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Thursday, Dec. 110th, 1914.
The elinton New Era
49th Year in the Public Scrviee
11.11. Kerr iC Son, Proprietors. J. Leslie Kerr, Business Manager
New Era, one year in advance g 1 00
New Era, When not paid in advance..., ......... .. • . •... 1 50
New Era, to the United States in advance
Of lee PILOne. 30 House Phone 95
'Editorial RAC nieW ,
North Huron Liberal Nominating. Convention will be held in the
Town Hall, Wingham, on Monday, i4th inst., at f p.m. Hugh Guthrie
M. P. of Guelph, W. Proudfoot M. P. P. and others are expected
to be present and will address the gathering.
• •'• • * * • •
The more light thrown upon the war the cleared it is that 'Ger-
many was making ready for years and that the grand finale, after
France and Russia were conquered was to wipe Great Britain off the
map. A fairly good idea of who is going to bite the dust is patent
to a good big share of the' world. The fellow who will eat the crow
will be Wilhelm Kaiser. His best laid plans gang' aft aglee.
Canada is doing her part nobly toward the Motherland in men,
equipment and money. Nor has she closed her ear to the Patriotic
call to aid the soldiers of the allies and the suffering Belgians.' 'We
are proud of the Land of the Maple
• • • • * * * *
Have you selected the Municipal candidates for the miming year?
The battle will be set in array on the 28th inst., when the talent will
state their case, There should be good.crowds attend the different
Nomination gatherings to show the deep interest every true citizen
should feel, and also question' themen seeking office as to the
program they purpose carrying out. Much of the, success of the
year depends on the bend -off given at the annual Municipal gather-
ing. Go prepared to ask questions and to express your opinion on
subjects of importance and as far as possible see that the best men
are in the running.
Who will be next year's Co. Warden? According to the rule of the
Co?. Council the honor will fall to a Liberal nominee for 1915. There
will be an "indefiniteness until after the Municipal Elections are
Every Page las Newsy
i Try us for Job Work in all ' •
its branches,
e A trial will convince You
• that we know our • •
e business.
so called Christian science,some of the illustrations of speedy con I
yalescence'gives a hint of what might be done.
553¢ cents on the dollar was, the best the York Loan and Savings
Co. could do in their final settlement. This amount was consider-
ed very satisfactory by some of . the. paiitrons . as it looked at, one
time as if that amount could not be squeezed out. Many of those
who were taken in think it was, well named as "loan" society but
the "savings end of it was punk.
It would appear that the old style of metal armor may yet adorn
soldiers in battle line. One difficulty is the improbability of these
suits being proof against shell fire which with machine gun fire is so
tl , bat
better wayis to kill mi ,
warfare. A
prominent in modern
°ter down Krupps gun works, disland the armied and sink the `war-
ships, then there `night be some chance for the Peace party to con-
tinue sowing good seed so that the brotherhood of mankind would
dominate the wide world. War without just cause is murder and
brutal in the extreme even at that If his satanic Majesty laughs he
must have many a rollick while he sees his business attended to by
so called civilized nations.
• • • • * * • •
While busy knitting for Tonuny Atkins dont forget to darn the
heels of father's socks: Loyaltyte one's home is one of the first
qualifications to true greatness. '
• • • • * * * *
Be a patriot by attending duties at home and then broaden it to
your neighbors to the uttermost .parts of the earth. John Bull's
family is a big one but they are all loyal to "Dad" and will see to it
that no foreign foe will despoil the British Empire
Jellicoe is not doing much talking but is no doubt ready to do his
part when the Kaiser's navy, sees fit to accept the challenge.
• • * • * • • *
Help make a jolly Christmas for somebody who is not likely to
have it without your aid. Be a veritable Santa Claus, even if you
have not the reindeer, the long whiskers and the eldermanie pro-
portions. A good time can beenjoyed without these adornments.
• * • * • • * •
What a thankful people we Canucks ought to be. Peace and
elee tq surround us and we ane: nothing of downright hardship;
There are people not so favorably circumstanced and its our busi-
ness not toforgetthem.
• • • * * * • e
Help keep Huron Co. in the front rank by the products grown, by
practical patriotism and by living up to a standard of high princi-
ples. Make known our assets. Individual effort counts and a good
recommend may ,travel many amile before its influence is spent.
