HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-11-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR
NBW 1111.A.
Thursday,November 5
Not from thereat of war, hilt.
from our uivn 'Clock Depart -
"went. The Mornings are.: getting.
darker which necessitates your
relying on an alarm Clock to
rouse you in time for your work
or other duties, .. We are now
prepared and can furnish you
'with Alarms that we guarantee
to give satisfaction, from $1 op
We are Selling agents for
.63'IG BEN ALlitl1S
Come in and let us show you
our aesoitmedt, Perhaps you
have an alarm which only needs
a little repairing—if so bring it
in, it is rig!nt in our line
W. e
When a child
dislikes study.
When children dies
lihe study nerve ,en-'
ergs t5 used in other,
directions, most liao-
ly to overcome. CYO-]
We cats remove tine
Then dilie..noe ;wip
=follow. '
•i• ioes•itii r eemidoedi d o
• •
• •
s Atter
. the War .
1 Business in Canada will hum: s
2 The demand for well trained 5
• young men and women for b usi •
• nese will be keener than ever. s
The wise are preparing now. Get •
i :to one of our 'schools and he
ad . A
few months 9 Wil
ldait. •
It will pm•you well. Free cola.
logue. Write for it. SHAW'S •
595, Yonge Street
W H. Shaw. President
Is a school with a continental
reputation for high grade work
and for the success of its grade.-
ates, A. school with superior
courses and instructors. We
give iodivide-al attention in
Oontmercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy Departments
Why attend elsewhere when
there is room here ? You may
enter at any time. Write for
our large tree catalogue.,
D. A.IICLaehlan,
;� s
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of ,M'arria: a Licenses
There is a Cold day Cooling
tVhy not prepare for itt by ordering
your winter supply of Lehigh Valley
Coal, none betterinthe world
14. J. Holloway, Clinton
Have you ordered your
Kindling for the winter?
Stave Edgings and Cedar B.Ocks
on hand
Lesson VL -Fourth Quarter, For
Nov. 8, 1914.
"Blessed is the mad that ;trustetb in,
the Lord and; whose hope the Lord is "
From •beginning to `arid of the Bible''
story' it is God or the devil—God's Way
or mrin's way. The one is life; the oth-
er is death.
According to the epistle in which we
findeui• lesson, the age is evil. .The.
devil, who Is the god of this age, las,
a', gospel of his own and enough re11-'
glen :to satisfy most people. Ilut' II1
mere good works of men leave all un-
der the curse, for the law requires. ab-'
solute perfection in every detail and is,
intended to turn us from ourselves to
Christ. Nothing that man can do
avails anything. Man Must ' beeome
new creatures in Christ (chapters 5, 4,
8;` 9, 13, 14; iii, 10, 24; vi16). In the
fullness of tune "God sent forti''His
Son to redeem them' that were under
the law, '' hopelessly ' trying ' to save
themselves by doing the best they.
could, listening to' the devil's'gospel' of
good' works' and' character and 'aiming
to 'be lige Christ without being born,
again (chapter'iv, 4,' 5). '
Net until -We see Christ crucified for
us, made' a' curse for •us; bearing our'
:sins'' in 'His own body and, receiving
Him, see 'ourselves as, crucified' with
H1m; are -we new creatures (chapter 11,
20; , ill, 14 John 1, 12). Then we will
gladly say, "God forbid that I should
glory save in the cross of •our Lord
Jesus Christ, whereby 'the world is
crucified ;unto me and I untathe'world"
(vi, 14). ',Whatever form of, sin ; may,
have been our •specialty as listed• in
chapter v, 19.21, the sin that is greater,
than all others and greater, than • all
put together, the sin that•eauses eter-
nal loss is the rejection of Jesus Christ
as the Son of God and theonly Saviour
of -sinners (John ill, 18). •
When we are made free from. the
corse and have become children of
God by faith in Christ Jesus then it is
our privilege to walk in the Spirit, be
]ed of .the Spirit, stand fast In the lib-
erty wherewith. Christ hath made us
free and not do the things. which the`
flesh that is still in us would have us
do (chapter 111. 13, 26; v, 1, 16,; 17,
18, 25). Those who are in the flesh
live unto themselves; self is their cen-
ter; they mind earthly, things (Phil. iii,
19). The new creature in Christ lives
no longer unto 'himself, but is able to.
say, "To me to live is Christ" "Not 1,
but Christ, who liveth in me" (II Cor.
v, 15; Phil. 1, 21; Gal. ii, 20).
