The Clinton New Era, 1914-10-08, Page 2•••••••••,•••••••••••••••• •
Phone Want Ads to
The Ne,w Era
it Many telephone tibscribers
field it quite eonvenient and,a
visner_: a Ireer a 1 wExperienceday
The NeW el
• Era end. Phone •30. a
e Clint
Thursday, October 8th, 1914.
Every Page Has Newsy Items.
paws -rep oN THE
4.4E4_irIu III
Mrs. Alex Thomson and Miss Jean
lhoinson attended the Hayfield show
last week.
Mies Clara MacGregor spent last
week at Myth, and visited the show
there. •
Mrs. Ferguson of Kincardine and
Miss Amy Houston of (Minton visited
at the home of Mr. Geo. paled onMou.
day of ths week.
3: Personal Not es 441
eses .11 those baring relatives or friends 4.
,44 ;la" sioni ter tact sp.giVanteita,v=
would uannounoee it in unce /saw uniA.
X44444,4444444444++ +4+
Mise Mabel Jervis who spent the
summer at Goderich has returned to
her homie
Mrs, J. G. Meda visited a few days
last week with, her sister, Mrs. Wm
Stanley of Holmesville
Miss Florence Garret, has returned
home after a visit with her sister,
Mrs. Joseph Webster and also her
cousin, Mrs. DerWinCarter of Hullett.
Mr. John Shaw was holidaying last
week at Brussels with old friends.
He was the Principal of the Public
School there for long years and newly
of the business men were pupils when
he taught,. It was a mutual pleasure
for teacher and scholars to meet
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartliff and
'children were visiting at Brussels last
Friday. It was Fair- Day there.
Mr. Mackenzie Wright, of the
Frank S. Wilson Paper Company,
gave the New Era a call On Saturday
Mr. Thos. Trick arrived home from
his visit with relatives and friends at
Ingersoll and other points.
Rev. Mr. Wren, of Brussels, was
calling on friends in town on Monday.
The reverend gentleman was preach-
ing at Hohneeville on Semday,
Miss Jennie Roberton returned on
Saturday from tl fortnights visit in
Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson and small dau-
ghter Jean, of Kincardine, are the
guests of Miss Amy Howson.
Dr. and Mes. J. Lindsay and child-
ren of London spent the week end
with the former's mother, Mrs. James
Mr, and Mrs. J. MacKinnon left on
Monday for their new home near
Edmonton. ,
Miss Louise Murray of the Seafor
C. 1. staff, was the guesf of her cous
Miss Isabel Gunn over Sunday.
Miss 'Stith Rennie, of Hensall was in
town last week for the 0.'0. I. t
Home on Friday evening.
Mrs. Greig, who has been visiti
her son, Mr. J. 0. Greig of Seafort ,
returned home this woes.
Mr. Stewart Jackson was in Towmt
last week on business in connectio
with the big Patriotic Concert on
Thanksgiving night.
Mrs. Malcolm MeTaggart is visiting
in Morrisburg,
Miss Jane Gilchrist, of Saginaw,
Mich., is the guest of her mother, Mrs.
D Gilchrist, Rattenbury street,
Mrs. Curtis, of Blyth, was a calle
in town on Thmsday last,
Rev. r, Hovey, M. A., of Burling-
ton, after his holidays here, preached
at St. Jude's church, Btriatford, bp
Sunday, at which church Rev. 0(E.
Jeakins is pastor.
Rev. J. C. Potts, Rector of St.
Paul's chnrch„ preached in Mitchel on
Sunday last.
Mr. Harvey Reid, of Stanley, ail
former O. C. I. student left on Mn.
day toenterthe Dental College ib
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lamont an 1
family of Brussels, accompanied b
Mrs. Matheson, of Toledo, Ohio,
• spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jetties Dunford.
Miss Jessie O'Neil aud her friend
Miss Grant returned to University on
Friday afternoon after a short visit.
Mr. T. W. Ralph, auditor for the
Canadian Northern Railway, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kerr over
Sunday. Mrs. ,Ralph and Master
Hervey will extend their visit. Mr.
Ralph commenced his business career
as office boy for Ontario's new Prem-
ier, Hon. W. 11. Hearst at the Soo.
Miss Aniee Bartliff left this week
for London where she enters Victoria
Hospital as nurse -in training. Miss
Bartiff's many friends in town will
join in wishing her success in her new
Mrs, Gen, Turner of Drayton is
visiting at the home of Mrs, James
Rev. A. Melrarlane, Hayfield will
preoch in the Presbyterian church on
Sabbath next a special thanksgiving
offering will be taken.
