HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-17, Page 6avincolasier situ in ri Dress Ma.teria15: Lovely New Things, aril Plenty of Them That You Will Like to See and That we're Anxious to Show You COME IN. Below are just brief hints ,of Fashion's Favorite Fabrics, colors and combinations, ro become thoroughly conversant with the new season's offerings you. must see them, as represented in our very comprehensive display which is, without doubt, larger and more varied than ever. For the Smart Autumn Suit Rich, Silky Broadcloths are very much favored. Gabardines are again popular. Cheviots, Worsted Plaids ancr Checks are much in evidence, and of course our stock includes the always serviceable Tweed effects, in dark grey shades. in the plain materials, "nigger". brown, dark green and blue are largely shown, while the popularity of black remains unch.fnged. For the Stylish Cape Goat and other Wraps The materials are striking in both de- sign and weave. Fur fabrics in tiger and leopard skin effect. Handsomely figured Mohair Plushes. Soft woolly Zibelins and richly hued Plaids are the leaders, with plenty of plain colors that are always sure to be wanted, in Broadcloths, Cheviots, Serges, Chinchilles, etc. Other New Things to See showing Vel- vets, Our handsome of Silks, vets, Plushes, Corduroys, and other pile fabrics, so much in demand this season. MB CLINTON . NNW SRL For the One=Piece Dress Light weight Silk and Wool and Ml— Wool materials are here in abundance to be used plain or in combination with Plaid or Roman Stripes, giving an effect that is both novel and charming. "Nigger" brown, dark green, beet root, and all shades of blue, are the popular colorings For the Dressy Afternoon Gown There is a most fascinating display of plain and brocaded Grope-de-Uhenes, Charmeuse, Satin, Moire, and Plain Silks, Poplins, and many new effects,jrt Crepe and crinkly weaves. Our Stock of Trimmings now Complete Makes it easy to choose those neces- sary Little finishing touches that go so far towards the success, of your costume. Plain and fur -trimmed Shadow Flouncing, Shadow Allovers, Jet and Pearl Garni- tures, Silky Tassels and other individual. ornaments are here in lavish assortment September Delineator For helpful hints on home dressmak- ing. We sell Butterick Patterns. OWN'S WVWVWWy NMHMWAAAAMAIserisAAAAMA Steamer "State of Ohio" } FOR CLEVELAND 1'' D Leaves Port Stanley 12 midnight on odd dates in August, even dates in Sept, to Sept. 10th Arrive in Cleveland at 6.30 •r;m, Fare from Port Stanley one wav $2.25, Round Trip $4.00 , Saturday Excursions on above dates $2,29 round trip Lake Rides Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3 p m Fare 25c WWVVdWWwWVWrdvWVWAMAAWA MHOVAAA. AposPoHAA s 17,,t, B. LINT STOCK DUCING SALE Saving bought out the Furniture and Undertaking business of Mr. Wesley Walker, and in order to reduce stock, for the next 69 days, we put on one of• the largest sales of Furniture that was ever held in the County of Huron. This Stock must be Reduced and Prices are not to be considered. Goods Bought During Sale will be Cash AU i; t ..,., Sty Du , Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S. Night and Day Calls answered at Residence over Store i Jar A 00110? IIOFilIfl sage See our Big Window and Display Tables inside The Lots are all differently assorted, all big values including Hardware Japannedware. Tinware Galvanizedware Graniteware Woodenware Alluminumware Glassware It pays to buy when these opportunities are ollered. A good supply of Brantford Roofing, Roofing Paint, Sherwin Williams Paints. Beaver Board, Nails, Glass. AI6SIkW.lfle�il,•9E�l�itH1,G1�9LLE 1.V93"..+".�"TM3.__3YL591O HI.ALAND I ()TI-IERS R: STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES 1 Your home merchant will back up our guarantee on this splendid range. Ask to see and let him demonstrate its many exclusive features to you. A McClary dealer in every town. 89 Sold by Harland Brothers i I •'ti; evo�+P+ooaooeoeoo+oe+++00000ao�e0000000�m+0000+os+++: • LocatNcws •ooe0000+ooeNo+oo�o++o�Ooe b ►000e00000eoe000+o�oseo�o FIELD DAY IN HURON, COUNTY CLINTON MARKETS. Hogg( ,$9.99, Butter 23c and 24c Eggs 22c to 23e. W1e&rft 1.90 t'o, 1.05. dolts 400. WINDSOR( HAS HYDRO. , Blarle'yl 80s, Petah $1.10. Buckwheat 60c. Thiel Doani,nionl Allflaned'will hold ,their annual field day hm 'Huron Co., on Sundlaly Sept. 20th. 