HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-12-10, Page 5hursday,''
ec, 10th, 1914.
.,.. ...,.,...t k is .First,
Variety t
sand .
uait .
an,�, �lrst in ric e>
meet al'1 re.
' °• will
Our Beautiful Dls la:y:. of ,. Gift'.. ,,,
0, P
q,uiiemeriis from first to last;
J ,
_, , De arta E[9ti;S e
� at Fair re��i�voa�
Stock Anticipates Every Want in..
watches, Clocks, Rings, Pendants, Necklaces,
Lockets, Cuff Links, Pub Chains. China,
Ebony Cut.Glass. Sttci•ling and
Plated Silverware, and many
Very :'Appropriate .Gilts reit
Enuurerate,d here
H HELLVARJu7Opti rcianan•d
j4 t►
1 1 Local News
TO ADVERTISERS. • 1 who are selling butter in Clinton
and other places are required by
i For this month there - Will be a a late .Government Act to use
strain on our 'staff through extra printed wrappers announcing that
advertising., We would therefore•
their product is dairy butter. Fail -
ask our advertisers to have their '
ure to comply with the request
t. copy in the prints*.'s hands by is attended with a severe penalty.
': Monday noon. I The reason given for this step is
t CHEAP RATES FOR SOLDIERS. that dairy butter; is i -,being fre-
': The railway companies are being butter' antiy nd sod' d oats a f Pgrs eatly in-
`, asked by the Militia Department to Elated price. Get your butter
a special rate to officers and wrappers printedatthe New Era
- force now in training who 'desire office.
to visit their homes while on leave
The last day for tares in Mon-
on-i A. 0. U. W. day to save 5%,
The annual election of officers Perry's drew a good house . on .
of the A. 0, U. W. took place re- Saturday night last.
Gently with the following result.- Many front here attended thet. Winter Fair at Guelph this week.
Master Workman, John Torrance
Foreman, Howard Snell: The Knitting Co. is now running
Overseer, Isaac Dodd. on a 8 hour a day schedule.
Past Master, Jas. Danford. , Goderieh is having an epidemic
°•: Treasurr, R. :7:: Cluff of measles.
Secretary, R. E. Manning. We have a letter box atour, off.
y Auditors,•H..Tlumsteel •J; ',Tor- ice in the frentr,door f, k`;o bn
ranee:, venience of anyone' wiSitng to in -
.Representative to .Grand Lodge, form us of any local news. Wewill'
'• John Torrance: be glad to publish any . such items'
Alternate, R. J. Cluff but wemust have the .vriter'snane
BUTTER WRAPPERS. signed thereon, not for-'publioa
tion but merely to show us that the,
.111 the 8armera of this section item is sent in on good faith.
Fof absence. A single fare return
rate will' probably be' given.
Major Thomas
London, Ont„ Doc , 11Snjar Beat
tae the well known I1 Y: of'this
city, died herd' "'h.t'.Ji this after, -
Ma ox•, Thomas, Beattie was are'-
v ra '
tired 'mer;ha t. rH 1 s b q orn •:in
Deland ,in 1844 , and came `to an 1846 He, ,was an a1!jerman of
London for ten years: • lie' nerved
r in the th Pu
silt r, in
'ae a
t 1
1' , t G. "r
the W. Reb ,hon A 1$186 .. 7aie at
1f l,. r ;o a, r hiss e ",t e..
'fol` pnn fi ,�. e K"- lF.
�N 3. gad.. 9 nSa.
1T a.
F r
House of Commons from. 1898 t?
1900 and from 1907 up till;his,cieatia
death. The last time he visited
Clinton was 'a year ago last Sum=,
mer 'when returning Strom the
camp at Goderieh and spent a few
hours with ¥r., W. Jackson.
Local' News
The private tip which is said to
have •gone out, to,. Conservative
workers to .prepare their vo,ters?
lista for regrstratroon looks
sure indication that there is a Do-
minion , election contemplated for
t • he near 'futnre.
A dispatah• has been received' at
Ottawa from the secretary of State
for the colonies stating that pres-
ents to individual soldiers or
bodies of, men of the Canadian
forces will be admitted to England
free of.duty.
• •
•, ,WITH 'rag CHURCHES. •
Anniversary services will be held
on Sunday next when the Rev.
