HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-11-19, Page 4Ili lP, 4
• hiirsday, No i•ember 19th, 191.4
t tisk :Ti
Memos Pew
•qu:u t .a n. rater 1,1f
We puton. stale.Saturday.all our New Fall Suits up to $18 and
These are alt.. new, thisseason and: made :of. Rood ,cloth; satin'
,lined; Colors black and navy, sizee.32,l,l$B;;t38, 40 and 42. Only
seven Suite in the lot. Saturday only $12.50
FYI' '' a c' Rill:"
1 eWob
winter uoats
• ''IP buying coats at this item, you have nq�o , onlya wid•
e a c
v6kriedlasdortment to+eitoo'selfrbt t and prides loWer thameet Stores
but':' also:a!thorough•dependabilitg ire everjl stdteinent•made: t6 jolt
4ag;tn.;Quality and:value;: ,..Wel Nape an: ;colnentse Stook fot''youiftiie
choose from. '(Joule while assortment Winded, Prices $10 to $31)`
7 r t r
ie •W@
it , '•'t
Tt is u
st ilea
tte'c�:o tt d
t a o
1 w till`
y .iiyou will
Rites lel the eH d wsater rel need to wear your
'dlti8ti'�ifa to stay unfit the end of the
lS3aiihdiatr,,wttitert• •Yoti•*dl:fin'dfitl>'d comfort and pleasure to shop
,i(ftt;hi'efetorea eWeidpeotahze(nl Black Lamb. Black Fox, Natural
Fox,,BlackWolf, Natural Wolt,,l+liek, and Marmot,
114 2editetteing on all Trimmed Hats.
Care of Your LAME `'B ACH.
Watch! •!
4lrrtl�rzeiiltitd ,.stir, aatktti'b'{lobii; 1
lira dngingite dare of use:ultimo
RThat,is reasonable oats?
41normiend] ,visit to a jeweled
woo 'knowe how.'
A 1Aertaibnal visit means at least
a'yefatl visit.
To put it off longer is toput it oft
too lour,
ll'tyon iirttpot wedded for all time
ttf $}jhie`One expert, we -would like
th p1tt some of out good work on
that wateli of yours
'ouiliwateh deserves the beet .•
tteatdlent•it'can;get, and it is just
thattwbtch we ode.:
. `lil'il,t`i`
Jeweler and Optician
Inner'.otlrie titceosee3
Sea Iiiiidte S hti 1 Do Fa Pain.
foot and tiuutk
v r`'
carrier of eon�ta�giofr
Curing tie FEt ternaii3y1au;
It is pos�lib;te ,to cilia trh'etextepr
ttal sy'mptdna' but}'dnring jhe p •oe'
cess of sittempt4ng;; #o6t ;cure ones
eic'i.anim,al, thg...ohanrtes are chat
hundreds, .of, others may':1e infect; ,
ed.The•rtneatinent•, orcleillir#g tof,a.
Single annual iFira: herd waa�trtedt.
in'an outbreak,•and,did n!ot:prove,
effective, for',the reason :that the
remainder, of the;. horde soon be
Came affected and:hada.). he killed:
Asa result of tpe five (., opjit
breaks in;,thia pquntry, a�td otfie i
disastroua..epidemicg of in. the;dieede, Europe.: and Great Britain voter,
friary., authorities tfiorti s Of' th
e ``
States, are agFeed;hthenornlymetbod•.ot epwbltig
the .d;segse,.
tis to stop:, ail nrovement. of stock
andmaterial•whiclt;fhave.been Buil +
jected to ,any,;datigea of infectioj
and to kill' off without delay alt
herds in which:. the disease has.
gained any foothold This ens'
able the �., autho ,i
s r ties to" esadicatGG,
•affected.: herds and to.iso{ate.'-end
hold';under observation all suspect;
ed herds: •• ,
For these reasons the Ilejart ,
meat,. of:'A•grieulture has'! ;.already,
quarantined ten states for- :,,the,
loot and • mouth . disease.-, The fed
eral quarantine prevents alt inter-,
state movement !of.;stock and ma
teriale likely to •carry, the infection
At the same time, the state author
Pities are imposing local quaran
tines which prevent thea 'passage
•of animals from. farms; ptloealities'I,
. known'- to be infected to other•lo-'
.the; diseasein •haae em notateepepeared!
