HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-12-03, Page 8an CJ,.IN'TQlf NEW Time and again during the past few' weeks notes' of`warni'ng have been sounded, in the way of chilly winds anct frosty nights—reminding everyone that it is high time to provide for the colder weather sure to come. Warm Coats are urgently needed now: Nor will women wish to defer the pleasure of buying, when they have stocks so complete and satisfying as ours, from which to choose, Some new lines 'Fust .added- make such an assortment of the styles deemed,. correct for winter wear, that, choosing the one best suited to your style and requirements is a pleasant` and interesting task. TinterCoati•.tiks in•.'th'e Fashionable.• Weaves , 4 . The woman clever enough to make her own coat, has surely a choice, of materials.'Soft, warm Blanket Cloths, Chinchillas Niggerheads, lovely Mottled Checks and fancy weaves of all kinds, in' the eason's best colorings. A Superb Display of Beautiful Furs .i that now Ready at Browns The first nip of winter makes everybody think of furs. And to -day we invite you to come and see some very special values in FurSets. A visit to our Fur Department will prove most interesting whether you wish to buy or not Were you Ready forth .t Dash of Snow last vv,:ek? Here are Suggestions of Needed Warm Clothing' and things for the Monte Aair of Solt, Woolly Blankets and a Light, Fluffy Comforter gives the nicest kind f wamth these cold nights —And we have so many special values ready.hYou are afforded very satisfactory choice. For example, here are-- Union re-Union Blankets—Nice, soft wool with cotton warp. A11 Wool Blankets—Soft' and fluffy. thoroughly scoured and shrunken. Pure Wool Blankets—Extra large, soft and fluffy, pink and blue borders - Imported Kopek Tilled Comforters—With good quality sateen covering. Floral design with plain bands to match,pink, blue and green colorings Down -Filled Comforters -Light, fluffy filling and good quality sateen covering Warm Underwear Is of the first importance and we are ready with the best selected stock we have ever shown, to fill everyunderwear need of man, woman or child. Sweater Coats • For Men,' Women and Children are classed among the necessary winter 1 garments. Our assortment, is large and includes all the wanted styles. OWN'S Thursday, Deeeilaber 3rd,. 191 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o•••••••••• '••••••••••• e + e seeeeoeeeees•eeeeieoseeo•a1.eeeeeee***iece!•eee/•eee CLINTON MARKETS. Hoge, $7,26. Butter 22e to 24c. Eggs 28e to 30c Wheat $1.00, '1.05. Oats 43c to 16e Buckwheat 58e ,to 60c, Baled Hay $10 to $11. Pees $1,20 to 1.25. Shorts $30.00. Perry: tPeeri��5s Players will be at the Town Hall, Clinton 1 Night — Saturday, Dec. 61 "Belle of the P'ost". A Strong Illlilitary-COliledy Dratn:f Special Scenery and' Electrical Effects Vaudeville Between Acts POPULAR PRICES' Plan at Fair's Book Sto5e CLUBBING RATES. On page 5'of this issue The New Era's clubbing rates for 1915 are given. 'Yea' order any other papers if desired. AT. HOME. .' The Modelites held their At Home in the town hall On Wed- nesday evening of this week. A good) time was enjoyed by all., LOOK(. OUT. Winnipeg was struck by the hea- viest snowstorm of the season on the 1st so it may 'soon be coming Eastward. • RED CROSS SOCIETY. Mrs. Needham, of Toronto, ,will speak on the work of the Red Cross. Sociity today )Thursday( al:. 4 o'clock in the Council Chamber, A full attendance of our citizens is requested. TO ADVERTISERS. / , Bran $27;00. PARLIAMENT IN ''JANUARY. Though the date has not yet been formally fixed it is believed. Parliament will meet a't Ottawa the 3rd week of January ,probably the: 21st. , - NEWSPAPER CHANGES HANDS. 