'Bev,s. Rae and Muir, ere'tlne preachers in C16niton. At 8 o'clock Slalturday night Sir Adla!ml Beck, chairman, oix the On- tario Hydro tEleettrie Com'mi'ssion, Shorts $28. (turned at 'switch which ilumdnated Bran 520 Win,dsoa with, electric power goner ratted at Niagara Fai1s, 250 miles away. WE MAY EXEPCT. Fall Fairs., Late trains, Shortening drays. Ch'a'ngeable weather. Business ianproVemcn'ts, Preparation fore\vintier.- ]:IAD A FALL. It seems the girls ,are fond of t;ufirbling, Miss Doreen Stephenson, while in the. gy(tn9asium of the, C.C. I.,, fe1T while ewinging °aim* of the ladders. She got 0 severe crack en the 1•ead, •a sprained wrist and several scratches and bruises, bust is 'back ,on the job agailn, although hear svrist looks as if she hart been shot by :r German THE LOG DRAG. From the annual report: ,of the 'Highw'ay Improvemerlt of 1913,'we clip the if,Llowing item, which should) convince some :ol our 5ti- zons, bold'! in the town and town- ships, 'that •a log drag is, a use- ful iarticie.—The log drag as a simple and' cheap implement, but is capable of nnucir usefulness. On- tario is lust begiIn lipg to enter seriously upon the work of road conatructiion.• All raids cannot be Macadamized or ,gravelled at once; but on 'the contrary, the task of properly constructing ever the maim r•oadiS is oilel'whiclh must Make a 'number of tyeears, A :start. ing point Sin permanent road build- ing is necessary, and this is af- iferdedby county pearl eysterrs which ,form at nucleus, and which will no doubt be extended. But there will n.eutra'im+'for many; years iail most counties, a large network off earth! roads, not ei,enl gravelled in the ordinary township ;manner. Tominas,hip councils could' do no better work than to carry out the Vatting oat {:hese ,earth "roads and :a,fterwarde maintain them 'in. this condition by the systematic use of (the log drag. S,pas,modic' lanai casual use will aecoantplf sir Hittite. 'GOOD •OFFER Thei New Era will bep•emlt to any address in Clanada from now until J,ahrl. 11918 'for $1.00. SubSedh.e early anvil get the longer period. ATTEND MEETING TO -NIGHT. All imlteres'lle 1 in 'tate oa•galnf;,zae tion of ,a1 Choral Society in; Clip. - ten, are asked Iteo pneeIt in the WOMENS' INSTITUTE. town hall 'torntglxk, an 8 ,o'dock, The! Septemlber' meeting of the, Come alnd help a good movement Woanene' Institute will ueheld ,sit aaoing. the home al Mrs. 11. Fi'tizsimous, MOVED OLD BUILDING. Thursday, September) 24th at three o'clock p.m. Mrs. Kilbride Iwill On Monday o'f this week, Mr. address the Meeting, j hyinga Johnston, who bought the frame paper an Womens' Education. Roll building advertised in the {New ,Csl!, responded to by receipts on I Era, two weeks ago from. Rev.(3. different sways ori using cheese. , Greene, had It,noved. to his farm east of the tonin, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. FLYING. THE 'FLAG L Clinton) is greatly ifavorede as compared ovate!, other towns, and Our citizens ;were greatly con - our loyal 'factorie,s are to be con- ceaim,ed on Aridlay last 'why the gratulated in, having ;such a de -.1 Ifllag. suss), flying! alt the flag staff ,inland .or goods that., requires a full I of the pontoofice. Why deatr pea - staff to turn them out. In order , pie sve lore{ B,ratistll subject*. and we thlalt, ono one. (stall bo idle the, Want the people to know, it. relief committee of the Board of PRESBYTERY WILL MEET HERE Trade and .Councia will, Imeeltt from time to, time andciearee means by The Presbytery of Huron, have which all may be kept busy. At 'agreed. to call am,ee;ting of Pres - the meeting held( Tuesday night it bytery for September) 30'Uhi to hear was suggested. that local improve- Drs. iLerridge alnld ;Granit, at'Cliaa- mienlls should be conitinue;d while tom,. Arrangements are being made •wetalther permi't's ia:nld the coucil.ilorrtar p,ublie in the evening alsolat at a special meeting will 'discuss it. Thursday, September 17th, 