The Clinton New Era, 1914-12-17, Page 4•PAGE POP -A,
filing CLI 4ToN NBW
Thursday, Decembe
17th, 1914.
y .. A . ood man
Dec�i�able Steal Estate rn ybe solei at; a'yrly• trrie,,c��r'�eai��n. g y shrewd la' ... _ --
utif ,vorable'seasons sib why tomake;their'i ve°1 rnelnt ,
and'are Wa bhang ;the : ". acts '""
to weer
Dry Goods
louse_ Ptir
Yon In la
y Find an Answer Hero. .You have but to walk.
' through our store '• to',realize the many.opportunities you have for
making easy your choice of Christmas Gifts; Our stocks are
largeenow than ever before. Qualities are better and prices as
low. Make This Store Your Buying Centre.
. We have a large
range ref • Parasols ':•
and Umbrellas for
ladies and gentlemen
A very large variety
of styles in Ladies
Parasols 1.00, 1.50
A special lot, with
silk and wool covers,
and fancy bandies at
Gent's Umbrellas,
'fine silk and wool
'covers, plain bandies
string frame, 3,00
and 3.50
for Christmas Gifts
The amount of money involved is sufficient
incentive for great care in selection,,Our
advice is to look carefully arid satisf'
self. Careful inspection and coinp'arisonwill„
establish beyond a doubt the worthiness of
our style. We are showing one of the largest
stocks of high-class furs in the county. •
Dressing Gowns and
• Path poises
'We have received from the manufacturer
some -very handsome garments that are
•being'slfown this week for the first time.
The materal'is high grade' eiderdown, in
pretty shades, red. rose, gray, Copenhagen,
prices are 5.00, .5450, 6.00.
The Christmas Store
This Store will be Open Evenings, until Carie uta$ '*
Intended for last week, but. seas crowded out
lVILa,x' is it_.-
There has been called to his long
home one of the pioneers of ilhe
Township of Morris,- in the person
of James Pollock. who paseedaway
to Higher Life. Nov. 28th. 1914, at
the ripe agef 91 years and 2
months, being the oldest 'man in
the township He was ' . born in
County Tyrone ,Ireland and came
to Canada in 1847 • and settled in
Halton County. for a few years
where he married Jane Creighton
eel Milton formerly from Tyrone
Ireland who predeceased him. 14
years ago. He came to the Town
:ship of Morris Huron County and
:settled on the farm where, he has
',since 'reside. He leaves one son
Wiliam,'hand;t Tee daughters to
•mourn his earfhly absenceMarg-
a ret4lieliome; Mrs. S. J. SMith'Pet,
oskey Mich , and Mrs. Mary Wren
01 Haldimand ,,,,Xourity, . and two,
grandsons A. l hest • Smith,
hon 1 and Wm. J. Smith of :tiho'
Baheii of Hamilton staff, Blyth.
}t Hullett
Rotert• Mtii'tf ii s"'pcrit' Thursday
,with' - lintinzi friends.
Mi 14IaryXiar
' kwe l of'Luc
ie. thh guest of lien aunt; Mrs. Wm.
M �
be ti Voddenis confined
bed' bed ItJie and is under .
toms are. '
Le 'e Ball,, s n of G. H. Ball is
r r11eu-
with inflainato
�d t'i
lar py
Wnie Hesk sold his heavy horses
to M Archibald of Seaforth.
i% Howard Brunsdon of Myth
M r Yth
spenfea few weeks with her father
Wm. Mairs. '- 1
Robert Smith had a plowing bee
on Saturday , when his neig.bbors
assisted hfml id plow on his farm
which he recently bought from.
Charles Clifton of Base Line.
Mr. mad Mrs. Wesley Lee and son
'e guests of
Port Col
of Po ve
ourne � i g
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.:Wm, Lee.
Mrs, Jos. Colcough of Base. Line
is spending a few weeks with Mrs.
Albert Vodden.
