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I01100011011.0011111/00r0r11011110. ,
Thursday, November 19th, 1914
The elinton New Era
4 9th Year in the Public Service
Ile H.Kerr & Son, Proprietors. J. Leslie Kerr, Business Manager
New Era, one year in advance ....'.... $ 1 00
New Era, when not paidin advance • 1 50
New Era, to the ffnitedStates in advance 150
Office Phone 30 Ilonse Phone 95
torialr me ts,
Thomas McMillan, the Liberal candidate for South Huron, will
'make his opponent go seine to hold the riding,
* * * * * * *
Quite . a number, of people who were farming in the West have
returned to Ontario intending to remain here.. Some are disheart-
ened on account of crop failures 1 eing on the program for successive
years and affirm that mixed farming in this Province is a surer
method of getting along. We are glad to welcome them back to On-
tario and hope they will do well.
Sorry indeed are the stories c oming from the field of battle,
Every big battle, no matter which' side wins, means that slaughter
and maining for life of hundreds, it not thousands and this in the 20th
Century. What a bvleesing would be a World's Peace.
* * * * r • * r
Several cases of smallpox in some Canadian cities. Exercise a lit-
tle care when you travel as to who your seatmates are.
Canadian Red Cross Society has established a name for itself by
the intelligenty practical and loyal inanner in which they have gone
Po about their work. The various branches throughout the country have
exemplified the fact that unity is one of the greatest factors in the
accomplishment of efforts that at one time seemed to be out of
. r * • • • • •
Ontario Legislature will meet early : in January and will likely
have a lively session under the Government: leadership of Premier
Hearst. Sir James Whitney will be greatly missed.
..* * * • • • •
In all probability there has b een a greater revival in the old
fashioned art of knitting socks during the past three months than
had been known for many along day. Some of the folk say they
have enjoyed it, and others say"they can turn a heel o.k." Many
a soldier boy will be thankful to the knitters, no doubt.
• * * * * • * * •
The Zeppelin seems to be hardly ,destructive enough for active
service, militarists want machines that can kill from 100 to 500 at an
explosion. Many a secret war movements has been laid bare by the
use of the air ship in the European war.
Foot and mouth disease is playing havoc with many cattle in the
United States. The bars have been put up along ` the boundary
lines to prevent their importation into this country. Ten States
said to be affected.
Last week's wintry blasts turned the attention of many people
to ,the prospect of a not distant Winter. While such people may
be comfortably housed, warmly clothed and well fed, there are
those in our own land, perhaps in our own municipality, who are
not so providentially- situa ted. B y inquiry we might often learn of
cases where a helping hand mig ht be extended by the Church, So-
ciety or individual. "A friend in need in a friend indeed," but it
often requires tact and good gen eralship to do things in the right
way and at the most needful op portunity. The heart of the Can-
adian people is all right and has been proven so, particularly of
late, but let us keep on the watch near home as well,
A Horticultural Society in a community is often the agency
whereby a love for the beautiful is enkindled, .The Clinton Society
has a good many points to their credit in this particular. There
are hundreds of people in Huron County who know Registrar Coats
(Clinton's own "Billy", on account of his ability to grow sweet peas
and roses more than because he registers official documents. It is
an education that sheds more than the fragrance of the flowers,
and is well worth cultivating in a locality.
* * * * * * * *
Politicians are getting on the war paint and will soon be mus-
tering or trying to muster, the electors who will make their "X"
in the right space on the ballot. There will a session of the House
just so that the oratorical efforts o.fthose who are now M.P.'s can
be printed and passed up and down the concession lines. If the
office seekers were half as much interested between sessions as they
are just prior to an election the practical results would be greater
in the constituency. Of course a man has his own work to look
after and cannot be on the run all the time, as some folk seem to.
think he should. Some public men say they are often put in the
"sweat -box."
Every Page Has Newsy items.