James E. Holmes,of Ridgetown
will preach mornig and evening.
At the close of the evening ser-
vice on Sunday last the pastor
received fifteen 'young men and
women into fellowship,• with the
Social and Personal
The Toronto Star reports that
Mr. John A. Cooper, Editor of the
Canadian Courier, and an old Clin-
ton boy, is likely to be'aldermanic
!candidate for Ward two, as a re-'
presentative of the Municipal Im-i
provement Association.
Mrs. Fred. Turner and Miss May-,
fred Allen are expected to arrive
here today from Calgary. They
have been spending a few days
-withtheir brother, Mr. A. E. Allen,
at Toronto.
Councillor Harry Fitzsimons is at
tending the Winter Fair at Toron-
Dr. and Mrs. ;Sloan of Nome.
Alaska, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Walker. They will
^'spend the Winter here, The Dr.
and his wife were here about 5 or 6
years ago. Mrs. Sloan will receive
with Mrs. Walker, on the latter's
day, the 1st Friday of, each month,.
B11'E11'!, anilines awes et Deaths
Our stock is very. large.this,y,ear-far too large -t-
so to increa.sP our sales overP past years, we hde-
easrrave �a.
'� eicl d•to�niae;'la 'h '
Discount of 20 cen*
,�.."-stc'kt •ari.
o n � rt .le • n stock, o I t.
na,ya�..1 ,,1
dollar watch will 'cost you 8l)c. A
ow41.4 $49 ''viitclifi $32,.�oiidi;;pr 6� .tth ough who,` >
stock. Our goods;are.maricedl�ilplal'na5ures OIwayS°`'
1 1, 4J ( I[I 3-n
`Wr+H�1C TO 'C: WV/a'0
•Aa. ▪ '•
For Mother -Any Silver article for the table 'ie acceptable, "Silver
Spoons, Silver Knives And Forks, Silver Thimb'le, Cot Glass,
Gold SP ectaeles, Brooch, Gold Headed Umbrella, Fancy Clock
• For. Father -,-A new Watch,, -Silk Fch or Chain; a Locket or Riug
Sleeve Links, Seal or Scarf Pin, Fountain Pen, Gdld•Headetl
Cape or Uinbrelia, Society Pin rto;snit his lodge.;
For Sister or Sweetheatl t -Bracelet, Waist, WVatnh, Ring, Locket
50, Necklsce, Pendant, Brooch, Jewel Box, Silk Umbrella J
•For Brother or Friend-Foh, Chain, Cuff Linke;, Match Box,
Foul:ain Pen, Scarf Pin, Ring or Locket, Tie Clasp,'
SPECIAL-Westmirster Chimes Clock, mahogany'case, $19.5O;'
Other Articles ton
for Adults, Children or the Ruby ,"
tllcKenzie - Glew -At the home of
the. bride's .mother, Mrs, 11'I. clew, in
Hullett on Wednesday Dec. Oth by
Rev. Mr. Harper, Miss Aciclie Glew to.
;Mr. Robert McKenzie. cf Detroit, son
of Mk. and Mrs. Thos. McKenzie, sr.,
of Clinton.
ei -Aa
gWar Summary $
Road is attending &he Clinton
School of Commerce for the Win-
ter term.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Cook attended
the Cole-Hamrn wedding at Blyth
recently. Mr. Cook helped, to fnr
nish the music for the dance in
the evening. •
Mrs. Hoare, of Clinton, was a,Vis-
itor with, friends at Exeter last
Mr. Jos. Townsend of Toronto
'was a visitor in town this week.
Reeve Routley, of Uab'orne town-
ship, spent Friday.eyening with his
son, Mr. Routley, ,w,ho, is G.
operator and freight, agent ,here..
The genial Reeve had been attend-
ing County Council.
Mr. Wesley Caldwell, of Hensel',
and a former' C., C. I. student, •has
joined the second contingent • and
is now at London.
• Miss A. Chidley is teaching at
the Wingham High School uzat 1.
the Christmas vocation ' ;..
Mrs. Sellers, of Seaforth, was the
guest of Mrs. H. Hill last w el..