Miss Elsie Adams of Chicago', is
spending a few weeks at the :home
of Thomas Adams sr.
Mr. and Mrs. DerwinS Carter at-
tended ,the, Fat Stock Show • -in
Guelph on Monday and Teesda yy .
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Trieket of
FD London spent a few days at the
home of her father, Wm. Vodden,
Miss Josie Elly spentt last week
with • Westlfield' friends.
District News. ,
E ar, Stan/even:., eae; .t.„..r!
Mr. Hugh McGregor and Mr. George
Thos, Baird attended the ,Fat Stock,
Show'in Toronto'l'ast week with shove
cattle and realized fair prices.
Mrs, 'leo Thos; Baird and Geo. Nor.
men.Baird,visited .friends in Toronto
atthe end of last week,:
Mr. Tbgs.: Manning of London is vie.
:ting, his parents, Mr. and Mrs,' John
Manning, •
Rev, J. R. Mann of Port Elgin, for-
mer pastordeeffnox church,will con-
duct apnigersary services in -Carlow
Presbyterian- chureh ou Sunday Dec.
27th e
Mrs. Edgar .Lawson, who has been
veiting` her 'parents is Seaforth, re-
turned last.
One of ourpopular young men of the,
West. End will take ou to himselfa life;
partner We extend our congratula,:,
tigiVl,n ii(, 'tit ; tb, . ,ai ie
nee. 'y <s,., ft,e BritIPP#04
Anniversary eervices will be conduct
en in the Metlioilist Chpscb by, l l±c R,
J,'McUorriiiek, Ili., Pr on Sunday, Dec.
20th. Services.a't•2,30`and 7 p. m.
Iutendeff tor Lash Week.
The Presbyterain•congregation' held
their -church anniversary services on
Sunday and Miendlay ,last• On Sala -
hath -Rev Mr. Salvers of N. Bruce
Conner pastor . pe: the congregation
preached• to a very large .audience,
people eametenm all direction to hear
their old friend., He preached in the
.piorning,,en"Church Attendance"
the church choir wars present assisted
by Miss Moven of Londou who sang 0
i '
eolo. In the evening seats were t
crowded even the amen' corner, Miss
Moran sang a solo "Lead Kindly
Light' Mrs. ,:G Elliott also sang 'a'
solo. Miss Teener was the leader of
the home choir, The offertory during
the two services was $170.00.
On Monday every road 'seemed to
lead to Brucefield People were; Pres
entfrom Clinton, Seaforth, Kinburn,
Blyth, Hensall, Bayfield, London,
Drayton and many other places.. The
church was crowded a•fowl supper was
served by the women of the, congrega
tion,, who managed' to feed that vast
multitude about $290. was taken in
at the door. After the supper all
went into the auditorium where a
program was given Rev. Mr, Lhrkin
occupied the chair, owing to the illness
of the pastor 11ev. Mr Woods who
could not be present. Addresses Were
given by pastors of Egniondville Clin-,
ton and Thames Road. Miss Thomp-
son of Mitchell gave several readings
which were much appreciated espec.
chilly one entitled "Kaiser Willie"
The music was furnished by Mrs. G.
Elliott of Clinton, Mies Moran of Lon-
don and the Lobb quartette. The
crowning event of the evening was
the hurning of the church mortgage
which was preformed in good style by
the Rev. Mr. Sawers he told how glad
he was to see the beautiful church en-
tirely free of debt. It is about 7 years
since it "was built and for some time
every effort' has been made to clear
the debt. After the burning of: 'the
mortgage the whole company hang the
doxology with right good will The
whole congregation are truly glad and
thankful to God for their freedom
from debt and trust their church may
prove a blessing to many,
Rev. Mr. Sheerner will preach in
the Preshyterain church on Sunday
morning and Rev. Mr. Richardson in
the evening. Mr. Wood although
recovering is not able to resume hie
work. •
Mrs, Turner of Drayton isvisiting in
one village she came to attend the
church anniversary.