Each,infected herd, as rapidly as'
the diaeasents, dispovered,,is killed
and the •deadiar.imals burned in a
covering of hme•:;;The'skins Or.'
the animals are: slashed: so as to
- permit ;therrapid;aotion.:of the timer,
Owners are .Rembur•sed
�.•y' When the back:becomes• lame and 1`
pterts to ache it is the sure sign of kidney
trouble:: -
•Doan's Sidney P013cure the aching !-
Flack by cunag; the eating kidneys- be.
neath-4ot itis really the kidneys aching
aid net the back.
This is why "Deana" cures are lasting'
--the medicine•curea the actual cause of
the diseseathe,kidneys ,. •' : , .
Mr.:3„ W Aylett, South Oshawa; Ont.,
writer' "I'. havemuch pleasure in
recommending' Doan's 'Kidney Pills.
,ast summer T: suffered with a lame back.
',Sometimes I could hardly straighten up
for the. path.. L read 'about • Doan's
Kidney Pills agdrdeeided to give them a
trial. I caa trtithitdly say that the
;second box tired me. I can recommend
I.them to all as a speedy cure to all suffer-
ing with backache.'
Doane Kidney Pills are 50c per box,
',-,3 boxes for $1.26, at all dealers or mailed
direct on receipt of price by The T.
Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont.
When ordering direct specify "Domes."
Christmas shopping
• The owners of the slaughtered;
`Tire' t i�easonsble'
The Strongest of
'all' aF`i spots'
The, Siinstiiaie. F4irnaee. fire=
pot is heavily ribbed and in
two sections, which . allow
fa, ,contraotion,and .e n-•
son. `It` will never' Ora'c'le:
shes w'on't adhere to the,
,�ytra��i� h ,ai 7-ta a sx a.
Clear and, ecofiaatileai f ne;c
Ong local agent, will
a#o4d. yo x .;thislr and
•man7r o`ther"Stinshine"
advantagges Send for
fres, booklet
.ha rt 4•„f
ar11 ' •°�11
IL i lRir7
1,,f11 "di 3.1 i4 ll,yi.l •3313
'�r';r a9iY.i ^• l t;)II'."I '
Byam & Sutter
Saniiiiril a Idea iers Phonal T
animals is reimbursed on basis of
,the appraised value , of t,he herd,
;,the appraiser• ing
beap'polpted by
,thestate The, expense of" ,flue
whole ,'preeer#a' of 'eota2iemndti0n.
and di@lhieetiot{ ie flit icled�egiiaily.
1Zetween• the federal and stag
rgov ernmente
Util t
'POO erittr2 6 Rretnises
it} en thoxoilgtily dlafhfefit+4dd. hna?
fail" danger et. spreadin tit„ "des
easereanorc�l, the+farrri ie giaran�+
itined by tine 1bca1'jeltth`oxitreett lit
,the dame w�ty,in whrdh rt 4u1${be'
t�ilpt a eontagioirs human'! c idease ,.
,,This los 1 ilarantine jr; k\ eri1a' tile'
visit of%Ind Vidt'ade oP'•the trap+star”
igf any„.,prodnce of a;prnl4ls°fritrit dr''
j,t,p otr>!el "flirts',""Tn, sorrle; canha, bb=;
icause•'liuman b¢inge'ekti,carry fife'
disease'to tither” her'd'er .'the dint'
authorities have, prevetit"ed chili]
!tendon infected' farmd from atte}gtl
rippg;,etrtidol Tn other ea eeeaa
in Illhnola and Cfttrd"� the:s'ta a ithei
,thorttfeff hafve'rAlbsed> ;,lie
hyarde until they call Ire cledn`ed'
Land disinfected.
The first effort of the. depart
,Ment ;hi Ito diseover and:. segregate
,all animals sick with: • hg disease,
or'thatf leave been expo'se'd, To' thio
tend, the federal and,atete inspect -
:ore are now tracing up, ,,through
;iiiile . of; lading and railroad records
l Chi m me of live Cattle whhicsh
have •been made' during. the last
R@ixty days out of any of the in-
jected et suspected districts. The
',herds of animals so shipped are lo-
oted and immediately examined
,by veterinarians, t In ;this way thea,
;lues°°§•sof fopi'ya4d o0outb4
es.lin 's e':n
+ a e a.s bee di eP}', redi various•'.
]placesin the prekent w de ,area
:now- under federal ,;quaganti fie
;.which iricludeerIYlaasaoipittea, iv be
mtiork ;.Uhi0,r 'n
Pensyirau e, lndransx
Illnois; , Marylapd, , .bliGtigan; Wisl'
Cousin „`and Iowa] Sirstilarly. the,
•slumbers et all Cara in which
male havebeen::•transported from.
these districts i7ave• obtained. and•
jtheee . are being, located .and th,oro,
uglily Cleaned, and dininfected
I. • Following the imposition ppf a gen.
era] federal' g;uarantrne,and I the
;killing of actually, infected 'herds
'comes afiterneto-{arm inspection of
the entire quar.antined.areas;Later
,when it'becomea:.clear that the die
tease ,has,been Wee: ized: itwill, -• be
possible, for the: federal;. and;state.
