Freer with us here.
During the merriment of the evenieg,
a sadden lull was caused when Miss
Maggie CoR. , stepped forward and
cammeneed to read an address which
was followed by the presentation by
Miss Jennie Woods, oE a set of sil-
ver plated .kniia,is, forks and spoons,
whieh was given as a slight token
of esteem in which Mise Elliott is
held in this community. 'rhe at -
dress was as tonawa : Miss Flor-
ence Elliott : • •
Dear Friend and Sister, -We are
gathered together this earning in
your home on the eve oE your de-
parture io Gm West, representing as
we do your neighbors and tell ow as-
sociates in Bethel Church to pay
you our tribute and esteem and to
assure you WO sincerely regret
your departure from among as.
You have been a valued worker in
all the departments of our. church
and especially in 'the S-unday school
where you showed unsparing delig-
ence as a teacher. You have al-
ways been willing to give cheerful
assistance in every phase of the
church's activities and we feel this
hour calln fear our heartiest ap-
preciation,. We have also abroad in-
formed' by the whisper abroad ihat
you are about to enter into the
blissful state of conjugality and as
this is a very enviable intrenclanent
in your life, WC can offer you catr
heartiest good wishes. We sincerely
hope your life shall be spared to
even large shpetes of usefulness and
may you continue to lie a sunbeam
shining brightly in the firmament of
other lives. In token ot our es -
teen for you and the honor we
feel at this hoe, we ask you to
accept this slight token as a mem-
ento of the old friends al Bethel
Signed on behalf of the church,
Cieus'e Elliott, 0. W. Potter, T.
R. wains.
Stanley Township
Mr, and Mrs. Wm Clarke, accom-
panied by Miss Florenee Clarke,
have gore to Toronto to :vend the
winter with :their- daughters there.
Miss Eunice Reid is visiting ki-
nds around Hillsgreen.
• •
Goderich Township
• A qttiet 41.11; pretty wedding ..:took
• • WeJ, i44" A'fl•l°s Mcc="liYaEY . Word was received here last. Week
Stanley Tovvriship London Fload.
Place on New Year's Day at :the spen...a. [ow days Visaing friends in of the drowing at .Clivet, 'Mich,, of
home of Mr. Phos, Harrison of ,the saat week. , , Stanley, son of the Rev. , John
the 4.bh eon,, • When d1ighte M1 Olive Po11pk let OItti
ir.wi.oneay aanaeshorough, anember of oho of
Miss Della E., 'vas unitedhp, Na- to attend the Stratford Business theMidest females of.wese Eno:Theta
riagc to Mr. William SCOOP?"' 0! College. '•' •• ",„ ersfnith, The lea was playjaa hoe_
the :Bronson Line, Stanley, The curd- ", and'meae.ta. . J, • meaatnehey key on the river whets the accident
tnouy was performed by the Rev, ententained a number Of their tilends occurred.
Alfred Macfarlane, 13. D., ci.Bay-
OR 11,1oW Year's Eve, All report an The electionns on Monday called cut
enjO7able time, , it gond vete in Tockersmith torva-
me4fR, reeaorso wawara Johnson ship. The following is the -list of
and 'Clifford Keys left Aff011114T to candidates and the results
Good Morning 1 dear reader. How
Hoes your sub. to The News -Record
read '? The label tells the story.
vencs=emasas=e-ea.a. =..eszeastsee
After by far the biggest
coat season in the history of
this store we have decided to
clear out the balance at a big
reductior in price and at a 'loss
to ourselves. We do not want
to carry one coat over so have
marked them accordingly. just
20 coats 'left in stock, 15 of
these are black, shies run from
34 to 46.
All $12 50 and .$15 coats $ 9.00
All 16,00 and 18 coats 12,50
Now is your chance to buy a
good coat for almost price.
Furs and Fur Lined Coats
20 Percent. Discount..
del d.,' .The 'hose. was :tastefully 'and
seaaeirably' decorated, The . bride
looked charming in it IMO of white
• . ,
with Pearl and shadirar lace
triniminge„. • She• Wore the time--
hem:aired Wreath and car-
ried' a beautiful stioWer baguet of
tom> and lily:of-the-valley and,naid-
en hair fern. The couple - were .urt-
attended and the bride .Wits given
away by ter brother, . Mr, Albert
Harrison. Tito presents Were num-
erous and costly, showing the - high
esteem in Which the bride is held.
