HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-24, Page 6PAGE SIX. '!`111D CLINTON NEW ER Thursedaly,F. Utilizes every heat I unit. Flues arranged so heat is forced to travel over top of oven in BROWN'S 141 1 The' The- wearer of a Coilene Corset is always distinguished by her poise andli; elegance of figure SNI iill l;iif ort . N, Not one woman in ten thousand can really have a "figure" without a corset. :41 ,f Coilene Corsets furnish the actual sup- port necessary to every lady. A few light strips of the peerless Collene boning give as much control of the figure lines as the stiff, heavy, cramping corsets of former years. Whatever the design, style, or price of tfie Coilene Corset you buy, it is the best value, best fit and quality for the money. Prices from $2.50 up. Will not ® - break r tQTear OT , 16.) 0 1 le n orrust Coilene • orset Corsets me for • weaadir. 1 L�LC(:CLLtLCL�'�<�LC«<C(1C1Leo. . E N E'L�LL� '!lois the fano Coilene boning, Write for booklet showing latest corset fashions. Every woman should have a copy. We mail one free on re- ceipt of your name and address. OWN W WWWVW AAAMMHN VoVtAA AAAWMn C. s 8, I Steamer "State of Ohio" LINE FOR CLEVELAND odd dates in A.uust, even dates in Sept, to ;Sept, 10th Arrive in Cleveland at 6.30 ti,m':' Fare from Port Stanley one wav $2.25, Round Trip $4.00 , Saturday Excursions on above dates $2,25 round trip ' Lske Rides Wednesday and Saturday afternodus at 3 p m Fare 25c Leaves Port Stanley 12 midnight on,' 1 1 WVWVVWWWVYVWVWVVVWAAANNANNA M. n^m,lnms.. Furniture, Rugs & Linoleunis We can assist you in selecting your Furniture, if von are going to furnish your home, or if you only mann some odd pieces, You will find it to your advantage to inspect cur stock and see the bargains we are offering. We also carry a good line of Violins, Pianos and Organs. Our Undertaking Department is up to date in every respect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction DEINFORP Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Day Calls answered at Residence over Store our Preseal Speciols Stoves and ; Ranges Guns, Rifles and Ammunition Vale Padlocks and Night Latches See our Three Window Displays. Ma01311101112116' 111161151:4. IN STOVES—The popular kind is what we sell, Happy Thought, Pandora, Welcome, World's • Favorite Also cheaper lines.' GUNS AND RIFLES—We have both the Stevens and Remington, and a complete stock of loaded shells and cartridges. VILE LOCKS—Safety First—There are only two ways getting through a door guarded by a Yale Lock break down the door or use the key. I-IARLAI.N') BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES RECEPTION. Mrs. J. Il(arlett, Davis will receive with Mrs., G. Lavis, a!t',the formler's resicyence, Joseph St. drlT;uesd'ag nest From 3 to" -6 P. m. MINOR LOCALS. Cheer up I The beset is. yet to !come. The "Made i'n Oauinda" slogan Mas thlad'ilts' day in tine country. InIfuture{;everyom'e twill:insi'st'upon the 1a,bei "Made in'Oan'ada" on their purol>fases We, in Canada have seat back quite long enough and) allowed the ,German . manufac- !turers)'to ciapture' our markers ra many linea thus-tlaking, `aavay; the trade that properly, belonged to ourselves.. NA MES ONLY ASKED TO ISSUE ;GRANTS. In the (m'orning' pitpere ;a des- patch ,appears dro5nl London to the effect ,'thka't the (military authorities at Ottawa have asked !tor the games !aurid addresses oil all Lam - don ,dacllelts( in • the 'Collegiate Insti- tuttle Of ithlat city over 16 years of ,age'., Na rea:soin! Tor Ithe request 'wars given. The New Era asked pit trice{ ,CUnton' Collegiate In!stitutys def (thernames, off the ideal , icadets had been asice!dl It was iffated thrait blank dlarnuls had 'been' receiv-' to fill; Out; but t'h'se forams; were presented every year:or the purr poise •of!6ixifnlg Ithe Geve!rm;m!ent grant 'for the ,diget;eatt . 