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The Clinton New Era, 1914-12-17, Page 2
a0000000011004}0000000000000,f / Try us for Job,Work in all its brunches, • A trial Will convince you • that we know our • • business. 2 wnNnsasnAsb sseai•N•s•s•'N01 00111000114110.01111100110000000411011 ", Phone Want Ads to The New Era =' s Many telephone (subscribers • a find it quite convenient and a e time-saver, Experienced ad- er_ veers are always on The New • Era end. Phone•30. • • • ♦se••••s•••••••O••WN•••• PAGE 11%1'0. Era *Thursday, December 17th, 1911, The &Linton New Era 4iens Venn in the Public Se ` st , II. Kerr .'Son, Proprietors. J. Leslie Kerr, Business Manager New'Era, one year in advance ...e ................. ....S 1 00 New Era, when not paid in advance..............:.. 1 50 New Era, to the United States in advance ........ e ... 1 50 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION (Mee Phone 30 House Phone 95 d ditorial ���ol oa It looks as if Great Britain was still Mistime of the sea. The New Era for 1915 would :Hake, a good Christmas gift(' and would wear well. Sir Roba..t Borden has postponed Ms Eastern Province r ince political tour in the meantime.'. • -p-- It is doubtful' if any past war saw much rougher fighting than was done about Warsaw: Toronto is likely no have a live- ly fightfor the. Mayor's chair With three or perhaps four candidates. Some of them dont weigh 16 ounces to the pound either. Hon. Winston Churchill, first Lord of the British Admiralty, is only 40 years of age but is a clear headed,clean handed trend big hearted statesman, and his name will long be remembered. —a -- When can their glory fade, As the choice clothes they made, All thetroops wonderedea Honor the work they; gave, Honor the sock brigade, Noble 600 --o-- Plum pudding is being event' to Salisbury Plain for the Christmas dinner finish up for the "boys." A consignment was shipped from Toronto last Saturday. ' We hope abandoned. Poll - Every the Itfe is soon to be Every Page Has Newsy Items. THEY SLAVED TOO ,HARD. Toronto Students Instructed to Drop Playing Real Politics. After a brief and tumultuous exist- ence, the Lib- encs, the Conservative n t allege College e'Univera t7 oral parties of th Literary ane{ Scientific Society appear to be on the point of dissolution. Hereafter the undergraduates are on- ly to diemise national' politica in an academic and non-partisan way. The experiment of making the chief stu- dent organization of. the 'University of Toronto a school for statesmen, like the Oxford Union., where Asquith and Balfour were trained for after- e Canadian( (allies will live to tics among the practical -minded enjoy many. h Christmas turkey young men who make the student and crauberry sauce plus plum body of a Canadian university have become too practical to suit the taste pudding. +--s-•"" or a state university, and pressure is brought to bear to abo p (tali arty ism. Those German professors going' The Oxford Union idea has not work - to the homeland at the expense 01 ed out in Toronto in the way that it ;as as anticipated, The "Lit•" is ap- the Universitat rather stirred, up parently destined to become a diebat- quite a hornet's( nest for. Principal ing society, pure and simple, without Falconer, and the box the .Univer-party organization, The ator7 of na tions( polities in the "Lit." of city is in is,ither a peculiar one some interesting sidelights on Cana - The intentlion appeared to be ,all dean national character. right but the working out was Up to seven or eight years ago tbe society was much more than a debat- ing the skein gotj tangled, ing society. 'It was the representa By the calling out of --o-- five body of students. - It controlled :the Second the undergraduate newspaper; the ilne of the last reserves Germany undergraduate dinner, the undergraud nate dance. Through it the students is proving that the beginning of made requests to the university auth- the end of her militiary career is rarities. As a result of the import at hand and will soon wear out ss ance of the Lit. as a business body little losses continue as heavy's as inittle attention was paid to national politics the issues at the elections the pasty .The wrecked homes? of being purely local to the student Germany, the widows and,'the fa- body, such as "Who is to pay for the hild ll b damage on Hallows enr" Every Many a man is busy arranging a preliminary