'weep. _- .._ e/VVVVVVWVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVV AAAAAAAAeMHMANWAA Ws i 315 UNEMPLOYED PLACED. ,The advertising campaign con - r Steamer `State of Ohio" } l ducted by the Departrient or Agri G. t B. LINE FOR CLEVELAND Leaves Port Stanley 12 midnight on odd dates in August, even dates in Sept, to Sept. 10th Arrive in Cleveland at 0 30 a,m. Fare from Port Stanley one wav $2.25, Bound Trip $4.00 Saturday Excursions on above dates $2,25 round trip' Lz.ke Rides Wednesday and' Saturday afternoons at 3 p m Fare 25c WYWVVWVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVNVAMMN^n M 3 ) 3 ' inexperienced farm hands, who l have bean taken by the farmers to do light work, and who belong to the artisan or other classes unable ( lines. in their own s i to secure) wort. culture has resulted in the placing of 315 laborers. formerly unernploy ed, among the farmers of the Pro- vince. A great many of these are Furniture, Rugs & i inoleums We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only Rant some odd pieces. You will find into your advanta to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking` Department it; up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction JAS DEJNFO RD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store ehristrnas _ is C '®mina in this space next week we will give a long list of suitable and useful articles for Christmas Gifts A Few Stoves and, Ranges, at Reduced Prices ISA LAN D BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE' AND NOVELTIES For this, month there 'will be a strain on our staff through 'extra advertising. We would therefore ask o adverthave isers hands their by copyin the. Printe"'s Monday noon. . WERE IN TOWN, ' a Only I8 Shopping Days Till i :mas Thr st Mr. R. D. , Croftj of Ailsa Craig has purchased the .Seaforth News from Mr,; W. R. Veale and took over the lbusinees . ton Tuesday Until a few' weeks ago Mr. Oi oft was publisher., of the Ailsa Craig Banner. , NO DUTY ON PRESENTS. ,A •dispatehv has been received at Ottawa from the secretary of state for the colonies stating that pres- ents to individual soldiers or bodies of men; of theCanadian forces will be admitted to England free of duty. LOOKS LIKE, DOMINION ELECTION. The'tifrivate tip which is said to have gone out to Conservative workers to prepare their 'voters' lista for registratioon looks like a sure indication that' there is a -Do- minion election contemplated for thel near future. IMPROVING RINK. AT MITCHELL.:` Mitchell R.ecordee•: Mr. Robt, Trench, proprietor of the Mitchell skatingsink, has half a dozen men busily engaged in building dress - sing rooms and making interiorim six,o'clocks'train on the WednesdThe y evening brought the contingent, with pick and shovel, from Tees - water,. and they expect to be here for a week or two. Boris Hambourg' the famous cell is and' Jan/ Hambourg, lithe great violinist along with W. J. Skinner and Miss; Edwards were in Clinton a few hours on Tuesday while en - route to Wingham to give a con- cert there., The, Sunny South Co. Vas also here Tuesday waiting to go East. DIEDl SUDDENLY. The citizens of Clinton were in- deed shocked on Friday when word was,' received of the death of Marion Ferguson Coats, ;beloved wife of .lames A. Sutherland, of Toronto, and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Coats, of Goderich, formerly of Clinton. ?Deceased was in her 26th year. She 'teas born in Clinton and after an ex- cellent course in the schools here took up her university work. A little, over two years ago she was married to her bereft husband, two small children? survive, one only a month old. The shady was brought to Goderiel. n+ -r' the funeral was held on r, "e., y afternoon. 1"0 the. parents, nusbard and mother- less children the sincere sympathy goes out to them in this dark hour of sorrow. Mr. D. L. Macpherson of town is an uncle 'of the deceas ed, Fresh, Light and Brown !. No better bread than ours, we claim,. Ever cane Ito town. The best of Flour' 'we,employ The latest methods, too, ! We're positive you will enjoy The Bread we bake for you. �I a� Conner9 Bakery Phone 202 100009er(sac®erae••o••®®w 0 • WITH TRF CHURCHES. • • • eacees6enesosseeo•ee sal St n;shine-Jane The joyous story of a 'Sunshine Nurse, whose mission wasnot to care for sick bodies but to heal sick souls, -Underlying all its droll funis shown a sound faith of ultimate good 'in all things, and 'practical `rules of happy living: $1 iris Official Fiancee if a new method of writing fiction can be con– ceived, it is in this story. The girl makes a w,r hold on a tnan's