HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-24, Page 5FIVE
i=aairawawatzosiaaerti=2=11 'LAB (.tINTON NEW HAA,"
omen Look. Old
nnatural'sufferings-of headaches, back-
Mabee, pains -in lower limbs, pains
at Nature needs help. Overwork, wrong drees-
r causes have been too much for nature -and
to restore; health and strength.
av orae Prescription
0 Women r S'P n that relieves nervous exhaustion
other distressing 'symptoms due to a die -
,as been used with more than satisfaction by
elderly --by wives, mothers and daughters. You
d by Medicine Dealers in liquid or tablet form, or
. Y., 50 one -cent stamps for trial box by mail.
SANT PELLETS Relieve sonetlna-
, and bowels. Fast' to take as eandy.
lI News
WV..vv7;,,s000vv1100►R07yyn'n11 j
Toronto Markets
L; 'Hogs -.J ,9.75
Cadttjle J ' 990
I Butter
.. I 6.50
• 15 3-4c
25e to 27c
.... 27c
580 to 60e
Potatoes per bag 75c to 85c
Beans • $2.60 to 2,70
The Girls Club of !Willis Church
will hold. a, )rale of hems -made
cooking and serve afternoon tea
alt Oolnta orris old •etanid, on Satur-
diary aftterrnoon5 at 2 -o'clock.
:This section was visited with a
helavy rain ooe Tuesday about 4.30
which pooled us ail im'men'sely
rafter the terrific heat,
Mr. O.D. Hooper of Blyth. is
heaving a brick Stable erected 'onr
the )ort he recently purch,ased(froan•
Mr. Hf1l Mr. Prior of tonvn has
the contr+aat for the ,brick :work.
The poato£fiee flag got tlaeworat
of the elements Mr Temesapry's
:storm rarnd" got badly torn, but. isrSsf i01
int the ring." You can't
olaeep ee good t'hin'g dottvn, you.
The Clinton Collegiate Distillate
will hold their gator teal field day
an Friday afternoon, Oct. and. It
is expected that the Seal oath foot
ball team and basket ball'tcam;will
be here tla''ptlay the .local teams.
Other oontea.s will also be run oPf.
'The Guelph dlaily Herald of the
17Th, gives the following notice of
the violin' playing of Miss Aileen
Hoover, !atit(the patriot/lc tencer•t,
at (the Royal City the ,night before
=The large audience were more
than pleased with the work of Miss
Aileen Hoover, the 'clever young
violinist. She rendered la two part
ounabet in a finishedemanner.e
first was "Adagio Pathetique" and
her second "Elfin D'ance.'"" Miss
'Hoover's playing was a Idistinet
feature o?f 'the evdnirrig's enter-
'The ,alleged' attempt to wreck
the Bruce train near Bnpceiiield.,
last week, has a very prosaic ( ex-
planation, according to the :Grand
Trunk officials IDeteetives of the
rood announced Tuesday that an
investigation. into the alleged at-
tempt revealed the fact that a
clean-up of tine right di way was
to blalmie for the report, (Section-.
mien, were ,engaged in piling stones
along the ,track, prior to 10r—owing
them 'clown in the 'ditch, when, a•
track walker found the piles and
had the train. ,s'to'pped;
If old) Nick,, seems) shoalt' of !hand's
in his Ananias department) he
would' be well served PI the secured
a contingent of ,the fellows who
write: teeny Of the lying 'artivel'els
about the European, war. Tdiey,
woulld be hard Ito'ateai
A query -WhY lire the Christian
a.altioln(s? Are they living up to.
their creed?
Railroads are curtailing expenses
by butting odf Claim aervice% on( a'
number of )rias.( Geese rhilways
ere mon in ,it merely .for the good
of `their health.
Girls and women of all ages want
to be beautiful and attractive, but
unsightly, thin and .lifeless hair
destroys 'half the beauty of a pret-
ty(face. t
If your hair is losing its natural'
color, is falling out, dull, streaky.
lull of dandruff, too dry, or if the.
scalp itches and burns do not be
alarmed use Parisian Sage. Rub
it well into the 'scalp., Ili ,Twill go
right •to the hair roots nourish
them, and eatbatsl e`%e the hair to
grow long 2105' 6,autrf,ul• It re-
moves 'Sapdruff 'with one applieu-
tion, stops itching scalp, falling
hair and makes the heacl 'feted fine
Parisian Sage supplies the hair
with what is needed to make it.
soft, fluffy, thisk and gloriously
radiant. It is 'sold in fifty cent
1 bottles by W. S.R. ))times and .at
an 'drug counters!' Look for the
trade mark—"The Girl with. the
Auburn. Hair." Accept no other.
tihtese. vessels w ';'e ea ,,eG %by
11.61. S. L o wesu of a .:+ by a d'ivis
Ann of 'Torpe•1 J ,, t'r desttrpyers.