Mr. Jay Holmes of the" : lluron
Mr. Frank Walker, of Winnipeg,
is -spending the Winter at his.'home
Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr returned las+'
week from ,her visit with her pa-
rents in' Toronto, ' •
Mrs. J. E. Cantelon was a week
end, visitor at Hamilton. •
Mr. J. W. Kilbride was in Lon-
don last week attending a meeting
of the, International Harvester Co.
and its travellers. They was ad-
dressed by a number of head" offi-
cials, which were, very instructive.
Miss Katharine Drake of Ueda,
-Japan, has been spending a few
:days, with Miss Sybil Courtice
,Old -friends of Mr :'Charlie :Kers;
son•. of: Rev. W. E.' Kerr;` • former
pastor o4 Ontario Street ' Chdfcli,
will be pleased';;to'know: that he.is
an instructor at the camp atTors
onto' and, is also takinp'up his'cap-
tains'course. He was With the first,
contingent at Valcartier, but re-
turned td Toronto to be instructed
in •the sebond. Mr. Harold Kerr,
'who is attending Victoria College,
is President of the first-year class
Harold is,also "a lieutenant) in the
Welland Co.. regiment. .
F „ �
We have silken great pain's l,o stone up with some
of lhemost substantiae arid hast looking -Furniture
made by the leading furniture factories.
Our Easy C,. airs. Cenvcnicnt Tabies,
eantifaal Spites, Attractive Odd Pieces,'8itc.
are the kind thai turna house' into, a real home
(101918 AND 516111 Illinlil
Our Prices. Can't be Beaten
The Cheapest 6ipatiso 1f iroin to IBsay all lamb; of Fruniturc
Fur nitanre Beales'~' and FrearalOiiiectors-Pia,►pe 104
N. Bail 110---SIRSIP.ORE47Pi 11"IR4i 1 - dr, tID 7 as.iaasott 1736
Sv3i"XP.&3A7{nmn ,5•pm srt+;t+y�n �'J+,T'"'rt^„ .1 tit!}.%...^, aw,ly: �fi?;.i+,a 4'Ja.rklydt•.L'F
The German cruisers Scharnhorst
Gneisenau and Leipzig went down,
with most of their men in South
Atlantic by British squadron and
they also captured two hholiiers.
The Dresden add Nurnberg made
off during the battle and are being
persued. •
The Kaiser is suffering from
Turks at Kerma ' surrendered to
the Indian expeditionary forces
British has smal i loss. c
Servians won a grr•eat victory
over Austrians and take 20,000 pris
oners. •
British ships are shelling Guinan
positions on Belgian coast.
Allies gain ground " along the
front and Flanders 19 now safe.
o- u..yM
New orders for shells amounting
to several million dollars has been,
received by Canadian factories for
the British war office: •
Columbia's goy ernment has order
ed the removal' of a wireless sta-
tion .used ;by the Germans •
Vis::. Jewelerrand�'
IAJ'G•• � ' Optician
8 battalions of Italian troops.
have been ordered to Tripoli,
Monday' '
The Germans have reoccupied
Allies advancing on Western
Ostend isreported on fire:
Sir John French is honored by
King George by have: the Order of
Merit conferred upon,him. '
Situation is so serious that the
Kaiser calls out reserves.
The Australian battle cruiser
"Australia" is reported missing.
General Botha states that the
South African insurgents is broken
It is expected that the . French
will return to Paris at an early
A report states that the Russians
have crumpled up Turks in Per-
sian battle,
Canada has sent $900,000 to the
Germans in Strassburg: are pre-
paring for seige by the French.
