HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-12-03, Page 7lar
lay, December,i3rd, 1014.
»rrrr��r�rnrnir�rrr�r�rro4r � r
There is a Cold day Contin'
'Vhv not prepare for it by ordering
Your winter supply of Lehigh Valley
Coal, none better in the world
R. J. Holloway, Clinton
Subjects taught by expert instructor:.
at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
fa session from Sept. 1st. .Catalogue
free. Enter,anytime.
&W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Chartered Accountant
19 Vice -Principal
• •
e, i
e• Openselanuary 4th in all depart •
• menta of the CENTRAL BUSI-. •
• NESS COLLEGE, 'Tonga and •
• Gerrard Streets, Toronto. Our •
• Catalogue explains our superior •
• ity in Equipment, Staff, Methods •
and Results. You are invited to •
write for it if interested. in the re
• .kind of school work which •
• brings best success, Address
W. H. Shaw. President • w
• •
• •••••sseoss••se soca••••••
s33 .
3, 3.
Lew Belsey; of the Twin Star ranch
rode his horse desperately over, lonely
trails that summer afternoon. There
was a look of grim despair on his
handsome face, and his . bronzed
hands clutched the bridle reins until
the knuckles showed white.
"Turned down, turned down!" he
muttered, over and over again as Cor-
ney, the 'horse, flew madly through
the dust of the trail. • "And she.laugh-
ed-laughed to beat the band -when 1
asked her! What 13o you linty about
The memory of Anita Rooney's
scornful laugh still rang in his out-
raged ears. Why should Pat Rooney's'.
red headed girl spurn his offer of mar-
eiage in that rude way? Had she not
accepted his attentions—leis gifts?
Nad she not flirted with him, led him
to believe tbat she loved him? And
then when he summoned bis courage
to offer her the greatest honorin his
gift—his big, warm, honest heart -she
had laughed at him and refused! +
So, while Lew Kelsey rode toward
the west where the Wind river moun-
tains piled a dim blue bulk against
Is a school With a continental
reputation for high grade work
and for the success of its gradu-
ates, A school wish superior
courses and instructors. We
give individual attention in
Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy Departments
Why attend elsewhere when
there is room here ? You may
enter at any time. Write for
our large tree catalogue.
D. A. McLachlan,
2500 Chickens 2000 Hens
and 1000 Ducks
each'weea during the poultry season
and Geese
Get our prices each week, delivered
at the elevator,
We are in the market for all kinds of
grain at top prices
A Full Line of Flour and Feed
Always on Hand
Have you tried our Cured Meats?
All bleat Supplies- Government
The Gaon -tan lois Co., limited.
The up-to-date Firm, Clinton
Phone 190.
Walking' and Riling Olfi'ver
I. H. C. Gasoline Engines
McCormick Machinery Pumpe
and Windmills.
Miller Little
Corner of Princes and Albert
the pale sky, he gloomed sullenly over
his unfortunate love affair, and he reg-
istered many vows to have done with
women forever.
He pulled his horn t9 a standstill on
the summit of it hill and looked away
to the distant ranges, and he felt a
longing to wipe out this old score of
fate and start life anew without a
woman in the world to turn the sweet-
ness of living to pnin and bitterness.
As he sat tbere like a bronze statue
of despair, two riders came Into view
over the crest of the hili where he sat
Astride two wiry Indian ponies were
a Shoshone Indian and his squaw; the
woman was attired in a new dress, and
she tinkled with silver ornaments, and
her garments were gay with colored
beads. The man wore a brand new
suit ofkhaki, new moccasins, and his
well oiled .black hair hung about his
ears. '
• Sun Dog and bis wife. Pretty Flower,
were on their way back to the reserva-
tioniu the Wind river district after
a visit to their married daughter at
Fort Steele.
"How!" grunted Sun Dog as he jog-
ged past the cowpuncher. ,
"How!" returned Lew pleasantly
"How!" smiled Pretty Flower, look-
ing speculatively at the youhg man.
"Me tell you fortune, buh?"
Pretty Flower was a thrifty woman.
and her skill at fortune telling added
many a silver coin to Sun Dog's wam-
pum belt.
"Fortune!" repeated Lew disdainful-
ly. "I'm afraid you haven't got any
good fortune for me, Pretty Flower."
Pretty Flower giggled.
