HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-12-10, Page 4it hdre y: o, ilOtli, t9 best:tab Stat, ire ...gy be sold at any time or, season. A' Acid many shrewd buyer;"" • unfavora>t'helr ri e`strrierits "- rl..•• „.,u•Jkl f`ti" �l ; v5a.•f1411f ready- to -Wear Qarinents Phone 78 Di7 Goods ,•ate`-'.• house 1allF•.,,.Ta riishiulsvsatenstemate r tore With ¢ • 1 ;i1 r-_ "Sri • • / T p 1>'e ehristmas cheer Th (s;tdfire e:iith a Lame Assortment for Christmas •1 Vew ChiL4tiiva,s Neckwear ' Many new novelties in Ladies Neckwear and Furnishings have lust arrived ynty and Pretty Ideas, at all prices, and for all put pds'es MOake your choice now. Big Christmas stocks will be lowersiteh not'4o'complete. Ask to see the new Military Dollars, We have many exclusive novelties in these lines, We are caaryiee a veru large range or Ladies Silk and Silk foot Hose, it the fa - Mons Pen Angle brand, including all the new shades, pink mauve, blue yellow, white arid' black. Prices from-" 50e to $2 a pair New Christln,is Aprons Fancy Aprotns are growing in popularity for gifts. We show many new tied distinctive styles, including fancywork aprons and some really good designs in Allover Aprons for regular housework Priced at 25e, 35e, 50e and 15e Christmas Gigs for Men We are showing a very large range of high class Furnishings for men for Christmas trade. including Si k l -fore, Silk Mufflers, Silk lined Swede Gloves, Silk T:ee, Braces, Cuff Links. Armlets, Orisbmere Hose, Hose Supporters, Etc. This StoreLOpcn Evenings from bee. I4 to Christmas • Clinton is a Healthy I 1 too oinnt 'Deputy trustees and ,PP P Y Returning Officers and Poll Clerks in case of an election. The, poll- ing booths and Deputy returning Officers and Poll Clerk. St. Andrew's Ward -Town Hall - Thos. 'Watts. and E. Saville. St. James Ward -Sample Rooms Rattenbury House -A. J. Gregg and H. Twitchell. , St. John's Wai'd-George Levis effice-E, G. Courtiee and 'Frank livans. St. George's Ward -D, Elliott's carriage shop -S. J. Andrews and Jno. Cunningham. Councillor Ford introduced the following motion, which was sec•,. ended by Councillor „ Fitzsimons ;- That this coupeil,op behalf .of the ratepayers and citizens of the town whom we, 'Oicresenr tender a very ;hearty d most , sincere 1 t vote o ban .is o the I t :Women's ,Institute for their useful and ornamental gift in the form of a •inking fountain which they have recently presented to the Town, In 's1Setking `o1 the motion Co'neilloregetrel said it might app ar to theemembere of the Instit 'li that the Council was . elittle sloe:* in recognizing, their gift, however this was the first, Council m "tang eip a the foun•i tain was i "stalled," fe was satin= t lied every;member of the Council, appreciateilt the gift which the Women's I stito>te had made,' ' to the town.'SHe also thought the ladies had 'set an example..it.would be ew 1 foo •rho Council =t '-fin t $ 1 t e particularlythose:ii.eMl'ers';Alio intend to bk can idta sak , ,te coming eleion andif ewesY<i,rcts ` 'her woilldn forth a little of the effort the ;ladies shown by the i' ladies in this particular case the Council wo;ruid accomplish, a great deal more haul they often do. His Worship the Mayor then asked that the motion be carried by a standing vote,' which was accord'•{ ingly done, The :Finance Committee, 'report t. vas read and adopted. Council then adjourned, eet *shoal Reports The following is the report for the month of November of S. 5 No. 12 Hallett and Goderieh, names in order of merit,. Sr. 1• -sora Jervis, Jean Lindsay. Jr. 4. -Mervyn Farquhar, John Townsend. Sr. 3 -Bessie Lindsay, Mary Wright Jr, 3. -Amy McBrieu, Mary Mc - Brien. Willie Beacom, Jean Farquhar, Hilda Forbes. 