HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-10-29, Page 3Thursday, October ;29th, 191,),
}3'E ;CLINTori-NEW ERA''.
:New Autumn Suits
Each bears the latest imprint or fashion. Handsome
materials, pretty styles, and careful workmanship. No`
matter what may be the styk you prefer, you will be
sgre to find somethingin this tgmat e;oilection, just the
suit you want: ErerstGariili'Ri, earmliteed correct
Furs of Quality;
The customer hen eierytlii1ng to g in and nothing to lose by
making the choice; of Good ruin now, ~rivet ,chile our stocks are
at their hest. Select in time to hive fens toady for the first day of
cold weather. We are carrying on. of the largest Fur stocks in the
county. After ane bas compared alt ,.ehe•r Furs is the best time to
se. ours-Mvery Fur. Orraranteed Correct.
Autumn Millinery
Distinctivs in ,tyle and Quality
Our showing of the latest models for fall is complete, Many
imported models as well as the oh trotting creations adopted from our
own work rooms Every hat .ho.vs that exclusive style and quality
which has made this store fan.ous fur urjlliner•y,
Railroadsin southern Russia are
preserving 'their' ties by soaking
them in a strong solution of crude
sea salt,
Wind shields to be worn on the
shoulders of occupants of automo-
biles that lack such devices lhave
been patented.
Sound, lumber. twenty-five years
old, has been proved by a German
government test tobe materially
stronger' then new stock.
Folded paper drinking cups
bound together like acheck book
are a novelty for travelllers.
Children. Cry
An exte,nsive'desposit of coal has
been discovered in Bolivia at an
altitude of 13,000 feet.
For cleaning bath tubs there has
been invented af'lat metal handle
to be covered with towelling.
A floating buoy ,made of concrete
is used for mooring vessels in the
harbor of Kingston, Jamaica,
It is wise to get rid quickly of
aliments of the organa of diges-
tion—o8 headache, languor, de-
pression of spirits—the troubles
for which the best corrective is
The Lam eat Salo of Awl Medieino in the Work?.
Sold Everywhere. In boxes. 25 cents �u:S
•�ooa00000, O •.•r;
. nnnnnnnn
I Will 057—k-
3. ,
Why Brown didn't get . the
job he was sure of getting
Employer—"to yon parry any insurance?"
Brims —"pardon one, sir, but I do not see hear, tithe WA
affect the matter we are diecuesiag1"
EmPirlet—"Well, perhaps not, but I do. The mai who wee
not think enough about his own and his family's
interests to insure in 'a reliable compass, would
hardly_ be liable to think enough about mine to
warrant me employing him."
The above conversation isnot imaginary.It took place lit
the office of a big corporation. And it is reported verbatim.
Most men know they should carry insurance. Apart from
their plain duty to themselves, and families,. they know that
insurance is 'a good business proposition—l'hey realize that it
is an evidence of the farsightedness which tells in the business
But—many otherwise shrewd men, when taking out insur-
ance, do not exhibit the sagacity, Browner prospective employer
was looking for—They fail to insure in a reliable company.
If you're, thinking about insurance, in-
vestigate the policies of The ', ondon Life— •,
This reliable Company is payhee profits in
excess of estimates.
Write for information.
The London Life
Insurance Company
t e////// ii////al////viii//vii it//Yjir/�i
George D. Roberton, General Agerit,
f1M0aNfgrttiA' titin L1til ill fliilVll
Rag In of hod.
Obey Orders Willingly te Prove 0evo-
floe to •Cowdry and Itlraperer, but
Fail mef.w Troops of Seem sheer
`C+untriea in labelliaenee and Adap-
tabi'lity—ricers Welt Ellneatee and
Taken Entirety Fiera tipper Clyses
of Popelaae, bet Net Always Doe,
voted te Dotiee. ,
numbers than any other army
or ancient or modern times,
We Russian army. called
into actor by the war of Asstria-
llungery on Varela. protege of Russia,
is one of the greatest of the world's,
fighting machines. Over 5,0001)00 mea
follow the colocs In time of war.
