HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-24, Page 7e
The wearer of a
Coilene Corset is
always distinguished
•t, by her poise and i
elegance of figure
Will not
or rustoti.'ene
or tear, 4
Corsets orset
made for
• wear.,,
Not one woman in ten thousand can
really have a "figure" without a corset.
Coilene Corsets furnish the actual sup-
port necessary to every lady. A few light
strips of the peerless Cotlene boning give
as much control of the figure lines as
the stiff, heavy, cramping corsets of
former years.
Whatever the design, style, or price of
the Cotlene Corset you buy, it is the best
value, best fit and quality for the money.
Prices from $2.50 up.
KI •
*XP7i)WC(R7� �,� r��A� �1(»>� i kkC O LLE N Eti77 X77; � •'
'Phis is the famo
Cotlene boning
Write for
showing latest
corset fashions.
Every woman
should have a
copy. We mail
one free on re-
ceipt of your
name and
W vvYvvyaWv/1MM/MmAAAAAiAarkA ~
c, 8. Steamer "State of OFdo"
Leaves Port Stanley 12 midnight on. '•
I. odd dates in August, even dates in Sept, to, Sept. 10th
Arrive in Cleveland at 0.30 am;
Fare from Port Stanleyonc wav $2.25, Round Trip $4.00
Saturday Excursions on above dates 32,25 rouiicl trip
Lake !tides Wednesday and Saturday afterno•6his at 3 p m
Fare 25c
aWVWVVWvvvvvv vvVVVWAAAAAA/N1le ..
Furniture, Rugs & L inoleumb
t furnish
y i
Furnture, if you are going
We can assist ou in selectingour
o your home, or if you only is ant some odd pieces.
You will find it to your advantage to inspect cur stock and see
the bargains we are offering, We also carry a good line of
Violins, Pianos and Organs.
Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect
and we guarantee the best of satisfaction
JAS.. .
JUtidertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28.
Night and Day Calls answered at Residence over Store
Ali' Present specials
Stoves and Ranges
Guns, Rifles and Ammunition
Vale Padlocks and Night Latches
See our Three Window Displays
IN STOVES—The popular kindis what we sell, Ha
Thought, Pandora. Welcome, World's Favorite—
Also cheaper lines.
GUNS AND "'RIFFLES -We have both the Stevens and
Remington, and a complete stock of loaded shells
and cartridges.
YALE LOCKS—Safety First—There are only two ways
getting through a door guarded by a Yale Lock—
break down the door or use the key.
AMI to
Mrs. J. Barlett Levis will receive
with Mrs Be Levis, attthe former's
relsiclence Joseph St, oat I;uesfda'y'
Inert from 3 tett p. m.
Cheer up 1 The beat is.yeb to
The "Made in Oapp•da" slogan
has ,tacYits' day 1n'tliis cou!atry,
In. Ifwture everyone'will; Moist 'upon
the label "Made in,'Can'ada" on
their purehlases We in Canada
halve at back quite long enough
a'ndl allowed the German manufac-
turers)'to capture' our'eierkere, to
anjany linea thus taking 'away; the
made that properly, belonged to
In the Morning' papers ,a des-
patch .apears Ifroinl London '4o ,the:
effect •,Me'a't, the, Military authorittev
at O'bbawv'a have aslke(ci (Lor tiro
naunes and addresses of all Lone
donecialdleltst in • the •Collag9lalte In,ati-
of aglte e; No yea,sonn f'o,r the r'elat eity over 16 que;sti
wes givens,, The New Era asked'.
attire) ,Cliniton• Collegiate In'sti'tute,
If lhef names! of the ideal cadets
had besln alskerll Lt was eta,ted'
that blank( sheen's had' been >,eceiv-'
to fill; put; but these foams, were
presented everk year; Tor the pur-
pois,e :olf I fixijnlg the 'Government
gialnit dor the •diflfeaenjt 8,e.00ile
The nfalmfe, age, amid address till
every.,galdeft was asked, and also
fat (uumbes ,between the ages of 16
and 18 year's. A certain, numbers of
the laltiter': heave to 'belong to thiel
comps tn, orales• boiearn the ',Go,verne.
anent grlaln:t.
