HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-17, Page 3Thursday, September 17th, 1914. THE CLINTON NEW ERg PAGE THREE 2?! earnts. oucoe 78 MIHhI1eI'ij Announeemenv Milltncry and I)ress Making We take pleasure in announcing our Fall Millinery Opening, Saturlay. September 19th, and following days. Come and see the grandest display of high class Millinery ever shown by this store, Neta Fa.i Coais Each day sees new garments come into our stock from the f:rr4 style centres of America. "Al- '1. ways something new is our aim; We are showing over seventy;' five different styles in our ear Mantle Department. 1, lit Be sure and see our range Before Buying. New Fall Suits We have a large and varied stock of Fall Suits, in the newest styles, and most up to date clothe. Serges and Cheviots are among the leaders. Prices range from $15 to $25 FURS OF QUALITY We are showing this season, one of the finest range of high-class Furs in the county, including Mink, Persian Lamb, Fox, Wolf, Thibet and Fitch. , T1iis Store for High -Class Goods. •••••••••MN•••••••••NN i • A TRIAL TRIP1 1 1 I., ii :: .1 I....1, ,i,i I The New Era is going toplace an offer reading the r e Ing public that will be a winner. The Nevi Era has now entered its forty-ninth year and during these years it has always been a home print paper, and it has continually advo- cated the interests of the people of this section. We W e want a very substantial increase in our list during the coming fall, and we want our old readers and friends to help. 15 Weeks for 25c I I This trial trip subscription is for new subscribers ONLY in Canada. Old subscribers can helpthe cause by seeing that their friends and neighbors read The Clinton New Era. Send us your order per return, using this order form. The New Era, Clinton, Ont., I enclose cents in payment for the following subscriptions as per your Trial Trip Offer ;- Name Postoffice Subscriptions to the United States for the 55 weeks will be 4o cents. OIK- from now till send ofl9l5for Ile • o To the United Sta Les $1,65. 11 1., 1 001 • • • •• •• • B• • • •'• _�0 1T NO, • :o ssce•eesse•a•.•tsoss••s•••• ••s•eo••.•essce•••••s o = NO••••••0•s•••••••••••••• N•sN•s•••••••s•e••e••d•• ALUM MAGIC BAKIN N':Ot DER READ LABEL Localm News wAm SEASON LFO111 PHEASANTS The Ontario governante:al have Made, an apenvseaeon for shooting pheas'antts';thi4 fall. The open time wiill 'be Igwol days each, week. 'Tuesdays and Fridays, between Oe- tober 15 ,and, November, 14. 'Two bird's each ,dray is Ithe limit for each Imlaln,wndi mo hen) pheasants are to be shot, under pempdty of$50eine. Children Cry ,FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA HOW THEY INTEREST PUBLIC. Many automrobile manufacturers are going( ahead with theist output ,and'adrveritiaingg rampalgns as if no war existed'. The automobile Indus try, was! built up by courage,. con- fidence ;and !initiative. The energy pat iota .the: selling ,enol of (the automobile busimese would create business inalny dther line of nranu- fadturing. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA E. N. LEWIS VOLUNTEERS. Mr. E. N. Lewis 141..P' who is ma- jor of the mew battery of 'artillery which it pe supposed bo +fonmi a't Goderich, hale offeret his services ,ta the' Minister( of 'Militia, tin' any capacity he ,may be ;appoiutedl to. Major Lewis is o ver the 50 markt, belt 'he dd ready to , o ;where' he may, be sent, anal to tdo his best. to fulttill ;the requdrepmenitla. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA AND ;THIS IN SCOTLAND! ' A correspondent .or theeiGliaagow (Scotland) Herald writes ras follows; "Might 1, in a pnomen!q of irritla- tion', suggest to you that wealth awaits the newspaper which first classifies' Its, war reports tion the convenience of readers. Il.swggestt au 'headings ;! "Official reports. "Credible reports. "Doubtful reports. "R!umuors. "Lies. "-- ;Lies, "Obvious -- lies, Which we print with all reserve." The Reasonable Care of Your Watch I 1 Will result in your watch's good, pro onging its days of usefulness What is reasonable care? An occasional visit i It L o A jeweler who "knows how." An occasional visit means at least a yearly visit. r To put it off longer is to put it off too long, Ifou are not wedded for all time to some one expert, we would like to put some of our good work on that watch of yours. Your watch deserves the best • treatment it can get, and it is just that which we offer. W. R. counter Jeweler and Optician p ;clan Issuer of Marriage Licenses The Strongest of all Firepots The Sunshine Furnace fire - pot is heavily ribbed and in two sections, which allow for contraction and expan- sion. It will never crack. Ashes won't adhere to the straight : sides — always a clear and economical fire. Our local agent will show you this and many other"Sunshine" advantages. Send for. free booklet Mttlary's Sunshine Furnace Byam a Sutter Sanitary- Plumbers Phone 7 GOES tAFTEIk THE IGERMMAN 'PRINTING. A London Ont., ' printing! firin has beep ,quick to enter a field lefty vacant by ,Gcrmamly's forced witlh drawal° owing to the war. Already special Machinery has been install- ed fto Intake cigar (bands. With the Germans i,nt thec field, Canadian, fauna, ,paying higher wages, were unable to compete. Now this com- petiltlio a hale been, remtevet', and the Lomld,onefirnr is seizing the op- potttunuty. I. 04 P. 