HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-10-01, Page 1is
Established; 1865, Vol. 49, No. 14
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and -Publisher'"
See I -low The New Era Want Ads Can Serve You in Filling the Needs of To=day in 'Business or the Home =Give Them a Trial
/iJV ww^A V' W vvvvvvVWVWWVVWWV
t Y ZI
The Home 'Girard
As the season of broken weather is approaching it will be
found difficult to keep free of coughs, colds, sore throat, etc.,
therefore it Will be wisdom for you to come to our store and get
a bottle of Wanipole's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil.
It will build ug your system and assist it to combat disease
Best Quality Drug Store ` The Rexall Store
"VCT. B. lR; HO L S Phm.B,
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'The Royal Balk
Capital Authorized • . • •
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Reserve and undivided profits
Total Assets'....., .: •
370 BR.r3..Nc IiF c
with World-wide Connections i
Interest Allowed on Deposits
General Banking Business Transacted.
R. E. MANNING, Timor Clinton Branch
The Passing.
f Ontari
s _' r,,- thier
Born at Williamsburg, Ont,, Oct. 2, 1843. Died at Toronto, Sept. 25, 1914. A sketch of the
Premier's life affairs on page 3 of this issue.
1 Extra
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1S55
Capital and Reserve $8,800.000
d at highest Interest Snows hest current rate. g
C E. DOWDING, Manager Clinton Branch,
4i.444004,4441,.' ,•.•••••••••• 0444444444s•04446444444••••
I, Readyto.Wear
What to Wear
Fall !
What eolor ? What Cloth? What Style ?
Let us
Personal Notes*.
® •
itebA% .44
Was Not a Spy
Down in : Toronto it was reported
that Mr, John !Lansford, our *en
known citizen had been arrested for
being a Spy, but he was able to prove
his innocence.
How? you ask,
He took off his hat and showed his
head—a Baldwin.
Owing to the l lag day half holiday
the New Era bas gone to press early
several important items are held over
as well ae some correspondence. The
address of Rev, Dr. Berridge, will be
published next week,
Jas,. H. McIntyre, aged 66 years
and 3 imipmlths, passed away on
Tuesday, at his bogus 014'., C
street. His wife ,and grown, -up
falmily survive, Mho funeral' is
this ,aftermtooln,
The boys big entertainment on
' i Thanksgiving night will urlouhtedly
�be some entertainment. 40 of our boys
minstrel act in new songs at t
Ijokes with his Worship, the P. mann gPI
a center man and Stewart Jackson of
Z. INew
York in song and new w
• Moving pictures showing
war scenes
and both fnnny and Dramatic• and a
• comedy act, and. Proceeds for a local
• l relief fund shin) 'i move that: every
• one will buy tickets. A gold watch to
the boy selling the most tickets wi I
• r likely cause ouch interest, make the
•� boys "go some",
You will fend it so easy 22•
and satisfactoryto make i
your discussion from our:
elegant new fall styles. •
Your New Suit or
Overcoat will surely come
from here if you see these
elegant garments and try
them on. e
The more you apprea.
elate distinction in style : W. T. O N E I L
and exactness of tailor TI -IE HUB GROCER
ing, the More you will s Phone 48
like these unequalled
Red Cross
by Themselves
Not .only the 'name but
,the price, will attract you
cans Red Cross �f
- Beans for ....... "uv
As the price of beans is
soaring, we have only a
limited quantity at the
above price, -
Coats. and Suits. •
4 Attend The Best
•/ re.l_Id 9_1P��'�r..1. Will Appear in the Town Hall
����auspices M` the
• ' .GGf/✓t Under the a s
1`�O Street Ladies
• J�,•—� .. - OYltd 1 L.....
o, Yonge and Charles Ste., Toronto
• Has a nationiil reputation for superior l g
• I Business and Shorthand Education, Watoh for turther partioulais
e I Datalogue free W,T.Elliott, Principal
Commence now 784 Yon a St, Toronto
IF48••••0•••••••t•••ao •••••4•0••••••••oOOSO•�•0 1q g
lC those having relatives or friends 4,
visiting in town or eon: away
�1 in/,Bins ue of the tea week. we 4'
' would aanounoe 1t in the Nsw Furca. *r
Dir. Garfield Jamieson, of Brussels,
is assistant at Connor's bakery.
John Tolmie, of Kincardine, ex -M.
