HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-10-08, Page 4PAGE FO17B. CLINTON. NNW tau. -'Thursday, October" 8th, 1914, It's alright if it collies from He'llyar"s. ' �edml erns Be careful in selecting your gift. . It will be viewed and criticised by many. 'those whose opinions yon most esteem will see It By it may he judged your good taste and judgment ; per haps your friendship, and your liberality Safeguard yourself by !waking use of us in the selection'' We have the goods that,sult We know the latest styles -Best makes -Most suitable gifts e Cnty GlaSS, Silverware Art Goods, China Clocks Special Pieces that show Refinement and Richness at surprisinglylnoderate Prices. . ; W.ll. BELLYAR : JEWELER and OPTICIAN, <' ETES TESTED FREE The Neivv LEra 49TH,YEAR, i set+ ."INTHE PUBLIC 'SERVICE." HERR et SON, Pltops(l. . Leslie herr Business iu nager New;Ara, Oue Year Inadvance'$1110" New'Eia, when not paid in ad-,, + t va'nce .` ",, .$1 50•� reW Era, to the United States. in advance , ! ..$1.50 ertisileg, Rates on "'Appl'ication "Adv o Job, work prices advance' OD July ,1st, 1913, in taccordence with the ,FIuion Co.' Press Asso- t at ciation Rates. Office Phone 30 Houle Phone•95 SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson (1. ---Fourth Quarter; F'op ' rOct. 11, 1914. rHi INTERNATIONAL -SERIES. °Tezti Of the Lesson, Mark xiv, Metrlory yerses922 , 23 -Golden Text, 1..CoI 26-Conitt entary Prepared' I ' by'Rev. D M. Stearns. ` The record of this last evening on which He kept the Passover•, and insti•' ytuted what we call the Lord's swine/ 'Ulna SeSS100,11 Is now open in Central Business Y : College, Tororto, and in each of 5 ▪ its Six Branches: Free -catalogue • • explains courses. Write for a • • copy, . • W. H. Shaw, president, 0 Head office, 39$ . Yonge Street, • Toronto,• ....0...0.•0.0........•... Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CENTRAL` 'STRATFORD. ONT. I.s a school with.a ,continental reputation for high grade e work and for the success of • its • gradu- ates, A school with superior courses and instructors. We give individual attention in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments Why attend • elsewhere when there is room here ? You may enter at any time. Write for our large tree catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal rrnrr�rr�rrrrnrnrnrrrrrrrrtrrrrnrr There is a Cold day Coming Why not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley Coal, none better in the world 21. J. Holloway, Clinton rrt nnrrrrrrrrrnnrr�rrrrrrrrrrnnrr NORTH END FEED STORE To the Farmer • GRAND TRUNK RAIL When a child . dislikes study. ` Whenchildrendisc. line study ner5e en. ergy is used In other, directions, most late. IY to overcome eye. We co oie- can remove this 'thein. Then diligence will follow. Pi o. J. Grigg Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses' Is found more or less fully in each of ,tire four gospels. Luke says that He sent Peter and John, saying, "Go and prepare us the passover," and that they said unto Him, "Where wilt thou ,that •, we' prepare?" (Luke xxii ; 8,` 8d. •Ss ,,,should we ever ask Elfin concerning all our goings, and there is another queer tion we should ask Him concerning all our doings, "Lord,''' What 'wilt' 'Thda have me to do?" (Acts ix, 6), for we have no wisdom coricerning'anttiine. x but 'Prey. iii, 5, 6; Pe. xxii,Y 8; 'Ise. sxx;'21, are a very great comfort. They needed no instruction to each the city, so, He said, "Behold, .when ye are i teted into the city there shall a 'man meet you bearing a pitcher of waterM (Luke xxii, 10). They were to follow him into a hones and say to the good man of the hoose, ''"the Moister saltie, where is the guest chamber where I shall eat the pass over with my disciples?"'(Verses 1,3, 14; Dike xxii, 10, 11.) It does not seem that• the man bearing the :water vessel knew what he was doing, but that he all unconsciously guided the men to the right ,house. We are often unconsciously guiding people rightly or wrongly, for "Doth He not see my ways and count all my steps?" (Job xxxi. 4.) The owner of the house must have been a disciple. for he understood and showed them the upper room furnished., Thus they found as He had said unto them (verse 16: see also Luke xix,'32). So shall we always find it to be just as Ole has said. The words translated "guest chamber" are found In only one other place besides this incident, and that Is in Luke 1f, 7, "No room for them in' the