HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-12-24, Page 8PAGE, DIGHT.• l „ THH CLINTON NNW Ia1sC, yin this liol Vou.'.Will Combined' Merry Christmas RgMOWaWDWWWD2affiaM the earty Wish of The c. Staff All of OWN ; R1.41111t000kO,•••'••A•O••••••1•o•441,A•i1•••041.A••1•••t1:1 A®caew . 5 , .,*,AANNOAAAAAAA•O1AA•A•0 bAAAAAOdA04rA1AAA01•1A0Ai 1. SCHOOLS CLOSED. CLINTON MARKETS, Hogs ,$,6.76, The various schools closed on Eggs 30e to 32c, Tuesday and will reopen for the - new term on Monday Jan. 4th. Butter 2.2c to 24c.Wheat' $1.00; $1,05. Oats 43e to .45c, WILL BE WELCOME. Buckwheat $158e 'tto 600.$11 During the Christmas festive sea Baled' Hay Do .. son The New" Era, will gladly re- Peas $7,20 to 1:2. cord the comings and goings of i Shorts $30.00,. Clintonians and their friends, Send • ,Bran $27.00. all the personals in early. THE USE HYDRO TS PUT TO. The firm of Carter Sl Creighton of St. Marys have installed an elec- tric heater, the first of its kind, in ,the town, for the purpose of keeping the show windows perfect ly clear of frost, ■ tation, Wilfrid Bezzo "An Inside DI Pocket." Recitation, Myrtle Car - Christmas Entertainments m rick "Grandpa Snow." Flag Drill. Recitation, Bernard Bateman. "Santa and the War.". Recitation, Wilbur Bezzo "Mother of Course." Recitation, Mable Carrick "A letter There have been the usual Christ mos entertainments this year and we give the programs of a few of them.— Wesley Church S. S: The Junior League held (their annual Christmas tree on Monday night and they had a good tern out. Master Harold Manning, pres ident of the League, was chairman and the program consisted of dia- logues recitations and drills which° were 'done in good style. -At the close Santa Claus came in and dis- tributed between two and three hundred presents to the small pu- pils of the Sunday School ; and Junior League. St, Paul's S. S. The annual Christmas tree was held in the School room on Mon- day evening of this week and there was a good crowd present to en- joy the program. After the pro, gram was over Santa Claus made Ms appearance and handed out the presents. The Rector, Rev, J. Potts, was chairman and an.: nounced the following program.— Carol by the S. S. scholars "Carol Sweetly Carol." Song by Miss Schoenhals class "Sliding on a Starry Night." Recitation by Dor othy Bartliff. Drill "Merry Christ'. bias" ; by :vliss Kilty's class. Reci- tation by Elliott Bartliff, Song by Miss A. Sloman's class. Red, White and Blue Quartette by Bert Mar- shall, Billy Hovey, Robert Liver., more and Willie Twyford. Solo by Jack•. Bowden, Chorus by Miss Bawden's class "Tipperary." Reci- tation Fred Elliott. Dialogue "Pre paring for the Inspector" by Miss Argent's class. Carol by'S, S. selrol ars "Nowell." Chorus by Miss Ford's and Miss Sloman's classes. Cradle song by the Tinyl Tot girls' Good night chorus by Miss Schoen- , hats class. Santa Claus, Willis Church S. S, The little folk of Willis Church with their parents and friends were all out on Tuesday night (to wel- come Santa Claus whd that even- ing made his annual visit to Willis Church Sunday. School. Rev. F. C. Harper occupied the chair in the absence of the Superintendent, who was attending to Santa's mail bags. The program consisted of, Selection by the Orchestra. Piano Solo, Willie, Bell. Duet, Edith Hill and Doris Collyer. Recitation, An, t ica Hill. Mouth Organ Solo, Rob- bie Schrenk, Recitation, Katharine MasTaggart. Duet, Jean Simpson and Mary Maclntyre. Recitation i Stewart McBrien, Violin Duet, Mr. David and Mr. Phalen, Chorus, Infant class. Solo Eulalie Hill,. Af ter the program Santa Clans with , his wife, Merry, Christmas, made , a short visit. Santa explained that he was veru busy and would not be a191e to remain but that he would leave the tree. The presentst were then distributed, one at least to every boy or girl. Santa forgot no one, not even the cradle roil babies: o Santa." Recitation Ernest Bale man. Song