HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-11-26, Page 8THE CLINTON NEW BHA. IfF.I l .1i1 's •Clothes of .Style ;,Character and Quality Two things determine the lasting quality of a suit—the cloth itself and the manner in which it is tailored. And it is careful attention to these details that gives first place, in the estimation of critical men, to suits} and overcoats from BROWN'S. ,,Take, for instance, the matchless suits and overcoats made in our tailor shop, under most careful super- vision. Theyare not made to sell, Merely for, the passing dollar of the day. They're bl.isiness kauil ers' ofthe: future. , Come in and letus showyou just how well they are ma!1 and we are confident you will then realize,,4hat Very excellent values they are, SUYT'i Fine. fast colors Blue and B1ack:Worsteds •and the newest patterns in Fancy Worsteds are the materials used in the` development of these''up-to=date°suits. In ' point of style, these suits have the latest approvedtwo and three button sa:k coats, with medium or long soft roll, peaked or semi peaked lape rounded fronts, high -cut vests. regularor medium peg trousers, with or without cuffs. OVERCOATS—The man who comes to choose his overcoat is not limited in the matter of si,yle—For the young men who demand the latest, there are g swell knee-length th coats of soft, heavy clieviot, plain or with fancy check design. • Then there are the long ulster coats with shawl, converto or storm collars, and the always o ular.black overcoats—Chesterfield style, fly front. .velvet -collar. F P 'New St' les in Men's Soft .Hats Men's Hats are more distinctively different this winter than they have been for some time, and the most favored models are to be seen at BROWN'S... Our carefully selected assortment has all the snap and dash of the newest fashions, yet without that exaggerated freakishness so offensive to critical dressers The new soft hats have high crowns and pencil curl rims—some very smart styles having the heavy corded silk band and binding of a contrasting shade. The colors are blue, bottle ggseen, olive brown, steel grey, plum and nigger brown, Drop inand try them on. And la aldition to the above we carry a lull line of Men's Furnishings OWN'S WVVWVWWWVWVVWWaVVVMAAPoNNWAMMM/VV% C_._. Steamer "State of Ohio" LINE FOR. CLEVELAND 12imo.....s•nommilameseomm, MA Leaves Port Stanley Midnight on • odd dates in A;n$ust even dates in Sept, to Sept. 10th Arrive in Cleveland at 6 30 a,m. Fare from Port Stanley one ivav $2.20, Round Trip $4.00' Saturday Excursions on above dates.$2,25 round trip 'Ake hides Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3 p m 'Fare 25c . ' WVVVvvvvvvVVVVVVVVVVVVVWMAAAAAA AMMnMM ANhn Thursday, '!November 26th, 1914. • •• ♦e•ee•ewsee••eNe•ao•ce•e•e•b•eeseeeeNe•seoeee••• 0 tical News. . e e.e.o.e..eseee.weeeew�e♦ •oeoeseeeee♦oaeeAeveeeeee:®: CLINTON MARKETS. TS, Hogs, $7.25. Butter 22c to t24o. Eggs 28e to 30c. Wheat $1,00,•$1.05. Oats 43e to 45e. Buckwheat 58c to 60c, Players' Baled Iiay $10 to $11. Peas $1.20 to 1.25. will' -be at the I Shorts $30.00. i. Bran $27,00. Towle Hall, elin on i -- Saturday, Dec.'DATE CHANGED. 1 Night — Saturday, The North Huron Liberal Con- tN I vert ion which was to have been "Belle of the dost"hhaset&at i VTchang on Dec. Sat' beers changed to Monday. Dee. 14th. A Strong Military Comedy Dram.V ,•� 1 THE `COONS" NOT COMING. Special Scenery and Electrrppal Effects The Sunny Sbuth Co, have, can Vaudeville Between Acts-- 1 POPULAR PRICES Hocelled their eng gement as cheap tel rates co}ild..notbe- had. „,The , Plan.at ;l'air's Book Sto6e ' aid $1.00 a day, 'for show people have passed- away. THAT'S 'WHY SOUTH HURON. Perry's Peerless MINOR LOCALS. A CHRISTMAS HINT. I w�NTS HIM. SEE thatTrpae 'Cof hrthe !istmaMade an- gree- The • Kincardine Repo t re almad ens a Canada's .kinci. 'NEW HYMN BOOK. Copies of the revised hymn book are being sent to Presbyteries foe their approval by the'Presbyterian Committee on Church Praise. ONTARIO WEATHER. Ontario weather is hard to beat. This week we saw in one.mornirig, rter, has the i following complementary about the•Liberal Candidate for South Huron ;—Mr. Thos. IYIcMillian, Hul- lett, even known farmer has been chosen the Liberal standard bea_-• er for the riding, of South Huron. He is one bf the' ablest speakers in the province besides being one of the best farmers. REMEMBER THE DATE. Mrs. Grant Needham who is sent. buggies, waggons, cutters, sleighs, 1 out by the Red Cross Society to utomobiles trucks, and a, bicycle address th citizens of the differ- sa -not too bad for our winter wea- ther. WHY NOT ORGANIZE A LEAGUE. Several people have spoken to the New Era about ,various lodges getting together and