• * * * r * • •
An interesting story is told of a Clifford man who advertised
for a wife, and now is in the position of the old woman who lived
in a shoe, he has so many applications he doesn't know what to
do. Over a score of widows and spinsters have had their hearts
touched in pity fpr this forlorn wi dower, and if he can only make
aF wise choice he ought to be all right. Clinton, never behind oth-
er towns, has a candidate in the list. Clifford and Clinton have
some affinity. Do you C.? Without knowing Who the would-be
housekeeper is, we would, from o ur acquaintance with the home-
makers of this locality, assume that thedear brother at Clifford
might be well suited here, Some 1)Z the old bachelors arid widow-
ers in Huron should take the hint.
• * '• * • • • •
The newspapers and magazin es published in the United States
who are ready to "jag" Great Britain in the war reports, often of
their own make, will never require nerve tonic. Canadian post
Office authorities have done right in shutting them but from our
mails. The cutting off of good C•anadian'" coin may wake them up
to the fact that Canucks are noti half as green as some of the
Yankee scribes think. They cannot hurl their insults or nasty
squibs at the motherland and draw, our mooey at thesame time. We
are glad ;to say the better class of U.S. papers are favorable to
the cause of the .allies.
*.r * * • •. • •
Where are the Allies going to eat their Christmas dinner? The Kaiser
was figuring on his in Paris and the Czar. some say. thought he would dine
in Berl n, but it seems a long, long way to Tipperary. Although the Rus-
sians are making .great strides they will hardly, be able to secure the wish
hone by December 25th. We daresay he would he the exception among
the great armies who would not esteem it the sweetest note in his song of
praise to be permitted to land home, safe and sound, for the Christmas
• * * * • • • •
Waterville Shirt factory is humming with aGovernmena order for 200.
000 shirts for the contingents who have or will go to Europe while Wallace.
burg Knitting factory is on ,alae boom with 1000 pairs of heavy socks, We
would like to see a share of orders coming Huron Co. way and thereby even
up with Waterloo, Perth, Kent, Essex etc. While sorry for for the cause of
the necessity for such calls we would like to see somewhat of a fair distribu.
tion. It looks a trifle as if the M. P, who jumps right in after what he
wants ie the fellow who gets there with the goods. Of course if a County
has not the requisite manufacturing concerns' they cannot expect to reap
the benefits:
* * *•• • •
Toronto press says real estate agents are a menace to the teachers and
students of that city. Some of the teachers are innoct0ated with the cor-
ner lot bug and give more attention to the earth than they do the "clay"
they were expected to mould and fashion. With a slump in the real estate
affairs have quieted down hut the business and its fairy tale of profits has.
kept many a man from doing his beet work at the University and school
Many honest peopleappear to: like a deal in which a little gamble seems to
i • * * * • • •
I"'; Canada rather envies Australia in: its ownership of the warship that
sent the busy German vessel Emden to the oceanic graveyard. It is a tally
for a sister colony, which is the next best thing to doing it ourselves, Our
navy preparations, went fairly well until politics got mixed up with it and
after that there was a muddle that has not been cleared up since. This Dora-
om-inion missed its opportunity by not adopting Sir Wilfrid Leurier's navy
policy, we think and so do hundreds of others,
/ Illustrating the soldiers
of the allied armies, British
Bulldog, Union Jack, etc.
Ten different designs to
stir the heart of every
And one toothsome
goodness that reaches
home to every taste.
At your grocer's,
every biscuit guaran-
teed. 29
D. 5. Perrin &
Company, Limited
London Canada
Local News .
Hifi mils •i MNVQ
An especially strong campaign
will be waged, this Christmas by
the National Sanitarium Associa-
tion in their sale of the small
Christmas seals.
Children Cry
It is expected that the Wonder-
land Picture Show, which has been
closed all Summer will open about
Dec. lst.