map of Europe as it is likely to be aftler that, war. It is a portunitty if he makes good use of 1 matter of g uess work at this stage it. of the game, although some sof the powers are already making a bid 1 Wise and kindly is the sugges- 9or. territiorse t tion made'by the Pope that hostile 1eady to Shoot In the reign of Louie Philippe Victor Hugo was a frequent and 'wel- come guest at the Tuileries. Here is one of his. anecdotes' of the time as told in Victor Hugo's memoirs: "A few days ago the king -said -to Marshal Soult in the presence of others, 'Marshal, do` you remember the siege of (Stadia?' " 'Rather, sire,I should think so, I swore enough before that cursed (Wiz. I invested the place and was forced to go away as I had come,' "'Marahal; while you were before i i eft' it I was ns d "'I know, sire.' "'The Cortes and the British Cab- inet offered me .the command of the • gnaniah arm7.' tkerless c ren wi a many as ring rivalry .between "Old the' cordon tightens toward Berlin sspits and «1j 1oniats" reached an ID- -_o-- tensity incomprehensible to the out- Mnnitoba, for so unrulyaider a Pro- Eight years ago the first great since on the Temperance question change came in the Lit. It was made "'I remember, sire. 'a'The offer was a grave one. I hesitated long.. Bear arms against France? For my family it is possi- ble, but against my country! I was greatly perplexed. At this juncture you asked me through a trustworthy person for a secret interview in a little house situated' on the Cute - dura, between • the city and your camp. Do you remember the fact, M. ldarshal?' can give pointers to Ontario; if more like a house of parliament. The old Lite and the Unionists they carry out; the, proposition to sat facing each other serosa the floor shorten up thesellinghours of of the house, as government and op- iquor, Ontario a, i' O t ' o m wale sip in position A table separated the two. v theof h parties The president, as speaker, high, in a carved chair. course a year or so, ow sat on g , ever, ]?'eater Hearst has his op'. In the term of 1911-12, after the excitement of the "reciprocity elec- tion," many of the students were fired teall force ith the desire n national politics. They believed that dropping the old party namesof old Lit. and Unionist, and re -dividing the ('Lit." on the basis of Conservative and Liberal would mean a great awakening o", interest in the society, and amuch keener realiza- tion . on the part of the student body of the importance of national polities. After three sessions of red-hot cam- paigning, which would put real na- tional politics to the bluSb for bit- terness and intensity, it has occurred to the university authorities that poli- tica partizanship and machine meth - ode are not desirable things in a uni- versity. The hint was passed that the Liberal and the Conservative Par- ties arties to the "Lit." should cease to exist. Canadian students are too practical in their methods to make politics an academic pursuit with them, even in the. University. The submarine is all the snore dangerous because it does its deo structive work out of sight. An open foe is .often to be preferred to a traitorous socalled friend, who smiles yet smites. Pure gold integrity wears well, ., '• ities cease on the battle fronts! over the Christ*nas tide. I9 ac- quiesced in dont you thinks it w cilli look sillier than ever to practice "Peace on earth" for a day and then blaze away harder than ever on December 26th. Evi- dently alsthe lunatics,fare not yet in the asylums. During (the few weeks left is 2,000 of the unemployed lined up December would be a good timet ; I in a march to Toronto city Hall was square off 'old accounts so as re" a one .of the sights witnessed) in the city Tuesday of last Week. Tho Board of Control was interviewed and a million dollars asked to be set apart to provide work for 20,- 000 out of employment. The city Council is considering some prat tical' movement] that will provide many a soldier boy across, the sea' labor and keep theltwolf from. the will be turned Ilio his Canadian door while the Winton lasts. It's home. Let us hope that the Christ a problem all right, mas message "Peace We Earth, Goodwill toward men" villi goon Some of, the American journals prove :a literal translation as it rather "pulled in that horns'! on concerns the Nations now at war. their balderdash along pro -German lines when the Canadian postal au- That $5 fine for light , weight bread, as set out in the Bread Act is the cause of considerable humor even amoug the bakers. One Tor- ontonian said he could break; • the law, every day, pay $5 fine nand still be hundreds of dollars ahead. The "laugh" should be put on the other side of than man's "mug" by make commence 1915 with a, clear sheet. By even. 10 people adopting this plan the circle of benefit would soon enlarge. Friday of next week 'wile be 'Christmas Day. The thought of ing it $50. 0• Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief---PermmIat Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS novo WI. Purdy veget- able—not surely butgenily m the 1 sere Stop sits clines cure falai gq ion—Lnprova eke comp( rkn—brightaa ebe eyes. SnwU Pifl,. Smola Dose, S,wil Priv. • .Geraldine roue bear Signature TMiy�}1t I D e'. columns,, Possibly better support will be accorded newspapers and magazines published in our ' Do- minion whoa' the willingness to "harpon" the British Empire is re- • Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Him •i"er1eot3y, etre. 'tee aay was, fixed and the interview arranged.' " 'And I did .not turn up?' "'That is so.' "'Do you know why?' " `I never knew,' "'I will tell you. At I was pre- paring to meet you the commander of the English squadron, apprised of the matter I know not how, drops ped upon me brusquely and warned me that I was about to fall into a impregnable is• ben • that Cad g tra f p, e but they despaired of seizing me, that at Cortadura I would be arrest ed by you; that the emperor wished to make the Due (•'Orleans a second volume of the Due d'Enghien and that you. would have me shot in- stantly. There, really, added the. king with a smile, 'your hand on. your conscience, were you going to shoot me?' "The marshal remained silent for • a moment, then replied:, 'No, sire. I wanted to compromise you,' The subject of the conversation changed. A few minutes later the marshal took leave of the king, and the king, as hewatched him go, laid, with a tie to the person 'son wh o had heard smile, the conversation:. 'Compromise! Compromise! To -day it is called compromise. In 'reality he would t me.' .�..�.., ,.,,. • .,,".",,,,."....a".".�" ((sties Mushroom Fallacies There nt u enrolee tendency to re- only be sand 'that there_' are both poisonous and non -teeth species which strict the name "toad -stool" to poison - act alike lin stirrer. .Again, no reliance ous species of fungi and that of emu". es to be' placed on the contention that room" to We .edible ones;' bet since if the outer (gaper) skin of .the top' one cannot tell, except by dial, wheth- of the toadstool peels off readily, such er a particular "toad -stool" is poison- , a species is' edible. Beene v45011001 oua or not, the distinction, according to a reliable medical pultoation. is neither satisfactory nor advantageous Many reputed testa to distinguish the innocent from the harmful toad- stool are current and are implicitly believed in' by some. It cannot be too emphatically stated, therefore, that able In senate se Laver of the raw so far as is known there is no angle tissues. Other "tests" are the alleged guide, with the possible excepts of tell-tale oolor changes that are sup - a' chemical analysis, which will sire posed to appear when (toxic mush- results of any value ,whatever. An7 rooms are bruised or broken; es• the scheme for distinguishing olib1114S to existence of a milky juice, or the Toronto Got Lieu's Sboree Over $8,500,080 of Andrew Car negie's philanthropy has found Its way into British North America. Most of this amount has been spent for libraries, althoughth hero fund and university pe'a's Pen- sion fund have also eontrlbuted their species also will "peel." Flavor has often been alleged to serve as a re liable guide to edibility, the bitter or peppery precise' being charged with detrimental attributes. Experience shows, however, th&t the most poison- ous toadstools are not at all disagree - SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson XII.—Fourth Quarter, For Dec. 20, 1914. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Luke xxiv, 50-53; Acts i, 1-11 'Memory V , 10, 11. Golden Text, Acta i, 9 --Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. We have the option this time of the regular lesson on the ascension. or what is called a Christmas lesson on the reign of peacefrom Iso. xi, 1-10, but as the• ascension lesson includes His return to set up His kingdom we will take it and look at both. The time when Ise xi shall be literally fulfilled cannot come during this age of a re- jected Messiah and a consequently scattered Israel, but as truly as He at Hisfirst coming literally fulfilled all that iswritten in Iso. 1111 and else- where concerning' His sufferings," so shall He when He shall come again as literally fulfill all that is written ev- erywhere concerning His kingdom and glory. Animals that now devour each other shall live in peace togetber, na- tions shall learn 'war no more, for He shall have smitten them and broken them In pieces, and tbe earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the ses, for the rod out of the stem of Jesse, who is also the root of Jesse; We son of David, who is also David's Lord, shall sit on David's throne and . reign over the house of Jacob, who will then be a na- tion all righteous, according to Gabriel i01lAIR' NEEDS PAR1i Sk2iE It Quickly Removes Dandruff Just because your hair is fuIof dandruff, thin, streaky, dull 'and never will do up to look preii(,'- do not despair. Beautiful hair, thick, fluffy, lustrous and, ;abso- lutely fiiee' from dandruff is only a matter of care: Parisian Sago ire ue ntly aPP 1 red will work wondeirs., Just ape ap- plication stops' itching head, re- moves dandituff and all excessive oil, Pt goes right to 1 the Mair i{oots rand ,_furnishes the nourish- ment ' neled'ed,--the hair becomes soft, fluffy,' abundant and radiant With. life. Parisian; Sage not only saves the hair but stimulates it to ' grow long and heavy. Get a 50 -cent bottle filom W.S.R.Holmes at once. There is no other "Justreas-good." lonmetessensonetnnneneetAentnneoset Christmas mss as Usual Begin to -day to buy your Christmas presents, Don't let conditions fling a damper on your gift- giving. Look carefully through the advertise- ments in The New Era and do.the buying NOW and .all the prophets, theneglect of whom made the two with whom He- __ _ walked to Emmaus to be foolish men Shggkb, Torpid Adios of (Luke xxi�, 25; f, $1, 82; Jer. W. 17; The Slow, Iso. in 6, 7; lx, 21). the Vivaria Respotolblo h Many illi. He who tone from the dead was in- shall Laxa-Liver Pills stimulate deed the Son of David, the long prom lye sluggish liver, clean the coated tongue, teed king to rule over Israel, which He sweeten the: obnoxious breath, clean away shall surely do at His return, and not all waste and poisonous matter from the only Israel, but all nations (Mie. iv, 3 system, and pprreevent as well as cure alt v, 2; Ps. lxxil,' 11; Matt. i, 1; Rey. xxii, complaints arLaing from a Geer which hie 16; II Tim. f1, 8; Rev. 1, 5; Ps, lxxxel, become inactive., 9). How wonderful the king and the Constipation, sick headache, bilioii headache jaundice heartburn, valet kingdom! Thy kingdom come! Christ - brash, catarrh of the stomach, etc„ all LOSS is almost without significance nn- come from a disordered liver, less it points as on to the coming again B, MaNeilii ne, o1 Him who was born in Bethlehem, Alm„ writes: "I thought if wSandstoould wriftd not in the winter season, but probably 'and tell you of my exoedenc wit Milburn' Laza-(.Iver Pills ere I a._. i tbespringtime. n sP ng me. s Turning to the lesson In the Acts, greatlpleased with the result* I r& ' stbloal these fungi should be decisive and susceptibility of the fungi to the 1n- the former treatise referred to was the • reeve by using diem• give uniform results. some of the version of insects, which are believed gospel by Luke, 'wherein he, as well with sick headache for a long time. ix1 as Matthew and Mark in their gospels, would get so steely right after I ate alleged tents deserve mention, in ardor to avoid the pernicious varieties dinner that coul(mt do alp work. to point • out their unreIl3)Uttr and None of these "tests" can bo applied .set forth tee things that Jesus began £'tend of mine, from Toronto, visit to do and teach and which the Holy 'me last summer and he asked me ins their danger. Among them the acs with any certainty. As the "proof of called "silver teat" is most prevalent. the pudding is in the eating thereof," it is believed that a silver spoon or so the surest way of learning to die - coin placed with toadstools while tingu1 sh the poisonous fromom the 1n- cooig will demonstrate 'by nukes- nocuous mushrooms is by eating them ing, or failure to