These included a magnificent case
of pearl -handled cutlery 'from the
employes. of the. firm in Toronto,.
where She held a position of trust
during the past three years, and a
shower Of Haviland china from the
members of the Young Lades'
of which she was a member. Mr.
a,nd Mrs. Scotehmere have settled
upon the homestead in Stanley and
the many friends o3 both families
join Wisihing them a happy and
prosperous married life.
' Miss Winnie Thompson, who spent
the holidays at the parental home
on the 1.6th eim., was to termitic her
duties as teacher . at Blyth on Mon-
day hut was unable to do so
owing to i I Mess, During the
past, term 111100 Thonmson taught
at Oshawa but at the request of the
Blyth trustees, who held out tempt-
ing biduceniceits, she decided 19 re-
turn to her former school again.
Mr. and Mrs H. W. Graham of
the 11111 con. entertained a few of
their friends in d•nner on: Friday
evening, last.
Mrs. Oliver Grigg :Lod her :tee sons,
Willie and Freddie, have returned to
Goderich atter spending the past
Month with her Parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Cook.
Mr. Mosely of the -gr: ti;etral
lege, Guelph, spent the holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook of the
Lake Shore Road.
Mr. W. II. 'Lobh headed the poll for
councillor on Mon lay. Ile. did well
all over the township, and in his own
ward received 82 votes which must
have been flattering to him. Mr.
Lindsay was just reason to be pleas-
ed With his vote all_ over, particular-
ly in Itis own ward. Mr. Yeb oamc
third and, Mr. Mahe is fourth man
and will continue to do efficient
work. Had Mr. Glidden w
done as ell
on the Lake Shore as in the
centre and east he Would have been
elected. 'Mr. Leithwaite was well up
tin the race.
2 3 4 ri 0
Lobb 41 37 40 33 82 80-281
Lindsay 70 37 01 37 20 21-275
Yeo aS 43 10 48 81-.215
B ratio 19 31 05 41) 20 22-108
1:Wilts-mite 37 41 30 11 80 37-193
Glidden 16 30 43 41 85 81-178
Another of the pioneers, to m•hom
the county °weft so ranch, passed
away in the person of Mrs. Archi-
bald McPhail, who died on Monday,
an. Lit h, 04 the age of eighty-six
years. Mrs, McPhail, whose maiden
name was Jean Sterling, was of
See lief! Nall, haying been born in
Can011 Ste, FOrrafShirC, in 1826. She
came to Canada in 1810, settling in
Coderich township, where she spent
the remainder of. her life- On her
marriage she took .up her abode
with her husband ou the homestead
at Porter's Hill, where they built
up a comfortable home and reared a
lat.ge family. Three sons and three
daughters survive. Mrs. McPhail'
was a woman of sterling character
and was highly esteemed in •the emu -
tenni ty She was: a staunch •Ptes-
byterian and took a deep interestn
Bethany church and in everything
which tended to the betterment of
the community; The funeral took
place to Goderich cemetery yester-
day and was attended by ' many fel
ends of the family.• The. services
were conducted 14 Rev. A. Mean -
lane of Bayfield.
The Goderich 'District Royal Scar-
let Chapter will Meet in Goderich en
Tuesday evening next.1
, ,Jan :41.11, at
seaenethirty, when a full attendance.
is requested, it ,being the annual
meeting for the election of officers,
The following is the report of S.
5: No. 3;:Goderieh. Township.
• Sr. 4th,Vertifi, Jervis, Roy MIA-
nings, Harold Lavin,. Elva 'Proctor.
Jr. ' 4th, -Alvin Leonard, Daniel
Glidtiom. Stewart 'Malta Milton 1-161-
3ad, Emile Fora, Leslie. Jer- •
Yks, Aleock, Proc-
Jr. Ord,-Altalind McCartney, May
Hutson, Norman Mair, Fuel
Harry Ford.
Sr. 2nd, -Bruce Holland.
Jr, 2nd,-Wiffie Miller, Kathleen
Hutsoa, Wilfred Jervia.
Part 2nd,Erhest Ellwood, Violet
Millet, Willie Jervis, Marion AI -
cock, Dorothy Jervis, Willie Larder.