inn." There they made ready the passover. What a privilege and honor and pleasure to make anything find it so .?, As readyter Him! Do you t d inhe . He eat down even- ing with them ing He said that He had greatly de sired to eat this. passover• with them before He suffered. but that He would not .eat of it again until fulfilled In the kingdom of God (Luke xxii, 15-1S); He Himself is our passover sacrificed for us, but as„there was a great deliver• ance of Israel from Egypt at the first passover there will be a greater de- liverance of Israel at His second corn - Ing to set up His kingdom a Cor. v, 7; Ser. xxiii, 7, 8). After lesson verse 17 'and this portion from Loire there should come in the incident of the feet washing, found only 'in John sill, by, which He taught them humbly to serve one another and the necessity of con- stant cleansing from earth's defilement. Then as they ate the passover He said that one of them would betray Hini and it had been good for that man if he had never been born. No one seem- ed to suspect Judas Iscariot, for they said one by one, "Is it I?” Simon Pe- ter asked John, who was leaning on Jesus' bosom, to ask Jesus w.ho it was. He replied, "He it is to whom I shall give a sop when I have dipped it" He gave the sop to Judas Iscariot, and then Satan entered into him. Then Jesus said to him, "That Mon Joest, do quickly." Judas went immediately out, and it was night and has been night with him ever since. Before he went out he said, "Master, is it I?" And Jesus said unto him, "Thou haat said" (verses 18- 21; .Matt. xxvi, 25; John rill, 25-80), our lesson there followed Thoul[sgi�iing DAV single Fare Good going and Returning Monday October 12th • Fare and One -Third ‘Good going October 10, 11. i2 Return limit October 13, 1914 Between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. • The Best Feed for Fattening the Stock -Scientific Feeding. The testimony of some of the hest farmers in Scarboro and Marscan, these men and many others, who are making a business of dairying, find it pays them to feed Dry Malt and' Malted Corn Feed' at least twice a day, no matter how good the pasture: is, Price's Dairy gets a car load every The CityDairyCo use two weeks. T e them altogether at thir farm. Why ? Because they produce more and better milk. These feeds will do the same for you. Try a ton of each and watch results. There it money in it for you. Being' an' intelligent farmer you•will appreciate what others sae about the value of the feed I am handling, and get in line with them In producing the best inilk that comes into town, and at the same time haves, big balance on the right side of the ledger. Call and get some for your stock John Ransford & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57' A.O. 'Pattison, station agent 'C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Stattion, Toronto, Ont. CORN. A carload of corn jest received. We are selling Whole, Cracked or Finely Ground, for fiuishing poultry. Also a carload of Bran,.Shorts, and low grade Flour. • If you want the Best Flour We have Purity,• Five Roses, Exeter Clinton and Milverton. You will make `no mistake on buying ' any of the above brands, , FRANK W., [VANS TERMS CASA. • PHONE 192 All kinds of Grain wanted at Market Prices Get our Prices on Poultry Delivered at the Elevator phone 190 We are wholesale agents for Gunn's Oared Meats.'' Ask yons dealer for Gunn's Easifiret Shortening, and Breakfast Bacon. Prices Moderate. The Gl1ln-I anglais Co., Limited The up-to-date Firm, Clinton Phone 190. N. W. TREWr1RTHA. W. JENKINS daduarters 9 FOR R 9` Oliver W kimand . i al g ipig plows I. H. C. Gasoline Engines McCormick Machinery Pumps and 'Windmills. ALI. KINDS OR REPAIRS AND EXPERTING. CALL ON Miller �C Link Corner of Princes and Albert streeite. A Dollar DOWN Is. often an illumination as big as the sun. There is no place in town where "money down" goes farther than it does right here l0 ' ' M A CIIINA.'CLOSET i(y or dresser bought for 'spot cash'. "`� from our, present stock makes what you see elsewhere look like thirty cents. Its Bargains. Galore we are offering grist now in our entire Furniture Stack The Cheapest Spot in Huron to Buy all kinds of Furniture BALL ek T2CI bTS® ':i- Furnitnre'Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 '77' N. Ball' 110_RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 180 1 anada s actories will be enabled' to run full time. only if.we all'buy "Made -in -Canada''. goods every time. FLAKES • is the. only food under the name KELLOGG ,that is, ''Made -in -Canada. All others are imported " `and do not help Canadian'wirkpeople. 