The Clinton New Era, 1914-12-24, Page 4TEE CLINTON NEW ERA
'esir'at ie Real Estat, rims ay, b� sold at t•anay time or, ae son, good man asbDe*d
..r '-. ; .. , x� 1 ,tit. .4' t N ..,.:. .. ... ( �:
unfavorable'sea,tson.® in w Cnc 0:'minis a their41r1r toren
and they are watchigth'e
Thursday; Deees4bOr
buyers 'wait for the ao•called
to -Wear
• 'il`ane 78`.
d i7' .
d,il,5h *,
,Houae'Ft1r ,w
pislilIp it
ISHING our many Customers and
and Friends in Clinton and sur-:
rouliding country A VERY MERRY
CHRISTMIAS together with our
thanks for this -one of the best years
in the history of this store.
'. bhp Named
b N. Huron liberals
� ,
Largely Attended Convention in
Reorganized Constituency.
Wingham,, Dec., 14. -North Huron
Liberals convened at Wingham to-
day for -the first time since the Parliamentary redistribution and in
accordance with the boundary
changes, the association adopted a
new constitution. The gathering
was rema_ kably well attended 300
men from all parte of the riding be
ing present in 'spite of a snowstorm
Great enthusiasm prevailed
and the nomination of Mr. Arch.
Hislop of Grey Township, ex M. :I'
P., for the House of Coonlnons,was
the chief butransacted. He
was chosen on the fourth; ballot.
Mee.. f An.derspn of Luckuow ex
M P Being runner'tup• The
rupee pft.,Mesars. Wm, Lane Godi• •'
rich; R. D. Cameron, Lucknow and
. E. Bradwin, Goderich were on
the first three :ballots, the follow
ing were also nominated d but de-
cl5ihfng William Proudfoot M.P.r
Goderich W. H. Kerr; Brussels, J.
W. King, Turnbury; Charles Stew
ai!xt A6>sil?eid•Thomas McMillian Hul-
lett and R, Vanatone Wingham. On
rection of Messrs. Anderson; and
Lane the nomination was made un
pfficers elected' were- .Pres. W.11
Robertson, Goderich First-Vice-
Pi;es, John Gillespie, East Wawan-
osh;, Second-Vice-rPes. John Hem
berg, Howick Third Vice -Pres. Jos
epi Dalton, Ashfield; Sec.James
McMurchy Blyth, Treas. A. :D..
Carr, Blyth and Auditor R. R.
Steam Blyth. A message of regret
was received from Mr. Hugh Huth
rie and the address' of the after-
n0'on was delivered by Mr. Proud
foot who confined his remarks ,to
patriotic topics.
ll r
olitta lekilc hl5'tlliidittOn T1 .
cession of Hay delivered an strep
-tionally good flock of turkeys- to
Mr. C. Watson of this village ., fort
h 'Mr. R: Graham' 'of Clinton, NI
'Dick had 50 in the flock and they'
Averaged 14;4 pounds eeeh. Mc.
,Dick is%nceted to be Ian excellent
fowl man. . `
}., Rev. rMt Shearer of Toronto. Will
con duet the services in St. Andrew
Church next Sabbath evening, All
have not heard Mr, Shearer
`Should not miss the opportunity,
The Tuckersrnith Council. have
;men and teams Working on 'tine
:Klippen road' east, They are grav
eling it afresh,
A great number . of young people
attended the fowl supper at Bruce
field. ` •
Mr. Hide 'of Stratford whd rec-)
ently bought the old Harvey farm
belonging to M Fo ' 1r has mo • ed
The people of the Methodist Sun
day school have made arrange
menta to hold a Christmas tree and
with a good committee on hand
everything is being done to make
it a success,
Births, Marriages tt Deaths
Hazelwood -On Friday Dec 11th
to Mr. and Mre. John Hazelwood a
Zerback -In Stratford on Dee, 28
td.Mr. and Mrs, Walter Zerback 71
Daniel Marsh a former well
known resident of Grey Township
dropped dead at Yoekton Seek.
last week. ,
Robt. Trench of Teeswater has
sold the rink here to Fred Burch
ell who has taken charge..
Bennett feta disposed of hie
property to Malcolm Fraser of
Grey -Tose -Lashio.