2nd. -Norman Wright, Eddie John- ston. let.- Mabel Wright, Walter Forbes Reber, Johnston. Primer. -Russell Jervis, Emmeline Holland, Teacher The following is, the November monthly report for 5, 5. No. 14, Stanley. Names are in order of merit. Fifth. -W. C. B. Johnston, Louise McOlymon t, Jr. 4 -Maggie Cooper, W, 13, Collins H. Rathwell. Jr. 13-V. Me0lymont, Nortna Hood, Ella Fisher. dr. 2-W. A. Ross, W. J. Harvey, Luella Foster. 2nd. pt,- W. Workman,'. Devine, Foster, L. Near, Ist. pt. -L. U. Workman, G. Harvey E. Sutton. The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were,- Fiffh-Cecil Joboston, Sr. 4 -Willie Cooper. Jr. 4 -Harold. Rathwel . Jr, 3 -Verna McOlymont: Jr. 2 -Wilfrid Rose. 2nd pt. -Walter Workman: nee t Auburn'' he fit t meeting of the Auburn brie eh;'pf the Women's•.,,]ted ,tiros{ (dhire a cilia held' in the public reading eafternoon Any ro t�WedoetJday pe qn la 5,ishing to assistin working to tPne eyg�;eliers may; get yern• for knit• ti at "�14 Riddell'e tore or @hints, cu our, reddy':to make1atMiter n'sgterfi i,Fh, ton,uY w ith; W hieh.ihe�Oircle:ha s , Pu c ase Sf the, 'grinds htis beenraised c =.b *'the m'e ltot� fees of '25b e'a'h`iti d y � e �.0 'by ({donations from the rifle elhh and sprrvate Iiiirties..,Any one who' can 'assist in ff'his ray will be thankfully received, ,• 111i�3'; Robt. Spring of Manitou Mani Itob4 arrived ,last creek with two car oa sof cattle; which he sold by Oust; Moil jons1aturday afternoon. Mr Spr, ng, tt`afe 4i:forted, will return'to tne' esq'„trip a load of wire. • M i stn n and his eor, ,4 Jar s -Aa.m o g Xn. Ohe?ater, at Brussels ere nt' the his r' i Mo i a i,th a 'her?, jretugnipg, on 1.51 y w number of'nattle which' they purchas- ed at the sane here on Saturday Mr. Noah;Platzer has purchanaed the old "illianing voile out of which he iu tenda fie build a barn at hie home in the 'village Mr. JohntJ. Clark has.purcbased the' farni`belonging to aur ,Murray Patter- son and will take possessionin March Mise McClinton of Godevicli assisted with:the singing in J r1dx 'church last Sunday. '":„ Pnuiversary serviette; will he, held in the tiaptist,'r hureh yl)on Sunday ber 20 at 230 and '7 p. m. A O.intata will' he given on Monday evening Dec. 210-a ttrnieeion'W and 25 cents. 'R66v.1 Mr, elclntosh of London will, preach; in Knox church next Sunday mornixg. i �f L.onaesbero The yVomen's Institute is busy at work fu5r the Red Cross Society. Itis expected that the Hallett Ooun cil ,.ill.he returned by acclamation. i 1Mr:and Mrs, W. Lee of Port dol. h , r , are visiting -with- relatives and ,friends in this iieighberhood, Lende•sboro is to' hold a patriotic concert some time in February, The 14th is the day for taxes. Stanley. Miss Jean Mustard has returned home from New York and is at home at present. Mr. Charles Waittle of Tuxford Sask., BAs engaged with the Graham Bees., for the Winter, Mr. -Hugh ]McGregor and Mr. A El - Miss Wednesday with a load of fat cattle for Toronto from Brurefleld. Miss Edna Beattie of Hilisgreen reliant Sunday with her friends, Mise F,rnia and Nannie Diehl, Mrs. 3: C. Reid and. master Johnny of L' iewry spent Mondav at the horse ofeeir.'aiad Mrs. H. Diehl. • Varna' L. 0. L No, 1035 held their annual i meetingg on Thursday evening Dec, 3rd when the following officers were elect- , ed. 14I Albert Robertson. D. M., Ben Rothwell. Chap...George Beattie. Kea Sec., Carl E. Diehl, F. Sec', Nelson Reid, Treas..Frank Weekes, '"-L'ectnrer, ToStinson. 