HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-12-17, Page 8' 'AG33 EIcarr, ion '64inaON NNW; *RA Thifr day,'Deco b0tfi''litha 1,94,it • gee 1111 11111e. He has just inspected the display of GiftThing at � Christmas aJl ® Stor His smile is contagious, come aud ser The ChriStinas,Del1S`will bring more joy if your Christmas Gifts are bought at The Christmas Store" <�,I DrWy.O:NtN"SSTORE r NS S TORE Gonds and , House Furnishingsa�n�sMerMBt Tailoring and Men's -Furnishings as}K. Phone 67 ; Phone 103 For helpful hints of the best kinds of gifts for this. year consult the,followingr Chnisthlas comes regularly, even in war times, and you'll wish to remembers. your dear ones and friends as usual at the gift season. May we suggest that Practical Gifts will be Most Appreciate, This Year With such, these stares are filled—with new things to wear and pretty things to make homes mure comfortable In spite of rising costs, we have kept our prices down, and dollar for dollar, we would like to prove to you that Your Christmas Money will do Most Here Will you accept our cordial invitation to visit these stores—walk up and down the aisles, and make a careful examination of hundreds of.suitable gift things arranged in show cases and on counters, all marked in plain figures, and with price tickets everywhere. You will find abundance of appropriate and pleasing answers to the old question, ''What shall I. give? " This space by no means contains a complete list of the gift possibilities in our well-chosen stocks, ,but is merely suggestive of the many useful and ornamental things you will find here. Read it through, make notes of what seems most interesting, and then come and see for yourself that •This is the Christmas Store. Fancy Linens for Easy Mailing Agents for Irish Linens tell us that they will soon be a luxury because of• the war conditions. Why not linens from our present complete stock? Towels Tray Cloths, Plauen Lace Doylies and Centres, Pillow Shams, and Table Cloths withor without matched Napjcins, at prices varying accord- ing to size and fineness. • Present Values not soon to be Duplicated You wilt Enjoy a Look Through the Display. Remember the Handkerchiefs Many of them arelinen, too, and therefore particularly good buying now Initial Handkerchiefs for hien, fine, soft, Japanese material with silk initial Picture .L andkerchiels for the kiddies, new pictures and nursery rhymes Linen QI'aiidkerchiefs`f6r men and .women. These we import direct froth the Old Land, and whether',you invest ioc or 50c, each value is 'assured. The men's Linen ,Handkerchief we sell for 25c is a marvel Embroidered Handkerchiefs from 5c to $1, with a big range in .patterns between 4r.sci 2oc and 25c. Hand Embroidered and Lace Edge limes at 5oc to 75c Silk Handkerchiefs in both white and colors, from 25c to $I•.25, ,,with a wide variety in color and design Excelda'Finish (mercerized) Handkerchiefs in dozens of patterns We are trusting to this necessarily fragmentary list of good things to so ex- cite your curosity that you'll come to the stores and, seethe rest. Dainty Neckwear for woolen Is one of our big lines. Bath variety and style' are conspicu- ous, and 25c to 75c buys some of the newest and prettiest novelty neckwear we have shown. It is easily seen in our big glass display. cases, and the very .newest styles ar,,e now on sale The Sooner your Christmas Shopping is done the better tor all concerned. Why Delay You remember the awful crush of the last' few days last year. Can't you do your Christmas Shopping right NOW for your own comfort ? The best choice meets the early shopper. The flol say Neckwear for Men in "Top _Notch." Most of it was made to our order from sirks, and all the better lines are in Hol Boxes. Whether you 'want to pay 25c or 75c for a tie, in Bows, Knots, Four.in-hand or Hook -on, you will finifl the 'right