'authorj,tieat to ffr�ills item;; Aran.
tined, :all but the itetualIy.intected
;eountriea ordietr"4eta.and•allo4wthe
,uninfected,, t:rr torrent to resume in
terstate, shipments of.atock.'
History of•Present Outbreak ,
The preaefrt .o tbgecti erfiret ,a
jpeared Mn sgut�iern Michigan:Hbw
;it was in.troducedi there is, aemot
boo.'., Stitp-B a eta 'pf ..diseased
i h'.
gslr,$ c ew h o passed
to Chicagogo' arare: the teed ,to be re-
;9poneibiefor thin infeetiOn ati; the
;pens 'in',theki.,,Vrrror;ratoe "lyar,Oa,a
Once the yards,.becain'ee • 'sleeted',
there was danger thateyery. ship-;
tont of live stock! through; Chi -t
cago to othert,parts Oft kie counte6y`
might pick; up the • germs ,of'tl a des"
e eand s re d
i p � a the : contagion
These'shipments, eonrposed, mostly;
o feeders aa.nd'atoekers•wef•e•aentto
farms for fattening, and did -not re
main .in Chicago tong.enough•r:foi
the disease to show itself in eatery'
al' symptoms; Sones;of,te;r "?'cattle"
Carrying the contagion after thin-
ment develop external lesions and
this accounts for the outbreak of
the Idiseaae, in states as far. apart
;she Iowa and Madaachusetts. For
;:this reason a large force of fed-
erale ingpeetors, is now:. running
eery shipment and examin-
'ing the animals or heads at their
ablace..-.f delivery. •
;It At present the hist: danger. hes,
�intthe pos#i#iilty btltheir�being• Coin(
7eealed ;teepee,. of infection livery
ileften4, abe,ttA�$ made 1}ysft{fa. and
lederaliautllelaitien, -Aeit 401Y,. )0
trace' Suapicioui, shipments, •f but
to convince f"rzper8 ; of:the •ire('lous
nese ,of the di ase aad'the••,extre•
e tee; a,dito3tuiigd upypn %t�hemmtto Ire-,
sport at"once'taste te orfedei;al au
thorities all suspicious ;sages of
sore mouths, or lamerreap:
l �a.lri1 { llt3in.• vtl! 111 3.s fii.t /at
(.-fid 4l sod Cuusupation'
Babys'Own;,Tablets are an abso-
t1lute cure fon,;cliildhood>,conettpa-.
tion =They';neven'fail to regulate
;,the bowels .*ndr si .eeten: the stdrn-
fadt, • and unlike castor -oil, their
action, _ie:pnld,and>theyrere pleas-•
aunt to 'take. .•Cenderningi'thereAirs'
IG. Morgan, Huntsville;:Ont ahys"
”=My baby wase,: greatly•Arou'bletl
with constipation and 'colic till 1
,began giving h!er Baby?s:Own Tab-
jaets. ;f,oe Tablets :ape ,surely .;the
best reittedy I '$now o;.;too Iiftle,
'hn'es aa, £hey art,,
atgns, c Nix tifpatxoht, and cofho.:1
use rib other's,. instill lne fob ally"
The. Tableti4•sierieold bymedicine
dealers ,or by "pail at 25e4 en liojc
,from the;.Eff.,Williarniithladielite Co
u. 0 11:401 tit ;i'1'•
bas` eclarJ me ,a s e,o;t ati1, tg,tPr
an ortlel't shills ntaYkir exelndl
irbictlliekiice,¢¢i't4f tHb is {y lit l
.the retio1 ter tit Qac di ktiJ{' leu
elwN ap'brs. `the tnaydrdl ` a.l+
had forniti;'ittulrpoeep khe!'prayentios?l1
of;the ofttenind journal from,usinig,
a ready means of obtaining tiffor-'
mgtidir' >Bitot,itlre!eity'l'iaafftitl.il{
r • f hfiedl! eider
tgIiof 3hnag (�rr,
piper,to ob'ttilri•e sand kUrdiJetnlHate'ti'
fesmatitin •albout:the` governfiig
bodies, ;;parliamentary, srludicaLand�
'municip'al'liave.bflen esiarit'tattied pY
:the. strongest rasa sir the:;+ higheetf'
;courts of the Brittash 'Etilpirefe a`6,
the, Montreal (_ Gazette • o'eterveal
'Lord' Haldane when. Lord:Chance1l
j,or in the case of Matra Scott, heard,,
„by the House of Lords laid it down
:that ]even the courts must be pub.