1). of ll„Geo. Johnston. • Committee -J. W. Reid; Chas. Fos• ter; ,Ike Rathwelt; Geo. Clark; Wm. R,athwell. .et g Bayliold r ;St. Andrews 8.5, entertainment will be held on Wednesday before Christmas. The hist meeting of the Council de gidcdto postpone the rebuilding of the town, hall. • The rifle corps again contested at target tetihe resulting as follows: - Cape L. Thomson 1st; De. Woods 2nd and W. Mustard 3rd. The remainder followed very close making a general good score. • Sonne of our members made' 'the hest shooting at Capt Naftet's practice in the township. Our riflemen also held daylight practice en the river flats on Satur- day afternoon wnen Dr. Smith came out first, Rev. McFarlane 2nd and Greenslade 3rd, The daylight shoot. ing was all generally good considering the long ranges. :The following ar'e the scores of the Bayfield Rifle Association dur- ing++the tnonth of November. The nettles are: givenf Of those whose •average'kor the four nights exceed edea2O,eppgt of 8 possible 35. W. A. Dtlitstar;d.. . 32 '"s les 30' R. S. Bie Y 30 Rev. A,tt Geo. CeF 20 arlane Clarenc4 ,Pollock 29 Dr. Wood's :.....:..... ...•-:. .... ..,a 29 Alex. Attkere , ,ele29 %' mi v t 2S .,,i28, ,Geo. Gr. J. Mc Jena ban nslade L7 t, g The following is'the report of S S J No, 4 Tuckersmlth for November L h tt Claes 4 -Winnie Hunt, Edna Orich.” T o s n �r h l rich Phyllis ()rich. Earnest.] 11ock o Mae C Class 3.Bert 'Walters; George Fats y 24 Alf Erie" Nott '.atheson, Jessie r.al1, 23 Class 2 jr, -Ernest Crich, Kenneth Richard g Ilion ..... ...... ..... 23 John D dson- , ...-..1......1...., 1 Hunt, Reginald; tibipley; Clarence �12 NOTE=;Ovlrig :c sickness . . .P the, New Era, has;;..ileen short hail and witla'tlie L'hrist- m'as. rush sof adve'rtisenients some of the dlsttiic neva hath' e h lc. uvR`ia and, wilh•a a e ear next:week''it'+ 'r' p s °' • dx`: e • Constance t 'M9 Chas. MCGreg!or ,M,iss . tutella" Clark and' Miss Mangaivt,;Love vis- ited tk,e latter'{ parents, at Wal- ton' on Sunday ,: ' Re/.Mr. Powell Of Clinton 'gave his limelight views ill tote Meths- distrchurch.on Mond"a• evenin . i Y g Mi Moon of Lon'e4boro collect= ed takes in tits villago on their day.: , • Mrs. BenSnell leaves next week a for Vancouver B1 C., whereshe:will Visit ;With her parents,' Mr;.' and Mrs. Chapman, for a couple of months. Mr: Perkins' Lawn Mower M.: QUAD Copyright, 1914,: by Associated Lit- eraryPress. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins bad been sit ting on the front steps of their home for ten minutes when she carelessly queried: "Mr. Perkins, please turn to that diary of yours and see what yon find recorded under date'of Feb. 20." "With pleasure, Mrs. 'Perkins. Are you on track of something?' "Just a little something." 'Well, here's the date." "Do you find anything about a lawn mower?" "I do. It says that t will either have a lawn mower before. the 1st 01 April or perish in the attempt." "Is it the 1st of AprlIr "Oh, yes." "Have you got the lawn mower yet?" "Not yet." "I didn't know but that you bad it hidden away in a coattail pocket and was going to bring it out and surprise me. They have been mowing their lawns all around us." "Mrs. Perkins," be said after draw - Ing a long breath, "I' owe an explana• tion." 1 "Not In the least, Mr. Perkins. That' is simply your way of doing business." "On the evening of Feb. 20, when I uttered the words recorded here, I fully and firmly mount to purchase a lawn mower of the latest pattern at