shapes and proper colorings here. - The new shapes In ARROW Collars at 2 for 25c make a good gift of the best there is in collars. ; Popular presents at popular prices are our inducements to one and all, We put at your disposal gifts, for every member of tie family, and insure you a saving of t me, worry and cash. in the choice. Why not Gloves and Hosiery Don't you think Gloves or Hosiery a good Suggestion The above list is suggestive, not exhaustive, Let us show you the rest when you come. There is nothing to gain and much to lose in delayed Christmas Shopping. The best time is NOW. A suggestive resolve, "I'll be an early Christmas Shopper" The most beautiful and varied collection of useful gift things this country side has ever seen, awaits your choosing NOW in our roomy stores. Low prices and courteous service combine to make this the real Christmas Store. Come and see. In this Wreath %,ou/ The hearty wish You'll Find .:HA Merry Christmas of all the Combined (� !• staff of G% 1 Z ++•1t'►*N***+e1N•++N.N+iee *e***Noir••••,.....** o Loc•ews '1h41a �' o i •e•o+•e esseo••e.•eee•••••• ►o.e••e••••t••oee••••e••• INSTALLING WATER 1 CLINTON MARKETS. MrJames Carter, Albert Street. North is installing the town water' at place. • SOME WFAATHER. Monday a regular Western blizzard and the snow ploughs were out* open cup the walks. The cold' spell has continued. TAKES RINK AGAIN. Mr. Robt. Sweet has rented the frame rink again for the coming season and had skating on Wednes day night, • NEW LAUNDRY, • Mr. R. Moorehas opened a lain•.. dry and cleaning and pressing shop in, and, frame building just, east of the Commercial Hotel. ADDRESS. DI:. WE. Sloan• ;who, has recently returned; froth. Nome, Alaska, has been invited to .address the'mem-I her e of tho Clinton'Clubb and others on Friday.+j"vening Dec. 18, and will ,speak onp' ¢e,tezperienee in Alaska, PROMQTTON, ANNOUNCED. In division,• orders just issued by Col. W.E. Hodgins of the lst. diva cion, the list of appointments and promotions contains the following. H. J. Hodgin's • is absorbed into the establishinentl. To be provisional lieutenat, Sergeant F. L. Cluff. C. C. I. Cf ,M]VIENCEMENT. ' Tonight—Thursday—the' C. C. I. hold their .annual commencement exercises in the town -hall. The Phalen Orchestra will supply. the music and .program of solos ,chor uses, drill's; etc., will be given. Cer tificatee-and prizes will be given to the successful pupiils. A FORME 'A'IONEER. PASSES AWAY. Word was received here this week of the death of Mr. George Fulont of Mount Clemens Michigan, many of our older citizens will remember the Fulton Family who owned the fine farm on the., Bay -i field Road just below the iRail vay Bridge and was one of the early set tiers having come here in 1846 'but moved to Mount Clemens many years ago. UNCLE DEAD. Mr. W. R. Counter of town re- ceived word of the death of hie uncle in Honolulu; We take the following obituary notice from the Simcoe. Reformer.—There must still be some few residents of Sim- coe who have recollections of Mr. Moses R. Counter, a younger bro- ther of •Slineee's senior lousiness man, Mr...George F .Counter. Half acenturyagoo.he ~vent to school in Simcoe and afterwards loarnedthe jewellry business with his brother He married a Simcoe girl and sub- sequently started in the jewellry business in Seaforth. So long as resided there he was a frequent visitor to Simcoe. About twenty- five years ago he moved to Hono- lulu, II. I., where he has ever since been carrying on business. Word of his death there after a very brief illness, on Monday, 23rd No- vernber„was received by his Simcoe relatives a few days ago. Deceased was born in Delon, England. and was in his 66th. year. Fie will be remembered by all survivors of the Fenwick Rifles as a member of that body. XMA S NIGHT ENTERTAIN -HENT The big success of the Junior, Girls Bazaar „and