Mise Tehhut of Clinton is the guest
of Mre. Little,
The Presbyterians are preparing a
cantata for Christmas night.
The Red ()roes sent four large boxes
of clothing etc, to the suffering Bel-
gians, and a urge box this week of
shirts, sex; scarfs, caps and gloves, and
are still bugle.rnaking'more.
The ,Red ()loss concert on Friday
night •iQWes., a"success in every way,
«ouseecrowded to the door and many
could not get in,
Rev. -Mr. McIntosh preached in the
Presbyterian church Sunday night to
a very attentive audience on "The
Million Dollar Budget."
Mr.- and Mrs: -John `Cole left last;
week for their home in Waterloo.
' The ladies ofLondesboro and vicinity
under the auspices of the Women's 10.
stitute, who have been engaged in
-making garments for the soldiers at
the front made their first shipment on
Dec: 10th. The articles were ou exhibi
tion Wednesday afternoon and refresh
ments were served. A collection was
taken, which 'amounted to $13, which
will be added to the Patriotic fund.
The list of garments is as follows, -I0
pair of bed socks; 18 flannel shirts; 18
night shirts; 26 pair of socks; 15 pair of
wristlets: 4 scarves; 1 doz of handker-
chiefs; 4 handbags. The work will be
continued and all wishing to help will
get the material at Mrs. James Wood-
man's after next week. '
Mr. Wm. Lansipg of Clare, Mich. is
siting hie cousin, Mrs. John Philips,
• s week:
Miss Alice Youngblut spent Sun-
day with her friend 11'Iiss Elsie,
Ben Kerr leaves shortly for ling -
land, where he will spend his holi-
days. t`. •i
Mr. and Mrs. John Philips of 15th'
con. spent Sunday at thq home of
Marshal Braiithwaitei , '
Miss Margueret Mair is under $he
doctor's care in Clip -lien. We hope
for her speedy recovery
Mrs. Wm. Hiles and Miss Bark,
well spent Sunday with) the for-,
mere daughter, Mrs. Norman, Car-
ter: „F
Mrs. Matthew( Hazelwood sr."°ie
confined to her bed.
Mr. pa
and Mr , .Jose h1Carter ens
tertained about twenty ggnests on
Wednesday evening. It,beingg :the:
6th anniversary,. of tiheir, weddin
day, . ,•. ; •
Miss Addie Jenkins '01. Goderich
is spending a week with her sister
Mrs. Wm. Jenkins..
Goderich To unship
Council 'rtieetin All ``•'membtrs.
present. 'The ••nomi'nation meeting.
will be,hehd in•Holmes'*-Hall (Hole'
eserille) on°Mondaq, Dec. '28 at 1j
o'clock noon:and,,the-eleefeen
any will• be held- on Monday Jan. 4
1915, at',the . following' places.. ' The
following, persons acting. are Depute'
Returning Officer and Poll Clerics
1 Orange Hall -Chris. Johnston
George Falconer. 2, House of G.
0. Sturdy Melviile Sturdy, How-
ard Sturdy. 3 House of Mrs. Thos.
Harrison. -John Woods,. Albert
Harrieon. 4 house of W. A.Elliott
-W.A. Elliott, Lewis Axiderson. ':i
House of A. O. Murphy -A. 0. Mur'
pity, Ira Merrill: 6 House of Mrs,.
W. Colclough-Guy Hicks; Adair
The folio wing accounts were or-
deredAlexander • f:nl
poi ;-Jas, refund
of dog tax 91, Wm Middleton re-
fund of Statue ,Labor;$4,i0, Robt,
Wilson refund of tat ' Labor 96
t State
Municipal World (supplies 96.52..
Councillors services at Board $130,
Jos. Whitley salary as ,Treasurer•.
