HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-12-10, Page 8Thursday, Dec. Otle, 1914,. THE CLINTON NEW ERA PAGE SEVEN rtn�r�rrnrwr�mnnrtrrnrnnir�� There is a Cold day Comin Why not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley, Coal, none better in the world II. J. J-Iolloway, Clinton nnr��rnrrrrnr»r�n�ni�rmnrnr USIN ESS J SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the l Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. ' LONDON, 'ONT. '•eeStudents assisted to positions. College to session from Sept. '1st, Catalogue free.'. Enter any time. LW, Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. PrincipalChartered Accountant 19 Vice -Principal •oeme••••s•••••O•••••••••• • •. • e. • Winter Session • • !' e• ▪ Opens January 4th in all depart. • •• • meets of the CENTRAL BUSI • • NESS COLLEGE, Yonge and • • Gerrard Streets, Toronto. Our •• ' Catalogue explainsour • superior • • ity in Equipment, Staff, Methods • • and Results. You ars invited to • • write for it if interested in the 6 • kind of school work which • • brings best success. Address• •• W. H. Shaw. President i' • • •••••••••••••••p••®••sees• CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Is a school with a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its gradu- ates, A school with superior courses and instructors. We give individual attention in, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments Why attend elsewhere when there is room here P You may -enter at any time. Write for our large tree catalogue. D. A.1HeLachlan, Principal LIVE POULTRY �: WANTED 2500 Chickens 2000 Hens • and 1000 Ducks each week during the poultry season • Turkeysand Geese taken later Get our prices each week, delivered at the elevator. We are in the market for all kinds of grain attop prices A Full Line of Flour and Feed Always on Hand Have you tried our Cured Meats? All Meat Supplies- Government inspected The Gana -I as lois Co., Limited The up-to-date Firm, Clinton. Phone 190. N. W. TREWARTHA.W. JEvKINS Headquarters FOR Walking and Riling Olavea plows I. H. C, Gasoline Engines McCormick Machinery Pumps sand' 'Windmills. ALL KINDS OP REPAIRS AND EXPERTING. CALL ON Millerik Lillie Corner of Princes and Albert streets._ -`,11OIITII END FEED STORE HELLO ! ! Ilave you ordered your Kindling for the. winter? , Stave Edgings and, Cedar BtOcks on band Malted Grain and Othe>< Stock Funds for homes and cattle -kept in,3tock • Quaker Oats (!orn Flakes It's' ' Ont Meal Corn Meal Etc., Etc e GENERAL DELIVERY .DONE; Agent for llc ntzinsln Pianos Old ones taken in exchange, and balance on easy terms' TANK , EVANS TIMIS CASH PRONE 192 An Up to Date Medieval Tale By RUTH GRAHAM`' I, am a wireless telegraph operate n charge of a station eltuated on a onely const. I have uu assistant who takes my place at night for a week then I take the night and give flim the day. There are one or two others connected with the station who are not operators. One of these is a fine chess player, and having lihn with me en- abled me to while away many an hour when I had nothing to do. I Now, what 1 am going to relate I don't ask any one to believe I should certainly not believe it myself if any one told it to meas a bona fide expe- rience. I. do not say that 1 didn't dream it; that 1 did not experience it when unconscious. 1 make no expla- nation whatever. That you are at liberty to do for yourself. I only as- sert that to me it was an actual occur- rence. One night when I was on duty alone I amused myself when not sending or receiving a message working out soli- taire problems on the chessboard Presently I heard a footfall behind me, and a man stepped into the operating room. The moment he did so I heard the sound of distant thunder. "We're' going to have a storm," • he said "I prefer spending the time while it lasts in here than outside if you don't mind." I assured him that he was welcome, though I confess he was not. I did not, like bis looks; there was a sinister expression on his face: There was no one within call, and 'I rather objected to being alone with him. "I see you play chess," he said. "I'm very fond of it myself. We might have a game while waiting for the storm to be over. "Are you not afraid to be in an elec- trical place like this in a thunder- storm?" I asked. "I afraid? What is there 'to be afaid of?" "A. bolt." "A bolt!" sneeringly. "Young man, do you know what electricity is? No? Well, I have always known what it Is. Perhaps you think this towering affair of yours something wonderful. It's very -clumsy. But I'll admit it's an improvement on the old system of wires. You don't feel the electric waves rolling around the globe, do you? I do. They are dashing against me all the while." This is a bad go, I thought -alone with a madman; a storm coming on. 