HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-10-01, Page 4PAGE .FOUR. _.13fli CLINTON NSW Thursday, October. 1st, 1914, CallaalaattatiatIMOSOISOSISIk It's alright if it conies from liellyar"s weeding Gilis Be careful in selecting your gift. It will be viewed and criticised by many. Those whose opinions you most esteem will see it By it may be judged your good taste and :judgment •, per haps your friendship, and your liberality Safeguard yourself by making use of us in the selection We have the goods that suit We know the latest styles -Best makes -Most suitable gifts Cnt Glass, Silverware Art Goods, China Cloaks Special Pieces that show Refinement and Richness at surprisingly moderate Prices. W. H. IIFLLVAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE• 1 1 o•tDfe®Oso®••fl•••i.•••••®••• • A ](�V m • A�18�1�1�. gessh�n p . Is now open in Central Business • g College; Toronto, and in each of • its Six Branches. Free catalogue • • ▪ explains courses. Write for a ▪ copy. W. H. ehnw, president, • Head office, 393 Yonge Street, e Toronto, •• •oseesoommo•e•eeee•e••••• Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R I A Isa school with a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its gradu- ates, A school with superior courses and instructors, We give .individual attention in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments Why attend elsewhere when• there is room here P You may enter at any time. Write for our large free catalogue. • D. A. McLachlan, Principal iIP19PIIP99P49P99P�QP19PYOPIiP19P19P41P There is a Cold day Coming Why not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley Coal, none better in the world 24. J. Holloway, Clinton 11!ItPo1P11P11P11P1�19P11P11P11P11P11P NORTH END FEED STORE To the Fanner The Best Feed for Fattening the Stock -Scientific Feeding. The testimony of some of the best farmers in Scarboro and Marscan, these men and many others, who are making a business of dairying, find it paysthem to feed Dry Malt and Malted Corn Fee twice d at least day, no matter bow good the pasture is, -Price's Dalry gets a car load every two weeks. The CityDairy Co use them altogether at, their farm. Why P Because they produce more and better milk; These feeds will do the same for you. Try a ton of each and watch results. There is money in it for you. Being an intelligent farmer you will, appreciate what others say about the value of the feed I am handling, and get in line with them in. producing the best milk that comes into town, and at the same time have a big balance on the right side of the ledger. Call and get, some for your stock FRANK` W. FVANS TERMS CASH. PHONE 192 ®e The New Era. 49TH "YEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE." W. II. KERR t SON, Props. J.,Leslie Kerr Business Manager New Era, One Year In advance $1.00 New Er -a, when not paid in ad- vance $1.50 New Era, to the United States in advances $1.50 ,advertising Rates on Application Job work prices advance. on July 1st, 1913, in accordance with the Huron Co. Press Asso- ciation Rates.:. Offiee.leh,one 30 House Phone 95 James Pliny Whitney sewn among true teovernment slate talking to a northern member. Then, too, on some drowsy after- noon, when the debate dragged wearily and attention wandered, a tremendous drumming on the desks woule announce that Sir James had arisenand sleepy members would at once arouse to vigilance. Much has been said and written of Sir James' style of oratory. Blunt and forceful it hue been called, and rightly; but even more is it crushing in Its di- rectnass. Brevity he acknowledged to the House on several' occasions bad always been to him the maxim of nuhlin addresses. and he was brief RAND TRUNiS SY5 EM Colonial Fares ONE WAY SECOND CLASS From all stations in Ontario to certain points in Alberta ' British Columbia Arizona California Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada Oregon Texas Utak Washington, etc. on sale Sept. 24 to Oct. 8, inclusive Full particulars from agents or write John Bamford •e Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A.0. Pattison, station agent • C. E. HOIRNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont. CORN A carload of corn;j rstreceived. We are selling Whole, Cracked or Finely Ground, for fihishing poultry. Also a carload of Bran, Shirts, and low grade Flour. t` . If yon want the Best Flour We have Purity, and Roses, Exeter Clinton and Milverton You will make no mistake on buying any of the above brands. All kinds of Grain wanted at :Market Prices Get our Prices on Poultry Delivered at the Elevator phone. 