"Me find good fortune. Me find nice
squaw" she promised.
"Squaw -ugh!" sneered Lew.
Pretty Flower looked sharply at him
from her little black eyes. In spite of'.
her dull looking'countenance, she was
unusually keen and discerning. Be-
ing a shrewd woman who dealt in for-
tunes, she was quick to recognize in
Lew Kelsey all the symptoms of "a
young man disappointed in love."
She knew Kelsey was not a drinking
man, nor was he a gambler; therefore
she attributed his downcast appear-
ance to a rebuff by the girl he loved.
So she put her neatly dressed, head
on one side and looked at him archly.,,
"Me can cure love," she insinuated.
Lew turned. sharply.
"You can do what?" he roared,
"Me can cure love," she repeated.
'The dickens you can!" growled Lew.
turning as red as the sunset..
"Me can cure you!"
"All right; go ahead; cure me," he
ordered brazenly.
"Good!" grunted Pretty Flower ap-
Lew Kelsey slipped from the saddle
and stood leaning against Corney's
side, He held out his muscular, sun-
burned band to the Indian.
Pretty, Flower jumped from her pony
and stood beside him, holding his hand
in her own red brown fingers.
HELLO`'! !
Have yon ordered your
Kindling for, the winter?
Stave Edgings and cedar 13lOcks
on hand
Malted Grain
and Other Stock Foods
for horses and cattle—kept in 3bock
Quaker Oats Corn Hakes
Flour Oet Meal
Corn Meal Etc., Etc
Agent for Heintzfuan Pianos
Old ones taken in exchange, and
balance on easy terms!
i h scornful Anita,
heveningor on found
A t e wore Lew
'forgetting Mis Rooney
himself ui a
PERRLl�ls q t �
with t e Scornu
and her ruddy charms. On the other
TIPPERARY- hand, Anita sen ed�that she was los-.
Y, ing an admirer. / It was all very, well
• to Inugh at Lew Kelsey's pretensions
to her hand and heart; still she: bad
BI w e • w been proud of .the attentions of the
handsome young cowpuncher, only—
only-well, Anita Rooney was ambi-
tious,; and she had set her hearton
marrying wellNo mere cowpuncher
would no.' It must be the ranch owner
himself for Pat Rooney's daughter. It
was one .thing to refuse Lew Kelsey
and still have ,him dangling at her
heels' a disconsolate lover. It was
quite another matter to have him _ap-
pareetly forgetting all about her and:
paying devoted attention to that black',
from the east.
eyed' witch f
So Anita' sent for Lew and told him
reproachfully that she had saved: three.
dances for him, "as usual," and that
he had not come to claim them, And
Lew, who recognized Anita's wiles,
grinned good'natnredly and asked her
to dance. Even while' his strong arm
guided her„through the muses of the
waltz, which is still popular in. Red
Spider district, Aulta resentfully felt
that his thoughts as well as hls,eyes
were following the graceful figure of
Esther Gray. '
At the end of another week Pretty
Flower's love cure was working. Lew
had almost forgotten his love for Ani-
. to Rooney, while his growing love
for Ether Gray was an ever present.
joy. ,
One morning while he was herding
cattle on the western ranges the
thought of the projected love eure
smote his memory.
"Ah, I couldn't -I couldn't keepmy-
self from loving per!” be said, with a
tender smile.
"P11 ask her to ride out to Sunset
point with me," be decided. "There
Pll ask her, and if she'll have me—
why, I'll buy that little ranch of Nick-
erson's, and we'll—we'll call it Para-
dise, for it can't be anything else with
Esther there!"
It was just at sunset when Esther
Gray and Lew Kelsey rode slowly up
the slope and rested their horses on
the summit of the point. Far to the
west the fiery clouds flickered and
flamed along the peaks of the distant
mountains, • •
Silhouetted against the western sky.
the dark forms of the riders told a
story to Pretty Flower and her hus-
band. who were gathering herbs on
the hillside.
The horses were standing close to-
gether. and Lew :s arm was about
Estbers slender wnlst. and her dark
head was on his shoulder.
Pretty Flower looked at Sun Dog
.and smiled.
"It was the love mire." she whisper-
ed softly.
Snn Dog granted approval and to-
gether, hand In hand. the two Indians
stole away. for `they, too. had been
young and had kuowu romance.