'There only remains to get an "S 0 S" call to make the situation diabolical. "Come," said the stranger, taking a seat facing me and pulling the chess- board partly on his knees, "let's have a game." A vivid flash of lightning and a si- multaneous crash sent a thrill of hot, ror through me, but seemed to have no more effect on the stranger than if some one had struck a 'note on a mu- sical instrument. I feared for tbe ap- paratus towering over our heads. My visitor, having placed the men, moved a pawn. I was too bewildered to play. I did not touch apiece. "Come, come, ilfr. Operator," said the stranger. "Don't be rattled by a little thing like that. You'll get something more exciting before long. There's a ship out there only about a hundred miles. She's running at full speed into a mist. But the lookout doesn't see it; he's asleep. If you wish to know who made him doze, I did. I put the steamship company up to trying to get on with a reduced Poice. That did the business. Check t" I suppose I had played mechanically and without knowing it, for the word "Check!" woke me up to tbe fact that my pieces as well as the stranger's had left their original places, and, col- lecting my rattled faculties, I took in the situation, which was that my king was in check. I doubt. if there is anything except chess that under the circumstances would have kept mei faculties absorb- ed. I have a passion for chess prob- lems, and despite the storm and the disagreeable expression on the man's face I entered into the game with all my mind. I soon got my king out of check, but in another moment he was checked again. I heard the instru- ment click, but at the moment saw a chance' to checkmate my antagonist, and, fearing the combinations would leave me, if I delayed, I went on with,. my moves. But my antagonist elud- ed me, and I was brought upwith an- other "Check!" It was evident that I was in a hole that would require all my brain power to get me out of, and, though Iwas ,con. seious'of the rattling of the instrument, I did snot know what was being trans- mitted I got out of this hole only to be led into another, with an occasional chance to checkmate my antagonist, such opportunities always ening in failure. Then came a break, and the next thing I knew I was lying on the floor and my assistant at the instrument. The stranger had gone. "What's the matter?" I asked'. "Matter! Why, there bas been an 'S 0 S' call rattling on the key for more than an hour, The Alutia of the Blue Ancbor line has strucle an ice- berg and gone down with all on board. This Is her nearest station and the only one she could reach." • I relapsed into an unconsciousness. from which I did not emerge for some. time, Wben I did I was told that I had been struck by lightning.. Was the stranger e dream or a reality? wk's Cotton Root Co„i pound. d sere, reliable repe/atinp mcdioine. Sold in three de. No. 2, ee $3; No s3, $ per box. Sold by all druggist.. or sent prepaid on receipt... of pries. Free pamphlet. Address; - THE COON MEDICINE CO.,. TORONTO, ONT. (Fstnsd, Winder.) :.. FtiN'S TIPPERARY 1 CU ITS' Each biscuit bears a picture of patriotic in- terest, such as Canad- ian Soldiers and troops of the other allied armies, Union Jack, British Bulldog, etc.— I0 varieties in all. Their delicious flavor and golden crispness will give you a new respect for the baker. Every biscuit guaran- teed, at your grocer's. 11, S. PERNIN 8 COMPANY, Limited London - Canada e8 tc�J„ Itennnuod 'Flim. Waiter -.