HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-02, Page 3IVIIAT FATIGUE INDICATES.
'Mona to Work Twenty flours Itc-
llama l cause Edison Dors,
g' Don't try to emulate Thomas E
der a son in working twenty hours out
and the twenty-four,' says a writer l
not the Nautilus. His twenty hour
ould work is surely broken up by man
tient ;changes. No huinan being ca
eehle habitually work twenty hour
null steadily at one kind of work. Yo
nger will find Edison reading, resting,
playing. watching experiments, rev-
egin ing about—all these things and:
and more make up that twenty hours'
that work of his. The day's work of an
yes; inventor, master ,of hie own time
pal and of the services of'a thousand'.
the persons, is not a suitable pattern
ion. for emulntion. Be is the only one
eves of his kind. You are a different
hed. kind. If you need more sleep, take
of it.,If you are tired after four
n be hours' work, change the form of
and your activity to rest yourself.
e of Don't try working too long for
ur second wind. And having found it,
s of doh't work too long on second wind.
ms' Use a little gumption about your
heir hours of work and see that they aar
ood balanced with hours of active physi-
the cal play and plenty of hours of
ono sound sleep.
rom' Fatigue is nature's sure indica
or- tion that some change of activity is
Ye; advisable,
n I To occasionally pass a . !Beebe
a fn barrier is a gond thing. But to
ndil make a habit of passing fatigue bar-
riers puts too great a strain on the
ely human organism: and the result is
The- degeneration v3 the tissues.
Do Yoiir Lo3ks JIlMPIYo DEANS.
Quite Satisfy you ?,:'Secret of This Curious Product' of
the Vegetable World.
of If Tour Color is lied, If Yon Suffer
n From ['implore Imre 18
Good Advice.
s Fine Results 1n Two Weeks
The Bent Time of Life.
Dean Swift was 59 when he wrote
"Gulliver's Travois." John Stuart
Mill be when his essay "Utilitarian -
en ism" was published. though the
he bulk of his work had been dont a
few years before that time. At 44
Sir Walter- Scott, the man of "dou-
ble dignification"-worthy in his
annestry and worthy in himself—
published his "Waverley," and the
rest of his immortal volumes were
written when the man was past 46.
Between the ages of 54 and 50 Mil-
ton composed "Paradise Lost."
Cowper was past 50 when "The
Task" and "John Gilpin" saw the
light, and Defoe almost 60 when his
"Robinson Crnsoe" excited tee ad-
dmiration of the world. "The Song
of the Shirt" and "The Bridge of
Sinha" indicatethe culminating
period of Thomas Hood's career.
He was 46 years rad when he wrote
or ;them. Darwin's "Origin of Spe-
ix cies" synchronized with hishalf
fl• century birthday, while the "Deg -
o, cent cent of Man". followed twelve years
de -
no -
r et
1d -
Cramps at Night
Require Prompt Remedy
Agonizing Pain Prevented by
KeepingNervfllnc handy
On the Shelf..
A Case In Point INuetrated.
-Deadly cramps --the symptoms
are nut to be mistaken. Suddenly
and without warning the 'patient
experiences such agony in the sto-
mach as to contortthe countenaflee
and cause him to cry alu,ud for help.
Then it is that the wonderful
power of. Nerviline can make itself
felt --it cures au quickly.
"Last summer I was striken with
a frightful attack •of cramps, I
feared the pain in my stomach
would kill me.
"My eyes bulged out and the
veins in my forehead stood out like
"My 'cries attracted a neighbor.
w•ho came to my assistance, and in.
a moment or two banded we ha:f a
teaspoonful of Nerviline in seine
sweetened water,
"It cieerned as if an angel had
charmed away the pain. In to n
seconds I was well,: Nerviline has .
a wunderful nattier in this locality. r
and is considered best for cramps, n
diarrhoea, flatulence, stomac%i and
bowel disorders. I urge all my 1
frieuds to use Neryiline.