forming o carpet ball League for this coming. season, The New Era is in favor of it and we wonder what lodge will be the first to take It up. LARGE CHRISTMAS SEAL ORDERS. ent towns in Ontario tvi11 speak in the Town Hall Clinton on the af- ternoon of Thursday December the third at 4 o!cloek. She will speak on the work of the Red Cross So- iety and will show samples of necessary supplies. Remember— the citizens of the town rot only the ladies. MINOR LOCALS. You may g3t ready for winter now. Municipal candidates for offite will soon be getting their war paint on. We hope shortly to be The Muskoka Free Hospital for able to give the names of those The 5 emit rate for The New Era 4 or the balance of the year to any Canadian postoffioce offers a great sbargain. Balance of the 1915 to any o na ddresssus cribers in the Do- or 'minion. IEuros Co. Council will meet on ` Tuesday, Dec. ist, at 3 o'clock. Do it no I w. Yourr Christmas'Shop I I ping. Furniture, Rugs & 1. inoteumb We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, 11 You are going to furnish your home, or if you only ss ant some odd pieces. Yoe will find it to your advanta to inspect cur stoc the bargains we are offering, We also carry a good line ofk and see Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction ,IAS, i)UNFeRD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Nicht and Sunday Calls answered at Reside -nee over store Just a few Leet at Special Prices Coal Sc. Wood Ranges and Heaters Happv Thought, Fandora, Welcome National, Canada and' Favorite Steel Ranges —All High•Cirade Stoves' Regular $55,00' Range, for it ¢0.0 00 Regular 52,00 Range for 41.00 Regular 45.00 Range, for Regular 43,00 Range for . ..7 40.00 • Regular 18.00; Ooal.or .a?f ood Beater for 10.00 Regular 11.00 Coat`or'Wood Heater,for . 1500 Regular 11,00 Coal' dr Wood Heater for 9,50 "Regular 900 Ooal;or.Wood Beater for 8.00 Now is a good time to buy—Gail' and see for yourself Air Tight Wood Heaters .. • . 3.50 Pesfection Coal Oil Heaters..........., .... ..... 4,50 Two good second hand self feeder Coal Heaters -CHEAP It saves fuel to use Storm Doors and Weather Strips —We Have Them — A Bar gain Table of slightly damaged Graniteware —,--BIG VALUE Only 24 Shopping Days Till Christmas Consumptives is anticipating great er resul s than ever this year in who will go to the polls. Winter weather noW. their annual Christmas seal sell- I Now for a livelier hustle to bus- ing campaign judging from their• iness. first order placed fo.'these, little Early buyers for Chrfsfinas are seals, whit h amounts to three mill already making selections. ion, and Will be followed With Furth ear aers es /lie campaign pro- i Advertise and strayed or stray ceeds. • PAS ON YOUR "TIPS"' 1 'When there's, a,little news stir- ring and they heat iibbtit it, some people are kind enough to drop into the office and give the editor a little "tip." Those are the kind' of people we appreciate and we are always glad to "follow tip the "tips" if they areworth while. Be pause a -man publishes a newspa- per he isn't supposed to know everything that's going on. Kind ly add to the interest of the New Era by passing on your "tips. DEACONESS WORK. At the Sunday Sehool at Wesley Church, last Sunday afternoon, Mies Bessie Irwin, Field Secretary of the .Deaconess Training School Toronto, gave an,interesting ad- dress on the work of the school and other 'Movements in cornice tion. She emphasized the flet that the course of Bible and titheT study included training not only for the work of deaconess but for Voting ladies who Wished to quali- fy themselves for better' Sunday school teaching, prepare Tor min- isters' wives. Miss Irwin spoke in Stratford on Monday and Mill hale' several meetings in Perth Comity this week. POTTER—BOLTZHATTER. i HARLAND BROTHERS `i in stock in the New Era. he newspapers these days are flooded with all kinds of supposed copy of news. On looking into it the editor generally finds and Adv v concealed. The copy supplied ing written on one 'side we use to write upour local nets's. The New Era circulation is grow ing every week. Read your label as the lists are corrected. Every reader should endeavor to re- new his subscription promptly. paages this week and.all full 'of good reading matter. • s/s Fresh, Light and Brown ! No'better bread than ours, we claim, Ever carne to town. Mr. S4ederick L. r Potter 'sof Holmesville and Miss Clara Hotta- haver of this town were quietly married on Wednesday' of this •Week 'et the residence of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ell Holte- hater. Only the near relatives of the two families were present. The marriage ceremony Was performed .nrmed by Rev. S.. J. Alain of Ontario St. 