-Haven't you forgotten something, sir? Restaurant Patron—I'm glad you spoke of it. My wife told me not to spend' any money foolishly, and I. was just going to give you a tip. Short Shrift, "Poor,Bill has •only two mon:tbe to live." "Sure, these doctcrs make mis- takes, ye know." "But it wasn't a doctor said it. It was a judge." FALLING HAIR AND 11CHti'G SCALP Needless-itse Parisian Sage Not that Parisian Sage can be had at any drug counter it is cer- tainly needless to have thin, brit- tle, matted, stringy or faded hair, %1'o matter how unsightly the hair how badly4(it is falling, or how much dandruff, Parisian Sage is all that tis needed. Frequent appli- cations and well rubbed into the scalp will do wonders -it acts like magic. The hair roots are nour- ished and stimulated to grow new Lair, itching scalp, dandruff and falling hair cease -your head feels eine, Best of all, the hair becom- es soft, fluffy, -abundant and rad- iant with life and beauty. You will be surprised and de- lighted with Parisian Sage. Try at least one fifty b.ottle b.ott e from W. S.H. Holmes he will ilefund the purchase price if your are ntot sat- isfied. A Sinking Fund. "John,” said the member of the Housewives' league, "what's a sink- ingfund?" "A fund that isn't big enough to keep you afloat," answered John gloomily. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson XL -Fourth Quarter, For Dec. 13, 1914. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES,. Text of the Lesson, Matt. xxviii, 16-20; Luke xxiv, 44 -49 -Memory Verses, 19, 20 -Golden Text, Matt. xxviii, 20, Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. The correct sequence of events be- tween His resurrection and finalvis. iblo ascension from Olivet is not more enay,than tbe seouenee of some of tb,. widiawmaihaihmaamihmilm Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver ,u right the stomach end bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently.but$rmlycom. psi a lazy liver to do its duty. Cures Con- stipation, tiinon, diges- Sick Headache, and Distress after Eating. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine must bear Signature erecta ;U itis sojourn In Ills', mortal body, but the heart lessons are not difficult. The summary in lots 1, 3, Is clear and full, "He shewed Hiulsell alive after His passion by many !n' fallible proofs, being seen of ellen) fol • ty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God." He1 a ways shewed Himself IJohii xis, 1, 14), and this is our need -to see no man any more save Jesus only (Mark ix, 8), He showed Himself alive, and we must live as if we really be• lieved that our great High Priest is alive forevermore and bas all power in heaven and on -earth., He always, spoke of the Kingdom, both in His earthly life and until His ascension, and there is nothing so im portant as the coming of His Kingdom, which if we seek first He has assured us of all other things that we need: (Matt. vi, 331. This appearance of our lesson in Matthew may have been to the eleven only, or it may have been the same ns when He wits seen by over 500 at once (I Cora xv, 15;. From the fact that some doubted it would seem to have included the latter, for surely the eleven had ceased doubtiug ere this. There was another most in• teresting appearance -in Galilee to sev- en of the disciples after their night of fruitless toil on the lake, when He provided breakfast for them, tipart from their labors, and also tilled their net with 153 gtetlt fishes. It was then that He asked Peter the thrice repeat• ed question, "Lovest thou me?" spe ciaily commissioned him and foretold his martyrdom (John xxl. 1.241. Before His crucifixion His instruc- tions to the disciples were to go neither to gentiles nor Samaritans, but rather to Israel. but now that Israel hacl.de- cidedly rejected Him and' in cutting Elim otE' bad also cut thetnselves of from all privileges as a elution till He shall come again tbe instructions are different. The messengers are to go to all nations and gutber to Him dis- ciples. They are to go into alt the world and preach the gospel to every,. creature; they are to preach repentance and remission of sins in His name among all nations, beginning at Jeru- salem, but they were to watt at Jeru- salem '(these first messengers) until they should receive the necessary pow- er to do this in the form of a special enduement of power by the Holy Spir- it, for He would .be sent to bear wit- ness to a crucified,; risen, rejected,. as- cended Christ, to gather unto Elim a people for His name. who by a special training in this age would be fitted to reign with ]grin in the next age, when He shall come again to set up His 'kingdom of righteousness and peace (verse 19: Mark xvl, 15; Luke xxiv, 45-49; Acts xv, 18-18; Isa. xxxll. 