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The elinton New Era
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New Era, to the Utlited Statesfn,advauee . 1 50
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.3' liter
age J
because the entire system
becomes permeated with
injurious adds.
To relieve rheumatism Scott's
Emulsion is a double help;, it is
rich in blood -food; it imparts
strength to the functions and sup-
plies the very oil -food that rheu-
matic condit'ons always need.
Scott's Emulsion has
helped countless thousands
alien ether remedies failed.
Refuse Inferior Substitutes.
Cause of Floods
insured for power•developing plan
Science and general eXperlente In the older settled regions
• agree inlSaying that when 'country is Eastern Canada the relation beth
floods and indiscriminate deforests
is even more clearly evident.
W. H. Breithaupt, M, Inst. CIL, si
With deforestation stream-flo
the Ontario Peninsula has g
changed. Spring floods are very
higher and there are floods on
rains, while during the season o
mum flow many streams whi
formerly considerable through t
year practically disappear.
charge of the Grand River at I
above the outlet of the Spee
only 80 to 100 feet per secon
water . and 10,000 to 20,000
second at flood."
Si it d f r at d diti
wise prevail on many of th N
sheds in Quebec, and the
Provinces, and, by causing
of high and low water, have
mental influence on naviga
' , the development of electric
covered by forests the water runs off
it more slowly and regularly than it
does after the .forest has been re-
moved. This is due principally to the
fact that the forest stems and ground
cover offer a mechanical obstruction
to the surface run-off, while the ,deep
roots of the trees keep the soil loose,
thus Permitting _the surface water to
percolate in;o the subsoil "r, 'vl'
In e;itern Canada, forest surveys
, coWnducted by the Dominion Forestry
Brancll�furnished considerable eve-
uebec Province ices 5el: atdorthy example to the other Provinceea aro„ a nowN�. 1oao�r > deuce of rice evil results attending
in their zeal, tempered, with good sense in dealing with .the question forest destruction by.repeated fires.
of curtailing and abolishing the liquor traffic. The Roman.Catho-
lies have vied with their Protestant countrymen. in their ambitions Lova! Option Campaign The forester in charge of a recent
to renter valiant 1 rant service These two great religious bodies are•
survey made of the Swan Hills in
- unityhope to score great-
their, forces and in happy P
t tell t at present square miles examined only about L3
er victories in fighting a c foe. -temperance eon sq
and 'burial of one o the t popular military harness of the'Brit- ff t ve petitions for Loc only be 1
is h E Lard Roberts He d1 ed withal Option Y
tTOWNS.U ma^'y
That fund called "robbery of the graveyard"by some of
servative brethren, known as the Succession Duty has proven a 1
t bl gold mine to the Provincial Government. During the past
Northern Alberta states: Of the 7,3 0
Wecanno a jus
exactly how many. e
+ + * + • • • • tests will be Sought out in January per cent. have been preserved from
next, but are able to lay before our fire during the last hundred years, a
A tear dimmed the eye of many a soldier as he heard 'of the death readers, the following list of places 250 square miles could r and
f ie mos „ in -Which e ec i
mprre— the "harness on . by-laws have already sidered as bearing a mature grown
* * * * * * * " been presen ed;--- No
the Con-
viiia e
year, by the large number of wealthy men who ,have died, the
large sum ,of $1,287,633 has 'come into the hands of Treasurer Lucas
This is an increase of $141,000 ov er last' year., It is a great find to
have such an enormous sum come into the financial reckoning and
the wisdom of the old time Liberal administration is proven sage in
this as in many another piece of legislation.
• * * • • • • •
Over a million dollars have been paid into the Canadian Patriotic
Fund,: while very generuos donations have been contributed to many
another phase of the most laudable and patriotic service of caring
for those who have'suffered by tl:e great war. As time Hears onrent
the advisability of uniting the forces becomes more app
that toe" main hath will not he crossed and recrossed by bypaths that
all lead to the same'destination. Canada never realized, as she does
now, how strong and kindly were the ties that bind her to the great
Motherland. "By their deeds shall y • e knout Ulm."