While James 111 ustard was filling a
silo on the farm of John Murdock on
Saturday, the cutting box broke and
pieces of iron were thrown around.
but no one was injured. It was it
close call for those who were working
near. The cutting box was ,badly
Game is very scarce this year, beach
nuts are very plentiful.
At the meeting of the young peoples
missionary society last week Misses
Kate Thompson and Maggie B. Mc•
Ewen gave good reports of the mission
ary meeting, lately- held in Beneath
During the meeting Miss Gilmour wee
presented with a. Life naember certifi
cate if the W. M, S.
The Eureka Soceity entertained the
young people of the vicinity on Mon
day evening zi program was given and
lunch served.
On Sunday evening at the residence
of S. 13 Cole of Ethel, Mr. Wm. Ocle
died after a long illness. He was 85
years old. He was an old resident of
Henfryn for a number of years. but of
late years he had been living with his
son, S. S. Cole of Ethel. Ile leaves a
loving wife and three daughters and
five eons. The daughters are Mrs.
Wm Stephenson of Ethel, Mrs Adam
Glazier of Clinton, Mrs, Thos. Pollard
of Constance. The sons are S. S. Cole
Wm. Cole, Alf Cole and Thow Cole
of Ethel and J. Gr. Cole of Kansas.
We extend our sympathy.
Mrs. Acinm Glazier and Mrs. Thos.
Pollard attended the funeral of their
father whteh was held on Wednesday
of this week at Ethel.
Corn cutting is about over. the next
occupation is picking potatoes, roots
and apples.
Mr. 11. Colcough and sons spent
Wednesday the guest of her mother
Mrs, Thuell of Beam's,
Mr, George Taylor of Vancouver is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Taylor and other friends.
Mrs, Glazier of London visited her
sister, Mrs, Geo. Riley, one day last
tended the Hall was filled to the
doors, the program, was of a very
high \order. A profitable and en-
joylable 'time was spent. The sum
of ,leeventy dollars was taken at
the tdoor. • r
Rev. J. B. Kennedy represe'ntla-
tive of the Dominion Alliance gave
intereeting 'address Omit ;the
work of the Alliance in the Bap-
tist church on SumIllay afternoon.
Mr. and 1VIrs. J Michie of 'Brus-
sels spent Sunallaw visiting at the
htomes of Mr. S. Saeles and Mei.
Jas. Wbnidmil.,
Mr. land Mrs. Burns of Palmer-
eton Sundla.yed at the home of Mr.
Joseph Carter.
SVIr. and Mrs. Jae, Johnston, of
Dungannon, accompanied by ;Mr.
John,ston's father and mother auto
ed to. London on °Thursday.
Frank Stalker arrived from the
Weelt on [Friday night.
Mr Jand Mrs. Thomas King ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs. -Stalker
iautoed from W,00dstock 001Sun4ay
and after calling upon friends hero
proceede,d to Kincardine on Mon-.
dap. YL
Mr. Russell May left on Monday to
continne his course at Victoria College
Mr. Robert Irwin left last week to
enter Victoria College.
Miss Sipes, a former Modelite, and
now attending Normal at Stratford,
was the guest of Mb's Marion Irwin
over Sunday.
Mrs, G. Cordell after being confined
at the local hospital for nearly
month, was able to be moved to her
home on Sunday. We hope for a
speedy recovery.
Rev. U. T. Crossley (of Crossley and
Mentor) began hie 31s1 year as an
evangelist, in Itoseueath, Ont. In
this canipaigti, he writes, 189 persona
enlisted in the new life, of whom 93
weve women and maidens end 96 men
and young fellows, He began in
Teterboro Sanday after which he
comes to Clinton arid then Barrie.
The attention of all the churches is
more and more drawn to evangelism,
Lucknow Sent nel:Misses SS Web
stcr aud A, Lindsay are visiting
friendin rThnton and Kippen.
The Bev. Mr. Caswell of McKillop
preached in Si. Andrews morning
and evening on Sunday last while the
Rev. Mr, Woods is expected for the
coming Sunday. •
Tne show night concert was a won
derful success the hall being crowded
to the extent of its capacity. The
proceells over one hundred dollars.