Biscuits of delicious,
golden -brown sweetness,
bearing pictures of troops of
the allied armies, Union Jack,'
British Bulldog, etc.
Entertaining and inatrug-
tive for the kiddies and super-
latively delicious for the
At your gr
era every
biscuit guaranteed. 30
D. S. Perrin & Company,
n y,
London, - Canada
"Ham! , White man want cure for
love? Listen! Find pretty girl. Lots
Pretty , girls in Red Spider. Try hard
to love new pretty girl. Try hard to
forget old pretty girl. Iilmeby some
day old pretty girl gone from love and
new pretty girlmost got heart- Then
stop there. white man. quick. Old
love gone away. New love not quite
come. Heart empty. White roan safe!
That, white man, is Pretty Flower's
love cure. She dropped his hand and
stepped bark, surveying him with.
bright, watchful eyes. •
"Well, of all the— Say, Pretty Flow-
er, that's not a bad scheme of yours!"
burst forth Lew excitedly. "That's
some little cure. S believe I'll try it.
Here!" He brought out a roll of bills
'and 'placed In the delighted squaw's
palm_ a crisp and crackling five dollar
So Sun Dog and Pretty Flower went
joyfully home to the reservation,
while Lew Kelsey wheeled his horse
abort and returned to the Twin Star
ranch. He reached there just in time
for supper. and when the meal had
been hurried through he joined his
companions in slaking an elaborate
toilet, for they were all going to attend
the dance at the schoolhouse in Red
Spider that evening.
All was merriment in tbe school-
! house.
chool'!house. The desks and seats had been
piled outside. and on the platform
were three fldtelers and a cranked pi-
ano. But the music was of the popu-
lar order. and nmusemeuts were few
and far between in Red Spider, so
that the dancers were not oVerpartie-
ular so long as the fiddlers kept in
tune with the piano and their feet
.could beat time on the bard oaken
Anita Rooney was there, the center
of a laughing, joking crowd of men
and girls. Lew Kelsey stood against
tbe wall and felt a brief pang as his
gaze included Anita's crisp red hair
and a glimpse of her laughing face.
Then he steadied himself and looked
about for the girl who was to effect
Pretty Flower's love cure.
He knew most of the girls present,
but there were one or two who were
strangers to him. One of them, a pret-
ty, dark eyed, black hairedler!, dressed
In white, with a pale blue girdle about
her slim waist, seemed more of a
stranger than the others. She was
with Dr, Blake's wife, and as Lew
Kelsey was an intimate friend of the
Biakes he felt no hesitation in 'ap-
proaching the doctor's wife and in ob-
taining an introduction to her guest
from the east, Esther Gray.
miss Esther Collie Proved to be a
most delightful acquaintance. She' was
as sweet .and charming as she was
pretty. and Lew felt that there wouldn't
be the least diffl ulty in losing his
heart to Esther. Only the trouble was
he might want her to keep it. In that
case, where as; the good of Pretty
Flower's love cure?
At nnv toe. he wonli he net ne levee
Cook's Cotton Root Compound:
d safe, reliablerepulatins
medicine. Sold in three- do,
grecs of strength—No. 1, $1;.
No. 2, $3; No.. 3, $5 per box.
Sold by all druggists, or sent
repaid- ori recert+b of nrioe.
3 reo pamphlet. Address i
TORONTO, 090. (Formorly Windsor,)
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
Cut out cathaelln aa/ (wrnUrr.
beutal-ha . -ua s .ua y. Tay
Purelyyogetabla Aet
gently on thalwar,
soothe thedeli-
ErHnda',M and /needles, w atI .,, ins
Sms11 Ptli, Small Dos., ,Small Prie• t
Genuine nen 6ear' Signature
ger .s.
Thick, Soft, Fluffy, and no Dand-
ruff -Use Parisian Sage.
If your hair is losing ets natural
color, coming out and splitting, or
lacks that enviable softness, floss
beauty do not d�e a
11 Lett
and bed Y
Y sip
hair is largely a matter of care.
If it is too then make et grow. If
if is harsh and brittle soften 'btup
—lubricate it. If you hats dand-
ruff it is because the scalp is too
day and flakes off. Freshen up
the scalp with Parisian Sage—ell
dandruff disappears, falling hair
and itching head pease, yourhair
is doubly beautiful.
Parisian Sage, sold by W. S. R.