Ours, we Would have. you be
iThat>s why ,our ads.
So frequently, emu see,
The Goode we Bake-
We Bake '!tor YOU.,
And take the greatest care.
That in Quality •and Cleanliness
They shall be beyond compare.'
Conner's Bakery
Phone 202
•cr ri , q r , Ar.:
Utilizes every heat unit. Flues- arranged so
heat is forced to travel over top of oven in
i down behind it and twice un-
°-., der the bottom before escap-
ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer. et I
Sold by Harland 'Brothers
••000so* ooe•o•000s000eooso•►•oo•••••oo•o•s000000'o®•®
Local News
Will pay for the New Era to new
subscriters in Canada' from now un-
til the end of the year, If you are
already a suhsoriher accept the
chance to send the New Era for the
balance of the year to your distant
son daughter or friend who will ap-
preciate reading the home news.
(When, Mr. wadi Mrs. SEL Rowland
Moves tontlheir 'vow inane on- 'High
Street,Mr. Vieteh, of the Molson'•s
Blank twill ailoeve to'the house vaca-
ted( by Mr.'IR.owlaInd,t Sergt. Welsh
will mave,'to, his owv+n house which
Mr. Vre(tchlaeuVeil enid Me Libby
of the Knitting Co., will movedusts the brick house vacated by
Mr. Welsh.
,A,dvices ,to tihe ,Department of
Labor show that Canada is.eiejoy-
in'g a timely era o(£{ Infdustrial
peace, there lying Ino rabor 'disi-
pultes oil ;mote (add no boards of con
ciliation 'seating.' The ;whole trade
situa`taon tits daily becoming 'bright-
er, ,and Statistics 'Lor'the pant month,
'whelp! 'available, will, it is under, -
stood sho',v a :surprising improver
anent in conditions.
The Canadian Red Cross Society
leas been requested to, equip five
/iielfd Orospilta!ls and 'arse fiches
ambulances dor thie Canadian eon-
tlingentc fn. aggregating over 2,-
000 beds, these 'held hospitals would
eepresenit is capacity dour times
that of the Toronto ,General Host -
Vaal. They will consist of two
gelnerlal hospitals oil 520 beds each,
ohne clearing Inospiita;l, 200 bent ;
two Stationary hospitals, 200 beds
each, end !three diced atnbulsi5n cee
150 beds exch.
, Warden David, Cantelonn • makes
the (following ;s't'altema'ennt in regards
(to"Lhe apple crop for 'Huron Counity
Bolter in quality and quantity of
drullt this is ,a record' year fan this
county, the- crop reaching probably
250,000 barrels. The quality is very
tflue, all that •could be Iwielied ;'for
but Ifroun present ,inadioati'ons not
more theta ,50;000 barrels will be
buly, but.
the shortage ' of flan dad an cl t.ft.e
nl8bitndb ur the Oat) kb will!Mitt
the :titles !leo a anatilmuua. Perhaps
net mere thlany tltrcte evaporators
will be‘'opejriaft,ed lin ilia counttw.
the war Inctdin c'lased their chief
Market (,Germany) 'bo their product
Mr. Clanitelon. shipped 1,000 barrels
last wee!:, 'batt he says diel can, only;
promise to do the best the markets
will 'allow him during 'tete seasopc
Per i aaosr the gospel olf trading
alt home has beien, preached by
The New Erni but it seems there •
is a special call'few further preach-
in,g at the present time. Clinton
eneede Ifhle anon,:y; don't send it
'away Buy what you need right
!else salt:home,' Keep wharf coin
there is eirculatpeng on the inside
of ;our ova Ito:wen wfalhs In the
,winter itllvalt?' Bei' before as every
m)an;w]no mare a'ny'thing is going to ,
be Called upon to ,salnaa'e it with w
those •wlao ?hlalV,e mrot, anrt in this I
process !the inerchlalnit, as is usual
wvi'tht ithehm, will hlalve "to• ibeaar the
baIwift' They leave('been! loyal and
phaltriolbic tan .ever'yftlain g th tt per-
tatnled` Ito, the town's interest and
the interests of the people„ Now
the peoples c'a'n dumb less( than! bet
patriotic to I'he anercha.mtsl; 'Home
trading is good' econ0,1nicsi' at any
time; now; at ie doubly good.