an early date in the sping." • "Poor maul" "But it so happened that I got hold of some vital stntistics in a newspa- per.e "How terrible!" "There was a list of deaths by heart failure. It numbered hundreds." "And you did not want to die of heart failure?" "I had no great longing, to. I went to our family doctor and pot the case up to him, and he shouted at me: "'Perkins, are you a born fool!' "'No.' "'Then don't talk about pushing a lawn mower around. With your heart the way it is it would mean sure death to you.'" "While if you continued to simply play poker you might live a hundred years," said Mrs. Perkins. "Come, come, my dear -this Is not a matter for sarcasm. There are other risks besides heart tenure." "Sweating, your collar Is one." "Suppose that some enemy of mine throws a bomb amid the grass and I run the mower against it?" ,r,r.Awfull Awful!" "Mrs, Perkins, I aro afraid that you don't understand' the situation. In Al. bany last week as an eminent citizen was mowing his lawn there was a sud- den explosion." "But don't they generally come sud- denly?" "There was a sudden explosion, and he was killed dead." "Poor shouldn't 1 He s ouldn't have been kill more ! ed than half dead. Go on, Mr. Perkins. Did the boiler of the law]} mower burst, or did some one fire a candonat him?" he machine got heated u I be• Bever He MSS pushing it too fast. ,. . • t A.thtng'; that could never happen tp : yon; Mr. Perkins." dud, again, at Syracuse a man who was lawn mowing was struck dead by 6 ttallnderbolt." 2 • ? He must have had a nickel in his, toner,' Vera Stephenson • Wilbur MeD 1 0 4 `W. a ,. t` ter (.eci Claes 2 er ]+jmily ,•.n. Ball, .Edward Walter Victor • Fal. Ed. Spatlhng ............. ..... 20 const, Leman °adieux. • Class 1 sr. -Sadie Ball. Herold Stan - '• bury, Austin .Matheson... a ..'.•t,k•ya/ieeet,ndtM/1esNCoeAPo/1IVNtegekenaA ase jr.- ernes: un r; . wclisJe. Harold ,()rich •'a'Cl :, i 1 t� . 11' 4 Ch {stns{ as116113,1 T'he for � r (t it' S r • lowin s r.` of + g N { . • r No. 1011n'llatt Iznd 5'roderlch ' 4 (Masai, ' F t Hunter; Thelma' ori Senior 4 -Ed' ar MOrris 8o ,:t Morris, 53 . `t ' Y. it 3 -Mar Blair G7 Goxdon Bell d ,C, your ChristiInas ;present,,. y l 1 Govier QS. � JohnstonG1, � o t' "- Incmonth are- ;.•" tl Jr.4-Stella Morris, Ment{ iii The .INew Era-) Jr. s --Diary ltfnir, r _ Bertha _.. �a(' anrlrl.ry 4h� 'hniiilt�, h7fli. , g 'Begin to-dayto buy Sr.l—BerthrEno81, Evelyn John. Don't let conditions fling sten 79 damper an yaift- 1'riuiev (A)- Edna, Primer h) 0 Look carefully t The beet cpellersfo gh 'c' • Se itEdgar Morris,ICOUb the adVertl.-eS. ( -Howardiving.u y ' Primer- Edna Govier. Copp, pocket to attract It." ,'And so,:Mrs. Perkins, with all thee' warnin 'an overm e 1 thou h ! gs. gingg tt best7, '1Qpt to -get a mower, of courser" "Something that way, my dear." • "And notto hire a man to come witl Isis.own mower?"• ftIIave I' the right to leubject'him to'. sueh'risks?" "91 course not t Just,let the grass grow as h1�°h as the fence -tee high. as theeteees. IVD'e shall want to camprout ,ttleetle•a littfe later. And the higher,the grass the less of the 'house you see." "11Irs. Perkins, you are inclined to acrimony," said 51r. Perinea. '"Grass seven feet Itigb will probein help it. If you were to use a sickle'or .scythe on the sawn would it give you heart failure?" "I spoke of that to the doctor, Be said he wasn't sure' about it, but would look up the matter and report" "And when hen .n etin we look for this re- port?