HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-12-10, Page 9PAGE EIGHT. Winle tiIs tor tit - •'i Folk Time and again during the past few 'weeks"n'ot`es ot',warning have been sounded, in the way of'chilly winds and frosty nights ,reminding everyone that it is high time, to provide for the colder weather surf,;to come. Warm Coats are urgently needed now. Nor will vitomen• wish to defer,,;, the pleasure. of buying, whet they havestocks so complete and satisfying, a s, -,,, ours;!from which to choose. Some new lines just added make such to assortment of the styles deemed correct for winter weir, that,'choositici the one,best suited to your style and require'ments is a pleasant ,and interesting task. Whiter Coatings in the F Weaves hin'il,e ne .. The :wo man clever enoughher' s direly a choice of • ; `' to make. own;�oat, 1 ,,, .. lovely materials. Soft, ,warm Blanket ,Cloths,''.C1?lndb11las Nlggerheads, Mottled Checks and fancy weaves of all`kinds, inthe season's best colorings . ' A 'Superb Display of Beautift, l Furs is that clow • Ready at Browns first nipof winter makes everybody think • .. The y y of fur's And to -day we invite you to come and see .Some very special values' in FurSet$ A visitt o' our Fur Department willprove most interesting whether ou wish to buy or not Were -you Ready for that Dash of Snow last waek? Here are Suggestions of Needed Wallin Clothing and things for the Home A pair of Sottf ° Woolly Blankets and a Light, I`ll ffy Comforter gives the nicest kind Ot warmth these cold nights -And we have so many special values ready LYou are afforded very satisfactory choice. For example, here are - Union IllalnlietS-Nice, sott wool with cotton warp. All Wool Blankets-Softand fluffy, thoroughly scoured and shrunken. Pure Wool Blank ' etS=L+'xxra large, softand fluffy, pink and blue borders Imported Kcipolz'lH'ilted Comtorters-With good quality sateen covering. li'loral design with plain bands to match, pink, blue and green colorings Down -Filled Conitorters-Light, fluffy filling and good quality sateen covering Waren Underwear' Is of the first importance and we are ready with the best selected stock we have ever shown, to fill everyunderwear need of man, woman or child. Sweater Coats For Men,' Women and Children are classrd among the necessary winter garments. Our assortment is large and includes all the wanted styles. • • .VOnW MTR12 1x88 CLINTON' NNW BBA. Thursday, ,Pec, ,10th, 191i_ '- �9A001.1404,m00004.4i®OOOVOi004vr.60*40.}®0100000000.00. LocaiIN ews• aoo`000sooe•omsmm•00000io es000m�o•♦sia�r00000�0000®o- CLINTON MARK1TS. EIGHT HOURS A DAY. The Clinton Knitting factory has started week on an eight , hour a; day schedule. ORCHESTRA WILL • Hogs h6.75. Eggs d e to'32e: Butter 22c to 24e. Wheat $1.00, $1.05. 'Oats 430 to 450. Buckwheat 58e to 60c. SUPPLY MUSIC:'•. Baled Hay • $10 to '$1.1. ' ,Invitations ane .Cut for a dance at . Pec s$1.20 to 1.26. 1-Iensall' on Friday evening of this + Shorts $30.00: 'week; The Phalean Orchestra will r Bran' $27.00, supply the music. • ENTERT.AIN'ED TRAVEL CLUB. IAA Friday. evening the Misses Middl'eton entertained the Clin- ton Travel Club atBartliff's res:4 ;',truant'. A pleasant evening Was ;spent by the ladies of the Club, slvLNS HURON .•C0. PRIZE. At the 'Guelph Winter Show; the Huron Co. Council offered a prize ;for the beat steer or Heifer 2 years COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. ''" The ,annual Commencement exer cises of the Clinton Collegiate In etitute will be. held in the Town Hall, Thursday evening; Dee. 17. A good program of Instrumental and vocal' music,readings, drills ' `etc. will, be. presented and the presents` tion ofe,ertificatecreand prizes will made. " ' CHORAL -dOCETi',r'' on under, from Huron 'County -and i Practice will take, place at Owen, it was won,by Mr. William Snell, of I Memrorial Mall on Tuesday night township. at 8'o'clock.• This will berthe .last THE POULTRY SHOW. practice this year. Those who have joined ,or intend joining are urged to attend this practice.. Some_ who have not yet been able to Mt- tend lt- t nd•will ,be expected to 'turn. out.. The practices:, are; very interesting and' are -becoming more enjoyable, each •night., ;More thorough work. will be undertaken after the 'vaea•- tion.., The dnectore Of /the Huron .Poultry ,Association are'' actively' .preparing • for the annual winner `exhibition to be held in the town Hall Goderich on January 12 13 arid 14. Mr. 