Individually the Russian soldier is
not ranked as high in intelligence sad
adaptability as the soldier of Ger-
008514rt SOMMF.n&
many or ;France. but his devotloa to
his fatherland brings out his fighting
qual tree,
"Sincere and 'unaffected hive for his
monarch, profound religious. piety in•
Ornately united with the idea of the
tear and of the fatherland, attachment
to the fatherland, unlimited confidence
In hie Chian, strong. esprit; de 'corps
and a faculty of eadering gayly and
naturally the greatest privations,—
ouch are the moat marked character *
des of the Russian soldier," says a
Masten general.
"To those traits inset be added re-
meekabie.brave:ry and a rare contempt
of death. combined with naive kind-
heartedness and a gentle and indul.
gent disposition. Tia Russian eohdiet
ls dletiugufahed be a good humor that
neva atsndoays him even In the most
difficult maeaeots. by his brotherly no.
dtestanding with bus comrades and by
hie gay and contented way of facing
atE'the demote sal fate. Obedience b
do Qeeple rooted in the mind os) the
Reeslen aoi8fer that daring my thirty
years' experience is the army 1 donot
remember to have wancpeed one she
tie ease OS Imsubordinatio . either In
times et pea.e or in times of war.
Willing to Die at Poeta.
" rtre •Ruestan soldier dem at his peat.
I 'rave seen him in winter on ',entry
duty on the heights ot•Shepka die etas:
leg, saraouadee with snow, and Mane.
formed 1hie ily into a statue of hew I
have seen bum die on the march, styM-
Ing over the sandy desert and yielding
en hie kat breath with his lest step; I,
bare seen him die of hes wounds on
the bottloTekl or In tDa hospital. at a
distaitee of 3,000 miles from his native
village. and in those supreme moments
1 have always found the Russian sol-
dier sublime.
"Although a child of the plain, where
his eye rarely descries the meet modest
hill, we see bem boldly scare the top-
most summits of the Caucasus and
climb the rocks and glaciers of the
Tblanshan, bgbting all the time. He
feels at home everywhere; whether la
the steppes of the fatherland, in the
tundras of Siberia or the mountains
and deserts o1 central Asia. 13e has
au exceptional faculty of putties him-
self at hit ease wherever he may be,
even in places where others would die
of hunger and thirst
"1 have seen , the Russian soldier, at
home hi tume of peace or during tames
In the enemy's eocntr:y., rocking the
peasant% eland to the village wheat* he
was stationed, I have edea ldul
btrwsaek eg in this deeert, with .bije
femme parched and bending. maitre
his mittens eta garner titer of salt wa-
ter; I bare seem hem tri: beat and 1n
.014. t■ banger and fa thine. in peace
and In wee, an I Imes amass found
in him the same dt.etin to obitge. the
same atteagedien.'of sail for tie Well
lad the good of otliws. These epeeist
ressmateerkel s of the Russian replier•-•
ale ..If eloailel. big dimple Mad natural
self eaereibw-Vire mm pwaner pew -
Ma as a warrior."
How Assay is Organized•
50 mneb for the individual soldier of
the,near. As to hte numbers the fol.
lowing Genres are accepted as correct:
'The linsslan army numbers 1.200,000
on a peace footing ,and 5.1530;000 on n
Will' footing. Ibis tnelndes possible
BRhtore of all .classes. Tlie first line
army neatness i $fiete 10 men. 'Russia
leads the world in point of numbers.
There are a' total of thlrtyeeven
R7'117 corps In ftneel0, earn of which
In time or peat* nnmbers'a little more
than 2t),0t) then, but which t8 more
than doubled to war times. Bach Corps
senelsta of eight regtments of Infan
Eight thousand men In each come
aro divided among cavalry, ar=tillery
and err„ trier& '
The En'ropean division of the Run'
elan army consi:ite of twenty -sever
army corps. in addition to these there
are fifteen line divisions of ca'vialry
and two mined divisions of cavalry
composed o1' Cosenelat and dragoons.
There are also some rite brigades not
connoted with the army corps.
There ase three army corps to the
Caucasus division, with two rifle brl•
gadee, three divisions of cavalry. three
divisions of Cossacks; one line day/Idea
and one regiment of Mussulmane 1n
in the Siberian division theta are
ten army corps besides eleven brigades
of Siberian rifles. Connected 'with
each of these are We batteries of eight
guns each. ..
Russian Officers Well Trained.
