HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-01-02, Page 1CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY, 2nd„ 1913
your subscriptionsEARLY and thus avoid the year-end RUSH.
Mort: local news appears on pages
5 and 8 and C,C;1. report held over.
Wheat 88c to 90e,
Oats 30c to 340.
Peas 90c to $1,00.
Barley 48c to 550,
Butter 250 to 27e.
Eggs 30e to 32o.
Live Hogs. $8.00.
` At the shoot held yesterday atter-
/ noon by, the Clinton Gun'Chole Mr.
I R. Graham was the winner of the
IDonminion Cartridge Company's tro-
phy. There were about fourteen
contestants and some of then ran
the winner pretty close.,.The trophy
I was a handsome leather gun case.
A robin red breast twittered
cheerily on New Year's da.v , about
the home of kr. Jahn Bailey of the
2nd of Mullett. It was the first Mr.
Bailey had ever seen so early in the
season, or so late i[ you prefer put-
ting 'it that way, and he may be in-
clined to regard it as a harbinger or
bright things in store during 191.3.
Mr. W. T. O'Neil has been taking
an enforced rest during the past week,
having Had the misfortune to have
a nail tun in his foot on ' C.hristmas
Eve. The attendant physician, fear-
ing complications, ordered quiet, and
but for the fact that a light diet
was .also in the order compliance
might be made rather enjoyable.
But a light 'diet at the Christmas
season, `Tis not to be thought of
Sunday next being the first Sunday
• in the new year the pastor, Rev. Mr.
▪ Algin, will conduct services . appro-
▪ priate to the day. The day's exec-
, cises will commence with a fellow-
ship meeting at ten o'clock a.m,
This church will unite with the
other churches in the town in • ob-
serving next week as a week of
(prayer, and it is expected that es-
Hiych o is a Sure Thing and Gives
the, Poor Man Light at Cost.
That the citizens of Clinton take have. perfect confidence in 'the Hydro -
deep interest in municipal mat
tors ' was in evidence by the
large attendance at the nominations
Monday evening.
The result of the nominations
could not but be satisfactory to The
News -Record inasmuch as the canthi•
dates whom it favored were elected
by acclamation, that is :
Mayor, 13, J. Gibbing$. Reeve, D.
Cantelon. Water Commissioner, H.
13. Chant. Trustees, S. Kemp, H.
Mel3'rien, T. Cottle and W. H. IIell-
When the time for receiving nom-
inations was tip Mr. J. B. Hoover
was appointed chairman and in his
remarks ho said : "Clinton has made
progress and I see a good future in
store for' it."
Mr. , D. S. Cluff, who had been
planed in nomination as councillor,
when called upon said : " I am
delighted to 'do what I can for
Clinton, but although I am a very
busy 'man you' can always count
upon my support of any meas-
ure that will add to the prosperity
of our town.
Electric Commission.
I am Very much in earnest , about
I• have corresponded with' -the -clerks.
and mayors of the nuinicipalities
which have installed hydro and have
been assuredsinevery case that the
result has been better in every way
than was estimated,
Pass the bylaw, and the council
will enter into a contract binned -
,lately for hydro.
Hydro cannot possibly cost you.
one cent as ratepayers.
The users of power and light alone
pay for hydro and share the respon-
With hydro we will practically be
able to do .our 'waterworks pumping
for nothing.
• Our power users are ready for hy-
dro. I have just this evening receiv-
ed this - telegram from Mr. John
Brown, one or the managers of the
Gunn, Langlois Company, Montreal,
If we are assured that hydro pow-
er will come to Clinton we will in-
stall at once power machinery there
and become large users. You can
so announce it at the meeting to -
Mr, A, J,. • Morrish said he had 'night,"
stood as ceun011or during 1112 with M. Geary's A&tress,
an eye single to the old team's best "Ex -Mayer Geary of Toronto, who
interests. He strongly supported came up expressly to address the
waterworks which is now more than meetin;, said in part :
paying its way, good roads which
has been the best advertisement "The ever present possibility of a
Clinton has ever had and now he is strike of American coal miners and
lust as enthusiastic in favor of the consequent hold-up of Canadian
hydro -electric and municipally -owned manufacturers was what first brought
electric light plant.