'J.II. ,McClinton,•of Goder- icl`i ist he secretlary and will . give any information' desired on enquiry HAD, t eee,GOOD CROWD. Perry's Peerles9 Players had a good. erotivd attheirerformance "The Belle of the Post" on Satur- day eventing of last 'week.' The old favorites Dant Malloy and, Haz el Corriane again drew forth hearty' applause for their '.work. The other .members' did excellent work. DIED, AT KINCARDINE.` Mr. Donald Clark, father of Hugh Clark, M. P.p assed away at Kinear dine at the age -of ninety-three. The late Mr.'Clark was born in Argleshire, Scotland, and came to this country when he was about twenty years of age and has been for sixty .years a resident of Kin- cardine. VVVVVVVVI/VVVVVW'VVVVVVVWVVV MAAlWGnMNAAAMARAMA/1AAAA ..,._ steamer "State -of Ohio" i LINTa • FOR CLEVELAN CLOSES THIS WEEK. The Clinton Model School term closes this week. The Modelites have been busy with their exams. MINOR LOCALS. Do it now. What? Leaves Port Stanley 12 midnight on Pay for your paper e, advance. - It will .help us and make, yon feel odd,dates in August; even dates in Sept, to Sept, 10th more comfortable. Arrive in Cleveland at 6.30 ami. • Throw away g that Catalogand Fare front Port Stanley one way $2.25, Round Trip $4.00 1;'; buy al home. Be loyal to Clinton,, Saturday Excursions on above dates $2,25 round trip Lake hides Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3 p in Fare e 25o OvY. WVVVNVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV MA/W ISERTIIPZIRIMMENNIZEin 1 ♦ v.° ..clue? .3' ,!°,Mp.,,M4,Y..._.M.0,, rt. 'kl b t.., Furniture,' Rugs & 1. noieumb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only n ant some odd pieces. You will find it toyour 'advanta to inspect cur stook and see the bargains we are offerings We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction J PIS, D E3 Ft.,D Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Resident over stare ,1111111111011 ehristrnas There could be nothing more Useful or Suitable for. ,a, (Christmas Gifts than a choice from the following list Nickel -Plated Ware Tea Kettles, Teapots, Coffee Pets; Trays, Nut Bowls, Call Bells, Salt and Pepper•Sets Spoons' and Forks, Crumb Trays,. Bread, TtaysrBerry Spgune„MeatForks, Better, Knives, •t . Pickle ,1klrks,°Beath Room'Fi•xtures, , , zi l' ;.l> , t.,Vsl Hanging Lamps,• „ ,y. Electric Irons Hall Lamps Carpet Sweepers Fancy Oil Lampe 0 Cedar and• Wizzard Mops Electric Table Lamps Razors, Strops and Brushes Safety Razors 25c and up Cut Glass Berry Bowls,' were $5.00 now ..........3,7i Uut Glass Berry Bowls, were' 4.00 now . `3.00 Out Glass Cream andatigar were 5,00 now .. . 3 75 Cut Glass Water Pitcher and 6 Tumblers 8.00 now 6,00 Carvers iblO ses, Scissors in Cases Pocket and Pen knives, Gune and Rifles, Automobile and Cycle Skates, Special prices on Rand Sleighs, Children Tool Sets, saws, hamm'ars;'etc Men's and Children's Gloves and Mitts Fancy, English Granite Teapots and Jugs, Several Lines at special ld 'prices, We hold purchases till wanted Charcoal 150 per sack, 2 for 25c, 9 Backs for $1. • :tic.., HA ANBROTHERS, ,D,� S OTH STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES Only I2 Shopping Days Till Christmas Fred=, Light and Brown l No better bread than ours, we claim, Ever came to town. liti.'T, 1. 'Ile best of Flour we employ The latest methods, too, ';We'repositive 'you will enjoy The Bread we bake for you. onner's Bakery Phone 202 TRAPPING REGULATIO1;iS There has been a number of en- quiries as to the new regulations gdverning trappers, fiThe new regulations do not effect resident trappers in any way as they do nott.require a license to trap, nei- ther do they require a license to to dispose of their catch of 'furs but the person who buyst furs re- quires a license, the fee for which is $2 per annum." FORMER CLINTON LAWYER JUST WINS. John A. Campbell of Ormond Lib eral cadidate for Dundee Monday's bye{electione for the Ontario Leg- islature cut a Conservative m ajor- jority of 613 polled in. June down to 69 the unofficial returns with all polls heard from. His opponent was Irwin ,Hilliard K. C. of Morris burg who. now succeeds the late Sir James 'Whitney by this narrow margin. It isaearly thirty years since there has been such a close contest inthe riding; As recently as 1911 the:Conservative najority was over 060. MRS. COUCH'S RECEPTION. Saturday"B 'Tel onto Star; -Nit's. Fred L. Couch formerly Miss His•i cox of London held her first re- ception since she was married, was torday, several friends from her home town surrounding her in her new home in Roxton, road. The Midewore her, wedding gown of lace, a knot of violets, and Rich- Creetiao9 a first Chapter. mond rose making a pretty touch of color. With her was her