The Clinton New Era, 1914-09-17, Page 5PAGE•FIVE
re You Suffering From
tir,>..�-iF1---•-- - s aeeaP The dictionary.
�w 'Ys■61/J60♦I�il6abN3t® n says that Auto
Intoxication i5
"poisoning, or
the state of being poisoned, from toxic, substancesroduced within the
body" This is a condition due to the stomach, bowels, kidneys, liver, or
pores of the body failing to threw off the poisons. More than 50% of adults
iresufferingfrom this trouble. This Is probably why you are suffering front
' nervousness, headaches, loss of appetite, lackof ambition, and many other
symptoms produced by Auto=lntoxication.your whole system needs stirring up.
OP Liquid Form) • Tho
Will remedy the t(suet uatuoo or nc.
rouble. It first aids the system •to mesa wi war 'n ho is
espei accumulated poisons.£( acts as a tonic and finally 1, o tori w i° ua:6o�ia
enables the body to eliminate its own poisons without boatmen itetealtate
any outside aid. Obey Nature's warnings. Your dealer wlpetnamtte tot o!
a, realm,,nes will supply you, or you may' send 50c for a sample plotend moiling-81one.
-r package of tablets by mail. Address Dr.RV.Plerce, Buffalo,N.Y. awn.tape—to Dr ya V.
Noma, Buffalo, N.
. .
L.Local News
la 99911Vv VVVIITY,YYVVVYIIV1YIlve JBvvvvvvvnevvvyvvevevp.
sEPiES 1
A carload 05 apples sent by the
enmity ,od Norfolk 'bp the. British
War O'ffiee has, bean retupne'd. It
as nomad: upon examination they
:were Spiee, . ,Galt the hook,
Toronto Markets
Hogs ,, ...-„.... , ,...,......, ,$9.75
Cattle 9.90
Lambs ,,,.:- ,. , - 5.25
Sheep A „- i'6,50
Cheese.........................15 3-4c
Butter 25c to 27c
Ingersoll Eggs •-•• 27c
g lyas'fonm,ed a Civilian Wheat ,:. 1.25
'iblEEle Association. TVoodstloek and Oats ,.,58c to 600
Blaelnheim; are considering the;idea. Barley - • 70e
Wlfatt about Clinton? Potatoes per bag ...... 75e to Ole
Beans ;$2.60 to 2.70
"We spend $250,000 aemitally� in
newspaper. advertising—and nand it
NOVO best., The small ed'vealtaser
siau3aIy throws his money away.”—
lEafank L. Erskine, 'director' Douglas
Shoe Ceanptany.
Joseph Weld of ,the Fantner's Ad-
'soceite, died at Langdon on "Satur-
day manning. For sixteen years
he has been lass.eciated _ with the
:publication of the Advocate, His
Anther was the founder of the Ad-
Thaltthe: problem. odathe.urn employ
ed ise Woodstock e,a+nnot be as
acute as pictured iiy • manly was
demonstrated Friday, tveh,erl six of The Mitchell Recorder at Missn
e 32 mean, tvhq were given work week gives the (following, pra5ise to
lay the council quit bedau-s.e the our License Inspedtor.—License In-
seity is tinny Toying ($1.50, per day. epeetou• John:non, of Clinton, hen
been busy looking alter ldleliin-
MUZZLED. OR SHOT. quints under ;the liquor license halw
ea at result oda le case of rabies There heel not, as ye�t been single
the Harris:ton (board of health has con,vidtIom' .of an hotel keeper dor
ordered, all dogs in ,town to ' be :supplying liquor, but several( have
lrauzzled or destroyed. AA Sew bean prosecuiteditatadt,fined (fon be-
-weeks ago. a strange collie dog was ing drunk 'There is this ower
"meticedi la't large, showing evidence given, undelr the LIN.