'he and that aoy;brie hada right to.
osten, 'regard and publish a fair
'account of'their ,proceedings : anti
:the judgement stands. , In a ease
,before the Judical Committee of
tithe Privy Counell Lord Shaw ,of
it that the freedom of the journal
sat is an ordinary part of the free'
dont of the subject adding that to
whatever lengths the subject may
go. so also may;. go the ` journalis ti,
the range of whose criticisms, com-
ments or assertions is as wide at
:that of any other subject. In both
!cases noted the right to record- or-
;comment upon the proceedings of
ae0urt'• was•coneerned, A -city
council, howevor; is not more sacred
than a court and the publicity and
freedom of comment that is right
and wholesome 113 the .case ,of a
coitit �e 'rely right , a4d,w,lioie.;
y !
some in t t
m,„, 1 e,... cash, of; a iii,untcipa{
body,,. Neitleer a a,'or •nor qtly
one• else; Blies ,theipower. to separ
ate diteindit*idiial' from the .eonritr,
ori Ity aiid^li'eeausel ' he le:e.
paper representative.:say that.,he,
will be deprived] ,Of certain' rights,
that;,,pertain.r;tohim inlhis,• giialltpy,,
of a:Subject, ITt is aq, good, ,thingf.
when;, axLattempt of the kind is'
fought and'etopped,
t1 :7 1 k 1 - "r' r.1
r ,
CY}xl,dr�n ry'
,, ,,trF�ilR,i' F.L' G ER'S
'G A S:'T O let, iiA
mar ..'-, ie 00.00000.000iiaN`
I, • r,,
1,46440644;61164,..,,., 0.�Ir
Tie' Ottawa Department of Agri'
.culture'' prints +aCircular of'iinport.
tegulatiensn •. regarding- nurses y'
,stook, iehieleshouldrbeapplied for'
by all,persona• wishing ,to import
planta into Canada„
pet telt,
'C'A ,17: c�.,y, .R r A ;
The'. 'A soetatidn of Children's,
id` t'ocietiew df Ontario has. in -4
i'ormed ,t'haOhtario • government'
,that: if the, latter' will bring over
Linde takeo'o.inajntaintt em and:
t t
find homes for them.
'.FON F.LlET(;;H'£R S. , li
ir,SC a.1'Q�,tom`I•
Four ppf,the. six. States , votingi
.last.,•}veek, On 'prohibition ,: 'carried;
the ; eilu a 3o vrctor:y.. They , were,
Washington . Colorado 'Grego)"
Land" arizone, Ohio and California
stuck to the,•bdoze:
triol a4 ,! 1)11 in, , �It titdi silt1 'Y.1
't8' Cotton Root V epode
"tall .• ', ' edt rYeibNrd rtuiiiih•
rsa •iofedtcner^•Buldr in thsedcdod
'',�—r ggroe 4f e4en6tlt-cNin:,2.'izzp
g 9 :al' No a ib ser ho"3:
8dld' b all:enskBieteior!soafr
re don loco , of rel;
> p , p�" vain'1Smet.1 „a�dten5?
Tei0NT0, ANT (manly Naiiw.4)
OPENED. ; $t
, Dpripg t1ie,la. t flares months 103;
new ]nos fflces were opened rn;
Cana'd1 y'pibv'incea. these were
asif611bwd; $haka,tchewad h5 Hilt'
ish •Celhmbia,' itt� tilber'tat, id;+
�;ue'hjc, ai5,, Manitoba, 13.; Oth k rio
1”' Ndw •Brunswick, 6; Nova Scotia;
4, and Yukon, 1..
,,. q. x, .,; � 3 3 r t: r, ,. , r. tj u dr
ie in4ereetectaad phouid.kaoali
sots the ' ededul
Douche -
from .bresent Indications 'the ses
isional program will be a light one:
tl{e most important item of which
'wi11 be modified form of'morator
ileom cpvering' principal payments
on mortgages and agreements of
sale which was ,promised some time
ago by the government.
taafery seed r"Dr +he Nea'vg
Those wits are troubled with real-''.
leesnees,an'd lode of sep,'caused
nervousness ahottd know of the;
value of eelgry see4d to the system
A 'few, seeds, eaten three• or foter
timed a 'day will do much toward,.
fettietipg. our nerves, and It taken b
'„,:half hour, b,etore ,pterin$,,, they will
catute more restful slumSer.