When we see others overtaken in a
.fault, as all are apt to be at one time
or another, it is not for us to condemn
them, but meekly restore them, re-
membering that we might some day
need similar kindness and restoration.
Thus we would manifest the Spirit of
Christ, who freely forgave and said:
"Neither do I condemn thee. Go and
sin no more" (lesson verses 1, 2).
When Noah became drunken it was
more Ohristiike to cover up his shame,
as Shem and Japhet did, than to tell
it, as Ham did. " We have norightor
reason to think anything of ourselves,,
or to think that we know anything as
we should (verse'3; I Cor. viii, 2). A
proper attitude is that of Rom. vii, 18.
"I know • that in me' (that is, in lily
flesh) dwelleth no good thing."
There is a sense in which we must
bear our own burden (verse 5), "Every
one of us shall give account of himself
to God" (Roth, x1v, 12). If we have
been, redeemed from the curse of the
law we are here to do good unto all
as we have opportunity, having refer-
eference first to believers, the household
of faith; never weary in well doing,
knowing that the reaping time is sure
and that our labor is never in vain in
the Lord (verses 9, 10; I (Jor. xv, 58).
We may not see nor do the reaping,
for we may sow for another to reap,
or we may reap from another's sow-
ing. But both sower and reaper shall
rejoice together'antl gather fruit unto
Life eternal (John iv, 36-38). Whoever
may plant Or water, God alone can
give the increase, but what an honor
to be laborers together with God (I
Cor. ill, 5-9). Another verse comes to
hind on sowing and reaping. See II
Cor. ix. 6, and lay it to heart, ' e
which soweth sparingly shall reap
also sparingly, and be which soweth
bountifully shall reap also bountifully."
Text of the Lesson, Gal. vi, 1.10 -Mem-
ory Verses, 1, 2—Golden Text, Gal,
vi, 7 -Commentary, Prepared by Rev.
D. M. Stearns.
The Golden Text is awfully true,
even 'for redeemed' people, that "What-
Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he
also reap." We have recently seen in
our studies Judas Iscariot reaping'
something of the reward of iniquity.
But we have also seen Jacob doing
some'' bad sowing in the way of deceiv-
ing his father, and we•haveseen him
suffering for over • twenty years by
reaping of •the same 'kind through the
deceit of his. own "sons. •
The reaping is generally more than
we sow 'lis it is written in Hos. viii
7, "They have sown the wind, and they
shall reap the whirlwind." Again, in
Hoshave plowed d wicked-
x 13,e
ness. ye have reaped iniquity ye have
eaten the fruit of lies.'because thou'
didst trust in thy way." Again, in
Erov. asii, 8, we read. "He that soweth
r iniquity shall reap vanity" But there
is'a sowing to the Spirit and a reaping
, to life everlasting (verse 8).
The two aspects are seen in .ler. xvii,
5,7, "Cursed be the man that.trusteth
in man and waketh flesh his arm and
who.. tip:ill- 4enn teeth from the Lund 't
Malted Grain
and Other Stock Foods
for horses and cattle—kept in`3tock
Quaker Oats Corn Flakes
Flour Oat Meal
Corn Meal Etc.,,Etc
Agent for Heintzman Pianos
Old ones taken in exchange, and,
'balance on easy terms.
iltANK W.:
• EV
i� �
'1'OLJLT o�(
2500 Chickens 2000 Hens
and 1000 Ducks
each weer during the poultry season
Turkeys and Geese taken later
Get our priceseach week, sdelivered
at the elevator:
We are in the . market tor all kinds of
grain at top prices
A Full Line of Flour and Fee°.
