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The Clinton New Era, 1914-12-03, Page 1
C.19TON ONTARIO THURSDAY DECEMBER 3 1914 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher To=day or the 'Horne==Give Them a Trial Serve You in Fillingthe Needs of in Business kt0 War Summary `t elgrade is occupied by Austrian es. violent battle is proceeding se of'Dixmude. en. De Wet the noted Boer sl has been captured 'by the terah forces/ he garrison in Adreanople, Tur has mutinied. ie German Reichstag has. voted Rug credit of $1,250,000,000. 'ssians. are hammering sure ded. Germans into surrender.. ie Allies may land a new army steno to strike Germans osi ]t Wednesday or General Hughes, Minister litia, proposes to raise 31,1000 'troops., ase ravages (the German ,verp refuses to pay her fine Germans. ses to be drawn into ermany. ^ere have been ished` Service umania will er are both russia. salmon : by Columbia sere 'on terrible 'de ny army • in ve decided to n a war taxof month in addition to ed on individual cities. Continued on Page 5 The old Flag! 'the dear old Flag our fathers loved before us! Fight! fight for it men and keep it floating o'er us; Blood! aye blood if it needs be, Lower the dear old Flag, but keep it aloft for ever. —A. E. Wright. Reminiscences of Clinton. By an Old Clintonian While the various members of both Racey -families have long since left this locality, it may interest your readers to know that two •sons of J. 13, Racey are in the grocery business in a thriving Minnesota town. At the time of which I write Clin- ton hacl eight or nine hotels, the present Commercial being the only me 'still in existeuce on the same site as it was then, One of its early pro- prietors was John Joslin, who is still alive and hearty, living, I understand, at Virden, Manitoba. The Graham House occupies the site of the old Prince of Wales, afterwards burned clown, but conducted then, if memory serves me right, by Mr. John Mooney. Immediately south of the Prince of Wales wasLheOrange Hall, where all public eulertainmen ls were held, and next to this was the Farmer1s Hotel conducted by James Ross, now living in the 'Vest. The old Rotten bury House, which preceded the present structure, for years stood back on the corner' that is now ocoupied by the Molsous Bank, and was a favorite re- sort, though a low, two-story unpre- 6,21351001111/91111300. P1ce� �1 arc (NICK sales ani Mang 01 mem aSIZIMOSIP For 30 days we have filled orders, and had orders peated, Be alert. Be watchful. The opportunity aits you to save money. Remember we quote a w'specials -and ask you to,compare prices with Ea- n's or Simpson's. You cannot then help being loyal your own community, Brooms, only two to a customer, each• 20c. pounds Redpath's Granulated Gad Sugar, ..... 1,00 u of pounds Redpath's Yellow Sugar for • 1.00 b cartons Redpath's Gr g regular 40e for 35c tValencia Raisins 10e poand or 11 pounds for1.00 t Petra° Currants 10c pound or 11 pounds for 1.00 tuantity of 1913 Raisins, wbile they fast, per l •...... 8e w Seeded Raieins, 2 packets for 25e v Seedless Raisins: 2 packets for 25c Dates per pound 8c y Figs per pound 80 3nicy Prunes per pound 15c or two for 25e awn mixed Tea (only 5 lbs to a customer) peronnd 28e • Own Baking Powder, per' pound 15c or two for 25c assn's Telly Powder—all flavors , 3, for 25c cress Lux for 25c ttles Worchester Sauce for 25e teles Catsup for 25c d Red Salmon, per tin 15e 2 for 25e ertson's'Scotch Marmalade, very special, per inc 20c .y's cbeice Asparagus Tips per tin 25o 1pbell's Soup, two tins for 2oe e Macaroni per (Sound 10c rs Richard's Pure or Naptha Soap 25c t Jemimn's.Pancake Flour loo or two for 25c t India Molasses per tin ., •. 10c 230 . Domino Table Syrup per ttu h B, C. Salmon, per pound b Halibut per pound h Finna-n Haddie ke s.Obialenge Corn Starch tales of Essence for ,o (foe frying) re: tear 85afor 3 of Tomatoes for , o, Chive fur . 3 of Peas fur . Fresh Gorgonzola, Cheese just arrived ' 150' 150. 12e 25e 30c 2Sc 21c 25c tentious building. It • was in this house that the first billiard tables in the town ;were set up—two of them, andI can bear personal testimony to the fact that they were a gres t at- traction to the boys and young men, who had very little amusement in any other form. - "Olcl Bill Rattenbury," as he was called by everybody, and not offen- sively, 'was a type by himself. ` He was a genial, whole-souled, hearty Englishman; a mostbountiful pro- vider,. -which gave his hotel an envi- able reputation > among travellers. Numbers of them have told me they could gena better meal at the Batten - bury House than anywhere else on the road. Mr. Rattenburry had a large family of girls, and two sons- "Ike" and "Joe" the latter being the youngest of the family; the former dying, as your readers know, a few years ago. Some of Air. Ratten burry's daughters .were certainly "as pretty as -a picture," but I am not prepared to say whether they got their good looks faun their father or mother. This I do know, Mrs Batten - bury hacl as good and motherly a face as could be found anywhere, and she and her daughters certainly helped Huron Old Dogs Hold Annual Meeting Officers Elected and Reports