HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-11-12, Page 6Thursday, November 12th, 1914.
Co, • allot
Are You Troubled?
Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Oki Cate ntay be B mnar tat YOURS been over forty yenta has
been lending its alai to just
J: 1'eatte Thep M (]toe 673J Setax, Cat.. writes: such cases as this. In our
Geedememt.-"It cause me mach ploaeare tp be able possession we have thou -
to *Mad Vat a testimonbJ, if baits matinee OW", sands of teatimanialaof like
medicinessufferersaor mediees will doss muchfor hhp nether ch ter
:.tiave for tm. At the sae of foirrtcealwas trouhled arae ;}
ammt dealwith malariaand biliousness. accompanied
orM.. the worst eortof large boils. I wan pereunded by
mr Parents. who havealwaye been axons believers in
Dr..11eree'aiemedies, to try the Goidesi Medical
J!eeverry. I took one bottle and the boas all die -
ad c �dhut; did not atop at one bottle, I took throe
,an the malaria all left me and I have had no more
Dons. to this day. thanks to the 'Golden .Medical
Dtsco!e{ry' fpr my relief ''
toOliNglova tor ne PIa,cov ii Ptocmo ean h cementation Rees and �Nooy ham
ifd rhe
of the troobleeome ops end have aided mein eoo�urr-
'' tthe &deice whole
Wee obtained from TThne People's the 'Pel Common for
MediealAdvlaer." Bend only 81 cents fox this 1008 Paas book.
Perhaps you are ske tical,
but isn't it worth at least a
trial in view of such strong
testimony? Isn't it reason-
able to suppose that if it
has dypne so much for others
it cars ddas much for you?
Your druggist willsupply YOU In
liquid or tablet form, or yea can
.ebox. nd 60enecenAddre.a. °tetarnpa for a trial
Dr. n. V. Pierce, Mattela N. Y.
i to
ic4 Is
Local News
f�f Mrs. Fred F. Gillies is receiving On :Saturday, after along and
for;'' the first time since' ber rnarri-. severe illness, Mary Ann Penne-
age, at her home on Albert street baker, beloved wife of Mr. John
today from 3 o'clock until 6, and Brown, North Street, passed away
also .in the evening. She will be to her Heavenly Home, at the age
assisted by her mother, Mrs. S. J. of 58 yeare, 9 months and 21 days.
.Andrew"s and Mr. Gillies' mother Besides the husband a grown-up
Mrs., D. II, Gillies of London. • family survive. The funeral was
ORGANIZATION MEETING held on Tuesday afternoon, iuter-
ment was made at Clinton Ceme-
AT BLYTH. tery.
A meeting of the Liberals for the
new riding of North Hur•oo will
be held,in Industry Hall, Blyth, on
Tuesday Nov. 17th, for the purpose
of organizing an election of offi-
eers. It is expected that Mr. Par-
dee, M. P. will address the meet -
r' ing.
Mrs. Thos. Mason received by'
telegram, Monday morning, the
sad intelligence of the death of
her brother Mr. Albert Cottle of
Sunday, e sNov.l than 894914. The fun-
eral was held on Tuesday. Decease I
ed was also a brother of Mrs. C.
E. Smith, Seaforth, and Mrs. (W.
A. Ross, Idaho.
The old friends here of Mr. ' ren,
r A..McLeod of Hailey, - Blaine
i tat he wase the rsucbce gladto
andi 1
date on the Democrat ticket in the
general election held on Tuesday
held on Tuesday Nov. 3rd for the
office of Clerk of District Court
for the county. His total' vote was
1369 and a majority of 671 over his
nearest opponent. Mr. McLeod's
old Huron friends will join in wish
ing him success in his office.
