HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-10-22, Page 5PAGE FOUR
Thursday, October 22nd, 1514.
It's alright if it Conies
from Ilellyar"s
Be careful in selecting 'your
it will be viewed and criticised
by many. Those whose opinions
you most esteem will see it
By it may he judged your
good taste and judgment ; per
haps your friendship, and your
Safeguard yourself by making
use of us in the selection
We bave the goods that suit -
We know the latest styles -Best
makes -Most suitable gifts
Cut Glass, Silverware
Art Goods, China
Special Pieces that show
Refinement and Richness
at surprisingly moderate'
• Autumn SessloD
• Is now open in Central Business
• College, Pororto, and in each of •
• its Six Branches. Free catalogue •
• explains courses. Write for a 2
• copy. W. H. tihaw, president, •
• Head office, 303 Yonge Street,
• Toronto,
Children Cry
Is a school with a continental
reputation for high grade work
and for the success of its gradu-
ates, A school with superior,
courses •end instructors. We
give individual attention in
Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy Departments
Why attend elsewhere when
there is room here ? You may
enter at any time. Write for
our large tree catalogue.
D. A. McLachlan,
II! VIM? if! irr1rrnr1rnrnrr
There is a Cold day Coaling
Why not prepare for it by ordering
your winter supply of Lehigh Valley
Coal, none better in the world •
a. J. Holloway, Clinton
To the Farmer
Lessen IV.—Fourth Quarter, For
Oct. 25, 1914.
Text of the Leeson; Matt. xxvi, 47-50;
xxvii, 3 -10 -Memory Vernee, Matt.
xxvii, 3.5 -Golden Text, Matt. xxvi, 24,
Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M.
Here is another instance of God and
the devil face to face, as In the temp-
tation in the wilderness (chapter iv),
actor the baptism at the Jordan. But
there it was the devil in his own per-
son. whilehere it is the devil in Judas
Iscariot. First the devil put the
thought into the heart of Judas, and
later he entered in himself (John xiii,
2, 27). If we would be overcomers we
must resist the thoughts that are evil.
It is encouraging to know that if we
resist the devil he will flee from us
(Jas. iv, 7; I Pet v, 8, 9). We must
bear in mind that our great daily con-
flict is not so much with the visible
In the form of people or circumstances
as with the rulers of the darkness of
this world, wicked spirits in the heav-
enlies (Eph. vi, 12), and we certainly
need the whole armor of God to be
able to stand against the wiles a[ the
Some one has said that as this was
the greatest piece of work the devil
ever undertook he could not trust it to
any of his followers, and so entered
into Judas himself. It was a host of
the devil's followers, including the
chief priests, elders and scribes, who
came with Judas as their leader, for
our Lord had said to them earlier in
His ministry, "Ye are of your father
the devil" (John viii, 44).
It is written that the way in which
the betrayer knew where to find Jesus
was because He ofttimes resorted
thither with His disciples (John xviil.
2). "The wicked (one) watcheth the
righteous and seeketh to slay him" (f's.
raxvii, 82), and he seems to know our
resorts and our weaknesses. Judas had
told the band of followers that he
would indicate the man they wanted
by kissing Him. This he did, and
Sens suffered it, simply saying, "Ju-
das,'betrayest thou the Son of Man
with a kiss?" (Luke xaii, 48.) How
much He bore for our sakes, but how
little we seem able to bear for Him!
Knowing all things that should come
upon Him, He went forth to meet His
enemies and said, "Whom seek ye?"
They answered, "Jesus 'of Nazareth,"
to which He replied, "I am"
Then happened a wonderful thing,
an instance of His power, an illustra-
tion of the fact that not all the sol -
444193 pp< SSW/. could tante Him le $a
The Best Feed for Fattening the
Stock -Scientific Feeding.
The testimony of some of the best
farmers in Scarboro and Marscan,
these men and many others, who are
making a business of dairying, find it
pays them to feed Dry Malt and
Malted Corn Feed at least twice a
day, no matter bow good the pasture
is, Price's Dairy gets a car load every
two weeks. The City Dairy Co. use
them altogether at their farm. Why ?
Because they produce more and better
milk. These feeds will do the same
for you. Try a ton of each and watch
results. There is money in it for you.