P. for North Bruce, is not enjoying
good health,
Mr. Paul Goforth. of Toronto, son
of Rev, Joniithan Goforth, of llontin,
China. and nephew of Messrs. Joseph
and James Goforth, of Mitchell, is
now in training at Valcartier and will
go Lo the front soon. 'Mien a little
fellow he witnessed pant of the Boxer
uprising in China and 'his father re-
ceived eight wounds before the family
received the seaport.
Miss Cameron, of Goderich, spent a
few hours in town on Sunday with
Miss 'Wallace
Mrs Holmes is visiting her sister,
Mrs. J rlrrhibald, at Seaforth.
Goderich Signal -.Mr. and Mrs, M.
E. Mach have removed from the
Bedford bloc): to the Louse on Elgin
avenue former])' occupied by Mr J,E.
Mrs- Bristow c was flit, guest of Mrs,
3 (1, Armour at Godeuch for a few
days last week
Seaforth Expositor - Dr, Shaw of
Clinton was in town on Monday.
The Doctor's many friends must have
been pleased to see him looking so well
after severe illness.
t' r his recent
Miss Jessie •O'Neil arrived home
from the West on Tuesday night after
teaching out there during the summer
She was accompanied here by Miss
Grunt. The two young ladies will
attend University this fall: •
j1fr. J. C. Smith and wife and two
daughters sail for Liverpool on Oct.
Itlth, and Mr, John Jarvis on Oat. 3rd.
They vete booked by Mr. A. 0. Patti-
son, :the genial G. T. R steamship
M. Mitchell of the Goderich Star
called un theNew Era on Wednesday.
Brakeman J. Stewart has again tak-
en up iris duties on the Goderich and
Buffalo passenger run, after spending
his holidays in Chicago, •
Goderich Signal: --Mo. and -Mrs.
Joseph Dfutclt, manager and matron
of the house of Refuge, drove up from
Clinton on Tuesday to visit the Godo -
rich exhibition and were the guests of
Mr. M. E. Mutch.
Registrar Coates, of Goderich was
in tdwn on Monday.
-Rev. Mr. Hovey, of Burlington is
spending his vacation with his father
in town.
Mrs. R. Marshall and Master Bert.
left on Weduespay morning for King-
ston, as the former's mother is serious
Iy ill.
Miss Sparks, of Seaforth, was a
visitor with the Misses Lavis nu Tues-
Mrs. W. Brycloue was a London vis-
itor this week.
0 r0
• •
a loesoo•ecommse•so®®00
Miss Potts, of St Paul's Rectory, is
the guest of Miss F. I3iscoe at Brant-
Mr, W. J. Murray, of Exeter,' was
iu town on Monday.
Mrs T. W. Ralph, of Toronto, is the
guest of tilt, J Leslie. Kerr.
Mrs. W. L Rutledge returned last
week from her visit with her daangd-
ter, 14Ire. Shillington at South Bend,
Mrs, Israel Taylor, of London, is the
guest of her father, Mr. Jamas Stevens
Mr. Taylor is attending General Con-
ference at Ottawa.
Rev. E. G. Powell, General. Secre-
tary of the London Conference, is at
Ottawa attending the General Con-
ference of the Methodist church.
Mr, Roy Ball, of Toronto, and a
former Cliutonian has been renewing
old acquaintances in and around
town. He willgo back to college
again and it will be his final year to
Mrs, J. Bartlett Lavis received for
the first time at her home on Joseph
street on Tuesday of this week. Mrs.
Geo, Levis assisted her to receive the
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. McKinnon,. (nee
Miss May Rance) who have spent the
summer in British Columbia, arrived
in town last Thursday and are visiting
with relatives and friends.: They leave
next Monday to make their home eb
Edmonton for the winter. -
Miss Jule Bartliff returned from her -
extended visit with her sister, Mrs.
• pinning at Vancouver B. 0. .
Miss Eva Rapson spent a few days
with her brother at Blyth.
'We are glad to report that Mrs.
Percy Couch who underwent an oper-
ation for appendicitis on Tuesclay at
the hospital is doing as well as can be
I expected.
• s
The Morrish Clothing C®..
A Square Deal for Every' Nan
The Symphony Quartet
of the
Ithaca Conservatory of Music
in November
The pastor's subjects last Sunday
were "The Spirit of the Soldier" in the
morning and "Bible Songs" at night
i t the
was ll Dayt
It v z RaSunday
School and an apprpriate program
was given.