Forty "Electric Mules" Will Operate
at Panama Canal
The forty towing locomotives for
hauling vessels through the locks of
the Panama Canal weigh 32,500
Pounds; measure 32 feet 9af. inches
ing by 3 feet wide by 9 feet 3 inches
the greatest height over the cabs;
have an available tractive effort as
high as 47,500 pounds, and a windlass
rope pull of 25,000 pounds, and four
of them, two on each side, will or-
dinarily propel steamships through the
locks. Sometimes six engines will be
needed to handle extra large vessels;
in every case two astern, acting as
a brake on the ship's movements,
will give direction to her course. No
vessel will be allowed to enter the
locks and go through on her osvn
power. The locomotive is propelled
by means of a rack rail while towing
and while going up or down the steep
grades from one level to another at
a speed of two miles per hour• While
running idle or on return tracks"the
speed is changed to five miles per
hour, and the machine is propelled
by the regular traction method, the
track pinion being -entirely released.
This change is effected by manually
operated clutches located in the gear
mechanism in connection with a lever
in each cab similar to a steam loco -
Motive. The locomotive isdriven by
two 75 horse -power totally inclosed
motors' of the mill type, one being
direct connected through reduction
.to each axle.
Don't Allow Tour Bowels
To BecomeConstipated.
If the, truth was only known you would
find that over one half of the ills of life
are caused by allowing the bowels to get
into a constipated condition.
When the bowels become constipated
the stomach gets out, of, order, the liver
does not work properly, and then follows
the violent sick headaches, the sourness
of the stomach, belching, of wind, heart.
burn, water brash, biliousness, and a
general feeling that you do not eare to do
Keep your bowels regular by using
Milburn's taxa -Liver.' Pills. They will
clear away all the effete matter which
collects in the system and make you think
that"life is worth living."
Mrs. Hans McTitrick, Wakefield,
Que., writes: "For several years I was
I troubled with sour stomach and bilious-
ness and did not get relief until I used
Milt I ' L' Pills I had only
utas oxo- Ever
taken them two weeks when my, trouble
was quite gone, and I will recommend
them to all suffering as 2$
Milburn'sLaxa-Liver Pits are 2c per
vial 5 vials for $1.00, at all drug storesD
or of price dealers,
'i'he will Alliibe made
u n 6don .o., I recall) ,
Toonto. bynt
• Try us for Job Work ia all
its branches. •
• . A trial will convince you !
•' , that we know our•
• business.
•••••rr••••r••••••rre••••r• •
Photo by, Amery -An Pres. Association.
Marketing Eggs
A movement has been started In profits of the poultry -raisers by till
Saskatchewan to form associations in co-operative mar'beting of striltly
different districts for the co-operative fresh eggs." Any poultry -raiser de -
marketing of eggs, An attempt is sirous of making use of the market -
being made to place this industry on ing facilities may become a member
almore profitable basis without in- of the association upon the paym"nt of
creasing perceptibly the cost to the the admittance fee. The directors of
consumer. The movement has the ap• the association will appoint a secre
proval of the Provincial Government, tary-treasurer and business mana;er �+
but beyond supervising the prelimin- who will have charge of the collect'on
ary work of the organization, its part and sale of all eggs, and will appor-
in the movement is not active, The tion the returns among the members
constitution of the associations and according to the quantity received.
their governing by-laws have been
drafted by the director of the co- England's 6ingect Church
operative organization, Mr. W. W. The largest cathedral in England
Thomson, and forwarded to the vast- is that of York, the area of which is
ous pointswhere organizations are 63,300 square feet, St. Paul's beim,
proposed. According to the text of the second largest, with an area 1)P
the proposed constitution the object of ii
94' square feet,
the association is,"to increase the
Canada's New Park
' Forty-seven years ago two advcn•
turous young Englishmen, Viscount
Milton and Dr. Cheadle, after passing
t'be winter in a Saskatchewan forest,
set out from Edmonton to cross the
Rocky Mountains and to reach the
Pacific coast by the ove*land route.