'WILL PROTECT aaa The officer of ;the; I. l0. ,1'..are, in receiplt pf tai Ilett(ter !from the headquuaalters, of .th I Indeptinsaent Order of Farsesltere, Toronto, stat- ing that Sail ;a (recentt' meetiing in tthalt city the executive of the Coun cid half decided, (until further/ sip- itice, that existing !members engag- ing in teethe military or naval ser- vice, of (their qw,n country would be protected salt 'their ;present rates of aesessmenit. New; members how ever, on or after August 171h,;and so engaging meek pay an extra premium of j$50, per $1,000 01 in- surance on ,each, year; or portion thereof, ;while engaging din active military or navia duties. The cir culler also asked that local C;onrts keep at brdthgrlyt eye on the flame flies ,of members who were or misty be Mailed to they trent BACK TO PENS AND PENCILS. Dealers in carbon paper and type written- ribbons, are in .receipt of let- ters dram( 'firma to the 'Umfit,eet States predicting' an absolute 1am- itne for these/ two linear so widely used injthe busintess offices of the world. Ity seems the carbon paper isspecial product of Austrian eactories, and they had a practical Monopoly of; the world's trade. The ,Germlains produce all the type. writer ribbonis, raspecial weave of cctt'on,,gnd,ales, have the monopoly of (the tdye' _or colour used in ink imlg, process. American stocks of these twomeeesstaries, to . _ type- writing we !almost depleted pais until some !mitigated can be menu-. flacalve i' in the Ulntstad States;af' fice (people may be reduced to pen ,amid', im'k for pemcll. The type- writer supply, business of Canada land! the U•natpd•, St1a tes is worth $4- ,000,0000 se year. ROD ,AND DUN T'lae cover, writ of Iliad ,and Gun Magazintl for September illustr- ates 'thetadti tthatithq open Season wild ducks in;0alnadla'Sta'rts with September. The list of contents which is sure to 'appeal to all sports men; readers' conitain among other things the 1allowing stories and aaaticlesi; A itecamnaissance from Coast to Coast ; The Wildflower in Canada: from? 1906 to 1914 by Bonny castle Dale, Our friends oftthe Walter'waysr by MortAmer; Batten Duck Shodting by ;Twilight by R.„T, !Prater• After Nova Scotian Woodcock with"Tleati Goad Old Man; Frain Sharbot Lake to Mon- 'treal by?WatleraTolling September Ducks:; A Cry inthes Wilderness ; and the firati of a series el articles on'TPhirtgs f,to know' about a Shot- gun. hotgun. The regular departments are als,usu'al w'eltllmainitainedi' 1F': J. Taylor, 'Limited', Woodsltocki Oat are ;the publishers HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Write on one aide of paper only Mail to reach us Wednesday Of each week or sooner. Avoid all items respecting on per- sonal character but rsend All the News. Chech off this list it may assist you to remember an important. item. Births, Marriages, Deaths, Accidents, Church News SRemovalor Visitorsatione. News, Lodge e s Fires , Public Improvements. Law Ca , P a es the'Cro s School Matters. Correspondents will please' re- frain from sending ,notices of en- tertainments where an admission fee ischarged, unless :they send word who is reeponeibie for the payment of such advertianaent. The charge is five g cents a line—six words make a line. DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND By RUTH GRAHAM Henry Dickinson and Arthur Treat. both gold hunters, met In California years ago, when the country was wild, and after a life of hardship owned to-, gather a hole in the ground that prom- ised to make them rich. Within a mile of them a man named Barker kept a store.. Barker had some money, and the partners told him of their fiud and asked him to put in capital to develop' it, offering him an eighth interest Barker learned all he wished from them about their mine, then said that mining was too risky a business for him; he wouldn't invent In talking matters over Treat let Barker into a secret concerning his pest life. He had become indebted in the east and so involved that he had taken French leave and gone to California to make a fresh start. If his mine panned out well he would pay, his debts One ..day Treat went to Barker's store for some provisions and on the way back to his mine was kidnaped, , taken to San Francisco and thence to