HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-10-29, Page 2•••••••••i•••••••OS••NS•• • Phone Want Ads to The New Era, • Many, telephone (subscribers • findit quite convenient and a • time-saver. Experiei edt ad S Visers are always on The New el li Era end..Phone 30. •mrefieselisese*esiosikessfte•e 4," PAGE TWO, ,.1 �C ellitOf, 49th Year in'the-Piiiblii Service VI. lI. Kerr & Son, Proprietors. 3, Leslie Kerr, Business Manager Neve Era, one year in advance $ 1 00 AI4 V Eia;'when nbt`patd iii';advance.r 1 sit"' Tleri E}'a, :to the.• United Stated in advance 150: AADVERTFSING ` RATES ON APPLICATION' Ofuree!Phelfe $0' 1 Hoose •Plione'"'95 arto'rial°:, , Cheese "factories have had a: good season. The output is being itnarketed' at 15 cents per pound. This' is surely the farmers' day. Remodelling the Dominion; Cabinet is in progress and• it is said Hon. Mr. Hanna, Provincial, Secretary, will be given a,portfolio. If so one of the best men in the Ontario Legislature op Government'side will betaken and it v,1.11 not be easy to fill his shoes' We suppose,: with the big Conservative majority it won't makemuch difference until the day of reckoning drawn s on. * 'R •* * .. * * * * Keep your 'eye skinned for the Hallowe'en joker Saturday` night of this week. A good stogie boot close to a fellow's coat tail often helps out -of the yard. * r * * * • . * * Our friends the Baptists of this Dominion take a great and' very practical interest in Missions and have a record 'well' worthy of any church membership. Total. expenditure' for all puliones last year was over a. million dollars, an increase' of nearly $14'2;000 over - the previous year. $820,41•) of this was spent 'are 'home and'$i8i241iehedad. The total; membership is said to be 55,544, an' advance' of, over • 400 in the 12 months. ******•* • 31,000 motor cars were registered up to September lst in this Prov ince.. An easy question in arithmetic would give, approximately, the financial investment, which would tally up to a big sum. Ontario is a well' -to-do Province or she could net' keep • up'such a record:' Three' cheers for the Red, White and Blue. •ri.*r:*f * • Advice from the Farmer's Advocate is "If you have a good hired man on the farm keep.him " A list of many duties he could look after is given and if he fills them all he would be kept busy all right. This is one way of solving the difficulty of keeping efficient help''op the farm. ***9*** * Good work is done by the Demonstration train, run under the direction of the Dominion Government. One of the best ways to teach or impress. any truthis by a practical example and this holds particularly true as it relates , to the farming industry. Pointers gotten bythis method are seldom forgotten and often. present .so easy a solution that many are disposed to make a trial. • * * * • r'• • Holy thankful we ought to be that we live in Canada instead. of Russia.. Here,' as a rule our surnames are easily spelled, and pronoun ced without diffigculty;but fancy fi man going to a telephone in,Russia and 'shouting.,""lido fsthat you, Dvisastkivchsmartv.oiceski) "No, itis'' Z'olleinscchouskaifirnocknsti'f. fgrowoff. Who is that speaking, Sex- itabehockrerby,'altsmaklsciichokemoff. I moff, ' I want to know i[Xlir if nromapskefflskillinajuivehzvasto�esksweibierski is! still stopping with D'visastkivchsmartvioczski,";,,A,;listener on_arural:line in the land of the great bear would'notgetmach 'information in an hour's' search for news if there were many,tltalelgues like the above. Such chats keep the wires very ,hot. ' ! f r-* * * • * Be Loyal to your coinniiinit'y. Spend your `money at home and consult the New Era's advertising columns . if you wish' to know where the bargains are." !I. e° rias' :r, Thursday,October 29th,• 1914, Ttes� ••••••••S•••••••••d•••••••• • Try us for Job Work in all • •sits br inches. _ A trial will convince you • khat we know our bus'ines • ip•N•11NfI•••tld••r9•N••• • EVelrYi otti'a!n+4 a Clinton ishd"vic'irtitye010e4o 4o Fn's' ,Patriotic Meeting, on Friday Aftern"ooti,''of 1 h`is Week