The Russian army officer is usually
a well educated man and widely read
in his profession. but the limited dr
ole from which he isdrawn neceasart
ly brings down the average of talent
in view of the number of officers re
mitred for so vast an army. A cadet
in the Russian service must comp from
a noble ramps, from a'n'otHciati fami•
ly . or from a •wealthy and in0uentiai
' commercial family whose- head Mae
never kept an open:,store."
The instruction' given in the Military
academy and Cadets' school at St
Petersburg is considered .by, military
experts to be as good as any in the
world, except possibly that of Weal
Point and that of the Military aeade
my at Santiago, Chile, which are sup
poeed to be unquestionably the beet.
Great attention is paid to physical
culture and to the education of the
cadets in the military ideals of boos
and loyalty.
After they pass out of the training
institutions, If thereat, 'keen and ens'
ter'prising young:fellows,'tliet+ contrfae
to be sent to one of the Turkestan
reglmente or tit some• lonely outpost in
the Cets&asus, 1n Siberia or tri' Man-
churia, . where they may reasonably
look forward to a chance of active
service. 'In .these regents they get the
finest training for actual warfare that
any ofcereonld receive, for 'they are
always bunting •down brigands met.
preesing small Insurrections, fighting In
little wars or at least hunting lig
game. There are no keener sports
lass than the Russian ointer's in Si
beria and central Asia. Their guar•
tors ase always adorned by each spoils
of the ebase as tiger skins, boors'
bends, bison tusks and wolf skins I1
is these men wbo will bear the brunt
of the Russian campaign in the near
east. and nearly every distinguished
officer to the Russian eerrtee bas gone
through this stern training.
Officers Get Tired of Life.
11, on tae other band, the cadet be -
teams attached to a regiment to tit
redersbn;'g, Moscow or one a1 the other
namtvons garrison tovrns to European
Russia be may receive a good tbeo.et•
lad education to military sckenee, but
his envicooment is the worst possible
considered as a preparation for the
practical business of war. In Masan
garriem teems social life nearly e.1
ways takes precedence of military
duty, and the officers are glad enough
to delegate to noueommiaslonpd offi-
cers the tiresome work of drilling and
looking atter their men. White disci
plum is rigidly maintained, there is a
general atmosphere of tiredness which
astonishes the foreign visitor. Nobody
For Infants and Children
in Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
' Signature of . �a
ooesaen OH THE rltrr?Rrdi, WARTA.
seems' keen; for duty.The officers ap-
pear to take little interest in the gen
ernl welfare et the men or In the ef•
flciency of the regiment They spend
most of their time paying calls, at
tending other social functions and mak-
ing, merry at their mess,
Tho monotony .of the life is intense
in small towns, where the social circle
is limited. Sooner or later it Inevito'
bly tells on an officer's spirit„ A for
mer captain or the Itusstan army told
me of a friend of hie who dived for
years in one of these small towns and
was then ordered away to St. Peters.
burg. In less than six months be re•
reeved ii command to return and
promptly' blew bis brains out. •
the .enlisted men • in the' Russian
aunty an net in ivseentst, dull and
wooden as . they are sometimes e.8•'
somal to lov., Conscription, of .deme.'
Wilms all eerie of men and all kinds
of intellect into tabs service, but every
effort is made by the officers of most
regiroonts in Asiatic Russia to develop
the intelligence of the rank and file.
The Ooeaaeks, Russia's horsemen.
from the south of the European par'
'of 'the empire, are numbered aipong
the famous cavalrymen,s)2 the weaad.
They are splendid horsemen' and good
fighters, but their amenability. to disci.
piing is defibted. The average "sotsia"
or troop is ,mere like a happy family ,
than a military oreanimation. Tee Cos.
Back can be led with ease, but he Is
hard to drive. During ttie Boxer out.
break in Mancharia this fact was dia.
covered by Rassian generals nnfa`niliffit
with tbe handling of these people only
after they ,bed,,sustained some serious
"It is a mistake to make the Coeeack
a landed pe'op i.tor;"' said a kaoline
'officer. "As he becomes more and more
prosperous he looses hie military qualf-
ties because he naturally does not care
to leave bis farm and perhaps never'
ere it again. A Cossack should be as)
lowed to own nothing except Ills horse.
his saddle and his weapons."