1, 171. There is nothing whatever In their commission about subduing the world or winning the world to Christ or re- forming or uplifting the race, but sim- ply to do as Paul tells us he did -'de- termine not to know anything brit Jesus Christ and Him crucified; to preach the gospel that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the. Scriptures; to so preach_ as by all means to save some; to be ready to preach the gospel anywhere as debtor to all and never ashamed of it; to preach the kingdom of God and teach those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that some will believe and some : believe not; to turn people from idols to God; to serve the livingand true Glad and to wait for His from Heaven; to speak always not as pleasing men, but God, who trieth our hearts (I Cor, ii, 2; ix, 22; xv, 3, 4; Rom. 1, 1410; Acts xxviii, 23, 24, 31; I Thess. 1, 9, 10; ii, 4; II Tim. 11, 15). Our responsibility is to be faithful witnesses, believing all things written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and the Psalms concerning Him, quite sure that His Word will not return to Him void, but always accomplish all His pleasure (verse 44; Isa. lv, 11). Whether we see much or little or not any present results of our sowing, we can leave that all to flim with whom we are fellow workers unto His kingdom, knowing that He shall not fait nor be discouraged (Iso. x111, 4; I Cor. xv, 58). The devil sowed bis tares and went his way quite sure that they would grow, and we must indeed he people of little faith if we cannot have as much confidence concerning the Incorruptible seed of the Word of God as the devil had concerning his tares. When we have delivered the Word of God lovingly in the power of the Holy Spirit we can safely say, Thank God, that will work. If some one should ask, What will it work? we can with confidence re- ply that it will work all His good pleas- ure. A restless ambition to see great results does not 'indicate a mind in harmony with God or El Spirit filled messenger. 'rhe blessed assurance. "Lo. I am with you all the days until the end, of the age" Matt. xxviii, 20. R. V. margin) slimed be to us au un• speakable comfort and Inspiration. CLUBBING RATES New Era and Daily Globe' $4.50 New Era and Daily Mail and Empire .... 4.50 New Era and Daily World'. 3.35 New Era and Daily News__ 2.85 New Era and Daily Star2.85 New Era and Family Herald and Weekly Star .. 1.85 New Era and Weekly Witness 1.85 New Era and Northern Mes- senger 1.00 New ;gra and Canadian Farm 1.85 New Era and Farmer's Sun.., 1.85 New . Era and !Daily Free P1•osa, morning 3.35 New Era and Daily Free Press, evening ..: 2.85 Nem Era and 4Veekly Free Pres l.8' • New Era and Daly Advertiser 2.8[ 7ew Era and Weekly Adver- tiser ... 1.60 iew'Exa and Paine and Dairy 1.85 ifew Era and Farmer's Aclvo- cate , 2:35 e Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS`TO Fl I TKEBL000IS THE STREAM OF LIFE Pure Blood Is "Absolutely Necessary, To Health "FRUIT-A-TIVES" PURIFIES These Wonderful Tablets, Made of Fruit Juices, Are The Best, .Of All Tonics To Purify And Enrich The Blood. Pure, rich blood can flow only in a .. clean body. Now, a clean body is one in which the waste matter is regularly • and naturally eliminated from the system. The blood cannot be pure when the skin action is weak, when the stomach does not digest the food properly, when the bowels do not move regularly, when the kidneys are strained or overworked. Pure blood is the result of perfect health and harmony of stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys and skin. bruit -a -tines", by their wonderful action on all these organs, keeps the whole system as clean as. Nature in- tended our bodies to be clean. "Fruit-a-tives" tones up, invigo- rates, strengthens, purifies, cleans and gives pure, rich, clean blood that is, in truth, the stream of life. "Fruit -a -tines" is sold by all dealers at 5oc. a box, 6 for $2.so trial size 25c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. December Weather and touching the 14th and •15th. This will prove one of the greatest sleet periods of the month. New moon on the 16th will 'prolong. threatening conditions into the period next following. A reactionary storm period is central on the 17th, 18th and 39th. If we are to have heavy boreal storms this morth•-things best tp connt on-eapoct such at this re- actionary ,period, . . T'•ild Winter gales will rage out upon the Atlan- tic seas, and answering storms. fol- lowed by cold, will sweep over lake, coasts and island. A regular storm period is Coin- cident