HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-10-29, Page 6PAGE, SIX, THH CLINTON NSW .SRA. Thursday, October' 29th, 1814. 1 ece � W�naeringADaul Fu and fur $Iij1CS SHOULD READ T1115 t It is just a little of the whole story of this' season's Fashionable Fe r , but1Furs CM— veys an excellent idea of the great number of pelts that are fashionable, are eXtremely good. style—therefor! we have an exceptionally good assortment, at a wide range of prices. Handsome Canadian Mink is, as usual, well represented in our stock and a large number of individual sets. Only one of a kind—combine to afford` you wide latitude in the matter of choice, Corrie in and see our fine stock, A Magnificent ,Showing of Fine Canadian Mink Neck Pieces Fine Canadian Mink Muffs Persian Lamb Neck Pieces Persian Lamb Muffs furs, as well as many smart novelty sets Black Fox Neck Pieces, Black Fox Muffs Sable Neck Pieces Sable Muffs Also many pretty styles in the less expensive Select Your Furs Early This is strongly advisable, because it assures you of the first choice of skins— those of the finest pelt and prettiest markings being shown in the new furs. By paying a sinall deposit, purchases made now will be reserved until desired. New Things .tri be Seen in Store Now New-- fhat's theoint, 1'or it is on just such small accessories ass heright Gloves Neckwear, Hosiery, etc., that the success of the costume depends. And t e newest are right here. • Dainty Neckwear -A snowy white collar or vest and sometimes the addition of cuffs to match, is the fashionable finish for the dark autumn gown, and they are here in all degrees of sheerness and all desired styles. Beads—Where is the girl who•has not fallen a victim to their charm ? These new jet beads are particularly fetching -dull and bright varieties, long and short string GIVIMS—Our prices make Chamoisuede, Cashmere, Lisle, Silk, and real French Kid, with oversewn seams, extra choice skins, change hands quickly, Hesiery—We sell hosiery in: Cashmere, Wool, Lisle, Silk mixture and Silk, that are woven for wear, fashioned to fit and loomed to last. Visit this Store whenever you can. You are almost sure to find Something to interest you tor your Wardrobe or your Home. Y M , OWN'S itemeweesesameaseewermsemasemla msm rnnamlmerasn mesereemesemeeemmessasnemeismeraimae, VWvvvvvv WvVvv,www VWVWA/ mew.,/~owvcWM/V ' COUNCIL MONDAY. The regular O Stealer `'State of Ohio" LINE FOR CLEVELAND , ? • I Leaves Port Stanley 12 midnight on odd dates in August, even dates in `sept, to Sept. 10th Arrive in Cleveland at 6.30 a,m. Fare from Port Stanley oue wav $2.25, Round Trip $4.00, Saturday Excursions on above dates $2,25 round trip Lake Rides Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3 p m 25c Fare owcoNA NNN AAAPcr MM WVWVWVVVWWWWVVWNN Furniture, Rugs & Linoleum -is We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only 'cant some odd pieces. You will find it to the bargains we are offer ngour adWealso carry inspect good 1 ne of Violins, see Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction JAS. DUa, l FORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store 1 Our Present Specials Stoves and Ranges Happy Thought, Pandora, Canada Steel Range and other cheaper lines Coal and Wood Heaters Sheet Iron Cold Blast and Perfection doal Oil' Heaters for chilly mornings and evenings Guns, Rifles and Ammunition, Dr. Hess' Stock Food, Panacea, Louse Killer, etc. O -Cedar and Wizzard. Polish Mops A good supply of Tungsten Lamps and Electric Irons. l wHWan/Si'Ierae3imeseseneemaila liARLAND 13 OTHERS ,' A D NOVI;L,TIES. S HARDWARE STOVES, 1 Utilizes every heat unit: Flues`arraiiged so heat is forced to travel over top of oven in , fr down behind it'and twice un- der' the bottom before 'escap-� escap- ing to chimney :See the McClary dealer. 81 6 iMADL-IN-CANADA " Sold by Harland Brothers e•oe•��•oseoeeeee•••i�••ooe••wo•eee000•e•ei•••o•e•• e • Loca News • • e • • e • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••bo••e•••••so••eo•••••••••••••••••• CLINTON MARKETS. a ADVERTISING -ISMS. When every prospect seems fa- vorable is time to use publicity, steadily in your season—and some more besides. ENLIST NOV. Enlist in the great and constant ly increasing army of Clinton New Era readers. New subscribers get the balance of the year free. Do it now. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL. The New Era lists were correct- ed last week and all who shave re- mitted during the past 6 weeks are asked to examine and see how their names stand. We are now busy making up (Jur ;lists to send :to the Cellecting Agency at $1.50 per year, So don't be behind, Pay up. now, SURPLUS GOES TO RED CROSS The Just -We -Slit" are holding a dance in the town hall on Friday evening of this week and invita- tions were issued last week. Phe- lan's orchestra is to supply the mucic. The surplus cash will be handed over to the Red Cross Society. MIGHT BE ACTED UPON HERE, Owing to the. war, it is being suggested by the ,press in various quarters that the councils in rural and urban municipalities be return ed by acclamation on nomination .day