entertainment in the Town Hail. last Saturday has started the Boys at the Public School up to do their share to -i wards the Pab:icrtic Fund and a committee of boys are going to be responsible for the biggest and best TEN CENT ENTERTAIN MEM.' ever held in the Town Hall The date is Xmas' night and will be double show first one at 7 o'clock and the second at 8.45 it will the a continuous performance until 10.30 you can come early 01 late or any anytime and see a big program of Moving Pictures and a good Music al Entertainment and the Funds go to the Ladies Patriotic Fund of Town. Mr. Medd the new \,Pro- prietor of the Moving Pictures has made a splendid offer to the boys for the Moving Pictures and the boys have engaged some good things in,the music line who says the Boys big TEN CENT CHRIST MAS;,ENTERPAINMENT won't be a big success. Hogs 80.76. Eggs 30e to 32c. Butter 22c,to 24c.' ' Wheat $1,00, '$1.05. Oats 43c to' 450. Buckwheat '580 to 60e., Baled Hay 410 to 411, Peas 41,20 to 1.25. -Shorts $30.00. Bran 827,00. LEAVE IT TO US— You-save money, time and• trou- ble in plaing your renewal subserip.'. tion to the dailies with us. See'. clubbing list elsewhere in this is- sue. COMMENCEMENT ,EXERCISES.' The: annualCommencement.exer eises ,of thy' Clinton Collegiate In- stitute willbe, held in the Town Hall, Thursday evening, Dec. 17. A good ;program: of Instrumental and vocal music,. readings, drills ete. OFFICE AT SALISBURY. • The Dominion Express Company has opened an office at Salisbury Plain for the i onvenience of mem bers "•of the first Cariadianl Conting ent and to "handle the Christmas rush of parcels from this country to the soldiers abroad. TAN EIS 0IER IMPLEMEE T BUSINESS.. Last week Mr: Charles Lovett and sot', James, rook over the imple- ment business of Little & Miller, and are moving the stock i:o the East half of the frame building on Huron street, next door to Scru- ton's butcher shop, MOST ACCE.'TABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENT. Scores of subscribers send the New Era, for a year to distant friends as a Christmas gift. The cost is small. The satisfaction is great. This method ensures a gen erous, old-fashioned, gossipy let- ter full of home news every week of the year. MINOR LOCALS. Those at the 'battle+front` do not need to be admonished to do their Christmas shooting early The new slogan for ClintonitLs is "Do Your Christmas Shopping at Home." Everything which Santa Claus requires is to be found in abundance in this town. The Great Majority of New Era's subscription ,expire in December Renewal notices are being sent out this week. Prompt renewal of subscriptions will be appreciated. Every merchant should have' his share of business this year. Times are not hard inlllhis section. Look atitthe prices the farmers are get- ting for grain and produce. Our factories are all doing fine and men are working. This little old burg doesn't see hard times. We desire to thank those who have already paid their subscription in advance. It is helping us finely but there are somel whom we feel that are not doing as they should. Alterations t��he Nap of �ura�e Will not prevent Christmas from com- ing, nor have they prevented us from securing a splendid stock of Holiday Goodsat reasonable prices Our stock is generous in variety, showing gilts' suitable for, littie or big, old 'or young, Useful, Beautiful and Appropriate Gilts, at a wide Range of Prices The W. D FairCo: Often the cheapest --2 iways the Best ehrlst as Gifts It is not too early to commence your Obristma's Shopping. Why not enjoy the many benefits of early buying which experi enced shoppers know are so real and so very much worth while. Simply select the article you wish to purchase and we will hold, for you. Come and examine our stock you will find a better selection than ever—Ebony, Parisian and India Ivory, both in cases and