Holmes and at all drug counters,
is just what you n'eelci-a large
bottle costs 60 cents. It surteld'
makes the hair lustrous and seems
twice as abundant. You cannot he
disappointed in Parisian Sage.
Lesson X.—Fourth Quarter, Fo;
Deo. 6,+1914..
bodies (1T Cor. iii, 18). nevi beautiful::
h firsto the
it isthnit e� word fromangel
to these devoted women was "fear.
not" or "be not" affrighted (verses 5,
6; Matt. xxvitf 5 6).
,So He Himself
said to
he other' women after He had
appeared to Mary, as tie allowed them
to hold Him by the feet and worship
Him, "Be not afraid; go tell My breth-
May , Find Help in This ren" (Matt. xxvili, 9, 10).
Swan Creek, Mich. -"I cannot speak
too highly of your medicine. When
through -neglect or
overwork -I get run
down and my appe-
tite. is poor and I
have that weak, lan
guid, always tired
feeling, I get a bot-
tle of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable,
Compound, and it.
builds me up, gives
me strength, and 're-
stores me to perfect
health again. It is truly a great bless-
ing to women, and I cannot speak too
highly of it. I take pleasure in recom=.
mending it to others."—Mrs. ANNE
CAMERON, R.F.D.,No. 1, Swan Creek,
Another Sufferer Relieved. '
liebron, Me.—"Before taking your
remedies I was all run down, 'discour-
aged arid had female weakness. I took
Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com-
pound and used the. Sanative Wash, and
find today that I am an entirely new
woman, 'readyand willing to do my
housework now, where before taking
,your medicine it was a dread. I try to,
Impress upon the minds of all ailing
women I meet the benefits they cat}
derive from your medicines." — Mrs.
CHARLES RowE, R. F. D., No.1,
Hebron, Maine.
If you want special advice
write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med-
icine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter wil be opened,
read and answered by a woman.
and held in strict confidence. -
had His tomb sealed. Our lesson
verses give us only the beginning of
the resurrection story. They tell us of
the coming of the women to the tomb
very early in. the morning on the first
day of the week to anoint His body,
wondering who would roll away the
stone for them. How torten we find
,the stone which we thought would
hinder us rolled away when we reach
the place! We read 'Of an earthquake
when He died, lout this is another one
et His resurrection (Moat: eevil, 54
ex viii. '3f.
inanimate nature is moved by, these
events while the heart of man remains
harder than the rocks. Some drty
we shall ser these engels, whose mum
tenanees ilte like llghtufng and their
raiment white lis snot}. and we, too.
shall shine us the sun ;Matt. vrviil.
3-4 alit. •Rh We should I' reticethig
rtanr" or MN .•Inr, untr in tJl ss nrnr,.,
Text of the Lesson, .Mark xvi, 1-8; :.
Matt. xxviii, 11 -15 --Memory Verses,
6,,.7—Golden Text, Luke xxiv, 5, 6.
Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M
The resurrection from the dead is
Ute crowning event do all His work,
for if Christ be not'risen• felt] is vain.
preaching is vain, no one' is saved;
there is no forgiveness of`sins,(1 Cora
xv,14-18). But before we consider Elio
resurrection we must look at some in-
cidents in connection with Ells death
and burial which we have passed over
Note the women who ministered to
Him, who followed Him, wbo looked
on afar off as He was crucified.. who -
beheld where His dead body was laid
and returned and prepared' spices to
anoint it when the Sabbath was past
(Mark xv, 40-47; Luke xxiS, 55).
."They loved Him greatly, but did not
believe that l e would rise from the,
dead, so those spices were in a metas
ure love's labor lost because of u_.be-
lief. Note the pierced side, the blood
and water with eli their Scriptural
suggestions and the fulfilled Scriptures
about His being pierced and not a
bone' broken (John xix, 31-3T; Zech,
xli, 10; Ex. ail, 461
The boldness of .Joseph and Nieode
mus at a time when all others seemed
to fail, the new tomb, the loving min-
istry and the fulfilled Scripture con-
on-cernin ' 131s grave being with ,the rich
in Ehs death are a fascinating record
(Luke xxili, 50-53; John xix, 38-42; isa.
fit, D).