The Counoll has granted the free
use of the town hall for the purpose
instructing the Home Guards for a
general military training. The Corps
now consists of 35 and a dozen recruits
more atvaitings their chance to enlist
at the next meeting,
Intentled for last week.
Owing to the officers of the
Huron regiment, becoming Horde
Combiatt the citizens of our town
deemed it 'advisable to form an
armed corps called 'The Home
Guard's and a very enthusiastic
meeting was hold in the town hall
on Friday evening last when the
foilowin,g officers were 'elected by
the public, Dr. Woods, President,
Rev. Mr. McFarlane, Secretary, R.
Bailey (Ranker) Treasurer, L. Thom.
son Captain fo the Guards and Dr,
Smith, George Greenslade, W.
Mustard. and. 11.1M. Kay were ap-
pointed as recruiting committee.
The required number of thirty
have already eadisted while recruits
are shill coming in so that a corps
of fifty is likely tofbe our enroll=
Miss Belle Faireervice has returned
honte after wending a year with her
sisters in the West.
Mrs. Wm. Taylor and daughter
Mary of Clinton spent Thursday at
the home of George Thompson,
Miss Mary Snell spent a few days
with her cousins Mrs. M'Dowel and
Miss Minnie Snell of Westfield
Miss Florence Garrett, of Clinton
spent a few days with her uncle, Geo,
Miss May Adams is spending two
weeks with relatives in Brampton.
Arne.; Oarttight had his hand cut
with the corn binder one day last
week but fortunately no bones were
Miss Luella Churchill has returned
to Clinton after epending a few weeks
with her friend Miss May Appleby
prior to her visit with her sister and
brother in Detroit where she will
spend the next few months.
Miss Ruby Manning is spending a
few months in Blyth witere she will
learn the dressmaking with Miss Gib.
Mr. and Mrs. Quarrie and Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Hill auteed to the home of
the letter's aunt, Mee. D. Hoggart on
Addison Johns of Toronto spent
Thursday and Friday at the home of
Richard Carter. He was called to
Clinton owing to the serious illness of
hie mother Mrs. Johrs.
Wm. Shepherd a Harlock is having
a drive shed erected on his barn.
John Nott is laid off work with the
syndicate threshing machine owing to
an attack of pneumonia and is con-
fined to his bed.
Mr. James Cartwright sr,, of Uulletet
township spent part of last week with
his daughter, Mrs. Argent and family
of Clinton, and while there he cele-
brated his 82nd birthday. Although
Mr. Car t weight is in his old lige he is
s smart as could be expected from the
ay he worked in the pioneer days.
e is enjoying the best of health.
Mrs. Youngblut wit'slitterala ighter,
Mrs, Geo. Bradle, returned on Thurs.
day night after spending a week with
Mr. H. Youngblut of Hensel).
Mr, biarnlink of Goderich was a call-
er itt the evaporator last week,
The village was well represented at
Dungannon fair.
alibs Erratt is spending the week at
Mee. Ball of Clinton is the guest of
her sister in law. Mrs. G. L Sturdy.
Mr. and Mts. Vanstone of Benmiller
visited at the home of Dr. Howson on
Messrs, Howson and Lawson propri-
etors of the sawmill have their bobbin
wood under cover as there is no de-
mand for it because of the war.
A patriotic concert will be given in
School No, 9 Hullett on Wednesday
evening Oct. 14
A Asquith & Son shipped a carload
of apples last Saturday,
. Mr. and Mrs, W. Chapman jr,, of
Brucefield spent Sunday at Geo. Ham.
"After week ending Oct; 17 the mer
chantwill close their placee of busi-
nees on Wednesday and Priam, eve-
ning at 6.80. The kind assistance of
our customers to aid us in the move
ment is urgently requested.
Intended for Last Week.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank M111)410 of
Winnipeg are visiting at the home
of the former's mother.
t Mese Riddell whoehlais been °wan
extended visit in the West return-
ed on Friday nigh... Mr, Wddetl
went to London with his ,aaito
meet her.
Mr, land Mrs. Clifford Lansing of
Paine° Edevlatrd county who are
touring Western Ontario on their
hioneyeno;ors visitedi at the home of
Joihee oneSaturday,
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
• Try us for Job Work in all
its branches.