Mr. Jas. A. Ford said : "During
the past year we have extended our
good roads which we have good rea-
son to believe are by all odds what has Heretofore been a luxury.
the best owned by any town It' rives the poor man light at cost
in Western .Ontario. We, the and a share in the ownership of a
council of 1912, have supported' great public utility,
your interests and in recom- 'l'ake hydro and you step into a
mending hydro-electrio we do so un-
sure thing for i6 has been a distfncC'
animously and after a 'thorough ire and decided success everywhere tried.
Dr. Thompson said : "A year ago Defeat hydro and you will be sorry
I said I was in favor of all public once and that will be all the time.
utilities being municipally -owned and hydro will put you on the Great
pedal evangelistic services will fol- I am even more strongly of that White' Way ot electrical progress and
, low, continuing perhaps two or opinion today. On its merits the prosperity.
three weeks. purchaset or the electric light plant is You have to be on the Great White
a goon fnveetst<•nt. stew it from tiny to attract manufacturers.,
whatever standpoint yo will i{ will Can you as citizens of Viintart du
wilhout hydro.
about hydro -electric, `The White
Hydro rs practical fraternalism.
It makes an every day necessity of
Mr. Levi Stong has sold his pro- pay the town. I tun to favor of
perry' just north of town. it is a hydro electric becattrSee' 1 believe it
desirable place and as the result or. wt„ „o .. Mil thing for us individ•
Pna_inat'114(m.- arreteettatriement in ually and as a town."
The News -Record he had Several ap- Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., said : "May -
plications, The purchaser is Mr. or Gibbings may be small on avoir
Wesley Marquis, who gets possession dupois hut he is big on achieve -
in the, spring. and as he purposes en- ment, that is, he does things.
gaging in the poultry business he Councillor Ford lies proved himself
will find it well adapted for the zealous and tireless in good road
purpose. Mr. Stung has not decided building. Chairman Fred. Jackson
I just where he will locate, but in all, has had an eagle eye for accounts not
■ `probability it will be in Clinton. He property certified to. Dr. 'Thompson
is energetic and will make a good has done splendid service and Mr.
citizen. Morrish has taken an especial inter -
1 - est in the firemen. We have worked
A NICE CHRISTMAS BOX. harmoniously and it must be con-
iThe members of St. Paul's church, ceded have accomplished considerable.
according to a' custom of the Church, Clinton has now the reputation of
have been in the' habit of remember_ being- up-to-date, but to retain this
•ing their rector with a handsome Standing we must have hydro to
Christmas gift. Last year. the .gift assure us cheap and good lighting
carne near the one hundred dollar
mark but this season it has passed
that and at time of writing has
i reached the -snug sum of $101. It is
I believed that this will°be the largest
gift .of the kind in the dio.ese, at
any rate it is the largest ever pre -
I rented by the congregation of St,
Paul's and speaks well for the kindly
relations between rector and people.
I• Rev. J. W. Aikens. of •Toronto
preached a stirring sermon "Sunday
morning in the interest of temper-
ance, The .pastor preached in the
A. watclinight service was held
Tuesday evening.
Miss Nellie Medd of Constance,
who last season, visited Egypt, ad-
dressed the united Leagues of Ontar-
io street and Wesley on Monday ev-
ening, giving some of her experiences
and the impressions gained in the
ancient land of the Pharoahs. 'there
was a -good attendance of both Lea-
gues and the address was listened to
with mucic interest.
There's no water in hydro -electric
stock, Hydro doesn't cat 'melons'
but cuts prices.
I-Iydro is people -owned. It can nev-
er pass into tate hands of a monopoly
to extract the last possible cent or
tie you up.