„ ''B3' December of ;January. Ile Is a lerophet•ir. grill other sal jest's studied hi Sunday's:ti. Sand at'7 pili; at' ' J, 130LItiE� "The° Er'ergreene" '; .All are uavited.' Mahaehi 3,17 vi'lrytbney;' a' yon tenow, 11' i - '1 •i'Yeg I know and so are:yn Mr. 1 F 'kfne fhbwa ranch o!i (to etl` a Jrlswtl'' mower'consnmein, a"slayr, "' "About a`gallon." "And what is the cost?' "Al dollar and A hall" !Mut why didn't you use this as ,an argument?" • "I'knew I had forgotten something." "And you bad forgotten the tact. A list ' mower won't t overa month. will ItT,'' "About' a month.''', r thrown away?. ,And then it b e 7 t w y Why didn't you make that • statements to strengthen yourcase?" t a' "I wish to add 1t now." "You would hgve, to hire a`garage tO stable it in, wouldn't you?" ByjJohnl Yee." "Mr. Perkins," said Mrs. Perkins as she rose up to go in, "we won't have a lawn' mbwer. It is tco dangerous and 'costly. 'We won't have a sickle nor yet a scythe.. We won't meddle with'" the lawn." ' "tut" - "Oh, just write down in that diary that in a couple of years you'll buy and bring home a Eve cent tack hammer. and we'll consider the subject eloped.", CLUBBING RATES • New Era and Daily. Globe $4.50 1.cw Era and Daily Mail and Empire • 4.50 New Era and Daily World 3.35 New Era and Daily News:,-._ .2.85 New Era and Daily' Star2,85 fV i;w 1$ra and. Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 New Era and Weekly Witness 1.85 New Era and Northern Mes- senger 1.60 New Era and Canadian Farm 1,85 New Era and Farmer's Sun,1,85 New Era and ]Daily Free Press, morning 3.35 Now Era and Daily Free . Press, evening 2.85 Now Era and Weekly Free Prose 1.85 yew Bra and Daly Advertiser 2.85 Qew Era and Weekly Adver- tiser 1.60 Blew Era and Faam and Dairy 1.85 ei w Era and Farmer's Advo - tato 2,35 OOB'TAYLO!RJ' eLINTON_ ire, Life and" Accident Itisiml.aitce' t` s''? Rea vato.te'lldn`pht.,and•sold • 3, Money to' 'wait Otlice`leeac Street, next door to New r..,a't r k ,.t.v,,wr^nrs rt , 1 s PFU J „ it j n' Pia i)Z ililn, la i =t .n Barred Rocks for Sate • • Barred Rock ()ockerele-Miller and Pringle steaailh Inc quick sole. 10 cock- erels at 51 earb, and 10 cockerels 8 to 10 pounds Each bred from a 200 egg; strain (pullets related to theee cocker. els were laying at 5 months' of age) - price 52 end 53 each. Several exhibi tion c •ckerel4, Pringle strain 513 to•55t- each, also a few good bens, through moulting, 31 and $2 each, He A, HOVEY, Olintou Aulion Sale of Cattle Mr, George Holland of Holmesviile will sell 30 head of cows and young cattle, at the Temperance lintel, at Londesboro, on Friday, Dec. 18th. Auction Sale Auction sale of Farm Stock and Ln- plements and Household Furniture at Lot 40, Con, 7, Goderich township, on Tuesday Dec. 22nd, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following. Horses -aged mare, a general purpose mare'7 years, filly 3 years, gelding 1 year. Cattle -Clow 4 years old to fresben March 30, heifer 3 year. to freshen Ma.rch21. heifer rising 2 to freshen in April. mach cow 3 yrs, mach cow 7 yl s, 5 steers 3 yrs old, 1 t;teer 2 years old, 4 steers 1 year old, 3 spring p g c•al ves,. 1 sow, 75 hens. Imple merits -Maesey Harris binder 5 ft cue Massey Herria mower 5 ft cat, Massey Harris seed drill, Maesey Harris culti vator, gang plow, scuffler, hay rake, set harrows, plow, waggon, set sleighs fanning mill, bay rack. 2 buggies. road cart, cutter; • heel' barrow, set double harness,Pet single lee harness , string of f bells,sddle, ladies biccIe, cream sep orator, Daisychurn,sugar kettle ha9fork, car cone and ulleys, set slings, 2 sets whiffletrees, 2 robes,,6 colonies of bees A quantity of hay, Forks, chains and ether arttcler; to numerous. .to tnentinn. 