Tile Toronto Star reports a con
eget in that city which a young gen
•' "tman took part, who is well
known to many Clintonians,-Ama-
• teur vaudeville of merit was given
in Forrester's .Hall last night under
-he auspices of Lord Nelson Chap
ter, Daughters of the Empire under
' the direction of /Stanley Adams
There was a great deal of singing.
and dan.ang, and one of the hits of
the evening was the singing of
"Tipperary' byMr. Joe Clark Jr
backed by a chorus of pretty girls
Agrand military .tableau, was the
No will was left by Charles A. M:
Game, eastern manager of the West
ern Canada Flour Mills, when he
died at Winnipeg. October 18.
When administration is granted by
the Surrogate Court the estate will
be shared by the widow, Mrs. Eve-
lyn Grace McGaw, 59 St. Andrew's
Gardens, and four infant] child-
ren. The estate having a total of
$13,666, includes an equity of $3000
in his late residence; $1,700 in se-
cured by mortgages ; 115 shares of
Western Canada Flour Mills stock
$100; cash, $965; and $5,000 in life
insurance payable to the widow,
The deceased was a cousin of Mr.
W. SyR. Holmat of Clitnon.
Cold and disagreeable weather
Remember /the Bover-Vincent
shows, on Friday and , Saturday
A good crowd was in town on
Wednesday attending the Liberal
Convention for South Huron.
Quite a few from the two Meth-
odist Churched attended the miss-
ionary meeting at Holmesville on
How does your label read? Pay.
up and makethe Editor happy.
Now is a good time to join the.
Public Library for the long winter
The Dominion is going to issue
special coins to celebrate the Hun
axed years' peace between Canada
and the United States.
Subscribers who do not promptly
eeive the New Era each week,
ther they live in city, town,
(, age ,or country will confer a
favor if theylet us know at once
of any delays in the delivery each
Under the auspices of the Wo-
men's Patriotic Association of
Clinton, the Symphony Quartette
of the Ithaca Conservatory, ap-
peared before a Clinton audience.
The program was well rendered
and much enjoyed, particularly the
violin and cello solos and duetts.
The hall was well filled, and no
doubt the patriotic society will
have a surplus to add to the trea-
sury, after the expenses are paid.
On Friday last David Cook sr.
passed away at the home of his
son, David, Rattenbury street, af-
ter suffering from a broken hip for
the past six weeks. He was in his
90th year. Deceased was born in
that now famous place of Tipper-
ary Ireland, and at the age of 5
years came with his parents to Can
ads and settled at Streetsville. At
the age of 21 he moved into Gode-
rich township on the 9th con., and.
resided there until 1888 when he
moved to Clinton and had resided
in this town ever since. Deceased
was married twice, •his wife being
Maria Cantelon, of Streetsville,
who died 39 years ago and his sec-
ond wife Annie Ryan, of Colborne
township, who predeceased him 3
years ago. While a resident of the
Goderich township, he served as a
Councillor. During his residence
Clinton, along with hie son David
they ran a flour and feed business
but) disposed of it 2 years ago. .A
family of two sons Dr. J. W. Cook
of Brownsville Oregon ; David of
town and one daughter, Mrs. Abel
Reid of Owen Sound survive. The
late Mr. Cook was a a Methodist in
religion, a staunch Conservative in
.politics and was a loyal Orange•
man. Mr. Cook had enjoyed ex-
ceptionally good health all his
life. The funeral was held on Sun
day.afternoon and the funeral ser-
vices were conducted by Rev. Dr.
Rutledge. The pall bearers were
his six nephews. -Arthur Cook., T.
Cook,, David, Peter and William
Cantelon of town, and Henry Cook
of Streetsville. Those from a dis-
tance who attended the funeral
were. -Mrs. A. Reid of Owen Sound
daughter; Samuel Cantelon Streets
ville and daughter Mrs. Wiggles-
worth, Georgetown,, and henry
Cook of Streetsville. One by one
the ,old pioneers of this locality
re being called Home to their ]re-
District News.
The Rev, Mr. Powell of Clinton
gave a temperance lecture together
with a series of limelight views in at,
Andrews church en Monday evening
The Liberal convection 'which was
held at Clinton on Wednesday last
was attended .by the following dele-
gates. -Jas, •Thomsop, lir. Smith, Jas.