After a most laborious journey, at•
tended with much hardship and often
Much danger, they accomplished their
purpose. They crossed the Rockies
by way of the Yellowhead Pass, which
accurate surveys have since deter-
mined to be the easiest passage'
through the mount,:ins, and is the
route folloiwed by the Grand Trunk
Pacific Railway on its passage over
the great divide. On their journey
they arrived at Jasper House, an an-
cient landmark, evenitat that time, ut
the geography of this part of Canada.
One hundred years ago Jasper House
was one, of the most important trad-
Mg posts of the Hudson Bay Company
In all the far North-west. It was
built in the year 1800 by Jasper
Hawes, who is frequently referred to
by the early explorers of the upper
The site of the old trading post is
now the centre of Jasper Park. This
playground of scenic beauty and
largely unexplored area has been set
%side by the Federal Government of
Canada and will, be preserved in a
state of nature so far as such con-
lition is consistent with the purposes
for which the reserve is created, It
will be open to the holiday-maker and
the tourist; to the explorer, for much
of it in detail is still an unknown land,
b the, student of nature, to the artist
and to those wishing to study at first
hand the problems of forestry in a
country where forests will be preser-
ked in their natural state.
Effects of Alcohol
It is difficult, if ..., impossible, to
draw a definite line and say what
would be a moderate and what an im-
moderate use, for the quantities taken
by temperate drinkers vary so much.
The body ie able to destroy but a very
small quantity of alcohol, and the
balance is•eliminated from the system
as speedily as possible, showing plain-
ly that the living organs have no use
for the poison. Even the small
amount of alcohol containedina glass
of Light beer is soon perceptible in
the breath. When larger quantities
are taken, the alcohol is also elimin-
ated through the skin and the kidneys.
Alcohol even in strictly moderate
quantities on account of its preserves;
tive properties renders t1 a =food more
difficult of digestion. Furthermore,
the presence of alcohol in the gastric
juice inhibits or retards the work 01
the digestive ferments. It also causes
s,n increaeed secretion of mucus, 0
`viscid slimy substance which is poured
out of the gastric . glands as a prow
•e1 f' ,....
Theprepridaryavi•Iaterf nedicineAct: '
AVegetable Preparasol fords••
s,mHatingIheFood and Re nil+•'
jinglheSlomachsand 1001121)1 .
Promotes D i ge s hortace tf'll
MSS and Iiest,CaI taiills 1lcilhcr:l
Opiu a.Mortlhitte nor riineral.;
seepeo/C7dLDr.,l7WJLrl1TCQEII fel
.arny,ir Sred-
L9r(q,oe,1Rl -
a Jied
C•/rrr0erl, ild/
... �Flmac_-
ltperfnet Remedy lor)onsiipe•
'lion, SourSlomach,Diarrh0to,
WOr'ms,Cenve leions,b00 lsh•
ness and Loss oF:itE3P.
FacSimilo Slgnnnneof
gradusliv, but none the less surely,
injures the glands lining the stomach
wall, and causes an increased growth
of fibrous tissue. Cltimately these
changes lea" to a very obstinate form
of chronic dyspepsia. There is also
reason lo believe that the habitual
use of. alcoholic drinks sets up an
Irritation, which may produce gastric
ulcers• or even cancer of the stomach.
The characteristic hardening and
shrivelling effect of alcohol is well
seen in the' changes set up in both
Laver and kidneys. The fibrous frame-
work of these organs is slowly but
steadily increased in quantity, and in
proportion as this takes place the ac-
tive glandular functioning substance
is gradually encroached upon, and
finally destroyed. Tlie'hardening of
the liver is known as cirrhosis, a not
uncommon disorder of moderate drink-
ers. In the case of the kidneys,
chronic Bright's disease is the ultimate
goal of many moderate drinkers, a
B. Ol-
) disease, that is in,cuiable. A..
sen, M.D., D,P.H.,, in "Good Health."
tective 'against the irritant' effects of -- -
alcohol` Phe habitual use of alcohol
d Save the
For xnfanti and Children.
others .Know That
Genuine Casteria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Tswn and Country
Word has been received from
the Ontario game and fisheries de-
partment that it is not illegal•to
use ferrets in the use of hunting
of hares, the previous announce-
ment that the use of ferrets for
such purpnses was prohibited be-
ing in error.