The Fpworth League meeting on
Sl'onday was a patriotic one.
The Ladies Aid msec Le daY'tn the
school room.
Ile Song Service by the choir last
Sunday, evening, assisted by 6h.
Stewart Jackson was web rendered
and all did their parts web.
Rev.. Dr, Rutledge will, on Sunday
evening, be,1 in a series of sermons on
Greatest War The subject for next
Sunday evening will be "The War;
Vohat it Involves.
The gra,ndlmJdilier's program by
the Juun11 r League will be given
next week instead of this week.
The m,e,n's ha#quet on, Monday
evening weals a great. success. Mr.
H. Wiltse presided. After the sup-
per, which was a tbountifulsonle,
.alnd vas pro vided by ;,the Young:
Won:mills League)/- It here was a
fine program of - addresses -,and
music. 'Those who spoke itvere
Rev. N. Conway, Mr. C.,11. Holland
Mr. W. EL R. Holmes, 1ti aryor Jack -
eon, Principal Treleaven, J. Taylor
D•r, Evans, ,and ,Mr.. Bradshaw.
Music was furnished by Mrs.. B.JJ.
Gibbings, T.E. Feast, Miss Mclvor
ain,d Fred Thompson,
"Rally Day" services- were well
attended and! were • much enjoyed.
The special services in. the after-
noon 'was, perhaps, the best ever
held:, in connection with the.acbooi.
Aligir-ls' clr?1r unifier •dinectio i of
Mr. Leo. Weir, led the mneia. The
progratm throughout was an ex-
cellent one, Mr. Bradshaw pre, -
Next Sunday wilt be "Peace
Sunday" The pastor will speak in
the mooning on "Things without
Price," and in flee evening, "The'
War •for Peace."1.
Mr. Stewart Jackson, wilt sing Peace.",
the evening service
Um genera subject; "The World's
Good Crowd at Patriotic Concert
The concert given in .the Town hall
last Thursday evening filled the hall
to the doors..
At 7.30 the Kiltie Band, in uniform,
gave a patriotic open air concert and.
at 8 o'clock Mr, John Ransford, chair,
man of the Board of Trade, opened
the concertasllring all to join in sing-
ing the '!National An them."
Mise Barbara McIvor sang most ac-
ceptably and was loudly encored. •
Mr. Edgar East delighted the au-
dience with bis solo andhad to re-
spond to an encore.
Mr, C, E. Dowding had the male
chorus and the audience .to help him
as he sang the "Soldiers of the King"
with"several verses changed to suit the
present war times, Mr. Dowding was
the composer of the,,new verses.
Mr. Stewart Jackson sang' It's'a
long way to Tipperary" and had to
respond by singing "The Red, Wirite
and Blue." , ttld
The Male Chorus under the direction
of Prof. Bristowe sang well and their
chorus work was much enjoyed by the
Miss, May Bentley acted as accom-
panist for the choruses and Prof.
Bristowe for the soloists in their usual
capable manner.
In the course of his address, Lieut. -
Col. Wilson, of Seaforth, commanding
the 33rd Huron Regiment, announced
the expiration of his term and intim-
ated that a Clinton officer would suc-
ceed him. Major H. B. Combe is next
senior, and it is understood will he
gazetted lieutenant -colonel and to
command the 33rd before long, though
the department may make no change
at the present time. Major Combe
joined the regiment 30 years sago,
serving first as a bugler,
Rev. Mr, Fairful, Baptist minister,
gave an address, which was interest-
ing throughout, on the "British Fight.
ing machines and how they are
handled," It was indeed interesting
to the big majority of the audience as
they never had an opportunity of
seeing the big war guns, After 191
years spent in the ordinance works ita
the Old Land ho was able to re11 of the
wonderful works of the 13 pound 5
point as web as the other guns. He
spoke for nearly an hour and the
audience longed for more. Mr, Fair-
full expressed his views that the final
outcome of the present conflict would
end with the British on top, and the
audience, backed him or on the state•
mon t.
The proceeds amounted to over $119
and there has been turned over to the
Relief Committee a sum of $107.40. •
;Following was the program given;-
God Save the King
Rediarks by the chairman
Chorus "The Maple Leaf Forever"
Solo, "Sons of the Empire" T.R. East
Address by Lieut. Col. Wilson
Song and chorus "Soldiers of (he
King" C. E. Dowding.