985, N. W. Tr'ewartha salary, as
Clerk 9105, W. Mustard lumber 910,
85, Gravel are unts;-Jas. Thomp
eon 96,51, C• 'illiams ir. t$10.71.,
` John Pother 92.90, Thos. Gundry 97
BenRathwellSa illi o clo i
Tillie C l u t
98,15, • lesson 34.7 Joh � Lind
8 b D G @@ x Li
, N 1
say 96.08.
I Cc' aimed to• meet on
nt• 10 o'eloclh a. m.
Mrs, Edward Crawford spent Friday
'ith her parents Mr, and Mrs, Henry
Mies Addie Jenkins spent a few days
with her seater Mrs. Wm. Snell. '
Mrs,. Frhnk Tricket returned to
London on Friday accompained by
her grandmother,, •'Mrs. Richard
Brigham„ who will- spend the Winter
with her .,daughter, rMrs. Ross.
"' i olriieavIIIe'
At the last regular meeting of Court
Selwoed No, 57.0..0. F, The follow-
ing ofUe0Tei were elected: for I015-0 R
G. 0: :'Sturfv; 0 It, O. W. Potter,
Fin - Sec'S: T. Walter, Rec Sec, H. J.
Trewaetba` Cblip, W, Stanley, S W,
G V%abderbdiy. J W,''We. 'Johnson,
S B,'.'J. Huller, 'J B, R. McCartney,
Auditors' Nl-W, Trewarlha and W.
Vanderburg. The next meeting will
be had on Wednesday Dec. 30th.
London Road •
We are sorry to learn that Mrs,
Henry Livermore ie seriously ill at her
home. She has been' confined to her
bed' for the past two weeks, but her
many friends hope for a speedy recov-
League held their annual oyster
supper at the home of Mr. Geo, Ilan.
ley. Everybody present had•kn.enjoy
able time.
Constance -
Mies May Glazier cf Clinton spedt a
week'the guest of her aunt, Mre. Thos.
}yrs`. Taylor of-Harrieton is spending
coli le of 'Months the guest of her
brothers; Andrew and Ben Snell.
Dernt`f .eget to attend the Christmas
bree,diid'entertainment in the Metho-
dist eliiif'8'h'on Wednesday evening De-
cember 23rd, , A good time is expected
The 'Forester's are having a social.
on Tuesday evening of this week,
dotal List
It is intended to`aesist•you . in decid-
ing,. fou will notice that there is
somethingg for ,everybody"- and we
wish"to;add that no more worthy col.
ledtion;of Jewelery was. ever offered.
Read: the List -Read it Carefully
Then Decide to Call at once
Gold Watches .Watch. Charms
Filled Watches `Cuff Links
Rings Shirt Sets
Watch Chains Umbrellas
Silver and Gold Headed Canes'
Gold' Watches Shirt Sets
Filled Watches Bracelets
Itinge Earrings'
Brooches Rot Pins
Necklets Combs
e e .er
Jeaveler and 49gti<s: n
.a e, a„as''v
1 Jl rtil'i°i'itilil d1r1 1(lil$ti'1'lla:d�evii l,dliWe/,.�lir'C,I�'
Oh yes. the weather is quite cold
enough, Thank you!
Mies Elite Beam was the guest of
Mite Mabel Snyder,
Miss Rose Durst has returned to her
home here, having completed leer
tern!. at Clinton I4edel School.
Mr'IS. Baer Sundayed with friends
on the, Maitland. '
Mr. and Mrs. M. Allen of Auburn
epene the week end at the home of the
forneer'e parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joshua
Mr. H. Farrant was a guest et the
honed of Mr. W. C. Durst on Sunday.
D, 3' Schwanz'spent the week end
with friends` in Crediton.
Mrs. John Stevene of Goderich is vie
iting with her son, Mr. Win. Stevens
this week.
t 'rt''
bet Sundeedeent ?and at 7 p,m, at
J, HOLMES, "The Evergreens"''`
All are invited. Malachi 3,17'
The late John Kernighan, whose
death occurring. on the 23rd of
November, was born on the north-.
east coast of Ireland, March •16th.