Always on Hand
Have you tried our Cured Meats?
Ail meat supplies Government
The Guou-I allgois Co., Limited'
up-to-date Firm, Clinton
Phone 190.
lead4 darters
Walking and inning Oliver
I, H. C. Gasoline Engines
McCormick Machinery Pumps
and,', Windmills.
ALL KINDS' stn; 14EPAnus
Miller �C Itttle
Corner of Peneee and Albert
Isoften an illumination as big
as the sun. There is ne place in
town where "money down" goes
farther than it does right here.
or dresser bought for 'spot cash'
from our present stock makes
what you see elsewhere look
like thirty cents.
Its Bargains Galore we are
offering just now in our
entire Furniture Stack
The Cheapest Spot in Huron to Buy all kinds of Furniture
BALL t i i3 SO]S
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104
N. Ball 110 RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186
-1aR154 rED.QN THE,-
ter; second,, areae of rain,•turningF
to snow, and wind, third 'rising •
barometei• with 'colder clearing•
weather—all within the limits • ist
the interim' leading into the storm
period next following.
A reactionary, storm ..period has
its central days on the 12th, 13th,;
Mid 14th. But for the' fact that we
are now entering well ' .into the
Mare period,' we certainly would'
have a niinimuin of Storm produc-
ing -causes at this and other No-'
vbmber periods. On and touching
the 13th.-uponwhich date ;the.
moon is on the celestial • equator
—rain wind and thunder; storms
will be most natural, •followed im-
mediately by ricins' barometer,
winds shifting suddenly to the
West and North and turn to very
much colder: '
A regular storm ,period covers
the 17th- to the 22nd, having its
center •on the 19th, The new moony
is on the lith, near perigee on the
16th, and South declination on the
19th: This period will begin
promptly on the 17th, with rising
temperature falling barometer
and threatening clouds in the
Western extremes. These con-
ditions will take up their march
East ardl 18th and 19th
w • b
Y by the
and during the 20th, 21st and 22nd
they will pass the great central
valleys and into the Atlantic coast
regions. If ovary low barometer,
attends these storms across the
country high and dangerous North
easterly gales will come' in from the
Atlantic ocean to fill up the inland
barometric depression . causing
danger to shipping along the coast
and winding up with violent north
westerly gales on and about the
great lakes. These sections, espec
fally should watch the indication
and heed storm signals. Renewed
high pressure clering skies and
much. colder weather will spread
•over the country behind these
storms, lasting un to the 23rd to
24th: +.
A reactionary storm period is
central on the 24th, 25th and 26th.
The storms ofUna period will cul-
minate on and about the 26th, on
which day the -moon crosses the
celestial equator, working from
South to North declination. All
the phases of a storm period will
show at this time—falling barom-
eter, warmer;. cloudiness rain and
snow; rising barometer, clearing
and colder -all Linked together like
railroad coaches, ruching eastward
ly over the country.
Aregular storm period begins
op the 28th, is central on the 30th
and rune three days in December.
Thep storms of this period will not
be more than, developing in West
ern sections during •the..last two
or, three days of the month. The
Mars period has worked back until
itis central this year on December
4th. In all reason it would seem
that the outlook is for a normal or
mild November; and if so, the saide
kind of weather may be looked for
through December.
0 You Wish to Be Well You
Must Keep the Bowels Regular.
If the bowels do not move regularly
they will, sooner or later, become con-
stipated, and constipation is .productive
of more 111 health than almost any other,
The sole cause of constipation is an
inactive liver, and unless the liver is
kept active you may rest assured that
• headaches; jaundice, heartburn, piles,'
floating specks •beforethe eyes, a feeling
as if you were going to faint, or catarrh of
the stomach will follow the wrong action
of this, one of the most important organs
of the body.