Solo, "Farewell" Miss Mclvor;
Lecture "Fighting machines and
how they are handled" Rev. Fairfull.
Chorus "Rule Brittania'
Song and chorus "It's a long way to
Tipperary" Stewart Jackson.
Chorus "0 Canada"
God Save the Ring. -
Centre Huron to
e Organized
,lFlor a number ofiyearsl there ex
listed hm.the County of Huron a
"Huron County Sundiaiy School As
a'ocia(ttbcl." -
Iin, oomimon with some (other
large Counties the Association dis
appeared first because of long
dattamces second because the pol
icy weals allowed to drift im, other
.cau,n,tI(es. The result was that
upunlil very recently the enttir'e
County of Huron was without
any organization affording oppor
tumity for tall Sunlday School work
ars lo,meet together lain d worse
'till, the Schools of 'Huron County
were entirely discanpeected 2roan
their owln, Prbviarcitali Association
by which tallolnet, hey can be conn
sheeted with' the Init rnnlll@omal and
Wca1d's Sun'd(ay School Movement.
Between, three laln,d four years
ago South Huron was restored, 1.1
comprises S°talnaey, Hay, Stephemr,
Tuckersmith and Usbcrne Tawn-
drips. 8outli ` 03uron has already
reached "Banner" grade. Centre
Huron, compniilsihgGoderich, Col-
borne, 'Huliett, and McKillop Town
ships, with Sela4orth Clinton and
Godlerich,, Pawns is still unorgamo-
iced'.. iHuran North, ,comprisin,g'
the seven northern Townships was
ern Se'tp. 2151, 1914.
The policy of dividing Cpun. ties
units tlausgiven very general sat
isfactiolm and the work pursued by
the 'Provincial Association, has de
veloped sonapidly in,tlne last year
there were held two iPnavilncia1
Con•vemttions, ('Twins, at Ottawa and
Owen Soun(d), ,either one measur
rnig up Itotalnly Provincial Conven-
iom• on record previous
to 1910. At these Conventions fully_
500 people were preisen't, who had:
never been alta Provincial Conven-
tion: before.
AAt last wehave arranged for
an Organization Meeting For Hur
oln Centre, in,Nbr'th, Street Meth
,dist Church Goderich, on Tuesday
October 13th. .Will you bet good'
enough to come if at all possible oa'<,
October•13th, not only for whati
benefit there ina'y be for you but
,also that we may face, ti cproblen
of the combined interests of the
Sunday eShaols of Centre. Huron
which constitutes for you "The
K,AngclOnt Visulb(rllr
Woman's Patriotic Sod o Mon
A large 'number offiadies at -
f' held in, the
the m, rin
tem'd' d tl eI o
tended q g
Council Chamber ods Tuesday even-
ing for the purpose ,of organiz-
ing a Woman's Patriotic uoeiety.
Mayor Jackson, occupied the chair
and briefly explanted the purpose
(lithe mser.noIt was d cided
organize a Society
called theWo-
meals m,en,s Aatr10 ,tic Relief Club towork
001 only for the Red;Cross but also
for Local purposes, Meetings will
held nn the Council Chamber "e
O',rtd,ay tailtsrinoon Sewing ma-
chines have been promised andlat,
°is!hoiped that during these ,mee'-
bngs mlan?ly things will ,be;made for
the soldiers ,apt the front, and for
the wioundtetd. The following olfi
tea's wlere elected t___
Births, Marriages tl,
McKenzie -In Srtandey on Septem-
ber 24th, to Mr. anti Mrs, William
McKenzie,w 'son.
Clark --In, ontyo
ol, on Septennr
22nd, to Dr. rand Mrs. Dr .uW
Clark, a tach
McInttyae•-lin, Clinton, on Tuotd;ay,
Sept.' 29th,' 14Ir. Ja');I. McIntyre,
'dVVeaV rwvss iyteau+h waaAwv lalg'.ed, 66-'yeare albltt .3'aro(nt)a4
Hon. Preach -Mrs. G. D. Mac-
President: -Mrs. St J. Allem'.