read. Huron is well Represented- in Toronto Now. The '15th annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto, was held on Friday even ing, in St. George's Hall, the Pree- ident for the past year, 11. Holmes in the chair. As showing the large - ;number of Huronians now residing in the city, it may be stated that over five hundred' notices were mailed for the meeting. r The President stated. that 'while,' the year had been 'a successful one in somal respects, it had .seen appointing in others, due to cir- cumstances over which the Associ- ation had no control. The, annual At Home. had been the most suc- cessful one . ever held. A picnic arl'anged fon in the early 'summer, had to bei cancelled. Reference was made ;to the death of Lady Otter, wife of Sir William Otter {Generali one of the oldest Mem- bers of the Association; also to that of the late John Keringhan, of Colborne.'- - father-in-law of Major. Beek; also tie that of Mrs. Sutherland, of Toronto, daughter of Mr. W. Coates, Godericb. • The report of the Secretary, Mr. E.Floody, attended to the suc- cessful At Home, the aneual 'excur sion, the effort made to -increase. the usefulness and activity of the Assotelation, and suggested the 'dis- tinuing the annual excursion, Un- less better rates can be obtained infuture. Mr. Floody.has been a most efficient and pains taking Secretary during( ,the entire life ofthe Association, and apprecia- tion- of this was shown by his un- animous and hearty re-election. The report of the Treasurer Mr. J.Robertson showed that over $3,000 had been raised during the year, - 'int the 1` Association never- theless had a small deficit of 66 cents, owing to the fact that the annual excursion did not realize as much as in former years, due to her husband to keep a mighty good several causes. The first date for hotels, as hotels then were. the excursion. selected early on The first bank I have any recollect hand was July 4, but the railway ion of 1N1IS the Royal Canadian; it determined to supply American was located on Victoria street, about excursion traffic, July 10 met the Clinton Women Have Done Welt h The ladies of the Patriotic Soci- ety shoaved foQrth their ,good works on Friday afternoon' Nov. t 20th, when\ they held an exhibition of their Red Cross supplies in the Council Chamber. Every person - -knew ithat the members had been. working and had accomplished 'a .._ great deal but no one could sup preee a gasp ;of astonishment at the sight of the huge piles of socks shirts and quilts. Onahe table rear the door were piled socks, scarves. cans, and wristlets, all of grey yarn and hand knitted. each representing many hours of patient work. On the next table were hospital sup- plies -pneumonia jackets donated by the Sewing Club and the Junior Patriotic Society, Cholera Belts, 'Pyjamas, night-shirts, day -shirty; etc. On the third table were the quilts donated by Jackson Bros who, not content with this gener- ous donation superintended and sup plied all materials for the packing. Mr. G. D. McTaggart. fully 'under standing the needs of Mr. Thomas .Atkins, contributed 500 cigarettes which, we venture to say will be smoked but not forgotten before the arrival of Princess Mary's Christmas package. ,The supplies were divided; com- plete outfits were sent to the Clin- ton boys in training at London. The - Hospital supplies ''were sent to the Red Cross ;Society; the quilts and pillows to the Belgians and the field comforts to Salisbury Plains where Mr, Twitehell's shingle yard now is. I tun not quite SUre as to the manager's name, but I think it was Lockwood. He Ives very, popular, net because it was easy to secure loansfronr him, but because he mingl- ed unreservedly with the people. Every morning about 3 o'clock he would saunter• clown street, with a clfeery good morning for all; this eu ttbled him to size•up business oven and their habits, enol he governed himself accordingly when banking accommodation was desired - Where the postoffice now stands was a frame store, kept about 1S05, by Cameron & Ross, the latter, I believe, • beinr a son-in-law of the late Joseph Whitehecell, and residing now at Whitemonth Manitoba, et least he resided there for some years. The store had a large verandah across the same -fate, owing to its proximity to the 126, and the railway fixed on June 25, 'and would give no oth en. -This was reluctantly accepted only to find later that the Local Election had been fixed for the 27th. The railayay instead of allow ing the customary low, fare raised the rate almost to the limit of ordinary ',week -end one. 