Wilbur Bezzo and Percy Livermore. Recitation Ab. Carrick "Little Brother Idea" Rec tation, Hattie Livermore "Mary's Good morning to God." Solo. Captain. Johnston "Beautiful Jesus" Recitation, Mabel Cassel. Recita- tion Pearl Carrick "A Message to Santa," Song "Good Night'.. ' by Juniors. • C. C. I. Term Reports 1 In Wish ha `You A Merry ehristmas 5 St, Joseph's S. S. Monday night the Christmas tree entertainment was held at St. Jos- eph's Church and there was a good attendance, Following was the program rendered;—Operting Chorus "Men of the North, Town Dialogue Alicia Cane, Susan How - Children. Reading, Bernard Tighe ard, Joseph and Louis Froward. Chorus Separate School Children, Reciatation, Leo Reynolds, Stock:• ing Drill, Separate School Children Recitation, 'Elmer Le Beau. Song Della Brennan. Cook's Drill Sopa, rate School Children. rl Country I store of all sorts, Town Children. Reading Helen Corbett. Parasol Drill, Separate School, Children, I Reading Mary F, Flynn, Lullaby , Josephine Brennan. Reading Clara Carbert, Tipperary Chorus Separ- ate School Children. Reading J. Carbert and B. Tighe. Dialogue Separate School Children. Hurrah for Good Old Santa Claus Chorus. Separate School Children. Salvation Army On Tuesday night despite no cold, a goon] crowd was present at the annual Christmas entertain - 1 meat. Following was the program Opening song and prayer. Song by Juniors "Christmas Bells." Rec, itation. Versa ,Bezzo "A Speech 01 I Welcome." Recitation, Viola Liv • ermore "A Troublesome Doll." Dia- logue "Daddy Gone to War. Reel - teflon, Clifford Cassel, Sonar Christmas arithemetic 10 Children. Recitation Ethel Carrick. Recita- tion, Russel :Bezzo, "I don't like it' Recitation Clifford Cooper "The Postman." Dialogue "Bessie's Secret." Recitation, Percy Liver- more "Mother's Almanac." Reel • HELP THE P:' O. STAFF. Don't have :the school children call atthe, post' office these busy days and,,ask the postmaster or his assistant:to open the boxi for them ` HOLD AN .AT-HOME.,, quest is repeated as often as three It becomes tiresome when the re•• The Young Ladies' Patriotic Club ', of Clinton •will hold• an'` at - and four times a day, Home in the Town Hall • on Tues - IN THE SEVEN7,^S. day evening next and• the music will be supplied by Phelan's. Oren; The Stratford.Beaeon has '%he extra. The invit •trans were print= following noth which will , be re-; ed at The New Err« and issued last membered by a few of our readers Saturday: —The• last rail of the London, Hu- ron and Brunel railway was laid o-• MINOR .LOCALS, Saturday.' A few week's work still Did youtake in all the Sunday remains to render it ready for School entertainemts in town?- traffic..„,? good .crowd THE FREE SHOW, Mr.omas Jackson Jr's FREE er. SHOW," consisting- of Moving Pic- tures and Good Musical Program to all the Children of the Town and and'Country. tomorrow (Christmas) The mails have been pretty afternoon, at four o'clock in the heavy during the fewt days on Town Hall, It will no doubt be the account of the Christmastide. largest gathering of Children ever Welland expects to have an aver held in Clinton and .needless, to draft of $15,000, and yet some peo- say, ahapl:'y, smiling bunch of ki,is pre think Clinton extravagant. Send the New Era as a Christmas DR. COOK'S HEALTH BETTER. I present to yoyr friends. Rev. Dr. Cook's old Clinton ENTERED INTO REST. friends will be pleased to learn that after a year's rest his health is I After an illness lasting for the about fully restored. Dr. Cook past two years, Mary Jane Warre- and family are now residing at i,er, beloved wife of Mr. Richard Meaford where Mita Altalind who Horsely, of Hensall, passed away graduated with honors in 1913 and at the Hospital on Friday morning completed her Faculty, work lasts Deceased was born in Clinton and year with specialist starrlding is on was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the High School staff as teacher of George Warrener, Mary street. She Moderns and History. Dr. ,Cook was married to her now bereft bus was a former pastor of Ontario : band just 30 years ago this coming Street Methodist Church, Clinton. New Years. About four years ago A. O. F. OFFICERS. i. the family moved to Hensall to live. The deceased entered the The Officers for 1915 'of Court hospital on the 3rd and underwent Prosperity No. 7863 Ancient Ord,- an operation, but her long illness er Foresters. had so weakened her that she P. T. R.