blacken, 'whether or heroic procedure --or by learning not the tune! are sate to eat It need tee experience of others. `„ sense, J.,N.,--W-• , ,I,,, -M' , ., 1 eeneelless Aotcsas Got R=.aen From "sad" THE WEED PROBLEM I A proper rotation and oultivatlon will do much to eliminate weeds, but the thrashiny machine 'problem is not so easily solved. It is almost im- possible to clean the machine of woad deeds. They stick to the screens and in every crack and corner, and will e1St out ail day long. One .etsstion of this problem is ti10 privates outfit A small machine nee shares. be betake for $160; to $250 that will 16o less than ;1311 turns and eines thrash .fiats 10 to Id bushel° per hour. now boast public labrary buildings 1f eisafa*o Foos is available this contributed by the Melberg' steel mens makes an (tell outftt; even a gasoline Toronto unneeded in seenitag ease or hoosepowea• angglae ceay be used with $400,000., while the next larger* as fao*tor7 regulate. But .mr"y far - mess do rot one to invest iso much money, so see moist look tor some cheaper wW of thrashing our seed professors are no three widows of pr ess its H ten or fltteea.farmers .to a cion fund. Seven belong to /doom dialect would club and bay a regular University, Montreal; three to Dal- nem and Mise es good man to run bougie Next Branswiek;, two to the n and d* easter the tbraufhing of .those thorities threatened to exclude l grant to Montreal, was only $ , them from the mails. They love 000• Ottawa the capital, scoured the Canucks dollars 'too well to'$100,000. an do a little sensational work in. their Thirteen' CanadipPressmenand w on the pay roll of the Carnegie peri. state -owned Univereit7 . of Toronto, and fur are unattached- 'The total membered against some of Uncle at the ,,,,,,low, capitaeeed amount$ Sam's literature. We may heartily to 412,000. There are twenty Cana - approve of the ,action, of some dial b,enef+eiartes under' the hers !churches churches in cutting off- American 1 mann Sunday school papers as some of them were filled witshia class of reading that!' is not', calculated to build up British .sentiment. in •the rising generations and our -advice to those having to do with the purchase is '"cut it .out." Venus be Britons to the core by sowing seed that will gross; the right kind ,of a crop whexi. harvest 'lime comes round. Lsetuoe indroess erne, • The lettuce :plant has had a resrea- talion as a sedative front very araotent times, says "Selene Siftina4'' gess Romans were In the habit of tt it ing of it at the evening mesa to insure peaceful slumbers, In later days' many celebrated physseiasue pceeert1)ed it as a soothing hos-b, but it was urvt until: the end•cf the freveareternis sena: tury that a or,. Cox ar tT.,up arefau esu'• tensively wlth than laAesr, es .tslllr Settee obtained by maldee lneetecsa to afe' stem.. This crud's nese, •ami Vend, into a send nista, trees raeraz0) lateen oerlwn, sal est, ser w011 add edam sties tern, bueeia152ae1114aYieneeo,,eit,on :,y , Children Cry F01 FLETCHER'S C AS '';j' o PTI A Get in on this—the early shop- ping is fine. The Clinton Knitting factory has started week on an eight hour a day schedule, Past Fri Years we is annuli a'ineei L9y senses that rigkt nunlike runts 0541 Wdeinee's own 014,1. £a1e0i iia S,o©tt'e Epraarlalinn +.as siaengtheasei .blasausen' of Fae.s alai wa e.% to comites 11hrr went sal aasofeelaesae per eparg yews. ,7oeU'v E n,efore,a is a !cod, a medi- cine and a, teas to >reep the; blood rkh, vole w it term •and( *west nervous amiantus. fit is kw 'frees 1••miiulibsa4 nils or my briers 3 t: s. ens ,el Inn i,enne L9a I i I,r, . 3.0. - who lave a shim in the output, ,15 would pay teem. If these men would grow Ilse u 'nestles, and keep Chair' ltef8e tee ed weans, then the manse maid an tem ferns to farm and g ' weal seat is mina with other varillAtd a er fall of weed sues. b9+1VJN!'rOR IIIACNIIELET creator of use "lying train" in which he salts people will -some day speed t'hroug'h ilbo an at tlyi rate of 800 .miles per hose. Idle working model isrepelise. ,sir gloca1ria waved 1n sash' a wary es '19 'lea Sproul ' 5a lot tdse air naafibra^'� s foam umlaut ygt5 usgis upe betteeetgle fteneenniefeele $aet.,ss lttiidasg 7tienordson, Myelitis �Rl cilusnes :Vitt 3a "Ore Quem og the Ilsw'nun 'Mins Sias st leo go •an at the blabs 'neater, Dew reek, the *toga launders' lsaunt6eal her a wondoslul brach of woos, wrii3a