5echoots 'Poco name, age, an{d address nil every .,galdeft was asked, and also )a number between, th,e ages of 16 Rind 18 the latter have ttobelong number' ethee, corps ine order &reearn the 'toGo'verar,- inebit gtlahit. iiii11111!!'til'Ull1111,1111 c: 1111NIf11IPIIIIIIIltii���ie ��I dpi lP " �' If itla't!tl'fjf�i . mice* I Outs we ',would have you be 'That's' why ,our ads. So frequently you See. The Goods we' Leake- We Bake 'low YOU, 1 And take the greatest care. ! That in Quality ,and Cleanliness They! elvall be beyond compare. Col-1114,vs Bakery Phone 202 `w a dower behind it and twice un- der the bottom before escap- ing to chimney. See the McCrary dealer. ei' Sold by 1Har1and Brothers .,I.r! 1 (1i:Yx�:lI1 mornamanmowznewszmnrormer aammlosseemommongs.0.. ..110.1111•••=11101.11 0'0004OOOi000♦0000000.00♦00000¢'rl000®00000000000.00••• 9 • • Local News 0 &000000000000000000004000004,000000000000000000000000 25 GENTS. • CLINTON MARKETS. Will pay for the New Era to new subscribers in Canada from now un- til the end of the year. If you are already a subscriber accept the chance to send the New Era for' the balance of the year to your distant son daughter or friend who will ap- preciate reading the home uaws. IS=, IT! YOUR, MOVE. When/ Mr. and Mrs.. 1R,: 'Rowland Moves ton'tlheir new home on' 'High Street, Mr. Vietch, of the Molson'.s Blank (will Move teethe house vaca- ted by Mr.; Ro WJi n!d,l S ergt. Welsh will move!to, his owns house which Mr. Vieltclil delaaveti enicl MriJ Libby of the Knitting ,Co., wield move into t3 e brick house ,vacated by Mr, Welsh. • BRIGHT OUTLOOK TOTE Butter 23c aind 21c Eggs 22c to 23c. Whetaft 1.30 to 105. Oalts 40c. Barley' 605. Pelae $1.10. Buckavhelat 60c, . Shorts $28. Bran $20 IS 'HE !WRONG? ' The Editor of the Mitchell Ad vacate m'ad'e the 'fdiiowin!g start ling ,dhatbeuneni:;-,r'We =think we ate within, the mark when we say' that •enough hard liquor leaves Mitchell daily dor Huron to /supply two good licensed tiers. TRADE NOW. A START FOR A \Ad'vices to the Department of A CHORAL SOCIETY Labor aho'w that Canada is .os o Last Thursday evening a fe'ty ineg 'a tanvely era cg1ntclastFl melt iriantoe Coun=cil Chamber to peace, there be}vng no tabor dia)- try eaind(fonm la choral society. Af putes cif note land no boards of con ter innch discussion' awns deeLd ciliation sating', The :whole trade ed bo prepare lists for member situat'a'eon pis daily becoming 'bright - the and have their, circulated nn er„andStatistics IPorthe paettmonth the various choirs and if their was when !available, will, it is under !aheart.y respond then have the stood sho,v a surprising oinprover members elect officers :fort the Me* is conditions. ! yiiaar. irl!start has already been l Made Por a`Meri,s Patriotic Chorus It is!the aim t'oihave not less than CLINTON'S MONEY WILL .HELP. 60 voices inthe'chorus.c The Canadian Red Cross Society has beep request,* to ;equip five Aida hospiltaiis tree field ,ambulances dor the Canadian none tiinge(nte In. aggregating over 2,- 000 ;000 beds, these 'field hospitals would represent is capacity Tour times that of the 'retomto General Host - Vital. They 'will consist) of two general hospitals of 520 beds each, one cleaning ' hospital, 200 b•e,1s : 'two s taltionary hospitals, 200 beds oath, and (three field ambulain,ces 150 beds eea'ch, A POOR :OUTLOOK FOR APPLES AN INTERESTING ADDRESS. Under the loxia!l auspices of ,the W. C. T. U. at Wesley church last Tlhur{sdUy laveni{n,g, Miss Forman( who 'for the past two years has been teaching 'the 'foreigners in the West, gave a very nnttee'estib;g address on the ,work of instructing the young boys !ah/d gi)t•]s, "the It glish iiranlgnage awl Can.sclilln ildkja'lis. A Wood musical program wlae also provided. 