190 We are wholesale agents for Gunn's Cured Meats. Ask yous dealer for Gunn's Eesifirst Shortening, and Breakfast Bacon. Prices Moderate. The GlllU-1aoglcis Co., Limited The up-to-date Firm, Clinton Phone 190. N. W. THEW AR'I'HA.' W. JENKINS Oeadgaariers, FOR Walking and Biding claves' plows L'H.C. Gasoline Engines McCormick MachineryPuntpa and Windmills. ALL KINDS AP REPAIRS' AND EX1 RTIN(I. CALL ON Miliel' A Ville Corner of Princes and Albert etJeete. .msr2a.ac..e A Dollar DOWN Is often an illumination as big as the sun. There is no place in town where "money down" goes farther than it does right hemp, A CHINA CLOSET or dresser bought for `spot cash' from our present stock snakes what you see elsewhere look like thirty cents. Its Bargains Galore we are offering just now in our entire Furniture Stackii • The Cheapest Spot in Huron to Buy all -gkinndss Doff FFurniture`•. BALI �. . -1.. qII\ f 3OI Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110—RESIDENiDE PHONES-- J. D. Atkinson 186 uw• .,. When a child dislikes, study. When children dks: lake study nerve en.' e gy ,s used in other; direchons. most like. ly to overcomU era& stratc We encramovep6q strain. Then diligence will follow. Pl. J Griag Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses even to epigram., FINDING THE WEAKNESS. None was quicker than he to see a joint in the armor; none so cap- able of cleaving to the heart of an issue: In decisive fashion was this instanced again and again. From a great log -jam of promiscuous charges the Premier would pick the key -log at the outlet, and with an amazing directness of assault he would bring the whole structure tumbling like a bouse of cards. This capacity even his enemies acknowledged. As one " frequently said of him, "The con- vincing Powers of his addresses is remarkable. Twentyminutes will serve him wbere another desires an hour." One marked feature of Sir James' speech was his power of sarcasm. No tongue in the House, could more sail - fully turn a statement to good ae- cornt, and no irony bit more keenly than his. But withal his style was not gentle. When Sir James was fight - Ing a measure through there vas no mistaking his determination. It was not a matter of delicate swordplay, but of give and takes with a ven- geance, andevery man lay on to his best. So it was that he delighted in an opponent who prided himself on a' rapier wit rising up before him. He rejoiced in the occasion even as the old British broadsword man loved to have .at the Italian fencing master. It was a matter of bludgeoned and he bludgeoned them with sardonic laughter. But his shafts were loos- ed without bitterness. They drove home, but they did not rankle. CARED FOR EMPLOYES. Instances of the personal interest that Sir James took in his associates in the 'buildings are not wanting. Time and again have salary adjust- ments been made in cases which had come under the Premier's notice, and which he considered as deserving. Ou numerous occasions also 'have little things been done which showed that his interest was not simulated. Probably no one feels the death of Sir James Whitney so keenly as Charles Chase, who served the Pre- mier as messenger for nine years. Mr. Chase has acted as messenger for five different Premiers of Ontario during the past twenty-eight years - John Sandfield Macdonald, Sir Oliver Mowat, Hon. A. S. Hardy, Sir George Ross and Sir James Whitney. Since the last Conservative Gover'lment as- sumed political control of the pro- vince he was messenger for Sir James Wbltney and therefore knew him In- timately and appreciate l his good qua?tic "Thes. hews of his death does not come as a great surprise because I knew that he had been very 111 for some little time with practically no. hope of recovery, said Mr. Chase. "I appreciated his sterling qualities. He was the soul of honor, straightfor- ward and sincere. There are some who did not like him on account of his rather brusque manner, but they did not know him, for with such he was always big-hearted." ' A WE'LL -KNOWN FIGURE. Thousands of Torontorlans who never saw the Premier in the House will remember him as a portly old gentleman in a huge cape coat, such as Lord Salisbury always wore, pedalling a bicycle along the quieter streets of Toronto. Every afternoon when his official duties were finish- ed Sir James would tissue forth from the building", mount his bicycle and tide with great circumspection through the park and over to 'a small news store o Harbord arbor d street where he would buy his evening papers. Then remounting he would "pedal back to his home on St. George street. He always rode circumspect- ly and with the same judicial