HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-10-22, Page 7I'ACGE SIX, THE CLINTON NE! EZfAi. i We are Ready. With the Y ou can cook to the full capacity of the top and bake an Oven full of good things with a NewFall Styles forMer Pot two weeks past you nave heed seeing them displayed in our windows, and many of our customers have already come up to the front and made their selection. To -day we invite one and all to come in and get acquainted permanently with the most complete, up-to-date and moderately -priced stock it has ever been our pleasure to show. A wonderful showing ! We can only suggest some of the lines, But this an- nouncement is to say they are here, and that you are welcome. Look at a Mann Dressed in Clothes Made at Brown's 's He will stand right out in a crowd,dressed in one of our handsome. Fall Suits, wear a mark of clothes distinction. He will have individuality, any man will Tai1or;d C1.thesCl rp Brown's make him conscious of good grooming. Why should this not be. so—for an expert high -salaried designer models our garments, while the most skillfull tailors make them, on scientific principles and in scientific surroundings. No detail so small that it has been overlooked. The fabrics are entirely new and are the best production of the best foreign looms Men's Suits==Our Own Make Thoselthree words, "Our Own Make," mean a great deal in the way of satisfac- tion, to the:man who wants full value for Every cent he puts into his new suit. Some important points upon which we can absolutely guarantee you complete satisfaction. . FIRST—The materials are positively fast color. SECOND—Inside and out the workmanship is of the best. THIRD—We guarantee a perfect fit. ;;;;;AS IM OR STYLE— The latest improved 2 and 3 button S, B, sack coat, with medium or long soft roll, peaked or semi -peaked lapel, rounded front, high -cut vest; regular;,or medium peg trousers, with or without cuffs. Collie in—Try us for a Suit SEE OUR FALL HATS AND CAPS WeCarry full Lire of Gents Furnishings OWN' WVWVVVWV1IWWVWVNWVMAMMWMMM OAWAAA AAA 17;71Steamer "State of Ohio" LiNE FOR CLEVELAND Leaves Port Stanley 12 midnight on permits for the province. There odd dates in August, even dates in Sept, to Sept. 10th re now 3649 mtor cycles and ere Arrive in Cleveland at 6.30 a,m' 050 automobiles in Ontario. Fare from Port Stanley one wav $2.251, Round Trip $4.00 Saturday Excursions on above dates $2,25 round trip i THE BROTHERS WON. Lake Rides Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3 p m Last week when Mr. "Joe Taylor, Fare 25c 3 of Toronto, was visiting his bro- MA/MAM ther Mr. J. Taylor, these two gen- W VVVVV),WVyeiyWONMMM AMMtlemen took it into their heads ,,.cep to trim the local double champions and succeeded in beating Messrs, ® l W. Grant and J. Watt by six or seven shots. PAID INSURANCE. On Friday last Mr. Jacob Taylor paid Mr. S. S. Cooper his insurance on his barn 't d contents which was damaged by fire a month or so ago. $175 from the Hand -in - Hand on the building and $75 on contents from the merchants. t"WAKE UP CANADA !" The Toronto board of trade has issued a booklet entitled "Wake up, Canada!" showing Canada's opportunity to manufacture the goods which in the past have been imported from Germany. • It .kp- peals to Canadians to keep their help employed and points out that the demand for .Canadian -made goods would change as if by magic the present depression into pros- perity. The booklet contains stat- istics showing Canada's imports ,from Germany. at the same time. Many exclu- �,. , sive features you should know about. Let the McCIa y dealer show you. as ,' HADE4N-CANADA Sold by Harland Brothers Brothers eee • 90004.0000040000000000000OSOOGO4•o00o0@m0000004+0000000. • L' cap News • •0 0 •• 00•••••••••••••••001)•••••••0, 00s•••0o•0000s000.00000s•• AFTER THE RABBITS. CLINTON MARKETS. The sportsmen of town had a Hogs $7.75,Butter 23c to 24c. fine day's shooting on Thanksgiv- Eggs 25c to 26e. end day. Wheat $1.00. SELECTED JURORS. Oats 38c to 