separate pieces, Perfumes and Colognes, Leather Goods Pipes add Smoker's Supplies, Cigars 10, 25 or 50 in box Gillette Razors, See the new aristocrat Gillette at $5 in ivory box Snapshot Albums: Kodak and Brownie Cameras $1 to $21.50. T. M. I-=OV:E Dispensing Chemist Q THE PANSLAR DRUG STORE Furniture, Rugs & L inoleuims We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if von are going to furnish your home, or if you only R ant some odd pieces. You will find it to your advents, to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to' date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction VR.S DL1NFC RD Undertaker- and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store Fresh, Light arid. Brown ! No better bread than ours, we claim, Ever came to town. The best of Flour we employ The latest methods, too, We're positive you will enjoy The Bread we bake for you, Conner's Bakery Phone 202 There could be nothing more Useful or Suitable for Christmas Gifts than a choice from the following list Nickel -Plated Ware Tea Kettles, Teapots, Coffee Pots, Tray's, Nut Bowls, Call Bells, Salt and Pepper Sete, Spoons and Forks, Crumb Trays, Bread Ti ays, Berry .Spoons, Meat Forks, Butter Knives, Pickle Forks, Bath Room Fixtures, Hanging Lamps Hall Lamps Fancy Oil Lamps Electric Table Lamps Safety Razors 25c and up. Electric Irons Carpet Sweepers. O Cedar and Wizzard Mops Razors, Strops and Brushes Cut Glass Berry Bowls, were 85.00 now .......... 3,75 Cut Glass Berry Bowls, were 4.00 now 3,00 Cut Glass Cream and Sugar were 5.00 now...:. 3.75 Cut Glass Water Pitcher and 6 Tumblers 8.00 now 6,00 Carvers in Cases, Scissors in Oases Pocket and Pen Knives, . Guns and Rifles, Automobile' and Cycle Skates, Special prices on Rand Sleighs, Children Tool Sets, saws, hammers, etc Men's and Children's Gloves and Mitts Fancy English Granite Teapots and lugs Several Lines at special low prices. We hold purchases till wanted Charcoal 15c per sack, 2 for 25e, 9 sacks for 41. ,ems ows=mninimisainawannosizuszannumainewmaidormarma I-IAI2LAND BROTHER,S STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES Fivt Strang Points in tlecla Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator; ' Circular Water Pan, • Saving in Coal, CALL AND BE CONVINCED OR Phone 53 FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 secondhamd FURNACE and 1 iiRadiaut home" with oven Thos.] awkins Plumbing and Beating The Corner Store "Live and Let Live" A Calif for Early Shopping Make your Christmas purchases as soon as possible, and you will have the advantage of better ser- vices better attention, and better selection.— New. Raisins, Currants, Figs, Peel, .Dates, Nuts, Etc., Ete., ARE AND WE Y WE CARRY THE VERY BEST We solicit your orders lr or Christmas Presents - We have a nice assortment of Fancy China to choose from. For the Children Christmas Stockings, Candies, Oranges, Nuts, Grapes, and 'Table Raisins, Open Evenings until Christmas Butter and Eggs 'Wanted highest Market. Price. E. E. liunniford PHONE 45. +4. 4.++•> � •4.a+�•e +4,++4.*4.14.e4e•+4. t+•a.+4.+4•++4..++t+l 1. M!Y CHRISTMAS INMP. ea• . ei• When the problem of something to give for ,•►. Christmas confronts. you, 'turn to this store forre- • lief. We offer our trade the most practical and 4,.. sensible of all Christmas Gifts CHOKE POOTWFAR • Look over the list below and see' if you do not find something that will appeal to you at once as being Just the Thing. Bath Slippers Felt Slippers • School. Shoes Dress Shoes Storm Shoes Street Shoes Dress Slippers House Slippers Bed Slippers Juliets Colonials Dress Pumps Baby Shoes F,00twarmers Arctics Rubbers Rubber Boots Leggings, Etc. I.'. Make your Footwearselections early while the choosing is at its very best. FRLhrk J74etCS THE l-1OME OF BETTER SHOES Ir a ►4+ 4.4.+4.4eroe*•++.,..1.4..a.awr4•4,,,, 4.4.444+11 :l ',PP' 4. 4.