No home is safe or can afford to
miss the manifold • advantages of 1
having Nerviline on hared in 'case d
of accident or emergent, sickness. e
Large Family size butt les of Nervi- 1
line. 50c. trial size, see., all d -el. I
ers, or The C'attrrhnzone Cn,..RnF-
falo. N. Y., and Kingston,. Canada„
Miss Nettie E. Callaghan, a w
known young lady in Middle
writes as follows: "1 was atfee
for two years with a rash. and u
looking pimples that spread o
my face: My color was poor,
my blood evidently completely
of order. Certainly it was a
despairing sort of a case, beets
various treatments did but little
help me. A friend of mine in
ronto, Ont., advised me to get
Hamilton's Piles, so I sent at o
for five boxes. In two weeks I
like new—looks improved, spi
rose, and I felt I was getting
1 have used this remedy for a 1c
time, and now wouldn't he with
1f you are in ailing health. ha
bleed d:'Jorders. stomach trou
or headaches, Dr..I1nrnilton's P
will help you quickly. All drt
gists and stnrekeepers self
Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake a
Butternut. 25c. per box, five
81.00, Sent postraid by the C
tarrhozone Co.. Buffalo. N. Y., -
Kingston, Canada.
ell -
To -
ills meld -hand side. The hair on this
Ig- patch is allowed to'grow to its full
Dr. length. and plaiteed., so as to form
nd n kind of pigtail. This appendage
fltr is provided for the Prophet to grasp
a- when hauling the owner up to hea-
and ven at the moment of his death.
The "jumping t pintR bean,"which is al-
ways sure to excite the wonder of
those who have not, before seen the
specimen of the vegetable kingdom,
is the product of a small bush which
grows in the northern part of Mexi-
Within each blossom are two fer-
tile seeds and a third, which is the
home of a: small, exceedingly tee-
the worm, whose performances are
responsible for the queer conduct
of the bean. When this worm
emerges frost its prison it becomes
a beautifully colored - moth..The
se^ds of the jumping bean blossom
in the month of May. Then the fe-
male moth deposits one egg on the
pollen of the •flower.
As the Hower develops it forms a
triangular shaped shell on two
sides. w)th a convex shape on the
other. Within this the chrysalis de-
velops into a grayish brown worm
about one-tenth of an inch in
This worm lives inside its cell for
a period of six months. or until the
middle of November. Then, cli-
matic conditions being. favorable, it
bores a hale through the end of its
shell and flies away as a moth.
By the Forelock.
A curious custom exists amongst
the Rifflans, a Warlike tribe which
is found along the north-west coast
of Africa The males shave the
whole of the skull. with' the excep-
tion of a small pnteh on the upper
And the Streets Are to Ile live
Clean and Safe.
Police regulations intended
make Berlin (Germany) stree
quieter by day and night. to co
into force on April 13. include t
Persons may not walk more th
three_' abreast nor stop or cotter
gate for any period of time. Pe
eons with umbrellas or walki
sticks must not carry or swing the
in any manner designed to impe
the safety of the passerby.
No windows or doors of hotiee
A Surgeon's Hund Shunld be the
Firmest of all.
"For fifteen years I have suffered
to from insomnia, , indigestion and
is nervousness as a result of coffee
mo drruking," said; a surgeon the other
he day,, (Tea is equally injurious be-
cause it. contains caffeine, the same
an drug found in coffee).
e- "The . dyspepsia became eo bad
le that I had to"limit myselfto' one
ng cup at oreakfast. Even this caused
m pie to lose my food soon after I ate
ril it.
"All the attendant symptoms of
s, indigestion,' such as heart burn
f ,
fats, shops. or restaurants. in whi
music is being played. may be ke
No whistling. singing, shriekin
skating or loud talking of any kin
ch. palpitation, water brash, wake
pt ness or disturbed sleep, bad to
!in the month, nervousness, et
'r. were present to such a degree.
d to incapacitate me for my, praise
Bare Is A Remedy That Will Step It
Do you .realize' the danger in a
neglected cough?
Then why don't you get rid of It?
Yes, you can shake it off, even though
it has et trek to you for a long time, if
you go about it right.