It would appear from Matt. xxvit,
62-06, that some of the Pharisees re-
membered, as His disciples did not,
that He bad spoken or rising again
after three days and therefore they
With similar words He spoke to the
disciples in•the upper room that even-
ing, saying:, "Peace be unto you. Why
are ye troubled? Behold my hands
and my feet that it I Myself" (Luke
xxiv, 36-40). Even though we fail and
fersake Him. He has only words of
peace and comfort for us. Matthew
and Mark speak of one angel; Luke
and John speak of two, but there is no
discrepancy, for if there were two
I y,
there was certainly one, whether the
disciples or women saw one or two.
Neither, is there any discrepancy In the
seemingly' different position;, of , the
angels,',tor they rau move about more
easily than the can. The words dr the
angel concerning Jesus, -He is risen.
He is not here" (Terse' 6), are some-
times used by ministers at a funeral
concerning 'the, dead, but that is a
wrong use of the words, for they refer
to the resurrection, not to .the burial '
of the body. a.
How very gracions its was of the
Lord to tell tie angel to send by the
woman a special message to,Peter and
then to give Peter a special personal
enterv!ew(verse 7; Luke xsiv, 34)
after all his base denial of his Master.
It is always so—weakest lambs have
largest share of their., tender shep-
herd's care. The angels reminded the
women that Jesus bad said that He
would be cruciti,c,d tend the third day
rise again, and yet when the women
told the disciples that'' He was risen
their words Seemed to them as idle
tales, and the& believed them not (Luise
xxiv, 6-11). Mark xvi, 0, says that
Jesus appeared first to Mary Magda-
lene, but the full reconi of that ap-
pearance is found in John xx, 1-17.
Is not His appearing first to her an-
other illustration of the same great
truth that we saw in His giving Peter
a special personal interview? She was
blinded' by tears of unbelief, but one
word from Him opened her eyes. A
peculiar thing in her cos' 'was His
"Touch Me not" when He afterward
allowed the other women to hold:Him
by the feet,
To my mind the reason He gave her
was clear and plain, "For I am not yet
ascended to My Father" (John, xa, 17).
Another wonderful thing that on His
way to His Father in His resurrection
body as our high priest He should stop
to, speak to her and comfort her. Hav-
ing ascended and returned, He could
then let others touch and handle Him
as He did the others and the disciples
that evening.
An especially strong campaign
will be waged. this Christmas by
the National Sanitarium Associa—
tion in their sale of the small
Christmas seals.
omaHs REST
Vers. Kelly Advises all Women
to Take fP Fruil-a-Teves91
I- IAGP.RSVIOLl'y, ONT., AUG. 26th. 0903.
"I can highly recommend "rrnit-a-
tives" because, they did nee an awful'
dot of good and I' cannot, speak too
Li_61ly about them. About four years
t ;h, 1 commenced : taking "Fruit -a..
tines for or ageueral break -down w
they did me a" world of good. We
bought a good many dollar's worth,
but it was, money well spent because
they did all that you claim for them.
Their action is so' pleasant, compared
with other laxatives, that I found only
pleasure, as well as health, in taking
thein. They seemed to me to be
particularly .suited to women, on
account of their mild and gentle action,
and I trust that some other women
may start taking "Fruit-a-tives" after
readingmy letter, and if they do, I am
satisfied the results will be the same
as in my own case".
" fruit-a-tives " are sold by ale
dealers at 500. 'a .box, 6 for 92.50, trial
size, 250, or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Do it now. Your Christmas shop
You may 'gat ready for winter
Early buyers for Christmas .are
already making selections.
War News
Affected Her.
Many people who have been reading
the terrible war news from day to day,
especially those who have relatives at
the seat of war, have become so nervous
that it is impossible for them to sleep.
The nerves have become unstrung and
the heart perhaps affected.
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Piles will
build up the unstrung nervous system
and strengthen the weak heart.
Miss 'India Dicaire, Martintown,
Ont., writes: "In August, 1914, I was
out of school for my health. I was visit-
ing friends in London, and heard of the
war. It made me so nervous that I
could not sleep, but after using Mil -
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills I improved
greatly,and could take my school again.
I have recommended them to many of
my friends."
Milbura's Heart and Nerve Pills are
60e per box, 3 boxes for 91.25 at all
mailed direct on receipt Pt of
price bor mty The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
:e..,++al.kl'+y a�Ct�,rft t'!'tY"tt(1';1'
=i11,f5'016 *t.
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