Assistant Pres, -Mrs, D Munroe
1st. Vice -Mrs. W. D.Illlair
2nd Vice, Mrs. C. J. Wallis,
See. Trews, -Mrs. F. A Axon
Supply Commrittee-14Irs. Munroe,
Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Chant,
AiGenenail Committee was ap-
pointed consisting of 3 representa-
tives from each religious denomin-
lotion asfollovys ;--
Wesley Church -Mrs. Rutledge,
Mrs: Chant, Mrs,' Cooper.
Ontario St -Mrs. B. J. ,Gibbinlgs
Mrs. 'Plumeteei, Mrs. W. Mlannin•g,
52. •Prain's-Mrs. R,a,ttenlbury, Mrs.
Paul Mrs, 'Holloway,
Blyth Fall Fair
Millis Church -Mrs, Harper Mrs,
O'Neil, e' Mrs. Gunn.
St. Josephs -Mrs. Flynn Mrs.
McCaughey, Mrs. Kilbride.
S.A.-Captains Mss Bezzo, Mrs.
Baptist -Mrs. Fairful Mrs, Penne
akar Miss
Aanembershipp fee of 20 e. was dam••
Bided upomd already ;sixty mem
bees have enrolled. The first meat
ing isto'be held on IFridiay after-
. and s a s,t
� t r e
2 d and i r e. n 1
noon Oct. n
hoped that every woman';is Clio: -
tan ,and vi.cinmty will endeavor to
'attend and so show ,her patriotism
in ,al very practical way.
Although the women of 'Clinton
were soiluewh,at tartly aboutiorgan-
iziilg rtanatst Sl be thought 'that
they have been, idle xlruring the
past two months. The Tr'avelClub
besides .stwenty-five ,dollar comtri;
butian, to the Women's Hospital
ship Fund, sent swe,alters(and Balda,-r,
calava caps 'to,the Clinton llsorysat
Valcartiea, The 'W,nme,n'•s Institute
collected two hundred and 'fifty
ldlollalrs for the. 1Reoe,(Cross Fund,
have sent •ontebale of 'supplies and
are getting another bale 'ready.
The reason that the mew' Society
'was formed• was that all the wo-
rmers in and' around ...Clinton might
leave an opportunity of working to
geither in* cause o8 such',conmoo
tirlherest. "Ult>ln?n, is Strenglb"Ithey
dell us and we look (for gneiatt rrcc��•
!sults from (the newly formed
° W omen's 'Patriotic Club."
Has Good Day
Blyth's fiaili fair isiover for an -
Other yetar and' it was asuecess as
of,old. The efforts ()tithe hardy,
wo,rlinng directors and ,patroness'
during the palet few days showed.
the excellent results 1051t had
beers laltttaimield in„ansendeavor to
make tthisyear's• attraction's one
thiait would eclipse all former exbib
Sample, Milvertan 4 4 ,,dr
The viarious TJudges were;-
Heiavy Horses -J. Archibald.
Lughrt, Horses -W, J. Dickson,
Cattle -A. C. Damsels'
Sheep and Pigs -C. Bembridge.
Grave ---John Patters
The inside 'd,epalrtmelnt 'tva's well Roots -James Spent%
filled als was kthe'outsid,e exhibit. Fruit -Wan. F,ottluergillf
Kiltie. 1?xnicl Of fain Dlarry,anid Piovjsions-A. G. Cal-
ished 'a choice program W winces (Inc, A M C ort*arrn and Mrs'
dlsty aftea'noohi. Brown,. 1 MMM
2Jhe races resulted' as follows;- Ladies work -Miss Ross.
Fine Arts -Miss Hunger.
Plants and Flowers -Mrs. Allen.
Children's (competition -1W, H. '
'Tia(ilnes. T
, Foalowing tare the prizewlhnTheasi--
General Purpose
Brood mare with foal -Wm. 'Belt,
W. Potter.
(Faai—W. (Sa'orI1entom rand Jas.
Continued on Page 5
The a ' I
Mesh c v ,
2.40 Ciives t,
A. Milli titin, Lucklnp w 1 1 1
L. Joys t, 'HenrslalL 2 3 2
J.Reynolds, s Clintont
3 2 3
S. Wright, C1aesley 4 4 6
J, Joynit, Lucldnow' 5 5 3
W: C,hdttick, Te,esyw,atter . 61. 6 6
2.20 Class--
Joe Acton, Che.edey 1 1 1
A. Mil.taan, Luckn,ow 2' 2 2
Murdock, Hen'sia+ll. 3 3 '3,