Keep the liver active and working
properly by the use of Milburn's'Laxa-
Liver Pills. • "`
Mrs. Elijah A. Ayer, Fawcett Hill,
N.B., writes: "I was troubled with
constipation for many years,: and about
three, years ago my husband wanted+me
to try Milburn s Laxa-Liver Pills as they
had cured him I 'got a vial and toolA,
them, and by the time T had takeri'three
a skee them
d I al
)•was cure w 4
vials y,.,, -p .
hand, and when I need a iniid laxative
I take one,",
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c a
vial, 5 vials for $1,00, at alkdealers, or
mailed direct on ;Qpeiipt of e•15y h`he',
4" Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto. On$
November Weather
intense change to colderfor this
seasonwill spread far into the.
South and East.
A regular storm period is central.
On the 7th covering the 5th to the
10th. The moon : will be at its ex-
treme North declination' early in
this period, indicating the South-
erly. atmospheric tides will, flow
Northward. bringing reaction to
rising- temperature, falling baro-
meter and •ending in renewed
storms of rain.- turning to 'allow.
This storm will be at the crisis in
the central valleys on and touch-
ing the 8th and 9th, being a day
or two earlier in the West, and a
day or two later in the East. Each
section will have, first, warmer,
fair weather, with falling barome-
is interested and should know
about the wondertul'
ng5 rag
ity afforded. The welfare of the
Canadian, farmer in particular bas
always been con'sidered of prime im
portance by the Editor of the "Wit
ness". has done yeoman service to
agrieplture, , ,
Generations 'ofour' fir est Canal,
ian families have literally, been
"brought up on the 'Witness' " as
inost eminent Canadians will test
ify`andthey continue its devoted
. *Besides the moral and, political
aspects of this great newspaper,
has attractive features embracing.
all the interetits of the family 'and `a
splendid Farm and Poultry Depart
went, Its short and serial stories
are 'strong and fresh ' '-and • ' they
alone are worth several times the
price -one d'ol'lar 'h year, To 'bona
fide. .New. ,Subscribers mentioning
the Ir•mt 61 this paper one trial
year ,,may be had for, only ,05 cents
or three months on trial .for only,
15 cents 'Pie' 'publishers' are as,
a1Evtiys; J;ihn Dougall & Son.t<Wit
ness' ° Office, Montreal:"
The, "Weekly! Witness" has now
no .?onnection with any, daily- news
paper and is the healthier for it.
No reason Why 'ih:ey Should
Sutler Ironi Backaches
Ask your druggist for
it. If he cannot supply
the MARVEL. accept no
other. but send stamp for Illus-
trated book—sealed. It gives full
particulars and directions invaluable
to ladies, WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,Wiadsot,Ont.
General Agent, for Canada
1i''.tflt, A•RTIULES 'WORTH
and Headaches.
To every woman belongs the
right to enjoy a healthy, active,
happy life, yet nine out of ten sof-
fer, often in silence, from; 'split-
ting headaches, torturing 'back-
aches, violent heart palpitation or
some other of themany evils that
follows anaemia, or bloodlessness.
That is why one sees so many
women 'with pale, thin cheeks, dull
eyes and dropping figures—slice
signs that the blood is out of ord
der. All suffering ,women should
win the right to be well by re-
freshing their weary bodies with
f health, that
the new,rich blood0
promptltransforms them into
healthy, attractive women. There
is no other medicine can *-stipply
this new, rich blood so speedily
and so surely as Dr. Tvilliams''Pink
Pills for Pale People. Through
this medicine: thousands of tired,
suffering women have found new
health and strength. Mrs. James
Drost, Chipman, N. B., says; For
years'I did not know what it was
to be entirely free from headache
or backache. My (hands were.
cold and clammy all thel time.
was difficult for
me to get 'm
work done, and to walk even a
short distance would leave me
completely worn out. My life was
one of constant worry and . I
thought I would never be better.