Keep out in the fresh air as much as
you can, build up your strength with.
plenty of wholesome 1, o4, and take
Na-Lri,.Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice
and Chior,dyne. -
This reliable household remedy has
broken up thousands of hacking, per.
sistent coughs, which were just as
troublesome as yours, and what it has
dons for sonlany others it will do for you.
Na-Dru-Cei Syrup of Linseed, Licorloe
sad Chlerodyee ceataius absolutely no ..
harmful drtsf:a, and se can he given
safely to children, u well as aults.
Vonr physician or dn'geist can ,oufirm
Chia statement, for we are ready to send
them on request a complete list of all
the ingredients.
Put np in. sec. and sec. bottles by the
National Drug and Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited. 357.,.
Two of a Kind.
lr'`nele Hiram—"if yer want ter
have good dogs, yer must edjicate
'em to it. 1 took as much trouble
to. rear my dog thar ez I did with
my son Ike."
"But that.dog is no good."
Uncle Hiram—'Neither is Ike."
Tour drugglat will refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to euro any caste of lath-
ing: Blind, /needing or Protruding Piles in
6 to 14 days.
Turbidity of Atmosphere So Ae.
counted for By Scientists.
irnim many points in America and
Europe come reports of an unusual
turbidity of the atmosphere, which
began . lash summer and still con-
tinues. This is manifested in a
marked diminution of the intensity
of solar radiation. so measured with
the py rheliometer, abnormal dis,
placement of the neutral points of
atsnoepherie polarization, a hazy
appearance of the sky, and the pre-
sence of Eishop's ring around the
sun, From Dublin Sir John Moore
wrote Last August: "The sky is con.
stantly covered with a thin film of
uniform clond in which no halos de-
velop, and through which the sun,
moon and stars +-bine with n sub-
dued, sickly brightness!' Observ-
ers in Russia, Switzerland, Sweden
and Germany. as' well as America,
report an unusual lark of bluenees
in the sky. There seems to be
every reason to attribute these phe-
nomena to the presence in the up-
ill- per atmosphere of an immense pall
of dust arising from the explosive
eruption of Katmai voleano. fn'
Alaska last June. Similar effects
were, observed after the eruptions
of Krakatoa and Mont Pelee, and
pr in those cases lasted for some years.
1- l'neompremishsg.
ven John Bright's. voice was unequivo- 1
us tally for peace.. Says the London
11- Nation:
He was walking once past the
Crimean Monument in London with
nt one of his sons. then a lad. Every
n ,one knows that the word "Crimea"
Bis engraved on the monument. The
nd boy pointed' to the monument, and
to toy he word upon it, and asked:
Father; what is that?"
"That," said John Bright. point-
ing also to the word. "is a Prime."
A cheerful roan can always get
attention when he has a tale of woe
to tell.
Minard's Liniment 1Cuees Colds, Eta
Culture Defined.
Gabe-"W'hat is culture?"
Steve --"Culture is when you
speak of the house beautiful when
yea mean the heantiful house:"
designed to endanger the quiet
the streets shall be permitted
Teamsters its charge or wagon
trams or trucks leaded with
sounding metal of any kind are fo
bidden to drive in a manner calor.
tared to Cause nerve-shatterin
No paper. remains of fruit, riga
or oiearettes mai be thrown int
t" r're"t. and the dragging
Clothes of any kind, women's fires
es; ate.. or anything else capable o
producing dust is prohibited
Householders are required in win
ter to keep the footpaths in front•
their premises clear of snow an
ice between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m,;
After 30 p m in the case of side
walks dangerously icv, sand o
ashes must be sprinkled.
Hendeeds of New.Rltahee in fiiiek
Ingham Po !nee t:r(miens.
Queen Mary's favorite Hower is
the rests. end wnrne hundreds of new
trees have been placed in the ,ear•
dens at Buckingham Palace, partic-
talarly where her Majesty can' see
them frorn the windows, of her pri-
vate apartments,
Perhaps, as is only becoming in a
former Duchess of 'cork, she dis-
plays a leaning toward the white
use. with:the deep crimson roan
ext in fever A neci' rose Barden
was provident for her entertainment
fist year at Windsor.
