The Clinton News Record, 1913-01-09, Page 21,‘
6ING LIST FO 1 1912-13
Eerieltecord and Mail and Enintre. $1.0
ews-Record end Globe .,. 1,60
mei...Record and Family Herald and
Star with Premium ,•.. •• 1.75
News -Record And Witness 1.75
News•Record and Sun .„... • 1.75
News -Record and Free Prose 1,75
Newsliecord and Advertiser 1.75
News.Reeord and Toronto SaturdaNtght y
News-Begot:el and i'armer's idnoeetp 2,25
News•Rocord end Farm and Doiry-, 1.75
News -Record and Cons:Ilan Farm,.. .70
News•Record and Youth'e Companion 125
News.ltecord and Canadian Countra•
News.ffeeorcl and Mo n and Empire.. 4 oa.
News-Reeord and Globe . , 4.25
Newe-Record and News • • • • . • .. • • 2:1)
News•Record and Strr
News -Record and World 3,26
' News:Record and Morning Free Prese 3.05
News -Record and Ilventee Free Preen 2.75
News -Record and Advertiser 3.00
Newe.ftecord ard 'Poultry Review 1.25
News.itecord and Lippincott's Maga-
owe , „... ... 3.25
Newe.Reeord and Canada Monthly,
Winnipeg . . 1.40
ff what you want is not In this list let
,no keow about it, We con supnly you at
less than it would cost you to send direct.
remit,thor please do no be Postoffiee
Order, Postal Noe, Seeress Order or Reg.
istered letter and address,
W. J MlirHELL,
Fuollsher News -Record
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
Land Regulations.
Any person who is the sole head
of a family, or any male over IS
years old, may homestead a quart-
er section of available Derninion
land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta. The applicant must ap-
pear in person ia the Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for
the district. Entry by proxy
may be made at any agence, on cer-
tain conditions by father. mother,
son, daughter, brother oe sister of
intending le mesteader.
D u ties. -Six months residence
upon and cultivation of the land in
each of three years. A homestead-
er may live within nine miles of
his homestead on a farm of at
' least 80 acres solely owned and cm-
, cupied by him nr by his father,
mother, son, daughter, brother or
1 sister.
In certain dism
tricts a hoestead-
er in good standing may pre-empt
a• quarter -section alongside his
homestead. Price, 3.00 per sere.
Duties.--Bitist reside upon the
1 homestead or pre-empt'on six
' months in each of six years from
date of homestead entry (including
tee time required to earn home-
stead patent) aud cultivate fifty
acres extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot eb-
tain a pre-emption may enter for
a petehased homestead in certain
distl'icts. Price, 83 00.
Duties.-Mest reside six months
in each of three years, cultivate
fifte acres and erect a house worth
$200.t 0.
IioIds Out for Adrianople, .but Surrenders Other
Territory at the Peace Conference
A despatch from London says 'of Adrianople to be settled by Tor -
After protracted diplomatic skirm- key and Bulgaria direct.
3rd --The cessio.; of the remainder
ishing the Turks finally capitulitt-
of European Turkey, including la -
ed to a majority of the demends of
ulna and Scutari, to the allies.
the Balkan allies at Wednesday's' 41h -The Albanian and Clretan
session of the peace conference in•questions to be solved by the pow -
.St. James' Palace. Through Rechad erS'
they 5th -The Aegean Islands to re -
agreed to cede Practi- main Turkish.
cally the whole of the Ottonaan Ern- The annonecement of these terms
was wrung from the Oteonnae dele-
gates with the greatest difficulty.
They came only after Rechad Paella
had reiterated Turkey's desire to
shift the responsibility for adjudi-
cating all the vital questions to the
great powers and the representa-
tives of the allies had registeied
their unchangeable objections to
such a course, and plainly had given
co -Bulgarian frontier by making the Turks to undersband that the
the boundary west of the line now failure of the Ottoman deleeentes to
occupied bY the troops d the allies embark upon serious negotiations
in the Vilayet of Adrianople. I would mean a resumption of hostill-
2nd-The question of the status ties in South -Eastern Europe.