1833 was thus atjthe time of I his
death well on in his eighty-second'
year. Owing to the famine then
raging in Ireland the Kernighan
family in 1838 emigrated to Canada
settling in the township of Bever-
ly in Wentworth county. In.April
1853 the subject of this sketch
bought the farm. incolborne Town
ship on which he died, coming up
by 'stage to what wad then known
as Rattenbury'd Corners. The farm
was purchased from'Adam Akam:
for 150 pounds and was' then all,
bush excepting'' ten acres.. The
whole of Mr.' 1ernighan's life was
spent upon this farm excepting ten
years spent -in the town of l ddee,
rich. In 1855 Md. Kernighan mar-
ried Anne Sturdy, `daughter of
Hugh Sturdy of Goderich township".
who predeceased _'him. seven years.
Their family :Were Ellen, `wife of
Dr. Armetrongl 0f' Mitchell,, who;
died •30"- yesrp; ago; Maggie., wife
of Major 'Beck1ofToronto.;;yll4tnnie,
Wife of Harry', Montgomery, of
God'erich Tonwship and Norman ex
Reeve of Colborne township, on the.
homestead.,` Mr.; Kernighan was.
probably the oldest justice' of peace.
in the county having been appoint;
ed :an 1880 anctin the old days he,
did` considerable work in this con-
nection, In religion he ; woe' "a
Presbyterian and for many- years
was,,one of -the :;elders of: 'Knox
church Auburn' as well as''percen-
tor and Bible class teacher in. all of
these activi':res t;eking a deep inter
est and walking to church for sev
eral years before 'hordes were a
necessity.' While a resident of God
,crich Mr, Ketnighan taught a
Bible class in Seltford the membere
of which showed their apprecia-
tion of his: services' by regular it
tendance as evell as by many tolcen,4:;
a Teat' int r-:
of esteem, He.took g c Le
in singing and ^ for many years
gave singing lessons at different'
places in the neighborhood. • He
was a great reader and was al -i,'
ways well informed and .eyes a
contribultor to the .press on many
to Tics es especially re-
ligious 'controversial
topics p y
ligious subjects. Be was the first
president' of the' West Huron Fai'm.
era' Instillute. In politics he sup-
ported the Liberal party ;though a
lie' was by no means 'a .partieen.
Perhaps• the greatest influence he
wielded' however was simply that:
of his serene gentle kindly charactl
i e through all his
er,which sl on 1
words and acts and gave him a
place in the esteem, and affection
of his fellow citizens which few
men reach. Funeral services were
conducted by Rev, A. Laing and
Rev., James Hamilton, the;,' inter,
meat 'being lin the -,Colborne deme
'tery. ' The; pallbearers were John
Breen and John Munnings, of Col-:
borne, PeterMcEwen and Andre'
,liallld'ay, of c*oderich; John. Ping
land and William; Patterson, ofHut
lett, whose fathers; were boy chums
of the 'deceased. ,
Local News
G� Ll11IT0N
ire, Life' and Accident'
Beal eetate;bonght,and .cid
Money to loan',
Office These' Street; neat door to'New
Do it now. • What? .
Pay for your paper in'advance.
It will help us and make youf eel,
more comfortable.
I. 0. b. F.
- After the regular meeting on
Tuesday. night the members of the
I. 0. 0. F. lodge had` a small ban-
quet. Four• candidates had been
started on the way during the
evening. Speeches were delivered
by Dr. Thompson, Councillor
Wallis, Ex-ittIayor Taylor, 13.' B.
Chant and also `an
of the mem-
bers who pay an ocepsional vi'iit
to' the Lodge room.