40e. Barley 55e to 60c, Last Friday evening the Mayor, Peas $1.10. clerk and assessor selected the Buckwheat 55e. jurors for the coming year. Shorts $30.00. Bran $27.00. MANY VISITORS. The holiday traffic was pretty heavy, many people taking advan- tage of the fine fall weather to make a visit before Winter set in WENT TO LONDESBORO. Many from Clinton tat tattended thehe Supper Londesbol•o Methodist Thanksgiving night. good wsrporte The various schools in this neigh. DISTRICT MEETING, borhood had holidays last 1Thurs The fall District meeting of the day and Friday on account of the Goderich District will be held in School Teacher's Convention at Wesley church on Tuesday of next Brussels. We never heard of one week. It is expected that Rev. young student feeling sorry. Mr. Allen will give an address. BAND CHEERED INMATES. ADVERTISING -ISMS. In the face of the staggering successes won through advertising the firm that says "Advertising is rot" proclaims its own dry -rot. RECEIVED LIST. Town clerk, D. L. Macpherson THE WEATHERMAN A HEADACHE. After two weeks of fine weather the weatherman decided on a change last Thursday and this section was visited by a severe thunder storm about six o'chock. SCHOOLS HAD HOLIDAYS. HAD Thursday, October 15th, 1914. RiL& BRITTiNNIA The patriotic spirit of the country demands the Flag of the Empire. We are ready:: to supply your requirements with Up to the Minute Patriotic Novelties. CUSHION TOPS --Designs with crossed flags,'" What we Have we Hold." "Britain Rules the Waves," "The Empire for Ever," Price 30c PATRIOTIC STATIONERY -1n pads or ;in sheets, with • beautiful design of flag on corner, Pads 15o each, ur 50 sheets , for 250 SONGS AND MUSIC -"O Canada,' "Sons of the Empire," ' So;diers of the King,". "The Maple Leaf," "Land of the Maple," Etc FLIGS—Jack or Ensign. Small enough to wear on your coat '. and large enough to decorate your wall or mount on a pole POST CARDS -Pictures of King George, Dreadnaughts, Notional Mottoes, as 2 for lc and 50 each PENNANTS -Made of felt, assorted colors, with wording, "Let 'em Have it " "British Empire," good values at 1 RUT.CONS=With red, white and blue ribbons attached, op which is printed Britain, France, Russia, price 5c• gmazenzaTIMISCIP The F eo. Often the ehapest--PilWaYs the Best WIrarlanatUMIZMZIII OEM has received the revised list of On Sunday afternoon the Clinton Kiltie Band, in full uniform paid the House of Refuge a visit and entertained the inmates for an hour or so. It is needless to say that the music was enjoyed. MINOR LOCALS. Furniture, Rugs & Linoieulns We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if von are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. You will find it to your advanr, i, to inspect our stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of violins, Pianos and Organs., Our 'Undertaking and we guarantee the besartment is t y to date in every respect of satisfaction .113kS. DUNE, . Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Day Calls answered at Residence over Store MIECIIMINEIMEMOOMIMMONINIIIEIMOM Ou PreenI Sp • cs Stoves and Ranges Guns, Rifles and A!nmunitiom Tale Padlocks and bight Latches See our Three Window Displays Remember the A. Y. P. A. con- cert in the town hall on Monday evening. Get the apple habit. It's all right to be in a stew if the coming winter, appleswith a SUNDAY SELLING LEGAL. That the sale of gasoline on Sun days is necessity and does not con stitute a breach of the Lord's Day act was the decision reached ' by Judge Morson in connection with the conviction in the Toronto Po- lice Court of Joseph Miller f. who was fined for selling the 'commod ity on Sunday. MANY APPLES WASTING. While there are many fin this town who have little 'to eat for it is an apple stew. The Candian Jubilee Singers are making a tour in this district. Monday last was the anniversary of the day that Christopher Col- umbus discovered the American continent. 