mother in-law, Mrs. R. L. Couch, who wore The Bible Story Made grey, veil with Killarney roses, and in jh e arawing room, ready toReal by Pictures. pilot visitors to th'es'tea room, was _ _ Mrs. Charles Scruton. Mrs. -Stan- ley Way, of Hamiltons who, was Mrs; Couch's guest for the day made' the tea, her gown being of white satin;' and assisting her were Miss 'Wytler and Miss Clarke,. of London, and Mrs."Couch. Yellow chrysanthemums were in the draw ing room and Killarney roses in a vase=,which, stood on 'a bed of tulle and fern formed the' pretty decoration 0f the tea table. METEOROLOGICAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 1914. The highest maximum tempera- ture was 600 on 3rd. The lowest minimum temperature was 5° be- low zero on 20th. The highest; range was 357 on 20th the• lowest range was 67 on 22. The means were max. 42. 4° minimum 27.90° and range 14.50°-. The rainfall was 2.9 inehee and snowfall 11 inches Fall which is looking well. • Ground bare ate nd of month. Thunder on 1 and 13th, Streams full. Sleigh- ing from 21to26th, A1t-rations tea i fr'sogress. tothe11(1a �o p r Will not prevent Christmas from com- ing, nor have they prevented us from - securing a splendid stock of Holiday Goods at reasonable' prices, Our stock is generous. in variety, showing;, gifts. suitable for little , ors big, old or young, Useftf 1, : ,Beautiful and. Appropriate -pints •at .a wide, Range of Prices, ri The W. D Fair eo. 'often the cheapest-Titways the 'Hest. W.C.T.U. The Ontario members of the W. C. T. • U. have sent a man to' the front with the first contingent, who will minister to the Spiritual, needs of our Canadian soldiers. The members of the. W. C.'1'.11. in Ontario, were asked to each con= tribute a cent a day during the month of November, the amount raised in this way will help to pay this man's salary. The Clinton Union will receive the contribu- tions of members at the gcegular meeting to be held on Dec. 18th:• Any contributions towards this object will be gladly received by the President, Mrs. C. J. Wallis. MINOR LOCALS. • This is the gospel Truth I'm printing, Mother's atarted Christmas hinting, The new Christmas tadventiise- intents are worth of parsual, Gen, S. Early is on the job these -days. i Get in on this -the early shop- ping is fine. Are our taxes high? If you'think so, how would you like, to live in ; in the town of Perth with an assessment of 35 mills on the dol-, lar and an overdraft in the bank. of $10,000? Only 12 days to Christmas. Shop early. Farmers are still doing 'fall plow-; ing. Our new story -a charming one-, begins in next week's New Era. MISS DRAKE ON JAPAN. A very interesting service was held in Ontario Street Methodist church on Wednesday evening, the occasion beingto hear from' Miss Drake, who as spent five years Japan, under the auspices of the W. M. S. In opening' her address she expressed the unusual pleasure thistles, a part of .the curse,, are it gave her to be here,inasmuch as shown, growing upon .the canvas' it was the home of Miss Courtice,' before the eye, and next prepare.. who had spent three 'very success, . tions are made for comingof a 1ul years in ,Japan.' She empha� great flood of waters. Nh and sized Ging important work in which his sons, do the work; the pupae Miss Courtiee was engaged,and lace come to jeer, at the absurd what a loss it was to `the mfesfon ex,gg. ectations.• Regardless of rxdi when etlhe left. She explained that culls continue to demonstrate tacit her work was that of of Kinder faith in God's word •bythe construe garter) eased. that through it they tion of a hinge' ship upon perfectly were not only leading and train- dry land and before a chop of wat ing up workers, but reaching the er had ever fallen upon this planet'` parents. She and Mise Couiitice Animals 06 'various - species are col= favored/ with a dueff in Japanese. lected, zoological collections > hav- The audience were much interest ing been used to produce the spect ed and instructed, and the meet- ac e. The windows of heaven,open ing closed with a vote of thanks. torrents, descend; -floods rise, the McKENZIE=CLEW. ' Great Deluge sweeps the earth of The home of Mrs. Matthias Glew all living creatures excepting was, the scene of a very , pretty Ned those fortunate, enough to be with in the Ark. A. sacrifice of thanks ding` at the noon hour of Wednes- giving isoffered '.",byNoah and December 9th, when her daughter, his children; and when the rainbow Addie, became the bride of Mr: bursts into! view their mingled eon Robert McKenzie of Detroit, son of ,storation' and reveranit awe are