HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-24, Page 1ablisled 1865, Vol. 49, No. How The New Era Vara Ads Can Serve You in Filling the Needs of To=day in CLINTON CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER ,24 1914 W. H. Kerr '& Son, Editors and Publisher W Wy y ,S..o-.tea►:►' �a`4..<0 :w ww AAAAA AMAA wvwV sl/ •rs•� m, •rte le Home Guard u weather•is lapproaching it will be Asdi cu season of broken difficult to keep free of coughs, .cold., sore throat, etc.,. '.ore it will he wisdom for you to come to our store and get le of Wanipole's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil. tem and assist it to combat disease rill buildup your system • Drug Quality �t Store � The Rexall Store Phrne B, T.�.R,.�.O1� s1^MHRJ. wVWVVWwvvywvvvww WNMMhM 1 a,� 1!,,r. ummar liar SY 11� 3 yW OF CANADA Capital Authorized • • . $25,000,000 1 n Capital mid o •.•.••< 11,560.000 n Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000 Total Assets .. 180,000,000 37 Co 13 It.4161Y%II i:tla'orld-Wlac Connections Interest Allowed on Deposits General Banking Business Transacted. E. MANNING, Il lla er Cliutou Branch vI wwvwy wvyvvyvvvvvvv.avvoivaniaaavai Mo1siS ;�a=%wank Incorporated 1855 1►ital and Reserve $8,800.000 91 BRANCHES IN CANADA CiiAL BANKII\li' I{C'gl;vl;SS:TIi,ANSACTICD. Alt LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED LLERl1 CHEQUES. MONEY ORDERS • NGS DERTNEE NT AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest cnrreut rate. DOWDING, Manager Clinton Branch, ♦e' .•••••••••••••• i0047400♦••P®Q•0®OiTb20lIDO♦00411p it derail Ready -to -Wear lothing 1 �9 c >y ®.m.• -a -no• -•t O Thursday Whole German army is preparing for a great retiring movement, A new, list issued for the War office contains the mimes of 25 more officers dead. British aviators make' 500 mile flight drop bombs„ on Zeppelin hangar and returp safely. The Belgian army marches on capi- tal. During the past few days 50,000 Ger- mans were wounded on French battle. fields. Japslost heavily as Germans explode ground where Japs were advancing. n General Botha will take a strong field force against Germany in South Africa. t to7'1'rY C'tt ..eaz ie A • + O • eo1or ? What lloth ? What Style ? Wednesday (General Lents. Botha, Premier and miinoitter of Agrieultunail of the union of South Aitr'ic{a, will sake supreme command of the British operations against German South- west Afrioal. ' Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia has beep, captures by Servain andMont enie'gri(n itiiolops, The Germien cruiser, Spr'eielw'ald ilslgaiatu'ed by the British cruiser Berwick lithe North Atlahitfic, 'The British Warships Aboukir, Business or the bonen =Give Thee a'Triai WITH TPJ CHURCHES. • Personal Notes * e o d e e e e e e e e ee If thosel vi 1 hives or friends e • �, n ren a B e000 Deo • n awe ' of 9 1• n t vn ox 6 or fK PSB{ 44 B k iva_ tt .feat eaohwee , 'lf nP0 1r BAPTIST CHURCH � not y would announce it In the NEW 11e, �' Rev. Mr, Kennedy, a member of the 13aptist Home Mission. Board, took the service Sunday- night on behalf of the Donnnion Alliance. Rev, Mr. Pailful' took the morning service. . a The pastor will' preach next sunday. y It will be ]Tally day in the Sunday School.' Special program and music. Everybody welcome. WILLIE CHURCH Rev. ;Mr. Muir, of Tbrobto, preach. ed in the morning last Sunday ou be. half of the Dominion Alliance. Rev, Mr: Harper took the evening service. Mr. Stewart Jackson, of New York, sang a solo, which, was much appeal: ated at the evening service. , Next Y is Rt dly Day y and a -1 n has been sent out. special a] iuvitatin ONTARIO ST CHURCH Last Sunday morning the pastor's subject, was `The creation of man in the likeness of God," - Rev. John Muir, of Toronto, preach- ed in the evening in the interests of the work of the Dominion Alliance • • "Holly Day" will be observed on Sunday next. Rev. A. W. Barker, B. D., of Seaforth ,will preach in the morning. A special rally service will be held in the afternpon for which a special program is prepared. The Pastor will be present and will ad- minister the •rito • of baptism to all children that may be Brought 10 him. The pastor and Russell May will give brief addresses to young men and women at the evening service. Hogue wind Cressy have been sunk On Monday evening next a banquet ln'the North Sea byisubmari'n(es ac will be tendered all young men of the cording town announcement given church by