Henri Bourassa, is no .credit • 'to loyal Canadians, if he can be put
in that class, One qualification he has in a well developed form is
nerve and he appears to have it with him the most of the time.
• • * • * * * *
That cold water cure the Belgians treated the Germans to when
they opened the dykes was too sudden a change as the allies had
kept them in hot water et) long the combination was not pleasant to
take. It was certainly a heart break to the Kaiser,
• •• * * * * •
Servia could rub hands with' the Belgians in heroically fighting in
a manner that surprised the world, They .dont appear to be "licked"
• • • • • * * •
Every one who; loves 'you, loves to see yoti smile,
Loves to see you cheerful and happy all the while.
Smiling conies so easy) Do not wear a frown,
1f you feel one rising always smile it down.
R. E. Thurston, of Bobcaygeon won the championship at Toronto
Exhibition as a wheat grower in this Province, There May be
spores of other farmers 'who were just as successful at growing this
cereal but through timidity, carelessness or other causes failed to put
their sample to the test. Friendly rivalry is worth a good deal gen-
erally and its victories are manifold and abiding. We like the name
of the winning wheat viz.—"Sleet' and V11 pay 'the rent." 1915 wheat
crop in the Dominion of Canada, if year is favorable, will see the
biggest returns on record.
Mexicans are stillscrapping away but in comparison with the Ti-
tanic struggle in Europe is much like. the comparison of the side-
show to the circus. The Mexicans are great on perseverance and the
peace negotiations appear to be made to be broken so as to get in-
to war again, Like the provincial' Irishman never at peace except
when at war.
• * • * • • • •
The consensus of opinion i sthatalthough war makes a rocky road
to travel that the rebound to trade when it closes will be of great
advantage to Canada, particularly if new industries are set in motion
and fully equipped during the war, There should be a great field for
immigration in the Great West but the ,governments of those Prov-
inces should see that the land grabber is held in check so that the or
dinary settler may have a good show.
Give Northern Ontario a chance,
Mayor Allen had a close call in his candidature in Hamilton for
Legislative honors, as successor to now Lieut. -Governor Hendrie. He
only beat the Laborite by 39 votes while by way of comparison Mr.
Hendrie won by over 1400 at the last general election. Risky things.
some of these elections are and to count noses correctly is a science
known to few.
Funny how quickly some people can recover when something they
want to attend bobs up. This is no more peculiar however than the
"ill health" of Hon. Mr. Pelletier, who gave up his job in 'Hon. Bor-
den's Cabinet, ' binet to take along rest and almost immediately recovered
sufficiently to assume probably more exacting conditions as a Judge
of the Superior Court' in Quebec 'While we dont take much stock in
Is now ready to do your work. New
type and new stock of paper just placed
Let Us Do Your 'Printing
The last official returns from Tokio'
giving the census of Japanese abroad.
contains the statement that there are
9,615' male Japanese and 2,637 female
members of the same race in Canada
—a total of 12,252. From other sour-
ces it is learned that there are about
28,000 Chinese in the Dominion, 2,500
Hindus and about 18,000 negroes,
These. latter come in free, while
Japanese and Chinese pay $500'head
tax. So that altogether there are
about 60,000 people in this country
'who are not Caucasians.
December Forecasts
A regular storm; period having
its center op Nov, the 30th. will
come to its culminating stages ot:
the 1st, 2nd and Ord, Moon will be
full on the 2nd (and at greatest
deelinatio.r on the 3rd. The center
on the Mars period falls on the 4
`The storms of this period will
most likely be attended by a wave
of unusually high temperature for
'December as atmospheric tides will
flow Northward from bquatorial
regions. The Mars influence is also
decidedly electrical in its tendency
The mercury period will add its
Perturbing power at this time, so
that. altogether, we may reason-
ably look for some very marked
storms, or other phenomena out of
the normal course. The same gen-
eral character of weather that may
have prevailed in November, will
be strikingly prolonged and em-
nhasized at this period; if it has
been wild and wintery, prepare for
the same, and worse, at this and
other December periods. It has
been open, mild and spring-like. de
pend upon it, the same character
Of weather will, for the most part,
prevail in December. Last Winter
every indication pointed to rough
and stormy conditions in Decem-
ber het with reversed results. This
December the Venus period is ab-
'ent, hinting at mild and normal
weather! but Mars, earth, mercury
and vulcan may spring the oppo-
site aupriae upon us. Study and
watch conditions in November,
and expect, we repeat—to encoent
er through December the same gen
eral conditions, but to greater ex-
tremes, Whatever Mars incites is,
as a rule intensified—often un-
seasonable and reversed as toy
sections and localities: for illustrn- i
tion, frosts and freezing in Cali -
ferule last Winter, with warm,
open weather Northward.