Deputy of the Minister of the In.,
N.R.-Unanthorized publication
•of this acmertiserneut will not be
paid for.
December, 1912, Below That of the
Same Month a Year Ago.
A elsepatch from Toronto says:
Succession duties for the meet') of
December show a cons'elerable fa.11.:•
ing off es compared with the same
month of 1911. The amount ool-
leAed was $40,700. and for the cor-
resp-nding .nionth in 1911 875,585.
For the fillet t months of the our -
rent fiscail year the duty amounts to
$97,131, as ;against $227,417 a. year
THE STANDARD lo the /stational
Weekly Newspaper cf the Dominion
of Canada.. It is national in all. ite
11 uses the moat expensive envoi..
Ingo, procuring the photographs from
all over the world.
Ita articles are carefelly selected and
Sts editorial policy Is thoroughly
stIbkriptioll to The Standard
001300 82.00 per year to any address iss
Canada or -treat Britain.
TRY IT FOR 1912! 11 I G ill COST OF HEN
Standard Puelishing Oise
Limited, Publishers. • Coming of the Cheap American Egg Alarms the
162.1.912011.41010 Canadian Egg Men
pire's European dominions except
Adrianople and the territory be-
tween it and Censtarrenople to
their victorious, but traditionally
despised, neighbors.
The terms the Turkish delegates
presented to the eonference as a
counter -proposal to the demands of
the allies were: -
1st -The rectification of the Tur-
The Royal Commiss'on Finds this Reacts to the
Detriment of the Famier
A despetch from Montreal says:,
That there has been a demand for
cheap w,eighing scalps, and that this
has led to the placing on the mar-
ket of unreliable and faulty ma-
chines, reacting to the detriment
of the farmer when selling his pro-
duct, woe the chief point brought
out on Thursday afternoon before
the Royal Commission, which for
some time past has been investigat-
ing certain complaints as to weigh -
leg and paemeet methods made
a.gainsa Montreal merchants. The
.atemony was given by Henry
Fuller, Pre-ident of the Canadian!
Fairbanks Company, who enforced ;
his ptints by demonstrating with '
three machines. During the last
ten years, Mr. Fuller told the Com-
iniest ,n, there hod been a growing
dema el for eheeper scales. Gov-
ernment regulations were not sufli-
eien ly rigid, he said. What was
wanted in seeles was eccuracy,
durability and reliability. M.
Feller expre-sed the opinion that
inspectors should be mere fully in-
structed as to their duties. Inspec-
tors were appointed, he alleged, for
poUcal reasons, men wile had ne-
ver handled a scale before. As to
how the cheaper grade scales might
be ban:sh d he advocatedthat Gov-
ernment should establish -.a mini-
mum for material in the parts of
machines, wed insist on a certain
maximum for given loads. He also
suggested more frequent inspection.
A Notable Judge -wages of Girls -Some
Flne Positions-AgitatIon for
Divorce Court.
There is no more motorman° figure in
Toronto than J Age Morgan, <re of the
two junior judges for the County of yOT.A,
hos long llow.og wuite board and patri-
archal countenance give him a veriembo.
Lees even greater Thau his 73 years would
Judge 2dorgan it; no,,M1 for three things:
his knottiness of heart,hls 'eareletliateed of
tne conventions and his promote.
His kindlineen of heart brings him work.
Lawyers deteuding persons accused of tei
sorte of catenate know his peouliarity and
leave no stone unturned to get their enees
traversed 80 that t3tdy will mien before
him When Judge diorgan'e court. 16 in
session in Toronto there is a veritable
proceseion of casee from the police court
to his court, coos wbtoh, in the genead.
GOUtee of events, would more properly be-
long to the notice maestro:0'a juroalte-
Mon. The other day there was soh a
grist of these cases coming along that hie
honor, in a very literal sense, brought ide
foot and Site list down 2,nd ea.d be wo.ld
not etand for the imposition any longer,
The language hii used was, of courne, um
more graphic than that. He is perfectly
frank and candid in his tuere.fal tendon -
°ice. "You would be ening to prison f
six months instead of on suapended mt.
teem, if you were being atilt with in
another piece, tobieli (Mall be nameleas,'
he will often say to an accused one
Generally he three tees the Objeot oi lia
mercy with a. terrible sentence if said
objeot should not prove to 'be worthy and
should be so unfortunate as to come back
on another charge.