Part lst,-.7.•Charlie potter, Cyril
Proctor,Albert Larder Harold, Lar-
Primer ,-Bessie Osbaldeston.
We have had a good fur
season and still have a good as-
sortment left. We eo not want
to carry the balance over to
Ileyt season SO give you a re-
duction of 25 per cent. oft
all small furs and fu -lined
Come in and get prices be-
fore buying.
Millinery Only $1.50
As our milliners are
one for this season we put
on sale 12 trimmed hats,
's These bats sold as high as
$6.00. Your choice $1.50,
Ilntrinamed hats 50c.
See those in the window.
attend the Agricultural College 'at • '' For. Reeve, McKay, 34•5 ; Foray the
Guelph. , 214 ;
Mr. W. Taylor, shipped a carloadCouncillors, Crich, 329; Camerae,
ofttl301 ; McKay 290 ; Watson, 206 ; Bell,
atbei ooLteietnMonday.urnedt,a7 273 ; Clark,
forth on Monday to attend the 001- Local Option was sustained by a
legiate. , vote of 312 for and 187 against.,
Mr, Harvey Reid left on Monday
to take charge of h!s school in Mul-
lett. Summerhill.
Misa day
hor ejr6M:alcignhgyoiocipPoneleicaokrek,1(1 afrtnandodxnBiMst enodiBI.
r- dayed under the parental roof.
Messrs, A. and E. McBrien half -
tha Fbebelnlocglruesotfs La% Rmirv;iewra,n
have spent a few days the guest of 101-
bit, 'Dina Scarlett of Toronto
lor's the past week, ends in this neighbothoad,
Misses Emma and Maggie Peck miss Nellie Watkins of Clinton
were the ,gueets of Mrs, L. Clarke
spent a few clays at the home of
on Thursday of last week. her uncle, Mr. R. Watkins.
Mr. J. W. Reid spent New Year's jaersc.J. II. Lowery of North 13ay
Well ing ton site1 for a few days with friends
at the Theme at ma.
in the vicinity.
Miss Elizzie Millar returneMiss Jean
d to Miller is the guest of
her 1101110 near 'Jamestown on Fri -
Miss Ethel Gorier of Toronto spent
her cousin, Miss Amy McBrien.
day last.
Miss Flossie Stephenson spent t••1011-• the holiday time undet the parental
day the guest of Miss Ruth Reid. root.
Mr. 'T. E. Cantelon of Clinton was
Mr. and Mrs, T. , Clarke spent New
in the village on Friday taking
David Dewar.
Year's Day at the home of. Mr.
stock for the new merchant, Mr, T.
Miss Mary Stogdill has returne(l ee. mason.
home from London for a few weeks,
Mr. N. R. McLeod of Toronto
spent New Year's at the home of,
Cott nci I lo r McKinley.
Miss M. Lenient, teacher on Parr
Line, has been suffering Item a sev-
ere cold.
Untended for last iseue.)
Miss Mary Reid of Clinton spent
the holiday at the parental home,
that of Mr. and Mrs. JailleS Reid
of the Bayfield 'Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Webster of Luck -
now accompanied by their family have
been visiting friends here abouts dur-
ing the holiday season.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Coleman of
Ilillsgreen and Mr. .and Mrs. Frank
Coleman of Coderich township, were
guests of Mr. arrl Mrs. James Reid
of the Bayf ielcl Road on Christmas
Miss Margaret Peck has accepted
a school near St. Joseph and will
commence her duties on Monday.
Miss E. Beatty of Goderieh toten-
ship spent Sunday and Monday (it
the home of Mr. Thos. Stinsoa of
the Bayfield Road.
Mr. Chas. Ralhwell was in town
Miss P. Govenlock of Ottawa, and
Miss Jean of Windsor visited their
sister, Mrs. A. Scott, during the
holiday time.
Mr. H. Livins and Miss May Liv -
ins of Windsor spent the holiday
time in town with their parents.
The congregation of the Presbyter-
ian church in Egmondville have de-
eivIend to call the Rev. Jas, Argo of
Mrs. (Dia) Ai tcheson arrived from
Ortonville, Mich., last week and will
remain for some time the guest of
her sister, Mrs. D. McGregor, and
other friends in town.
Mr. E. Murray of negina, Sask.,
is home visiting his mother.
