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'ham Climon
Thursday, September 17th, ,1914.
• Every Page Has
Newsy Items.
• •••••••.«.••••••••••••••• •
• Try us for Job Work in all •
• its branches,
• •
A trial will Convince you
that we know our •
• business. •
•110•••N0s•11••G•••si•111•••« •
Substitute "British" for
German and This is E,K.
London Aug. 29. -Theses ken coma 8-Wriitef ons ,Germlaln paper ,witlh
at IGearcwan. pen, and use German
blotting paper. •
7 -Use German flour, eat German
fruit, alnid;drinik [German beer, You
aloin give your body the tame ,Ger.-
imams 'energy,
B -If you do nlolt like !German
malt coflfe,e„ drink' coffee. from; the
Germralnl colonftea.
9 -Use only German clothes for
your dress and German hats for
your heed.
10 -Left. mio foa'eigat s'1 tltCry dvs-r
tray you from these' .precepts, land
be firunly conn'in,ced Aot wharteiver
olthersi may say, ,German products
.aa•e the -only orales .wont[hrytt of the
citizens of the German Fatherland.
anaindmenits{ an inrstlrucitjve ciecular
which has been distrebuted through
out Germany iby the chambers of
Commerce, was. read( Ito -day by Sir
George Pragnlall alt a leeetlin,g of
the British manufactureisl.-
1-Int ta11l expenses lkeep, he mind
the initl&reslts of your own . coin-
2 -Never forget that when you
buy foreign articles your own
country is poorer.
3-Yourr molney should profit no
one but' the Germane.
4 -Never profialne German rfactoe-
se's by using, foreign rnrachinerye
5 -Never allow foreign eatablels
toil) a served alt your table.
Mrs. Juhn Shobrock has returnedl
home after spending a week with her
brother, Edward Webb, of Toronto.
Miss May Denstead of Auburn spent
Sunday with her friend Miss Della Mc 1
Thomas Adams and James Medd of
Constance left last week for the West
where they will purchase a couple of I
cafes of cattle to bring home with r
Derwin Carter has sold his river to
Thos. Mason of Clinton,
Miss Mary Snell has returned from
Niagara where she spent the' pass few
Mrs. Albert Vedder) I
spent last week I.
with her mother, Mrs. Brigham' of i
Clinton, who had the misfortune to
fall recently and brake benleg at the
Mrs. P. J. Reynolds, of kiullettspent
the week end in Gaderich with her I
sister, Mrs. J. J. Kelly, formerly of
Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Reynolds Of
Guelph were visiting Their friends and
relatives in +Huilett last weel,, they
also spent a night with their aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs, P.J. Reynolds.
While. S. Appleby was sweeping the
chaff off his barn roof on tAonday he
lost his footing and te'l to the ground
sustaining a fractured arm.
Mrs, Thomas Baker, of Belmors,
and her son, Sheldon, were badly
bruised by being thrown front their
rig when their horse ran into a wagon
as they were driving home.
Richard Coulter, aged 65, of Zetland
died at the home of his brother after
an illness extendiug nver some time.
He was a lifelong Liberal, and a mem
her of the Presbyterian church.
Farmers all through the district are
very busy threshing picking apples,
and getting along with their fall plow.
The members of the local Red Cross
Society are making a large quantity of
articles which will he useful for the
soldiers and they will be sent shortly.
R. N. Barron, writing from Valcer-
ier states that be had been promoted
to the position as sergeant of a com•
pany of 28 men and is expecting to go
to Europe,
Several young men who did not pass
the final examinations in Quebec have
returned and gone to their respective
positions which they held before they
The Women's Institute and Wom
en's Temperance Union having de-
cided to assist in equipping the hos-
pital ship a committee cf twenty two
women was formed who canvassed the
town and succeeded in raising 3205,50
which was sent to headquarters. A
patriotic league was also formed with
elm A. Hooper as President and Mrs.
S. Filton as Secretary and Mrs. A.
H astings Treasurer. A bale coutain-
ing pillows. sheets, socks, cuffs, mend-
ing kits, handkerchiefs and quilts in
all weighing 585 pounds, was sent. A
promenade concert realized $200. The
society now numbers 15I members,
also fourteen honorary members,
The I. 0. O. F. donated $25, U, O. F.