His informal Courts.
Judge Morgan does not believe much in
the tantpnIngS of courts, He will oftee re -
mese lawyers on bushiese bent in his pri.
veto room and like ae not will hear their
ense while reclining on his lounge, very
often at the 5151510 time smoking his PiPo•
In the summer he does not hesitate to
tnke his coat off when sitting on the
beneh. When in the comatry, on ctecuit,
he freonontly ,declines to attend the re-
gular court, room, but will brve the law.
yens and witnesses come to the hotel sit,
ting -room to see him,
Judge Morgeo hoe lel his present po.
sition for almost. 26 years, ile iS one of
tho few Canitdiers 041110 Wali born in the
Britieh West inches, spending his early
life on the plantations there. Over 60
yen re age Oils father, who was an Angli.
eon clertrymen, came to Canada and set.
tied in }Antic. Judv3 Laorgan met, to re
Mill tint et that Period be hecoMe juatut
editor of the Barrie Herald, endn o002A.
sion ran the baud prem.. The law claimed
him, however. Betore his appointment as
a judge !to practised Ilia professioe in
Orangeville and Newmarket.
A Cirns Living Wage.
There nre tli,ellesieen from time to thee
AR to what constituter, a living 1' go for
girls living away from home in Relent°.
SOMA employers do not thirk that tney
have any Tommie] reeporsibility ni, th s
motto], While 111A1 is OM Ati1011dC ire
is dying Ont, It, is undoubtedly true thot
a great number ot girle from the rotrt•
. try living iu boarding bonsee in Toronto
are barely ekho out tui
One of the leoOieg eronloyere of labor
recently fixed $6.00 per week an the lowest
wage they would pay ony It 10115
0' e.onficlently assorted that it 10 quito
1A1 1/00003) 0 for a girl payieg board to live
oa any lees in Toronto al, the present timo
end retain any measure of self-respeot.
In fact, it is quite likely that even tr,,00
10 not actually a living wage. It maY
prove to bo sufficient to get along on for
a given time, but it can moke no pro-
visiop for emergoecies co sieknere. Even
at bent it rohnires a counting of the pen-
nMs in a way Illat is mit popular in Ulla
day or generation.
Plums for Capable Ones.
Some girls are tiot worth 8600 a week,
and they ageravato the situotion for tao
more competent. And there are opportuni-
ties for clever girls to earna great deal
more than this tunourt. There are hi-
etanees where women have worked them-
selves foto poaltinur, where the sniarv le
as high es 83,000 or $4,000 per year in To-
ronto. It woe never mo -e true thou at'
Ile nrceent dav that there to TOOM at 11I6
ton and that there is a keen demand tor
workers of both sexes Who hove brain,,
therhYsical ond mental committee to do
ungs and, ',allot is coming to be almost
ns rare as either of these, indefatigable
I Divorce Court Proposed.
Mr. E la 11. Jehnston, K,O.. bY hie ad-
dress at the Ear Assomation, hes etarted
afresh the discussion es to whether Can-
ada should have a Divorce Court. lir,
Johnston argues that ueder the nresent
situation only 'the rich can seoure divoroe,
which is unthir.
I His suprzestion for the establishment of
conrt whiela like other *moan for the
settlement of property disputes, wou
corne to the people rather then make the
people come to it, hes ennead conoidereble
comment, particulorly among Chereh
econle, who do not wish to see the brotit.
ing of marriage mode any ersier. The
rroner char"wi in the law is to realm it
herder to get married. they env.
One of the greatest herriere tioinst any
inereuee in the Mollifies for eetilna di-
vorces in Ca nxia lies in the attitude of
the Roman Cotholic Church. At prerent
aivorees are granted be the Clitnedian
Perete, of whieb, out of the 87 nuontora
35 aro Romen Ca tholios. Them, 36, with 8
others. eel: therefore et ono' time throw
out any divorro applicet'oe.
Canadians Co Abroad.
In recant years there ho been Some !n-
ominee in the number of divorces granted.