1n,s!tnuhuenk solos were given by !,Misses Merle Moore, Em'mEa Levis, nod !Pyr. Kel- ler, while Miss Bai(bara Mclvhr sang a soda, Mrs. IGibbings and , Warden David, Can'telan • makes Fred Thompson grave a duet as the following ;statement in regarcls also did Misses Grace !Walker and. to•the!appie crop (orf Huron County Eva Carter. The Wesley Church Bdth'in quality lalnd quantity of qulartette Mrs. illast, Miss Groom:, fruit this is a record ygar” an this and Messrs. Moffatt and East, sang county, the crop reaching probably "Teoltin,y. Tlonight.", A notion by 250,000 barrels, The quality is very Mrs. Allen u' c1 Mrs. Cooper and Sine, all that oould be (wished ,for lndartly supported by Rev, but 'from present ,indications not Greene ea vote ,of/thanks was pass more then 50,000 barrels will be ed to Miss Emmen andlp"h se tak- sold. The West -would ;btdy, but, ing part. Mrs. C. J. V.Tallis, Pres the ;shortage (of turn des 'and (ia,e ildetnit of !title W.T. U. preiade'd nttit'ndlr it the ()mink!) 'will rim t alt'the meeting: the !rapes 1,o a minimum. Perhaps I not 'emote than 'thr€e evaporators MINOR LOCALS. 'will be<o'pejuiafted In this caunaiv. I The YlistricYt,tvlaa well represented the war ba )ring closed their chief market (,Germany) to their product ait'Lonrion IFair laaf weak and all Mr. G'lanitelo!a slipped 1,000 barrels re oat that the.Ishaw'was nn �excel- llalslt week, :bolt he says het can only leak,olrile this year. promisee =to ao tlhe best 'thee r1, 1,'i cite ' 'Some pdople 'nary (this is; In6!an will lalloav trine duavmlg the seaseo!ne. Summer, bin twe!gen eulally have! Iuiciflan Sumner in October . ,and BUY 4Tl 1tIOME, � part 'of November. Anyway the 'tvekifther has",bean ideal .cluring the. Isere tvea.tst the gospel of trading pial* 'week. tat (house has been preached by IA tow ;went to tn,e Ztiari;ch foliar The Nene Erni but it deems there • this itweek. is I<i special call for further preach- lGc o atoes 'du upv ing alt th,e present time. Clinton your cip g Yet.. needs the money ; don't sen« it iSanid, \bainck err (i.ellepirbne tier. !away 'Buy 'wheat you ,need ,right 'newsy items to (the New Era. here at ;home,' Keep ,what{ coinYItb'P.l=',sgirvini Day, Ivfon,day Oc there is eirculatp,eg our rhe inside R' ober 1.2th, of ;our own town, walls!, In the ^ Alsa'rastic advertiser Liu!thelLon= winter tpvard herr before us'' every deli Times asks petticoats aor'all anon ,whio rias anything is going to ,ablet-l>fodie(11 youths in the couui y be tallied upon Ito share it 'with who have uno't jointed the army or those who halve !not,anti in this 'navy. process 0±e Merchants ; as is usual The Go. electors oil Jurors Ault in, (with theta, wile halve to. hear the thee office et the Clerk td'', the brwnft;' They have('ebeen: loyal and Peace Seager at;Gack0 ich to;draft patriottic fins .ever"yftlniplg t.h•at per- the jury list for the current year tared to ,the towais in'ter'est and The Wiarclein's Committee met in Ithe interests .of the peppier', Now Cliilritba on (Friday hast„ the( people darn dbmb less) than be !Dwarfs, scold yourlttillle 16 she patriotic to the unerchan!tst, 'Horne sttlan,ds half the forenoon: talking tradin'g is good economics! at any withther neighbours over the back time; now; it is doubly good Tenoe• She isanerely getting news 'Have The New Era, the Roane 'Pa- per sent to,iver laltiAgher hunger for news will be stafti.sfieecl. Then • she will have dinlilei ready !o,n timetand yfour hunger will be! ultne',aed • The !nta!me of Hon. Jrs Fleadric • the member a,orlWest Hamilton lie prommeeartly 'mentioned (als'the;neL'c , Lieu'tenlatrf Go,veraihr of 'Ontario. He heals been! a!m,embe!r oi%ihhe leg i!siature for many years I` (With pumpkin, pie now 'here and craineberries anifttall clothes in the. ooffing the prospects look good for T:han!k(sgitvi nig, The New Era, •roma now until the 1St dray of January 1915 201 $J.00 erre 'Cfalnada. Board oIr'Trade irn,eets an Monday evignin Nexltg. P'h,ur'sdp,y is the lst. of, October i Blyth lard Bayfield 'hold their 'ami' nal 'fairs next Tuesday 55151 Wednes day. . • 'The Kiltie Bend 'will be at'Blyth eine 'Wednosdlaey and at Brussels on Fridaey attire 'fair thee. 'Plums are alarge crop Whialt about organni!zin(g! a Debat in Society? There should betel I en!t euiougla in this locality to run la good one, IT'b!am0WsgaiVing Day oet. 12th. ' , The Methodist 'Ge'n!eral Con ifcr- 'nice •oper_ed aft Ottawa onlW.oclnes idla!y, 1 •10011 le e0nn,g0, 'Rlejad 'tholocal sr!aws• entail the. pages (,How does the. label oat' your t New Era'? If 16'!shews you in ar- rears, kindly square up. e I Look at The Label No matter whether you are sure you are paid ahead or not, the MailingListof The New Era was corrected up to Saturday, August 15, : and the date against your name is the date towhich your su'bseription is recorded as being paid on our books. We are human, ar.d make errors, and,' if any subscriber considers we, have his date incorrectly, will he please write at once, and get it straightened out. If you find your date doesnot read to some date in advance, this note is especially directed to YOU. The subscription price of The New Era is 31,00 There are some who, are owing ' us for several years, and have taken no notice or our appeals and unless part is paid before September 21st„ those accounts will be handed infor collection at $1,50 a year instead of 31.00. If you settle /row we will take $1.00 a year, but after Sept. 21, 16 will be 81,50 and collector's fees. To the United Stetas subscribers itis 31.50 th rictly in advance miszoionsinriespion UL E / BRA The patriotic spirit of the country demands Empire. We are ready to supply your re Pp to the Minute Patriotic No • CUSHION TOPS -Designs with crossed flags, we Hold," "I3ritain Rules the Waves," Ever," Prics 30c , PATRIOTIC STATIONERY -11, pads or for beau25ctiful design of flag on corner, Pads 15c SONGS AND MUSIC -"0 Qanada,'' "Sons "Soldiers of the King," "The Maple Lea'. Maple," Etc HAGS -Jack or Ensign. Small enough to w and large enough to decorate your wall or POST CARDS -Pictures of King George, Notional Mottoes, an 2 for 5c and 5c each PENNANTS -Made of felt, assorted color • "Let 'em Have it," "British Empire," go BrahrONS-With red, white and blue ri which is printed Britain, France,'Russit W. Often the eh'apest Buy a 1iOda The pictures are easy to mak grow in value Any boy or girl can successf picture making, A earefull furnished with each camera. Kodaks $7 and up. Dev Promptly an THE PENSi Dispensing Chemist Til N ^` r', Ti Peril , We have just received a 0' of Portland Cement which ha plete satisfaction. It always cannot make a mistake in usin S. J. ANDRE tabeveranwaisasemetsromismaraw 110.Y 411 Fivt Strong Pints in 1ee1a Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in Coal. CALL AND BE CONVINCED OR Phone 53 FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 second-hand FURNACE and 1 "Radiant 'Home" with ovens, Thos.11awkins Plumbing and heating I"" iii t i -i ret-r,l^+"+^II".I:,FI. 41^^l•"i""i 4.044 [011 T he Season's B a0. 0 STD ING upo Fall Season we ness to provide our best of footwear at are able to show th any stated price,� OUR SHO We do more than si expert and careful se every toot that corn right in size and cot We Ark Your THE I.1Olitl,D 'O I F�fic+i:"i;4 r4"3'"II"4^>D"itht;.tv&+$!"i^"t•" +4