Even a royal hitnseheld has its
domestic storm waves. : Queen
Mart, t -he is nothing if not old
fashioned in hos ideas and ways.
c iFnppr'tves of'the Iueurinus ten -
reel. of tee age. which has spread
ven bo the serva'nts,. Censnquent-
v. there has been retrenchment
etc' at Beekinslrarn Palaee And
when the hortsehold staff eomplain-
ed or the food provided recently'
of as a surgeon.
"The result of leaving off coff
A. and drinking Posture ' wee aim.
re- marvelous The change w
r- wruuglst forthwith, my hand stead
ed and my'normal condition
g health was restored." Name giv
request. Read the fame
rs little !souk. "The )toad to We
o ville." in pkgs. There's a reason
Of Postum now games in conee
s- trated. powder form, called Inset
f Postern. It is prepared by stirri
a leve) teaspoonful in a cup of h
. 1 water. adding sugar to taste, a
of enough cream to bring the color
d gulden brown.
- !Instant Postum is convenient;
there's no waste; and the flavor is
✓ always uniform. Sold by grocers—
50 -cup tin 30 eta., 100 -cup tin 50
A 5-enp trial tin mailed for gro-
ear's name and 2 -cent stamp for
postage • Canadian Postum Co.,
Ltd., Windsor, Ont.
arld'the enteen heard of it she said
Many a,sncietg somebody is a no- they were cedes at liberty -to quit
the royal household.
body with money.
Minard's Liniment Cures' Distemper.
A hook ,l head.
Mrs. Justwed—"Jusf think of it,
dearest one. Twenty -fire years
from day before yesterday will be
our silver anniversary."
Only One "B90M0 QUININE"
n Tri
Th,i Is LAX ATMS 3510250 QUItIN15,
Leith ter the signature of 51 '11r GItOI P:,.
Cures a Cold In Oue Day, Corm Grip to
TWO Days. 250.
Free food for thnsrght may be had
at any public library.
Merino Eye Remedy Min
lie Nuga EI 11,. Fnalu Fl A il1111 lelny,
115 1,yltfrr lied. W,, tV.tera„ Ji s',n1
a, �0 d- '5 on,nni„ivn tkald InuE ,,ce i,nnu G
- I,e each ikrk, 5111155; 1u ,,..
+d Eye pounded ll•norI+millrtx nnta'•1 ' pt' rest
d M1Iell lt•1 i t d In rueeassrul Vit.' 17
tM1 e9 ei a d il,e to 1 t'I'tl u P 1 nn2:17;,/?,"s _ Jt a
I e t nneaei r c so lO, per 15,110 Mali... R
, '. sal ::.y, .*5 n Ire• I0 A+rptla To Um 9te.6l6,
F Murine Ese Remedy Ce... 0hiaWo:
ard'a. Liniment Cures Carget In Cow
ibbs-- 1t`3 easy to trade your'
Marion For .money.
ihhs—Yes. hilt you are up
inst it if you want to trade back,
etax ,e, n, ly to be impressive.
AsShe Sae' it.
A lady out shopping orderedan
umbrella stand sent 'home for her
vestibule, and only reached home'
late in the evening, where she hod
left her new malt] in chargte.
"Well, Mary." she said, "did any
packages comer'
'Yes, muni.' was the reply. "The
waggrtn cum wid th' cuspidore fur
th' umbrellas."
Smite Women WII113 a Let.
Their Heights Vnry in the Different
Although severe tempests often
lath both the Atlantic and the Paci-
fic oceans into mighty waves, there
is reason W believe that the most
tremendous seas are those that run
South of the Cape of Good Hope and
Cape Hein,
Sailors in modern times have ne-
ver seen such waves as those des
embed byearly navigators. which
were reported to rise to the height
of une'hundred or even one hundred
and thirty feet., La. Peruuse, in-
deed, a-settee(.ihat he saw waves in
the Pacific towering to a height of
nearly two hundred feet. In these
more prosaic days we can only say.
that the highest wave, vet measured
had an altitude' of about fifty-two
That was in the southern ocean,
a little north of the antarctic con-
tinent; and it is quite certain that
the highest waves ever' -seen in that
,region did not exceed fifty-eight
feet. The highest waves ever ob-
served in the Indian Ocean were
about forte feet. The highest waves
in the North Atlantic are from
twenty-five to twenty-nine feet. and
in the Mcditarreneau, from sixteen
to nineteen feet.