this racket "it o Mei. Pews. nor %1st 'stage' ilea] a )buddy " Arad, use ew gb, tense teen "dad et the lease -dean:. Hae Is W. el. Ine..,ata+d en of Bremen., epe'1mtche- 1v n,. eon hal made tee trip to New 'foal! Inert to awe its little girl make Spirit through redeemed people bas Milbtn ee I,axa-Liver Pills. He' told ever since been doing and teaching and me they lied done him so much good for will till the church is completed. his stomach. I used several vials, an d Notice that doing always goes before I found they did me so muck good the ll any one suffer. Icanrecommend them to teaching, for we cannot teach others infrom liver trouble.." nnUl we Lave done the things our Miiburn's Lexe-Liver Pills are 25c a selves. He continued to do and teach vial 5, vials for $1,00, at all dealers or until the day in which He was taken mated direct on receipt of price by dealers, up. May we by the same Spirit be T. Milburn Co.,'I,iesited, Toronto, Ont. faithful witnesses until taken out of the body or taken up In the body to be ever with Him (I Thew. iv, 16-18; Phil. , 1, 21, 28). We must notcontuse these two, but eitber will be, glorious. Notice how. He did all by the Holy }i l,F t Spirit, And remember that from HisC It IRi M C aai�lx! conception to His resurrection all was by the Holy Spirit, the Name ono con- cerning whom lie Isafd, "Ye shall re- ceive the power of the Holy Ghost coming upon yon, and ye shall be wit- nesses unto me" (verse 8, margin). As He showed Himself alive in His res- urrection body .He expects us, in the power of Hit resurrection by the Holy Spirit, to manifest Elim in our mortal. bodies that others may see Him and not ns. He will manifest Himself in us if we are fully yielded. Since He 13 more . willing to slue the fullness of the Spirit than parents are to give good sifts unto their children, what can hinder es from being filled but onr own un- willingness? Their question,"Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kings don to Israel?" was in no sense a fool' Ish queslion, for the prophets are full of such a restoration, and the Mayen has received Him only until the times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began •(Acts Ili, 91). Our Lord eli'd''aot re- prove them for asking the question, nor did He say that they were carnal in looking for such a kindom or that they misunderstood the nature of the kingdom. He simply said to tbem, end He sans to 118, that we are not to know the time, and elsewhere He Bald that it will be in such an hour as we think not: But His great desire for us is that we shall be, in the power of His Spirit, His faithful witnesses to His. sleuth and resurrection and present ministry and coming again. ' He led them out as far as to Bath- any, and while Elo ,blessed them with uplifted, hands Ele was parted from them. 'carried up into heaven and sat on the right band of God (verse 9; Luke xx#v, 50, 51; Mark xvi, 11e. As they looked steadfastly toward heaven two men in white apparel said "'This same Jesus ,x * * shall so come in like manner as ye.have seen'I-Sini go into beaver." •Then they returned to Jeru- salem with great joy and were con- tinually praising and blessing God hor dal=(, neer) s mote -es -se. • (verse 11; Lute env, 53.) Let us hold fast the very words about "dila saute ,lesus, andel' we believe them as they did We will he affected asthey tecta to glory -not deatb nor ,any great event in the past, but a literal person- al coming to the air to welcome His ehnreh and then eithe same Olivet to setup His kingdom, We distinguish bermes leis coming for ns gate Die 'cominag with: us --not en two comiugt, but two stages of the ' Sn meat event tvitla.an ;tiw;erra beiwen. r. AND NEW YEAR FARES SINGLE FARE Dec. 24th, 25th, good for return until Dec. 26th; also Dec. 31st,1014, and Jan. 1st, 1915, valid for return Jan. 2nd, 1915, FARE AND ONE THIRD) Drc. 22nd, 23rd, 29th, 25th, good for return until Dec, 29, also Dee. 30th and 31st, 1914, and Jan. let, 1915, valid for return until Jan.4tia 1315. Above reduced fares apply bee tween, all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspen- sion Bridge, N.Y. , John Ransford &Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A.O. Pattison, station agent Q E. HORNING, D. P. A. Union Stenion, Toronto, Ont M06wvfw7vWdVV. SKATES Sh.rpened b I While ,You } WAIT .811110 'r3 v r� t ear =RIZ 75FJ,4tY,*": Petiole, e l;"1u1 5hes• P1taeres 7,. d