The averao is, however, but 19 a veer.
Since Confederation only some MO 'chromes
all told have beco granted by Porlio,-
trent. Pour Of the mealier provinces love
Divorce Courts of *Moir own, ana it to Alga
nit Cent that one of thene, 'Prince Ethentel
hes never greeted s divorce. Neva
Scotia averages 8 a. yemr. Now Brueswok
6 a year, ned British Columbia 8 A year.
Of the divoreee oranted by the Canothan
Perlionient morn have loon Bemired from
Toronto than from all the rest of the
conutov put together. As a matter of
fit times Spires do not give north in-
dication of the rent number of divorces
granted Ofialtidinys beafillee 5 oloater env -
tion of them who seek divoroos go to the
Hutted States,
Several G Employees Reported
A da.ipatch from Philadelphia
says: Heavy winds .on Friday after-
noon wrecked a three-story build-
ing in this 'city used for inanufact
hiring, and several girl employees
are missing and l'eported to be in
the rains,. Alen dragged from the
wreckage Were taken to a hetipital.
-About" afey persons were employea
in :the building.
Whooping COn
8.01,11510, Gate :Ind elteetWO irtntrnant rue brou.,
ettittl toublen, avoiding dru00. V0P001teder0001000
810130 Ulm 1l0111000100 ef Whooping Ossys :nut reneve9
Sintsmodlo Croup 00 000. It is A 0 1)()14. to oulVaro
fruits Asthma. Thuntr es...vying the antitstral,,nPs0.
logplred with every breath, emees b.amehet ease •
soOtheo the Bore thron,t And SiONI the ootialt, A00urlO1l
MANI 1(011119, 1110lovnloblo to mato, with
stonechat n. Semi 900W rol'AeseriptiY0 booklot.
Try CR11501I.111411 1 44 1r.0
oNelefierre ;woo',fr e.
rABLBTS teethe Irritated
throat. 'They aro olnuilo, 50
offeativo and polluentle.,
01 dr100,110t Or troal
vs, 101. 111,510040.
Vapti Croselene Co,
60 Carib:mit St., ICI%
otrartA 10M0,1 nondlog
14min:A Can., s
A despatch from Ottawa says
Tho neweel thine; 1 'otTo troubles I
is the tondoiet (re" it egg, mere!
eseecial!v it. • 1 Si LOS egg,
product of the prolific American
hen. It is ecimilig into °amide.
Representatione mede to the GeV-
ernmeet indicate that, the advent
of the United States egn• under ex-
isting cirotrastances is viewed v,,ith
alarm by Canadian egg interests.
Tloi egg traria 0,00'OSS the, border
0.1115e000 to be in a soctiewhet disor-
. Rimmed emir -Item, seemingly due,
to the elle 0te of housekeepers'
' lengues. in makipg wa t on high
p 11 1,013 tint) is abnormal .
Eggs are mild 5101 be etillnig ill BeV-
oralcities, elose tothe border et
-viten far below What et exist to
'buy and stere them,' 'Egg men on
this eicle of the line' have a winter's
supply, procured at priees several
(writs higher than those nee being
eltargeti at the oerd 11,
The suggestion lia,s been made
that the dumping duty in the Cana-
dian tariff be applied to the Ameri-
can egg, or that the Canadian and
American egg tariffs be teinpoirtr-
ily •equalized, the Canadian duty
being itiv,o cents lower. 'It sloes nee
appear that the importation of the
cheaper eggs could be diseouregod
even if sugh a course were thought,
The clumping clause, only applies
wnere, the import pride in Canada,
m lower than the fair market, price
in the ceuntry of origin. It would,
ie Omit case, apply to eggs as well
es tt, any thing else.
. • .
Cures all blood humors, all
eruptions, Clearthe complex-
ion, creates an appetite, aids
digestion, relieves that tired
feeling, gives vigor and vim.
Accept no subotitute; insiet at, hav-
ing Hood's sarsenettna. Get It today.
tilel'PENENtne EICOM Ale!. OVEE
IDE ta.(111,e IN A
Canada. the F,nlpIop and the IVorld
in General Before Yeas
Communicable diseases increased
last month in Onterio.