Mr. J. B. Thompson received as a
Christmas gift from a friend in New
York three very handsome Black Or-
phingtons. They are, said to he
the finest ever seen in Seaforth or
Mre. Margaret Knechtel, one of the
earliest settlers in Huron County,
last week on business. pasted away at her home in Har-
ney. Mr. Richardson and his sts- purhey on Saturday week aged eigh-
tars, Miss Maggie, of Arlhut spent ty-three years. Her husband died ie
Christmas at the old home. ' 1834. A large family eurvive.
Mr. Jas. Reid, who had the nus -
fortune to get his band badly hurt a
some little time ago, is now recov-
ering nicely.
Miss Rachel Taylor of Detroit is
visiting at the home of Mt*. Win.
Miss Eliza Bro wnet t hes returned
home after spending, a few works at
St, Thomas.
Miss Eliza Miller of Jamestown is
the guest of Mrs. J. W. Reid this
Mr. John Pollok and Mise Bertha
Pollock of La Riviere, Mao., are
spending the New Year holidays at
the home of Mr, Wm, Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington. Fee of
Zurich spent Xmas at the home of
air. J. W. Reid.
Mrs, Sam. Erratt nail her brother,
Mr. Richard Robinson have arrived
home feom the west to spent. the
winter under tlie parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Davidson of
fla3field wete the guests of Mr, 1),
J. MeClinehey one day last week.
Miss Jennie Lamont has been the
guest of Mr, Essler of Varna the
past week.
Miss Attic Pock of Toronto spent
Xmas under the parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Peek and ' Child
of London ate the guests of Mr.
Henry Peck the past WOC1.<.
The old council, 'Reeve Glen, Coun-
cillors Jas, aleK inley, .las. Keys;
Alex. Mustard and 'David Dewar,
were all returned unopposed at the
nomination on Monday, so will con-
stitute the council for 101.3, thas
'saving the township the expense of
an election,
Miss K. Stinson, who had been
spending the holiday under the pal' -
ental roof, has returned to Toron-
Miss Erma Deihl entertained a
number of her young friends on
'1`tiesdatyttneevenin.g and all report a
The following is the standing of
the pupils of S. S. No, 1, Stanley,
Jr, 5th, -Ross Taylor, Annie Ste-
Jr. 4.1311,--Keaneth Stewart.
Sr: 31:(1, -Frank MailGrcgor, Spence
Jackson, Clifford 'Stewart, James
Jr• 3rd,---Wirtnifred Jervis, Abhie
Stewart, Agnes Glenn.
Sr.. 2nd,--Zetta Jackson, Clara
Potter. '
Jr; 2nel,-Margaret MacGregor, An-
nie' MacFarlane, Clarence Jackson.
Sr. i.st,-Maty Stewart, John Mee -
Gregor, Marion, Me5Weit.
-G. Connolly Sturdy, Teacher.
The following is the report of S.
S. No:. 4; Stanley tor December.
The names are in ..order of merit :
4th, --Hazel Speaks, Ruth
Hotaston, MarthaMeV:Wain.
3011,-q4ohn .Watson,.Clifford
Seatehiner,..; Seale Westlake, Mabel.
Fester, niter W'estlake.
Jr. 3rd,ttilicp Stinson, .Edna
Sr. 2nd,-Russei Sparks, Elva De-
and,-•eSam • MeIlwain, Rosie Fog,
Seotehmer, Roy
Senteluner. , ' . •
Part 2;--Amtie Dewar. .
,Mt. and Mrs. T. E. Mason are
new residents of our village having
moved in last week and taken pos-
session of the store business which
they purchased from Mr. and Mrs.
R. A, Govier, We welcome and wish
them success. Just prior to leav•-•
ins the farm. they were given a sur-
prise made up of some sixty of
the young folk- of the neighborhood.
These young people knew well how
to enjoy themselves and in muSte,
games and dancing it was one of
the merriest gatherings the 1ino has
had for a long while
TJnion S, 5, No, 12, 'held its an-
ima, meeting •on Thursday. Mr. 0.
Jervis was elected truotee, sutoeed-
in bit. W. 14.Bali. --Bessie Watson., 7 estek er.
Miss Jean Cooke of TOronto vis
ited her aunt, Miss Shireay, last
week, • .
D, A. Cantelon of 'roreinto was
in toisei last week for a few days.