• &trial will convince you *
that we know our ••
• business. *
• g
Iday, interment was made at Tur-
ner's cemetery. Rev. 8. J. Allin,
I pastor of deceased, assisted by
' Rev. Dr. Rutledge, conducted the
A NEW WOMAN services. The pall bearers were,
her three sons and three nephews,
Earl, Leslie and Roy Lawson. The
---, late Mrs. John was e woman of
As Lydia E. rmanarn- ... 'a veva. high ideals, and by her kindly and
tender disposition won the respect
table Compound Dispelled of all who knew her.
rowers of sugar beets in this die-
t 'et have been very busy during the
r cent fine weather and have shipped
rge quantities. While the crop is
is large as was expected, the farmers
re satisfied.
Mr. McDonald of London, has been
isiting for several days here with his
Mrs. James McGregor, whe has been
11 for some time is now able to be out
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling McPhail and
aughter, Mary, of Porter's Hill, visit-
(' with Mrs, MePhail's parents, Mr.
rid Mrs. Wm. Ivison, recently.
The women in and around Kippen
hold a meeting in the basement
ot the Methodist Church on Thursday
af -rnoon at 3 o'clock in the interest
of he Red Cross Society.
r, and Ars, Barnaby, of Liman,
spe .t atm days visiting Mrs. Barna,-
hew: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn, Ivison
rec ntly.
r. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and
dal ghter, Margaret, who have been
nding a month's holidays in the
est have returned.
Backache, Headache
and Dizziness.
Piqua, Obio.-=" I would be very un-
grateful if I failed to give Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound the
praise it deserves,
for I have taken it
at different times
and it always re-
lieved me when
other medicines
failed, and when I
hear a woman com-
plain I always rec-
ommend it. Lastwin-
ter I was attacked
with a severe case of organic weakness.
I had backache, pains in my hips and
over my kidneys, headache, dizziness,
lassitude, had no energy, limbs ached
and I was alwiys tired. I was hardly
able to do ray housework. I had taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound on one other occasion, and it had
helped me so I took it again and it has
built me up, until now I feel like a new
woman. You have my hearty consent
to use my name and testimonial in any
way and I hope it will benefit suffering
women." -Mrs. ORPHA TURNER, 431 S.
Wayne St., Piqua, Ohio.
Women who are suffering from those
distressing ills 'peculiar to their sex
ebould not doubt the ability of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re-
store their health.
If you want special advice
'write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med-
icine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. 'Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
Mr. James Shobbrook and Mies
Mabel visited friends m Hensell last
Mr. and Mrs. G. Youngblutt and
daughter and Mrs. Sanderson of
Goderich spent Sunday at the home
of J. Philips
Miss Florence Garrett of Clinton
visited friends here:this week.
This place was well represented at
Blyth Fair on Wednesday last.
Don't forget the Thanksgiving Sup
per in the Methodist Church on Mon-,
day evening next.
From the Kinc si dine Reporter we
clip the following which is of interest
to many in this vicinity -Miss Allie
ranee who has been visiting her paw
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hiles return-
ed to London on Monday where she
will pursue hewprofession of nursing.
Fine weather for the farmers to the.
jelled up their fall work.
Anniversary Services -Anniversary
Thanksgiving Services in connection
with the Londesboro Methodist charch
will he held Oct, llth and 12th. Ser-
mons will be preached 10 a m and 7
p m by the pastor. Rev. C. 0, Keine,
Thanksgiving Day Monday evening
a mew supper woe be given. Supper
in the basement served from 6 o clock
till all are served. After supper an ex
cellent program will be given in the
church consisting of addresses by Rev.
lelessrs. Reid Lo nd esboro„1 e w itt Big th
and Conway, Auburn Singing `by
Miss Ada McClinton of Goclerich end
Mr. 3, Lonie of Toronto. Mr. Bert
Hanneh of London one of Ontario's
best Elocutiouist will be present to
entertein. Special collection at each
serviee Sunday. Admission, Adults
50c, children 25c. M. Brathwaite Rec.
Steward. 0. C. Keine, pastor,
A ineive and imps° ve,d tspeitling
book has been authorized 1r pub-
lic schools land must be used inr
Stead of the old speller. IA Trus-
tee Board may, hoevever pass ares
airtime authorizing the con.q1nua-
tioas of the oidspeller in their
echools for the present, but such
resolution; Must have been in the
hiatnels of the teacher onopening
dal' or it will not be allowed,
Porter's Hill
Mrs, Cherles McPhail left on Mon-
day to visit her brother at Pittsburg.
Dont forget the anniversary services
et Bethel church Sunday. Oct. Ilth.