The violent deaths in Toronto in
1912 agglegated over 200.
An ltehan nobleman is working -
in Tenant° as an .artist's model.
Quebec Provincial reguletions re-
strieting export of pulpwood from
Crown lands have been mccliiied.
Tie Mayors of Belleville, Ganan-
oque, Haileybury, Clobalt and New
Liekeard were elected by acclama-
The Michigan Central Railway
has preeented the St. Phonies Y. M.
0. A. with a. 90 -year lease of a plot
of ground for a' $50,000 building.
Hugh Kelly, G.T.R. oar inspector
at Hamilton, who lost both hen&
in an accident, signed Ins will 'teeth
his mouth, then passed away peace-
Enk imitear, 27 years of age,
and te be married on the 181h inst.,
was fatally injured at Hamilton by
being run over by a string of freight
Mies Lizzie Potvin, seventeen
yeara of age, was instantly kriled
in a store at Deere, Renfrew comi-
ty, be ng accit:enbally shot by an
eight-year-old by who VOA examin-
ing a, gun.
Great Britain.
The Duke of -Abereorn died in
Several amendments to the home
rule bill were negatived,
Mr. Boner Law slated that, if
submieted to the eountry a,nd en-
dorsed, he would advise Ulster
Unicniste not to reeist the home
rule bill.
Uttleil States.
The New York garment workers'
atielce eontinues.
Mr. Bruce Ismay has resigned
teem the Chairmanship of the
'White Star Line.
The United States Steel Oorpora-
Van has deckled to build a twenty
million -dollar plant ab' Sandwich,
A stay of execution of sentences
was erclered in the Calle of the dy-
namite prisoners, and heavy beads
were fixed by the court.
The United States Attorney -Gen-
eral declared the act passed au-
thorizine the.Lang Sault dam pro-
ject over ihe St. Lawrence to be
Upper ...House of Empire Adopts
LOW Removing Last Vestige.
A tiespittch fie= St. Petersburg
save: The Council of the Empire
adopted on Wednesday a law abol-
ishing the last vestiges of serfdom
in Russia. When the rescript of
emencipation.was issued in 1801 the
Caucasus was excepted from its
provisions on account of special con-
ditions there, and temporary tra-
ditional measures were instituted
pending the adoption of the most
suitable method for giving the
serfs their freedom. This transi-
tional stage now, after half a cen-
time-, has been terminated, though
there wies stUl oppoeition to its be-
ing abolished, Premier Koko,vsoft
perm:Jelly appeared before the
Council of the Blnpire to urge the
adopti•on et the new law. 'ft al-
ready has passed the• 1.)tune.
Dolet you believe that experience 05
better than hezeway/ It you suffer
from piles, just try tarn -Buie You
can do so at our expense. So assures
are we Of the result that we will seed
you a free trial box if you send to
our Toronto offices full name and ad-
dress and a me cent stamp to pee
return poetage.
Scores of neoPle daily acquaint ue
with the benefit they have derived
from tee use of Zarn•Buit for piles.
Mr. le. Atari -age., of 3 St. Paul St., St.
Catharines, Ont., says: "For live years
I have suffered untold agony with pro.
tuding pileat The pale was so great.,
at times I would almost Bere6/1,1.
"1 lost; weight and had no, appetite,
I tried everything I ever beard of tor
piles, as I wag "willies to take any-
thing to get relief.' It was useless,
however, and I almost gave up 10
"(Bee day a friend gave me a samPin
of Ziim-Buk and told me of a friend
of his who had been cured, 1. decided
to try Zam-Bub, and the relief I got
Was 1 need three boxes,
and at the and of that:elute I was coin-,
11101y:132 cured. I wish I could have got
Zarn-Buk years ago; it would time
saved me a great deal of mtsery."
aanelink will tine be, found a sure
cure /or cold mites, thaemed hands,
frost bites, ulcers, blood•poison,
mose sores, ecalp sores, ringworm, in -
blued patches, liables. ereptione and
chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises,
and skin ird1.11.1.0B generally, AD. (Irate
gish-, and stores soll at 50e, lickg or
mat tree freal Zinn -Suit Co., Toronto,
upon receipt of price. YOU aro warms)
seeinst harm -fel imitations and sole
teltutes. See the regletered tame,
" on aVary package,
CEP0I1T5 FROM 1118 n 01,114OC,
C1.14460104 OF s 40,1610164
'rives er Came. Crete, Choose, vet otoss
Proomee at twine ano 440004,,
' Brealsiuffs.