a.'! ieeing, matt .and ,several dogs
'were bitten, by the 'collie, ,which
Ins since :disappeared. Two of
(the 'dogs Neat were bilbten have
'Tine St. Mary's, Journal of lash
week( gave this complimentary
Deur elf former xesidentl or this see
tion;—A most attractive an(c/ dee-,
creative( eieetttic sign hlanjustt, been
erected by ,the pro•gr;essive +firm of
£L Lot & Co. it' is'constructed
ethe latest and /Most modern
peinciple being as readable in day
light (a'a,tatlnSghti, 'The 'top half of
e sign beanel the word's "26th
teary Tailored Clothets" the
bald carries the w(otnd'; "Loft's' in
(artistic Script lettering.
'Tlranlesgiving Day will not be cel
iebra'ted en Thursday October 8 as
officially announced last Wednes
nay but on the following Monday
Oct, 12th. A (newt Order-in'i— ouncd
331a4 bean, passed) nixing• the date for
the 12ttta The /chWange was made
-when :the ,a:ttentic ntof the ;Govea+n-
ynsntt, 'ttias•calldrl.';to,bJie +fact,'tha1 in
order «o suit 'the Views oaf'the man
icrrrity of people Thanksgiving Day
3Fatefer(several years, past beeln
Tined far Mondlay. This gives a
long week-end/and allows( anany
people mare pa:riticelarly the com-
ener;iai tis :((Mar's to spend' the
hr.laday • t home Owing
«qet glib th
��^i ntof (this practice
-we overlooked by(thjep( .Governme5nta
asaffixing thled(aibe tor October, 8;
nen ke Imo'
s+tW s been reacted:
A cow which head wandered on to
at public crossing at. St.'Colum•bian
wlals f3:truck iand killed early, Satur'
dlay moaning by (the Goderich The owner of the animal
could(+nolt be looated.
Calomel W. E. Bodgius of London
mals received a reply, dram Ottawa
no this suggestion, that a training
dalmp be cgmduoted 'witfhian. la (short
time qn Qarlfng',s Heights in that
city( noir rural regiments. The 'de-
partme'nit is unable to (accede to
the 'demand tat 'the present time,'
and all plana have accordingly
bean dropped.
Huron Medical ,Association met
the council chlanniber at Godanich
last Wednesday 'af'terno'on. Those
present were; Drs. Clampbel'l' and
McKinnon, of Zurich; 'De. Stelwlaatt
of Belgrla've; Dr. Kennedy, on Wing
halm; Dr. Weir, on Auburin, Drs.
Burrow's and McKay of Sea:fortth,
Drs. Gann and, Thompson, ar Clin
ton, Dr. McCrim(mon, of Kinc(ar)dine
Dr. 'Quackenbush, Of Exeter ; Des.
Taylor, Planter, Emmerson, Macklin
end/ Gallon, of Godericb. (Papers
were/ read by Dns'.' (Quackenbush,
Whitely, Gunn, Macklin and Hunter
It was decided that the members
od the, assoeiataon,!treaat gratis 'the
dalmfliesr on the 'privates who' have
volunteered, for mili cry service du-
ring the present European war.
Out •of,chtaas' is coming order.
Ftach sees the, readjustment od
Iflnlamcai'l machinery' itha'l{ was
throi ee outvif working Order by
:e(outbreak ofwar s.
'thThe latest
wheel to be set.ii aniotionel(iia the'ro
sumptiom, of the money and express
order business,( LJasit ,(week not
only the'Pasit olefice ,butt 'the ex-
press companies have resumed the
scale of (money orders payable in
Europe wilthrt(he exceptiotn of Ger
antalny and Austria. The cost of
these -ord,erir is not, 'yet demi to
normal thefoist-;Orifice charging
(a•premium of dour ,cenits a pound
sterling( and companies
Trona) $5.02 toj$5.10 a pound( leet'the
resuenpliiolnj iatlahese prices on a
limited stele as meaeatconvenience
of which pslb'o
have not ,bean
elo.wt toenail themselves,.