Gwar,s. was Rood cewspeeignere.
If there is one thing in which the
Russian army excels it le mares
Loyd Roberti,' famous march to Can.
dahar hes been equaled over and over
again by the rear's troops in their Oen.
tial Asian campaigns. When General
Eoaropetit1n marched a farce of Tur-
urkestan troops to join Skobeleff in an
attack on the Turcomans be and his
men were swallowed up in an un-
known trackless desert for twenty-six
days, yet they covered over forty miles
a day and marched in at the end of the
time in perfect military order without
a singte man sick or fallen out. It was
a wonderful feat, but it was not re,
girded in Russian military circles as
being anything extraordinary.'
Although the Russian soldier is said
to be'brutal and bas a tendency
to commit massacres like that at Bis-
govestebenek. In which thousands. of
defenseless Chinese neutrals. meso,.
women and chiidrein wade brutally
slaughtered during the Boxer trouble.,,
be Is nevertheless a good fdiew. who
gets along admirably with the people
among whom he is eampnIp ng at is
quartered. d. 11 he does not kill his en-
emy he makes a friend of him by big
rough camaraderie and overflowing
good nature.
Money Appropriated For Array.
In .event years, after the Russo4age
arise war, the government has paid
close attention to the matter of equip.
ping the army for war. In a speech
before the dame in 1918 ht. Veglnel%
chairman of the eommltbee on alma.
menta, did not hesitate to dedere that
`the uncalled for and uneea.mpled et
forts which a friendly neighboring
state is making to develop her military
strength" demanded an explanation 10
be made to the dams. aid he called
upon General leikbneeich to explain
to the deputies what steps Easels was
taking to mestere the disturbed be2eelee
of power.
General Mikhnevlch stated that dill
activity of the int/Mary department
was now, as ever, directed to mein.
Mining the ermy'e readtiiewr for war.
Doring the Leet few years they 1t*d
given evidence of their care by tbe tam
fah banding of fortresses. It bad been
decided to provide the howitzer diet
Bions of the army with new how'itteeee
and the Infantry with machine guns.
Pioeeeding, the dries et the general
etas announced the measures wbich
Om ministry of war bad taken with
the object of facilitating the rapid
moblltzation and transport of the amny
es wen as of perfecting the Intent.
genee and aviation branches. Themin-
tatry had, in tweeed,ance with the
wishes of the damns, gone into lite
question of the building o3 roads ao
the, western frontier of the empire,
and a plan for the construction o1 a
network of railways for strategic pat'
poses was being elaborated. This had
been affected by the bappeiilngs !a
the Balkans, whiab had farted all no.
tions to test the condition of their ,mb•
ltary power. '
The ministry, said Genera! Mikne-
vich, had taken meesures, to provide
everything, necessary to secure the
The bit of cheese
bolted into these crisp
biscuits prrodateos a
flavor that is ac ;iia joy -
able as it is mosque.
Par picnic luncheons
and al fresco tens
nothing could be better.
It oontaines many'
delicious biscuit surprises--'
and it's yours,for 10c. (atampli
or coin) and; your grocer's
Every Package Gaaraeteed.
g '
"f t,"dx' ). x''11 e.1;'
For Infants andlehildren.
h0 E
'f°:•Aittptir'sr, tr fai .:; ; I u c rn.1o. '
AVe4stublciri ,s:ronret,
, srmilahnglltelaadarr'ittr• fir
JaelheStataatte and .nt,.,ul
Proniolesiii eslion,Grerfid:
$es$!inti iu:St.C011tai11SMiler.
Optall.Merphitte nortleitieL
jar* alai/ AeSS.W“t710.57 I
Burgin See!-'
.17 re nal•?oda+Ifien
1 p1ou'
a„s�drra ,
Ape:sleet Remedy forContite
lion. SodrStomath,9aitd!aal
Worrra Convulsions rrvcrish
netts and LOSS OF r7o1'.
lereitre Sistese•eie
Chn nR C
ir s1'AFY.
others Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty. Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
. entre •' :ta' .ertelde ilk rrlvY teen el t .- t, elitteleit
frmy'S readldineae . torr war. xne mint
tars department had already drawn
up a bill providing for a considerable
strengthening a[ the Russian military
forces—the formation of new bodies
oa infantry and cavalry end other arms
as) well as the reorganization ort the
field artillery in the direction fit the in.
crease of the number of game of. the
field arthllery o2 the army corps.