Even the smallest of these mighty
neves has great destructive power,
for they often travel at a speed of
r `eety -fit e 'roles an, hone. A wave
thirty feet high contains thousands
of tons of water, and when this im-
mense Eater is exerted against any
s ructere. the ruin wrought is lilte-
Manager (tire and -ten-ment stare)
eli'hat did that lady. who lust "►y;:B.pi TfF a'I` j1P.c'
went'nt want?"
Shnpgirl--"'fihe inquired if we had'
a shoe department."
Tee /feat size of the waves in hiwh
southern 'hat tndes is o- plained by
tee fang that teeth of the, Cape of
Good Hope a''d rape horn there
is neither a -incite/ el nor leeward
she'e.°and the prevailing winds are
westerly Sc,. when a westerlygale
sprines :up it finds a lone westerly
swell the effect of a previous wind.
Still running The new: here wind
inosesees the steepness of this swell
'» ri form» malentic storm- waren
thnt sometimes reneh a length of
te el ve ndred' feet from crest to
creat Thr nvernge ilei"'ht 111 f4•et
f en-it•^yP s abent hall the vele-
irl n' Ihn t. ,rel th,t causes them,
1•e lsoeeel in miler-- per hour.
ED. 4, 1M4t1' -'1•,• taiinarq's Liniment,Cures Diphtheria.
The Good Old Times,
We erten talk enthusiastically
aboutthe " t
''good old times "
, but
probably the present day 15 more
comfortable to Dive in. How would
the majority of the women of the
present century like to be put back
to the year 1670 for instance? Dur-
ing that year the following remark-
able Act of Parliament was passed
in England: "That all women of
whatsoever age. rank. profession,
or degree, whether virgins, maids,
or widows, that shall from after the
passage of the Act impose upon, se-
duce and betray into matrimony
any of his,Majesty's male subjects,
by scents, paints, coime,tice, wash-
es, artificial teeth, false hair, Span-
ish wool, iron stays. hoops, high -
heeled shoes, or bolstered hips,
shall nicer the penalty of the laws
now in. forge against witchcraft,
sorcery. and such like misdemean-
ors, and that the marriage, upon
conviction, shall stand null and
All Suffering rrom Censumotton, C•0uRhg,
Colds, Srnneettls, Laryngitis, Weal' Luhet,
es a Weak Throat, should write for earn.
sudors et my medicine. It never talls. It
'musses you that 11 does you good. WM.
R. COPELAND, 511 Pape Ave.,Taronte, Ont.
Teacher -"Name some of the
man -hunting tribes."
Pupil - "The English suffra-
of the bowels is an absolute neces-
sity for good health. Unless the
waste matter from the feed which
collects there is got rid of at least
once a day, it decays and poisons the
whole body, causing biliousness, indi-
gestion and sick headaches. Salts
and other harsh mineral purgatives
irritate the delicate lining of the
bowels. Dr. Morse's Indian Root
Pills—entirely vegetable—regulate
the bowels effectively without weak-
ening, sickening or griping. Use
Dr. Morse's 60
Indian Root Pills
and.) kind, of ban hwngin,,, sirs
AiaCB CURT131NS OOE t1afi0NENAn a
tr rlln c,,1, ,.,,III 5,or4, (lull Me'IRller.
1111518)5 AMERICAN [WEIRD CO , Sox 833,Montreai
efnl and Er00der �oK
•+:_• If ordered together...:.,.. �...�.-�-
�.�- rretn,( d dour ae o
c.ne,i. ++Pur noes ,
tit Lar 1 upas 4nii doatfs
1 wahrl,r ael.y, d�nrul leen slues
lewder Waa., Len:rYoripriLy, out,
WlWI ON pn.tbot IAAV var00,
n,255 eN0,. reset... *. 5 111.
