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The Clinton New Era, 1914-09-17, Page 4
PAGE FOUR. CLINTON NBW li*& Thursday, September : 17th, 1914 eon► It's alright if it comes from Uellyar"s Wediling cine Be careful in selecting your gift. It will be viewed and criticised by many. Those whose opinions you most esteem will see it By it may be judged your good taste and judgment ; per haps your friendship, and your liberality Safeguard yourself by snaking use of usin the selection We have the goods that suit— We know the latest styles—Best makes—Most suitable gifts Cat Glass, Silverware Art Goods, China Clocks Special Pieces that show Refinement and. Richness at surprisingly moderate Prices. W. !1. llLLLYAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN Il EYES TESTED FREE CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Is a school with a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its gradu- ates, ' A school with superior courses and instructors, give individual attentiWe on in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments Why attend elsewhere when there is room here ? You may enter at any time. Write for our large, tree catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal rrrnn�r�tt�rrrrrnrirrnrnn9rtprnr There is a Cold clay Coaling W prepare for it byordering p your winter supply of Lehigh. Valley Coal, none better in the world A. J. Holloway, Cii aeon lrrnMnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr4rrrrrrr WOOL WANTED Highest market price will be paid in cash for wool. Also on hand for Safe Flower Seeds, Potatoes, Oats Farm Produce taken in Exchange W. G. SMYTH Next door to Hospital Victoria Street Clinton NORTH END FEED STORE To the Farmer The New Era. 49TH ,YEAR, "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE." W. fI.'KERR & SOS; Props; J. Leslie Kerr Business Manager NOV Era, One Year In advance $1.00 New Era, when not paid in ad- vance. $1,50 ',Taw Era, to the United States in advance .:......:...$1,50 Advertising Rates on Application Job work prices advance. on July let, 1913, in ,accordance with the Huron Co. Press Asso- ciation Rates. The Best Feed for Fattening the Stack -Scientific Feeding. The testimony of some of the best farmers in Scarboro and Merscan,, these men and many others, who are 'making a.business of dairying, find it nays them to feed Dry Malt and last twice a at e a M lied Corn Feed day, no matter how good the pasture is, Price's Dairy gets a car load every two weeks, The City Dairy Co. use them altogether at their farm. Why ?, Because they produce more and better milk. These feeds will do the same for you. Try a ton of each and watch results. There is money in it, for you. Being an intelligent farmer you will appreciate what others say about the value of the feed I am handling, and get in line with them in producing the best milk that conies into town, and at the same time have a big balance on the right side of the ledger, Call and get some for your stock CRANK W_ LVANS Office Phone 30 House Phone 95 Seatorth One bflthe oldest Shot (mond re- spected e.9 ected' farmers of McKillop Town, ship has passedl, away in the pens on of Mr. Jalmes Lawrence who died Kilt his home on4ifite 5th conkession oneunt9ay' morning. The.' lialte Mr. Lawrence„ had beton good' heiallth for several mointth1 be afflicted wbth hearli 'trouble. tOE e was In his 75ith year and 4s survived by hrsi wife ,and aifamtly bf four eons akild•fthree 'daughters. ,. The sons are'Herbert in California Fred, iln Vantouver; Ma)ttleiw in Ed hnontton Altla., andlHarald at home The daughters are; Lizzie in•Ed- Waniton, Annie in ISlaslcatkchwan ; land Mrs, Lone'Webdter of McKillop The funeral is heing' held( on Tuep 'dray 'withintlerenenit (in Maitland Bank Cemetery..