A tablespoonfgl l.'ot , celery seedf.t,'
bolled6.fdr frons three •to bye ,nninntes
in; & 'pint" of
water,'; and a hall of
I'teacup of ,thio•liquid ;taken; prior„ to
;Aisle, or Before retiring, will act like
s s char¢t;,;.on;• the nerves, and. will , give
;th'e person the needed' great. The lie
,; Quid may-' be flavored 11 the celery •
'taste is not desirable.
iv. Gelerygfb }a made;;'from ertienediciellet
,fork pen�l a^,,and a piled to tlhq,;sp ne,
n excellent told;' -for the'•de • r '
�.� . rues. 16
'reaches the spinal cord, and is ver?
't x.,f
•Pleiisant �Vhile�t Lasted
He listened `intently, ', .i I't was his
Wife andh
her mother talking
No my dear the latter was say- [, r ' '
r o l.a�EwtSei + '\ 'g- e,ioemo i, t1 e V esti,
,-, It Must g0 }tte4orritit •>�� rigjhOt'..ori ova: - S r . la hose' .o ce ,u
!believe in a mother in-law making
l long visits. But before 1 go I want
az occasional corrective' to indttr'e
good Ilea/th atid'strength.. •Suceesa.
is almpst impossible for the . weak
and ailing Enjoyment is not
for the sick. lmpaired health
and ;Serious „sicknesses '• usually,
begin iii deranged conditions of the
atoihach, lives' kidneys. or Bowels.
ar6a rec.ognizet `.e O we. d
to he the ben ,a ,Tegtiveid c blas
of.i ie digestT:d/ tis ^ ,Tg t one
the;atomache iltu; � ati' e y �'-
1 .., _eta,,
aulate the bpi rrla�:.) Tji`eyr c'learlee; e
1's stem u ":: a 'this _.�
> y teed' '
''act in the /. Wand aafeet 'svv-y
,:to tell you,,wllat 48A, treasure T;tu ii'
you ,hsnye gained..ln ,stir 11ust, n¢.
the leered to me'to'be,near,tpe t
tits. 'Ate ,tits ante, 115Vever, that yait
;are not too strict yifttr H9nP'9 'Ddt•hott
1>e q ck to ohide him when he stays
out „late,' Mein' need' a •litti'e: liititirde;
i,you know --day two or three tithes 'a
week.'.,:. .tt
The th n tittered,,uneaaily,riu.•,hbe-
leepr ' It seemed do teat; but, alas.
!ft wart a dream!
rr, ar ruri'>r3 , .:,r.
Mk roar dins¢iet for"
'•If•pa cannot euppir'•;:
the 14ARVE6 accept no
other; blit eeud'etanap for iris,.•
traced book, sealed.. it gives felt.,
particpfari'and directionslnvatuable
toladiei, WINDSORSUPPLTCO ,Windeor,Ont, e
General Agents for Canada
Thef,Illail,and Empire, has ,exnress
,ed dire optniop that the Ontario leg,
ielature will meet •in the first week:.
ip;January , This will be one,week,
earlier then last year. 1 fudging
D1�.,tiP" t C
C 2erz ad fr ri IE •I
•1 ices b aet:j..i
NU- trcT nv 1R
and mouth disease among c...'ae in
the United States, the company
now clean and disinfect all, stock
,yards. and with a 5% solution of
carbolic acid. This will apply also
to the cars used for transportation
business, vaults from • the..
liessontal tasc3i.than ever can be
. , Rip In touch with
your tome ;s sheens of the Long
DkM ;ince Triepiteae. ` j`tiIte l'f'floor
c '
sg t
ytoitr friends -- fid; the "Personal
Tench* into ,leer finsiness.
Tlie.,t ng •ism Telephone will
,en.nige4,c bo -keep ,both ,!ourself` acid
c sstos*r posted . on changing.
i isketa-sand Vie.l trade conditions,
I. J.id b,. 1•Lir t 1 • rr (: -.15'11 t r • Ii.• , 1L !. , -'et31
;itil� i1:3d
1>3rttE,t-1del- I'•-+
The Ghost' 1 �llt�ivqu i
"fool. I was —*a' lb t*oto•
eliol4`f;litil: is t LosdoM its lnitt►daee ':
London - Canada $7
;George De .Rc,heytotl,.Cletieral Igetlt