Children Cry
The postal authorities are advis-
ing that all persons, who; desire to
send Christmas gifts to the Old
Country this year have them ready
well in advance ofthe usual time
as the possibility • of delay in the
postal service, and the greatly in-
creased business expected as the
result of the presence of the Can-
adian contingent in England, are
liable to interfere with the ser
Can Oniv Find Relief by
Toning' the Nerves with
New IEish Blood.
The woman who "flies to ;pieces"
over the least noise or excitement
soon fades and loses ler good
looks. Dark rings appear under
her eyes, the lines about her mouth
and eyes deepen and lengthen, the
eyes become sunken, the face
drawn and the complexion sallow.
The trouble is nervousness and
if the strain is not relieved and
the nerves properly nourished,
nervous collapse and years of sick-
ness may easily follow. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People will
save you from this dreadful afflic-
tion, These Pills make the new ,rich
blood that nourishes and tones the
nerves and banishes every trace
of nervousness. Mrs. Margaret
Donley, Amherst, N. S., says; "I
believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
saved me from the grave. Iwas
taken down with nervous prostra-
tion, and for months was unable
to go about, but there the improve
ment ended. I was getting weak-
er and weaker until 2 could just
get from the bed to a couch. The
least noise would set me trembling
all over', and often when I wen
to the table .I would leave it hun-
gry and yet unabbe, ;to eat Some
times I was taken with smother-
ing spells 'and 'felt as if I was go-
ing to die. At other Mimes I
would be ,sdnervous, that I could
not hold anything in my hands.'I
was doctoring all the time, but
without benefit, and finally I made
up my mind I would try. De. Wil-
liams' Pink, Pills. They were the
first medi•;ine that gave me any
relief, and I vas soon able to take
a siior twalk. I continued losing
the 'Pills, gradually gaining, new'
health and strength, until I finally
felt as well as ever 1 did,,' in my
lilfe. At the time Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills cured me I was living;
in`Sacleville,'and my illness had.
cure was known toeveryonein
that place and my friends like my
self, believe 'the Pills savell my.,
These Pills are sold by alltmedi-
eine dealers or can be had by
Bail at 50 cents a box or'. six Byam m & Sutter
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wily .J
hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Sanitary Plumbers' Phone 7
Help Clinton by buying at home.
Send us the news,— district; local
and personals always welcome.
When' asking for goods tell the
merchant you noticed his ad. in
The New Era. It will please the
merchant, it will do The New Era
a favor and you will feel, the bet-
ter for it yourself.
Children. Cry
The annual meeting of the Huron
Old Boys of Toronto will be held
in. St. George's Hall,'';lm street,
on Friday evening, Nov. 27th,
The Reasonable
Care of Your
Watch o l
Will result in your watch's good,
pro ongiug its days 01usefwness
What is reasonable care?
• An occasional visit to it jeweler
who "knows how."
An occasional visit means at least
a yearly visit.
To put it off longer is to put it off
too long,
• It you are not wedded for all time
to some one expert, we would like
to put some of our good work on
that watch 01 yours.
Your watch deserves the best
treatment it can get, and it is just
that which we offer.
W. R.Counter
Jeweler and Optician ` - ....
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
The Strongest of
all Firepots
The Sunshine Furnace fire -
pot is heavily ribbed and in
two sections, which allow
for contraction and expan-
sion. It will never crack.
Ashes won't adhere to, the
straight sides — always a
clear and economical fire.
Our local agent will ll
show you ` this and
many other""Sunshine"
1' advantages. Send for
free booklet.
� me