Butter 23c and 24e
Eggs 22c to 23e.
'Wheat 1.00 to 105.
Oats 40c.
Barle'y' 60e.
Petals 31.10.
Buckwheat 60e. .
Shorts $28.
Bran $23.
• The Editor cif the Mitchell Ad
vacate made the 6ollowinlg start
hug ;sbalteme4 ;-‘' 'We think true
ane within theanark when we say
that 'enough hard liquor leaves
Mitchell daily I6or Huron, to supply
two good liconlsed ,liars,
Lasfb Thursday ;evening a 'fe'w
meta in,lthe Council Chamber to
try land(Lonna la choral society. Af
ter hnnch 'discussion it was deed
ed 'bo•prepare lists for 'member-
ship en'di-rave than. circulated in
the various choirs and 'ilf (their was
la,hearty respond then- have the
members elect officers for the
, ybas'. ea Start has already been
unlade for afMeutl',s Patriotic Chorus
It isthe aims t'ohave not less than
60 voices lathe' chorus.f
Under the loculi auspices of the
1W. C. T. U. at Wesley church last
Tlnuoled(ay ltveyniin,g, Miss Forman
who 'for the past two years has
been teaching 'bhe +for,eigners' in
the West, gave a very interesting
address on the 'work of iiistaucting
'the young boys ,atild gills, .the
tE(nlglisin uage and Cana dieln
ildelals. A good musical program
was 'also provided. ianstaminenp
solos were givens by (Misses Ivlenle
Moore, Emma Levis, a,nd tMr. Kel-
ler, while Miiss Batfbnra Mclvme
song a eoIo, Mrs. IGibbin:lgs ant
Fred Tlnoun -e son a
wave a duet' as
also did Misses Grace /Walker and
Era Carte, The Wesley Church
citiw'tttdtte Mrs East, Miss Greentt
and Messrs Willett and East, sang
"renting. Tonight' A motion by
Mrs. Allen, n'dd Mrs. Cooper and
lnelartly supported by Rev. J
Greene Ine volts elathanks was pass
ed to Miss Forman andahose tak-
ing part. Mrs. C. J. Wallis, :Pres
ifd,etult of the W. C., T. U, prernded
alt the tweeting,'
The 'district Fan well represented
zit ,Lonclion (Fair last weeik and all'
report I3nlat the, (show Was a•n,excel-
lent,ohe this year.
'Some people •sfaiy this is In.dlitan
Summer, 'bu't tie rgeneiially have
Milian Summer in October and
part 'af Nor.embeg. • Anyway the
weather has ;been ideal .dur:ing the
platslt 'week,
A 4•ew aveat ;to thw Ztaarich falai
this ¢week.
Kest (your pollatoels Aug up yet?
' Band, ilvaln d ow telephone the;
.noway 'toms to (the New Ens.
'Y'hkt,pio,egirvang Day, Monday Oe
'ober 12th. •
Aserest:le ad'vei'ttiscr 1lustheil on=
den'Times asks pe'ttticcnats sot all
ablealloctia.II youths in the county
ho 'Move tmat joi¢lled tate array or
'The Co. electors oil Jurors tnelt in,
he office cif the Clerk id, ilia
Peace Seager 5115Go,diarich to(clea'it
the jury list for the current yea.
The Wla'rdinas Ocarantttee met in
Cliiertlon on Fidth'y last.,
'Dotty% scold yo (wife if, she
atjamds half the foren,00n talking
neighbours over thebaek
fence.. She istmerely'ge'bting news
Have The Nety 'Era, the Hoer senit to,lner taenliiher hunger ,for
(news will be 1laNasdnecl Thein • she
will'hlave dinkier ready ion 'timetand
eaeur hunger will be able/fled%
• The Infame of Hon, JAS. Heodrie
the member dvorlWeist Fljanii tonhs
prommlently'mentioned lasthe:next,
Lieu'bernlattd .Governor of 'Ontario.