Coming to Clinton
Wednesday, Sept: 23
of Toronto will be at the
:attenbury Douse
''With a special Sample Stock of all
The •Latest Styles in Hair Goads
FOR LADIES There will be shown beautiful u tful Braids, Switches, Trans-
formations, Pompadours, Waves, Fronts, Full Wigs, Etc.; of the finest
quality hair and workmanship that cannot be `excelled. xcel]
ed. 'has
T e who are
desirous of seeing something that will beautify their appearance should not
anise this npportunity of calling at the hotel during the visit
Are You 'Heid ?
Come and have a
"The Dorcnrwabnd Sanitary
1 Patter(£, Tofa mm."
"enrich ha the only structure e of its kind. They are feather weight, indetect-
able, bygienic, and will make you appear 20 years younger.
orifi by men in all stations in lite, oyer 250,4100 in use
T.&iE, ()idyl(LWEN iD CO. Or TORRO\TO Li n
,, ted
7103-1O5 Yonge Street Toronto
The'leaves on the maple,tirees are
beginning to turn (already. This
Look like' an Ind/Matlfon of an early
:fall. The flower beds throughout
the ttolein:look (alt elleii; ben now.
25 CENTS.. pay for tha- • v era to new
sutscriteis in Ga•, " n now uno
tI the end of ti e fe• r. 11 you are
sheer y a suudcrtuer Cccept the
chance to sand theNew Era for the
balance of the year to your distant
son daughter or friend,who will ap-
preciate reading the home eewe.
A lay-Ils;``w? to+ leant tame newly or,
galndzed Q+oderich [Furniture Comr
paw Limited i$25,000 and' fixed ase:,
nsessmenit on 63100,000 for in period
of 20 /years was carried( byaa large
Majority, 558 'for, 6 d' against on
Saturday September 32, at God'e-
rich. The compaanly ,will t?bart build
ing the uladtary at ,onoe.-• Mr.
Iilaecliler, who is at the iheadhn
the new caraway, owns, a large
galwpnil1 in'Goderieh and win -saw
nelaarly all hisown number. This
Will be la boson, to( the worinnlen
now; out of eanploymenit,
The Thirlty-diaat Battery,' Twelfth
Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery
aft Goderieh, is now without, equip -
=Ont. Ili was never issued' gums,
'which have to be obtained :in .Eng-
land, but other equipment was sent
upby the Ordinance Corps. Now
this has (been( withdrawn( ton use; at
Valcarti'e:r, A (nom -commissioned
officer from London •w-asiat +Gode-
rich llaslt week attending/ Ito.. the
s.hipm,enit, 'The Goderich b(at)tery
'was organized on April 1, 1:,12,
with E. N. Lewis, M. IP„ es major
lit (blas mot, trained.
Alt the (aldjouruned sitting of the
nOliltario railway and (nyutnicipai
bolard, alt T'oron)to, the application
on the Co1'bonine, 'Telephone( System
mals, disposed (of. Bytthe order as
given, the atpplication was +granated
and the township (council fare order
ed to pay {forthwith to the system'
the amount of def'ienacy uncollect-
ed, land to levy and colleen the
talmou ;ltd due from t(II:ecsubiscribeps
in ldle(iauit.
Cosine 'of 'the board
to be paid by the cognefi. Mr.
Wm. B:rydon'e, of Clinton, (reprte:-
se'nited the telephone system .and
Mr, Wan, Proudnooit, K. C. the toter
Dista ict News.
Zurich is tasking (for a rink this
The wester tank, well gasoline en-
gine end, piping have coot the vill-
age oe Henlsall about $800, yell
since it sass 'brought into( use dor
street watering la 'saving. Lax been
effected' 'on n$110
Joseph Sturgeon (a hall breed was
+arrested a't C Inldeboye, changed
with taking a horse drom'the James
Street Church 'shed', Exeter." The
.horse belonged to 'WM,. Essery,
Sturgeon( wee. sent to Godericlq to
stand his trial.