• GRAND TRUIU SYs EM CoIRRNNt fares ONE WAY SECOND CLASS From all stations in Ontario to certain pointe in Alberta British Columbia Arizona 'California eolorado Idaho Mont/ana Nevada Oregon • Texas Utah Washington, etc. on sale Sept, 24 to Oct. 8, inclusive Full particulars from agents or write John Ransford & Son, city passen- ger and Tieket Agents, phone 57 A. O. Pattison, station agent C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont. CORN A carload of corn just. received. We are selling Whole, Cracked or Finely Ground, for finishing poultry. Also a carload of Bran, Shorts, and low grade Flour, • If yon want the Best Flour We have Purity, Five Roses, Exeter Clintou and Milverton You will make no mistake on buying any of the above brands, All kinds el -Grain wanted at Market Prices • Get our Prices on 'Poultry Delivered at the Elevator ;: phone 190 We are wholesale agents for Gunn's Cured Meats. Ask yous dealer for Gunn's E+asifirst Shortening, and Breakfast Bacon. Prices Moderate. Tho Gime-Launois Go., Limited The up-to-date Firm, Clinton Phone 190. N. W. TREWA.RTHA. W. JENKINS Headquarters FOR Walking and Riling Oliver plows I.H. C. Gasoline Engines McCormick Machinery Pumps and 'Windmills. ALL KINDS OP REPAIRS, AND EXPERTING. CALL ON Miller. t Little Corner of Priincee and Albert street.. TERMS CASH. PIIONI 192 _ When Print Blur$ I1When print blur•, )r. *pottered tnere temperman'd dbcoforp Wo Pasittveb e..l• ghta condition wllA 4 (ttlaaaCa. stammaiwintoosormilS A. J. Griag. Jeweler and Optician Issuer ioi Marriage Licenses Dollar Down Is often an illumination as big as the sun. There is no place in town where "money down" goes farther than it does right here. A CHINA CLOSET or dresser bought for 'spot cash' from our present stock makes what you see : elsewhere look like thirty cents. It Bargains Galore we are, offering just now is our entire Furniture Stack l The Cheapest Spot in Huronpptot�Buy all -kk�inds of Furniture B.83I C7EJ .;A -,.Li -JLN-80 Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104 N. Ball 110 : —RESIDENCE PHONES-- J.' D. Atkinson 186 RUSSIAN NAVY • WOEFULLY WEAK Only. Four Battleships Capable of Effective Work. OTHERS ARE OBSOLETE. Handicapped Also by Inexperienced Sailors -Has Never Recovered From Japanese War -Now Building •Many New Ships . In All Classes -Arms• mont.Is Poor. VER since the disastrous wet with Japan the Russian navy: E has beenconsidered onsidered to be of. little value by the other pow - ere Until recently very little was done toward building up the sea de• Tenses of the czar's empire, but at the present time there are four super, Dreadnoughts building, seven Dread. noughts, eight armored cruisers, six cruisers, forty-five destroyers and eighteen submarines, a total of eighty. eight vessels in course of construction, or almost twice as many as any otle er country has planned. Ships Ready For Use. The actual number of boats now In ;readiness for use is as follows: Kuper -Dreadnoughts 0 Dreadnoughts ..», 0 Other battleships ».... .... ...a Armored cruisers Destroyers• Torpedo boats ... 42 Submarines ..-. 3l Tbtai 195, The boats are _ manned by 52,400 sailors, the majority of whom are he egperienced landsmen whoknow very little of present day naval warfare. Russia had a very large reserve list, which is drawn as follows: First.—All the reservists of twenty- three whole governments and of sev. enty-one districts in fourteen other governments. Second.—Part of the reservists of nine districts of four governments. Third.—The naval reservists in sixty' - four districts of twelve Russian goy'.• ernments and one Tannish government Fourth.—The time expired Cossacks of the territories of Don, Kuban, Torek, Astrakhan, Orenburg and Ural. Fifth. -A corresponding number of reservist officers of the medical and veterinary services, in addition to needful horses, wagons and transport services in the governments and die, trictd thus mobilized. Guns of the Navy. The standard guns in the Russian fleet are as follows: The twelve inch of 40 calibers; weight, fifty-nine tons; muzzle velocity, 2,500 foot seconds; muzzle energy, 32,= 000 foot tons.. This piece has a nom- inal penetration of fifteen and one-half inches Krupp cemented at 3.000 yards with capped A. P. shell, the same as that of the United. States Mark III. ten inchbuilt for the Washington n class, It is mounted in the old battle- ship at le.ship Czarevitch, For the Borodino class a sixty-four ton twelve inch hes been designed, but it 1s doubtful whether it exists as yet. 