Toronto, Jan, 7.-Manitobe, Wheat-,-Lako
Porte, Iso I northern, 93 ,..201 :No. 2, ele:
0,e,, 3, 89e; fcod whea.t, 6Je.
ontario Wheat-ao, 2, 100 to 91.0 for oar
tote outside, ranging down to 70e for poor
Ontario' tsote-No. 2 while, 32e to 34e at
western VO•Ine, 57o to 38e on track, To.
Maaitoba Oats -No, 2 0. W. oate, 41 1-20,
treek, 1.).4 St Dome; No. 3 0, W., 391-10; No.
I feed, 051-20 for prompt shipment.
Oorn-Anierienn bo. 3, all rall, Toronto.
Deeember s104pment, 56 1.2e
Pao -61o. 2, $1.10 to $1.25, ear lots out.
Luekwhent-No. 2, 47e to 48e,
Rae-ao, 75e to 76c.
Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds 52.30;
upeorarbeaartel, 54.03, wholesale, W Mailer to
flarley-Good malting barley, outside,
60e to 620,
Millfeed--Maniloba bran, $20.00 to 521.00,
bags, track, Toronto; ehorte, $25.00 m
524.00; Ontario bran, 010000 to 521.00, in
bags; Shorte. 82100 to 524.00.
Manitoba Flour -.First patents 5.30 ln
tuat:s;b‘'oltrs Wet_ likl.rti7tga; ir8310.?en
011 cotton0bage ten ceets.u,ore pe. barrel'.
Ontario Flour -Winter wheat II -oar, .0
for cent patents, is quoted at 54,05 to $4.-
10, delivered.
Country Produce.
Toronto wholesale selling prime:-
Egge-Coldenorage eggs 26o to 28o in esee
lots; fresh 0gg'0, Mo 3.,e; aud strictly
uew.leld at 45c to 50c.
Cheese -Twins, new, 14.3.4n to 15c, and
large, new kit 041.20; old cheeee, twins,
15 lac to 15 1-2c; large, 15e.
Butter -Latest butter quotatione are
prints 310 to 32e.
• do eolids tee to Zfic
Dairy prints ..,... ••••••• 260 to 40
Inferior fbrkerie) .•,. .... 23c to 2 -le
Honey-Buthwhent, 90 pcund tins and
Be in barrels; atrained clover ho ey,
121 -lo nound in 60 -pound tins. 123-4o in
10901105 tins; 13c in 5 -pound tins; comb
honey, No 1, 52 60 per dozen; extra, $3
per dOZen No. 2, 52.40 per dozen.
Poultry -Live chickens, wholesale, 100 to
lic ;yr pound; fowl, Bo to 10o; Letts, Ile
to 130; live turkeys. 16o to 170: gert3e, 9c
to 10c. Dressed poultry, as to Zo above
live quotatione, excepting. dremed turkeys
at 200 to 210.
Boans-Priees steady nt $2.76 for primee
ard 62.85 for h nd I I d
Potatoes-Onterio Potatoes, Kle 950 per
bag: car lots, 80o; Now Brunswioke, $1.05
to 51.10 per bag, out of store; ko in car
Spanish. Onione-Per ease. 62-50.
• Montreal Markets.
Montreal, Inc. 7,-Oate-Ctinadian west-
ern, 24o 2. 43e to 431-2s; do, extra No
feed. 42e to 425.51; do., No, 2 lee. 1 waits!.
Ale; do.. No. 3 local vehite, 40e; do., No. 4
local white, 39o.
Barley -Manitoba feed, 60e to 61e; do..
malting. 76e to 780.
Buckwheat -No. 2 57e to b0c.
Flour--aliteltoba 'spring wheat petelea,
Prate. 55.40: do., second% 54,90: do., etroog
bokers'. 6470; do • winter entente, choice,
55.35; stroielit rollers, 5493 to SS. 0;
do. straialit rollers, beam 52.25 to 52.40.
Rolled Oate-Barrels, $4.60; do., bags, 90
lbs.. 50 20,
Bran -521.110.
Shorts- 524 00.
Middlings -0128.00 to 530 Oa
Mouillie-$35.00 to 535SO.
Hey --No. 2, per ton, oar lots, $14.60 to
United States Markets.
Minneapolis, :Ian. 7,-Wheet-MaY.
july. 973-40; No. I hard, 041-8c; N. 1
nerthern, 82 343o to 033-80',Na 2 northern,
001.20 to 81 6-8o Corn -No. 3 yellow, 4'o
to 411-2e, Oats -No. 3 white, 203.4o to 300.
Rom. 2, 54o to 551.10. Bran -$19.50. Flour-
Duluth, Jan, 7. -Wheat -No. I hard,
83l-0; No. 1 northern, 825-10; No. 2 north.
ern, 805-00; July, 87 3.4c bid; May, 86 Mo.
Live Stock Markets,
Termite, Jan 7.-Cattle-Choitle bu+ch-
ere', 55 80 te 56.05; good modium, $5.25 to
55.75; common, $2.75 to 5335; *owe, $3 to
$5.25; balls, 53 to 55.25; cannere, 52 to 12,
76. Calves -Good veal, 57 to $9; common,
53 to 613 25. Stockers and Feeders-Steere.
560 to 750 pounds at $3.25 to 1350; feeling
Mille, 600 to 1,000, pounds. at 52.75 tn $4.25;
Yearlings, 53.16 to $3.50. Milkere and
Springera-Steady, from $50 to 585 Sheep
end Lambs -Light ewes, 54 25 to 84.7,;
heavy ewes. $3 to $3.60; lambs, $7 to $8.
Roo -58.50 being paid for them, fed and
watered, and $8.10 to 58,15 f.o.b.
Most Popular - with
Most People - for
- Comfort Soap,
11 4'14.1A 1'0007:01, ,
Dr. Alexis Carrel, of the Rockefeller Institute
Announces a Great Scientific Discovery
A despatch from New York eays:
Dr. Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller
,Inetaute for Medical Research, who
received the Prize for medi-
cine in 1912, is the first to announce
a great scie,ntific discovery in 1913.
In the current issue of the Journal
of Experimental Medicine, the ofa-
Mal organ of the Rockefeller Insti-
tute, he predicts, as the result of a
series cf experiments which have
ben in progress since, 1907, the pos.,
ef • healing a cutae,eous
wourd in less than a day, and the
repair of a broken leg in four days.
Although Dr. Carrel ,does not men-
tion it in his preliminary report,
the aseertion is also made that the
reparative process May become ap-
plicable not only in cases where the
tissues have been divided, as in
knife wounds, but in cases where
large lamas o, tissue have been de-
stroyed in various parts of the body
by distase.
Dr. Carrel's latest discovery is
the result of specu'ation aS to the.
manner in which cells multiply and
thus efface; the growth of tissues.
11 651 were possible, he argued, to leea
come poeseseed of this knowledge 18
ought to be possible also to pro'
mete this proliteration of cells, and
the emesequent growth of comm.
tiiee tissue by artificial means. His
important discovery is irirooet con.
cealed beneath this innocuous cap.
tion, "Art.ficial Activation of the
Growth in Vitro of Connective Tis-
sue "
A'ded by knowledge of the, fact
that the growth of the body is de,
pendent in many respeete •the
more or less mysterious activitiee of
some of the ductile glands -the
thyroids for instance -he epplied e
mixture of thyroid extract and
macerated portions of other orgasm
of the body to cutaneous wounds.
The remits were wonderful, alraost
miraculous. They bear out the
seintist's statement that "if the
rate of the reparation of tissues
were activated ten times only, a
ertaneuus wound would heal in lees
than twenty-four hours. 'and a frac-
ture ai the leg would be cured in
feur days."
Ontario Received 00 per Cent. of
British Immigration Last Year.