Ile has been a 'member oftlhe leg
isllalture ler many years,,
I (With pumps in pie now stere end
cranberries andhall clothesin the
offing, the 'prospects look good for
The New Eau, from- now unytil the
IA dlay 'o6 January 1015 foil 34.00
Board of Trade (meets en lilen•day
evlgning. -
',Next Thurisdn,y isithe 1st. of;
October i
' Blyth Iandllayfield hold their an
nal lairs next Tuesday anal Wednes
d)a'y. ,
The Kiltie •Band wall be a't'Blyth
cin-'Wodln•esdtvy and at Brussels on
.Frid/ay attire ,fair •the's'e. '
'Plum's are aiarge 'crop
Wh,all about organizinll a Debat
ling ',Society? There ,aliould-beltal
sort eniough in this locality to
rano la good one,,
i' T'inonlisgavilt • Day Oct. lath.
The Methodist (Genaenal Conifer-
ence •open dd alt O,t'tawa onlWednee
Look at The Label
No matter whether you are
sure you are paid ahead or not,
the. Mailing List of The New Elia
was corrected: up to Saturday,
August 15, and the date against
' your name is;the date to,which
your subscription is recorded as
being paid on our books. We are
human, and make errors, andif
any subscriber considers wehave.
his ` date incorrectly, will he
please writeat once and get it.
straightened out.
If you find your date does not
read to some date in advance,
this note is especially directed to
YOU. The subscription price of
The New Era is 31,00
There are some who are owing
in for several years}' and have
taken, no notice os our appeals
and unless part is paid before
September 21st, those accounts
will be handed infer collection at
31.50 a year instead -of $1.00.
Il iota settle now we wins
take $ 00 a year, hut after
Sept. 21, it will be $1.60 and
collector's fees,
To the United States subscribers
11 is 31,50 srletly in advance
I (Cool le enemas),
' shed 'thrull!oeal morns on all the
I (H;dw does 'title label olnl pour
, New Ean2 If it 'shows you in ar-
rears, kitnldly square up.
The patriotic spirit of the country demand,
Empire. We are ready to supply ,your re
Fp to the Minute Patriotic No
CUSHION TOPS -Designs with crossed flags,
we:Flold. "Britain laules the Waves,”
Ever," Price 30e
beautiful design of flag on corner, Pads 15c
for 25c •
SONGS AND 11IUSIC-"O' Canada," "Sons
"Soldiers of the King," "The Maple Lea
Maple," Etc
FLAGS -Jack or Ensign, Small enough to w
and large enough to decorate your wall or
POST CARDS Pictures of King George,
Notional Mottoes, at 2 for 6c and 55e each
PENNANTS -Made of felt„ assorted color
"Let 'em Have it," "British Empire," go
,13UTL'ONS-With red, white and blue ri
which is printed Britain, France,'Russi
Often the eh•apest
Dug a dada
The pictures are easy tomak
grow in value
Any boy or girl can suceessf
picture making. A oarefull
furnished with each camera.
Kodaks 37 and np, Dev
Promptly an
T. Mi -
Dispensing Chemist TIS
Y� u �,
r,b,� l
i, 4
Portia t: d
We have just received a C
of Portland Cement which ha
plete satisfaction. It always
cannot make a mistake in usin
S. J. AND hL
Flet Strong Points in
I ecia Furnaces
Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, •
Fused Joints,
Cast Radiator,
lCircular Water Pan,
Saving in Ccal.
Phone 53
1 second -haps FURNACE and
1 "Radiant Some" with oveni
Plumbing and Heating
[1111 Ain
Fall Season we
ness to provide our
.best of footwear at
are able to show th
stated price,
We do more than si
expert and careful se
every toot that com
right in size and coli
We Ask Your
•.F, xMF �i
14!"F 3'1 1! t++.4.'i' 441..tih.i:tD!• +i -1r1"1