Dr, Rutledge of Clinton will preach in
the niorning at 10,30 and Rev. Allin of
Clinton will preach in the evening at
o'clook. Special collection will be
taken at each service in aid ot the
chnech fund.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cox, Mr. and
Mrs. Wili Cox Mrs. Hodges tsnd
daughter of 'Ripley spent Sundawat
Clem Newtons.
Remember Nov. 11,th is the date
the Symphony. Quartette appears
•The Patriotic concert held in airl in Clinton," under the auspices of
a the red cross fund Wes Wallet- the Ontario St. Ladies Aed.
Life and Accident
Real statate bought and sold
Money to loan
Office Isaac Street, next door to Nev
Era I
Ise the Matter of the Estate of
Eliza Lucinda Guest,
NOTICE is hereby given 'per-
suant to Sec. 55 of The TrusteeAct
that all persons hawing claims
;against the estate of the said de-
ceased, who died on or about the
20th day of September, 1913, 'are
requiredto send by post prepaid
to''Hattie A. Halloiway, administra.-
trix, with the will annexed, or her
solicitor on or before the 17th day
of October, 1914, their names and
addresses with full particulars in
waiting of their claims and etate-
ment of their accounts, and the
nature of their securities, it any,
held by (them, duly verified by
statutory declaration.
AND TAKE' NOTICE that after
the said 17th day of October, 1914,
the eaid admintistretrix will pro-
ceed' to (distribute thto assets of
of the said estate among thei par-
ties entitled thereto, hawing regard
cnly to the claims ob which she
shall then have notice, and the
staid adminisitratrix will not be
hiable for said assets or any part
thereof to ;ainw person, or persons
of Whose CbaliM notice shall not
have been received by her ,or her
staid solicitor, at the time ofesuch
Dated Sepeember 2511i, 1914.
Solicitor for Administrateix
Clintbm, Ont.
1 (ThituarY 1
After a long and severe illness
Mrs. Catharine Cantelon passed to
the Home beyond. Deceased was
born in Godench Township, and
in later years married John Cante-
Ion. One son, Homer, survives.
Deceased was a sister of Mr. Ar-
thur Currie of town, and Peter W.
Currie of Goderic`h. The funeral
will be held this afternoon, and
interment made at Clinton ceme-
tery. Much sympathy is extended
to the son in his hour of bereave-
The citizens were indeed sur-
prised and sorry to learn that
Mr. James Hearn, an old resident
of Clinton had been called Home
It was known he was seriously ill
but his friends had hoped he
would be spared a little while
longer. Deceased was born in
Somersetshire, Devon, England, in
1833, an in 1856 he came to Can-
ada. In 1862 he went to California
and was in the gold mining busi-
ness. He returned to Clipton and
has lived here 45 years. He was
married in London, his wife pre-
deceased him a year or so ego.
,One daughter, Mrs. Howard Hum-
phrey, of Jacksonville, Florida
now survives to hold in loving
memory, a kind and honorable
father. Mr. Hearn made one trip
to the Old Country in 1864. Be-
sides his daughter, deceased is sur-
vived by three brothers, Robert
and Lewis of London, Ont., and
Christopher in New Mexico, and
three sisters in England. Deceas-
ed was well thought of in town,
and bore no malice to anyone. He
was a staunch Conservative, and
a member of St. Paul's church.
The funeral is being held this af-
ternoon at the church, interment
will be made at Clinton cemetery.
The pall bearers will be, Joe Rdt-
tenbury, Jos. Copp, Jos. Town-
send, T. Trick, H. Fallon and J. J.
Following an illness of over six
weeks in bed, and suffering since
April, Jane Landsborough, relict
of the late Edwin Johns, passed
away on Monday night, at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert
Seeley Of town. The late Mrs.
John was born in Tuckersmith, 68
years ago. 29 years ago her part-
ner in life was killed and she re-
sided at her home in Tuckersmith
until about two years ago, when
she moved to Clinton to reside
with her daughter. She is sur-
vived by a family of three daugh-
ters, Mrs. Lawson, Hulled -' Mrs,
(Rev,) A. E. Allin in Saskatchewan
and Mrs. Seeley of town; and
three sons, Ira and Harvey in
Tuckersn•dth, and A. F. of Toron-
to. The deceased is also survived
by three sisters, Mrs. Geo. Stanley,
Mrs. McQueen and Miss Landsbor-
ough, of Stanley Township, and
two brothers, W, C. of• Tucker -
smith and 'Rev. J. F. in Michigan.