191 The patriotic spirit of the country demands the Flag of the Empire, We are ready to supply your requirements with lip to the Minute Patriotic Novelties. CUSIiION TOPS Designs with crossed flags, "What we Have we Hold," "Britain Rules the Waves, "The Empire for Ever," Price 30c PATJtIOTIC STATIONERY—in pads or in sheets'' with beautiful' design of flag on corner, Pads 15c each, or 50 sheets for 25c SONGS AND MUSIC—"O 'Canada," "Sons of the Empire," Soldiers of the King," "The Maple Leaf." "Land of the Maple," Etc FLAGS—Jack or Ensign. Smelt enough to wear on your coat". and large enough to decorate your wall or mount op•a pole • POST CARDS -Pictures of King George; ,Dreadnaughts,, Notional Mottoes, as 2 for Sc and 5c each PENNANT'S—Made of Felt,' assorted colors, with wording, "Let 'ern Have it," "British Empire," good values at 15c 11D11'I ONS -With red, white and ; blue ribbons attached, on which is printed Britain, France, Russia, price 50 ., The W.; Fair Often the ehapest—BtWays the Best 0 111111111/11111011111)11limniro,imism„,„1„ ,1,111111g10"11111 Ours we would have you be That's why,our - ads. ,, Sc frecquently'you eee. IdINOR LOCALS. ' •Ch,initon. WILL ADDRESS Half of September! gone now. W. C. N. U. TONIGHT. Zhandtsgivfng'- day is sett ,for Oct. Miss Forman,' who works 'among loth.i); foreigners in !the West, under the sus Rember the patriotic concert un - address olflthel'W.C, 2'. U„ will der the auspices oif the Board of addlress aaneetting in Wesley church TradenestThursday evening. on Thursday; evenink 'tonight) Have .you subscribetl't'or the New There will as, well be gagootl{ anuric al program. Eclat 1,00, will pay! for it until the end o. 1915. IMPROVEMENTS. c, i Organization meeting) of the Clin Mr. James Smith is having his. house repadnited4 Mr. Thomas Ha'ivkine has had his house painted, and {with all the. either impeovenienais \added, alt, Hawkins is now possessor e,: •a ano,dero home in Elvery d:eltlatl. The Goods we Bake -- We Bake 'tor YOU, I Ancl take the greatest care. Tha.i1 in Quality and' Cleanliness. e beyond. compare, ' • The. shall b b y P, L They Conner'`s Baker Phone: 202 Buy a 1(odak or Brownie The pictures are easy. to make. Always interesting, and grow in value year by year' Any boy or girl can successfully accomplish every sten in picture making, A carefully written book of instruction furnished with each camera. Brownie Cameras $1 to $12 Kcdaks $7 and up. Developing and printing done Promptly and Efficiently. THE PENSLAIt STORE 1 -10 -VM -Y" Dispensing Chemist THE QUALITY DRUG STORE ton Choral Societe, will be held lo - might alt the tolan;hall, The Board of Trade Committee and the Cbasit;y Committee of ithel town council met{ on trues- evening to' discuss important clues- Itiom9, ? The fall assizes .open, alt,Goderich siexlti Tues:tay. BOARD OF TRADE ARE PATRIOTIC, Rev. ,J. Greene is ' lrlasving the verandah alt his residence enlarged FINDLEY•1WV aRRENER N U PTUALS., took A committee of (the Bo.amd of A'veay pretty {wedding{wedding Place at Sarniao Trade have advertising matter out , on Sept 7th, at 4 for a !splendid patriotic entertain- nienia to bit igivenl in the towrthall, Clidtbn on Thursclaly ;evening:Sept 241t1v, Cam p1 the principal' pteare on the program .will be it very my te.resting address by ' Rev.. 3 • K. lalitful an British fighting (Ina- chines Sand hew (theyt are handled Lieut. Co,lq Wilsons or Se41,Eoath will raring. The igidlt lo,f the groom to also give a short address and 'Pat,- the bride avlas a piano, ito Ithe!bride rioltic missile in abundancewill be snladd a pearl crescent tie the beat supplied by ki' 'large , Mate 'Chorus mlam, a pearl stick in. The brides - and iooal singers. Stewart Jackson mlaidt avast Mass' Helen Lesions'con elf. New( York 4viii also(assistein of .the bride. The best( 'mlan Everything including the printitn�, avlas, Asa Fvadley, brother• of the is being auliplled' free (and the groom, The gifts were numerous dd amid beautiful, A dainty luncheon. wale served, adite,r which the happy i '. 