—Theo. Frernlin. could not withstand the shock. Besides her husband she will be C. R.—Fred Sloman.. held in loving rememberance by a . S. C. R.—Alex Sloman, family of three boys and two girls, Treas.—John Derry. Thomas and Charlie in Prince Al- bert, Ruby, George and Nellie at Sect.—Alex. P. Cudmore. home. The deceased is also sur. S. W.—Jacob Sloman, vied by' her aged parents and six J. W.—W. Appleby. brothers, John, of Sarnia, George, 5.]3.—Wm. McIntyre. Wallaedburg; Thomas of Ooderich, J. B, Wm. Sloman, Jr. Robert of town. Richard of Toledo Trustees—Win. Brown, Jas and Nath, of Hensall; and two sis- Appleby, Theo. Fremlin, ters, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Ballery. of Toronto. The funeral 'vas held on Monday afternoon from the home of her parents and the ser- vices were conducted by Rev, J. Potts, rector of St. Paul's church, assisted by Rev. R. Hicks, of Hen- sall, pastor of the deceased. The pallbearers were the six brothers The two sisters werd also here at-, tending the funeral but ilii two sons in the West,wero unable to cbme home. To the husband and chilclrens, aged parents and family the sympathy of the eomtttuni1y goes out to thein in this hour of sorrow. SAVE MONEY. The season for renewing papers is here. We club with all the lead- ing dailies and weeklies and can . save you time and money. TONIGHT'Si. THE NIGHT Tonight is hang upyour-stock- ing- night„ 'The New Era hopes that all the' children will have a Merry 'Christmas. Term Report—Sept,--Xmas 1914. Detailed Statements of Marks and attendance have been gis en to the pupils. Parents should examine these reports and return after the holidays. Names of pupils falling below 50°%, are not given ;— Form 1. Honors. S. Alain 84.1, L. Holmes 80.6, D, Rattenbury 80, C. Sheeley 79.4, ', 'Wise 7.6. A. Leonard 77.9 W. Drap- er 77.7 N: Kennedy 77.4, M Smillie 76.3. . Pass ;— B, Elliott 74.6, B. Robserton 73.1 F. Fingland 72.6, E. Churchill 72.1, SV, Townsend 71,6, C, McBurney 71,5 E. Higgins 70.8, A. Peckitt 70.5, E. Stoltz 70.4, R. Taylor 69.,PG. Kell- er 69.7, F. Wallis 69.3, R. Mcklath 6.1, P. Ladd 69.5, 0. Johnston 67.5 K. Lyon 66.8, B. Carbert 66.1 M. Harvey 66.3, M. Walker 66.1, 11 Manning 65.4, W. MacBeath 65.5 G, Cook 65, M. McNeil 64,8, L. Nediger 64.3, B. Rowden 63.9., M. Gibbings 63 D, Stephenson 62.9, F. Lawrence 63 V Jervis 61.6, A„ Davidson 61.5. N. Tyndall 61.2, K. McConnell, 61, L. Fairfull 50.6, F. MacKenzie 60.3, J McAllister 60.2, P. Currie 59,9, V. Trick 59,5, L. Langford 58,5 M. Moore 53.1, G. Brown 57, A. Jack- son 54.5, W, Berry 54.6, E. Powell 53.7; R. Scott 51.9, IS, Aikenhead 51,5 W. Sloman 50.6, W, J, McBeath50. Form 11, Honors. , R. McGowan 81.6, L. Mackay 77.2 .. ' Pas ti d was in town on Saturday despite the rough weath A merry Christmas to you all. Holiday hours at the Postoffice to morrow, s' J. Grainger 76.8, Z. Churchill 76 1 E.Reid 74.2, M. dook 54.2, E. Carter 73,8, E. Powell ;73.4, W. Gray 72, A.Nediger 71.6, E. Kemp 70.7 M, Chidley 69.5, M. Lansing 68,9, I. Sinclair 67.4, T. Marquis 67.1. ' H, Kilty 66,9, E. Evans 66.6, S. Nel- son 66.3, H:Hanley 66.3, E. Blake 64.4. F. Reynolds 64.3, M. Crich 64, A. CHRISTMAS .EVENING. The small Boys BIG DOUBLE TEN CENT PATRIOTIC ENTER- TAINMENT of Music and Mov- ing Pictures in the Town' Hall to- morrow' evening Christmas) at 7 o'clock. It will be worth more money than the price charged. Be- ' Bides the ;Moving Pictures. Miss Mayfrid