Trawlers end the r no :its atso ;aid
ed inuRilee •woa•1 o retatue. The Ab
ouki+r Was lt,rpeuoU first. The
Hague and " the Dressy drew in
close ito her and ,were etaax.dti g by
'weave her crew when they\ also
were tiorpedle(dl. The Cressy, {lap
l arin Robert W. Johnson; the Ah
oukir,' Captain ,John ;E.,Drummo•n'd
,andt :IieHogue, Captain Wilmot S.
Nicholson, 'were sister ships. They
'were armored cruisers of s eom-
paratively •abaolete typo and were
built fourteen' years ago. 700 toren
out of 2,100 were span ed
Enemy forced to give ground be
ttw'een Oise and' Meuse)
The •deatruotion• of the wireless
telegraph statiom, on the island bf
Nauru which removes the last Ger
man, stationary wireless appratus
in the Pa >fi'c "Ocean. epi', sported
from: Sydney, N. a W. The Brit-
ish flag now flies over the aslaand
though the Gerananii CI overlent, and
his staff .have (been 'allowed, tore -
Dtavid L1oyd''George, the Chancel
lar of, the Exchequer; is heading a
movement to naiise a complete
Wrelsll- tams; corps
Tlic( Prorgre 'phi Nord, Ppris, re-
lates aremark(able story of, •the
King of ithe Belgi(a(ntot shooting his
chauffeur 'wlhile( the latter traitot-
ously, ialtteimipled+ to drive him 'into
the Germark lines, T'ha( 'King w'ae
with, WA trsopd, tilt ;South Antwerp
rank% orc4exa iii& chauffeur Ito drive
ra1aeadt" After a(tS..iile thej Kin
nrclticecl that the driver changed
hiss d'irec'tio,nes. iH?s Majesty then
wanniec'( him, and when, the Chau -.
,Pear took no notice ordered hint
to )halt; Thief having -tool effect, -
King, Albeit, con vineed of hese
treachery, drew ,has revolver and
shot the chauffeur- dead., 'Rehire -
self ,stopped the, oar and t7ro e
black Poo the Belgian lines in sad etty
In tth4 enla'na( .clothing papers :were
found! showing that he 'had receiv-
ed a ''Gerineen/ offer Of..a. quarter
million dollars tori the Ring's cap-
It h)aa beeni'deciklnd( 'riot raise
toarthtvith a1 second contingent of
Camedianrs, 19,000 strong, making)
30,000. in sib w'iltht the 31,000 going
in, the pr.etsenti contingent The
second contin.genlb is riot be ready
to s(a,i)L'5ari the scene •of con,fllict,by
N'ovebilbead L
Brigadier -General Christian, Fred
erick Beyers, Cbminesnrdin(bGeneral
Of the Union of/South h Africars
defence forcers, has resi'gn'ed alas
posit,'because of his disapproval of
the elation of Gr
eat Britainineenct-
ing cotratmlandoes
to conquer C•rex-
enepn Southwest Afri(egr
Battiish officers pay terrible Price
ails nearly 800 aro lost in the; fight
an lash'.
I't i9 offdclaillyj ;announced ;Pro.m
Zanzibar that the • British cruiser,
Pegasus, Which was recently •dlis-
abled' by' that (German cruiser, Ko-
einigrsburg, ,heals) (beim beached.
' 1Figaro prints a special ,from
Ramie imidicalting that Italian in-
tervention i8Rallmds(tj rerjtiain to
take place 'tilde week. Tine corre-
spanrdentt considers itrthe only reins'
edy.fan the unemployment threat-
en'ing%'to devialatgateattaly.
••: The Japalnese•.lost a second tor-
pedo. boatt ,outside Kea -Chau. The
vesselteas sunkby a German
A 'despatch from Petrograd, via
Ronne, to Reut'er's Teleegram Com -
panty says She) Russians, who• are
pursuing the Austri(a)ns! along the
River Blain, have captured Demtbica,
120 miles ;west orf Lemberg, an'd
within 66 amiss orf ,Crecow., .