Campbell, L. Thornson, Arch; Gal.
braith. M. Ross and W. Mustard.
The fishermen have had their ueital
had lt5'ck this fall at theirladL fishing
grounds The McLeod Broetsucceeded
in relching thole need on' dlo'lday last
and were successful in lifting after 3
weeks waiting for the recent gales to
abate. Mr. Rose has made two at.
tempts but was'uneticcesbful owing to
the gales becoming too stormy, • The
The McLeod Jere& found only 150 lbs
of good fish in tfie nets and one ton of
bafish to be thrown away. The nets
were all set atKettlepoint.
Our Rifle Corps fired their first shots
at target. practice on NVednesdav even
ing last when a remarkably good score
was counted W. Mustard taking
highest pointd, .(leo. Greenslade 2nd.
ank Rev. Mc Fa`l ane 3 a d After t
shooting was finished the Guards
were put through a smart drill by
their captain L. Thomson, who is etei
master of the work. They all enjoyed
the evening very much and those who
r, ever had been drilled thought it
quite a novelty.
POOP Bap el
is the indirect catrse of mnuc
winter sickness -it allows chills,
invites colds and sickness.
Nouelsmeree alone makes blood -
not drugs or liquors -and the nourish-
ing food in Scott's Emulsion charges
summer blood with venter richness
and increases the red corpuscles.
Re Its Cod Liver 011 warms
1s the body, fortifies the lungs,
and alleviates rheumatic
14.43 Si4U14 SURS'rLTUTSS.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
last Thursday in St. George's
Church when Miss Laura, third
daughter of the late Captain Wm.
Craig was united in marriage to
Harold, second son of Mr. Chas
Blackstoue, both of Goderich. Rev.
J. B. Fotheringham officiated in
the ,presence orf a few intimate
friends. The bride wore her tray
elling suit of Copenhagen iblue'
broadcloth with hat to match Men-
delssohn's march was played by
the groom's brother, Mr. J, Black
stone, The happy couple left on
the C. P.R. train for a short visit to
Toronto, Both ` are well known
young people in town and v'arued
members of St. George's choir,
preach special anniversary ser-
mons in the Baptist Church, on
Sunday, November 15th.
The death of Ephraim Snell took
place en Sunday at the home ot his
nephew, George Snell, at the age of 88
years. The cause of his death was
dropsy. Mis wife, Mary Bal!, prede-
ceased him several years; ago. The
funeral took place on Tuesday to Balla
cemetery, his six nephews` being nail -
heave' se William and Amos Ball,
James and Humphrey :incl], Ephraim
Brown and Joseph Gray.
Mr, and Airs. John Gibbings spent
Tuesday with her mother Mrs. Ball
Crossley's System
of Physical Culture
Seven Pointers.
1. Two systems, (a) Resistance
as in stretching make one muscle
resist the other l(by Propulsion, as
in punching bag.
2. Breathe
dee 1
p y and naturally
when taking the exercises. Ten-
dency is to. hold breath.
3. Exercise before a looking glass
when convenient.
4. Take five minutes or more ere
retiring and on rising, With little
clothing on. Have air An room
5. Ever act on the motto; elevate
the chest,
6. Cultivate the habit of taking
the exercises, and continue them
daily all your life,
7. By these exercises you will
avoid rheumatism, constipation.
dyspepsia, pneumonia, stiffness,
deformity, appendicitis and 'Other
ills, andfaeilitate'health. happiness,
hopefulness, chest expansion, a
proper i
o se Lo
petual youth, longevity ,and per -
Seven exercises for Arms.
1. Horizontal -Fingers to shoul-
ders and then extended arms, re-
turn and repeat, using both sys-
2. (Perpendicular -Hands near
shoulders, palms up, rise on toes
and lift as hands are elevated,
relax, return and repeat.