the Young Womens Lea- gue. One of the features, following the supper, will be an address to young men by Rev. William Conway, B. D., • out by the Oificilal Bureau Tuesr day afternoon. Continuing the a:nn euncement says that a consid enable number of ithe enews of Continued on Page 5 ee0ee0e00elleei ®eee099000O® Turn and Country eeeoe0eteeosommoS•Oeessosa lllaytield liir. and MLutor- ors. Thee Cameron ed to Kincardine recently with some friends from Seaforth. - A great many of our citizens attend. ed the Goderich • exposition, The wife of Oap. John Ferguson while on board his ship on a trip north was seriously hurt by a fall on the cabin steps. A meeting:to the purpose of forming York, who is visiting at his father s a rifle guard for the purpose of home home. The following are some of the protection is called for next Friday selections which will be given :- g ecenin in the town hall. Anthem "0 Canada" Lavallu-Broome Quartette "just as T Am" E. R. Bowles Airs. East, 5Liss Greene, Messrs. Moffat and East. Anthem "0 Come to rny- Heart Lord Jesus" Emrese Duet "Glory to thee, My God this night" Gourod Mrs, East and Miss Greene Solo "I heard the voice of Jesus Say" Rathbun Mr. S. Jackson. A.ntheur "holy Art Thou" Handel's Largo. WESLEY CHIIRCII. Rev. E. D. Silcox, editor of the Congregationalist preached on behalf of the Dominion Alliance fast Sunday evening 1 The pastor; after his holidays oc- cupied his own pulpit in the morning. The Missionary departrnent had charge of the League service on Mon - clay night. The Junior League will hold a pan cake social on Friday evening, , Sup•• per served from 5 to 7. Rally day in the Sunday School next Sunday. A special program is being prepiired for the occasion. The clior of Wesley church are giving a special song 'service next Scinday evening.. They will be assist- ed by • Mr. Stewart Jackson, of New us Help You Decide ♦AtzlexIMAMISOLEESSIMMze=agoavelaI c a You will find it so easy • and satisfactory to make o your discussion from our elegant new fall styles. • w • ♦ •••, ♦ 0 Your New Suit or Overcoat will surely come from here ;if you see these. elegant garments and try them on. The more you apprev date distinction in style and'exaetness of tailor • ing, the more you will .1; 1 Ills. these unequalled Coats and Suics . llltolnresvillc Mr. and Mrs. Will Jenkins were in London last week. Mr. Norman Holland spent the week end at London. Mr, N. W, Trewartha is visiting in Goderich. Miss Maud Pickard of Toronto and Rev, Fleetwood Pickard of Lakeland, Florida visited at ,Mr, Will Jenkin's last week, Mr. W. Routledge and Aliso Ella and Mr. Fred • •were in London on Ford Thursday. Rev. Mr Kettlewell of the Dominion Alliance visited at the parsonage over Sunday. The. Rev. Fleetwood Pickard of Flor • tela preached in the Methodist church here on Sunday morning. The Rev. gentleman took his text from St. John 116 and was listened to with rapt at- tention for nearly an hots'. Be is au eloquent speaker, showing, a close study of the Bible, and a allowing. In the .faster', service, Mr. Pickari' is a ccuein of Messrs Ezra and Will Pick- ard and Mr. W, Jerkins, also Mr, F, Pickard of Porters Hill. Mr, and Mrs. Mopiath • of Goderich visited at N, W Trewartha'e for a few days last week. • Mr. A J. Courtice was in London on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jervis visited in Goderich last week. Miss Vienna Jervis is attending the 0. 0.1., Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Ford. of Clinton, visited in this vicinity on Sunday, , i i o W T. O'NEIL m THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 f:f ctency First 4,Last and all the time is the chief fea• • taro of .the courses of instruction in the Specials A FEW SPECIALS THAT 0 WE•HAVE TO OFFER, THIS WEEK, -- Red Peppers, .Green Peppers_ Pickling ; Onions, Celery ' Clover 'Honey Musk. :Melons Peaches( h Morrish Clothing ( . A Square Deal for Every Man Mrs. James Steep returned 'on Mon. day from a visit with her claught'er, Mrs. A F. Collyer, Mr and Mrs F. Fraser have returned from their honeymoon and are now spending a few days with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Walton ou Rattonbnry street. 