Philadelphia. There his creditors, s • who had captured him, kept him in jail on various charges, because it had been reported to them that he bad made money which lie was •concealing. But Treat finally convinced them that all be bad in the world was an unde- veloped mine in California. ' I5 they would give him a chance to develop it they would get their money. They freed him, and he succeeded in get- ting sortie capital from a relative, Then be returned to California after an absence of five months. There he found his partner 10 jail charged with his (Treat's) murder. Dickinson was released at once, and the two held a conference. When their stories were put together it*came out ' that Barker had laid out a plan to get possession of their mine. He wrote Treat's creditors that he had made money, and they arranged for his kid- naping, getting him away so secretly that no one knew what had become of him. Then Barker through paid stool pigeons manufactured evidence to show that Dickinson had murdered his partner. The first impulse of the partners on Seeing through a scheme by which both had suffered and Dickinson had been sentenced to be hanged was to punish Barker legally. But after in- vestigation they found that he had covered his tracks so adroitly that he would have every advantage. Besides, the law was not well administered, and even if they could convict Barker they would find it difficult to get him punished. • They therefore decided to fight him in the way he had fought them. Treat had brought money with him to devel- op the mine, but this they concealed from Barker. They pretended to be discouraged and begged Barker to visit their mine, see for himself what it was worth and invest on his own terms. They had no difficulty in convincing him of the mine's, value, and after much hagglinghe agreedto let them have $10,000 if they would cede to him a haiff interest. They at once engaged a lawyer to draw up an agreement and submitted it to Barker. He was satisfied with it, and Dickinson copied it. Then all signed it, and one of the copies was delivered to Barker on payment of the money. , For a time after that the mine did well, but the partners soon told Bar- ker that they must have more money. He grumbled. but agreed to give them $8,000 more for half their interest, making his own three-quarters. The transaction was completed, and Bar- ker, who knew what the ore was pay- ing, aying, was well pleased. But the part- ners artners soon wanted more money and got it from Barker for half of their quar- ter interest, giving him all the mine ex- cept xsept an eighth. The partners begged him not to be so hard on them, but he was relentless. When the partners once more called on Barker for more money he denied them. but offered to buy their remain- ing eighth Interest. They finally as- sented, but with great apparent re- luctance. The money was paid and a bill of sale made out .and signed by Dickinson and Treat. who were given a mouth to softie up their affairs and turn over the pio erta. 1'be ntonttt pnswd, lint the pni'tners, 6.Ntwui "e mottling nn theft nti':1irq, GoodHealthls Impossible Without a Healthy Action Of The Kidneys When the kidneys begin to "act up" and fail to filter the blood through them, there passes into the system uric acid and ;sons w will cause other Virulent poisons, which v h some of the severest and most deadly diseases known to mankind. On the first evidence of the approach of kidney trouble Doan's Kidney Pills should be used, and serious trouble avoided. Mr. Israel Drost, Bath, N.B., this am sending. you th s testi- monial telling you what a wonderful cure Doan's Kidney Pills made for me. My kidneys were so bad I was helpless for about two months. I used several kinds of pills, but none of them seemed to be doing me any good. At last I was advised to try a box of Doan's Kidney Pills, When I :had taken the first' box I found relief, and then I got another, and by the time I had taken it, I was completety cured." • Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box or 3 for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. ;mitre Toronto Ont. Milburn Co., Limited, When ordeiia>r'direct specify "Doan's." aaatilaataaa .• 7hePropridatyar hhient l ie;!icinerlc1. AVesetable Papuans forAs•' tos tiatinglheroodandRe+;tila+ hug theStoma handBon'!ssr Promotes Dige3lion G11eerful Hess antlllest.Containsneithe 0�,]�iunl.Morphine norNiaeral; NOT NARCOTIC. r •y'oeof07elP derz'.ZI1711LIt Ambit Syed attiS as Add • leSails- AnGeSeerl JTf[m�ona/eSoe'a,r TiSrmSeed- Clad9ed Awe 07.47enxiamt • For Xnfants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Aperfccl Remedy forconiipi• lion, SourSlomach,0iarrhoca, Worms,Convuisic ts.Fcv rah• nese and LOSS OF S 1,%Lft FacS!mile 51;nathreof Gy der • lsS CENTAUR SMP?