Being an intelligent farmer you will
appreciate what others say about the
value of the feed I am handling, and
get in line with them in producing the
best milk that comes into town, and
at the same time have a big balance on
the right side of the ledger.
Call and get some for your stock
2500 Chickens 2000 Hens
and 1000 Ducks
each ween during the poultry season
Turkeys and Geese taken later
Get our prices each week, delivered
at the elevator,
We are in the market tor all kinds of
grain at top prices
A Full Line of Flour and Feed
Always on Hand
Have you tried our Cured Meats?
All meat supplies Government
The Glll-i Weis CO,, Limited
The up-to-date Firm, Clinton
Phone 190.
.��mu�r8r aa:..+,ecaun
Walking and Riding Oliver
I. H. C. Gasoline Engines
McCormick Machinery Pumps
and WindmiW.
biller a Lillie
Corner of Princes and Albert
When a child
dislikes studs-.
When children din:
like shady
ergs r :terra n other;
'direction*, moat ntte-
ly to overcome ere -
W• e cur,remove tial.
Thon d111ge0c0 ..1U
f ollow.
Pi. I. Grigg
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
A Dollar DowD
Is often an illumination as big
as the sun. There is no place in
town where "money down". goes
farther than it does right here.
or dresser bought for 'spot cash'
from our present stock makes
what you see elsewhere look
like thirty cents,
Its Bargains Galore we are
offering just now in our
entire Furniture Stack
The Cheapest Spot in Huron to Buy all kinds of Furniture
BA..LJa3 t7G/ a.�.dh,,.....R...�5.S,o1'9S1
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Direetors -Phone 104
N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES-- LH. Atkinson 180
had not been willing. They went
backward and fell to the ground (John
xvili, 4-6). They would never have ris-
en again if He had not permitted, but
would have been like the army of Sen-
nacherib, all dead men (Ii Kings six,
85). He allowed them to rise up and
come again and take Him. It wall
then that Peter in his zeal blundered
with his sword and took oft a man's
ear, but our Lord gently rebuked Peter
and healed the ear.
How often by our blunderings we
hinder people from hearing the gospel!
It may be by untimely zeal or by some
Inconsistency or some nn-Chrlstlike
word or deed suggested by the devil.
In following lessons we will take
up 'the story of Jesus and Peter and
Jesus before Pilate, but now we are
asked to continue the story of Judas
until the end of his earthly career as
recorded in chapter xxvii, 8-10, this
portion of the record being found only
here. The seeming change in Judas
was when be saw that Jesus was ac-
tually condemned. Is it possible that,
having seen so mach of the power of
Jesus Christ and remembering the day
when He quietly slipped away from
the hands of the people of Nazareth
and perhaps recalling His words that
no man could take His life from Him
(John x, 18), he did not believe that He
would ever let His enemies kill Him?
He could make a little money and then
fool the high priests and others by see-
ing Jesus take Himself out of their
I cannot tell what His thoughts were,
but I cannot forget the words, "It had
been good for that man if he had not
been born" (Mattxxvi, 24). The pieces
of silver remind us of the money re-
ceived by Joseph's brethiiea when they
sold him, and also of the prediction in
Zech. xi,•12. Verse 9 of our lesson Is
a little perplexing, as it is said there
that the words about the pieces of sil-
ver were spoken by Jeremiah the
prophet, yet we find them written in
Zechariah, not Jeremiah. Our lesson
does not say they were written, but
epol:en, by Jeremiah. If Jeremiah
spoke them and Zechariah wrote them,
that would clear it all up. Some day
we will know, if necessary.
The words of Judas in verse 4, "I
have sinned in that I have betrayed
the innocent blood," are to my mind
one of the strongest testimonies on
record to the holiness of the Lord
Jesus -the testimony of one possessed
by the devil, who was in a sense one
of the twelve and knew the inner life
of the little company and would have
seen any flaw in the life of the Lord
Jesus if there had been any.
I have often wondered if he was
chosen that he might leave this testi-
mony on record. The elders and high
priests seemed glad to have dealings
with blm when he offered to betray
Jesus, but now that he seems to have
changed his mind they throw him off
with the words: "What Is that to nal
$ee thou to that." - _..-. _-_---_.. .