The funeral Wee held on ,Wednes-
'Ellis would be a great year for
the" apple evaporating factories if
it market could be assured.
In the Estate of John A. Cooke,
NOTICE is hereby given thet all
persons having Claims against the
estate of John Ablert Cooke,
late , of the City of
Goshein in the County
Live Stock Sale
ot Horses, Cattle and Hogs
Jas. Jones has received instructions
from Mr. James Shea to Pell by nubile
auction on Lot 17, Con. 1, Township of
McKillop, adjoining the village of
Dublin, on Friday, Oct. 23rd, 1914, the
following -1 general purpose gelding
rising I years old, well broken single
or double, 8 newly calved cows and
springers, 1 thoroughbred heifer due
to calve in December, 10 cows suppos
ed to he in calf and due about March
and April, 4 helfers rising 2 years old
supposed to he in calf. 10 steers 2 years
old not feeders, 50 steers 1 year old, 10
Polled Angus heifers 1 year old, 1
thoroughbred Polled Angus bull 15
months old, 20 spring calves, 100 store
hogs about 75 pounds each. Sale at 12
o'clock sharp. Terms: 6 months credit
will be given on furnishing approved
joint notes. 6 per cent per annum off
for cash. This will he a rare opportun
ity of securing good stock, and posi.
tively no reserve.
Auctioneer proprietor
Barred Rocks for Sale.
Abont 20 good heavy Barred
Rock Hens foe, 'siallee Also cocker-
els., Apply to.
s • 'Clinton, Ont.
A Carioad of Canada
POP110ild CC111101
Phone us tor prices
It will pay you
John Hutton
of Elkhart in the State 1 of
who died on or about the 26th day For Sale Cheap
of 'February, 1914. are required
Indiana physician. deceased;
Conneyancet Notary Public,
Commissioner, ate.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Huronpt., Clinton.
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate.
INSCRANCE:AGENT-Represenking 14 Fire In
surance Companies..
Division Court tOffice.
to deliver to "Hattie A. Holloway, One Happy Thou let Ratite with
administratrix, with the will an-
inexed, of the estate of. the said
,deceaised, or • her solicitor, on
or before the 17th clay of
October, 1914, a full statement of
their claims together with particul-
areatherleof and thenature of the
sacuristies, if any, held by them all
duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
thsaid last mentioned date, the
said adaninistratrix will proceed to
trie estate of the said de-
ceased amongst the persons enti-
tled there to having regard only
to such claims as they shall have
received duo notice in accordance
Dated at Clinton, this 25th day
of September, 1914.
W. BRYDOWE, Clinton, Ont.
; Solicitor for the AdmindstrataAx
Highest market price will be paid
Hens and Chickens taken at present
Other fowls taken later.
Phone 14 on 166
The SEW COMplaillt of
Many Children Die from this
Trouble When They Could
be Cured by the Use of
A reroedy which will quickly offset
the vomiting, purging, and the profuse
diarrhoea, accompaning a case of this
Mrs. George Henley, Boxgrove, Ont.,
writes: -"I can recommend Dr. Fowlees
Extract of Wild Strawberry for Cholera
Infantum. My little girl was so sick
I did not think she could live, as we could
not lift her up, for when we moved her,
her bowels would move. I gave her
"Dr. Fowler's" and the first dose helped
her, and one bottle cured her. I recom-
mended it to my sister whose child was
sick, and it cured her also. Then again
I have told other friends about it, and
they have found that it is a grand
medicine to have in the house all the
There are many preparations on the
market to -day, claiming to make the
same cures as 'Dr. Fowler's" but these
no -name, no -reputation, so called straw-
berry compounds are nothing more or
less than rank imitations, and are liable
to be a detriment to your health.
When you ask for "Dr. Fowler's"
be sure you get it. De not accept any
other as these substitutes may be dan-
See that our name is on the wrapPer.
Price, 35 cwits,
The T. Milburn Co,l Linaited
Toronto, 01,
reservoir ; also a Inger ewing
Machine, bOth in 1i:tett-c1ass con-
dition. Apply to
J. C.
For Sale
Physician. Surgeon. Ste
(Medal attention given to diseases of the
Bye. Ear, Throat, and Nose,
Eyes °fully N °mined, and suitable glasses
Of6ce and Residence.
Two doors west of the Commercial Hove
Matron St.