Miss Jessie • Ilobkirk of Sealer th
visited friends' in town xecently.
n. Geiger is home from the Tor-
onto College of Pharmacy for the
Christmas holidays.
The new G. T. R. station is now
occupied and the staff are thorough-
ly, enjoying the change into euell
roomy and comfortable quarters.
Mr. C'al, Williams of 13uffalo spout
the holiday time at, his home in
Mr. and his. J. J. rtlerner attend-
ed the funeral cif: the latter's Meter
in Windsor last week.
Bliss Flossie lIartleib has returned
home after spending some months in
The 110.11' school will be realty for
occuplevieiy ion Jan. 0th, and will be
vary comfortable and convenient.
Mr. and Mrs. T.saac Hudson and
family or Edmonton, are visiting the
parentt, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Meliek, and other friends hereabouts.
Highest prices paid for
all grades of timber.
Janttsly 9th 1913
Mr, 'fames PatterSon of Calgary is
spending the holiday season with his
mother in town.
While moving a banning recently,
near Chiselhurst Mr. D. Chapple had
the misfortune to have his leg bro-
ken, owing to the roller skidding.
Nliss Estella Wilson, daughter •of
Nfr, and Mrs. W. Wilton of Tucker -
ismith, was married on Wednesday of
Mat week to Mr. Russel Sterling of
Ttticford, Sask. Mr. and Mrs.' Ster-
ling will leave shortly for their wes-
tern home. " •
Cupid is a Dapper
Clinton Town Hall
Monday and Tuesday,
Jan. 20 and 21
The Clinton Hockey Club present
supported by
Peerless -
The Company that is different IN
TWO NEW PLAYS that are
better than any seen here in years.
New scenery, eostmnes and electrical
High elass specialties between the acts
"The Little Co -Ed" Monday evg
"Just :Plain Molly" Tuesday
Prices 25e, lliie and. We.
Platt open at Fair's.
Buy your tickets now from the
The ey,es are
wage earners.
Anything, short of
perftet vision ditnint
ishe.s tearnind
W. P..(1ct your
Our glasses as an in-
vestment yield you
•utislantio.l returns.
Scientific jeweler and
and handles the reins bit smart fast-.
ion. It's his delight to board our
delivery wagon along. New Year's
time to distribute our ;
o those 1vho bay them,
Leave an order and wet will have
him rein up at your dater in an
our to deliver your purchase.
5. Prices are. a shade lowei;.
Decilitre in
Better Bread
Could Not Be
Tak! Sale !
The following lines we wish to reduce before stock -taking :
Lamps regular 93.25 forM.77
" 2.00 for 1,00,
" 1.00 for .85
4 4 .73 for .65
14 .50 for .40
Washing umehines.and wringers •
Storm doors"a good thing
(Jhatt Iaskets
Seisa ,s and razors
Hale' -leighs
Port. t knives
(41ot s and nate
Mrs. Potts' irons,' regular 51.10 for .08
A few lanterns .05 for .411
Grit incl oyster shells!per bag 1,00
A g» el weather strip, 25 feet .25
A tewnickel platedcrumb trays and..teapots to elem.:
1 13,)1c1 power clipping machine, reg. 910,50 for $8.50.'•
See lir big table of granite ware at away down prices.
3 ewe 11 rifles at 50c reduction.
1.1.0 per cent, discount
Harland Bros.
Stoves, Hardware and Novelties
It was announced last week that there Was a list; beingetred
13elow will be found some interesting prices of the best selectee:neck-0f
furniture and house furnishings to be found in the County.
1 3 piece parlor snit 921 00
1 8"2620
1 3 " 34 0
1 8 "
4 11 45 00
1 3 t • 11 a 2301)
48 50
1 8 " German Leather 55 00
1 3 " 8200
1 5 " parlor suit 20 00
11 " 4 4200
245 pictures of every kinal and description at 25 perceut, tliscount,
1 couch 3 7 75
8(10 ,
1 " 8 25
1 851)
1 , I 201)
3 " 4 . 4 4 4 4 • . 850
‘•10 50
.... .... - .....
11 50
21 50
35 00
1 Hoverport couch
1 folding couch
1 Oak extension table.-
round top
250 rockers of every quality
and price from 51.50 to . • 00
The Store
of Quality,
Phone 28
W. Walker
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker