HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-02, Page 7TBabvionian mythology, drought of •�jj as diet -es or the abodes of dieties. 21 'sea-monasters—The Hebrew word is one that is applied to rep- tiles, crocodiles, and other aquatic monsters. Every living creature that mov eth.—Both fishes and other crea- tures that glide thro"dh the water INTERNATIONAL I,ESSO1`1 JAN UAIEY 5. mon I.—The Creation, Gen. 1. 1 of creep along its bed. especially to domestic anima s, thoueh sometimes denoting• animals. 27. Created—The repetition of ' to 2. 3. Golden 'Text, Gen. 1. 1. Verse 1. In the beginning—Tho eginning of the order of things this word adds to the solemnity thich we see, raid in the midst of with which th' creation of man is vl humanhistory unfolds introduced The author thus em - new ward foe God, thuug„ luite as common in the Old Tes= I of God's creation of heavenandearth (verse n than the ,ament as Yahweh (Eng., Jehovah), the personal name of the'God of 1), or the formation of conscioas Israel. The name here occurs in life (verse ve seas )veru sand The flan the plural, though used with a sen - I verdict pronounced uphn the gular. verb, created (Heb. singular). I This usage of the plural, which is whole work of creation.' m which very common in the Old Testament, each portion was in perfect har- m best explained as the "plural of mony with the rest., majesty," used to express great- ness or dignity. The verb 'ere- THE HOPE OF lRilSai•i. a ated" means, in the original, The di. incasing illness of the little shaped, fashioned. It does not Tsrreviteh gave rise to the greatest theeeameand that God created.uof anxiety in Russia. This charming heavensgand the earth out of boyis the here of his country, and productionnothing. But it does denote "the were he to die grave complications tallybyf something afof a soy- wou'd urdoub+ed"y, aria in Russia, tally new, gi the exercise power, a alto- The Tsarevitch is a great -grand- ereigneteoriginative po son of Queen Victoria. The great bythea transcending that possessed l est rejoicing prevailed in Russia at by man." and his birth, for the Royal couple were 2. Waste and void—A compound beginning to despair of a son. It is related that where the first baby proved to be a girl the Tsarina ex - calmed: "Oh, I am glad it is a girl. Now it belongs to us. Had it been a boy it would have belonged Russia." But the next three chil- lick ns • God—Elohim, the ordinary He-phasizes the fact that man's erea- h not tion is a more wonderful revelation 25 Cattle—Here referring more expression, signifying formless ter, or chaos. The expression oc- curs again in Isa. 34. 11, where it is rendered confusion and empti- ness, and in Jer. 4. 23, where it is translated as in our lesson. The deep --Primeval, undivided i to proved dren be girls, also, so waters, conceived of by the writerto as enveloping the chaotic earth. Spirit of God.—The Divine En- ergy which creates and sustains life (Job 33. 4), and to which are at- tributed the supernatural spiritual spiritual gifts and extraordinary powers of man: "I am full of power band of judgment, the t,ilrit of and of might" (Micah 3. 8). Moved upon—Or, was brooding upon. God said, Let there be—Note the conscious and deliberate purpose as well as the omnipotence im- plied in these wo:ls. We have here the earliest foreshadowing of the personal sense in which the term "the Word" is used in 7oh•i Pis 1 in the New 'Testament. Com- pare also Psa. 33. s, "by the woe! of Jehovah were the heavens made." Light -Here thought of as a thing in itself, independent of the heavenly luminaries. Compare Job 38, 19, 20: IWhere is the wav to the dwelling' • of light? And as for darkness, where is the place thereof, That thou shouldest take auto the bound thereof, And that thou °too the houseshouldest s scern ° thereof 4. Good—Suitable for the work for which it was designed. b. One day—In the mind of the priestly author unquestionably a period of twenty-four hours. 7. The firmament—The vaulted dome•. of the sky is thought of as omething beaten out, or pressed own firm, and forming a solid bar- u so ier or partition between the waters Sydney dameon tellsarraof the s mof hich were above it and those on what primitive he earth's surface. The earth it- even the modern hotels. elf was conceived of as flat and "For our ignorancee4 pf ayssian we ing over ound like a disk, supported partly had the privilege ene for our .drier v the encircling sea and partly by twice the legal obligrive e vast abyss of waters constitut- to the hotel. The portersquite ng - g "the great deep" beneath the ly arranged the matter, and q rth. Up from these subterranean cheerfully kept the difference. How aters hidden channels conducted like the rest of the world, lofty bed. e waters to the surface of the chambers and corridors of the ho- rth. while through openings in tela make it just possible to live in e solid firmament the waters from rooms that have double windows ove descend from time to time in sealed with putty, which are never e form of rain.(Compare Psa. opened from the beginning of win - 2: 136. 6; Job. 38. 16).ter till the spring thaw is in the air. 9, 10. Waters gathered to- As there are no open fires, the only ther unto one place—That part ventilation is from the slightly het- the chaotic waters still envelop -ter air of the corridors. a the earth beneath the firma- "A framed notice on the walls in- ent is now gathered together in- secs • The EPhrew enncention of e earth as relati.ely small, flat, d round bti rider grass. mind. 12.e in b Herbs—Larger plants such as eetables and cereals. Yielding seed_Capable of sell opagation and at the same time educing food for man. Wherein—That is, in the fruit tea or . elf. rings for alighted samovar and pre - d Two great ligwtt—The sun ares his own beverage, if he is not so, were for sig d moon. Thesg itn the ns and seasons.nes Pares fortunate enough to possess a wife do it for him. hey are not, as in contemporary to "With the lady managing a fiery, fuming samovar, and her lord smok- ing innumerable cigarettes, with perhaps avi itor tot help, e p, one ton easily imag'jn hermetically scaled-windows—the atmosphere in which .same worthy ci�"C1�� Russians 'go to be," r� Uskub; too capital of the old Ser - The Tsarevitch. "he ville rigor because —whic lifelike made. best arti ords it the Blu He Ilona A *OREG 3tauy Reem Alm Ma. War paradoxical several pa pers," has says the boy was c the Willesd said by the it of sleepi the streets neighburh Before peered to plied to tl by a nod. order that might be f in the hop wave migl up. It n develop i sleepers c main. Margar the Paris from Mo Wednesd not wale wenttoa slept ung awake sl but had been bli in cold she had There Arten, in Fr thirty - •for fon waking eightee five y day fr that when a boy was • born the joy of the nation knew no bounds. The Tsarcvitch is guarded with the greatest care, and the futur of this handsome, merry little bdy is far from being an enviable one. RUSSIA HATES FBL• AIR. Windows in hotels Arc Hermetical- ly Sealed, Says Traveller. Writing of the great Russian city f Odessa in Harper's Magazine, We• When day? of fact spirit danger where but a forum the visitor of all the pr or dried leges he is graciously permitted to 1 someth pay extra for, among them the joy ease, w of being clean at the rate of ten to be copecks for a jug of hot water or the the vii fifty copecks for a "bath; splend greatest mystery of all was a samo- doer var at twenty-five copecks. In time acteri, it was discovered that your true The 8 Russian, having a taste for much tends then warm refreshment, we to cal el more more tion, holes, tery: It and until than are The van' take mari if h of in r a to of c Pur' if of t "THE BEST YET." J u st S he Old Servia Capital Restored. visa empire; now for the moment Christman restored to the new Servia, is asso- ciated with one of the few cal' love affairs of a Turkish sultana It was hero; after the fatalfield of Kos - wort➢iy sour; that Bajazet arranged terms Ste - mf sacs. with the Servian king the last while back. y for coplo our best -yet d better selected. and in every way more p Ste- p en. encu with our intentions. • stipulations was that Stephen should handover his sister, the ariar d •J1EApyq' which will 1nCgn Lady Despina, as alio to the sul- tan. It was a lucky deal for the bus we, to the smallest •lteni. Servians, for it ie written that "of ata all his wives the sultan held the I v e fort welwill promise to let Lady 17rspina clearest, .and for her k that. Will represent the latest cake restored her brother the city. sand castle of Semcndria and Colum - barium, in Servia. She allured him to drink wine, forbidden the Turks' by their laws, and caused him to de- light in sumptuous banquets, which hie predee�assors never did." N T I K results of despising corer h One of the most important Extravagance is one of Of Marriltgge Licenses. and if you value peace of ®elf -respect steer clear Ch res the do Bili an