andi'recelve;an-Aliuminum!'S ( 6e Pari from the': W'ea'evel Co. of Toronto, Their' agent will > dcrno')strate doling the afternoon 1�I'o canvassing done. Conic' it yo'il';a,r.e not a nlentber. Auburn Miss Erma Pettey and Miss Lettje: Jackson were sent as delegates to the Epworth', League convention beld'in Goderich this week. ` Mre,iH, Taylor 'died • very uddeply Mcinday morning from heart failure., The' evaporator has becomeSe'filled with apples. that the • proprietor's haute quit buyin for a few d;i,ys. ' Rev. A:'Laing and Rev. Mr. Miller will exchange' pulpits next Sunday. Mr. Miller will address the Order°of Free'Masohs at Citrlocv,',Sund'ay after: noon. ` M'r.. Geo. Ilenail,tbp' shipped 'a "car load of sugar beets last weele. • According to the theory;; of some folk the human family, with due care, into Increase its longevity so .that old historic' days, 'after the Methtisaleh type• will be ;d, plic ated. Numerous instances are known today where.• /he, century mark is attained aceompanled; by considerable vigor - of mind and •body. An instance is at hand ln'the ease pf Thos. Collins, of Claa oye, Middlesex ,Co„ who celebrates the round 100, on November 12th. We don't, wonder that the ,reiat- ivea are planning for a,ce'lebration of the' event,' There willpeedto be better caretaking done by the young people . eftpdayy to be- eoipe cenetariens, Plenty o f sleep, ,Plain 9ood,, comfortable, clothing, abstinence •frein lntovicant'a;;and the use of tobacco, cheerfulness and 'Godliness are.a few of thee; requisites for a long ,and happy: life. The length, of years isnot as important as the proper use of them as they speed along. ' * * * • * * * * Provincial Board of Reale-Cis laying special env bas ison prop - per er care of slaughter h oases so that a sanitary inspention tion could be passed without any trouble. Proper lighting, ventilation, drainage and cleanliness and the disposal of offal come in the count and where these requirements cannot be met new building constructed accord- ing to sanitation. etc., can be comp oiled under heavy penalties for delay or refusal. If Button Co. butchers live up to the law' all well and good. We know of some Boards of Health where they have had trouble along this line and were compelled to ask the parties to ap- ,pear before a J.P., before the offenders woke up to the feet that they were amenable to law. ' Th'eir persnal liberty theory was not ;worth a cent: Itis said the Provincial Inspector will visit the various Coon ties and see how things,,are. •* ***** • Riclgetown took $1926, at the gate in connection withtheir ,Fall Fair Which was held two ,days:This was $400 in, excess of py previous record, hence the directorate" are wearing unusually' plbasant' count' enances: Constance. , The Canadian` Grater :,.of . Foresters held en At Homs on Thursday even. ing to Members of'th'e lodge and their lamrhes.; Quarterly tweeting will be held here on Sunday afternoon Anniversary services will be held on Nov. 8th. Mrs: Beu Riley was,' called to Sea. forth on'Ttiesdiii*' nwliig to tife death . John Wrht. The funeral was helf her father, d on Sundaytafcernoon to Maitland cemetery, Mi: Hall is improving after an attack ofappendicites. .: **** *5'.**' ' • We don't' know when drivers of horses will learn cdrntrlon Bence. Miss e'Mjagn e ie 1-Forsyth,' of d...,hiith am .:township; •. was as „kp oyc-k e d: ud. ol w"e ' s n 'While wal rng along'the''r $1 to church and had her collar, bone brbkeland othcrfnjyreB;,�ilieed The esins e;was 'edified bytwo light headedgentd'who wereracing•their steed Two 'other' petiPle werea1brn irOd., 'net mike 'e#rlichbettei:.eopthan thatSd ofelltiws3 b ld'he er be allowed• to,hndle the rins theyh ave'•soirtfleimagine 1u mfgfit they they are otorn rtryingto 113ta12mhucgest So' nPeoplea >6s' . heaz to think own tie'hi hw ay Whereas the ed trihh hag equal r" hts wtth he e jeh as io dhb Id be tatfKhtth by hesvv Rtlsi « a ••. • Russia• cangive [.mgrrda.pointer's on he •'to deal 'with -the ''Pe :Peencc,:queit1on`,.and.vi dantlYtl'u Roverbm n�ie net a.ait0�<- press_ ,;an;