eye on the traffic about him as be beetowed on his political adversaries for so many years. One class in particular in Ontario will deeply regret Sir James' pass- ing. They are the civil servants. His relationship with the rank and file of the Government employes was one of the most thorough under- standing, and the entire corps swore by him. They knew that they could" get justice and equitable treatment from the Premier whoever might fail them and they got it. He was. quick to recognize ability and equal- ly %uick to reward it. To other Conservative lenders bothinside and outside the province of Ontario Sir James stood 3nmeas- use as the dean of the„ party. In political councils there was a monu- mental, Gibraltar -like gbality to him which made them all - respect him from the very first, and when the early awe of him wore off, to love him. PREMIER BORDEN'S TRIBUTE. The regard of his associates in the Conservative ranks is perhaps best expressed in the words of Premier Borden when he heard of Sir James' death: "The news of Sir James Whit- ney's death came to me as a profound sorrow. His death leaves a great blank in the public life of Canada. Por twenty-five years be had been a distinguished figure in the political arena of Ontario, and it had been my privilege during more than half that time to know him as an intimate friend. It is not necessary to dwell on his remarkable ability or. his You Can Help Keep Canadian, Factories Going by buying Canadian -made goods. Your money re- mains in Canada, keeping Canadian working people employed. KELLOGG'S 'TOASTED CORN FLAKES isthe only article bearing the CELLOGG name that is "made in Kanada." All others are made out- side of this country and do not help our working people KEEP` YOUR MONEY IN CANADA Kellogg's Toasled Coen Flakes Made in London, Ontario, Canada Rm. sprenald patine career. ruapl i Y' * j an intense earnestness of purpose animated by the truest and .high, ideals of, public duty, resolute and masterful of character, endowed with a courage which never faltered, and gifted by a remarkable eloquence 'of direct and forcible expression,, he de- servedly won and held the confidence of the people of Ontario to a de- gree never 'surpassed. Without dis- tinction of party, the people' of that great province, to whose public ser- vice he consecrated the best years Of bis life, will mourn hie. loss. Not Ontario alpne, but all Canada will yield its tribute of sorrow and admir- ation. realizing that a great national figure has passed away, leaving be- hind him a distinguished and -honor- able record." Cook's .Cotton Root Coin -pond. The great Uterine Tonic, and onlRegulatoryon which women clan depend. Sold in three deggrrees of strength—No. 1, 10 degrees stronger 53; No. 3. for special cases, 5b per bor.. Sold by all druggttsts, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address: TN COOCMSDICIN e0..TOSONTO, ONT. (fertnerly Windsor) courier open to publishers of coun- try newspapers (t]iatt is eta: increase 'subscri tiara lalndadvertising rates Doles iftlsnot seem strange thati while everything the publisher has to •platy Snore for and yet he /has aitoit advanced his own prices? But the time 'hies come when he must inelelalse prices or Ide. business we. koas. BEA PATRIOTIC. Stop talking war -and' talk busi- 1ness. every dollar 'the Canadian goods will leesas, the dem:alfids from the unemployed for relief during the next few months. When You Suffer From Your Back YOUR KIDNEYS MUST BE WRONG Many women work day after day with an excruciating pain in the back, and really do not know that the kidneys are the source of this pain. When the back starts to ache you may be sure that the kidneys are not working properly, and the only way possible to make a complete cure is to take "time by the forelock" and get rid of all these aches and pains by using that old and thor- oughly tried remedy ROAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Mrs. John Power, Peake Station, P.E.L, writes: -"I suffered from back - and I tried all e three ears kinds back- ache for of medicine but got no relief. I was so bad at times I would not be able to walk. A friend told me to try your Doan's Sir Ernest Shackleton i IKidney Pills, so I got five boxes, and Leaves for Antarctic before I had three boxes used I was nearly I well. I used the other two, and I can say your •Dean's Kidney Pills cured me- Had it not been for them I would be suffering yet." London, eSpit. 