A reactionary storm period will
develop and run its course on and
touching the 5tte Oth and 7th. The
reasonable outlook for this period
is that rain, turning to heavy sleet
and snow, will pass from West to
East, and that cloudy mercurial.
cold weather will continue for sev-
eral days after the passage of the
storms. Study vour .barometer
closely, in connection with every
storm period.
A regular storm period is central
on the 12th extending from' the
10th to the 16th. This is another
annual period of maximum mag-
netic and ',electrid disturbance.
Earth's North magnetic pole makes
its reatest angle with the solar
equator, hence a crisis of negative
currents, an inrush of borel, inter-
stellar energy, and excess of Win-
ter storm and weather 'from the
North polar directions. Winter
thunder and rain will be natural
on and touching the 10th. Sleet
and snow will follow, ethling in
high barometer and cold. Another
group of storm areas will pass
Eastwardly over the country on
:i 'i:i: e:i:ii4:'r r r � i ::i' a{i'e i.
%.' :';?.. iii'i'i'i'ii }i'iYire 'ii'ii;li,%,
lei ........... ..........
bore the figures 1313 over its doorway, although it stood
down Gramercy Parkway, and that was not its street
number at all. The House of Mystery had been un-
occupied for many years. And then, one Sunday, morn-
ing, two young men in a club window across the way
noticed that every time the clock struck, someone en-
tered the House of Mys'te'ry. They watched, breath-
lessly, to see what would h', -”nen next; and even while
they watched, a man was murdered.
That is the beginning of
TheTirne Lock
..... .. t, .....,.: :''. %: �::.t:t?„ vntr,.`r,�v •r N. r:..•rr... vi1: °.�.%.q A�i.+e�.
the new detective story we have secured and will print
as our next serial. It will lead you through a I11aize.-of
adventure before the happy climax is reached.
it's Good Readin�i —
The KindYou Like
•a ':' •''+••�•. 'r i iii ��JJi i'fltiss vi, i it t•'fi§i9 i'+`tit°l iilrfihS
tri LS'f lit ,itiii..tii it,,;+ltiiitit lift„t„ ,J.i+,.q ,.L. r.• 4JI.•. JJ.i
Governor Coli L. Blease of South
Carolina pardoned 1,200 convicts in
three years. i'I am proud to bo able
to extend mercy to my fellow man”
is the way he expressed himself. "1
am determined to clean out the
penitentiary and turn it into a hos-
Continued ber 'Pagel 7
Is The Cause of Boils and Pimples.
Under New Regulations Far More
Cattle .,May Use Grasslands
The new regulations for Dominion
Forest Reserves, which recently went
into force, make full provision for the
grazing of live stock on such reserves
as frequently contain considerable
areas of grassland. The 'number and
kind of stock to be admitted into each
reserve is determined rash year by
the Director of Forestry according to
the capacity of the reserve.
In case of many applications for
grazing rights on any one reserve, th.`
number of stock which any ono per
son is entitled to pasture is "'need b:'
a "grazing unit," based ou the mum•
ber of stock which can be carried
during the winter by a homestead or
small ranch, the object being to give
settlers without large grazing areas
of their own, the same facilities as
those who have such areas. But,
where there- is no"danger of over-
grazing, the number of stock grazed
by any one person on a reserve may
considerably exceed this "grazing
Previous to these regulations mnly
actual settlers living in the vicinity
were permitted to graze cattle (not,
to exceed fifty head), on these re,
serves, and very little grazing Was
Have you
Is nasal breathing
impaired? Does
' your throat get
husky or clogged?
Modern science proves
that these symptoms re-
e sult from run-dowahealth. �'-
Snuffs and vapors are irrl-
tating and useless.