It is reported that Germans
lost two-thirds of force&'' in Po-
Russia gains a victor$r. at, the
Battle of Lodz •
King George and Prince of
Wales were both on the, firing line Stewart Taylor 72
France has called 300,,' 0 boys of .Russell Britton 60
to commence dr ling to be J. Wilson. Teacher
18 years g
begin service if needed by October _„___
French Parliament hast'200 mem- Division IV, Senior 3
bers out of a total of -897 now John Taylor 92'
serving at the front. Eleanor McTaggart 91
The German cruiser .Karlrushe.is Ivy Plewes 90
at large and reported, -in North Nellie Rutledge 90'
Atlantic.Gertrude Fowler 88
De Wet the Boer rebeltr is now a Harold Lawson 87
prisoner at Johannesburg. Gordon Powell 87
Fred Peckitt 299
Phainie Cree 299'
George. Walker 293 Miller iller 283
Bert Sloman 280
Ernest Bradshaw 279
Division III Senior Class
Agnea Reynolds 8S%
Gordon Hall 87
Jabez Rands 86
•Bessie Murphy 85
Amy Hellyar 84
Harry Ball 82
Kenneth Carter 80
Anna Grealis 80
Dorothy Rorke 79
Bessie Morrish 79
Jean Bell 77
Fergus Reynolds 75
Earl Johnston 75
Willie Match 73
Etta Hardy 72
George Carter 70
Betty Twyford 70
Cecil McIntyre 63
Junior Class.
Asa Bolton 87%
Eva Bouck 86
Lottie Judd 81
Katie Ladd 80
Blanche Nelson 80
Jack Bawclen 79
Marjorie Beaton 79
James Walker 78
Fred Elliott 77
Cora Miller 7.1
It' is 'reported ",that ,K}epeiat
Beyers,the last Of, ,the, Boer rebels
hasbieen shot' and' killed , , . '. ,,
Allies are%heading' sti'aiglit, fol,
Rciilei s
A,7$erlm desppatch .tatdtes :•that
the Kaiser is Yll
Ring. Albert of Itei'gium .ep,ates.,
that histroopp” s havg:. no typhoid
epidemic in beir'ranita.
Daisy Nediger 85
Friday . Wilbur Bezzo 85
Nisbet Cook 83
The German Atlantic flee now Hilton Butts 81
has ten warships. Audrey Collyer 79
Lord Kitchener has joined the Ruth Evans 79.
King in France, Margaret Cree 76
A new German attack develops Emerson Libby 75
along the Yser. ' Helen Roberton 73
Australia war expenses for Stewart McDonald
this year are estimahed at $58,000 Helen Greig 70
000. Jean Miller 70
Bombs were dropped ;at Essen, Frank Scruton 68
causing damage to the Krupls Gladys Wiltsie 67
Armor worsk, Junior Class.
The Australian and New Zealand
contingent have gone to Egypt Anica Hill 87, ,
for training: Gordon Lawson 84
Germanys ha`§ failed in' her big FrankPerciverhnh gpe 83
attempt to influence the Egypt.:
fans to rebel against the British MMaar i Argentoo80
The Czar has called another 1- Willie Malpaga 79
200,000 men to the colors:. Herbie Holtzhauer 77
S to the Gladys McGuire 74
Parliament at, Rome that; Italy :.t•c na Taylor 73
Must be ready to resent 'lrggi'es- Luny Levy 74
aeon,Italy's Premier t,tate1 Donna Mulholland 67
George Dixon . 63, •.
L . Stevens, Teacher.
The Japanese and British'fleets
are, seeking.; the, .German fleet in,•
Anierican waters, n
v Viii t
$1,900 was raised for, funds, -in
England by the sale, of", the flour
The Kaiser's scheme in Poland
movement and the enemy is
has cost him 100,000- men
Greece has ctisne to the aid of
$$ervia in the b,ig•,wai
The Allies' ha'l'e started a forward
movement and tlia ' enemy i s
driven back front the North Sea
to Alsace border.
Portugal sends 4000 moret,roope
to protect her African colonies.
The French lost over 600 of her.
troops by natives in Morocco.
The French War .office have is-
sued a sta7ernent that the French
Army up to Nov. 10., have a loss in
dead something under 100.000 me
in wounded and sick they have
about 400,000 and over 90,000 pris-
oners in Germany,'
Great Britain is caring for. 26,000,
prisoners of, war.
Itis announced . than Britain
and Italy , have come to •a secret
agreement and Italy will put
troops into Egypte if Cara 9 threat
What will it'be? "`Phi`s is'a'd:uestioi l't'liat will uzz)e
1a,`great many people during the:next feyi,days;;. s i t ey
gtliink of some friend' who they;wi'"sh, to remember' with!, a ..
tloken of the Christmas season. Let.us suggest , w
teles that may be
fo n
st "s sa
,d which will be :sel4ias:s.t5,;ePtle{tdf
ung or old.
or Children For Eadie
Handkerchiefs :Slippers
". kitts and Bootees Fancy Linen'
j`, Fuss Silk aists
Gloves Net Waists
Sweaters Tea Aprons
SvFeatli.r Coats Hand Bags
Be sure and see our boxed Ties aid Braces 25c,
.For Men
Fancy Braces.'