Mr. Bisselttl ti-e,po,pulirr Reeves of
Colborne 'township has one o5 the
model alarms of Huron, county. Mr.
Biased has about six bemired acres
on land anrd, hen about sixty: cows
at present. His barns are lighted
by (Hydro Electric land, the cows
rare mdfked 'by ¢maclnanels tun by
'Hydro. Ensilage still in excellent
condition its (field 'tp the CONS and
sixty acres Of corn a'wai'ts the. silo
this yetar. S'altford' +Heights is pos-
sibly the'firstl Aetna lin :Hutton Coun-
ty where 'Hydro( Elet:tele is used
afar so anlalnn purposes.
Mr, Charles Hunt of Goderich
wast the VictOmi -of a pecutiaa.' acci-
den1c Thursday tn,oandng, He was
enraged at his home NI sharpen-
ing la pair on scissors, which. be
hod fixed in a' vine. His wide. and
eh,ildrea were standing by iaind in
ial playful way Dias. ?flunk gave her
husband a push. He came in con-
tact with the ponds on the scissors
which penetralted les stomach.
Selaforth, had a ba'lan'ce of over
,$300 droimthe Old; Boy?s. Reunion.
The Wianghiami branch on the Wo-
Man,ia In•stitlute land a numberod
lla'd;tti,8riem,dis have! been 'busily en-
gaged during the; last,dewk days in,
preparinga b,ox non the Canadian
Reil, Cross (Society ,alt" Toronttcj and
halve Made their first shipment,
which can'(iaSne.ct a large number al
towels (wris'tlets, shirts,
(socks, etc., completely didlimtg 'two
tie ,
Mr. Johan S,paclomtan, one of the
old' fiats -long resid:etas of Exeter
palmed away in his 82nd year.
•A Very pretty : wedding took
place on ISepitelmber 2nd at the
(some of Mr. I's{aac Cranston, Cont
80lt's:hlEield, when iMlatbel E. Alton
was united in marriage: with 'Wia-
llaalml H. Irwin Isom at Rlohlt, Irwin.
To Show to some) extent the m-
eal depletion of ttlie, vicinity. of
Dunigknnon the eollowint figures
wial explain the Situation; Some
yelatrs ago .the, Wailing Iiek of farm-
ers receiving mail( a1 Dungannon
P. (O, oointlained 222 names, while
art present, 11 ooalyt lhtas, about£+150.
Dbmiel McNaughltoe•a normer
weilknawn' Brusselite_, died. at his
home lar ;Deloitaine, Manittoba, re-
cently, alt the age of 67. years. Fneu
mania was the cause(
APrettv weddingddto
took plane at
the! home 'of Mr. and+ Mesa
Wm. J.
Dixon M::Gil'li'vnay, on August 29
at 10 a. an. {whin Miss, Annie Laura
Meladd, the youngest daughter of
Mr. laln,d Mrs. George (Clark -on Cred
item land Mr. Earl (Sheldon (Furtney
'were' united; in Marriage.
Mr. Cooper me o5 the oldest pio-
neers of May Township, tlfed at
Hennail F:rid'ayl throning. He was
84 years on age. Coming from
Sto'tllamidl;in 1854 'hal-nettled on the
Parr Line, where be'resid(edd' until
1912, when 'he removed( to Bensa'll,
leaving (the Harm, to hiai son, John
He 'leaves a .large namely( of ,earns
wnd daug:hltea•s, his wide, having
predectased (nim, (Bernet years.
'MBs. Josephi Ruddy of Wingleatn,
was Stricken ;with paralysis after
reatft�,n "a (
n t o -lee night n ton
rl t( t ,R ddu,es•-
dlaly last and was 2,nundunconecions
by leer leastbla,nd Medical ai,cit was
imnmeddlaltely s,ummarited, but awes
'non until, Thursday ,atf•ternoost'tthat
atm reoovered tsu£ficien,tiy to speak.