At the .e nnual meeting of the
American Leicester Breeders' Asso-
ciation at the Guelph Winter Fair
on Tuesday of last week, the Asso-
ciation paid Mr. James Snell, of
Hullett Township; the well-known
Leicester sheep. breeder, the high
honor of appointing him' Judge at
the Pan-,American,'Exposition at
San -Francisco next year. Mr. Snell
we have no doubt, will be able' to
give even' justice and do Honor to
Huron County and Canada at large
The New Era congratulates Mr.
Snell upon receiving this recogni-
tion 'of ins 'worth to the Associa-1
tion. :
On Tuesday the pupils in ; -+the
Senior • roam' of the Model School
read the `following address and
presented their 'teacher, Mr. Hoge
garth with' a pair -of 'military
brushes. Following was the. ad-'
dress. -Dear Mr. Hoggarth, the
time has arrived when we, your
pupils during this short,term, must
say -to yo'u. farewell. No doubt we
have at times fallen -short of being
ideal pupils but we pan- assure' you',
that any shortcomings that we
may have shown arose 'not' from'
evil intention on our part but from
mere thoughtlessness. All annoy-
ance we may have caused you we
now ask you• to kindly overlook
We would ask you to cherish a
kindly feeling towards your class
in the model school here, We ap-
preciate the intereet you have ta-
ken in our welfare` and in our pro-
gress. We feel' that We will always
have reason to look back on the
term, n.ow closing. with pleasure. In
bidding you good-bye we would
ask you to accept this little token
as a mark of our esteem and re-
gard for you.• In closing we .wish
you and your, family a very merry
Christmas and happy New Year,
Siigfeede on, behalf: ,of the clase.
Auction Sale
Piano' Tuning,
M. James Doherty wishes to 'in-
8or the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,•
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61,'<will receive prompt attention.
P p. r
Mrs. Mclllardy.Sntith
of the staff of
London Conservatory of Music
Late organist and choir leader of
Willis Church," Clinton, and re
cently of Leipzig, Germany, ex-
ponent of'modern school of piano
technique.. At Hotel Normandie,
on Friday of every week.,
Barred Rocks for Sale
Barred Rock Cockerels -Miller and
Pringle strain. for quick sole. 10 cock-
erels at 91 each, and 10 cockerels 8 to
10 pounds each bred from ,a 200 egg,,
strain (pullets related to bheee cocker-
els were laying at 5 months of age)
price 92 and 93 each. Several exhibi
tion cockerels, Pringle strain 93 to' 95
each, also a few-, good bens, through
moulting, 91 and S•2 each. ' -
H' A, HOVEY, Clintou
Auction Sale of Cattle
Mr. George. Holland of Holmesville
will sell 30 head of cows and young
cattle,. at the Temperance Hotel. at
Londesboro, on Friday, Dec. 18th.;
Piano For Sale
A new Upright Piano for sale cheap
--a snap for quirk sale, Apply to
BOX 106, Clinton, Ont.
'Auction sale of 'Farm Stock and Im-
plements and. Household Furniture at
Lot 40, Con, 7, Goderich township, on
Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, at 1 o'clock sharp,
the following.. Horses -aged mare, a
general purpose .snare 7 years, filly 8
years, gelding 1 year. - Cattle -Cow 4
years old to freshen. March 80, heifer 3
years to freshen Marcb24. heifer rising
2 to freshen in Apeil. tench' cow 3 yes,
Milch cowl yrs. 5 steers 8 yrs old, '1
steer 2 years old, 4 steers 1 year old, 3
spring calves, 1 sow, 75 hens. ampler
nients-Massey;Harris binder 6 ft cut,
'Massey' Harris Mower 5 ft cut, Massey
Harris seed drill, Massey Harris culti :
Mor, gong plow,. •scuffier, bay rake;'
sat harrows, ;dew, waggon, set sleighs
`fannih'g'inill,'hay; rack. 2 buggies, read
cart; cutter, a heel barrow,. set double
'Sarnese; set sin�ggle• harness; string of
l ns, saddle ladies bicycle, cream•sep
/a atori Daisy ;churn, .sugar kettle,, hay'
'fork; ce rope -and pulleys, set slings,.