'It has the same velocity (service), but fire)) a 1,200 pound projectild instead of a 732 pound one, and it has .a'corresponding. ly increased energy. The nominal ve• locity is 3,000 foot seconds. • The Poltava Class. Rad., a. WO aa,r P;4� swot kr. Years iEb rig's Wean `slid 'Noire • PifisGored 0�ifp Mr, 11. Percy Turner, Marie Joseph, N.S., writes:—" I have had a weak heart and bad, shaky nerves for years, and have tried almost everything, but noth- ing did me any good till I was advised to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I was surprised to ,find how otte box helped me, so I tried two more and am now completely cured. You may use my letter as an aid to others suffering from heart or nerve troubles." Milburn's Heart and Nerve 'Pills are a specific for all run down men and women troubled with their heart or nerves. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50 gents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T, Milburn Ca„ Limited, Toronto, Out. RUY only goods MADE IN CANADA and LP keep the factory workers employed. E L L G''S TOASTED CORN. FLAKES is the only article of food under the Kellogg name that is of CANADIAN Manufacture, All others are imported and do not help our work people. Keep Your )honey at Bowe Baffle Creek Toasted Cora flake Co. LIMMITED LONDON', ONTARIO, CANADA ne Poltava class, the Eissot VenSy and all other battleships carrying twelve inch guns, down to and includ- ing the Sinope, carry a 35 caliber twelve inch gun. Its weight is fifty- six tons; its initial velocity, 1,942 foot second (service); energy, 19,200 foot tons; shell, 732 pounds. It is, of course, an old type gun. Its penetration is for a twelve inch gun very sma1L The velocity is poor, and the piece is con- siderably inferior to the twelve inch guns of other powers. The rate of fire, of this piece is slow.' A more powerful piece and a better gun is the ten inch of 45 caliber, car- ried by the Peresviet class and the Apraksfn and Rostlslay. The Gangue Class. The only really effective boats now In service are the four battleships of the Gangnt cleat. They are the Gan- gat, Sevastopol. Petropavlovsk and Poltava. These boats are 590 feet long and have a displacement of 23,- 000 tons. The armament is as fol- lows: Twelve 12 inch guns in pairs in six turrets, sixteen 4.7 inch' 60 caliber' guns, eight machine guns. Torpedo tubes, four submerged, one on either beam and one forward and one aft. Tbe next class of battleships aro veiy ranch smaller, poorly armed and equipped and generally inefficient and ineffective. In the next class are some of the boats which saw service ins the Japanese war and have been raised. done over and slightly modern ;zed. The fact that these boats were in service nearly ten years ago and are still being used shows the, demon- flh1 ed ~condition of the Russian navy. One of the interesting ships in the Baltic fleet is the Czarevitch, which wailed from the Japanese fleet at Port Arthur by running into a Chinese port, from which she was released after the Russo-Japanese war was over. Rear Admiral Withoft, in command of the Russian fleet, was killed by a Japanese shell which struck the bridge of the Czarevitch. During the early part of the fight the main fire of the Japanese was centered on the Czarevitch. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR .LITTLE ONES. Balby's Oxen Tableltst aster ;the best anedieiine tor lflttle ones. They are guaranIteed by' a government' ante - !yet 4o be dibsoilultieiy safe and never fail Ito cure conisltfepatfo•n, conic, colds nod sianlplel,fevers by eegudialting the slbolmiach'and bowels Concerning them' 'Mils. S. Shannon Uruey, N.l,S., writes; "T hlawe used BWlbyy's Owe. Tlabletel I0or' any twee children lend think they are lus whiale little tones aeed would no be evit houtJ them The , Tab- lets lame sold by tnktdlethe 'dealers or by theta at 251eeint al bos'frown Time Dr. Medicine Coe, Brockville, Omit., Movies Are Prosperous. The moving picture business in the province is one of those least affect- ed by the tightness of money condi- tions. Inspector Newman of the pro- vincial staff,: on his return to Toronto from a tour of Ontario, states that the number of theatres is as large as usual and that new applications are coming in weekly. The, large cities especially are holding their own, the, number in Toronto, Hamilton and London being approximately the same, as in 1913 r Satisfaction' has been expressed, from several quarters as to the work- ing of the new safety regulations. The changes now being enforced ate radical in nature and were subject- ed to criticism