18. -Sir Ernest Shfa'cklleton pan d' members of his ttrpinsalattaretic expediitlion_ loft Lon doh Ito -day inr 'awn •secti•one dor the South Polar region. Dont party headed. by Siil Ernest Shackleton ' departed dor South America the otlieti'ha'la of tele, expedition lead dor Hose Sea; on the; NeeVe Zealand side ad !the Antlaaetic hy-way of Tasman in. Sir (Ernest Shackleton hopesto meet the Roos Sese(continy anti(: tin April of ineot year or fasting iutlhat by Mlarrch an tet0. 'The1(Shackleton section will h'are seventy dogs also =otiose pledges. The other party (vitt have ttwemttyr six dogs. O:net great/ difficulty. (which come• ifeenited the expedition 'seas t►he yuck, of tsefeinftific ' 1n•ogruments These had been ordered in Ger- malniy but. had (Soft, beenC :delivered because tell the ,'ever, and it was atecesdary to eepkaceftheimr iauEng- 1'11e Ross Seta parity williboard the expioelaltion: ship Aurora at Behestsltown; Tasmania,; Sirs 'Ern- eet'Shiaickletotn hopes to lea re Bue- nos Aires bm, October' 18 by 'the ship( (dnidunaince, which as mow en route to :South America,. t t Pleased to Recommend cnunc,d Baby's Own Tablets Mrs. -Henri Bernier, Anceline, Que writes; "It is with pleasure that Irecosmiuenldi Bta,by)e Own • Tablets which I have given ind little 'orals for dtktr ash and' bowels troubles colnestiiplaiti.on loss of sleep and rianple fevers. No mother of young children sljould be without them." The Tylblets are guaranr•: teed to be free from intiurious drugs and Imlay be given to the ybungest, child with perfect aiafety and, results. They are sold by mefdicine. 'dlelaaere or by mail at 25 cents a Sox •frim The Dr. Wiliia'm:s' Medi" in(e, Oo., Broefeville, Out( PAPER Pi2IC3iS GOING • UP. A's la ,Weil,-kinown faat 'that few primltens anti!, publishers have been Mlakinig momfey for some years out• of them inewlepalpers {because oaf' the higher prices 'they haive had to pay Boa' nearly everything used in their offices. Overhead :expenses ]valve ilnlcreased enormously of latae years, too. Once Imlore the 'whole - reale paper •dealers have wi't'hdrawn all foamier quo%atiornl0. One old firimt hale m'otti,'tiled their customers thusly ; "We regret to aid viselyou ' tthalt we ;csnlnbt guarante:a to 9il3" future ordeals for palpeitls at old prices'.i1 This le',Uves but one ST I For Infants and Children. I.> USD Fever.:' ver 3ta;, year' Always. bears • / �, the '. er ,�A : Signature of 4 Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box or 3 for $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The' T. Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct specify "Doan's." SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson I. -Fourth Quarter. For Oct. 4, 1914. IRE INTERNATIONAL SERIES, text of the Lesson, Mark xiv, 1.11.' Memory Vanier', 8, 9 -Golden Text, Mark xiv, $'Commontary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. This lesson consists of two parts, the anointing at Bethany and the agree.. rent of Judas Iscariot with the chief priests to betray Him. The anointing Is recorded by Matthew, Mark and John; the mention of the paseover and of the ale of Jude§ by Matthew, Mark and Luke. According to Matt •xxvi, 1, 2, it was after Jesus had finished the sayings of chapters xxiv and xxv and two days before the passover that. He spoke of His approaching betrayal and crucifixion, and we would con - elude from Matthew and Mark that the supper and anointing took place at that time. From the account 1n John xii It would seem that it was six' days be- fore the passover:and preceding the so called triumphal entry that they had . the supper and anointing. It aeems impossible to arrange clearly some- times the sequence of all the events la our Lord's life, but the gospels were written that we might know Himself rather than the order of events in Ms E It is tb some confusing that, while Luke does not record this ;anointing, he•does mention an anointing in chap- ter vin, 36-50, which was also in the, house of a man called Simon. But that was an altogether different event, much earlier in His mini$try and by a woman whose name is not given, whose sins. He forgave. The event of our lesson was in the home of Martha and Mary in Bethany, whose brother, Lazarus, had been raised from the dead (John xii, 1, 2). Matthew and Mark say that it was in the house of Simon the leper, but what relation he. was to Martha and Mary we are not told and therefore do not need to. know. If we think of it, and It seems wise to d0 s0, wecan ask them when we see them. John says, that Lazarus: sat at the table with Ellin. What a suggestive saying! The man who had been four days in the spirit world back on earth alive and well -a man whom the chief priests consulted to put to death because that by reason of him Ladies and Children's