14r u,t4 ,44 , 4 6 4+4441 111r. A. S. Nlacdougiil of Hamilton Mrs. W. J. Kilbride spent a few days, ab London and at St. Thomas with her parents. ' Mrs. Rathwell is visiting her Moth- er, Samuel -Chambers, at Ethel for a week or two. Brussels Post : Garf. Baker and wife of Grey Township, went to -Clip - ton and spent a few days with friends there. The many friends of Mr. Wallace Irwin, a former Clinton boy, will be sorry to learn that he had to undergo an operation for appendicitis at Lon- don, last week. lis old friends Will and one of the members of the King• Macdougal Business College, was in town on Wednesday, Hair. Walter King, a former Clinton boy is one of the members of the college. , The Star FI. Kemp, the Goderich jeweler, and aformer Cltntonian, who is a clever hand at otherthingsbesides liis,watchmaking; made a ,kite the other day 5 feet high by'4' 7" across on the 'army" plan, and hacl it up floating like an aeroplane (as which it was regarded by not a few around town) for a couple of days, but in haul- ingit Clown on Tuesday, the string broke and the flyer came to grief. Mr. Kemp says he will build a6 -footer some join in wishing him a speedy recovery. of these days to show what he can do. G Mr. r. • eorg a Keyes, es of Tox o nto made a hushless. •' tri to 0 Linton hast week. p Mr. Edward Mole, .superinteudant of the Seaforth Ilydro department was in town" on Saturday. Miss Hattie French, of Seaforth, was a Clinton visitor last week: Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Miller, of l3rook lyn N, Y., are the guests of their daughter, Mrs .° Thos. Hawkins. Mr. Miller is traffic manager for the Robt, Gair Company. Mi•. and Mrs. Nicola and children, of n •hi � were callingon old Morris Tows 1> friends in town on Saturday last. Mr. Wm. Jackson, secretary of the Blyth Fall Fair, was a visitor in tow» on Friday last. Airs. J. K. Fairfull will be at-home the first Thursday of each month. Co. Treasurer Holmes, of Goderich, was in town last week attending the meeting of the Warden's Committee. The Dr, is holding his age well and walks as spry as ever. PENNANTS RETURNED. On Friday morning, when .'t`he New Eria office wa.s•;opened the entissiing penlha'ts were 'found in our letter drop box. It Bitln°'t take long forst e suspected to co tuna thein :alter they had'reas the item in The New Era. Weturn•etd them •over to Chief Wheatley :who hook thereto the owners, - MINOR LOCALS. • Councillor Paisley was n visitor at London and St. Thomas last week. _Mr. A. Lodis was at Lucknow Fair last week judging horses and is up at Teeswater this week. Ile has been many years at the job and gets repeat orders which must be a good enough recommend for anyone. • Ah'. R. E. Manning is attending the General Conference of the Methodist church at Ottawa. • •117x. Robert Irwin, s0111of Mr and Mrs. J. A. Irwin, who has been preach lig in the West for the past couple of years is hone for a short vacation. lie will attend Victoria College this fall, Exeter Advocate: -Miss Vera Rowe who has been at her'home here for several. months, will resume her posi- tion as stenographer with the flew of Blackstock e�'Oo next week Toronto, and will leave for that city Saturday. The young lady is 0 grand -daughter of Mrs. Holloway, sr„ of town. Editor Elliott of the Blyth Standard gave the New Era a call on Friday afternoon, Oo, Clerk Lane, of Goderich, was in town on Friday last, Mrs. E. C. Cioleman, of Winnipeg, is the guest of the Misses Cole, Huron street. Mrs Sobr'enk and Master Bobbie were 11 Goderich over Sunday. • Miss Lily Leitch has taken a position with J. P. Sheppard & Go. Ar. Thos. Trick is visiting friends n ls in London, Ingersoll and Thedford, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cook spent a few days in Goderich this week visit- ing their son, Miss Hellyar of Bowmanville, is the guest of her brother, Mr, W. 11. Hellyar of town. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Mctaggart left on Tuesday for Valcartier, Quebec to see their son Broder before he leaves for the seat of war. Miss Mary ,Walker, of Detroit, is visiting her father, 111'. Robert Walk- er, west of town, 'Hew does yourAbabel read,' Ate* wil i•go 'c7'ane Wo Seaforth to m•o rrow to lattenid the fair., IDayBy Henry Chapyell II poem is Mr. HenryChappell, (The author of this magnificent pus Y Iell, a railway porter at Hath, England. Mr. Chappell is known to his comraclns as the "Bath Railway Poet," A poem such as this lifts him to the rank of a national poet.) Mrs, J. B. Lindsay has returned in ' ''t with friends from atwo weeks visit Toronto and Hamilton. +00+++0++++++000+0♦0900+++ It's a Long Way to Tipperary. ♦♦♦0♦0+♦0♦♦411000404.00♦♦•0♦ The following song, "It's a Long Way to Tipperary," which has become the marching soil; of the B i•itish army Up to mighty London came an Irish. man one day., As the streets are paved with gold, sure everyone was gay; Singing songs of Piccadily. Strandrand Leicester Square, Ti11 Paddy got excited, then he shout- ed to them there; The Voice of the People. ee0®seemneoe®Goessemeeeese Editor of The New Era, • (, IP,e +mi ti me, (through your Yen- reliable paper, to thank 'the people for the very hearty 'way they re, S'poinded to any invitation, I, would tlyalnk Mr. ac'd Mrs. Lobb for the very corteoue ai-iary they . received And entertained nae. (Too D. Can- ltelan, V, Jaglrero(q, Js. Snell, W:7: Taylor of Stanley, W. S.R.(Holines, W. Colnmell and others, for their manal support. I w ould' like to see u p a /carload of apples on Ithe way as aaan as iosslbre, 15 we riled the naacess,ery funtls to pi\oeuria the • barrels. T'aose who wish to odni;r.ibute to this turd), while in txlainsi , can do so •either ,through me or an the box tart (Holmes'drug wishto 'corn store. ;Those who corn - tribute apples could be supplied ;with barrels. Pure religion and undefiled before God ',and ;thq Fatlthier, is ihds, oTlo visit the fatherless and widows ars their ,atilfttdhcen, and, to, keep himself unspotted from the world," James 1.27. (That golden age is coming with its 'goldefn city„ its Lamb, its Light, land its;mhtlons. In a D3.01- merit, m:ormenit, lar the twinkling cat tan eye alt the last trump ; for the trum- etslall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall he (ehangeid, 1 Cor. 15.52. Yours respectfully, JOHN HOLMES. Chorus: It's a long way to Tipperary, It's a long way to go; It's a long way to Tipperary; To the sweetest girl I know. Good-bye Piccadily. farewell Leices- ter Square; It's a long way to Tipperary, But my heart's right there. Paddy wrote a letter to his Irish Molly 0', Saying: ''Should you not receive it, write and let me know; 1f I make mistakes in spelling, Molly clear," " s• id he "Remember .almber it's the pen that's Dad, don't lay the blame on rue," Moly wrote a neat reply to Irish Pad- dy 0', Sayiug: "Mike Maloney wants to marry me and se Leave the Strand and Piccadily, or you'll he to blame .Nor love has fairly drove me silly, hoping von're the same," Yoo boasted the Day, and you toast- ed the Deny, And now the Day has come. Blasphemer, braggart, and coward all, Little you reca of the numbering ball, The blazing shell, or the. "white arm's" fall, As they speed poor humans home. You spied for the Day, you hecl for the Day, And woke the Day's red spleen. Monster, who asked God's aid Divine, Then strewed' His seas with the ghast- ;ly mine; Not all the waters of the Rhine Can wash thy foul hands clean. Yon dreamed for the Day, you schem- ed for the Day; . `• Watch how the Day will go, Slayer of age,and youth and prime . (Defenceless elatu for neyer a crime Thou art steeped in• blood as a hog slime. - False friend and coward foe. .I ./.)E11-19-1"." 2 ei, •♦ • Yung. and Charles Ste„ Toronto Yes. our graduates succeed. 'They have t that habit. Write for Catalogue •. 64.4.4 4444,04 4+M0* •400.44♦O♦WON000♦004♦♦ 4 • To the editor of ,The New . Era. Dear Sir. -The fact that I am of Germain descent seemed to have aroused in the minds of some un- duly excitable personas unfounded isuspiciaos as tto may loyalty, anal these suspicions'hrave developed into rumors which I find are being widely circulated. Most of these rumors are so absurd that nobody could bet expected +to believe them, but others are of such a dalmaging character that I feel it is only just to myself dud my frieirnds that I should publish this stademetnt. It is a painful taint() have one's loyalty called ha %ques- oml le d tpub- licly n (and tobe c d 'era rant poll I . m ,faked defend pit, but ,11 under the circumsbainces to. do it. I am a British subject, and 1 tend to continue tet be a ,Billfish subject for the rest of luny life. My parentage is Genman, but it is probably enough to !say that- my father sought refuge 151 this Brit- ish Colony, la refugee .from the hated military service imposed by the Prussian, govern,ment, 'Surely I (have little reason to -'do any- thing but love and praise the,flag Births, Marrlages Deaths that has given protection to any people, anal to myself and mychil- drern the means of advancementfn BIRTII5 life such as we could scarcely have Gosleigh-ln Clinton on