Mrs. Wm. Lowe of the 9th conces
sion of Grey died suddenly on
Thursday morning after giving
birth to tv'in ba bies. She was a
sistef of Wm. Pawson of Brussels
and besides her husband leaves a,
family of small children:•
The -picture show is being hand
ed over to the Red Cross Society
Proprietor Sinaair for one night•
and next.Tuesday evening a show
will he put on for the society's ben
Messrs. Park 8,'Brown who had
the contriet for the stone and
brickwork and plastering of the
EW Melville church returned
their homes at Cromatry this' week
having being completed their con-
Ret,•,D.Perrie when 'Samuel Chit:
tick of Teeswater was.' friar ried . o
Miss Tena Sheere, of Wingham On-
ly a few friends wereepresent. Af
ter congratulatidns the young coup
le left for their wedding' trip, " and
on their return they will reside in
Wingham where the groom holds
a good position as foreman of the
G. T. R. roundhouse.
The recent 'snowstorm hsO been
of great benefit to the farmers.
Travellers state it has Improved
busir:ess Heavy shipments of live
and 1llressed )foWl are at present
leaving here.
Wm. NI Niven of Seaforth is •,t
home attending the funeral of his
mother. • ,
A. M. Crawford who formerly ran
a cigar store and h garage has
Purchased the National • otel
from Mrs. Hanson, whd lecontly
to T0 .
Dr. Tamblym died in Wingham last
Friday evening at 8 o'clock in pie 82nd
Tear. The aeeeased was born in Eng-
land, removing to 'Canada when he.
was 10 years of age. He graduated at
Trinity College. Toronto. When a
young man he was united in marriage
to Mise Thorns of Newcastle, Ontario.
Movingto Winghahh 4S years agov
when'ingbam was a wilderness, he
took up hisprofeesiun:'as a physician
which profession he followed almost
to the last. His wife predeceased him
some three years ago, He belonged to
the Order. of Foresters, the Workmen
and was a Mason, in which last order
he stood at the head. He leaves one
son Dr, W, H. Tamblyn who occupies
the homestead known as Cedar Leigh:•
He was buried from his late residence,
Cedar Leigh, by the Masonic order on
Monday, Dec. 21 at 2 p. m• in Wing
ham Cemetery. In religion be belong
ed to St. Paul's Church, In politics he
was it staunch Coneeevative. He was
a man highly respected and honored
by all who knew.
.. The American Good Roads Cont-
»anv of Goderich received an
order from the Government which
ttaillmean valuable assistance to
the town in general. The order
calla foj• 110 regulation army trans-
pciilt••ivagons, 60 heavy and -50 light
to be delivered by January 15.
• This means that a full force if men
in three shifts will likely m= be e
iployed working continuously: It
is thought that this is a sample or-
' der. :
H Stowe, employed at the hydro
station here, met with an accident
which might have.i�sulted serious-
; ly, only for the tjuicl:, action 1if
J. B. Kelly, the engineer. Stosve
was on top of one of the trans-
•foriners cleaning them, when his
damp cloth touched a 13,000 volt
'wire, throwing him off his feet and
ihttrling.him to the floor head first
.!,Kelly, who saw the flash, sprang
!forward. •and succeeding in catch-
ing him before he hit the floor.
stows was burned on the fingers.
''but will be around again in a day
or so. •
Carter -Nichol -On Wednesday,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Niel
of of Blyth, Myrtle, their daughter
was united in marriage to Mr.
Carter, a prosperous young farn'ie•
of Constance.
Horsley -In Clinton, on Friflav:-
Dec. 18th, Mary Jane Warrener, be
loved wife of Richard Horsely, aged
46 years and 12 days.
Potts -In Clinton on Thursday,
Dee. 17th, George Potts, aged 72
`Do yoi* think there's any need
for having a municipal election,,li1lis ,
year? •
! ' 7,'h. a Council held its' final,, meet,
- ing of the •,year on.Tuesi416 night
,� last, when Reeve, MiJn"e' 'pf seemed
h of the .con cillos wills"°
` lr ae n
,present:' By the present • •,.outlook
THE theoidsboard will againtreprese'nt
' -Blyth •.nett year as hnost',people art,
Porter's Hill
Mre. McDonald returned home on
Tuesday after spending three weeks
with her children in Detroit,
Mrs. McDougall of London is visit.
ing in the neighborhood.