Monday • '
The,1Gennayanls(have, 'desltroyed't(he
Caltiredral at Rhei,misf. It was built
between' 1211 aln'd 1234. It ,iwrats'the
W esltanan'ster Abbey. to, the French
'The allies are slowly beating the
e,n!emy, )hack in Prance,
From. Melbourne, Australia, comes
the ..report that, •a ,submarine Is lost
with IatIL h'ands,; This is ate [first
dislasttex to the Australian (fleet.
The British Admiralty reports
ithlalt (the Oarmiania, armed as; am
auxiliary cruiser, sank a Gertnen
aanuedi merchant/ cruiser;; that the
British light cruises l egraeus
whilst' repairing' :her, machinery ,was
dielable,dt by la( German' cruiser, and
fthldt the Germain cruiser•. Emden,
slatn'klive /British, merchant! • ships
in Ind'ia'n',welters
The, Ausltrieku troops which• tit-
tsinatreld( to ,.check- the, Russila5s a,d-
vanee in errant of Baranow( anfl'
Rlasnislaiow (in Galicia) were re-
pulsed with heavy losses. Siege
artillery is nq(ty bombarding( the
tforitifioattil:ansr .oI Jaroslan, Fight -
inlgtits goimigt on'egainst, tate ,garri-
sorl at .Przemaysl,' who have replied'
with arrttilLe.y tire. The R.u•ssianr
troops crossing the swamps are
ifindinlg Dilaltiteries labandbned by the
Jules Vedrines, the noted (french
alvialttori was credited with 'a cour-
ageous 'fight iuv kid' air with a
co.urrageoue Ifightt int/aid-air with
aGerman ,apialtar whom he( brought
#o earth The G,ermani was, daring
ly .reconnoitering the. 'allies,' posi,-
tierns, when Vedu4nes a+seen,derd.
Russia captured 36 t.Hlolwitzers
from Germans.'
A report 'from Loudon States
the Steatdy ,advance' by the British
end Fen .sh on the left/ is hughd,y
important, as the German,•General,
Val ,Kluekisj (flank isln'ew exposed
Thrq Echo. de Tkaria states that
accordi'n'g to the latelet di'spa'tches
received' dromr (Rome, it appears
that the; Genm'anl army hast begun
reltrelalli,ng anlavemen(hs toward, the
Belgiialn( %frontier), This, im the
opinion, Of the ptalper, Would,. ex -
Plato the' ditmdlniultaona in .the ,inten-
sity of the tblalt,t'le neee,ntly mated,
.The paper declares thatt it learns
on 'excellent 'authority that the
b(alttle)lom, the Aislne will soon corn-'
elude in a fresh retreat by, the,
Genmlanle inl(the 'direction oar the
Forest Of Ard'e,nee s, ;where, (though
greatly 'enfeebled,St aely will eaar-
treaneh again,
allied armies again reptile& the
By 'taking ii Fruit -a -fives"
Says Capt. Swan
Life'is very miserable to those who
suffer with Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Sour Stomach and Biliouspess. This
letter from Captain Swan.. (one of the
best known skippers on the Great
Bakes) tells how to get quick relief
from Stomach Trouble.
Poor Boawri ,r„ Oar., May 81h, 1913.
"A man has a poor chance of living
and enjsying life when he cannot eat.
That was what was wrong with me.
Boss of appetite and indigestion was
brought on by Constipation. I have
had trouble with these diseases for
years. I lost a great deal of flesh
and suffered constantly. For the last
couple of years, I have taken "Fruit-
a-tives" and have been so pleased with
the results that I have recommended
them on many occasions to friends and
acquaintances. I am sure that "Fruit.
a -lives" have helped me greatly. By
following the diet rules and taking
Fruit-a-tives" according to directions,
any person with Dyspepsia will get
benefit".11 SWAN
"Fruit-a-tives"are sold by ail dealers
at ace. a box 6 for (2.5o, or trial , sire
25c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price
by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
delIggI five , • ; , , t , t,
In the 'fight orrt,'Thuxsday and
Friday the English, Scotch and
Irish regiments, including' toe
Guards and the Highlanders suf-
5ered isaaerely,
Russia has in,otw the largest aerial
"fleet in. the world.
aAlt iaecou'nits received an 1?aris
agree. that the 'famous Prussian
Guar:1st Corps, tine *lite . orf, the
Empire) a;n'dt the( especial pride of
'the German Emperor, has been,
pr'ac'tically blotted out 'from tiler
battles which have been, waged
along (the.lMeruse, lMarar(e and Aisne
Except -lox two /army corps with
their )supports of tnarirueb and old,
neem, ,which 'the Belgian army is
keeping busy 'around ;Antwerp, the
Germ,atnrs leave! almost entirely left
the} country. Since Iast' Friday
they halve been, travellin.south-
avest, Their "numbers halve beers
givetn, /at 'anything 'front 30,000 to:
The !Russian army Flow in Galicia
wilt be [left tl:ere:taconnplete its
work, [for, according to a (Rome
despatch, en parmy of 900,000 Rus-
sun's is marching• into Central Po-
lan[d, (followed by aalolther army of
2,0p0,000 'while a third army, also.