This Condition Can tiluly be
Maintained Through Rich
Red Blood
It makes all the difference in
the world to a girl whether she
developes into a bright, healthy
attractive woman or sinks into
a sickly, unhappy, suffering semi -
The girl whose blood is poor and
scanty -who is an anaemic as the
doctor terms it -starts life under
too great a handicap. She is weak,
er and more frail than her com-
panions who have rich, red blood.
She is more easily fatigued in
body and mind, and her work of
any kind exhausts her. In time
her health 'breaks down. She be-
comes pale, looks worn out, is lan-
guid irritable and nervous. Her
heart palpitatesviolently at the
least exertion, and she falls behind
other girls in looks, health and
a capacity for enjoying life. Abun
dant rich, red blood is the only
thing that can restore good health
to many thousands of such girls
This rich, red blood can only be
obtained through the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. They have
given thousands of weak, white-
faced, bloodless girls, robust, vig-
orous health and high spirits. Here
is a bit of proof. Mies Olive Gau-
vreau, St. Jerome, Que., says ; '1I
have reason to be more than grate
ful to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for
they restored me to health after
more than one doctor and many
• medieines had failed,' I suffered
as so many girls do from anaemia.
I was all run down, tortured with
headaches, could not stand any
exertion, and had no appetite,
though of couree I had to force
myself to eat. I was in this con-
dition for nearly two years, and
although doctoring continually,
seemed to be steadily growing
Jq_o•,r g, and 5 was very 'much els_
There Need Be
As long as Canadians do, their duty and
buy Canadian -made goods in every' case
is Canadian -made, and the only cereal
under the Kellogg name that is made in
Canada. All others are imported,
Spend your money on Canadianimade goods
and help Canada's work people.
Kellogg's Tousled corn Flares
Made in London, Ontario, Canada
couraged and dispondent . Finally
a friend urged me to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills and I discontin-
ued all other medicines and did
so. In the course of a few weeks
there was no room to doubt that
I had at last found the right medi-
cine. My appetite returned, the
headaches began to come less fre-
quently, and color was returned
to my face. The continued use
of the Pills for a little longer fully
restored my health, and I have
since been as healthy and active
as anyone .could wish. I cannot
too strongly recommend Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills to other weak
and ailing girls."
You can get these pills through
your medicine dealer or by mail
post paid at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., ,Brockville,
10 interested and should know
about the wonderful llnO sir
IRarvel Douc
Ark your druggist for
it. If he cannot supply
the MARVEL, accept no
other, but send stamp for Illus-
trated book—sealed, It giver full
particulars and directions invaluable
to ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLYCO.,Wiadaor, Ont.
General Agents for Canada.
Making the
Little Farm Pau T.
4.2-1÷1 :: 1 1 I-144 :-1-4-144--5.1 1 1 1 1
AL pickle
l,aa make a great deal
of money, and
there is an oppor-
tunity for non-
professionals to
clear up u tidy
sum every year
on a small tract
pf land.
Pickles worth
eating are worth
also a fair price,
and the producer
should be satis-
fied with nothing
less. Take ac-
count nere of mcrvidual taste. hearty
laborers relish big, salt, green cucum-
bers, but sniff disdain of fancy relishes
and unwonted tangs or meted flavors,
such as the mangoes and picalilll.
whose appeal to educated palates is ir-
If the soil of the pickle garden is
thin it had better be devoted to cucum-
bers. The long green variety is beet
It can be cut at little finger length or
left until almost full grown and still
be marketable. Have the ground made
light and fine; then mark it out ac-
curately in squares eight feet each
way. Where the square lines cross dig
holes three feet across and at least
three fent deep- Put in the bottom
of them two inches of brickbats or
broken stones or dry corncobs, over
that a foot of stable manure packed
solid; then fill up level with rich earth.
One-third good loam, one-third leaf
mold and one-third rotted manure Is a
good combination Make the holes and
fill them in May. Plant a dozen seed
in each, sticking them down an inch
or so apart. When they sprout let
them stand for a fortnight; then pull
up all but three, leaving tbose most
virorous and healthy looking.