1 O Cl,OCk couple lett 'ora tate Is�even( ,trtauns ,floe T'oled'o and,•oltheal pointls. amid the gond, swishes of the guests, we'd- showers of confetti;, On their return the yo.ung,:couple will:. take up {heir residence in. Chatham The bride lis as gramdr(daughtter of Ma, alnldl Mrs. Geo. Warrener, Mary Sit C1imtiaaa GODERICH UP 3 SHOTS. Three rinks, of IGodieaichl Bowlers were here on Fridley afterho'on to, platy a Ifrieinndly game. Ltwas de- cideld to :platy 15 ends; a±acl (then change rinks Sow another 15 lends. Owing to Buttilan,das . oar (playing out alt ildolarres,villerhist rilnk' played' bolth gtalm,ess wit!:! Courtice's rink. The sooner of, both series :and play- ers hire sgivesnl below.—'t I,, Gaderich 1 Clinton' o'clock, when Miss Illazel,. the only daughter of Mr. amid{ Mns.r. John Wtaoreln,er, became the bride of Man ley. R. Findley, of Chatham. ':Che ceremony was perrormeds by . the Het,. W. H. Grlalhlann, 'T'he( bride's; going 'away gown was hun(er's green cloth, chiffon waist) and black' velvet halt' iwitly silver Itri r - NIONOUNIII N TIL Portland ee e4t We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand' of Portland Gement which has always given you such com- plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements... Yotb" cannot make a mistake in using the National. dulliprocee Is of thel enitertkwnmtenit will go to the central( pal.rrotical Ihendied reliefftromd willwhichbe I by a respclnsdble Committee •of citi- zens to be appointed. LIDO( at. The Lahel No 'matter whether you are sure you are paid ahead or not, the Mailing List of The New Era was corrected up to Saturday, August15, and the date against your name is the date to which your subscription is recorded as being paid on our books. We are human, and mane errors, and 16 any subscriber considers we have his date ineorreetly, will he please write at once and get; it straightened out. If you find your date does not read to some date in advance, this note is especially directed to YOU. The subscription price of The New Era is $1,00 There are some who are owing have us for several years, and it taken no notice os our appeals, and unless Haat is paid before September 31st those accounts will be handed infer collection at $1.50 a year instead of $L00. If y'ou, sage now we will tithe $1,00 a year, but after Seii .21, it will be $1.50 and collector's fees. To 11itrUmted States S'tiNoribers it is $1,5i) atriotly in.advancd • S. Je ANDREWS, CLINTON t, C, Minn C Griffiths' C. (Gasroliv' F.,Butltand 11. W. 11alnel J.'Huntes Fl. IHunit J';c lifansi'ord • fi, T'.. Edevla'rds, N. Ball Hunter, 12 C. E': bearding' 15 L. 3 Doherty i IR. E. Forrester, nning H. Fisher A. ICs Nesbitt • : Cil '. Libby Dr, Hwniteri 14i A. ;J+ Nediget d15 37 4,3 Humber 19 NPdiger 7 Htlnitar. 16 Dolwdiolg 18 ]'. Buit)Iandd 11 E.:G. Coun,tice 12 46 , 5 IWiettli r H, Wdltse ,G runt E.!a- Courtice 13 J.'ii't Stroh; Points in Reda Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in Coal. CALL AND BE CONVINCED OR Phone 53 FOR' SALE CHEAP. 1 second-hand FURNACE and 1 "Radiant Home" with ovens Thisoroser Store "8Ltve and Let Live" ilcatlaluaart,ns fair 6,lie Best Pickiing azu.i Table Vinegar. Every housekeeper who puts up her 'own pickles knows the im- portance of Good Vinegar, hila ilt✓ White pickling Vinegar is distilled frown, cereals and free nig free from vegetable matter; is a Perfect Preservative It is 'absolutely pure and whole same, of great Strength, and fine flavors r;,:aNki ALSO HEADQUARTERS P011 THE BEST "PICKINCG SPICES (Sutter and Eggs Wsanrrsel Highest Market Price Thmm iawki s E E. toniford Plumbingand Heating PHONE 48. �•F�'4�•N�•i'�•t�����F•F��!�•F�•����•k'F;b•��3� ���'N'ltt��'F$��^Pr�II'�N�'F'if•N!ir' a. 4• 4. 44' l' 4. 4. .5 4. d• 4• 49 44, 4. fad AII0011RCCII)CO1 The5easan's6e$tinFaetwear AjTANDING upon the threshold of the Fall Season we announce our readi- ness to provide our trade with the very" best of footwear at moderate prices. We are able to show the best shoe values at any stated price, OUR SI,I013 SERVICE ,We do more than simply sell shoes,! Our expert and careful service will provide for every loot that comes to us a shoe that's right in size and construction. We Ask Your Consideratlotl sesssicorasiservaterranamssinanarrareasi N0 THE HOME OF GOOD SLOES 07. z•,.;. -.e