this year, thus, saving consid- erable expense, Clinton's present council apPears,to be giving satis- faction and it is quite probable that the suggestion will be- acted upon here. LOST AT SEAFORTH. • The Seaforth News makes refer- ence to the visit of the C.C.S. ,Basketball and football teams at their field day on the 16th;—The egular meetingof the town council will be held on Monday evening of next week. THE OLD CRY BUY AT HOME, The man who buys his goods in his home town has the batisfaction of knowing that his position is sound and sane from every ;point of view. He may occasionally pay more for an article than it would cost him outside, but in the long n •. he's district t� runt t the d3 tic ate .E erY cal transaction enhances the value of his own property and gives a 1the local industry an impet- th t beneficial to the whole us s community, MINOR LOCALS. Are the goods you buy "made in Canada." If they are not, get the habit and build up your country. The New Era has the best facili- ties in this locality for turning out auction sale bills, and along with each set of bills we give a good notice in each issue of the paper until date of sale, The bowlers were still enjoying themselves on the bowling green last week. The New Era has clubbing ar- rangements with all the leading Canadian papers and can get your daily or weekly at the best rates. The Symphony Quartette 'have a wide spread reputation, Come and hear them at tate Town Hall on Wednesday Nov. 11, An apple a day may keep the doctor away all right, but some of us would likea single recipe for holding lawyers, sheriffs and bai- liffs at a distance, also keeping the wolf from the door. . Snow, fell on Monday, Oct. 26th. L,igh't and Brown No better bread than ours, we claim, Ever came to town. ' Hogs, $7.25. „Butter 23c to 24c. Eggs 25c to 26c. Wheat $1.00. Oats 38c to 40c. Barley 550 to 60c. Pelan $1.10. Buckwheat 55c. Shorts $30.00. Bran $27,00. THE FIRST SNOW. The first fall of snow arrived here on Monday of this week, MORE GEESE A big flock of Geese went over Clinton last Saturday morning about 9 o'clock on their way south CARD OF THANKS, The members Of St. PauPs A. Y. P. A. wish to thank the members of the choirs of the town who kindly assisted them in their re- cent concert. +' WILL ATTEND FOWL SUPPER. Many, from town will attend the fowl supper given by members of L. 0. L. No. 189 fat their hall in Goderich township neat Thursday night. IMPROVEMENTS. Rev. J. Greene is having liis residence painted. With the old frame building removed' from along side and a new verandah, the Reverend gentleman has now an excellent home. 3E,S THE '.NIGNI' "of all nights;to give a jolly party. The unconventional char acter of the•celebratiom appeal$ _to every,:one The air is heavy with mystery„aud ihe't'ad' V of excitement is a challenge to' daring'. If you expect to be a hostess and have any doubts: about: the , proper preparations; 'wg-:-* are reasonably sure a'visit:TO Our store will supply the, requirred noyelties; at; small+cost, The W. D. Fair eo. Often the cheapest -Always the Best HORTICULTURAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Clin- ton Horticultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall on Wednesday even ing, November 4th, at 8. p. in. All Clinton Basketball and football I interested reer invited vi edntlo be rpresent. work teains came down to play the re- I• ing by a score of 1 to 0, and S. C. 7.1 • The St. Mary's council on Monda t turn match, but went down to de WHY NOT IN CLINTON? feat the S C I Football team win - Basketball team by 9 to 3, The night,• passed a by-law making r games were played in a downpour of rain, which accounted for, the low scores In the evening the compulsory to pay municipal taxes in two annual instalments, instead of having it optional to pay in one S. C. I. students gave a dance in of two instalments. The new plan Cas's Hall. to which the Linton vis- will not be in force until 1916. itors and the ycting people of the town were invited, and enjoyed themselves thoroughly, • Mr. Van- Egmond furnished excellent music and the committee did their best to make everyone have a good time and succeeded, A tasty lunch was served about 10,30 in time to let the Clintonites catch the late train home. Mrs. H. Jeffrey .and Mrs. W. W. Meredith were the chaperones. 'The best of Flour we employ? The latest methods, too, We're positive you will enjoy The Bread we bake for you. .,01110.e..07; e` Phone 202 MINOR LOCALS. Council meets on Monday. Sunday is the first day of No- vember. 