The( Marriage( tololr place in,Bloor
Street Presby'teria(nv,eliaurch in Tor-
onto on Tuesday aftternoon of
Mr. Matey Haines, ,,son of Mr. W.
H. Haines, o,f Winglvamttt o Miss
Mary Logan( of Toa'omlto. .: Mr.
Haines was (for; yeat'sl foilsman of
thael Blty'tli,(Sttanidaa'dl
I'I aim OF LIF'[
•FRUIT-A-TIMES11 i PURIFIES Boots, Shoes, Dr,r Goods, -Clothing
Ladies and Children's Wearing Apparel
Pure Blood Is Absolutely
Necessary To Health
These Wonderful Tablets,
Made of Fruit Juices, Are The
Beat Of All Torics To
Purify And Enrich
The Blood.
Pure, rich blood can flow only, in a
clean body. Now, a clean body is one
in which the waste matter,is regularly
and naturally eliminated from the
system. The blood cannot be pure
when the skin action is weak, when
the stomach does not digest the food
properly, when the bowels do not move
regularly, when the kidneys are
strained or overworked.
Pure blood is 'the result of perfect
health and harmony of stomach, liver,
bowels, kidneys and skin.
"Fruit -a -Lives", by their wonderful
action on all these organs, keeps the
whole system as clean as Nature in-
tended our bodies to be clean. -
"Fruit-a-tives" tones up, invigo
rates, strengthens, purifies, cleans and
gives pure, rich, clean blood that is, in
truth, the stream of life.
"Fruit -a -Lives" is sold by all dealers
at 5oe. a box, 6 for $2.5o trial size 25c.
or sent pqstpaid on receipt of price by
Fruita-Lives Limited, Ottawa.
In 'days of rising :prices and
eluctuatting values people are, more
inclined to shop than( in (ordin;ary
times, 01;3inardy, prudence makes
all od us av anit to buy to the best
advantage—with tnany it is today
an 'actual necessit-y. In( times
like, these people (are, eager advel+•
(((sing readers ,because they want
to lonowt It ,takes little observa-
tion to dern,onsur•ate :that they are
newspaper readers. And itt is not
only logical ltd (assume that now
is the time to advertise int the
newspaper, but it is 'a lract,:demon-
sit2!akted' by results en (every band:
Use Parisian Sage, It Makes the
Hair Fluffy and Abundant
Parisian Sage supplies hair needs
—is ;perfectly harmless, It eon-,
tains the exact elements required(
to make the hair soft, Wavy, gloss
sy ,and to make it grow thick and
You Will surely like Parisian
Stage;. It is (one sof the best and
most' delightful hair tonics known.
It is needless 'for you -to have
hair that is anything short of per
feet. If it is falling out, losing col-
or, splitting, or if the scalp burns
and itches, immediately get from
W. S. R. 'Holmes or any drug coun-
ter s( 50 (cent bonne of Parisian
Sages -use ifi 'frequently—the first
application removes dandruff, in-
vigorates the scalp, and. beautifies
the hair until it is gloriously rad-
iant., •
way back with a'n, arany that is bro-
ken, in 'spirit, exhlaust,ed in body
stacking dull supplies of dea' anti
lammu:nlitio,nl, and with. no geinius
now reea(r guard fighting, It twill be
thes '-
mo t terrible retreat since that
on Lulu Bula'ga,a.
Tr•a'ffic has practically ceased in
Hlatn.burg, 11 is Wsseated, and 1,500
'stri'p's are idle.
A (Co'n'voy oaf' 1700 ,prisoners a'nd
164 wounded, alt +Imre( (the Imperial
Guard of Germany pa's'sed( through
Cowbell, 18 unties,souttheiaat, olf.P'eris
Sunday. All were colmpletelje ex-
hausted anvil nearly +famished.
Germany sustained anoth'erdefea:t
alt Soissons.