with the center of the De- cember solstice period. being cen- tral on the 23rd and reaching from the 21st to the 26th. This period will bring very low barometer, and on and toucching the 23rd and 24th the temperatu,•e will rise, brie) storms of rain, attended by. Win- ter in ter lightning and thunder will be probable. These storms will turn to sleet and snow about the `24th and 25th, bringing change to much colder with snow in wide areas of the country for Christmas. In fact a general snow storm will sweep out to the Northwest and spread far to; the East and South by the. close'. of this' period, closely follow; ed by high barometer and pold clearing weatb er. A reactionary storm period is central on the 28th, 29th and '39ti! On and touching these days a teat tion to warmer, with falling baro- meter and more storms of rain, turning to snow, will cross the country from West to Bast. High: barometer and change to colder will be in sight from the West ae. Rea[ Relief , from suffering means true hap- - piness. Tho trouble due to indi- gestion and biliousness, is removed quickly, certainly and safely by S ECHAMS I'LL the month goes out. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R IA.. BERT ANDREWS a Winnipeg hockey player who join ed the Fort Garry Horse. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ea► S `7- ®fes I A. CLUBBING RATES. On page 5 of this issue The New Era's clubbing rates for 1915 are 2YtoLarpeetSalo efdny Medicine futile World Sold Everywhere. le bore,. 25 nate given. Yowl can order any other papers if desired. PARLIAMENT IN JANUARY: Though the date has bot yet been formally fixes, it is believed Parliament will meet at Ottawa the 3rd week of January ,probably the, 21st. uretic Ducks and Geese. Concerning certain features of Eskimo life along the north coast of Alaska, the account written by vizh- jaimur Stefansson says: "In the spring and summer ducks and geese, especially the former, are an import- ant item of diet. They are pursued in kayaks when molting and killed with clubs, and large numbers of them are also secured by bolas throwing, for the migration route of the ducks along the coast is so defi- nitely known teat a man can stand in one place all day aim rely on it that three out of every four flocks will fly within throwing distance. So thickly do the birds come that Row= adays a competent man with a shot- gun hotgun has been known to secure as many as 600 ducks in a day." The Old Fashioned Purging and Griping Action of Pills Is Now Done Away With. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills gently unlock the secretions, clear away ail waste and effete matter from the system. and give tone and vitality to the whole intestinal tract. They do this by acting directly on the liver, and making the bile pass through bowels instead of i the allowing it to get into the blood, and thus causing cense- potion, jaundice, catarrh of the stomach and similar troubles. Mrs. L. M. Ratchford, Peterboro, that, writes: "Having been troubled for years with constipation, and trying many different remedies which did me no good whatever, I was asked to try Milbum's Laxa-Liver Pills. I have found them most beneficial, for they are indeed splendid pills, and I can gladly recom- mend'them to all people who suffer front constipation." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c a vial,vials51.00,is 5for at all druggr m or dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Ivlilbuna Co., I,imitedt Toronto, Ont. fiateeltethelfei t® Speci : 1 THE CLINTON NEW ERA at $1.00 per year in advance is .mighty big value. Before long all weekly newspapers will be $1.50 per year in advance, rayr2: lltn rrn*-,m-ma: 7es�.:.x,�4*L,r," iv ===its'..k'° ,4GE=i .E3rai=7lONE m Sred, But Here' is a Bigger Value Still As a special inducement to ail non -subscribers of i he New Era to become regular readers we make the fol- lowing big special offer, $1.00 will place your name on our list until January ist, 1916. This applies to a'.l Canada and Great Britain, You cannot invest a Dollar to as good advantage to yourself and family. DO IT TO -DAY, Do not put it tiffany longer. The New Era has a big staff of Correspondents that keep the paper well supplied with all the good news Tell the Good News to your Neighbor if he is not now a Subscriber The elinton New Era --•�•�efe R Horne News =,.sf the Town. News of the Country lo..�7.Y,i mos 1