To prevent bugs, which suck the lire
from young vines, have bottomless
boxes six inches high and eighteen
inches square.
Paint the wood over,
with coal tar or even kerosene; then
tack over one end a square of cheese-
cloth. Set a cloth covered box over
each hill as soon as the seed are up.
or before it, ifthere are cold, drying
winds. The bugs will not stay under
neath the cloth, and the vines there
will grow so fast as to be out of danger
in a fortnight The boxes can be kept
from season to season and are invalu-
able for cucumbers, melons, squashes
or anything of that sort
Keep the hills light and clean; also
the whole space between them. Plows
can run between the hills until the
vines begin to spread. Once they fair-
ly cover the earth what grass comes
up will not hurt them. Rooted in the
rich hills. they can easily give odds
to anything growing in poor soil- w nen
plowing is no longer possible a little
hoe work and hand weeding may be
in order, blit take care neither be bruise
the vines nor to throw loose dirt upon
the leaves.
Unless there is a ready market close
at hand get the brine barrel ready as
soon as the first flowers appear. It
must be clean and sweet before the
brine goes M. Old pork and fish bar-
rels always taint their later contents.
Empty whisky barrels or molasses bar-
rels do excellently, but should be well
painted outside with red lend to pre-
vent the ravages of wood worms.
Make the brine of soft water and clean
salt, strong enough to float an egg. A
little brown sugar or molasses im-
proves the keeping quality. Bring it
to a boil and skim clean after every-
thing is dissolved Pour it into the
barrel boning hot, let stand a day and
skim again before putting ill pickles.
The net result is nearly the same,
whether the pickles are cut small or
at full length. Decide in the begin-
ning which size it shall be and stick
to the decision. Cut the pickles every
morning while the dew is on. Thus
they are plump and cool, in the best
condition for keeping. Use very sharp
shears for clipping and take care to
leave the least bit of etalk to each
pickle, but never to wound, bruise or
break the vine. If by accident a vine
is bruised or torn, cut It off remorse-
lessly, so it shall not decay and set
up disease in the whole plant. Be care-
ful not to bruise the pickles. In wash-
ing use plenty of water and drain them
well before putting them into the brine.
Keep a weighted wooden cover floating
on top of the brine, thus Insuring that
the pickles shall stay covered. Put
only sort and size of pickle into a ves-
sel. If saving various sorts use brine
crocks instead of a barrel, thus mak-
ing separation easy.
A Trying Seaeon Is the Latter Part of
Summer and Early Fall.
One of the most trying seasons of
the year for the dairy cow is the latter
part of summer and early falL At this
season the pastures are often short or
dried up, and in such cases it is a com-
mon mistake of dairymen to let their
cows drop off in flow of mllk through
lack of feed. Later they find it im-
possible to restore the milk flow, no
matter how the cows are fed. Good
dairy practice demands that the milk
flow be maintained at a high level all
the time from parturition to drying off.
It becomes necessary therefore to sup-
ply some feed to take the place of the
grass. The easiest way to do this is
by means of silage. Silage fs cheaper
and decidedlymore convenient to nee
tnan Boiling crops.
The amounts to feed will depend
upon the condition of the pastures,
varying all the way from ten pounds
to a full winter feed of forty pounds.
It should be remembered in this con-
nection that silage contains a low per-
centage of protein, so that the greater
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
PereyKatelle. Ant
am1a i W Ngl1.
swakaWa Y
'I f 4 -
Yb. d. f s r
initis eat' ss arras cm.
..M Pm, *ma DtNM, Scall Pgite,
GOnvtn• mut lar Signature
at Reduced Prices
During the next two weeks we place on sale about
forty Beautiful Rugs in Tapestry, Brussels and Velvets
in sizes 2ix3, 3x3, 3x3I, and 3x4, and offer you your
choice at wonderfully reduced prices.
Owing to the advancing prices on all lines of im—
ported Rugs, we have placed extra orders for spring, in
order to secure them at the lowest possible price, but
must now make a clean sweep of all Rugs in stock i
order to have room for the new ones when they arrive
Men's and Boys Clothing
Ii you are interested in a new Suit, Overcoat or a
pair of Odd Trousers, cnme in and see what we are
showing. We can save you money and guarantee to
please you.