aggregating 2,000,000 'strong, is
eotning from morel disttalnt region's
arndi wilt reach/the frolntt in. October
There ate already said lobe a mil-
lioln' 'Russia!ds to Ira,lrcaa and a
hall'! Milliojn in (Bast 'Pruss a. While
these !numbers seem, goormous,
they;alre co(ntsidered probably a:'fair
estimate orf what Russia,. soon will
halve available for beginlning her
`valr.. It ilry said, she( )vdll scion' have
7,000,000 ,men ,on, the move.
Semen] thouaamd ,Germain prison-
ers halve arrived at 'Baud:daux)
Nearly all Of them( are ;wolantled.
A ISarce composed' of 250 IGerm,a(n,s
together with three Ntexim gums
Attacked the British post at Nakob,
South. Adricat; Thursday. Thea gar-
risoln consisted of seven police-
mein who, ?fought until their ammu-
nition was. tea -litigated". Those who
had lntott beeIh,'kilted,were taken
ITiwenty-+five',Mousa(nct even will
got.(wilth (the !first contingent pf
the Canadian, texpedit(ionary 'force
efnld( lacoarr inig eto. (the declaration
of Colonel 'Saa((m Hughes„pro'b-
ability is that they will have
"within, a ves'y short time." The
%ne(na (ares eager to tgeltt to the 'front.
Telegraphing !from 'Peltro:grad a
correspondent Of the Heves Agen-
cy /says that Japanese tea aner-
cl.talnts otf the Russian)' capital have
presented the Russian !array with
100,000 pounds of ltejat, Two hum=
dyed! !thousand pounds are given
to the English antit.French armies
limo' 20,000 pounds iter the Belgian.
th; ,
%Perrifle battle is atilt raging in
France aroni Noyon to 'Meus:el.
Larch Kitchener sttatee ""the tide
has' turned,"
rA (German prisoner striates .they
smirched( 22 hours with, one h'our's
• (Germlano bombarded Natatcy; "fir
bug albout 50 aliens.
ea'nr I'tlalian, 'Journal states, that
Austria[ wants/ peace.
The Servians are fighting on six-
ty ,mile !from(.
(German' soldiers, •whn 'artatetrnpted
Ito duo valde, the( Belgian Congo have
been rdefe(a(ted and driven, back
into' tlhreia( own teritory„ The Plast
Afrioaia Moun'tedr Rifles were, sent
to the Belgian territory wheen'• the
Gentians crossed[ Riad border and
defeated the inv'a'ders) at Kishi..
• Lolyd, Kiltcheaveris statement as'to
the ,part taken by British troops ltn)
the campaign in) France indicates
that !during the poet 'elfive 'weeks (oto
less !than 200,000 well'rltaiivedl
die's have been, landed .on the con-
1'011.1e/on The inlftantry consists of
six"divasia,nts, with 1artillery1andtwo
cavalry divisinine. 7"hel orgapita-
Itian of the;,lairmyl pro t ided ' for an
exped$rtiolaary force of,six Infan-
try 'divisions atnld on,p orf 7avalr'6,1
+tptta3Iing 1677,660 iambi, This hes
bean increased by la' second divi-
sion Of'cavalry which would, add'
abonrlt 9,200 to 'thief totali J'ntrounti
'figures therefore, tatm'armly' of 176,-
000 is nowt being a taiarftja bled b'y'
Brdlllaixs lin 'Pramce. The -.drafts 'to
mlaike(up the. w'asltage of (tearmust
Maud been) large. Since Augustt 23
34,000 British soldiers have been
reported' as killed, wountded. , •. or
triilal nR., fdaousnta as (17 the na/S-
sing left behilnsi' in !the rap ilretire-
anelnit'from Belgium' rejoined( the
colons halter .ons ail/ not a bent re-
mained' in!'delbaehedy companies; in'.
northern France, carrying onjtihe
wtarto)n• their own' account11
must' hiave, taken not less'' than 25,-
000 an'anr, hiotwever,. Itsprovisio for
the,reduotibn doused'' by cicada or
'wounds, and the taking of prison, -
eats by ihei IGermisne..