heart. The world loves a lover -and love is the making of this story; $1,25 • Henry ,of Navarre Henry is the hero of his home town and falls in love with every girl he meets. • I -'Le is hot- headed, loyal -hearted, fun -loving, and slang talking, L91 pages of joy. $1.00 ,r The W. D Fair Co. Often the cheapest -1 Ways the Best TRY US NEXT. Where do yon get your printing done and are yon always satisfied? The New Era takes pride in turn- ing out attractive work and a slovenly job, is not allowed ho leave the office. We are here to satisfy ,you and don't 'wish to pass off, poor work at any price. Give us a trial when ready to place an order and if we don't please you Iofi"t pay us. We would rather see you keep the money than go away a dissatisfied customer, Our phone number, is 30. BAPTIST CHURCH. The Pastor will preach at both services evening subject "A. Fathers Idol." Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 10. A. M. Prayer Meeting ,Thursday even ing at '8 p.m. ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. Services on Sunday last were conducted `by Rev,. Mr. Brown of Varna. Miss B. Irwin. gee e an interested talk to the Junidr League on Fri- day evening. ' Miss Sybil Courtice lead the'Cat- ,echumen. class that met Tor the first time Friday evening and which was welt attended The 'pastor Rev. S, J. Allin will preach; on Sunday next and will hold 'a reception service Tor new members at night. Rev. J. E, Holmes of Ridgetow n Will preach the Anniversary reel - Mons onDeec 13. SP. PAUL'S CHURCH. The • Ladies Guild of St Paul'slikebayt We church are having their monthly tea on Monday evening nett. WESLIOY 'CHURCH,. Christmas Gifts It is not too early to commence your Christmas Shopping. Why not enjoy the many benefits of early buying which expert enced shoppers know are so real and so very much worth while. Simply select the article you wish to purchase and we will hold it for you. Come and examine our stock you will find a better selection than ever—Ebony, Parisian and India Ivory, both in cases and separate pieces, Perfumes and Colognes, Leather Goode Pipes and Smoker's Supplies, Cigars 10, 25 or 50 in box Gillette ttazors, Seethe new aristocrat Gillette at $5 in ivory box Snapshot Albums. Kodak and Brownie Cameras $1 to $22.50. V . .TSI II0 V �. T Dispensing Chemist THE PANSLAR DRUG STORE MINOR LOCALS. December, County county is in session at Godericli and Warden Canteicln Is attending. Winter Fair at Guelph December 5 to: 10. Get the program j and arrange to attend , Town, Council will convene (next Monday evening, to be followed by the Statutory meeting on the 15th inst. ' Municipal Nomination Monday December the 28th and Election the next Monday if a contest ensues, TO 'MEN WHO ARE BALD. Do not fail to see Prof, Doren - wend, of Toronto, who will be at the Rattenbury House, Clinton on Tuesday December 8th with n large sample stock of hair toupees and wigs, the greate'i°t • existence tions in the world, They ,securely adhere to the head, cannot be de- tected from( a persons own hair, are a marvellous protection to the head, and a necessity to enable eery bald man to.appear as he should. Over 250,000 now worn by business, professional and laboring men. The free demonstration. of feted in private show -rooms, at the hotel, should at least induce you to call and have one tried on. Remember the Rattenbury House Clinton on Tuesday December Sth. N E W SPAPERORIA.L. The Brussels Post of last Week gave the following locals under the above heading.—A. E. Bradwin ow- ing t9 poor health, has given up his lease of• the Huron Signal after a tenure of 14 months, and W. H. Robertson has resumed the Man- agement. The Signal is an old and staunch journal and 'tve wish the best of success: ' Hope Bro. Bradwin will soon regain his health —The Zurich Herald has changed hands, Editor+ Zeller selling out to A. F. Hess,•of the same village. Al •ready noticeable improvements are to be .seen, Mr. Zeller has remov- ed to Windsor.—Bro. Elliott has built an addition to the Wingham Times office and is spreading him self a:green tee, are, glad to notice these signs of prosperity.