Alain, whose beautiful con traito voice is so much admire, will sing, Miss 33, White. Sonrano of Windsor, Mrs, Alain, Violinist of Toronto, Mr.Edgar East baritone and others will take part, A 131(1 SHOW, A BIG CROWD BY SMALL BOYS AT A SMALL %E TAKE the opportunity to express our appreciation of the loyal support of our friends and customers during the year, and respectfully ask for a continuance for the corn- ing year, and hope that 1915 will bring you all a full measure of Health, Happiness and Success. HARLAND BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIEsVP. Gilchrist 63.6, H. Whitmore 59.7, V. Powell 59,1,, H. Potter 59.3, M. Schoenhals 59.3, H:Morrison 59.1 AL Elliott 58.5, M. McMath 07.1, K. Dowzer 57., ,N. Sparks 56.3, E. Sheeley 54.7, J. M. Elliott 54.5. A. Andrews 51, L. Morrish 51, W Ap- pleby 50.6, E. Tighe 50.4, B. Chowen 50.3, D. Mair 50.3. Form 111 Honors, J. Middleton 84, M. McTaggart 83 IK. McGregor 80, P. Moffat 77.9, M. Cooke 75.3. lass i— I. Roberton '73, A. ,Elliott's 71'46. E. Jamieson 71.2, J. Smith 70, A. Dewar 70.5, E. Sanderson 70.2, E. Wise 67.8, H. Rodaway .67.3, I. Rothwell 67, A. Petrie 67, C. Beac om ,66, N. Radford 65.5, H. Holmes 65.2, D. Ross 64.2, G. Hudie, E Was- man 61.4, C. Kaiser 61.2, V. Evans 60,6, L, Churchill 59.5, R. Chowen 59.4 P. Cunningham 6 Hear5 .1 Hewnshend e 6 58.8, P. Copp 58.6, H, Cantelon 58.4, D. Shipley 58.0 H. Cantelon 58.4, D. Shipley 58, A. Shanahan. 57.3, C. Cantelon 57.1, Thompson 56.4, A. Glazier 561 , H. Shaw 54, A. Hoggarth' 54, G Wallis 55.8, J. Moan 53.6, G. Beaton 53.5, F. Pennebaker' 53.5, E. Fritz 53.4,C Powell 51.2, P. Wheatley 51.2. l • Form IV. Part 1 Faculty Entrance—Poss.-- F. Fingland 60.4, E. Manning 55.4. Part 2 Faculty Entrance-IIonoss E. Gray 89.1, E. Beacom 87 3, L Harvey 82,5, W. McGregor 76.5. Pass ; R Dewar 745, N. Garrett .73.8,11. Middleton 73,3, K. Reid 72.6, C. Poll 68.1, W. Barr 63. Honor Matriculation. ' W, Stewart 597. W. McNaughton; 595 PRICE: meneeseeeoneenoemeeneeneen HEAVIER TAX ON AUTOS. Toronto Telegram -Hon. W. J.l Hanna, Provincial Secretary, was I asked if the tax on anton would ' be raised at the commencement of 6e®®0®®®®0®01D®®ssv®¢m)009®m the year. Mr. Hanna refused to Council met on the 15th. say whether the,motor, legislation Co or Jackson, o , he 15tve Cantelon, axting cars according to their y. horsepower would be introduced at Councillors;—Wiltse, Wallis, Forel, the coming session and put into Sheppard, Fitzsimons, Paisley,prei effect in January. "An increase in eat. the license tax cant be looked for," The Tax Collector was requested said he. "I think that it is only to have a list of all those who have reasonable that the taal should be rot paid their taxes. increased. How much itwill be in The Treasurer's report was tic - creased I am not prepared to say ceptecl and ordered to he printed We Cannot give out in advance Several rebates were made on what the government proposes to taxes etc. do;" The provincial secretary ; Dr. Sha .v, M. H2O. put in his bill would not admit tha1rthe new sys- for salary and expenses, temof taxing motors was to be I The Council passed his expenses put into force after the session. but account of -$19.13 and placed his stn he said that any quotation as to ary of $100. and ab additional of the probable rate was purely i.mag-, $10.00 for faitltfulaservices. inary,taken any steps towards, puttingas thegovernment had not Taxes paid by the 14th, amounted to 823,467.00. The Collector's Roll was 'extend ed till the 15th of February. Cree Bros. got the contract for snowploughing. Council then adjourned. COUNCIL MEETING i ThuirsdaYr December ,24, 4. rhethcr You Rave A Quiet Christmas A Noisy Christmas A Merry Christmas or just a plain Free -From -Worry Christmas. Be thankful you have health to enjoy it • and strength to survive it. y The Ws D Fair Co Often the eheapest--241mtays the Best ehristmas-Gifts Itis not too early to commence your Christmas