\:•. MONTRSAI. NEWYOP.I1 ni In Use For Over ty Years mama Ezact Copy or Wrapper. r"v c "r "Y N CITY. seemed to be developing the mine On the thirtieth day Barker got out an the bills of sale they had given him and went to the mine to demand posses - sten. "We own this mine," said Dickinson, "and we propose to keep it." "We'll see about that," was Barker's reply, and he opened his documents. What was his surprise to see nothing but blank paper. When the miners had laid - their scheme to circumvent Barker, Treat, who before coming to California had been a manufacturer of ink, knew of a mixture that would look like ink, but would fade entirely out within a few • days after being used on paper, Be. fore making any papers for Barker he had gone to San Francisco and pro- cured some of this ink, and every doe nment given Barker had been written with it. Barker, who was ruined, threatened criminal proceedings, but the partners had covered their tracks as well as he had covered his in his diabolical scheme to get their mine. Dickinson & Treat sold their property for $200,- 000 and a half interest Treat paid hie debts in tun. Tobogganed to Matrimony. The newest elopement trick was re cently worked in Switzerland; where the parents of the couple went on a trip to the top of a mountain. Wbne they were there the couple got a bob• sled, coasted down the mountain side r before 8 on an express were astray y p the parents could get down the moue tsin on the railway. Installing Wireless. The Canadian Government regula- tions requiring all passenger steam- ers to instal wireless equipment came into force at the first of this year, and the naval service department has had a busy time lately .seeing that the vessels all secure the wlrelees and comply with the regulations. In addition the department has had to examine the hundreds of candidates' who seek to qualify as wireless oper- ators. A considerable number of the candidates have been refused cer- tificates on first examination, but in most cases they have oome back again. showing great improvement and have passed. The department sends out examiners to the varlon's districts all . over the country, and. examinations are held at stated j times, while at Ottawa and at Vic- toria, B.C., candidates can' come for i examination at any time. The passenger steamers coming undere the act have all installed the wireless, even those sailing only 'a short distance from port to port, but with many passenger vessels, such as the 'boats from Toronto to Nia- gara, navigation is not dangerous, but the numbers carried are often great. The steamers crossing the Bay of Fundy and those sailing from Sydney to St. John's, Newfoundland, must also be equipped with wireless, though, because the distance is not great, navigation is frequently dan- gerous. Coal Near Battlefora. A member of the local Assembly for Athabasca reports seeing samples of anthracite coal in the vicinity of Meadowlake. It is believed that by further prospecting large fields of coal will be opened up 70 miles north of the city. Must Protect Eskimos. U the Government of Canada wants to preserve the Eskimos of the far North, says M. Vanaase in a re- cent report, they will very soon have to put a stop to the depredations, plunders and thefts . of which the Eskimos are the victims on the part of the rovers of the sea. The Gov- ernment of Denmark has shown a noble example in this respect in favor of the Greenland Eskimos. Ready Help in time 05h sical P y. trouble caused by indigeatton,billouenese resultingfrom torpid liver, inactive bowels, is al- ways given, quickly, certainly, safely bythe most famous of family remedies BEECiiA1YL'S PILLS booed Sols of Any Medicine in es Weald: Sold everywhere. In boau,. 25 costa NOW CHILDREN GROW Children grow by nourishment—not overloaded stomachs: or rich foods but qualities that are readily converted into life-sustaining blood; too often their digestive powers cannot procure these qualities from ordinary foods which results in weakness, dullness and sickness If your children are under size under- weight, catch cold easily, are languid, backward, pale or frail, give them Scotts. lmulsiouwhich is pure medicinal nourish- ment. ' It sharpens the appetite, builds. healthy flesh, firm muscles and active brains. Scott's is growing- foodg,for children. Refuse alcoholic substitutes. PERRIN'S BISCUITS ARROWROOT, MALTO CREAM SANDWICH, OPERA FINGERS, WATER ICE WAFERS, LEMON NECTAR These and other 'Perrin's Sweet Biscuits are the very acme of deliciousness. We put them in our SPECIALSAMPLER" PACKAGE so that you can sample them readily. We will send . this delightful assort ment of our fancy biscuits to you for 10 cents in coin or stamps and your grocer's name. Some of them may be entirely new to you — you will probably like .them all. Write for the sampler package to -day.