Hydro doesn't build up a surplus,
It puts the profits right back into
the pockets of the consumers.
Hydro will add to your comfort and
convenience, make your town bright-
er and make you prouder of it.
We cannot get away from the fact
that hydro has been a success every-
No party upheaval can make any
difference .with hydro. It's far above
that. ;It's for the betterment of the
people, its growing stronger every
andpower.' day and is here to stay.
•Mr. Fred Jackson said : "During Women are as watch interested in
the year I used my best endeavors hydro as men for it gives them many
in, the interests of the mueicipality, little conveniences that they do not
particularly in ,the capacity of ,nosy enjoy."
chairman of the finance committee. The list of nominations is given on
We started the year with surplus of page 8.
$4400 or which $700 was unexpend-
ed waterworks funds which were
subsequently paid over to the Com-
missioners, leaving us a surplus of
$9700. During the ryear we paid off
$10,000 of Consolidated' Debenture are visiting Clinton and Tucker-
uckerDebt and had, the money to do it. smith friends:""
Up-to-date we have expended $10,-
850 on macadam roads, For 1912
the Public School cost the ratepay-
ers $5200 and the Collegiate 2300.
For the year the Public Library
cost $945, as follows : Ratepayers,
$300, Endowment 5200, Government
Grant $250, Rentals, $70, Patrons,
$125. The Thresher Company bonds
cost us $708 annually. This year we
About People You Know.
Mr. F. R. I-Iodgens of Goderich was Mrs. Chambers :and Miss. Maud visit -
in town Monday.
Miss Ida Wilkin spent the week -stall,
with Mitchel! friends, ,;
Barrister Havotson, i rr':nte, vias
in Clinton on Monday:
Mir. Jas. Lawson of •Stratford was a
visitor in towel yesterday,
Mr. II. 13. I4iorphy M, P., Listowel,
was 111 town on' Wednesday.
Mr Karl Wilkin of Aylmer was
hu.ae'S00 the holiday yesterday.
Mr, Leonard Fair of the Royal Bank,
Toronto, was in town"yesterday.
Misses Elsie ROSS and Lizzie Shana-
han were in Mt. Forest for the hol-
Mr. Richard Warrener of 'Toledo
Ohio, is, visiting his parents in
Miss Mabel" Kerr accompanied a pa
'tient to Detroit on Monday rotes/l-
oturning Tuesday evening. -
Rev, S. J. Adlin conducted act suet in
the Presbyterian church, Brucefield,
on Sunday morning.
Miss Olive Harland or Toronto has
been ,spending the holiday time
with Clinton friends,
Mrs, A. Miller of Stratford visited
her sister-in-law, Mrs, James 11'Ia-
]taify, on Friday last.
Miss Dorothy Cantelon left on Tues-
day for a visit with her sister,
Mrs. Weathcrwax "of .Orillia,
Mr. Elgin Jones of Espinosa is a
holiday visitor at his home in
town, that of Mr. Poet. Jonas.
Miss Louise Beaton has accepted a
school at Grand Valley and will
commence }ler duties en Monday.
Miss Pickett of Toronto was a
Christmas visitor at her hone in
town, that of Mrs. Geo. Pickett.
Mrs. Hudson and three children of
Mitchell are spending a few days
with the lady's mother, Mrs. Pin-
Miss Grace Sheipherd of the Pub-
lic school teaching staff, Ottawa
spent the vacation at her home in Year's.
town.Misses Mary and Anna Walker, De -
air. Jack blcfienr,ie of Regina is I trait and Toronto, respectively,
spending a holiday at his home in spent New Year's at their horse
town. in town. •
Miss 'Cathleen blast of Toronto has Mfrs. (Dr.) McBride of Weiland was
a guest at the parental home over
Christmas, that or Mr. and Mrs.