'gale 'without, reserve as proprietor has sqq Id h)s;farm.• Terms ` A11 . �umasoF tedr'Wolters and under cash. over that .amount 12 months, credit will he given on furnishing ap proved joint notes. A disoqunt of 5 per cent for wish 'Hi,y" henst`. and pees nal.b ' Oen., •Biirnett, proprietor.,Geo,, Elliot, au,ti sneer, , DROBTRUNKRAILwAy TORONTO AND RETURN ( F.tt:..• . Pare'a.!aai'�3ne Tlioi)1d Frgm Steffens in Janadst" f)Hmgstoti'" 'Renflew atid'.west tbet'1e"of } r ' Good ga.leg p'. NIL 'Trains Dee. 10 and all trains Dee. 11 and 12 Account "Toronto Fat Stock Show" All tickets valid to return 0p to and including: Dec. 14, 1914. Full particulars ,and tickets at G. T. R, ticket offices.' John Ransford ez Son, city passen-. er and Ticket A phone 57 Agents, s' g g A.. 0. Pattison, Station agent e. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union S.taltion, Toronto, Out Mr. ':James Doherty wishes to in - f erre the public that he is pre- pared to do • fine-. piano tuning,; tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive :prompt. attention..• Mrs. Menardy'Smith of the staff of London Conservatory of linaie Late organist and choir leader'. of Willie Chuich, Clinton,. and re- enntly.,of Leipzig, Germany, ex- ponent of modern sdiool of piano' technique. At Hotel Normandie, on Friday of every week. Notice William' Moon, the Hallett town- ship Tax Collector. will be at the following .places 10 collect taxes - Lon desboro, ' axes-LondeS,boro,' Nov.' 27th and D'ec.. 14th and 15th, Auburn on Dec. 3rd' Clinton on Dec. 8th, Constance on Dec.lOth; All taxes not paid .by, Dec. 15th will be charged 5 cents on ;tide dollar. WILLIAM MOON, Collector for, Hulleti • Piano For Sate A new Upright Piano for sale cheap =a snap for qnick sale, Apply to BOX 166, Clinton, Ont. For Sale Two good Shorthorn Bulls for sale. Color, red. Apply to JAMES SNELL, R. R. No. 1, Clinton Siable for Sale Stable for sale at the Presby- terian Manse. Apply to WM." A. GRANT, Wyandottes tor Sale Well bred White Wyandottes for Sale --Cockerels and Pullets. CLARENCE PAISLEY. A Carload. of t anada POPIldnd CURER! Phone us for prices It will pay you John H • i� tton LONDESBORO For Sale owsmr Owing to installing Hydro, a six horse power, gasoline engine, in'good running order, is offered. for 'sale at House of Refuge,. Clinton, For par. ,ticulare andp rice apply to 'ROBERT J3ERT 111,U•TCH, Keeper I>„. eo � , G 7L MWhitley IIeileina�n Osteopathic Pity.,; ' Specialists ilii Women's and Childrem'e Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous' Disordere tl Eye, Barr 'Nose, •end Throat.' CONSULTATION- FREE. ' Office-Rattenbury Hotel., r. Tuesday and Friday, '7 to 11 peal. _ 11 iii D, We're nave gelling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover: We always have on hand -Gooau Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices' paid for Hay and all Grains. FORD & ricl,E01) 12T. , ,BRYI)ON L BAII1iiSTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC,.:ETO CLINTON ' Conneyafsce; IV'otary %iilil ol: Commissioner, etc. - s tEAL'ESTATE 'AND INSURANCE' t . .Issuer of Marr°ittige Licettkes Hurontet , Clinton YI-I. T ANC r•, M1 ,,'[�7 ly, l b ^p Aa1dSll 'ixT+an ltdd `Ria+" 1 inane al n eal'�"state, INS'CRANOE -AGENT-Representing 14,Pire In suranoe Companies. Division Court ;Office. Medi ',J. DRi' s1, W.'THOMI'S'ONH' eh sled v a Surgeon 0088151 attention' given to diseases s aee of the Eye, Est. Throat,anii Nom,. Eyes + etully amined, and suitable glae0ee preseribed • office end lieaidenee ` Two doors .west of the Commercial Dote .