Plumsteel Bros.
New Idea Patterns 10e Made to Measure Clothing
• O•
+ You Cannot I/o Better Than +
+ Attend the e'
*,{. British Ameeitdll Colitge
}Yonge and McGill Sts.. Toronto .}p,
.1.for a Business or Shorthand +
. Oouree. Fall Term is now open. +
tWe ask you to write for particu .t
4. lars, T. W. \Vauchope, principal
the amount or silage rea me greater
must be the amount of protein in the
supplementary feeds to properly bat
earn the ration.
A Shads For the Well.
In order to keep the cistern from the
hot rays of the sun and assure cool
water in the summer time It is a good
plan to put a frame about the cistern
over which vines may run. 'The fol-
lowing plan may be used: Set four
posts, one at each corner of -the square
about the cistern. These posts are
Cook's Cotton Root Compound: 1
safe, reliable resutatfn,-
snedicsnne- r.Sold in three 1
grecs of strength—No, 1. 8
No. 2, 83; No. 3, 83 per box. lel
Sold iv alt druggists, or sent
prepaid on rooapt of Price:'
Fres pamphlot. Address t
seven feet above the ground. They
are square and have 2 by 4 pieces run-
ning from top ea top. Woven poultry
wire is stretched about these posts,
leaving the entrance way open. Wire
is also stretched from the 2 by 4's on
top. In this case grapevines were
planted about the wire so that the
vines may run over this in the summer
time. Rambler roses or morning glo-
ries would answer the same purpose.
Woodbine is also suitable for this pur-
For Infants and Children
plea Use For Over 30 Yews
Always bears P <Gle�i!/3G
Signature of -
TORONTO, ONT. icemen, WW •l
onnple Fare Jxtingursner.
Exhaustive tests have been carrie'S
out by the National Fire Prevention
Association as to the most efficient 7
means of extinguishing fires occur=•
ring in dip tanks containing paint or
other inflammable liquids. Hitherto'
sand has been almost universally
considered to be the best extinguish-
er, but these tests have proved con-
clusively that for this purpose saw-
dust is vastly superior. Where sand
merely makes a hole in the fire, after
wards sinking to the bottom of the
tank and allowing the flames to close.,
up again, sawdust spreads over thee,
surface of the liquid and, although if
it may itself smoulder, smothers the(
original flames. The formula adopt-
ed is one bushel cf sawdust mixed
with ten pounds of commercial car-
bonate . of soda. The experiments
were conducted with hardwood and
softwood sawdust, and both were
found equally good. - Industrial
Some folks practice the old s.8 sir
age that charity should begJ i".at
hamle-and end there.
Are Your
Bowels Ever
If you wish to be well you must keep
the bowels open. Any irregularity of the
bowels is always dangerous, and should
be attended to at once, for if the bowels
cease to work properly, all the other! i
organs become deranged.
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills work on.
the bowels gently and naturally, and will
cure the worst cases of Constipation.
Mrs. A. Cumming, Manchester, Ont.'.'
writes: -"I have been troubled with
Constipation for over five years, and I
feel it my duty to let you know that
your Milbum's Laxa-Liver Pills have
cured me. I only used three vials and
I can faithfully say that they have saved
me from a large doctor bill."
Milburn's Lasa -Liver Pills are t
wonderful remedy for all diseases or dis
orders of the liver or bowels.
Price, 25 cents per vial, or 5 vials foil
$1.00, at all dealers or mailed direct '
receipt of price by The T. ,Mililiirs
Limited. Toronto. Ont.
MINIM e00rasttsesses
I4artt Shoes
For Men,
Every man enjoys, once in a while, buying the
best things, even if they do cost more. Some me
are wise enough to know that this is true econom
If you will come here and look at our showing of,°
you will see where the enjoyment comes in. There
is nothing better made anywhere, at the price.
When you have worn a pair you will realize the
economy of the best.
We sell shoes that are absolutely the best
ever sold here -in Stylish Appearance, in
Qualities, in Materials, in Workmanship—
The best you can possibly buy for the
money, The largest stock of Men's Shoes
to select from, and a good fit guaranteed,