48 shopping days till Christmas. How does your label read. "Spend your dollar at home,” is latest Canadian slogan, It's a good one: Hallowe'en is on Saturday. Ex- tra, police have been engaged. Turkeys were scarce at Thanks- f9ocks are1edo ngltexceed uglyd tell how, and there will be abundance ARE YOU ON A RURAL ROUTE? New Era subscribers at offices other than Clinton, who getrueal mail delivery service, should noti- fy the office at once ; otherwise the paper will continue to go to the old address. Apost card will effect the change. IN BUSINESS AGAIN. , The St..Marys Argus makes refer ence to a gentleman who conduct ed a grocery store where Mr, Hunn if now has his business;—Mr, D.L. Gibb purchased the stock. In the store of Mr. L. D. Cayley ht the sale last Thursday and intends opening up grocery business in the same stand onu Waller Str. Mr. Gibb is a young man Will splendid business ability and will no doubt make a success of it. YOU CAN HELP US. Buy a Kodak or Brownie The pictures are easy to make. Always ihteresting, and grow in value year by year' Any boy or girl can successfully accomplish every step fn picture making, A carefully written book of, instruction furnished with each camera. Brownie Oameras $F to $12 Iioduks $7 and up. Developing and printing done Promptly and Efficiently. THE PENSL4R STORE 2- s� E_ 3OVE Y Dispensing Chemist THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Agmennw A subscriber met us the other day and jokingly complained that cert- ain news of importance to him and his friends was not recorded in of them ' for Christmas. I, The New Era. This is too true( do Is Clinton to have a Curling many ,cases and'we regret it very much. The fault does not lie with us altogether, but with people who have news and do not give it to us Do not be timid. Call tip up on Phone 30 or 95. We will be glad' to get your items and publish them Don't blame the paper if you . do not furnish it with the news. The staff collects all it can, and plays no favorites. The columns are open for news of any kind Will you help to make the paper better Remember Phone 30 or 95. Club this Winter? The Toronto News and Toronto' Star on October 1 raised their subscription price to $2.00 per annum. Even this does not pay the cost of white paper. The country weekly will soon have to follow suit and raise the subscrip- tion ,price. As it now is the 'sub- scription is a loser for the pub- lisher. NOW PRES. JOSEPH. KIDD. Two More Verses The Goderich Star says ;A Gode- rich citizen and through bun; his for <<T mm 1 home town has been honored by O1 ‘Tommy SOng the election of Mi. Joseph Kidd to the honorable position of Presi- dent res - dent of the Canadian Ticket Ottawa Man Supplements Original Agents' Association;' This: body, which is composed of about 300 "Tipperary" i members held its 2sth annualmeet } ing in the Hotel Sherman. Chicago 1 on Oct, 6th to 8th. Mr. Kidd was Mr. T. A. B. Browne, of the Immi ( fortunate enough to reach the gration branch of the Department I chain of vice president at the ses- c£ Interior, Ottawa, has composed Sion of 1913 and by promotion last two additional verses for Tommy's week attained the chief honor 'in marching song, which have been I the gift of his fellow ticket agents well received generally, They are He says the session was one bi the Back to Tipperary started paddy on 1 most enjoyable gatherings he has the Tp, yet attended; and the courtesies But when half way he Ile trd;them showered upon the Association sa the fighong had be un. u were simply bewildering in , their Y, gg He wrote to Mollie saying, Deer' lavish hospitably, The speech halting of the Canadian represent although I love you so, "My country's callin' darlin'; as Ilan Irish I must go." Now Paddy's in the trenches. fight ing like a lion bold, And Irish Mollies waitin' with a heart as true as gold, But when the,Kaiser's down and He'll start for Tipperary townsing selection of officers in an associa- FF,04+4??+`+•X404+4+• . ' 4+'fr't`0°+d„t„t"'r4^4*-1, out, and Belgians free again, atives was a surprise to most of their American fraters, and: Cana- da and the Empire received all honors at their hands. Win. Jack son, of Clinton is a member of. the Executive' Committee and Dr. J. W. Shaw, of Clinton, is. Honor- ary Physician. Thus Huron Coun- ty h1s been well favored in, the OUR JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON Fat SO one Points hi Ueda Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in Coal CALL AND BE CONVINCED Phone 53 6R FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 second-hand FURNACE and 1 "Radiant ;Home" with oven. Those awkinS Plumbing and Heating The corner Store.. "Live and Let Live Teas and Coffees Flame you tried our l ulk Teas and Coffee i They 010 still selling at the old prices Cured Meats Smoked Ham Smoked Rolls Back 13aeon Breaktest Bacon Salt Pork Sausage Cooked Ham Jellied Hock Corn Beef Bologna Rutter and Eggs "Panted Highest Market f E. E. Hunniford PHONE 45. 4e1••l+44S 4++++4++•+4.4++++.•+4.• ++++++++44++++++++.4.4.44: li 3140E FACTS 4. 4c a •. It's a positive fact' that we offer our trade 'the best Shoes at any stated price that the price can buy anywhere. The new fall styles are in, and there';; not a foot .we've not provided for Some people will come ' here .{or thein shots. , othere wont. The people who come will wear far better shoes than those who don't. Our $3, $3.5o and $4 Men's Shoes` and our $2,5o, $3 or $4 Women's Shoes are the best ever—well, they're' the best ! The new Fall Shapes are handsome ---the stock -and shoemakingng perfect, We're at your service. TE, THE HOME OF BETTER SLOE,' ing, ,this refrain, tion covering ,the whole of Canada, }