Mona Johnston visited in Goderich
last week. •
School has been closed for a week
owing to the teacher, Miss Tichborne,
being laid up with an attack of pleur-
b act
s tudie`.
others s
Flvt�hhetrc and r ) r :.
on Sundays; at, 3 and at i p,ln. at ,
J. HOLMES, .'%The Evergreens
Mr. Robt, Baird Mr. Peter Baird
and Miss Tena' Baird, Pasqua Sask. ar
riven at the home of their father Mr,
Geo. Baird on Tuesday,
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Baird and daugh
ter of Toronto are spending their holi
days under the parental roof.
Mr. Chas. Falconer returned to his
home in Hayfield this week after spend
ing a few weeks on the line,
Blyth branch of the Upper Can-
ada Bible Society met in Trinity
Church last week and reelected
the following officers; President
James Smith, vice-president Henry
Horny, secretary Alex Elder, tress 1
jure- G. B. McTaggart; directors E. 1
Robinson, F. Metcalf, N. Cumming ;
E. A, King, H. Going, E. Bender.
This Society is in a flourishing con
!dition and every year sends con
siderable money to headquarters to
advance this worthy cause.
I Mr. J. Cook who was working, at
the :`saw mill met with a painful ac
cident::thisweek. He was binding
some lumber on the wagon on when g
chain broke throwing 'him .off the
oad when his fare came in contact
-ith the hub of the wagon. In cosh
sconfined o the
e encsheit
u e c
cuss' for a few 'days,
. n . as Gifts of the opinion ;� ivufild' '' le
i?eedless expense ,to hav,eran elec
strop ,this Year .and. there ilea good.
fchanee that Reeve Milne will be
he next warden of the county..
„`• f Mrs., Dexter:has purchased the
',knitting business from Mise Han
pah Montery, and, is new doing
it usiness at the old stand.
• The funeral of Mr. Rodelphis+!Lbnev
land took place on Friday last. He
had reached the age of 81 years,
A quiet home wedding . took
place day attle residence of M:',
and Mrs- D. Nicol when their young
est daughter Myrtle was united in
matrimony to Mr. D. Carter elf
Hullett. Rev. W. D: Turner offici-
ated. The happy couple lefton
in the evening for their home where
a reception was held for thein.
Palmerston' Spectator- We u'7
deritand that Mr. A. XXi'Carthew,
manager of the Bank of tremilton
1_c -1e for sever it years 'and peen -.
lar in musical tiler s is removing to
the Blyth agency. Mr. F M. Heine
o.f)#lytic excharges with C irthew
Sinceg the above information -reach-
ed tbtvn. the citizens, who are
loath to pact with Mr. Carthew
have forwarded alarge petition t•,
the head office requesting "that he
be left here for various seasons
Palmerston eie'4 no neecessity for
a, change,
Aj Helpful L s
• If you like The New Era tell
your neighbors and get thein to
subscribe, That would be a fine
Christmas present for us;
The St, Marys Argus eel,0rts
about a window display of a for-
mer Clintonien,-One of A, l;T.. Loif':
& Cols show windows' teas the ob'
served of all the observers last
week. It contained about a dozen
small balloon which were in con-
stant motion, This motion was:
• produced 'from an electric fan.
which drove the balloons Ur)
a number 0f fine.wirce a'`
kept them in very rapid rno'I''
,was arranged by Hartle;
and certainly proved a s
It is intended to assist you in decid-
ing. You will notice that there is
something for everybody - and we
wish to add that no more worthy col-
lection of Jewelery was ever. offered.