at first, but their ef- ficacy has been proven already. Mr. Newman states that in one, large Ontario town a serious fire oc- curred before urs carred during 8 a performance 500 people, but the speedy operation; of the safety valves and the well regulated appointments enabled the crowd to escape-. without difficulty. The magistrate wrote to, the depart - meat afterwards thanking them- for their enforcement of the law. ' 00 "S 2b.00phOt&inO. The Great Engliaa ,'Remedgqr• Tones .and .invigorates . the whole nervous system, makes new Blood -• in old Voins, Ceres Nervous Debility,' Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- deere, Loss of Enerpr, Palpitation of the Heart, Tasting Memory: Price $1 per boa, six.: for $5,• One w,llpleaae,six will cuae,@,t Bold by all: druggiate or mailed •in plain pkg. on receipt of Price. Neto pamphlet r,•ee. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO..TORONTO. ONT. (FamulsWluim) CASTO R IA For Infanta and 'Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of .`'�•� Goderich Local' lodge No. 32'of Canadian Order of Fare$ters held( their ainnu all memorial services'tinilthet Mvlaib- land cemetery Suniday afternoon. Rev, H. H. 'Wrigivtani, (*tthei Bap tial) Church conducted) theeservice. The Thirty -Third Regiment Band supplied themusiva'i part of the Her - _vice at the cemetery. There was a Larges (turn,-oulj ofibhel mremberls tend• visitors frown Benmiller 'a'nol sur- rounding villa'ges, s •••••••©o•®•••••••••••®••O • Aalamn Session =. • Is now open in Central Business o m College, a d in each of ® its Six B7.'ororto, tranches. Free catalogue • • explains courses. Write for a • • copy, W. H. Shaw, president, Z' e Head office, 393 Yonge Street. i • Toronto, • • • •••••e•m•mm•e•eoorsosemeaes SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson X11.—Third Quarter, For Sept. 20, 1914. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. • Text of the Lesson, Matt, xxv, 31-46. Memory Verses, 34.36 -Golden Text, Matt. xxv, 45—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. To understand this lesson as to the interpretation of it, the time when and the parties concerned,'we must notice carefully the first verse and the words, "When the Son of Man shall come in His glory and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory." That defines clearly the time when, and also that the judgment referred to is not the judgment of the saints, His redeemed ones, for when He shall come in His glory they shall come with Him, the Testament as well as O1dT tel the New Testament saints, 1f we may make that distinction. Ley the Holy Spirit tell you about this as you read Zech. xiv, 5; CoL ill, 4; I. These. 111, 13; Rev. 111, 21. Then, as to the people to be judged, note the second verse of the lesson, "Before Him shall be gathered all na- tions." Could anything be more clear and plain in this connection than the statements in Joel iii, 1-2, that in con- nection with the restoration and deliv- erance of His people, Israel, He will gather 'all nations in the valley of Je- hoshaphat and judge them because' of their treatment of Israel? In Zeph` 111, 8, He says that it 1s His determina- tion to gather :the nations and pour upon them; His indignation, and• in the rest of that chapter He calls upon Is- rael to' be glad and rejoice, for He will be mighty in their midst and get them praise and fame'' in every land where they have been; put to shame. that Zech. xiv, 2, He says th t He will gather'all nations against, Jerusalem to battle; ;in verse. 4 that, Ie, will stand again upon the Mount of Olives, and in 9 that after that He will be; king over all the earth. Let us then be clear about this—that in this judg- ment among those to be judged will not be found His body, the church, for She shall be with Him, nor Israel, for ( she is not reckoned among the nations' (Num. exili, 9). There is no mention of any resurrection of the dead„ Just or unjust, so it is not the judgment of thesaintswho, shall never come into Judgment for sin (John v, 24), because Ladies and Children's MANTLI3S. The new Coats are now here and are withoutany. exception the finest showing of high class .garxsents. The styles are the very latest and the prices the lowest possible for high grade garments. We want you to see these