A 'full hlallf oil (the Kaises;'s senses
in France' are none an( lull entreat
Belgiaants again euccess'ful alt the
Germans at Coa'ten,berg and Dix -
Arm unco:ndir'm,e(d report Tram O,se
tend states (halthe/Crown • r'mee.
(and Prince Adalbert, of Prussia,
the third sats of tthe''Ennperoat died
ing the hospital at Brussels.
The Germlatns have lost heavily
gait Nancy( 20,000 (men, and at Tune-
Ville, 11,000.
'The Adun'iratllty ,,announced yes-
terday :atfternoon that the British
Pacific fleet h(a,s, occupiedt,TH:erbertr
shaehe, on, Blanche Bay, tile seat
on (Government on the German
Bismarck' Archipelago,' and the
Soloanlain Islands
Atter is chase oh (several ,miles
a French, ,aviaitor Succeeded in
beinging drown a G'ermta.n aeroplanie
which lead' been (dropping ' bombs
ani the town, on Troyes, rTlsc 'Ger-
anlaln pilot 'and two military observ-
Gent's Furnishings
Also a line of Millinery
This Stock is to be Closed out in Four Weeks
Regardless of Cost
• •
• n
Dere are a Few Specials
To,Let you See What Bargains
We Intend to Give You.
Men's Working Shirts at 49c
1000 yards of Print to clear at 9c
2 dozen Ladies Shoes to clear at $1.55
1 dozen Men's Suits, tweeds and serges, $4.50
Clinton Bargain Store
• -
• 0
Next to Mc ag art's Bank
• •
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• N••••••••••••••••••••H.s..••••••••••••••••••••••••:
ers (a captain and lieutenant) ,:were
A despatch to 'the ,'Exenaange
Telegraph Co. dram. Rome bays its
,is repotted 'from Basle that 90,000
meta were engaged in a (fierce bat-
tle between Tharun and Senheian.
The Germans occupied the Gebwei-
let Valley tat the none jai-• the
French Vosges. The 'outcome is
molt kn:own..
The A'fri:la,u 'World says, (that an
aidtive(mto'vemenit' is 'on (root] to -0l -
iter to Field NLars:hal Earl Kitchener
Secretary of State for War, a corps
of picked Bridal% ,an,d, Dutch Afric-
ande' somata dor use with Field
Marshal Frelnch's army, under 'the,
coammand of General Christian Ru-
dolf DeWat, the Boer connmander,
who gave the Bri'ti'sh' so much'trou
ble during, the. 'Smith African 'War.
A despatch' 'frotm, Basel, Switzer-
land, states that between Blo'tzheim
and Sies en:z, Alsace, French cavalry
supported by ,artillery has annihil-
ated' two (squadrons of (German Cav
alry, All the .horses of the inva-
ders were ,killed. The number of
German troopers killed was very
large. '
The Germans (centre gives way
ingreelt battle.
Britfah capture 1,500 peisoners,In
eluding wounded rand several guns.
Flnenry during (fauridiatys has fall
,an black from 37tto 46 mules.
Th'e Rome correspontd'enit of the
Havas Ag'gn(ey hays, ;that despatch
es dram Coastintpaop'le algnoiince
that 'thetfareiogn Almbassadorsin-
cluding the(Gerlulaln repiielsen'tiv-e;
Yesterday inneerned the Turkish
,Governm,eet (Malt the powers could
molt accept abolition• orf; the ;treaty
rights lacc0rded, 5orleigueraj,
ARRelater 'despatch Brom .Petro-
grald says,thelRussians have captur
ed Totn(alszaty Russian Poland after
ea sanguinary canOlt
loathe Exchange Tel
egna(pl Com,pav,r4Mo Ifrom:,Ghent says
thtalt Belgian ,(,saps are pursuing
lalGeamian aslmy','carpa, which is
miarching tgwards France). An en
gtalgetment ha's(taken ,place en tae.