2 seta' whiffletrees, 2 •robes, 8 colonies
of bees. • A quantity 'of -hay, Folks;
chains and other, articles to numerous
-tis mention. Sale. without reserve. as
proprietor has.,sold •his fairm. Terries`
All ;silms; ,01 ten ,`dollars and under
caste; over • that angoeet, .12' months
credit wilt be given olY fureishiug ap.
'Proved joint notes: A discount of 5 per;
pent for dash •' Hazy, ,tens', and,bees
cash. "Oeo. Bu diett proprietor. Geo...
Elliott; auctioneer:
New Era and Daily Globe 94.50
New. Era and Daily- Mail and •
Empire 4.50'
New Era. and DailyWorld.._3.35
New Era and Daily News,2.85
New Era and Dailytar 2.85
,.v cw Era and' Fafn:ly: Herald
and : Weel.l Star" 1.85
'New Era and Weekly Witness 1.85
New Era and Northeitn tiles -
1 60
senger .
New Era and, Canadian Farm 1.85
,::New Era and Farmer's Sun1.85
Now Er.a. and- ':Daily . Free
Press, morning_ 3.35
Naw Era and. 'Daily Tide
Press., evening _ , 2.85
NeW Bra' and Weekly Free
Prose 1.85
New Era and Daily Advertiser, 2.85,
Top Era. and Weekly Adver-
tiser '
hew Era and Farm and Dairy '1.85
few Era and Farmer's Advo-
cato 2,35
,For.' Sale^ ,
Two -good Shorthorn Bulls for,
sale. Color, red. Apply to
R. R. No. 1, Clinton
Stable for Sale
s.l ..
Stable for sale at the Presby-
terian Manse. Ap ly to , -
r gf.IPTON�r y ,
' 1 '
noenneyts ce„ Notary Ppblic,R 1
OOor, issioner; ate.'.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses, •
H,uron4Sk, Ciinton..
Wyandottes for Sale '
H •
''i'`• A:N•C El
Notary Public, Conveyancer,'
Financial and Real Estate.
INSUBANCB Lt5ENT-Representing 14 Fire In
aurones Companies.
Division Court!Office.
Well bred White Wyandottes;for
sale-Cceekerels and - Pullets: •
1 Carinal,, of. Canada
wool Came I
• P one: us for ` Prices ' •.
a you.
tor' �-lut
1:.oNDESBO ' o
Drs.••C o. it M. E.. hhttleY
Heileman!! nn
e a
Osteopathic Ph
1, y.
Specialiste in Wbmen'e and
Children's Diseases
Acute Chronic, and Nervous
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-Rateenbury 'Hotel.
Tuesday, and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
.I°QD1t1➢ Mf;IlEO®,:..
Were now selling Timothy -Seed'
(Government Standard.).
We .alae have, on band, Alfalfa,
Alsikel and Bed Clover.
We el -w'a's have on hand. -Goose
Wheat, Peas Bagley and Feed Corn.
, y
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay.
,anal all! Qrafns.
T?(flflRT1 lI
Medrol. -
Physician. Burgeon. Eto
susolal attention given to diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose,
Eyes •,: dully xamined, and suitable glaesee
Office and and Residence.
Two o doers west of the Commercial Note
Heron St.
DRS. Gt'NN and GAM11E1
.: Dr. W. Nunn, L. It. C. P., L. R. C. d.. 1V41
Or. lunn's office at residence High Street:
Dr. J. C. Gaudier. D.A. XII. ,r
`,.Office -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night calls at residence, Rattenbnry St,
or at hospital
DR. d. W. SHAW.
oeouchenr, etc„ odic° and .residence en Re
tenbury Street„
Crown and Bridge Work n Specialty.
Graduate of Chicago, and R,O,D.9' ,
Bnyaeld on Mondays, MAW 185 80 11
Offices ovar.O'NEIL'S store.