3. Across breast -Pull.
4, Obliquely -One arm at a time,
rise on toes, shove, repeat.
5. Windmill -Swing the arms in a
circle bothbackward and forward.
6. Backward and forward, touch
ing backs of hands as arms are
thrown back,'
7. Quartet -Shut hands, shoot
them up and return, out and re-
turn, down and return, forward
and return.
Seven Exercises for Body.
chest as you take a
full breath. Fill lower part of
lungs first.
2..Shoulders, up and down, angu-
lar and circle.
3. Liver Squeeze -Bead sideway,
at waist, right and left, alternat-
4. (a)Bend backward and for-
ward, hands akimbo, (b) and again
arms extended as going backward,
and touching floor as bend "for-
ward; (c) and then again hand -car
5 Cireularl-a' Feet firm, swing
upper part of the body in a circle
alternatingeight and left, (Mr and
than standing erect, swing, upper
part of the body right and left
with arms extended.
6. On all fours -Stand on .toes
and palms, lower body and then
raise and repeat it.
7. Across the bed -Lie on back,
feet to floor, make legs tagt, raise
them till perpendicular, return,
relax and repeat.
Seven Exercises for Legs
1, Rise on toes and heels alter-
nately, y, repeat: ,
2. Flip heels to hip, one leg at
time, alternating, repeat.
3. Hips to heels -Squat 'and
rase, repeat.; •.
4. Sideways out left and right,
alternating the legs.
5. Backward -Lift leg•oe kick
backward, alternating the;legs.
6. Step one foot forward and
bring knee of other leg near floor
and then riser alternate legs.;
7, Kick forward, causing vibra-
Use Parisian Sage. It Makes the
Hair Fluffy and Abundant
Parisian Sage supplies hair needs
-is pem£ectly harmless. It con-
tains the exact elements required
to make the hair soft, wavy, gloss
sy and to make it grow thick and
You will surely like' Parisian
Sege,. It is (one ,of the blest and
most delightful hair tonics known.
It is needless for you to lhavle;
hair that is, anything short of per
feet. If it is falling out, losing col-
or, splitting, or if the scalp burns
and itches, immediately get from
W. S. R. Holrnes or any drug 'coun-
ter so 50 (cent bottle of Parisian
Sager -use itt .frequientiyy-the first
application a'emoves dandruff, in-
vigorates the scalp, and beautifies
thehair until it is gloriously rad-
tion of the leg muscles. , and agani
kickhigh, alternating legs.
Seven Exercises For Neck
1. Bend head backward and for-
ward repeat,
2. Turn head right and left re-
peat. ,
3, Circular right, swing head in
swivel movement, repeat,
4. Circular left repeat.
5. Turn head right and throw
back and then left and throw back
6. Hand on side of head, shove
and, resist, alternate.
7, Osteopathy -Both palms on
back of head, pull and resist, pull
chin to chest and then press head
far back.
Seven Exercises For Hands.
And Wrists.
1,Fingers-Piano movement, nim
2. Fingers -Pressure.
f3. Bend at wrist, up and ' down.
4. Circular right, pressure.
5. Circular left, pressure.
6, Flipp up and down vigorously.
7. Relax movement -Let ,hands,
tall on gravity and relax the whole
body at the same time.
Seven Extra Exercises.
1, Stretch before rising. ' Always
do this,
2. Punching bag motion.
3. Rowing motion.
3. Running.
5. Skipping motion.
6. Shoulder stone motion.
7. For ankle -While seated
swing feet in circular motion al-
ternating right and left. •
Seven Breathing Exercises.
1. Take a full breath and exhale
slowly, repeat.
2. Take full breath and exhale
3. Take four deep breaths a
minute diaphr tgmaticalay and ryth
Take thus two deep breaths a
5. Inhale a full breath and expel
by blowing the breath through the
teeth, or through compressed lips.
Take four full breaths a minute.