Mr. ,Thos. McKenzie sr., of towi,. apparent. ' The final scenes are Mise Eleanor McKenzie played the taken from the life of Abraham,,. per performed march, and Rev Mr, Har- 'and especially impressive and per performed the ceremony. The pathetic were the preparations` bride looked lovely in her cream made 60 scar•ifice Isaac as a burnt duchess satin gown with its silk offering to, God, when Abraham' lace over dress and pearl trim; was restrained from the deed by mings, and her veil Mandl orange the appearance of an angel who blossoms, She carried an armful of provided an animal for the pur- white chrysanthemums. After the pope. wedding, luncheon had been served Each person' attending the per - the young couple took the 3 o'clock formance upon entering the' audi- train for Toronto where they will torium will be .presented with a spend a short time before going td scenario or program, which' con 'bride .new Houle in Dc'i oic, hot tains reproduction of;motetpf the and groom are well known In' p,cLui cs and accompanying' lee - town, Quite a numberof friend? tures. No admission fee will be went 5t the train tosee them' off accepted, nor collection basket and to wish them well. The brides passed; indeed there will be no solicitation of funds in any manner going away dress was a beautiful- By 'common consent "Creation" is ly tailored suit of King's blue declared everywhere to be a great with hat to match. success. The Bible narrative translated into the most modern picture lan- guage will open its first chapter Friday night. Dec. 11th, at 8.30 at the Princess Theatre. All will be, glad to have the old stories of the Bible retold by means of mo- tion pictures, and many new points overiooked in the past will 'be're- vealed by the combined use eel` films panoramas pictures, descrip- tive lectures, etc. Part 1 of "Creation"•begins with the Nebula, then the cooling o3 the earth is indicated, followed by the. seperation of land and water, bringing forth of vegetable •and animal life. Later comes the crea- tion of Adam arta Eve. the tempta- tion, Lail :curse and expulsion from the Garden, cf Eden. /Beautiful C� l rist Bas a Gifts It is not too early to commence your'Christmas Shopping. Why not enjoy the many benefits of early buying which experi enced choppers know are so real and so very much worth while. Simply select the article you wish to purchase and we will hold for you. Come and examine our stook you will find a better selection than ever -Ebony, Parisian and India Ivory, both in cages and separate pieces, Perfumes and Colognes, Leather Goods Pipes and Smoker's Supplies, Cigars 10, 25 or 50 in box Gillette itazors, See the new ari♦tocrat Gillette at $5 in ivory box Snapshot Albums. Kodak and Brownie Cameras $1 to $22.50. Dispensing Chemist THE PANSLAR DRUG STORE mss ,�a�� IMIIMMINIMOINenanal O U_R JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON eacarasestotasezeounk etanannimare..._ Five Strong Points in Melia Furnaces Steel -Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in Coal, CALL AND BE CONVINCED 011. Phone 53 FOR SALE CHEAP: 1 second-hampd FURNACE and 1 "Radiant Home" with ovens Thos. Hawkins Plunxbing and !heating The eorwer Store "Live and Let Live" A Gail for Early , Shopping Make your Christmas purchases as soon as possible, and you will have the advantage of better ser- vices, better attention, and better selection. - Slew Raisins, Currants, Figs, Peel, Dates, Nuts, -Etc.' Etc,, ARE ALL •IN STOCK, :AND WE WE CARRY ONLY THE VERY BEST We solicit your orders I Christmas 1 D or f,lariStiil°F4 .�„ I kcSc.ilt,s We have a nice assortment of Fancy China to choose from. Por the Children Christmas Stockings, Candies, Oranges, Nuts, Grapes, and fable Raisins, CALL AND GET A CALENDAR Butter and Eggs Wanted Highest Market Price Eo E. Ilunniford PHONE 45. MERRY CsrMAs ate. When the problem of something to give for Christmas confronts you, turn to this store for re- lief. ` We offer our trade the most practical and sensible of all Christmas Gifts- CHOIei POOTWFAR, Look over the list below and see, if you do notfind something that will appeal to ypu at once as being Just the T�lln.,tfi ♦ Bath Slippers - t • Felt Slippers School Shoes Dress Shoes + Storm Shoes Street Shoes Dress Slippers House Slippers Bed Slippers Juliets Colonials Dress Pumps Baby Shoes Footwarmers. Arctics Rubbers Rubber Boots Leggings, Etc. Make your Footwear selections early while the choosing is at its very best. FRED. J72(C.'-'1CSON THE HOME OF BETTER SHOES tirfocF3�F+'ii+• t+++k+ti!+++++•Flt't'444.Ik4,' a4s-k t+4+ e° -.../•4h a �A 4' 4.4 4. 4. 4. 1