The oil -food in Scott's Emulsion
will enrich and enliven the blood, -
aid nutrition nand assist nature to
check the inflammation and
heal the sensitive membranes.
Shun Alcoholic mixtures
and insist upon SCOTT'S, -
SCOTT a noVVesi r. tor:6Nrol ot4rA44,O'~,
Local News
/7! Sill 11 -11"U -U V t
The 1p'rivate tip 'which is said to
have gone out to Conservative
workers to prepare their voters'
lists for'registratioon looks like a
sure indication that there is a Do-
minion election contemplated for
the' near future.
A dispatahl has been received at
Ottawa from: the {secretary of state
8 or the colonies 'stating that pres-
ents to individual soldiers or
bodies of merit of the Canadian
forces will be admitted to England
free .of duty.
Christmas as Usual
Begin to -day to buy
Iyour Christmas' presents.
Don't let conditions fling
a damNer on your gift-
giving. Look carefully
through the advertise-
ments in The New Era
2 and do the buying NOW
When boils or pimples start to break
out on your face or body You may rest
assured that the blood is in an impure
state, and that before you can get rid of
.them it will be necessary for you to
purify it by using a good medicine that
will drive all the impurities out of the
Burdock Blood Bitters is a blood puri-
fying remedy. One that has been on the
market for the past forty years. One
that is known from one end of the country
to the other as the best blood purifier
in existence. It cures boils, pimples and
all other diseases arising from bad blood.
Mr. Andrew B. Collier, River Glade,
N.B., was troubled with boils for years,
in fact, did not know what it was to be
mld of them until he used Burdock Blood
Bitters. It cured him.
Mr. Otto Boyce, Yarker, Ont., had
his face and neck break out, with pimples.
He tried several kinds of medicine with
out success. Two , bottles of Burdock
Blood Bitters banished theme
manufactured only 11.13.13. is y by The
The Reas cable
Care of Your
Watch 1 M
Forestry Facts
A homesteader, taking up land near
Dominion Forest Reserves in the West
may obtain a free permit from the
local Forest Officer to cut 3,000 Iineal
feet. of building timber, 400 roof -poles,
500 fence -posts, 2,000 fence -rails and
25 cords of firewood. • If then or subse-
quently be should require more wood
for any purpose, he can obtain a per.
mit to cut sura on these reserves at
a very small coat.
According to a Government .publi-
cation 807,456,000 board feet of wood
are being used annually by the in-
dustries of 'Ontario; representing a
total value of $19,161,384. Of •this
amount, considerably over five mil-
lion ' dollars are paid' for imported
material, for although all except eight
of the thirty-four kinds of wood used
are found in Ontario, almost' half of
them are obtained principally from
outside sources and only six local
species entirely supply local demands,
Cork, is the bark of an oak which
is at present found in large quantity
only in Spain and Portigual,' The
owners of groves of this tree strip
off the bark every decade, this being
the time necessary to obtain cork one
and one-quarter inches thick. It. ie
usually cut i`ntii strips which are
steamed and flattered and compressed.
Otto'bales for export, .If bottle -corks
are to be made, the sheets 000 once.
more steamed and cut Into cubes, of
terwards being trimmed into, shape by
baud or. 1)7 :machine. •
T. Milburn Co.. l',i.mited, Toronto, Ont ,
Will result in your watch's good,
pro onging its days of usefulness
What is reasonable care ?
An occasional visit to a jewelet
T‘ 110 "knows how."
An occasional visit means at least
a yearly visit.
To put, it off longer is to put it off
too long,
If you are not wedded, for all time
to some one expert, we would like
to put some of our good work on
that watch 01 yours.
Your watch deserves the best
treatment it can get, and it is just
that which we offer.
'YI%i miter
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
The Strongest cf
all Firepots
The Sunshine Furnace fire -
pot is heavily ribbed and in
two sections,, which allow
for contraction and expan-
sion. It will never crack.
Ashes won't adhere to the
straight sides — always a
clear and economical fire„
Our local agenj
show you the
many other "Suns me"
advantage's. Send far
free booklet.
ir9 rfl i 11 vf
'i s inti .
B am &
3' Sutter
Sanitary rinnaberst ,;bone -7