Fancy Shirts
New rialea Patterns 10c Amide to Measure CIothin„
�. ru
ehristm s ata
will be held by the Junior Patriotic Society en
Saturday Afternoon, Dec. 12, in 'Potain Halm
The proceeds to be given to the Red Cross fund.
� re:
, "It is earnestly requested that the following articles be contributeli'
°Andi$econd•hanal Books or Toys still in good repair - Pictrires, Etc
Plain and Fancy Sewing, Dressed Dolls, Candy,
..'Contributions will be received at the Town Hall on the afternoon. •
of Friday, December 11th, as well as on Saturday.
Afternoon T.ea will be Served from 3 to 6
The `women's Patriotic Society are hiving a cooking booth and wi'shes.
'' the ladies of Clinton and vicinity to contribute cooking,
Oliver Murphy 236
Clyde Kennedy 234
Wallace Wheatley 223
-.Elsie Cooper 215
Jab* Britton 212
Juiir4or' Blass Total marks 250
Norma Treleaven 233
Florence Johnson 231
Kenneth Roberton 229
Nellie McNeil 228
Cecil Ashton 227
Hildegard Arnsden 218
Russel Peckitt 218
Russell Bezzo 217
'John Livermore 216
Vera Cook 214
Elmer' Miller 213
Ernest Ford 210
Olive Lawrence 201
Myrtle Car•ick 192
Jean Simpson 189
Cliftford Cooper 186
Bert Marshall 178
Kathleen Taylor 174
William Argent 170
Francis Milton 157
Olive Cooper,
Div spina VIII First Reader tota1250
• Robin Hunter 236
, Beryl Salter 233
Eileen Atkinson 224
George Hill 222
Charlotte Von Rohl 221
RayCarter 221
Donna Cochrane 214
Janet Lockwood 196
,Myritle Wiltse 187
Francis Baines 168.
Senidi'Primer Class. Total marks
Clarence Glazier 213
Carol' Evans 210.
Helen Cook 210
Madelon Hawkins 200
Frank Latter 200
Edith; Hill '192
• r? rMargarat Rutledge 186
r. Oliver .Rands186
' CLINTON SCHOOL REPORT " 'Division V, Senior Class ° ,.
• a Kenneth Rorke 96°%,
• • • • • :Robert Middleton 931,i
HonorLee Reynolds 80 , •,.,
- • L. Pearl Carrick:89 '
Lida Livermore 93/ 1VIer oiriie. Batman ,88
C;',. . Harry Ranee< 90; ! , --
,. Ernest Livrermore, 82, .,, er R i 'Livermore 83
W an 81 .' . ^','i ,, ...4...Switzer Grealis 79
Mary, lioliand 79" i,;; :� .'•'Isabel',Johnston 78
I i ',Johnston Blacker .76.
Hattie Greig 79• Mattie ,
Harry: L'awreirce 77 r•
[ Meryin.Deeves 75
:.Oleta ,Dunforti '75 " Bessie Lockwood 71
n. ',He
Forrester 74 i Ethel Bouck 71
':f. Willa lY1c0atigheY 73 'a'.l 1'f' ' ' Willie Miller 68'
Fred Walks 72 ; Pe'rccy Proctor 64
Robbie Schrenk. 71 " .John YOghoe 62
Marion" Andi''evvs 70.Junior'Chiss: i"' ^'
Nettie Glazier 70
brig Bouck 60i 1Vlarian Morris 92%
JessieJack Wigginton 86
Mae Rutledge,' 64 'Katie Beaton 82
Sadie Draper 63 , Agnes Coiabe 80( i
Fa leson 61
Jean Ford 78' c, -
Alex. g
�, "Andre
r Y y
1 ��
George Middleton 6 Roland Walker 73
{ ---a-� Lily. Judd' 69 • .