Owing to installing Hydro, a six
horse power gasoline engine, in good
running order, is offered for sale at
House of Refuge, Clinton, For par-
ticulars and price apply to
Kindergarten School
I am re -commencing my private
Kindiergarten on ,Sept. 1st, in the
little school, from 9 .a.m. to 11.30,
and would like a limited number
of pupils between the .ages of 4
,and, 7 years. Terms 181.00 a men,th
in, • advance.
Farm tor Sale
DES. GINA and CA1ND1 it
Dr. W. Gunn, L. D. CI, T., 5.5 818., Edit
Dr . J. 41, Candler. B.A. DX.
Moe -Ontario Street, Clinton,
Night callp at reeldence. RattonIntry St.
or at hospital
135 a,cres, Lot 36, 0040. 8, Hallett
A first-class farm, well watered,
gond, buildings, laeell fenced, 6
acres of young orchard. Also his
109 -acre farm on the Base Line,
1 1-2 miles north of Clinton.
Apply to
• DR. J. W. SHAW.
Farm tor Sale
The Executors of the Southcombe
Estate offers for sele 50 acres, east
half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett. A first
class farm, e ell watered and improved
and with good buildings. A good or-
chard and 7 acres of bush. Applylto
R. J. Southcombe on the:, premises, or
Clinton Poston -Ice,
Drs. Geo. ct M. E. Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chromic, and Nervous
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-Rattembury Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsilte, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand --Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
ataI ail Grains.
F0I1D & MclIE1)1)
• DR. r. IL AXON
Crown and Bridge Work 0 Specialty.
Graduate of C.C.D,S.. Chicago, and
Bayffeid on Mondays, May Ist co
Officee over O'NEIL'E kora.
Special care taken to make dental Mai -
men* as painleas es possible.
Live stock and general Auction M'
en in soca sales a spemaltj. Olden .1 • at
Now ERA °dice, Clinton, prom, sly attended
to, Terms reasonable. Farmerssolo not*
G. D. McTaggart M. fa, MoTaggar
Meraggart Bros.
General Banking Business
Drafte issued. Interesi sllowe3 sI
The Mclifflop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Parm and Isolated Town Props
arty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean President, Seaforth.
Connelly,' Vice -Pres., Goderiek.
E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafoxith:
Jas. Connelly, lIcImesville • John
Watt, Harlock ; G. Dale, Clinical; D.
F. McGregor, Seaforth ; J. Wane,
ReeekWood J G. Grieve, WintbeoP
J Bennewels, Brodhagen; Tif. Mc.
Ewan, Clinton.
Each DireCtor is Inspector of
!oases in his own district.
EWA Smith, Harlock ; Ed. Hinck-
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Fap-
mondville; .i. W. Yeo, Hotmeeville45
Payments may bo ,made at The
1Vlorrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cu,tt, Goderich.
Grand Trunk Railway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and BriaCe,...--
, -r-----t71,
North Passenger
London, depart 8.80 a m 4.40 p m
Cantralia 9.33 5.45
Exeter 9,44 5.54
Hansen 9.55 6.05
Kippen 10.01 6.11
Brucefield 19.09 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6,35
Londesboro 11.18 6.52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Be grave 11.40 7.13
Wingham, arrive11.54 7.35
South Paesenge:
VVingham, depart6.35 a m 3.30 p
7.04 3.56
7.13 4.04
8.10 4.23
8.27 4.39
8.35 4.47
8.41 4.52
8,54 5.05
9.04 5.15
London, arrive 10 00 6.10
Buffalo and tloderich
Wee' Passenget
a.rn pm pm pm
Stratford 10.00 12.30 5,25 10.25
Mitchell 10.22 12.55 5.55 10,49
Seaforth. .... 1.20 6,18 11,11
flolmeaville 11,16 1,43 6.46 11,3
Goderich 11-35 2.00 7.05 11.
East Passenger
am pm pm
'7,05 235 4.50
7,22 2,52 5,06
7.32 8,08 5.15 ,
7,51 3.21 5.32
8.16 3.94 555
840 415 620
elliroodrs Phoophodivii
The Great English Remedy.
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervous system, makes new Blood
in old Veins, CUMS Nervone
Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon-
dency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the
Heart, r ailing Memory; Prieo 51 per box, six
for $5,0 Ono will please, tax will eerowsSold by all
druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of
pnee. Nein pamphlet Inailed,free. TINE WOOD