—Under ^the manage- ment of J. C Little the Teeswater News has take on a new lease of life and looks quite' spry,—The The Pastor's subjects on 'Sunday were "The first Christian Prayer .Clinton New Era is becoming quite Meeting" and "The tragedy .of the Silver Pieces." a dude in its .make-up. Miss A, Stone gave an .address of CLINTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL. the League tweeting on Monday. The eominittee,•iu charge of Evan- `The Clint an County Gramma' gelistic Meetings desire to'thank'the School will be opened after the congregation "foe their 'financial stip- Baker Holidays on !Wednesday, port. ' The amount received was $200. .. i.,pr:•il Srd. 18661 under the charge of After expenses Were peed, a cheque Mr. George Argo, A.M. of King.e for $150 was sent to'Rev. H. T. College Aberdeen, and lately of Crossley. - Vienna Grammar School: Instruc- Eveniug Neighborhood Prayer Meet lion 'will be given in all branches of ings was held on 'Tuesday night as the ;C'lassical and ' Mathematical follows District No, '1—At home of Courses, and also in Surveying and Mr, aud•Mrs. E. Cool., Albert Street, Book-keeping and Drawing. For Leaders,' Messrs. A. T. Cooper and further lin formation, applications, W. H. Hellyar, No'2 At parsonage, may be made to the Master or to Rattenburg Street.. Leaders Neeers. 3. any of the Trustees, viz. the (Rev., Stopenson and 3,•W. ''Moore. No. 3 - -Messrs. Robt. Breuster, A. D. Mc - At home of Mr, and Mrs W. J. Nadi- Donald Jas. Carmichael, Messrs, gca Leaders,Rev. 13, G. Powell and Jos. Whitehead, Ent. Coates and Mr 15. S: Chapman. No. 4`- At home H. Hale of Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Mclf ath. Lead- We -wonder fit there are any cis Rev. S. Greene` and Mr, T. Doig. pils•,inClinton today who al'tenled 1 No. 5—At' home of ?dr. and Mrs. J. Grammar School, and who they , W. Moore: T eaders Messrs. W. Doh- are. It will be •seen th'rt the 'a,- erty and Edgar East No, 0—At home bove. ,was printed ley be New 1 reneed lir, andand'4fr s A. 0.Pattison. Lead Era a year after it conn pui a s. Messrs. R. E. Manniug'and A. S. lication, The above no Tyndall: No, 7 At home of Rev. E. ' found by Mr. Chas. Bale G Powell Leaders, Messrs. 1J. A. -rt framed and on view; •i lrwin arid J (3,•MiMath. No. J8—At Fair Co+s. Thersheet+of home of Mrs, . Grant. Leaders, the printing are -still in,exe. pastor and Mr: S, A Sdt'ter. aition. OUR- JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do 'Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON segimm11meme.: Ftv� Strum Points in Ueda Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in Coal. CALL AND BE CONVINCED OR Phone 53 ice we? , rid he had; the W.D. Under and. ,lent con-? FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 second -ha -ma FURNACE and 1 "Radiant Home" With oven Thos. hawkins Plumbing and Heating The Corner Store "Live and Let Live' A C a'ii for, Early Shopping Make your Christmas purchases as 5000 as ,possible, and you wilt have. the advantage of better tex• vices better attention,.and better selection.— New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Peelle Dates, Nuts, Etc., Etc., ,ARE ALL IN STOCK, AND 515 WE CARRY ONLY THE VERY BEST We :solicit your ord4rs kor U61ristnn s Prc'sCnts We have a nice assortment of Fancy China to choose from. Perole Children Christmas Stockings, Candies, Oranges, Nuts, Grapes, and .t'abl'e) Raisins, CALL AND GET. A CALENDAR Butter and Eggs_ Wanted Highest Market Price E. E. Hunnifard. PHONE 45. ir+•II??F+++++++•t•+++•E+++40 4•4.4.444++++++t•'34++44 ++++ ++'F 4'� •Pc 1 BBE'BOOTS1 U R � 9.v Our Rubber Boots are of Standard Make There are No Better Boots - IT'S THE BEST OR NONE HERE. 4• 4�..< 4� 4• 4• + fi + 4, 4• —®� + FRE). J eKS N .4• • A new line for this seasonis our DREADNAUGHT a red rubber that in actual test in railroad con- struction work, has outworn from two to four pairs of the regular black boot, The price is reasonable at ,'5.75, We also have the ordinary gum lines at ,.............. ....•. ...........'3.75 and $4 We Guarantee our Rubber Boots to do Their Full 'Duty. arlkININE T'HE'fHtOM,E OF ,BETTER SHOES 4100 . t 4. dna. eseer••IeF t +• Rel, 04.4ry� .1•• u'