Division hTotal-'440 •marks. Luella McClinchey 67
,Holland will deliver 10,t• `.ops of
. Wheat to the Belgians.
r Violet Hullep G6
Willis 'Cooper' 421 .,I o.-rr Cochrane `r66
Beryl' Cooper 6!05 G004 ge Mennel 63
Helen Ros Joe Allison 61
Modes d Livermoreer01 Norman McNeil 60
Agnes Walker 394e
Willie Bell 393 H. Courtiee, Teacher,
Archie MacKenzie 391
Leighton Walker 385
Dora Schoenhals 380
Wilbur Welsh 376
Frances Yesbec 375
Merrit Nediger 306
Ernie Little 365
Alma °MacCors le 366
Hattie Livermore 365,
Charlie Cole 365
Stewart McBrien 360
Mary Walton 330
Lawrence West 353
Winnie Nelson 319
Annie Lawrence 344
Charlie Bell 343
Ambrose McGuire 340
,.lice Flukey 339
Pearl Gould 307
Burton Bolton 177
Viola Livermore 171
Reeser Forster 166
Alvin House 156 •
Junior Primer Class Total 293.,
Linnie Nediger 231
'rem Jackson 224,,
Edgar Maguire 221x;
Bessie Cole 221
Catharine McTaggart 220ii 3 n t i ,
Doris Collyer 218
Hubert Reynolds •209
Arthur Hessian 207
Alex Osbaldeston 197
1 Ulla Crich 179
' Howard Mulhollands113..,,
Hward Grealis 111
M. Wiltse Teacher
Div. VIII-IIIClass Toia.l 286
Billy Hovey 260
Reta Elliott 256 •
Frieda Schoenhals 238
Elmer Paisley, 238
Clyde Wheatley Oil
Arthur Fulford 195
Willie Glazier 195
.Addie Carter 191
Russel Murphy 190
Frank' Howard 178 .
II Class Total' 287
Dorothy Mason 243
Olive Watkin 231
Phoebe Bolton 220
Carrie Pickett 208 ,
Kathlyn Badour 202
Beverley Butt 191
Leonard Walker 180
Jack Mutch 173
Dorothy Streets 171
Sr. I Class Total 240
Ruth Ball 212
Nettie Taylor 187,.
Jr. I. Class Total 225. '
Edith Glazier 164
Myrtle Cook 161
Arthur Maguire 157
Marguerite Marshall 142
W. E. Thompson Teaeh'eil
Division VI. Senior Class Total 350:,
Myrtle Bell 333,
Wilfrid Grant 298
Fred McTaggart 296
Olive Schoenhals 294
Charlie Shipley 293
Wilbur Nelson 289
Ferguson Carter 282
Colenso Salter 279
John Nediger ,
ei 277'
Eleanor Plumsteel 274
Sadie Gibbs 270
,Myrtle Sweet 270
Charlie Mennel '208
George 'Elliott 264
Bert McGuire 263
Howard Gould 2.14
1 t
a's �
her s
(. ilr.
' the opportunity ortunity for'economical
Now ie chs, time and,this is PP
efrtisfactor'yy Ohristmas buying that nobody can afford to niisd.
Colne ,tous flit •
Christmas Clifts •
you willbe pleased and satisfied,,, U'ur lines of Christmas
1+'outwear are new and up to naffs.
Our New Holiday Stock
in Great variety., really durableiand useful presents for
people of all ages, and is a most popular stock in every' respect
because of its choice selections. trustworthy valves. and fair
ptiees, If you are asking where you . can buy the best n,nd
cheapest this seasion,,,you will get ,t'ouby r answerlooking
tbrpdgh' ourg'teat variety! of Cliristmas'*7otwear, and cora
pare quality and prices with others,
The Right Oifts for Everybody
We have provided for all requirements, and the variety in our
wide range of Women's, Men's, Girls and Boys Hockey Shoes,
Felt and Leather house Slippers, Dress Pumps and Fine Foot-
wear in all the new shapes and styles, and also a full range of
Clnb Bags and Suit Oases, makes the selection of appropriate
gifts easy, and you can count on getting exactly the right thing
airu7Iti FrizaeriiutV sri4 aSPEW. m•ia ¢ s =IMIEBI
E Gtr.
Phone 70
tYAW2 .1S. l3 bits anal
nr :ten