• Monday, December • 14th is the day named for holding North. Hu-
ron Liberal Nominating Convention at Wingham. This riding covers
the townships of Ashfield, West and East Wawanosh, Morris, Turn-'
berry, Howick and Grey; the town s of Goderich and Wingham ; and
the incorporated villages of Wroxeter, Brussels and Blyth: . ;'Dh'ie
Present M. -P. P. for a part of this now new riding is James Bowman
who, will in all probability be the Conservative Standard bearer for
the next contest, The present en mmary of votes gives the d•Conser-
vatives a tidy majority but time will tell whether this is correct or
not. ••++••••
From the Atlantic to the Pacific and from over the seas have come
hearty congratulations to the man with the sunny smile—Sir Wilfrid
Laurier—wlro on Friday last chalked up the record of 73 years, as
his age. He has hada long 'eventful "and successful tenure as M. P.
viz 40 yea's. .0f that 26 years ha\ e been happily filled in as ,Bader
of. Dominion Liberalism, and 15 ye ars of which be was Premier. Per
haps no man in Canada today wields the influence and has the
hearty sympathy of people as has Sir Wilfrid. He 18 a doughty fight
er, high born in his ambitions and has given utterances to more mas-
terly addresses than are credited to many of the great. Long inay
• he live, -
Very fortunate indeed would the Westerly section of Huron County
count themselves if the unfortunate, badly mannged and expensive
public wort: (the AY dro_Electas he eict ahore t =mission iaandcouaf eresoimecbu iness
out of
-the Mire by
like bargain madea part of a radiri electric system of Huron County,
Mr. Moyes will never require a tombstone to keep, tris name ever-
gieen in the memory of West Heron. We think the Provincial gov-
ernment should' lend a hand in settling the much discussed ques-
tion, ••• •rt*
Poor Belgium has had and will continue to have for this
decl me
much of hardship and loss for standing by principle g
to bend the knee. It takes courage and backbone to take such a
stand. Many a people would have meekly yielded to the imperious
demand, but the Belgians were made of better stuff and although it
may be difficult to see hold they are to regain what has been lost
as a people they stand 'before the world as "bricks" and if the voice
of the world has anything to say as to what Belgium is to have in
redemption it will be dealt oat in no skimped fashion, Heaped lip
running over measure will be thu'rs if they get heir deserts. Bravo
Belgium; niay your spirit animate and fortify the people of many a
• s * • • • • v •
Judging from Financial reports, chattel mortgages, writs and assign
ments are legal knowledge that a good many folkin the 'Westerly
Provinces will become acquainted with thin year. The slump in real
'estate owirg to the dull tines proved the millstone that pulled
many a rev from Ms throne as a prosperous land operator and put
him in a ;fight corner, We hope 1915 will brighten things :up.
r 'Now3r a merry chase through the busy weeks that intervene be-
,,t•veen biss date and Christmas. If we would whisper a word of ad -
dice i..td your ear it would be "Buy sensible gifts that will prove
a,,real`serviee to the reeipients„' Read the New Era advertising col-
unens•closely and you will know the best places to go for the
supplying ofyour 'various needs. No nicer present for Christmas
can he• made to an absentee, than a year's subscription to. the Clin-
ton New Era.
What do you think of the usage received by Prof. Hutt of the On-
tario Agritultural College by the Provincial government?