'Under all these circumstances the Asso- ciation was fortunate in having as small a defiet as it did. Sir John S. Willinson the first President of the Association al- ways takes time from his well- known Journalistic activities to attend the annual meeting and in his usual happy manners ex, - pressed his appreciation of,being able to keep`, in touch with the As - front, and wooden' shutters covered saciation and the friendship of the windows at night. In fact all the former days, He suggestedthat stores hacl wooden shutters, and it was quite a job to put them up at { night and take them down in the } morning.' The verandah of this par- tfcalar store was a splendid loafing m place for boys as it gave one a view of the mann street. On' the corner now occupied by the Royal Bank stood the store of William and Robert Coats; it . stood back several• feet from the line of the street, because a fine, maple tree oc- ! cupied the centre of the sidewalk and it was a sacrilege' to touch it. But the march of commercialism triumph- ed, and the tilee finally` had to give way to bricks and mortar. Both William and Robert Coats Iwere sterling business men -though Secretary, E. Floodyy, I at that time business was not pushed Financial Secy, W.D. Cobbledick 't ' b t both have lou since active steps betaken to prepare a historical' and biographical ketchs of Huron County, a suggestion that may be acted upon, - Dr. J.T . Hughes, President of Durham Old Boys' Association and so long connected with Toronto Schools. Made an excellent and timely address—humeroue, histor- ical, Warlike and decidedly in-' sparing. The eiec'tion' of officers for the ensuing, year resulted as follows. -- Honorary Presidents, Sir J. S. Willison, Sit): W. D. Otter, W. IK. McNaught and R. Holmes. President, Dr. W. E. Struthers. Vit:e-Pres., John Robertson. The complete list of work is. - 146 ,pair of socks; 123 pair of wrist-, lets;18 cholera belts; 3 d'ozenhand. kerchiefs; 57 scarves; 13 flannel- ette shirts; 40 caps; 31 pneumonia jackets; 20 pair bed socks; 2 bed jackets; 2 dressing gowns ; 14 night shirts; 37 pyjamas; 1 suit of under wear; 1 dozen wash rags; 41 flan- nel shirts; 4 sweaters; 18 pair Mit.: - tens; 61 quilts; 1 pair pillows;, 300 cigarettes, During the after oon tea --aa as served by the members of the so- ciety and 25 new names were en- , ronlled, bringing the membership up to, 182. - It would be utterlyimpossible to gi\ e in detail a list of all the donations of cash and goods, Most of the merchants gave geueroue discounts on all purchases, Mantle indeed, _giving an immense amount of yarn at cost. The Women's In- stitute donated a goodly number , of supplies, as also olid the latliea of'Holmesville end Summerhill. as r is now—but g , R. S. Crocker• easurer, passed the way of all flesh; their only TrTr a surer Major Beck H. Cl surviving relatives in this neighbor— Exhood being Mrs. Charles J, Middleton Ki McLeod Dr, Stanbury, F. W. and W. Coats, who are the childrenofHodgson, R. S. Sheppard, W. E. the late William Coats " Mr. W. Floody, C. C. Rance, R. A. Eluvial]. Coats, the popular.' Registrar of .the T. D. Soole, :w. W. Sloan S. L. Scott Ooimty,'and dans, F. Macpherson, of J. C Hyslop, C. Belden, W.F. Carte Gaoclerich, are children of the; late ion, W. PePeidharre M. Brown Robert Coats. There are other child. J. F. Timmins Dr. Belden T. Rance ren of both families, but they are living elsewhere. Continued next week. Winter Terni Opens Jan 4th Decide Now to Enter the 1 anions A Stewart A. Dyer, J. Belden, F. H. Dunn. • On taking office as President, Dr. Stn ethers '(formerly of \Bayfield, now, Medi:al Inspector of Schools) ; while thanking the rnembers for the honor confined oe him, asked for, their co-operation in making, the Assn. live, useful and',energetic one filling' a definite purpose -and being more than merely friendly in The Women's Patriotic Society, although a little late in organizing has proved itself a decided success Although every member has contri tilted to that success by hard and - patient work, all cannot but feel that too much praise cannot be given to the excellent President, Mrs. Allin and to the members of the supply and cutting committee. namely Mesdames Monroe, Mason, Chant MacMurray ,and C, Ifelyar, Mrs. Ailfa has proved herself to be at woman of exceptional execu- tive abigity and she with the Hon. Pres: Mrs, G. D. McTaggart, has • Worked indifatigabiv for the Soci- ety.,' Tof form any idea of the work accomplished 1 v the Supply. Committee you must pp st bear , in• mind', that they did all ;he,Pudying, preparing, cutting and distributing of the work. The financial report e is as follows. Receipts. Fees a . $ 45.50 Cash Donations 175.58 Market . 171.05 Tea and Collection 43.95 $458.04, Expenditures: s Sent to the Belgians $:118.0©, Expenses of Market 7.38 Freight 8.65 Supplies yarn etc 224.93. $353.99 Balance ori hand .......:.$104.05 Until' after the New Year the reg - ular' meetings of the Women's Pat riotic Society will be discontinued However it is not to be imagined that the enthusiastic members will give up work entirely even, for the busy Christmas season. Any ladies wishing material for work may obtain same from the follow ing members of the supply :commit • tees ; ,yarn -Mrs. Monroe, Bed- • socks,—Mrs. H. B. Chant, Pyjamas night-shirts and day shirts—Mrs. Mason. There are still a few ladies in town who are not members of the society. These may join the Soca ety by notifying the secretary, Mrs. Axon or Mr. D. Fair anal pay- ing the fee of twenty-five cents. TUACONTO This School stands without a suet le • An agitation has become quite for in (Denude. Write for Catalogue W. J. Elliott, Pt,ucipal 734 Yonge St, T.t.ronto general in favor of Municipal :e1ea tions by acclamation this season, on the score of economy, in expenses,.