Read the List -Read it Carefully
Then Decide to Call at once
Gold Watches Watch Charms
Filled Watches fluff Links
Rings Shirt Sete
Watch Mains TJmbrelles
Silver and Gold Fleaded Canoes
Gold VVatclies Shirt Waist'Sets
Filled Watches .Bracelets , :, >
Eengs Eletwiigs• •
Beam:lies 0 t•iat Pins
Necklets Combs
A� 'h
P� � N
W. a ,G�,p
n C1
lt��'�'-g � yit�� •,ry�p
-v e
All are invited. Malachi 3.17
Mise Addison of Londesboro
the guest of her brother, Joseph
Mr. Petrie held his sale on Tues-
day last. The stock went at good
prices. •
At the meeting of Court Sherwood
F.Finch,who has
A. O. P.
been secretay of 'the Cout for the.
past 32 years resigned. Mr, Finch has
been a faithful and efficient officer dur
ing all those `years ' and his resigna-
tion as secretary caused general regret
among the; members though they rec-
ognise the fact that he has done his
full share and more and is entitled, to
a rest from the labors of office.
The following is the report of S. S.
No, 12 Goderich and Hullett.
Sr. IV, -Jean• Lindsay, Olarr'Jervis,
Jr. IV -John Townshend, Mervin Far
quhar. Sr. III. -Bessie Lindsay,
Mary Wright: Jr. 1IL-Amy iMc.
Brien, Mary McBrien, Jean Farquhar
Hilda Forbes, Nellie Beacom. Jr. II-
Norman Wright, Eddie Johnston. I
-Mabel Wright, Walter Forbes, Robt
Johnston. Prim. -Russel Jervis.
Emmeline Holland, Teacher.
The Rev. Mr. Harper of Clinton will
preach in St. Andrews on the coming
Edward Reid has recently returned
from his. Steamship which is docked
at Owen Sound,
At the recent Rifle practice James
Rouatt made highest score Dr. Smith
second Clarence Pollock third.
Sam Cleve has moved into his new
house which he had completed for
The Fishermen have completed the
work of drawing out their boats and
placing them in'safety for winter.
Mullett '
Mrs. Wm, Elliott of Clinton and
sons spent Saturday and Sunday with
her sister Mrs. Wm. Stevens.
Mies Sadie McCool of Toronto is the
guest for a fel, months under the
parental roof.
Dlr. and Mrs. Herb Go ser ' of -'Base.,
Line spent a few days with her sister
in Detriot.
Mise Maud Lyon of Deaconess Home
Toronto is spending her holidays with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lyon. u ,
Milton McCool Coo •sonof the late Jas. Mc'
Cool of the. West is .spending, a few
weeks with his Uncle Wm. McCool::
Mr, and; Mre.?Howard Riddell: and
two children of lthe.West'are spending,
a few days with Bedsit : friends.
Mrs. Jas. Cartright sr: and' (laugh
ter, Mrs. Andrews spent a few'days,
with the formers ,sister in' 'Strat-
ford. r
The following is the report of 5 S.
No. 11 Godel•ich. Names are in the
order of merit.
Sr. IV -Myrtle Powell, Mable Castle
Jr. 1V-Ruhv Churchill, Elsie Fergu.
son, Pearl Churchill, Verna Elliott.
sr, III-Fraoci. Powell, Richard
Welch. Jr. III -Howard Currie,
Frank Welch, Glen Ferguson. Sr. 11.
Clifford Castle, Elmer LeBeau, Jr. II
Arthur LeBeau, Teddy Welch, Prim.
Class A, -Laura Currie, Alfred Le
Beau. Class B, -Oliver Ferguson, El
mer Trick,
E. Diehl, Teacher
On F! iday evening 'last a number of
the congregration of St James Church
(Middleton) met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Burnett, prior to their
removal to Clinton. During the even
ing they were presentedwitha hand-
some leather -seated chair and to Mies
Lizzie a dainty piece of china accom-
panied by the following address.
Dear Friends -As the time of your
intended removal is nearing, we desire
as friends and members of St. James
church to express our sincere regret of
your removal from this neighborhood
and to show our appreciation of your
kindness to us, we ask you to accept
this chair as a slight token of the es.
teem in which you have been held dur
ing the many year's you have labored
with us, and now that you are retiring
from the more ardent duties of life,
we hope that you may be spared to
enjoy health and a much needed rest. -
We also ask Lizzie to accept these
little tokens as a rememberance of our
appreciation of your kindness tows at
all times. Wishing you a Merry(hriet
Mae and a Happy New Year. Signed
on behalf of •the congregation -E.
Wise, G. Hicks.