coats whether you buy or not, Come in any time and look them over. Ladies Raincoat Special A beautiful Poplin Raincoat, and big value at 8.50, special this week 5.95 RUBBERS—Just arrived—a big bright new stock— all styles and sizes, toil all makes of shoes. Prices, the very lowest. Buy rubbers early, as prices are likely to advance. Plumsteel Bros, New Idea Patterns 1Oc Made to Measure Clothing • •••••••••• You Cannot Do Better Than t Attend the British American Collcge ••iNN••••••a A Yonge and McGill Ste.. Toronto t' for a Business ' or Shorthand + + Course, Fall Term is now open. We ask you to write for particu' tars, T. W. Wauchope, principal •a•••••••••••N••••••••••• tnat was setttea on calvary, our smut be judged for their works after the first resurrection at the judgment seat of Christ for believers only (I Tbess. iv, 16-18; 1 Cor. xv, 51, 52; Rom. xiv, 10; 11 Cor. v, 10). It is not the great white throne judg- ment of Rev. xx, 11-15, where the un- rigbteous shall appear after their res- urrection a thousand years later than the resurrection of the just (Rev. xx. 5.6). It is simply, as the record says, a judgment of nations, as such, by their respective armies, and the ques- tion Ls their good or ill treatment of His people, Israel. As all individual salvation is throngh Jesus of Nazareth of the tribe of Judah and king of the Jews, so the salvation of nations will be through Him also, but in connec- tion onnecttion with a righteous Israel, who will receive Him as their Messiah when they shall see Him coming in His glory to the Mount of Olives for their deliverance.. They shall then say, "Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us; this is Je- hovah, we have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salva- tion." After that "Israel shall blossom and bud and fill the face of the earth with fruit" (Isa, xxv, 9; xxvll, 6). Then shall the saved nations whoshall hear Him say, "Come, ye Blessed,!' inherit the kingdom when the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ and sball walk in the light of the new Jerusalem and bring their glory and honor into it (Rev. xi, 15; xxl, 24). The others shall bear Him say, "De- part, ye cursed," and shall be punish- ed with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power (II These. i. 7-9). Any one who denies the truth of eter lasting punishment, according to the last verse of our lesson; must reject the, plain words of the Lord Jesus in this passage and elsewhere, as in Mark lx, 43, 45, 47. • In this last verse of our lesson the same word is applied to punishment as to fife (revises version). 1 nave en- deavored to show the teaching of the Bible concerning the judgments in a tract entitled "The Four Judgments," which may be obtained from Mr. Fred Kelker, box 216, Harrisburg, Pa. If you send for it ask also for, "Tbe Se- cret of Missionary Interest" and see how God honors the simple exposition of His word. ' If tbis lesson does not refer to the cburch except as seen with the Lord on .His throne, where is the heart les- son for the believer? . Here Is one. at least, the great 'inasmuch" principle, which always holds good. Whatever any believer does In His name He counts as done to Himself and will re- ward it accordingly. Opportunities missed will bring us loss. Fall Fair Dates. Blyth Sept. 29 and 30 Brussels Oct. 1 and 2 Exeter Sept. 21 and;22 Goderich Sept. 21 to ;23 London Sept, 11 to':19 Seaforth Sept. 2i and 25 Toronto'....'...... Aug.` 28 to Sept, 12 Wiugham Sept. t4 and 25 Zttreth Sept, 28 and 24 ummissiassimmimammaig Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when tie liver is deet flu stomach and bowels ire right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gestlybutfirmlycom- pel a lazy liver to do its. duty. Cures Con- stipation, Indiges- tion, Sick Headache, and Di•tres• after Eating. Small Pill, Small Dote, Small Price. Genuine mud bear Signature 1 Your Fall Sh THE NEW MODELS We are showing in Footwear for the New Fall and Winter Season, faithfully reproduce all style features of the highest priced custom made. We can meet every requirement at moderate expense, and thorough satisfaction with every pair. They are in Refined Styles Made of the Best Materials and easily stand at the head for Comfort, Quality and Value M • lend° fe Phone 70