tight bank of the Scheldt in the
triangle t Iman'ed by • Audenard
Cour:(alai aand','Renais,,
Thel •Gerpnlanle lareisaidl tohavel
completely evlaeuabed:the region
they Scheldt between) Antwerp) land
Ghent, Many German. soldiers de
6a,ched from their (units arts being
made prisoners lin the envirous of
The Serviette (occupied Swain
,aerosis ,the river 'from Belgrade aft
ertaUlo,ady ba'tlt(l.e„
Destplalt hes drolm( S,as'eiU 'Sttvitaer-
lalnd, stater (Matti -e\ Fren'cht have
recaptured Muelhaausete says a
despatchthe l+l '-
p) to acha(nge „Tele
graph( Company -drone R,o'me.
The 'Ilannburg-IA.mericttn Line
steamer J3etlna,n,ia was captured by
anBgeltwshl enesrhueilsetrn osx twMoonaayys Moon
Froin Ch,arvelosn. The prize was
ba ought ttoKirgston Jla,, haat a
bolamd six hundred tons of coal
and ,a,six mo(n)ths' supply of 'pro
visions for Gernitin cruisers Dresden
Wand IK•satl'sruhe, The Belthania head
been equipped span auild'ary cruiser
but thre'vl her armament/ overboard
on sighting: her pursuer. The crew
wits composed' oe five hundred re-
servists. They had been placed in
vWxious detention 'camps ,here.
The Vossische lZeiitung of Berlin
decleresj that previous to £the, out-
break of the tear ,Germa'n'y 'and
Austria agreed, as new have the
Triplet Entente not tot Make: peace
'The Figaro, of Paris, prdlnits a
stlaitement to the( (effect( that there
are about :twenty thousand; priests
serving ,in the liaanks od the French
The Oceanic Sitearaehip ,loan -r
parry's linen Ventura, whish ar-
rived' alt Homioilula, gave new,partti-
cul(ars of :the occupation of the
South Seal /,Island's oif Upolu, on
August 29, by 1,5000 Nen: Zealand
troopers. The capture ,Luse effect-
ed ;without the tering of a shot,
Apia, the capital of (German, Samoa
alp isituta(beid on' Upolu, Governer
Schultz and one hundred other
Government odffei/ails ;were made
prisoners on war rand( taken, to the
Fiji Islands.
Allies advance shit meiinitainted;
drive Germlans 'back 37 ,miles,
'Tlroapa of the Raiser witthdraw'-
ing into Falance.
Belgians again reoccupied Ter -
Mond lama( take 300 prisoners.
By one stroke of the pen Turkey
removes inn,conventions and' :Trea-
ties granting to Foreigners in her
(Fighting becolme'e'generallj lin A'f-t
ridanl terrvt?aries.
The British cruises Platllifinder,
which wisp, 'desttroyed+ in 'the" North
Stela(, Sept Rill with ,a Iloss, of over
200 linea 'wlab sunk, by lav torpedo.
British casualties now total 19,-
259, this/ includes in t missing.'
the inita 1n
Uaualblel to obtain aevy of ($200,000
Germ m turn guns n on'
W Me/Montle
and sacked 'the hewn,
Austrian,el ere evacuating capital
od IPolaln'd.
Two More (German stoatmens were
captured by the British en the At-
a 'Tame( British 'Government plan to
have 500,000 ((Blore men dor the Arany
On one day oVer 33,000 jtn,en)enliste
Belgium's s esti alt of
g estimate e lactualman,
eatatry 'dlalm,a'ge reediting droana the
war ,tottdals $200,000,000.
In General Frenchls repeat to
Subjects taught by expert 'm
at the
Y. M. C. A. 01.00..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt 3. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Qartsredaccountant ,
to Vice-Prutoleal
headquarters; he States that every
Wlbt(empt olf the (Germano to eur-
roun,d them, ;wtaslde`featted.
The elemanits lalre delaying the
Japanese advance' en Tsing-,Tau.
Milburn's Latta -Liver Pills
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