I was doctoring all the time but
without a bit of benefit, and fin-
ally the doctor stopped giving me
medicine as he said he could not
help me. Do youwonder that I
was in'despair. My mother urged
me to take Dr. Wijlliams Pink Pills
but I said ''what's the Use, medicine
can't help me•" However, m lids -
band got six boxes of the pills and
to please him I began to take then
By the time I had finished them' I'
undoubtedly' had improved and
there was the signs of returning
health in my cheeks and -hands, My
husband thought this great that he
got another half .dozen boxes, and
before these were completed Iwas
'enjoying such'good health 'as had
not had in years, in fact, Iwas a
well woman, and have since enjoy
ed the beat of health, I sincerely
feel that lowe my life to Dr. Wil
hams Pink Pills, and shall always
r'.eeommend'•them to all sick peop
You cap get these pills at any'
medicine' dealers, or they will be
sent, by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for ;82.50 by writ-
ing The Dr. William Medicine Co,':
Brockville, Ont,,
The "Witness" articles on the
Warr !Situation are appreciated
throughout Canada by the best
informed people for their clear-
ness and sincerity as well as for
their fine spirit, breath and for -
The ,Montreal '"Weekly Witness"
`q at ulgreat national a er. It
r y P,P,
alway,s has been and still is ab,se -
lutely-,oivne'd` a
nd edited by Doug
all's, Mr. John Redpath Dougall
being its editor.
While some papers are notorious
.ly and obviously at tits. . beck and
call of pradatoty„interests there
are others' like The' Mpnf eal
"Weekly Witness,” that have main
tained ,their independence. It has
dn v tout
'•ov 1 It hasnever t o
never grovelled. er
ed. ' Ithasnever pandered. The
"Witness" is its unique sell loved
by its friends., hated by its enemies
• Durrngthe past threes rg'ener
atmos ?:it'has' c on ecien tiously,', •,de
v otediy and very efficiently,; eery
"d• its country in Many' ways: not-
ot ably in its, campaigns for Temper-
ance,,•TR.ighteousness.. Religious' Lib,
erty, Education • and Lower Tariffs
looking' towards lower cost ` and
higher plane ;of living. If Canada
is not yet enjoying to the full :bene
fits of these things, itis fail ahead
of many other countries in most of
them, and this is due in, no " small
measure to the stand or more cor-
rectly, the splendid campaigns of
the "Witness" whenever opportun
BECAUSE my interests are here.
BECAUSE the community that is•
good enough . for me to live in is
good enough forme to buy in.
BECAUSE I believe in transacting.
business with my friends.
BECAUSE I want to see the goods.
IECAUSE 1 want to get what I buy
when, I,pay for it.
BECAUSE every dollar I spend at
home stays at home and works
for, the wel'fa're of this town.'
BECAUSE the man I! buy from
stands, back of the goods,
BECAUSE I sell what I • ;produce
her at home.
BECAUSE the man I buy from
helps support . my school, my
church, my lodge, my home.
BECAUSE when ill -luck, ' misfort-
une, or bereavement comes, the
man' I buy from is here with his
kindly greeting, hist 4vor,d of
cheer,, and his pocketbook, if
BECAUSE I get my living, ire, this
County. Don't you? Here I•live
and,„,here I buy. 1 buy at home
Do you?,
During the next two weeks we place on sale about
forty Beautiful Rugs in Tapestry, 'Brussels and Velvets
in sizes 2iX3, 3X3, 3x3,j, and 3x4, and offer you your
choice at wonderfully reduced prices.
Owing to the advancing prices onall lines of im—
ported Rugs, we have placed extra orders for spring, in
order to secure° them at the lowest possible; price, but
must now make • a clean sweep of all ,Rugs' in stock in
order to have room for the new c,ne3"when they arrive
Men's and Boys 'Clothir
If you are interested in a new Suit, Overcoat or a'
pair of Odd Trousers, came in, and • see what "we'are
showing: We can save you money and guarantee to
please you.
Phimstee•l ' Bros.