'Your money'spent 'on •`Made in -Canada" goods remains in this 'country and helps Canadians. Kellogg's Toasted Corn flakes Made in London, Ontario, Canada MiallnallIMMOMF to According the institution of the supper, by which, according to I Cor. xi, 26, we show, the Lord's death till He come. The bread represents His body given for us and the wine His blood shed for es, and by believing w6 eat Himself is is explained in John vi, 47, 54, where la the one verse eternal life is the re- mit of believing on Him, and in the 'thee it is the result of eating His flesh uta drinking Ells blood, so that eating His flesh and deinking His blood is lust leUeving on Him or, according to John 12, receiving, Him. He said again in this connection that He would not drink any more of the trait of the vine till he should drink - t ne-w to the kingdom of 1301 Verse 25). • He also'epoke of appointing to the twelve (some qne taking the place of ludas Iscariot) a kingdonh that they 'night eat and drink at His table in His tingdom and 'sit -on thrones judging the twelve .tribes of Israel (Luke 18-30). Compare Matt. xix, 28. While He had befote Him, knowing ill things, the sufferings of Gethsem- me and Calvary, they were selfishly talking of who should be the greatest, tnd Simon was saying', that' he was 'eady.to go with Him to prison and to Leath, not knowing his utter weakness for that Satan was asking for him to lift him (Lute `xxii 2434). In 'His reference to swords He seems p me' to be saying to them that if they ;ould not trust Hila when invisibly as well as when visibly with them they sad better buy swords and take care, >f themselves. When He said that two ;words were enough it is evident that He did not mean that each should have sae Connect John xtii, 86-88, and xIv, 1, as if there were no chapter divisions tn(I See how, marvelous it Is. Be Good ADVERTISING-I501S. "Political economists, say that the problem .of,tihe world is to bring To Yourself talnd those who together those lyho Juane a;deroanid plat clenalalnld." 'by keeping in good physical trim and you will be the best friend to yourself and a pleas- ure,.to, .others. Most sicknesses begin in the ordinary and minor ailments of the digestive ?rgans, and for these ailments have become the most popular remedy, because they are so safe, so certain, and prompt in their beneficial action. They tone the stomach, stim- ulate the liver, regulate the bowels: By cleansing the system and purifying the blood they prove that they Ars Worth ins a Bo Directions of special value w!t'a every bon. Sold everywhere. In boxer., 21 cents. PUBLISHING LISHING THE. ROLL. The Sentinel -Review. of Wood- stock has commenced, oini (the in- stallment plan; the publication of the city's entire assessment roll. The council is palyitnig for its pub- '1icaHl'uom. I Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Had Severe Stomach Trouble and Sick Headache .....SN.SOIOn..O.00...000 Lawn and: Country ...........•.........W.111.3 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Con sit of Zurich, nvournit; he death of.their young ison'iwho died on Sunday at the. age of five. He had anattack of tappendicti:s and an operation, was prefoijneeldi Mr, Andrew SmitN one of Zurich's oldest and most respected citizens died on<Monday inithe 81st year of hike (a?g(e., Mr. A McEtwein"s large barn on the let line of Morris was complete ly destroyed by fire omit T.uesd'aty .afternoon. The silo was being fill ed and fire is supposed to hast; started from a spark from the e,n gime. Mr. McEwen lost tall this seas'' oen's crop tars;well as some pigs ,an .d mtachtiniary. Insured in . Bowick Mutual. The ladies of the Wroxeter cern munity have responded liberally tc Red roesa Fund send $102.00 has. s. the Ra C The • $already been received. r c,,first hale of clothing etc. for our sol- diers was sent Friday. Mr. H.R. Scott of Seaforth had a' very interesting window Last week of almilitary Inuture and containing inig gums of quite 'ancient date. One is of the year 1815 =earlier' 18 86, and a British of1914 also raRoss• rifle of 1914. .Quite cesensation came over the eom.munity taist week while, Mr. D. Johnston, vin's engaged in blast imlg dsnioenstter stone in,the bed• of the river tat Roxboro. After 3 chlarges the an'anister yielded some w.htalt but yet (not enough tonvove it. 