If Toronto
Keeps Crowing
And If /s Sure To
Flgun your -proes in this yeal'el-8la.
reamed Moues with all eehrenronrel,
12,540 le AM, bringing In ell to e28
per month rant, and can bo bought
with 1544- or tleee. down. Wttt seen
pay tor Run.. Write ter easterners.
J. B. LeROY & CO.
T71 Queen R.. TORONTO
Until She was Nearly Crazy. Begaro
with Watery Blisters. On Fars'
Eyes, Hands and Ankles, Could
Not Sleep for Scratching. Cut'
tura Soap and Ointment Cured.
Brunswick Ss., ?Predetieton. N. 113.--"I
hada very bad cast of eczema, 7`lto trouble
beganwithwatery blisters and Itched ant
burued until ' I Was nearly' crazy, 1e was ora
my Imre, eyes, bands and ankles. I could
not koop thebed clothes over me at make.
for the smarting and ttc'dng. Myoars
would awes. 1 would aorateh until the blood
would run-aud then furca a scab, 1 fell as
If 1 Could take knife and out the flesh on
my bands, tt would disfigure my face and
mak. It smart and burn and swell. 5 could
not Sleep at might for scratching.
•1 trued everythipg I heard of without
Setting any benefit, 1 used dote of .hornet
returnee, mush se lard and sulphur, and also
wan treated for it. Then 1 tried Cuticura
Soap and Ointment and they gave me rr.ne
ease. I used them about four months at' 1'1
am happy to say 1 am never troubled now.
The Cutioura Sean and Ointment cured me
completely." (Signed) Mrs. A. 8. Thomp-
000, Mar. 9, 1912.
The regular use of Cutleura 9oao for toilet
and bath not only tends W preserve, purity
and beautify the skin, scalp, hair and Motto.
but assists in preventing' inflammation. Irri-
tation and clogging of the pores. the common
cause of pimples, blackheads, renes uud
roughness, yellow, olly, nuttily and other un-
wholesome conditions of the akin. Cuticura
Soap and CuNenra Ointment are sold
throughout the world. Liberal esmpte of
each maned Frere with 82-p. Skin Souk,
Address post card Lotter Dreg & ahem.
Corp., Dept. 441), Boston, U. S. A.
tt. W. DAWSON, Ninety: Colborne 5.raa4
I.1 u' nub i, AL RES- ( OU..•rs 0.3 LJ+r+•
Good Heu:e; Buildings: Orchard.
Cheer and on eeuv :Irma
tit K\'l Y•$1X At 51E1 Wll•11 s:..'.11
buildings - and apple orchard. shout
Pre o5,e r.,,.., n.,..J;tnn
R W. DAWSON Toronto.
County; cull nice 0307 f"F•n: Pro
neem timber; : three aerea orchard, one-
story frame noose; a number of outb Jia.
Ings: close to'morket, railwaystationand
largenheeae factory. .Bliss] mail dello.
erv. Would. exchange for airy. town or.
tillage property or for smaller farm.
The Western nerd, Estate. London, Ont.
ACENTS waNrEo...
HONE WORE, 87 TO 510 PER WE"3t-
lye went rellnble parties to knit
for ue at home, whole or spare time: We
furnisb morhlno, yarn, ole. Pa -4 your
name and address at once for fun nnrti
emirs, The Canadine Wholesale Dictri.
busing Co., beet. w.;
^'•m,.tallerraND COINS.
TAMP COLLI5(,rolt4--ilENntt5n n(r'
k.? ret'ent Foreign- Stamps, enta+nTue,
Album, only: Sever Cents Harks Stoma
Company. Toronto.
interna) and extertlal, cured wt./s-
em Dale- br our home'reat,nent write
in before too tern. Dr, nnll'nau Medical
(o.. Limited, cnllinawond, Ont.
I"1 ALG 131;=.8.1C
1r dor stonoe, ILtdney trnuble, Ornvrl.