A despatch from Toronto says:
The number of British immigrants
who have come to Ontario during
the twelve months of 1012 reaches
the grand total of 50,797. It also
tvebles the record of this prevince
Lor any previous year. During the
latter half of the year Ontario re-
ceived more than dixty per cent. of
the entire British immigration re-
ceived to the Dominion. The On-
tario record for the twelve months
is 06 fOHOWS January, 011; Febru-
;try, 1000; March, 4200 ; April, 7013;
May. 1600; June, 0097; July. 5075;
.August, 6841; September, 4186; Oc-
tober, 3538; November, 2109; De-
cember, 1530. Total; 50,797. '
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at t.he
'V M. 0. A. Boa.
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Quieted accountant
70 Vice-Prieciesi •
Comptroller Feed. White, C.M.
0., for 29 years at the head of the
Roval Northwest Mounted Police,
ls' !tel ee ri on superannuation., being
eeled by Mr. Laweenee K. For-
teseue, Aseistant Comptroller 1-001
pest Fix years, and hlmeelf for more
than thirty years in the force.
- - • -
W it. A 14
San an interest in mono good
corporation, by buying tho First
mortgage sands of the instate'
We can offer well atearod,
high-grade bonds of eatabliefied
oompanieS, to yield 0 per cont.
We else hatie stens meet at-
traitive Preferred Menke, to
yield over 7 per cont.
Write for Prime,
Guardian Building, filtielTREAL
Royal Bank Bui'ding, 701402470
1'. 11, RYAN.
President of the 'Stractered 11011
'Workers' Union, who was eoeyea-
ed, with other members of the
union executive, of participation in
the Mealamara-MeManigal dyna,
mite plots.
- -4,
Weleomed Alike by Farmers end
13esiness Hem
A despatch from Calgary, Alta.,
Says: Eight inches of snow fell here
on Thursday night. The weather
ie new bright mad Traius
from the west, and moth 'have been
delayed some beers. ReportS show
that the snowfall extended over the
whole of southern Alberta, and es
far noel& as Red Deer. The fall is
welcomed by formees Rind business
men elike, as they say it Will sti-
Mutate trade by placing more money
in eireulation, aft it Will permit the
farmers who hove been devoting eril
their attentien to grainaihipping 510)
get their hey to market.
Seeleas Iejimy to &awry Men ia
Stehle Near G e 1p
A despatch from Guelph says:
Austin llnir, employee of Han-
ter.s halcery Vic,loria Mills, had
nario W escape from oath on
Thursday When lc tvent into, the
slallie to feed 015 110 V WAS, and one
of them kicked out with both feel,
Ono hoof caught :Nair on the chin,
cleaving it. He will reeover.
Vert). veare in use 20 rears tint
standard. it 0 Petal ed an reetiee.
nit'llded by -physicians. Fe r Wo
00 's A 'damn ts, a r tel'e
rimriate Pais, a tyour druggist.
Where lo there an individual
who is AS capable to act as the
executor of your evilt as this Corn-
, pany, which was organized and
developed especially for this pur-
This Company will carry out -to
the last letter the terms Of your
Will. It will manage the estate
efficiently ana ecextornicelly, and
evoid legal entanglements.
It will not be tempted, ns sari
individual tnight, to speculate
with the funds held in trust. It
le debarred by law froni specu-
This Company cannot die, gel
sick or take a holiday -dyers
eerily to faithfully perform ile
Charges nre never great:, but
usually less thati tbe resnuneratloe
Services of Family Solicitor
always retained.
Corres•pondeuce receives prompt
anti careful cersiderarlso.
Managed in convection with ate
Euron & Erie Loan gad Savieee
e Me Itr„.,,,,•:1-,•1/4sf'p 1 tv• - --0,z7:0
•Z el
,7.0tr-'1.0i.k trt
t1 '1
27 -
LOCAL 0PTION--11::0V11.3 10 ILO 10001 option districts
can legally order from (Lis brewery wliaw,,,er they , .
require for personal or 101610115 tO
- 1.,.,CND014, ('.'140m&
' • • atsavezau,E.,.,
, • 1:,;:soiliNdiatfilleMr.',01,„,,'