D. 5 Mai.
SIiss Mary afcC'aughey returned home
Monday after spending a few days
with 111r. and Mrs. 12, A. Downs
of Woodstock.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron or. Guelph
were guests at the lady's parental
hone, Woodlands !:'arm, during the
day next. •holiday season.
Mitis .4:14ry Chant returned the be- Mr. W. F. Cantelon of Toronto ate
gluing of the week from Glencoe" his \ew .f'ear's dinner with his
where she spent the peat mit I parents, fir. and Mrs. Wm. Can-
linery season, i telon Lir fawn,
Mrs. (Dr.) Agnew and three children Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Oshaldeston and
of 1Medicinc Hat, Alta., has been I faintly and Mr. and • Mrs. Albert
visiting friends in' town during the' Wilkens, Goderich, ,spent .the hole-,
holiday season. I day, with Mrs. Osbaldeston Sr.
Mr. Fred 'Tisdale of Toronto has airs. John Fluker and her two daugh-
been a guest 'luring the past week I ters of Auburn, who spent New
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs: G. Year's in Kippen, were guests 01
D. McTaggart. Mr. and Mrs. W. Philter today.
Mrs. (Dr.) McCallum of Kingston Mr. F. J. Ball of filberts left for
has been the guest during the hol- I home• this Min. after a week's visit
with his brothers, Dr. Ball of
town and Mr,, Elias ,. Ball, , Base
Miss Jennie Robertson entertained a
, number of her girl friends on Sat-
urday afternoon last in honor of
her friend, Mrs. F. S. 14IcCloy of
Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Constantine , of
Zurich were the guests at Christ-
13. Kennedy. . .mas time of the lady's mother,'
bir. A. Wilkin was in London this. Mrs. Chidiey. Mrs. Constantine
week, having gone down with his has been spending the week in
little grandson, Master Peggie .Me- town.
0037, wire had been visiting in Miss Lillian Agnew, who is a steno-
tawn. ' : grapher on the Rouse of Commons
Mr. and Mrs. F. Finale of Stratford, staff, •Otta}ve,. is home for the
who were expected to visit Clinton Parlimentry recess. This is Miss
during Christmas week, spent the Agnew's second • sessional ,engage -
holidays with Mrs, Finch's people ment,
at Brussels. Mr. Wilfrid Dickenson came up from
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cantelon and Brantford for New Year's ,but pro -
Master Ferris of 'Toronto are raised a longer visit when his hot -
spending a few days at the form- ,days conte around in the summer
er's parental home, that of Mr. and time, for for a long time to come
Mrs. Win. Cantelon. • the old town will rank first with
Mr. and Mrs. McCloy, who have him.
been the guests of latter's parents, Mr. T. Hawkins went to. Hamilton
Personals ..
Mr, and 'Mrs. A. F. Johns, Toronto,
The Girls' Club of Willis church
took a little jaunt down to the
House or Refuge on Monday evening
and gave a nice little program- for
the ; entertainment ot -the inmates,
who thoroughly enoycd it. After
the program the girls' treated the
old folk to candy and bananas; , and,,
needless to say, this part of the
proceedings was also muck appreciat-
ed:' The girls enjoyed the outing and
the 'satisfaction derived from the;,
knowledge or a kindly deed perform -
rix -Warden' Speakman of 'Exeter re-`
Menaberedi the inmates of the , House
of 'Refuge kindly at the Christmas
time sending- a large, crate of oranges
Col distribution amengahem. This
,'little act of tkotightftenes-s was, a;;
predated not only by the inmates.
hat by Manager and Mrs, Muteh. -
13the the sa mbar or ininat-
NIr, and Mrs. Jas. Mahaffy and fam-
ily were with Seaforth friends Ies-
terday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. P, Cantelon, and Miss
Gladys and Mrs. W. Cbok visited
Hensall friends yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Clatworthy, .bias -
ter Arthur acrd Miss Pearl visited
with Mr. and Mrs. A, Whittingham
this week.