Sit le e.stimla'ted that sa'nld, worth.
$2,500,000' is hold in !British" Conran'
bihu by (the Kaiser,
Germans admit loss as over 35,000,
.Geavm,anlsright ttaimg•,i .The;'en,emy's
senIt e1 tangle/Pt �ing SrIy .aI(,,1e^'
s reportedrWeU heree 'that' the s Ger-,
TM/redjaly, Septehn!ler( 24Th,.' 1914.
�•o•o•••oo��••••���o••�••••hoo4•m•oso•o•�•••o•••o••o•�••••t���••••��oo•••��•o•�+ .I
• ••
Boots, Shoes, Dry- oods
+� ,Clothing
Ladies and Children's Wearing Apparel-
' Also a line of Millinery
This Stock is to be Closed out in Four Weeks
Regardless of Cost.
[dere are a Few Specials
a To Let you . See What Bargains
We Lntend to Give You.
Men'sWorking Shirts at 49c
• 1000 yards of Print to clear at 9c
• 2 dozen -Ladies Shoes to clear at $1.55
1 dozen Men's Suits, tweeds and serges, $4.60
Bargain S
Next to McTaggart's Bank
• ,
• -
▪ •••••••••••••••••••••••• Neeeeeeeeeeeeemeee•N••••b•Neeeeee••••••••••••••:
Mem cruiser/ Emden: has{ sunk! 'five
Briitis16 stainers off the, coast, cif
Irncllfa. The .passer gers of the
vessels are said to )have been saved
-Kasha (Ja
ese fine), received' word. alt pap
Faanal'sco droaaar its Tokio 'oi'fi..:es
that the Japanese admiralty bad
give: attritive alssurapce thea a
nuaaber aa warships had been a:•
signadltto. protect, the lanes orf tra-
vel !rams' Jiaipatnr to the Ulritem
States (,and Canada.
Reports' :of •d(isara'ber to the Ger-
mana'fledd is the Baltic 'have been
condiran;ed by :deapaltches received
at Land'on, which declares "Ghat
German Warships Sited( upoei each
other. All planers of engagements
with the iRussi(arni ifleet iso the Baltic
however erre utnitrue.11'he in iorme-
'tidn xelachdnig Petrograd is that a
numerous 'floltilliat a'tten'ded by eruis
ers which engaged isa'hunting down
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. lst. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J, W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal t0a' vice PMucfpil dnt
passenger steamers mistook 'their
Own if or( the en,eantyis eteanrerstand
aog(ajged( in iallively 'battle. The
n'um'ber off vessels crippled is un-
]dnown,butseveral cruisers entered
Kiel I1 aidly mauled ' and riddled
And .carrying many wounded.
Suffered with Palpita-
tion of the Heart
and Nervous Trouble
Mrs. John Dennison, Combermere;
Oat., writes; -"I cannot praise Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills too much. For
years I suffered with palpitation of the
heart and nervous trouble, so that I
could not lie down to sleep. I tried al.
most all other medicines, and got no
relief, until I was advised by a friend,
who had been benefited by your pills, to
try them, I did so, and after taking four
boxes I found I was almost cured, and I
am going to continue taking them, for I
never got anything to do me so much t
4 ►
4 104
- s
4 ►
I See and here our finest ,
Ij New Stylish designs of E.
1 Doherty Pianos , and >
4 special values in ArtP.
4 Lases a
1 • Pianos and organs rent n
1, ed, choke new Edison s
el phonographs, Music &
good. I would advise any one troubled
with their heart or nerves to do the same
as I am doing." 441
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
60 cents a box, or 3 boxes for 61.25; al
at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt
of price by
The T. Milburn Co., L 'ted,
Toronto. Ont. A
variety goods.
Music Emporium
C. Hoare
aro Tirnos
ea oo.i
Europe's factories and cheap labor can no longer compete for Canadian markets
Canadian factories niust work full force and overtime' in the effort to supply the
world's demands for manufactured products. To supply the home market alone
will prove a colossal task. Every available man must be put to work in some
lines. New industries. must be developed. These will call for more ,
p men, •
By and by every man able to rise at the sound of the whistle will be at work.
Many will work overtime. What does all this mean? Why, money to spend
in the hands of workingmen. Prosperity for all Canadians. Business for every
merchant: .
What is the wise thing to do ?
Is it wise to sit back when this golden harvest is ripening,
ri eningwhen newspapers
are inthe, hands of everybody in unprecedented numbers, without invesing in
N¢kt Advertise Now ?