War is one of the most expensive games that can be played. In
the British, House of Parliament last week the enormous amount
• . of $1,125,000,000 largely for the sinews of war was asked for. $500,000
000 had been granted before for the same purpose. While the na-
tional debt mounts skywards the sentiment of the British people is
"We will see this thing through." It is said 700,000 recruits have
joined the British army since the war started in addition to nearly
300,000 territorials. The commissary department must have a big job
on their hands,
117 days gone by since war was declared by Germany. It would
require more 'than a seer to forecast what may happen in the forth
coming 117. Will there be a cessation of hostifities on Christmas
Day? If the Prince of Peace wane permitted to, have /sway ' fn
:the hearts( of men would there not be happy times? May ,it be so,
• * • •* * * *
-There are 500 Independent Telephone Cos in Ontario representing an
investment of over $500,000. Ov er 70,000 subscribers have a right
to work the Hello! business and these with the big family using
the Bell service bring Canadian folk very handy to one another.
• •••****
!Honey, although a poor crop in. 1914, is a healthy and Prost desir-
able -household sweet. Pay your compliments to the industrious
bee by patronizing his labors. Some people are so gone on i }tees
they affirm that even their sting is healthy. We have to take their
word for this as we never waited, long enough to quizz Ms beesbip,
When he desired to do the, drilling On the honey business`om Ia can
speak with authority However, as it relates to the dining lo
ble and our hearty recommend is herewith given ,
one will 'ever know ow --
Lies. million dollars worth of the nationa
z I wealth in virgin forest was turtle
Bala...-:... 4,_ . .-..
Picton ...... .-.....-6 into ashes, now being washed away
Holland Landing......
West Lorne
• 3 with the best of the soil, by the rapt
current of the Athabaska river.' Tail
33 III area has Since been included in th
ILesser Slave forest reserve, aud, lik
1 ( other Dominion reserves in the Wes
—2 will be administered with the doub
.10 object of providing timber for the se
lers' needs and of regulating the Ito
1 of the great rivers of Central Cana
Chapple.. ..
i so that navigation may not be hi
2 dered by the filling up of the rlver-b
• " 0 I with eroded soil and debris, and
0 that an even flow of water may
Dilke...... -.....
Harwich.-.--. ...
Horton. .........:.
Palmerston 1 1 -
Pelee, Island ...-.. 1 1
In addition to the foregoing Been '
de reduction campaigns are on in
the following cities;—
Ro1p h 1
It has frequently been urged th,
Dominion Government . should
the provinces in the reforestaf
these areas or in their protectic
forest fires.
The 'Commission of Censer,
in a report on forest conditions
Trent River Valley, urged that
150,000 acres of practically
land on this water -shed, the r
repeated fires, a policy of cense
be carried out under Domini
vincial or municipal control, in
regulate the water -supply of th
Canal, on which upwards of $1
has been expended by the D
Nobbles of Royalty
Lies, an training ngthem.^ —
d tt1
Hamilton... ......... ... • ........... ...73 The Sovereigns of Europe have, ana 1 The Ring has' brought'
Repeal contests lathe foLondon ••• =••••• llowing 31 have had, some curious hobbies. The zeal and enthusiasm to be,
I Kaiser has a distinct penchant for hobby, and the consequent
Local Option municipalities;g 1118 elephants would do er
TOWNS. carpentry, while what Kin Christian
Durham, Midland, Thornbury, does not know about the printer's professional trainer. Not or
VILLaGES. 1 draft is not worth knowing• pachyderms recognize the
master when he visits po•
can do several slur
bidding. The 1-
MB pets,
ing of the ordinary methods of reliev-
ing his Iniad from the cares of State, I visited
invested In. four elephants. And now 1 tee fare
lie spends all his spare time teaching 1 at their
his giant pets a'1 that an educated,
elephant is required to know. The
four beasts are housed at a farm on I
the outskirts arts of Sofia, and every day
(Ling Ferdinand spends an hour or so
with them, superintending their toilet c
e the Kin
Teeswater, Shallow Lake
Raleigh Moore.