6. Inhale and exhale thus twice a
7. When walking inhale a full
breath while taking three steps
and exhale fie you take three steps
and again inhale and exhale as you
take four steps, then five, Six, sev
en, eight, nine and ted steps.
Seven Important Suggestions.
1. Submerge eyes in clear cold
water every morning, open them,
roll them around, rub towards
nose andrepeat.
2. Take cold hand bath vigorous
ly, from tip to toe, after morning
exercises and a warm bath once a
week on Saturday night.
3. Sleep with window open. Nev-
er omit this Keep house well vent
4. Breathe deeply diaphragmatic-
ally and rythmieally all the time.
5. Sip a glass of cold water ere
retiring and on rising, Take hot
water after meals. Don't drink
during maa1s,
6. Motto for constant practice,
walking, standing, sitting, sleep-
ing, elevate the cheat.
7. "Truett in the Lord and do
oe4e two- .. •oNAoNN4t'O**O!!O
cruiser Sydney.
The cruiser Chatham, has also
bottled up the Koenigsberg.
Germans are rushing troopa to
Posen to stem Russian. invasion.
The South African Rebels ha', e
again been defeated.
The Indian ` troops are making
good in Northen Fraee.
The e German officers are leading
the Turks against the Russians.
Tsing-Tau has formally •surrend
ered to the Allies.
Allies make real advance on
coast and Germans are badly beat
en on left.
Hon. Dr. Deland, ex-Postmas ter -
General for Canada, writes to
friends on this side that he was in
Antwerp at the time of its capitu-
Russians are now fighting on
German; soil.
No. 2 Stationary ,Hospital and 50
Canadian nursing sisters of the
first Canadian Unit left for France
to go to the front.
Germans are moving from, the
Belgian coast.
The Allies have advanced be-
tween Langemar;ck and Dixmude.
The Russian troops defeated the
Turks in the Caucasus.
Servia( claims a big victory over
the Austrians.
Bayer's forces defeated in South
Africa: •
Princess Pats Re lfnent :e
g xpec'ta
to go' to the front by ,the mid-
dle of the month.
The South African rebels are
Belgians are aiding the British
Heade Wald Trembly Se ]lath C 4d Nit
Nall Paper to Read.
When the nerves' become -sh6liy the
whole system seems to lfecbme unstrung
and a general. feeling of collapse occurs,
the heart works in sympathy with then
Mrs. Wm. Weaver, Shallow Lake, Ont.,
writes; "I doctored for a year, foe my
heart and nerves, with three different
odors, but they did not seem to know
what was the matter with me. My
ewes got so baa at last that 1 could
t hold a paper in my hands to read,
way they trembled. I gave up
doctoring thinking I could not get better.
lady living a few doors from me ad-
me to try a bop of Milburn's'Heart
and Nerve Pills, so to please her I did,
and I am thankful to -day for doing So,
I am strong, and doing my own work
without help."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills -are'
50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.25' at
all druggists or dealers, or mailed direct
on receipt of price by The 1'. Milburn
Co:, Limited,' Toronto, Ont.
Hundreds of People Have
Found "Fruit a -tives a Their
Only Help
Superintendent of Sunday School in
Toronto Tells How He Cured Hinmelf
of Chronic Rheumatism After Suffer.
ing for Years.
55-DOVBRCOt7Rr ROAD, Oct., ret. 0903.
"For a long time, I have thought of
writing you regarding what I term a
most remarkable cure effected by your
remedy "Fruit-a-tives". I suffered from
Rheumatism, especially in my hands.
I have spent a lot of money without
any good results. I havetaken "Fruit-
a-tives" for 18 months now, and am
pleased to tell you that I am cured.
All the enlargement has not left my
hands and perhaps never will, but the
soreness is all gone and I can do any
kind of work. I have gained es pounds
in i8 months".
Rheumatism is no longer the dreaded
disease it once was. Rheumatism is
no longer one of the "incurable
diseases". "Fruit-a-tives" has proved
its marvellous powers over Rheu-
matism, Sciatica, Lumbago -in fact,
over all such diseases which arise from
some derangement of stomach, bowels,
kidneys or skin.
"Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers
at roc. a box, 6 for $2.5o, trial size,
23c. or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
forces in South Africa colonies.
Germans withdraw near Nieu-
Russian troops enter Posen and
cut railway at Pleschen.
Germans have made no progress
on whole line at Ypres.
Russia] now holds the Black Sea.
The enemy has mounted heavy
guns at Ostend.
Indian Britishers take Turkish
Fort on Persian Gulf.
British( force has lost 1,598 offi-
cers up to Oct. 27th.
The German gunboat Geier has
been enterned at Honolula.
30,000 Austrians taken prisoners
in San River fight.
The Admiralty officially announc
es that the Good Hope was sunk
and that the Monmouth is ashore
off the Chile coast.
Tsing-Tau has surrendered %to
the Allies.
The Greeks have annexed Epirus
from the Turks.
The enemy has quit trying to
cross the Yser.
The Austrian army is in full re-
treat from the Russians.
The Rues -Turkish war so far has
been a guerrilla campaign.
British Government learns that
enemy is getting war necessities
through Italian ports. Metal is
being bought in United States.
The Kaiser and Prince Henry of
Prussia have been removed from
the ranks of Honorary Admirables
of the British fleet,
Belgians General staff has been
moved to. Dunkirk.
........0 ---
Germans must abandon East
Prussia or leave road to Berlin
open. • •
Persia has asked Great Britain
to secure neutrality for her.
Four mounted regiments. are to
be :organized': at once in Canada
to be ready ,when the war office
needs them. (
The most important war news
comes from Geneva. It is announc
ed that the German agent were,
abroad in Italy ,and . Switzerland
trying to purchase lead, copper,
leather, canned goods and motors.
The information indicates that the
metal used in warefare is running
short. The blockade begins to tell.
Two British Aviators met death
while practicing is England.
• Turkey hays a big army along the
Caucasus .
are making, desperate
attempts along the Lys river to
get through to French coast.
Austria is still eager to quit the
The Germans have quit move on
Dixmude, line.
A war expert put the loss at
• about 1,750,000 men.
Britain officially declares war 00
•It is rumored that General Von
Kluk is dead.
Subjects taught at bythe expert instructors
• Y. M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J. N. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
PrincipalChartered Accountant
19 vice-Principal
PERA'N 5081'
Each biscuit bears a
picture of patriotic in-
terest, such as Canad-
Soldiers and troops
of the other allied
armies, Union Jack,
British Bulldog, etc. -
I0 varieties in all.
Their delicious flavor
and golden crispness
will give you a new
respect for the baker.
Every biscuit guaran-
teed, at your grocer's.
Leaden - Canada a8
Do your Christmas shopping
The International Limited
Canada's train of superior service 4
Leaves Toronto 4.40 p.m. daily, 11
arrives Detroit 9.55 p.m. and Chi-
cago 8.00 a. m.
Leaves Toronto 8 a.m., arrives
Detroit 1.45 p.m. and Chicago 8.40
p.m. daily.
Last train out of Toronto at night
Leaves 11.35 p.m. arrives Detroit
8 a.m. and Chicago 3 p.m. daily, 1
assuring important connections ' 4
with principal trains for Western `4
States and •Canada.
Leaves Toronto 9 a.m., .8.30 p.m. 1
and 11 p.m. daily. Berth reserve- 4
tions, etc., at G.T.R. ticket offices.
John Ransford &Son, city paesen- 1
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57
A. 0. Pattison, station agent
C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., 4
Union Station. Toronto, Ont www•V ryi
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos ' and
special values in Art
Pianosorgans and rent
ed, choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
Music Emporium
C. Hoare
Baptist Church
nniversary Services
Sunday, Nov. 15, 1914
C. Priest, B.
of Toronto
Stratford Male Quartette
will Supply the Music c c