Special earetaken to make dental trete
meat es painless as possible.
Live stock and'general Auction sev
Par m stoce'sales a specials,!. .orders .f 1 of
New Ens office, remouy attended
to. Terms reasonable. Clinton,Farmer.' sale not.
G. D. 'M.cTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
McTaggart Bros.
Generalto ` Banki
sactedng Balinese '
Drafts issued. Interest allowed n
The McKillop Mutual
Fire •: Insurance eo.
Perm and isolated Town Vrooe
arty Only. insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth.
J Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderich.T, E. Hays, Sec,-,Treas.; Seaforlth,
Jas. Connelly, HcImesville; Joint'
Watt, Earlock" G. Dale, Clinton; D.
F. McGregor, Seafortb; .1.'Eveats,
Beechwood , J G. Grieve, Winthrop
J Bennoweis, Brodhagen ; M. Med
Ewan, Clinton,
Each .Director is Inspector of
losses sin hie own distriet. ,
Robt Smith, Harlock; Rd. Bloch -
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, E •
mondveile; .1. W. Yeo, Holmeeviltel
Faymeuta;may beeeneade at The
Morris's Clothing .Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Butt. C}ud,erich.
4rand TrnnkRailway System
Railway Time Table`
London, Huron and ':Bruco.-
,North Passenger
London,depart.: ..e '8.80a•m`4.40'to
Centralia. e... 9.33 5.43 P
Exeter , 9.44, ''5.641 •
ll snail . . .............11.55, 6.05
Kippen.,'......... .. 10.01 6.11
Brucefleld,:........: 19.09 '0.19 '
,Clinton ,;...t:.. 11.00 ' C 0,36
Londesborot' ..,... „11.18 6.52
Blyyth 11.27 '7.00
Belgrave ▪ ...'1140 7:13 • ;".,
Wingham, arrive.. ' 11.54'' ' 7.35 •
South Passeng e'
WigrangintmV!e.. ;;, ▪ ..depart...' 8,3550, am; 8
,: •- 0, .. •
Blyth. :.,..`. 7.04 ' : 8,56
Londesboro.... 7.13 • - °4
()Upton.-•.-e-e 8.10 4.23
Brucefield ..`... e.... '8.27 • 4.39
..8.35 4:47
He ne alU.............. . 8.41
Exeter. ............ '8.54 5.05 ,..
Oentralia .
London,'errfve .10,00 6.10
Buffalo and Goderich
Wee` . 'm'pPm
aseengeLpm to
Str pp
atford..,..,....10.00 12,30 - 5,26 10 25
Mitchell....,, , . -10.22 32.55 :5.55 10.49
Seaforth:...: ,.10.45 1.20 6.18 11.11
Clinton.. ...11.07' 1.35 6,4G 11,2
Holmesville.....11.10 1.43 .6:46 I1.3
Goderich.„... .11.35" 2.00 7.05 11,
East Passenger
Goderich..` P m PM
.. :. 7,05 , 2:35 '4;60'.
Holm esville 7.22 2.52 5.06
Clinton 7,32 3,03 5,15
Seatorth .,-7.51 3.21 5,32
Mitch ell 8;16 3,44 5 55
Stratford.... 8 40 4 15 8 20
no Creat. 1'zzglish 1icntefpTt•
Tones and invigorates tho whole
netvnuasystens niches now Pahod '.
in old Veins,
(Nres >
DeDebits*llTeizttrl azrrz i3rat:t, Worry, Ds., -no.
,te-ncp[[,. i os9 of 16,oe (/q/, Palpilotfeg o CO
kt5ca,t' Fai iozil d
, m,
Jfor 8'IaOne will i easo'eis '.4u o:01ri^
druGGests or mb nea in plain pItG on recall
mice. Now pado 2isdfre(w.60sadnnuI;..oti(i4ivhe.,,htllfsar4