These measures and others. added
the chief o1 the geaeeal staff, tmpo8-
ed great sacrifices of men end money
'on the fatherland. The military de.
partment was thankful to tbe dame
for granting Its demands and for glv
tag the means) to meet the fresh As)•
In the future, however, yet itlrtbet
and greeter graate would have to te
asked for. The ministry for war hope
That the liana world co-operate with
tbe military depnriment In etrrength it
lug the army re as to enable the whole
atremeth el the country to be duvet
opod for the defense cif the fatte rlatd
and the protection of peace.
In rely to specific gnestioes asked
Ib the aemiae of the debate eternize
Mikhnevich said that an aviation der
partment with dirigibles sad repo•
planes had been attached to even
army corps. Designs had also been son
eeptad for Dreadnonghi diriglblea. eta&
provided with melting: eons. bona
tbsarraas and wireless apperattfR
There were to be six of this type tit
airship, wbtch. be added. wooed tilts
Rinse anytthtng fa the world.
When You Suffer
From Your Back
Many women work day after day
with an excruciating pain in the back,
and really do not know that the kidneys
are the source of this pain. When the
bock starts toache you may be sure that
the kidneys are not working properly,
and the only way possible to make a
complete cure is to take "time by the
forelock" and get rid of all these aches,
and ,pains by using that old and thor-
oughly* tried remedy �_��
Mrs. John Power, Peake Station,
P.E.I., writee:-"I suffered from back-
ache for three years, arid I tried all kinds
sof medicine but got no relief. I was so
bad at times I would not be able to walk.
A friend told , me to try your Doan's
gidney Pills, so I got five boxes, and
before I had three boxes used I was nearly
well I used the other two, and I can
my your Doan's Kidney Pills cured me.
lied rt net 'been for them I would be
ausfferisg yet."
Domes Kidney Pills are 50 cents per
best or•3 for $1.25 se all dealers or mailed
direct ea receipt of price by The T.
Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Whoa ordering direct specify "Doan's."
Sheepskin is need as a substitute
for almost timely ' other kind of
leather. , 1
Three out of every four German
non-ogenarian9 are women.
Childreik Cry
Tungsten deposits have been din'
covered- in•Korea and mines • are
beiiig, developed.
The Italian Government uses
American machinery to manuiac
tare shoes for its soldiers.
An electric machine that works,
automatically has been invented`.
for stuffing sausages.„
Too many women struggle
ander pains and aches.
They are not sick—but weak,
nervous, irritable
such women need that blood -
,strength that comes by taking
etseugthens the nerves, aids the ap-
petite and checks the decline.
if race or mother tire easily
or hat run down, SCOTT'S
EllW S1ONwill bpitd her up.
The Reasonable
Care of Your
Watch i !
Will result in your watch's good,
prolonging its days of usefulness.
What is reasonablecare?
An occasional visittea jeweler
who "knows how."
An occasional visit means at least
a yearly visit.
To put it, off longer is to put itoff
too long,
If you are not wedded for all time
to some one expert, we would like
to put some of our good work o0
that watch of yours.
Your watch deserves the best
treatment it can get, and it is just
that which we offer.
W. R. counter
Mrs. Simon Aument; Mushka 001
says; "My baby was ill and cried
continually till I began giving, her
Baby's Own Tablets. They worked,
a marvellous change in her and
she became happy; gained in.
weight and all signs of sickness
left her. The tablets are the very.
beet. medicine I know for Tittle
ones." Baby's Own Tablets cure'
all the minor ills of little' ones
such as colic, colds, constipation
and indigestion etc. They are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail i��s� Sutter at 25 cents a box from The Dr. <
Williamar Medicine Co„ Brockville,"
Ont. Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
The Strongest
all Firepots
The Sunshine Furnace Eve -
pot is heavily ribbed and in
two section's; which allow
for contraction and agar: -
Sian. It will never emelt.
Ashes won't adhere to the
straight, sides = al*ays" a.
dear and economical fire.
Our local agent will •
show you this and
many other "Sunshine"
edvan es.' Send for
free booklet..
MCC'lar .