New Idea Patterns 10e liilade to'liieasure "Clothing
back •. for a distance of ten miles
over an uneven woods trail, ')Biff
and Hec and Me" is a well written
account"of a canoe trip in the north
ern.' wilderness. .The remainder of
the magazine, is replete within
Melting articles and the various
departments are well maintained.
Mr. John B, McLean, of Tuckersmith
on Tuesday last to
Winter, at Seaforth, two hogefiv a and
a quarter months old which .weighed
450 lbs. These are the kind of pigs to
Children Cr.'
The following officers were elected
for theSeaforth Rifle Club.—Captain.
Charles Sills; Secy.Treas., J, F, Ross;
Committee. A. D. Sutherland, F. Sa-
auG a and J. H. Reid.
A new directory has been issued for
the members of the McE,illop Municip-
al Telephone System. This directory
contains thenames and numhersof the
subscribers on all the lines of the Mc-
Kiliop System, the Tuckersmith Sys-
tem, the Golerich Township -System.
and the McKillop, Logan and Ribbert
Workmen are busy putting' the roof
on the Henson town hall, The brick-
work was completed on Tuesday.
Children Cry
' When the baby is i11 or out of
sorts giVe ham -Baby's ;town ''"Tab-:
lets.' ,,They are the ideal medicine
for little ones and never fail to
relieve constipation and indiges-
tion , cure colds, allay simple fe-
yers and ,promote ("healthful Sleep,
Concerning them Mrs, F. Worker
Ingersoll.. Ont. says ; "I have used
Baby's Own' Tablets for eight,
, years • and can highly recommend
.them- to all mothers for babyhood
and childhood ailments." The tab
let's are sold by medicine dealers
or bq mail , at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine ' Co.,
Brockville, nOt. • •
Bonnyeastle Dale is the leading
contributor to the November issue
of Rod and Gun issued by W. J.
Taylor, Limited, Woodstock' Ont.,
writing on the subject "Trapping
fn Ontario 1913-14. In "Wander-
ings in the . Winter Woods" W.
Dustin White describes vividly the'
joys of the winter camping trip
"Rear Trapping and Pack carry-
ing ,in B. C.' tells Pia hunter who
trapped a husky bear, weighing
some one hundred and sixty
pounds and then carried him on his
e tion
Prom t Relief-e.Pmlafuat liars
- P
C TEB� ,,(
P!u$ e
oda—Wane the cmn festa —brig
ado qa, Sm sll P11L Stell Wit, Small Mock
G4111641 mos bail Sigastuie
e Best Remedy For All Ages
and proven so by thousands upon thousands of tests
the whole world over, is the famous family medicine,—
Beecham's Pills. The ailments of , the digestive organs
to .which all are subject,—from which come so
many serious sicknesses, are corrected or prevented by
EEC iLibt
a few dosesnow, and you will KNOW what it means
to ave better digestion, sounder sleep, brighter eyes and
greater cheerfulness after your system has been cleared
of poisonous impurities. For children, parents, grand-
parents, Beecham's Pills are matchless as a. remedy
Worth a Guinea fa Box
Prepared only by Thomas Beecham. St. Helms. Lancashire. 8u land.
Sold everywhere in Canada sad LI. S. Amadeu l ;Ie boxes, 25 cents.
The directions with every' box aro vers v lusblermspeei.1f to woman.
gibber Footwear
Every man, than 'and child•sbould'.;have; a'pair
of,good rubbers at this season of the year.
Wet!feet travel the road that end's in„
the hos' itis- 'afld it is usually a` short trip'
'• •Whave ' best, rubbers; made-we;sell nolother
kind, for poor rubbers are worse tlaii' no' rubbers at all '
These are StormHu
-Low Cut:'Kubbers, Toe Rubbers, Etc.
We have the Rubbers Modelled to fit all .the' Ncw
Styles 01 Fall Footwear.
We Fit the Shoes with the sort of
rubbers that are just right in
Style; Quality and Price
V1,10410 t1,iNi ., 90 1,,6 .'0 C'y. (n'•.*E04,1' ...
• s. eflpip
Phony 70