12 miles of Clinton are rotting on the trees and ground. It's a good job the County is going to make a donation of apples to the Brit- ish Government. APPEALS TO WOMEN TO DRY APPLES. Lots of ram now. Hon. T.W. Crothers, Minister of Mrs. Howard Humphreys assist- of Labor, has issued an appeal to by a chorus of 25 voices and a the women of Ontario asking that reader, at the town hall next Mon- each and everyone who has ;an or day night. chard, dry two bushels of apples After a man gets his cellar stock in the old-fashioned way from the ed with coal he doesn't give a rap wealth of fruit which this Season how soon they declare the mora- loaded the trees. The dried prod torium in effect. uct will be shipped to H. Prudhom me of Montreal who will Ettend ROD AND GUN. to its transport across to Belgium. Although the opening article in the October number of Rod' and MIGHT WORK WELL IN Gun in Canada magazine, publish HURON COUNTY. ed by W.J. Taylor, Ltd., ; Wood- A farmer near Galt offered a citi- , Ont., is descriptive of a not zen of the town $1.50 a day and his able able Canadian Canoe Race in ' dinner to work on the farm. The which canoe men racing ion the man asked $2. a day. "You may Lievre and Ottawa Rivers cover need 31.50 a day before the went ed over two hundred miles in sixty er is over." remarked the farmer. hours, the table of contents shows " If I can't get $2' a day I'll live a predominance of big Game hunt- on the town." was the reply. This ing stories. "How 1913 turned out incident isvonched for. It looks Lucky for One Bull Moose" is the as if in some cases the principal story of a moose hunt in Quebec of "Give them work" /should be Wilds ; "An Unusual Hunting .Drip changed to "Make them work."— describes an American sportsman's Galt Reporter. outing. for Moose in New Brun- tswick ; Moose Hunting in the METEOROLIGICAL REPORT FOR Riding Mountains of Manitoba" SEPTEMBER 1911.— tells of a winter hunt in that prov ' ince. "Trapped" is an amusing The highest maximun tempera - story of how a Western sportsman tore was 85° on 22nd. The lowest outwitted the R. N. W, M. P. repre.- minimum temperature was 32° on sentative. Other stories and the 28th. The highest range 35° on regular departments make up an 18th and the lowest range 11° on interesting big game issue for 2nd 24th and 27th. The means for Canadian sportsmen. the month were maximum .68.36' minimum 48.33% and range 20.03° THOMAS MAY DEAD. , The total rainfal was -2.49 inches. The Exeter Times gives the Thunder occurreed on lst, 5th 6th, encl.-22nd. Hoar frost on the loth following obituary notice of the and 28th. Fall wheat looking well father of Mr. John May of town Pastures good. Forest leaves be - On Thursday last Thomas 141ay ginning to fade on 30th. died at the home of his son Jos g g on the London Road South, at' WON FROM SEAFORTH. • the ripe old age of 85 years and ! On Tliui•sda afternoon a rink of. 7 months! He was one of the first Seaforth bowlers came up hurl settlers. in the SouthhHuron des- a friendlymatch with J. trict. His father was the late Wm. played May and his mother's , maiden Taylor's rink and lost 23 to 9. nal .c was Elizabeth Balkwill. The These two rinks met a week before Balkwills, Snells and Mays came and the losers won by about the from Devonshire, England in 1832 same score. Following were the and Thomas May, then three years players ;- of age with his parents, at once Clinton Seaforth. settled on the farm on which he J. Watt Williams died. Mrs. George Samwell, whose .1. Harland maiden name was Snell, is a cousin B. Hovey E.Bight J. Taman of the late Thos: May. She now J. Taylor sk. 23 J. Willis bk. 9 is the only.survivor bf what Was Clinton -231001220241002022-23 the original Devonshire settlement Seaforth-000200000000110200-9 south of Exeter. Many changes have taken place since the original MINOR LOCALS. settlers of this district came from Half of October gone now. England. It was only the year be Areougivinga barrel of ap- fore the May's took tip the old pies to helour arriors• and those homestead that the portion of the. who suffer from the