Fire, Life ''and .Accident
Reap estate bought antlpold •
Money to loan
Office lesite Street, next door to New'
" .ia;welor.n 141 Optician Magni=
A,pleasant ehvent 'took Blare Wed
f, "lJCl' of 1 R°r@ai P Ie t'CAtS n' nudity atterelsnn at the manse of
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes, to in-
form the public that he ie pre
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and re a
Orders lft at . Doherty'siris phone
61, will receive prompt dttention.
Mrs. Mciiardy-Smith
of the staff of
London Conservatory r of
Late organist and choir leader of
Willis Church; Clinton, and re-
cently of Leipzig, , Germany, ex-
ponent of modern school of piano
technique. At Hotel Normandie,
on Friday of every week.
113ansfleld-McRorie -The home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McRorie, Warwick
was the scene of a happy event on
Wednesday, Dec. 2nd. at six o'clock,
when their daughterAlma, was united
in Hymen's bonds with Mr. Walter
Mansfield, To the strains of Lohen-
grins wedding march, playedby the
bride's sister, Miss Allie McRorie, the
bridal' party entereli their places be-
neath a beautifully trimmed arch of
evergreene. The bride was handsomely
attired in champagne silk, with tunic
land bodice of silk net flouching,
trimmed with pearls rhinestones and
carried a large bouquet of white carna
tions. Rev. H, T Kennedy performed
the ceremony in the presence of about
fifty guests. After the ceremony and
congretuletions the company repaired
to the dining ronin, which was prettily
decorated for the occasion and par-
took of a sumptuous 'repast. During
the signing of the register, Miss Ber-
nice Anderson of London, sang "He
Loves Me Truly," The presents were
ounherous and costly including cut -
glass and checks, The bride is well
known in this community, being a cis.
ter of Mrs Wm:.Britton. of Constance
Mr. Daniel Sutherland lost a very
valuable horse last week.
Mr, Wm. Wilson of Cleveland Ohio,
is visiting his mother and friends.
Mr, Wm. Moore of Toronto visiting
his grandparents Mr, Mre. Jas. Mann
Mrs, Jas. Mann, sr., is laid up with
couple of broken ribs. ,
] Brucefield
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stobbs of St.
George, are the guests of. Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Scott. Mr. Stobbs was station
agent here a feiv yeare ago,
Mr, W. D. Swan of Toronto Univer.
slty is home' for the Christmas holi-
days. Mr, Swan is completing his
fourth year in' arts, .He is also taking
a' medical course and is in his second
year in medicine.
Miss H:,zel Elcoot teacher in Whitby
Ledies' College, is spending her heti;
claws here,
The Obristmes tree entertainment
Was held in the hasemi ut of the Pres.
bvterian church on Wednesday 0000-
The Methodist church of our vil-
lage held their anniversary on Sab-
bath last, in the .afternoon and,
Mrs. Rathwel'l of Stanley who
had the misfortune to all a week
ago, is still confined to her ro0hi1.
Her many friends wish foe a speedy
Miss Anabe
1 Petrie of Sault Ste,
Marie is spending her vacation at
Wm. McQueen who is completing
his theological course in New York
is home for his Vacation.
,PUBhxd,. ETC
fonneyance, Notaky Public,'
Commiesione , e c
Issuer' of Marriage•LiA]Vcenses.
Iduron`St,, 0linton.
Notary Public, Conveyancer, - ,,H ,,
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE B AGONT. Representing 14 Fire In
suranes Companies
Division Court ;Office.
day and tomorrow" James 4, 13.15
On Monday evening,.'notwithstand
ing the inclement weather, a good
crowd assembled in the Forresters
hall, where a program consisting
of a cantata> readings, solos, and
tabeleaux were given liv the young.
people assisted by the pastor. The
enacting of the program reflected
credi t on all who took part es-
pecially &lir. Fairfuh who did the
training under unfavorable condi.
Bons. The Stratford male quar-
tette, .consisting of Mr: Charles
Lightfoot(, J. Spears, Wm. Ford
and W. E. Bradshaw rendered vale
able assistaihc'e in all the services
and should they have; occasion to
visit the village again 'will be given
a hearty 'welcome. •
Th'e Red Cross Circle of Ariburn
wish to thank all those who con-
tributed to the work of getting
apples dried at the evaporator.