Children Cry
C A S T o R i A
Indian Liked Air -trip'
Shooting the rapids in a canoe, or
skimming the prairie on the back Of a
wild antelope will be tame and, un-
exciting adventures now to Two Guns
White Calf, "big Injun" from Glazier
Nlational Park. Two Gene took a
flight in an aeroplane at Dobbs Ferry,
N.Y. "Heap big bird, fly like eagle;
Two Guns give his gun for, bird like
that," was his cerement on the flying
machine that took him 1,200 feet in
the air. • •
It has remained, however, for King
Ferdinand of Bulgaria to take up the
strangest pastime of all—animal train-
ing, A little while ago the Ring, tir-
Most people have, deep down 11'1
their natures, a private and uncon-
ressed faith in dreams, premonitions,
forebodings, says the Toronto Star.
Some hard-headed business men will
not start on an important journey nor
embark on a big business venture on
a Friday, although they do not actually
Bay so, and you may do business with
them for years Without finding it out.
They contrive matters so that it is
never necessary to admit that they
have a fear of Friday. ' It would be
too absurd a thing to admit, and they
do not actually confess it to them-
selves. Or if they ever admit it to
themselves or to their closest friends
they speak of it, not as a real super -
Anon, but as a humorous little oddity
whch interests and amuses them. The
present age is one of levity, but the
truth is that mankind .1s strongly pre-
' disposed towards superstition and to
•a belief In the supernatural.
Strange stories are told in connec-
tion with the lois of the Empress of
Ireland. People had dreams, pre-
monitions, and forebodings. We have
no wish to express a doubt as to the
truthfulness of anybody who relates
an experience of this kind. In fact, misunderstand each oth
we see no reason for doubting, clic a disaster.
truth of all the evidence
but we see no reason fo
that these dreams and,
were a bit different from
would have been if the
Ireland had enjoyed a
voyage. What we mean t.
when a thousand people
to make a journey by sea
be among them, and
relatives, many who will 1
and forebodings, which •
significance if a shipwl•ecl
whioh will possess no sf
all 'and will never be he:
journey is a happy one,
There is the story of tt
which, although it ha•
board, ran away, and alth'
back, escaped again' and
on the Empress. This st
into tradition, About it
that it needs to be ve
If verified, we would e -
the explanation in the 110
of the cat, rather than
terious fore -knowledge c_
of the animal that in a
sea the captains of two
When the • kidneys get ill the back
gives out. 'aVA01•1AAA111AA1111AAiAAA®AAAA4lAAAAAA®q,A
But the back is not to blame, t
The ache comes from the kidneys, 4
which of under the small he back. L�c.aI
Therefore, dull pain in the back, or
sharp, quick twinges, are warnings of
sick kidneys -warnings of kidney trouble.
Plasters and liniments will not cure 4
a bad back, for they cannot reach the
vvevvvwvv vvv,we®v evelYTeTvv
Doan's S
kidneys which cause it 'se
Kidney Pills reach the kidneys effect from the 16 in.
themselves. They are a special kidney ON THF. RO1JNA Shannon has Pec
dad' bladder surf cmedicine.. They •heal the Tax Collector Wheatley is busy adjutant -general for t
diseased surface of kidneys and bladder, distributing the little dunner tell- months,
and help them to actefreely and naturalle, inyou holy' much you owe th e
Mrs. Chester Romain, Fort Coulonit g 0 h i 1 dr en
Que., writes: "I had been troubled
could of the' and
samesolifclviBe msselement
sore back for over four years, andonly FOR ;FLCTC¢
get nothing to do me any good until short time ago since the taxes
I heard of your Doan's Kidney Pills, were paid.
and took them and
I got t res pl NOW COLONEL S11AN
now I am completely cured." ANOTHER RZtiDUCT
Doan's Kidney Pills are rs or a box, Major L. W. Shannon, of the per-
3 boxes for $1:25, at all dealers mailed manent staff at divisional head- Public school Inspc
direct on receipt of price by The T Mit- `quarters in London, received not ceived from the Dep:
ice of his promotion ion a statement c
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. to public tehoo
p ellen to the rank of uta
When ordering direct specify 'sD�n'a� Lieutenant Colonel, to take grant