MANTLES The new Coats are now here and are without any exception, the finest showilig of high class garments. The styles are the very latest and the prices the lowest possible for high grade garments. We want you to see these coats whether you buy or not, Come in any time and look them over. Ladies Raincoat Special , A beautiful Poplin Raincoat, and trig value at 8.50, special this week 5.95 (' RUBBERS—Just arrived—a big bright new stock -- all styles and sizes, tor all makes of. shoes. Prices, the very lowest, Buy rubbers early, as prices are likely, to advance. Plumsteel Bros. New. Idea Patterns 10e Made to Measure Clothing ••••••••••••NN••••••••eel d * You Cannot Do Better Than 4- + Attend the + -I- + Brllish American Cailege +. + 4. Yonge and McGill Ste.. Toronto 4 + for a Business or Shorthand + 4. Course. Fall Term is now open. + .1• We ask you to write for partieu + tars, T. W. Wauchope, principal •••N•••0••••••••••••p•••• .nany or the Jews went away eau re- lieved in Jesus (John xii, 9-11). At this supper Martha served, but there is no record of her being cum bered as in Luke x, 40, so we may hope that she had grown spiritually since that incident. In view of such words ns Phil. !v. 6, 7; I Pet. v, 7, we should never he cumbered or anxious. The words "They made Him a supper" make us think of His post ascension words in Rev. 111, 20; and of the blessed assur- ance that if any one will open the door He will come in and sup with them. As He sat at meat Mary came with an alabaster box containing a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and she broke the box and poured it on His head and anointed His feet and wiped His feetwith her hair (verse 8• p d s t Matt. xvi, 7; John xii, 8). Not only Was the house filled with the odor of the ointment, but also the whole world, for• He said in verse 9 that wherever In all the world the gospel should be preached, this that she bath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her. This was real worship on the part of Mary, heart adoration, and It was very costly on her part and very precious to His heart We are reminded of a saying of David in II Sam. xiv, 24, "Neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which Cloth cost me nothing." Some one bas said that 1n Martha, Mary and Laza- rus we have a sample of a well round- ed Christian life -in Martha restful service, in Mary real worship and in Lazarus the power of arisen life. There will always be some indignant ones when mo �..Q than ordinary (which Is ordinarily Ary little) is given to Him. It will bo called a waste and by other names, while all spent upon our- selves wUl seem all right. Judas Iscariot is called a thief in John xii, 6, but what about the thieves of Mal. Ili, 8? If His love to us does not con- strain ns to spend more for Him than on ourselves then it 1s evident that Vee love ourselves most. How comforting His word "Let her alone, • e • she hath wrought a good work on me" (verse 0). Would 11 !ear some otner:tnmtnnaing.rmeridiem might hear His "Let atone, IP we are sure that we are doing all "Unto Him" we may be confident of His ap- proval whatever others may. say, Isis other word, "Sbe hath done what she could" (verse 8), we may not be so sure of, for of how few can it be said. that we have done all that we could. He is the judge and will surely give all possible credit that He can, He said that she anointed His body oeforehand for burying, and I believe that was her purpose, that she so in- tended it, for it was her custom, when ,she could to sit at His feet and hear His word. Sbe was not found with the other women who bought spices to anoint His dead body and never used them for that purpose. She seemed to understand about His cruel death at the hand of His enemies and that she could not minister to Himthen, so having made her preparation, 'shi watched for her opportunity, and He arranged it for her, for he read her heart. How awful the contrast be- tween the heart of Judas Iscariot and this devoted heart that loved Him sol Don't t Permute your Bowels Cut out embattles sad %mal obese Vows/ brutal-ba,.r-uasees.eary. Try CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purelr5.g.tabls. Ace eaiiminaatasOutlives 1 eoothethed.a- catemeubraa efthebow.l. Car.Cer sSt oNa Ecst Michie Isas,.d.n, es ansa lass!. Email Pill, Small Dose, Small Price, Gamins mud bur Signature a THE NEW We are showing in Fall and Winter Spaso all style features of the made. We 'can meet moderate expense, an with every pair. They are in Re Made of the B. and easily stand a Comfort, Qualit '3109' 9:9",'ANN+/ WI E! . ,54$5 •,•50 5' ,'.9Y "..`." Phone 70