The farmerll for 'the apples. The
Evaporator and staff. Mr. Riddell
for material for barrels. Mr. Rod -
wood oMmr.a
Mr. GOP. Lambor for packing. The
Trustees of the village for ship-
ping. The amount sent 'to the re-
lief fund bring 1700 ]hs or 8% bar-
rels. Afro our thanks to the
Woods hamily for their donation
of $15.00. The society have held
two meetings, and have a member-
ship of 28. ,
There has been an outbreak of.
T s in this village. A great
;mnanye'children are 'si k.
Mr. A. V. Shackelton, of the 0.
A. C., Guelph, spent'thet week end
at the home of Mr. Holed McGee
Mre, Chrietie of Dublin hi visiting
her parents, Mr and Mrs. W.' C.
Mr. Wm. Lansing of Flint, Mich.,
pent a few days visiting; g• at the:'
home of . Mr, ' John Raithby, -
Mrs. E. Lear is visiting her sister
Mrs. G. L, Sturdy.
The .anniversary serViaes ' held
.in the Baptist ;Church last' Sunday
were well .attend, '-Pastor' 3. K.
Fairful gave two very helpful and
inspiring addresses. His subject
in the afternoon was "Yesterday"
Duet. 32.9, and in the evening "To -
Auction Sale of Cattle
DR) r8. liar. THOMPSON
Physician,Surgeon. Eta
(menial attention given to dhows of the
Eye, Ear. Throat and Nese,
Eyes : etully r %mined, and suitable glasses
mea and Residence.
Two doors wOest of the Commercial note
Huron St. '
Of thirty head of choice stock at
Hotel. Normandie Stables, Clinton.
on Thursday Dec. 31st all 1.30 p. m.
4 new milkers with calfs at 'foot,
3 forward. Sprinters, 1 farrow cow,
13 steers' from 500 to 800 pounds
2 beef ring heifers, 5 young heifers
1 up-to-date top buggy nearly new
The above stock is all Durhams
and of the best quality. Terns
cash or from 1 to 8 months credit
'with furnishing offered joint notes
bearing in at 6% per annum. The
buggy will be sold on two pay
ments if desired. Geo. Holland
Proprietor. T. Gundry, Auctioneer
Barred hocks for Sale
Barred Rock Cockerels -Miller and
Pringle strain. tor quick sole. 10 cock-
erels at 51 each, and 10 cockerels Seto
10 pounds each bred from a 200 egg
strain (pullets related to theee cocker-
els were laying at 5 months of age)
price $2 and 58 each. Several exhhbi
Um- cockerels, Pringle straiu $3 to $5
each, also a few good hens, through
moulting, $1 and 62 each.
H• A, HOVEY, Olintou
New Era and Daily Globe...... $4,50',
N'ew Era, and Daily Mail and ,
Empire 4.50 ,
New Era and WeeklyMail
and Empire ..._.. 1:65'
a' pnd World 3.35
New Era and Daily News.:.,2.85
New Era.: and Daily Star_...., 2.85
Leeev 'Era and Family Herald
and Weekly Star •••..• 1.85
New Era and Weekly. Witness 1.85
New Era and Northertn Mes= e
stinger 1,60
NeW Era and Canadian Farm 1.85;
New ' Era: and Farmer's Sun1.85
Tt .
Nese Era and .Daily Free
Dress, norning 335
Now Era and Daily Ifxae
Presse, evening 2,85
New :lSra and 17o eel ly Free
Pr }s 1:35
NeW Era and Morning: Lon
don Advertiser _.... 3.08
New Era and Daily Advertiser: 2,0`'•
lbw Era and Weekly Aelver
tiser . 1,641
Dairy ,101,37 Era. and Fano and D< y ' 1.e.
ifew Era and Farmer's Advo-
cate 2,f,
For Sale
Two good Shorthorn Bulls for
Sale. Color, red. Apply to
R. IL' No. 1, 'Clinton
A Carload of Canada
a nt
Phone us tor prices,
It will pay you
'John Hutton
Dr. W. Genn, L. B. O. P., L. B. C. a.. Ed1
Dr. Cunn's office at residence High Street :
Dr• .1, C. Gaudier. D.A. M.B.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton.
rii¢ht calls at residence, Rattsnbory 8t.
or al hospital
ecoucbeur. Ste,, office' and residence on Ra
tenbury Street.. -
crown and Bridge Work a Specialty,
Graduate of 0.0.0,8... Clricago. and R.O,D.8
Baylle1d on Mondays.. May 1st to D
Geo. t M. E. Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Speoial care taken to make dental trent
ment as peinlese as possible.