applied $300 of the $2000 paid by Mr. and Mrs. T. Lyon of Lohdes- Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Twitchell; dur-
the Motor Company and; $135 accuse.- bore were guests on Christmas ing the vacation season, belt for
elated interest on $3000 mortgage, Day at the home of Mr. and'. Mmomrs. their mom Edmonton yesterday:
leaving the net " cost ' .to rate- .1. G. Medd. 'Mr. Norswortliy, a one-time mem-
borne and - $333. When ' the Motor Mr._ and Mrs. Levi Sniderer oafs �o„- her of the local branch of
a Molsons Bank but now connect-
ed with a manufacturing institu-
tion in few York, was in town ov-
erSenday. '
Mr. "Billy” Hull of The Molbons
Bank, Highgate, was seized byan
attack of appendicitis on Monday
and his father, Mr, le. 13. Hall. of
Constance'went down to -see him
Tuesday morning,
SIr., Root. Marshall. of the Bayficld'.
Road 1 v afy; present the guest of his
daughter, Mrs, 'Jas. Livermore.
where be would be - pleased to see
any of Itis old trim's, The News-
Recovd regrets to state that bis'
' health is not improving.
ed 1Cippen friends over Christmas.
Miss 'Mary Hunter of Paris was the
guest of 'Mrs, W: 'tinker the past
Mr Eddie (Shepherd bf Toronto was
at his horse in town over the
Mr. John Manning and Miss Man-
ning; Auburn, were iu Clinton on
Mr. John Weir or the Royal Basle
staff visited his home at Wroxeter
last week,
Dr, arr:l With., „Holloway of Peterbora
were New Year S -.guests of Clin-
ton friends.
Miss Louise Haley of ',widen visited
her• sister, Miss Susie llaley,� over
Master Charlie 1ilon "son spent the
holiday with his grand -parents at
St. Marys
Mr, John .guest spent New Year's.
Day at the old homestead in Loa -
don tetvnsliip.
bIr, and Mrs. f1.- Bartliff and two
Children spent New Year's Day,
with Brussels friends.
Messrs, Hoover and Walker are in
Guelph taking stock of the business
they recently purchased.
Mr. and Mrs. !Aaron Stoodly or
Brandon, Mang, were guests of
Mrs♦ Chambers last week.
Mrs. Constantine and Mrs. (Dr.) Mc-
['ahemr spent a couple of days this
week visiting Londesborq.
Mr. George 1+'. Oakes of Chicago was
the guest this week of Professor
and Mrs. W. Glenn 'Campbell.
Miss Olive Brooks of Mitchell spent
the week -end with her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Cantelon.
Miss Ruby Kitty of Richmond 11111
has "men spending the Christmas
vacation at her home in town.
Mr, W. Southcombe of Toronto Uni-
versity was the guest el his aunts,
the Misses Southcombe, over New
• been home during the past holiday
!reels. She returns to the. eity
Mr. W. H. Hlellyar and Master John
.spent New Year's Day at the Ante
of Mr. Ilellyar's parents at Bow-.
lliiss Vazil Ker, who has been spend-
ing the vacation time at her ttonte
in town, returns to Alma on Iran•
iday time or her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. John' Wiseman.
Mrs: W. Herd, Bayfield, and Mrs.
James •Porter, Goderich, spent the
week -end with their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. A. Scotchmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kennedy have re-
turned .„to their home in Detroit
after visiting at the home of the
former in town, that of Mr, D.
Company pays off the_
the Thresher Company deal will not
cost the municipality a centand
we will have a humming industry in
the Motor Works. I am in favor
of hydro -electric bemuse it assures
di low rates for light and power.
Reeve Cantelon said; "Clinton, is
in. splendid shape financially, better
I believe than any other town in,
Western Ontario. We are 10 good
standing too as being up-to'date, but
to keep lip our .reputation in that
respect it ]s essential that we tare
on hydro -electric. At the end of
vis of Stanley were New Year's
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Snid-
Mrs. I+. McEwan, who has been in
Toronto, for the past couple or
[nonths, has returned home for the
winter. Miss 'Annabelle was home
for Christmas.