•Huron., 6t., DRS. GIN N and CA11il1LJE Dr. W, Gunn L It. C. •E., L, R. C. 5.. Ertl , Dr. unn's office at residence High. Street ; `tin .5, C, Giiedier: B.A. ILE, • Office -Ontario Street,blinto.. Night colla at residence,-.Rattenbnri 84. or at hotottal , .DR. J. -W. 'SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, 0conchenr, etc„' office and residence on 8.a haulms, Street.. - DR. F. R. AXON - _ DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty: ,_ Graduate of C.C.D.S.., Chicago, and R.O.D.S Toronto. Dayaeld on Mondays, May let to It OR. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Spatial care taken to make dental fuel Ment ae painless as ooseible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction see GODi=RIOH ONT Bat at atom sales a epemali.r,. Ureas of Ai New ERA office, Clinton, pnan-s,y.attenS.d to, Terms reasonable. Farmers' solo note discounted', G. D. McTaggart M. 1/. McTaggar rilMciraggart Bros. BANNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Basking ]Bualnure transacted ar7OTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n depoeite The Mc1i1iop Mutual Fire insurance. eo.,,.:. Perm and Isolated Town Prop." erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth. .1 Connolly, Vice -Fres., Goder'lch.. T E. Hays, See-Treas., Seafo:nth; DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Helmesville; Johne Watt, Harloek; G. Dale, Clinton; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth ; J. Brass, Beechwood , J G, Grieve, 'Winthrop J Bennaweis, Brodhagen;'M. Me•; Ewan, Clinton. Each Director ie Inspector of losses in his own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Hariock ; Ed. Hinch ley,. Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville 1 .!- W. Yeo, 'Holmesville, Payments inay be ,made at. The Morrirylt Clothing Co., Clinton, or' R. H. Cutt. Goderich, Grand Trunk Railway System ,- Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North London, depart Osntraliey Exeter H ensall Kippen Brucefleld Clinton....:: Londeeboro Blyth Belgrave..... Wingham, arrive Wingham, depart.. Belgrave: ,.,•, Blyth • Londesboto Ulinton Brucefleld Ktppen ........, Beneall! Passenger 8,30am 4.40pm. 9.33 '5.43 9.44 5.541 9.55 6.05 10.01 6.11 19.09 6.19 11.00 6,35 11.18 6.52 11.27 ' - 7.00 11.40 7.13 11.54 7.85 Paseenge', 6.85am 3.30 p 850 : 3.44 '7.04 3.66 7.13 4.04 8,10 •' 4.23 8.27 4.39 8.55 4.47 8.41 '4,52 Centralia... :. ... 9.04 5r15; London, arrive 10;00. 6.10 Buffalo and t7oderich Wee` Passenger am pm pm pm Stratford ' 10.00 12.30 5.25 10.25 Mitchell ....10.22 12,55 5.55 10.49 Seaforth ...10.46 1,20 6.19 Clinton .......:11.07 1.35 6.40 11,2 , f Holmes fille.....11.16 1,43� 'a 8.48 -11.$ God erkch '......11 35 2,400 0 ' 7.05 11, Hirst Passenger amh m m R �ltie9tcc, el 7.05 2.36 '450'"^; R'olhieeville 7.22 2.52 5,06 Clinton........., '732 3,03 5,15 Seatnrth 7.51 121 5.92 ' 5.16 3,44 655 Stratforn Mitchell5 40 415 . 6 20 ocd's roti la��i�se; 1'he Great )fc'gliela" Remedy. Tones and invigorates the. whole _•,,.:nervous system snakes now Blood m old Veins, ,Cures .Nervous Debility Mental and Brain Worry,'. Despon- dency, 'Loss- of Energy; Palpitation' of the Rawl, sa,•t a t l D9 F rl r cruor r: 1 re per Sold 1 x, six foe $5,0 Ono trillldin lain le.on receipt all do ggivte or mailed in plain Meg. on receipt o4 pprim. 1v'n pamphlagnaileulfree, TIM WOOD tur.c9cp rt CO,. TORONTO, ONT. (Fotmdt Wlsdao,S