war? Do your London Road in Huron County part. wasforeet. choppedNow throughthissection ie the densthee Potatoes are a good crop. The last word over the back garden 06 Ontario. Throughout fence is, "Did your jelly jell. his long life Thomas May ever Get a'pair obig eyes Land size lived up -to his reputation for up the outlook i i Canada This ie integrity. e vas on- fs no time for the captains of in- th ZVletiiodist dustry to be looking through knot life eyed holes. Mit_ The present campaign being Jos waged in the favor of the Canadian on the homestead John of apple is a pippin. Clinton, and two daughters, 11Srs. Tell that friend of yours' who J. G. Jones and Mrs. Harry Rowe 'borrows the New Era that he can, of Exeter, Mr. May was married get the balance of the year for twice, his first wife was Precilla 25 cents. Fisher who died 50 years,ago. His If you see a married man with second wife was Elizabeth Balkwill a week's growth of whiskers on' who predeceased him in 1911. The his face you can take it for grant funeral was held on Saturday to ed that his shaving mug has been the Exeter cemetery- filled with jelly. Ns. is what we sell,Happy STOVES—The popular kind Thought, Pandora. Welcome, World's Favorite Also cheaper lines. GUNS AND RIFLES --We have both the Stevens and Remington, and a complete stock of loaded shells and cartridges. YALE LOCKS -Safety First—There are only two ways getting through a door guarded by a Yale Lock- break down the door or use the key. omicammiciusettmicwimissinimmitimmeracsommiemumianiztecmzunacrairemuirmcccommo ti ARLA. l' ;fir OTtiERS STOVES` HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES nonnosonnommernomonnour Fresh,. Light and Brown l No better bread than ours, we claim, ' I Ever came to town. sterling int it Hv a c sis,tant member ofe church. In politics lie was a The best of Flour we employ long Conservative. He is sure The latest methods, too, by four sons, William F. of obeli, George of Exeter, .Jo We're positive you will enjoy and J 1 The Bread we bake for ,you. Conner 9 Fi Conner: s s; akery Phone 202 dug a Kodak or Rownic The pictures are easy to make. Always interesting, and Grow in value year by year` Any boy or girl can successfully accomplish every step in picture making. A carefully written book of instruction furnished with each camera. Brownie Cameras $1 to $12 Kodaks $7 and and up. lDEien ingdprinting done PrTHE PENSL:tR STORE S. _ I30V E Dispensing Chemist THE QUALITY DRUG STORE ®UR JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let. Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA, CLINTON Thr, eoriner Store • ._arj "Live and Let Live" .n_ K Fivt Strong Foinls in Ueda Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in Coal. CALL AND BE CONne VINCED P 012 FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 second-hanicl FURNACE+, and.. 1 "Radiant Home" with 0Veni APPETIZING Gratifying, Satisfying MEALS' ALS Alw,py . on Top Here in the way of Quality Fnit, uf'd!•,n 9.1' S;!i. ,�'i'OViSif911r FRUITS ()Lim x. •, Tamiona, .Bananas, Peaches Pears. krul Grapes VtECiET"M1BLES Sweet Potatoes, atoes, C abbage, Cauliflower Celery, Onions, Pumpkins•and Potatuea. ButteramidEggs Wanted • i igiiest Market I'rlc� • Thos» H awkh E. E. li niif or' Plumbing and Heating PHONE 15. ,i•a l i l4•4.4.44••b�9••�•1.1++.1' lfi••F•k+ H3I'1 .3 3•4••i••1,,, F{r•9•tB•i•i1H2 i Hti L0) M 4i Perfect shoe satisfaction awaits the man who 1 comes here to select his Fall Shoes. The New Fall Models are certainly the limit of goodness in Men's Shoes. kr4' We Pride Curse' es ®vi; our yeti's rr Shoes , The best bright or dull leathers of 9 t ,. stock and the shoes areimade by the co very best makers of Men's Shoes. With the conservative lasts or the ne' in more pointed effects. Button or Lar, 3,�f�f3 - 3m5O 41,00 up to We've all sizes and widths, and you v a very hard main to shoe if we eatiliOt l: and satisfy bion, perieetfy in every re Natennicicstipasmozacincessti Sht T : use ' !,,v"ti�``t 4 THE HOME OF 000D 'SHOT ,9,