Mrs. . Fletcher, Mrs. E. Stone and
Miss, Oerwick of • fiixctcvr aad. Mr.
Wes. Stone of Saskatchewan, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Atkinson
•over Sunday.
Mr, R. J. Nista end brie son, Wil -
our first year of hydro we will, lie, of near Leamington 'were
wonder how we ever slid, without it." guests during the holiday time ser
Mayor 'Gibbings said : ;"At the out- his parents, : ,Manages: and Mrs.
yet I may have lead some misgivings, Mutes of the House or Refuge.
about hydro -electric but the deeper I Mr. John Hartley, ptintipal of the
have ,gone into the matter the mere Training school at Vankleak, !'fill,
convinced I aril that leis all right spent over, -tile wsok'1end witltOlia-
,and that the Hydro -Electric Commis- ,ton' friends, Mrs, Hartley eemaia-
sion aro above even a shadow of ing ;the while on the old home -
doubt, I have never heard anything stead at Wroxeter.
y to tta}', ' o shady:. about then. I believe ]Messrs;; Joe and Bob I-Isane, arilver-
es. in this institution has reached they are , dealing honestly, fair ton,. wcnoNew Tear's gitesis.of
high water mark/there being now no iy and ,justly with all municipal- Mrs. S. S. Coo;ier, They were
less than one hundred anal one. The tides, They have been patient and `accompanied by' air, Gordon, CruiI -
bigliest number ever. accommodated .acconlmodatireg to a degree. Their shank, a •hraw highland piper. tpf
in the past was ninety-seven; andestimateshave never been oxetaodod, $trattord, who gavecitizens e
that number was :only reached once but alWaye below. They ,have, de- musical treatvisit they thoroughly
and a couple of years ago, liveredthe goods 111 every instances. I enjoyou,
Mr,' Neil Fox, Des 'Moines, Iowa,
let for bit 50111e 00 Monday arisen
spending a week or to vibiting
errands -•iii ' lows. Mr, Fox is
a ilxtivo ' of Clinton. but now
lrbltle a responsible position ras des-;
triet superintendent of Bradstreets.
bliss ii,udal went to, Toronto Tues-
day nnsl. yesteralay attended ' • 4dte.
marriage of her nephew, Mr. frank
Nicene of that city, son of Mr.
and' Mrs,' 18, J, Evans it Menne-.
dost, Man., to Miss Eva Otto> of
'Poronto, yr, Jbhin. Rumhali act-
ed. ;as groomsman at. the wedding.
Tuesday afternoon and on his re-
turn a week hence will be accom-
panied by his wife and family who
by that time will have spent an
additional week with relatives . in
the Ambitions City. 1
Messrs. James, Will. and George
Reids, who speht the Xmas week
with their sister, Mrs. W. Sime -
son, returned to their home in Bay
City, Mich.,, on Monday last. Al-
though all three have prospered
well in Uncle Sam's country, they
certainly enjoy a.; good holiday itl
their own home land.
Mr. Jas. Tucker returned from Sisk
atom 'last week, but it's only for
a short time as the busitiese y -„in
which he has embarked demands
his attention, Mr. Tucker is! a
live wire and will ,make good any-
where. Ten hours 1s hardly long
enoug1t in which :to do all he lilies
to secomplish each and every
• worleillg day.
1'lr. and A'ir's, John .ieflerson : of
'Laura, Sask., wlio'spent Christmas
week with. Mr. aad Mrs.; Robes(
(4ibbin s, ' Mullett, and are 11ahc
week the guests of Mrs. Samuel
Ileattett;:Wirt-sham, purpose visiting
among ,their numerous, friends in
Ontario before returning to their
prairie home. Mr.= Joft 100011 is a
Cousin of Dr. "Shaw and they hear
• such. resemblance .i that each has
.been.” tak011 for the other.