Lumbago and kindred ailments positive!).
mired with the new Grrnsan lt"'m`rly
"annoy" price $1.50. Another new remedy
for Diabetes-Mer!Itue. and »aro cure. le
Sanni'a .Anti•Thnhetea." Pre 8744- (roll'
erueglsts or dire.. The Ranol Mnniitns.
turhln Company of Canada. Limited,
Winnipeg. Man:
Syrup and Sugar Makers have Chance
to Win Gold Cash ' Prizes of 55.00 to
$100,00 In Our $500.00 Contest
to order to sttinutate Interepi to yonr syrup and sugar making we here de
aided to hold a prize contest for the best samples of syrup end auger sent
In by utters of our C3'VI.10:1 EdAPORATOR. Full partentais of 0nntett
involving tbe'sum of $10000 will 5e m:^iled to you on request.
Every user.. of the CHAMPION EVAPORATOR hoe an equal chance of win.
Hing a prise..
We -aim' -at quality. end If von pride yourself on the exeellence of your syrup.
end entree. now Is tour .•hp^.re to he -.,et F-;�nalany:
Non users of the CHAMPION EVAPORATOR had better get in line toauter
the contest by pl:r-.nuns- r,"e
Write etetingnumber of trees you tap and we will (mato you .price en u-
nwired outfit. -
Contest clew en April tali, 1913.
Exhibit of simple* from every eomeetittve riper of the MAMMON EVAPAR•
ATOR x!11 be Q'onlaysd shy em'r`esy of the Star mnnrgement) dd th Ir
mnanir..e"t show window*, Afo"tr rr, rine'••^ the lest two weeks In Apr!1
Clop+„a :Word,-Sond stohne- for ..0F120 Contest Clroutar,” giving full in.
formation concerning this competition,
That when you put a
salve onto your child's skin,
it passes through the pores
and enters the blood, fust
as surely as if you put, it
into the child's stomach?
You would not put a
coax. c mass cf annual fat,
colored by various mineral
poisons. (such as many
crude sal, s are) into your
child's blood by way of the
stomach? 'Thai why do
so by way of the pores?
Take no risk. Use away l the
pure b rbal essences provided in.
Lam•1 uk. Z m-Buk contains
no trace of any animal o I' or tat,
and no Neiso. cru mtno n l col re
lug mater. Front mart' to harsh
it as vurely herbal.
It wi I heal sores, uleeer, ebsces-
005, eruptvaricose ulcers,
cuts, burns and bruises m -re
quickly than any otaer k owu
preparation, iI is a ti.eptiC.
qu.ckly stops the swarth .g of a
bore or cut, Fares pit s, tnf,asted'.
sore, and b'oo., polsomn . It is a
combina.ion of healing'powertnd
,ciente le purity. Aak these who
have pros. el 11.
An dr,rneeto and scorer 50» boa; or
Za,s-A,k e:a„'Toronto. for v,ina
BD Vvnitt-,gtor+ St„ Mon troaet, Qum.
s.......=116.5m0= gutrsnr• team.
The oiitside clos,;t— that ab min -
aide fteeulilutottlt)il Of rlltier3 e-1 Lilesm
filth—is the curse of Itt tui life —
directly respon::illle f )r nine-tzrnths
of the diseaes existing in the mai
There Can Be No Doubt About Tilts
Just consider. Here' within a few steps of your home—poison-
ome- oison-ing every breath of air you breathe—you have built n pa't.
house -se foul-smelling sink—which moat be need by you and
your family,
you willingly 1ng1Y subject your wife, daughters.and sons to
this risk of disease, publicity and' discumfortr•-in all weathers
--winter and summer, Probably you never thought of the
outside closet in this light before. Now you know, Make up
your mind to blot if off your farm at once. Install a Good
Health- Sanitary Closet -it doesn't cost much—and you con
have it right in your home. —Thiiik of the convenience; corse
fort and_protection from ill health, Make up your mind to
have one without another day's delay. Let us tell you store
about .the Good Health .Closet.
.- _-.. Coupon s RIGHT .V 3 W
THE GOOD ALT" ftkeQeod
flEalth Co.
Gentlemen t---
Please send me Moretti
u full norticulanr of ,th,
Good Nestor Sanitary Closet.';"
On ario
.,=a•rslxtwasissmlivoio izime roses minimi a