'Tele shock of the charge was felt for miles end some thought the enemy had 'tnwa.ded 'Canada, • 'M,r. J. Martini of Tucirersinithrl,e- livered to Mr. R. Winter aetSeaforth. 7 head •of cattle with weighed( 10,200 lbs. Heereceivei 9e per pound for them, teettid(g the fart sum of $918. Mr. S. Cudmore, of. Seaforth is in Tilbury busy pressing hay to fill the sixty thousand ton order ' he received from the Governmienit, for a<rany purposes. On Monday, Sept. 14th, the Andel of De(atth visited another Howick home send removed, onecf.the old- est residents of this 'district in the person, of Esther McLaughlin ,wid- ow of,the late Robert Gibston, in her 93rd year, Deceased was •horn 1822 ire the County fof Cavan Ire- lanld, 'being the youngest of "'a homily of six brothers eased one sis- ter, ill of whom., predeceased her aeverlael ye era ago" Fifteen of the volu0teers from the 33rd 'numb iRegiomeAt belong `to the,contingent ,selected, .for service in,Berfoudta and, left Val - cattier camp last week for that. place. mTh putties have not yet Lalet week three vessels unloaded 285,800 bushels of whe'alt, 19,000 'bush els of•b(airley end 17,000 bushels of Oats et :Goderich 'harbor. On ';W'ednleeclay miorning;•Sept. 16,. east eleven o'clock the rnarriago,was solemnized of Miss 'Gertrude I Reeb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Reeb, of Port Colborne, to Dr. Harold Clarke Workman, of' Floe d- wicih Ott. Mr. Samuel Ski'amer, councillor of Usbortn'e To, wiais taken s'uddenl'y ill last week and is int .a'very ser: - ons condition., His mean friends will Mope for a speedy recovery. 1WhIalt might' have been serious hlappe{need on Tuesday when a fire broke out on the. roof of Mr. Rd. Thomas' dwelling, tart St. Helen's while 0 heavy windstorm. was rag- ing:. ag-Sngg:• iT'hrough the glatllaintry of the teacher, Mr. Robinson, and the' schobars, who ywere : passing 51 the time, it wtas• soon, extarjguvshed.. Mr. Geo, Burden, of Exeter, shot. e dlalmre len wet a ' °Chiral at as the Maus Heron The heroin is of the family Ardeei dlae, and has a long peek and lege k1 long ta'pelrisig bill, wittly asharp po5nli talnd sharp cutting .edgeis, large wings mild tsoft, •piumager This bird was particularly large end as- urednbeautibel from the stip of i its speck-neat %o ft ebbe feet, over four 1 eet, ainld 'from tip tolltip of wiings over five feet. Mr. W,m. Hart, Seaforth, found a couple of, po'ttatotes imthis cellar a few daay§ ago wbieh had new pota- toes growing right rout of 'title old ones. Some of tthe' new ,pottattoes were uls large as s eggs, It is , certainly an lino 1 and remtark- abel freak of oat e. Councillor forntey, of Myth, re Could Not Eat Anything Without Agonizing Pain My health is better now than it has been for years, and I osse•"it'to Mil - burn's Laxa-Liver Pills: -writes Miss Rose Doyle, Connaught, Ont., "I was for several years troubled with severe stomach trouble and sick headache. Could not eat anything without agoniz- ing pain. My sick headaches were most violent, and ,I could not rest night or day, I became emaciated and thor- oughly despondent, and no medicine seemed to help me. until I took Mil - burn's Laxa-Liver Pills. In five months I was entirely cured." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are without a doubt one of the best remedies on the market to -day for all the troubles arising from the wrong action of the Liver. You can procure them from any. druggist or general store. If they haven't them in stock send direct to The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for 11.00, e la= --r During the next,two weeks.,we placel.on, sale'abou; forty Beautiful! Rugs in ,Tapestry, ,Brusets and Velvets in sizes a/x3, 3x3, 3x31; and 3x4, and offer you your choice at wonderfully reduced prices. - Owing to the advancing prices on:, all fox of,im porte`d' Rugs, we have placed extra orders fors spring, in.;' order to secure therm at the lowest;possibie pride, but must now make 'a clean,'sweep Of;,all., Rugs, in stock in,, order to have room for the' new ones Olen, they arrive .l Mesa's and,Boys s Clothil i 11 you are interested'kn awnew Suit, Overcoat or a•' pair of '.Odd Trousers, cnnr, in and see 'what we are showing. We can- save you'intsney and guarantee to please you. Plu steel Bros. New Idea Patterns 100 Made to Measure Clothing • . Yon Cannot Do Bitter Than 4. Grow all the wheat you cam: The lalve States that nopersom,nn dier 18 years of age is'aldowed to Garry fire arms. mamiammaimmememem Make the Liver Do ,its Duty N'm• inn la Das wins dilater it d e air Bausch acd bowels am tight CARTER'S LITTLE LivER PiLLS seetlybisfnslycoes. pal*Lax liver to ie its duty. Cures Cop- s atfon. ladiges- lion, Sick Headache,, mad Distre s after Eating. Small PU1, Small Doss, Small Pllcs, Genuine muR bear Signature 'Ors"' 'hour of trouble. 