Shopping. Why not enjoy the many benefits of early buying which expert • eneed shoppers know are so real and so very mucor worth while. Simply select the article you wish to purchase and we will hold for you. Come and-examinePaisianur tock and youll find a better both in selection than ever -Ebony, cases and separate pieces, Perfumes and Colognes, Leather Goods Pipes and Smoker's Supplies, Cigars 10, 25 or 50 in box Gillette ttazors, Seethe new aristocrat Gillette at,$5 in ivory box Snapshot Albums. Kodak and Brownie Cameras 51 to $22,50. J"p_ HOV Dispensing`Chemist THE PANSLAR DRUG STORE.AGEMEMEN Hip legislation in operation. The increasing of the tax is a' matter that lies within the jurisdiction of Mr. Hanna's department. Promotion Exams. at Public School The following have been promot ed from the Primer to the ' First Reader, but remain in Division VII Total, marks 300. Required to pass 180. Carol Evans 268, Helen' Cools 267, Oliver Rands 263, Clarence Glazier 262, Viola Livermore 259, Frank. Latter 258, Madelon Hawkins 253 Burton Bolton 238, Edith Hill 237, Margaret Rutledge 225, .Alvin House 225, Reesor Forster 186. M. Wiltse, Teacher, The following have been promot. ,ed from the Firs8 Book to the Sec- ond Book. Total marks 550. Honors—Norma, Treleaven 482, Charlie Shipley 438, John Nediger 433,•Wilfrid Grant 431, Eleanor Plumsteel 427, Olive Schoenhals 421, Fred McTaggart 412. Pass—Wilbur Nelson 395, Myrtle Sweed 390, Col- enso Salter 378, Bert McGuire 376, Norman Counter 373, George Elliott 340, Charlie Mennel 340, Ferguson Carter 335, Myrtle Bell 330. Olive Cooper, Teacher. The following have been promot ed from Div. VII to. Div. VIII. • Reta Elliott, Billy Hovey, Elmer Paisley, Russel Murphy, Arthur Fulford, Violet Lapraik, Addie Car ter, Willie Glazier. Miss Thomp- son, Teacher. Fresh, Light and Brown ! No better bread than ours, we claim, Ever came to town. 'rhe best of Flour we employ The latestrmethods, too; We're positive you will enjoy. The Bread; we bake for you. Conner's Bakery Phone 202 Off Furniture, Rugs & i.. inoleumb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if von are going to furnish your Home, or if you only ti ant some odd pieces. You will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction J2 SO DUNF€ RD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store Fivt Strong Points hl Hecht Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in Coal. CALL AND BE CONVINCED OR Phone 53 FOR 1 1 The corner St e "Live and Leg Live" A. Gall for Early Shopping Make your Christmas purchase's as soon as possible, and you will have the advantage of better sere vices better attention, and better selection.— New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Peel, Dates, Nuts, Etc., Etc., ARE ALL IN STOCK, AND WE WE CARRY ONLY THE VERY BEST We solicit your orders For Christmas Presents We have a nice assortment of Fancy China to choose from, For the Children Christmas Stockings, Candies, Oranges, Nuts, Grapes, and Pablo,' Raisins, Open Evenings until Christmas SALE CHEAP. second-hand FURNACE and "Radiant Home" with ovens Rutter and gg'S 'Wanted Thos. Hawkins Plumbing and Heating t +; Highest Market Price E. E. Hunniford PHONE 45. MERRY CHRISTMAS When the problem of something to give for Christmas confronts you, 'turn to this store for re= lief. We offer our trade the most practical and sensible ;of all Christmas Gifts— C HOleE POOTWFAR Look over the list below and see if you do not find, something that will appeal to you at once as being Just the Thing. Bath, Slippers Dress Slippers Felt Slippers House Slippers School Shoes Bed Slippers Dress Shoes juliets Storm Shoes Colonials Street Shoes Dress Pumps Baby Shoes Footwarmers Arctics Rubbers Rubber Boots Leggings, Etc. Make your Footwear selections early while the choosing is at its very best. `t5 FRED. JPieli O THE HOME OF BETTER SHOES' 4++.+2 k++0 444+1°'i!rl'.+tR3�:d!`tFil1.$441iE:•b.:i:. %` ct