Specialists in Women's and'
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Diem ders
Eye, Ear, Nose, mad Throat.
Office-Rattiennbury 'Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
Live stock and general Auction ter
berm ,tees sales a speoiallj, Orders st I ar
Naw ERA office, dm
.etly attended
to. Temps reasoi5ahle. Clinton,'Farmers' sale nolo
G. D. McTaggart M. L. MoTaggas
McTaggart Bros:
.• General• Banking- , Business
Drelte leaned. Interest allowed n
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Ilnsurance Go.
Farm and Isolated Town Props
erty Only insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaferth.
,1 Connolly, Vice-Pres.Goderich,
I E, Says, Sec.-Treas.,' Seafoeith,
Jas. Connelly, Hclmesville; John
Watt, 'Harlock' G. Dale, Clinton; D.
F. McGregor, Seaforth; J. Evans,
Beechwood , J G. Grieve, Winthrop
J Benneweis, Brodhagen ; M. Me
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses in his own district.
Nobt Smith, 'Harloek; Ed.Hineh-
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, 13gg-
mondville; J. W. Yeo, Hoimesviliei
Payments maybe, made at The
Morri8lr Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cult, Goderich.
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standaru.).
Wo also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover,
We altvays'have on hand -Goose.
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn,
17 ighes.t Markel' Prices paid for Hay
and all Grains.
(.1,1 C' hl 0 I)
Grand TrunkRailway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart 8.30 a m 4.40 p m
9,33 5.45
Exeter 9.44 5.54i
Hensel' 9.55 ' 6.05
Rippen 10.01 6.11
Brucefleld 19.09 6.19
Clinton 11,00 0.35
Londesboro.... 11.18 6.52
Blyth °11.27 700
Belgrave...... ..11.40 7.13
11.64;. 7,35
South, arrive Paseenge•
Wingham,; depart'' 6.35 a m 3.80
Belgrave....,' 6.50 3.44 1.
Blyth 7.04 3.56
Londeeboro.... .. 7.13 4.04
Clinton 8.10 4.23
Brucefield ....,8.27 4.39
Kippers' 8.35 4.47
8.41 4.52
8.54 5.05
Centralia 9,04 5.15 r•
Loudon; arrive 10:00 6.10.I%
Buffalo and Goderich
Wee` Paeeenget
Stratford....... a re: pm pm pm
10,00 12,30 5,25 10.25
Mitchell 10.22 12.55 5.55 10.49
Seaforth,...... 10.45 1.20 6.18 11,11
Clinton 11.07 1.35 6.40: 11,2
11.16 1,48 -6,46 11.3
11-35 2.00 7.05 11.
am pm pm
Gocleeich ..., 7,05 2.35 4.60
Holmesvrlle,; 7.22 2.52 5;00
Clinton 7 32 3,03 5.15
Seatorth ...... /,51 3.21 5.82
Mitchell,..... ...•„ 8.16. 3,44 505
Stratford ... . ...... . ...:5 40 415 6 20
Holmes eine
The Oo'cat J;nplish'4iZ'te,lecdl/.
Tones and inriporoLes tbo whoe
g; nervcuasysten, innl[e0 new Blood
in old Voine: c ur'es Zl os.po a
B bilin/ flfevo)al and I3rafy 71"e 'y, Daspnt-
denep/ }`pas of Zra4crry7h • alpi/.r.iica oy dice
-hart T arin si 713 7 tans Pct 43 per hoz, tate
For 85,0l Ono will plenee six will ,ure3138014 by all
druggist% or: nailed m Olio p111. on receipt of
Ppnen: Ne cgarnOlio3hlet ohatle P.
e. `1180,1NO41D
MEDICIINS.C.O,. T01t05ie, Jilt (roamed:: Windsor.)