Wednesday enjoyed tinier any other flag. As Sept. 231.d, to Itlr.and Mrs. A. Gosleigh a German I .should be unglatural a daughter. Watson -fn Londesbure on Sept. 2011, to Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Watson a daughter, MARRIAGES Gillies -Andrews - In Clinton, on Sept. 17th, Erma Sele„a, eldest dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Y, J, Andrews to Frederick Fenton Gallie, Elliott -Reid -In Stanley on Sept, 16th, Mary, eidestdaugbter of AIr, and Mrs, James Reid. to David Elliott of Clinton. You have sown for the Day, you have grown for the Day; Yours is the harvest red. Can you hear the groans and the aw- ful cries? Can you see the heap of slain that lies And the sightless turned to the flame split skies The glassy eyes of the dead? You have wronged for the Day, you have longed for the Day That lit the awful name; 'Tis nothing tc, you that hill and plain Yield sheaves of dead men amid the grain; That widows mourn for their loved ones slain, And mothers curse thy name. But after the Day there's a price to Pay For the sleepers under the scd. And Ile you mocked for many a day al Listen and hear whet he has to say; - "Vengeance is mine, I will repay. Wl t can ou say to .God? DEATHS Pennebaker-In Clinton on Tuesday Sept. 22nd, Samuel Penanbaker aged 85 years and '7 months. McDonald -In Tuckersmith, Sept, 22nd. John McDonald, aged 75 years, • • eW W W W MM ° ► Local News MORE WATER USERS. The 'Public Utilities Commission. race busy in)a'tfaLliing Wore water :Apes., Those cordnent ct nenently ar+e-Pnof. Bristowe, E. Blaoker.,and R a Tlaispder. if T did 5101 admire the German people, as all German Canadians do, but I ram ,a Canadian ,,bore all, and my fhag is the British flag and nn other. The rumors circulated about me which in, maw alai impeach. my, (loyalty are false Yours truly, JOHN SCIIOENIIALS, FOUNTAINS PLACED. Mr, Thos. Hawkins has the wa- ter foutnitaln(s placed in the rooms at the Model School, and did a good job. He ,also has the foun- tain here amsready( to pact, up for 'the Women's Intatitute. JEWISH NEW YEAR(; and int can,- brwlfled oma sept..1;0. am 23, btaiabed'oneSpt. 21, a'h 23 Inlcame m'hieemdoanyalt isiaonf Afdtahme ,T7heDayr uofnAt arrememat will,be celebrated on Sept: 30. ATTEMPT TO; WRECK "BRUCE” Grand Trunk Railways 'detec- People Say -- That the Farmers should grow lots of wheat next year, That the big Patriotic concert in the town hall tonight should he well pat- rouizecl. 'fives have ;been despatched to Brucefield this week, where an, at- tempt whir made to lWreekr (the L(ctnlcyoln, Huron rand Bruce train, by placing a ,number .of boulderts on tive-tns_k. ,They were discov- ered Ev few minutes prior to the arrival' of the train, and removed. FIVE.1:WAYS ` G PkeE f here are many subscribers who have paid promptly, ;and we return our hearty thanks to them. On October lst all subscribers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, ./_Alberta, British Columbia, United States, and those who get single copies in Ontario, their names will be sent to a collecting agency, and they will collect overdue accounts at the rate of $1,50 a year. We hope those in arrears will take this to heart and act promptly as we leave it open to them, up to October 1st; to pay at $1.00 a year. Those who have settled, the label will be changed on their papers the lst week in October. ACT NOW. That the market square is adisgrace --that it should be a beauty spot and it is not That Jim Ford, •chs•irman of the street committee shauld put a few loads of gravel in the holds on Bay- field ayfield road, , That Mr. R. Rowland's new house 013 High street is a dandy. That Tom Jackson and the Boys Minstrel show will be is good one, That the Rev, Mr. Harper is a good preacher and will he very popular. That Clinton has the best roads in Ontario, and strangers to Huron sa y 80. That the hot; weather this week is easy on the coal bins, Minstrel Show -The boys big min- strel ehow will likely be held, on Thanksgiving night and possibly re- peated en the night following. The big, choir of 35 voices are now in prac- tice in all the latest songs, and Toni Jackson is getting it up and paying all expenses and the money turned over to the committee to spend as they see fit. Ri The synphoniy Quartet of the 'Ithaca Conservatory of Music Will Appear in the Town Hail in November , Under the auspices of the Ontario Street Ladies Aid Watch for further particulars