91e is; -"al brother of Mr. John Rytaln of Walton The remains were brought to Walton' Attend the 'i' land interred in'Morris Cemetery q. i. .me�• l Dr: Ryall' of Saginaw attended the British American College f,ene,na't .-i1 'i'Mr Janes Heffrolra of Blyth re, Yonge and McGill Sts.. Toronto + en'tly sold to Mr Watson four- for a Business or Shorthand 9' teen head of cattle •a"eragineg a - i' Course. Fall Term is now open. 9• bout two years and for which he. rece.twed the little pile of $1,500, Mrs. James Stewart who has been • in poor helaleth forlsoane time died tat her' home in Tuckers'mith south Egmonvilte, Friday mounting. The late Mrs. Stewart was a daughter ceived word an, Mo,nl3,ay from his of Mr. An4(1oally Tyndall and be - scene Ernest L, .who is flaming at sides her 'husbland she leaves.. a C'atbri, Sask. r'H'e edilates that ,the flalmily of two sans and two daught crops in that section were a come ems. The sons are Milton and Ba plete failure this year. Off 40 acre's ry, Wlnd,tlee daughters' are Mrs. cin which Meowed 80 bushels of Ohlarleaiworth of'Egmoteville and; w,helaft, he harvested �ii9 bushels, just Bejalta'ice at home. The funeral is 21 bushels less than was sown). to be belcl on Sunday interment in Barley and oat crops 'were plot Maitlanid•Bank cemetery. 'worth cutting. Wive persons were brought be fore J. Leckie, J.P., fat Brussels' on' information of Inspector Johnston ofi Melton, Wind assessed $20 each pod. coats for being the worse of liquor. Another contingent leyeb tot ,be deallt with Lwisb week Principal 'Henderson of Walton public school, received' a Strathoona certificate 'entitling him to y$lcc this year. He also got his Cadet certificate from London wind on for Physical Culture. The dispersion sale of Thorobred Shorthorn's, the herd of Mr. Smillie, Tukersmiti, len Friday la>at was a gratifying success 1n: every respell; Mr. John Archibald of Seaforth, is having a Hydro -Electric motor land milking machines installed in his dairy so that hereafter..; his cows will be Milked by electrical power. Mayor Ameot of Seaforth wes f1i Toronto repeeeseuting the toevn a't tahearing beboret 'hjerailway poe- Iniissioo in regard teethe crossing here which is still unprotected: Mr. Jlame:s Flannery 'who has had the flaawi, of Mr. James McDougal on the 7th, concession Tuckersrnith rented fortthe past 'throe years is g0dng St,upi Much regret mals felt onleaining of the de{alth of Mrs. P.V. ',Ryan, which tool place at God erich on Thursdlay of last Week. Mrs.Ryans ¢maiden, name was Minnie O'Lough lint, of 84. Augustine. Mr. Ryan is old resident of 'Wialton vicinity he 'leassnamy friends who will sin- cerely sympathize with him imthis 4. We ask you to write for particu lars, T. W. %Vauchope, principal t ..o.........S...S....®... CASTO R l A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Oso ERRIN ARROWROOT BISCUIT- ❖ Arrowroot Biscuits are a severe test of the baker's skill itis easy for you to see from their delicious flavor and golden brown crispness how well we. succeed. The kiddies and even the babies may have as many as they want nothing is better for them. Every Package Guaranteed. At your grocer's. Send for the Perrin "Samp- ler" Package. It contains so many delicious surprises that you will be sure to consider it worth the 10e. (coin or stamps) that covers the cost of mailing it. Mention your grocer's name. O. S. PERRIN & COMPANY LIMITED London, Canada 21 !-lartt Shoes: ..orri Men., fr in• a while, buying the Every man enjoys, ponceY best things, even if they do cost more. Some men are wise enough to know that this is true economy If you will come here and look, - r 11211R14T SHOES you will see where the enjoyment comes in. There is nothing better made anywhere, at the price. When you have worn a pair you will realize the economy of the best. We sellshoes that are absolutely the best ever sold here -in Stylish Appearance, in Qualities, in Materials, in Workmanship-- The best you can possibly buy for the money. The largest stock of Men's Shoes , to select from, and a good fit guaranteed, ;at MANd Phone 70 Clinton