'Church. The couple unattended took their places cinder an arch of oleanders and. flowers. The bride's gown was White. satin With 'shadow lace over theskirt and a becoming bridal 'vale of embroid- ered net looped with orange nlos- 13bins made her look neat and be- coming. The young couple ., will live near Holmesville and have the best wishes of the New Era and its readers. The best of Flour we emp'oy The latest methods, too, We're positive you will enjoy The Bread we bake for you. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES Conner Bakery 1 Phone 202 ..•.••o.•.••......•• • • WITH THF CHURCHES. • •.•••.••••••••••.••SI WESLEY CHURCH The Pastor's suhjeets last Sunday were; The Burden Bearer" and titles It Pav?" ltev., J. K. .1 iiifull addressed the F"wore h ,League nn Monday. The Quarterly Official Board met on Tuesday evening. The W. 3d. S. met on Wednesday, enol madeup several quilts. Tea was served at the close, Rev., E. G. Powell will speak to the Junior Leaguers on 'Good Citizenship' on Friday ,evening et 7 o'clock. ONTARIO BT. CHURCH. Rev. A. W. Brown. of Varna, will preach on Sunday next both morn. ing and''evenigg. Miss Sybil Courtice addressed the League on Monday evening on "Lite in Japan," Her address was exceeding ly interesting. Anniversary services will be held on Sunday. Ds'. 13. BAPTIST CHURCH. The pastor was unable to take his appointments last Sunday ea ing , to sickness. Rev. Green and Mr: Rolland very efficiently fitting in at short notice. The pastor will occupy the pul- pit next Sunday. Morning subject "Patterns" in the evening "A Fellow Who Made Good. Prayer meeting Thursday bight. Christmas tree and Cantata •A- reund the Manager" Dec. 23rd, A. SPECIAL OFFER to New Subscribers 'will pay for The New Era UNTIL Jan. lst 1 9 1 6 A SPLENDID CHANCE To get the Old Home Paper that gives all the news of Clinton and District that's worth `printing. ' ine New Era FIrst in Everything. Sunshine Jane The joyous story of a Sunshine Nurse, whose mission was not to care for sick bodies,,but to heal sick souls, Underlying all its droll fun is shown a sound faith ofultimate good in all things, and practical rules of happy living. $1 Its Official Fiancee If a new method of writing fiction can be con— ceived, it is in this story. The girl makes a hold on a man's heart. The world loves a lover —and love is the making of this story. $1.25 Henry of Navarre • Henry is the hero of his home town and falls in love with •every girl he meets. He is hot- headed, loyal -hearted, fun -loving, and slang talking, 191 pages of joy. "$1.00 The W. D Fair Co. Often the .Cheapest—always the Best Ruga [oda or Brownie The pictures are easy to make. Always interesting, and Brow in value year by year; Any troy or girl can successfully accomplish everystep in picture making, A carefully written book of instruction furnished with each camera. Brownie Camerae. 51 to 512 Kodaks $7 and up. Developing and printing done Promptly and Efficiently. THE PENSLAR STORE; Dispensing Chemist THE QUAL1TY DRUG STORE O JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON qct Ftvc Strong Points in Reda Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in Coal. CALL AND BE. CONVINCED OR Phone 53 FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 second-hand FURNACE and 1 "Radiant Home" ` with oven, Thos. Hawkins Plumbing and Heating The eorner Stove "Live. and Let Live". Now fr the Christmas Cake, Plum 1?uddin4 aild Mince Meat, We have the material for mak- ing them,— Valencia Resins,— seeded and seedless Currants, Pigs, Dates, I-eels—Orange, Lemon, Citron, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, and all kinds of Spices, RRUITS Malaga Grapes, Table Raisins, Cranberries,: Grape Fruit, Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Siveet Potatoes, and Celery. Butter and: Eggs'iVanted" , highest, Market, Price E. E. Hunniford. PRONE 45. rri••B�N��Fi+tt•�4dr3•�fi.!II..F.NSI+•t•����•�•N.��i,+A��4•��F+Y�'b'II!���'Y'fi��i+'N�3�F'I:'f!1!'P�f°� OOTS• RUBBEP • • •e • • • • e • •• • •► • •• • •IIS 4• • ••• Our Rubber Boots are of Standard Make There are No Better Boots IT'S THE BEST OR NONE HERE. A new line for this season is our DREADNAUGHT a red rubber that in actual test in railroad con- struction work, has outworn ,from two to four pairs of the regular black boot. The price is reasonable at $5.75. We also have the ordinary gum lines at $3.75 and $4 We Guarantee our Rubber Boots to do Their Full Duty FRED. JTICKSON • .1.. • • . • L re d• • t '5. •d• .k • THE ;HOME OF BETTER SHOES • a 04.••••••••••••••!•••,...••••••4••••••••••••••••••••%&•••••••• 'F.•9h'Fri'+••D••t•r•N••r+rfi•.r,,•..t.rr•;.•c..p•.i••rt✓r••e••'1!.g!•.`i'ak°F3.'.Q..F•a'.a..M••i•t•