810. and the total amount raised, in-
cluding the Hospital Ship Fund, is
crop of flax and petting it sprees out
in the ffelds for rotting and so far the
weather hes been good to get it rot
On Thursday in Old St, Andrew's
church Toronto the marriage was.
solemnized of Eleanor daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Robb, of Seaforth and
Mr. Clarence L. Whitby, Hawarden,
Sask, After the ceretnoney which
was conducted by Rev. Robert Law,
D. D. Mr. and Mrs, Whitby left for a
month's holiday before leaving for
their home in Hawarden, Sask.
Messrs. W. Moore dr Sons'who have
been in the hardware business here
for a few years have disposed of their
business to S. Williams who former-
ly had a store in Belgrave will start
taking stock next week. It is the in-
beotion of Sir. Moore to still remain in
Mr. Williams has purchased the resi-
d ence of Mr, 0. 0. Cooper on Fins-
bury street and will take possession
the end of the month and Hooper has
pprchased Mr, Hill's house and will
move into it at the same time.
Lieut. R, Sloan is drilling his comp-
any once a week and getting them in
to quite a proficient state considering
that most of them were raw recruits
when be commenced,
Mr. John Pitts, was taken to the
Wingham hosipital by Dr. Allison,
where he underwent an operation.
He is doing nicely.
Mrs. T, Sanderson of Kinistino Sask,
is at present spending a few days with
relatives here.
The flus mill has now quite a gang
of loan employed in threshing the
will be held at the farm of
on Sunday, Sept. 2Oth
All Are Most Cordially Invited
The: First War err and
the Fast War
and the Present
War, and the
Great Battle of Armageddon
when and where, and the
War in Heaven.
A. Collection will be taken up by officials of Goderich
waxing destitute in the arl count '� -
Townshipfor the t els Bel-
gium France and Britain.
Read Revelations 12th, 16th, 20th and 21st Chapters.
Londesboro f '
Miss Jes'ie Oadzow, formerly , of
London but a native of Londesboro
died last Friday afternoon following a
brief nines. at her late home in Buifr.
lo, at 233 Messachuttes avenue. She
was the daughter of the late Archi-
bald and Jessie Cadzow. Following'
the, funeral services et her late home
inBaffalo on Sunday afternoon the
body was Shipped . to" Londesboro for
Ford'which Record -Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. Armstrong of Londesboro visits
ed at the home of the former,s worrier
on Sunday.
the home of Mrs. E. Lyon of Londes
boro was the scene uf a very pretty
wedding on Saturday Sept. 5th when
her youngest daughter, Etta 31., was
united in marriage to Mr. D. E, Dewar
of London, Promptly at twelve o'clock
the bride 'ente'red the drawing room
with' her brother. Mr. W. H. Lyon,
who gave ger away, to the straius of
Menuelssohn's wedding march played
by Mrs, W. H. Lyon, and the couple
took their places under a canopy of
evergreens and asters. The bride was
daintlygowned in white si k crepe
with trimmings of lace and pearls,
wore the conventional veil and wreath
'uf lily of the valley and carries a
btquet of white roses. Toe ceremony
was performed by Rev. U. C. Baine.
At •the conclusion of the ceremony
and when ibe newly -wedded pair had
received the congratulations of those
present, all sat down to a well served
wedding feast. Mr. and Mrs, Dewar
left the satire afternoon for their home
in London, the bride travelling in a
tai ores suit of navy blue broadcloth
with union blouse and a pretty black
velvet hat.
A very pleasant event took place at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wood, 13th
con. Hullett, on Wednesday, Septem-
ber 9th, when Mrs. Woad's sister, Miss
Mary Townsend was united in man
riage to Mr. James Roberton also of
\liullett. At five`o'clack the bride en
tered the parlor on the arm of her
brother Robert. while Miss Ivy Roh•
erton, niece of the groom, played the
wedding march. The ceremony teas
performed by Rev. 0. C. Keine of
Londesboro. Tne bride was becoming
ly dressed in navy blue satin de chene
with cream lace trimmings. Miss
Mary Wood made a pretty little floe,
er girl. The parlor and dining room
were prettily decorate] with white
and pink asters. After the ceremony
the guests, numbering about thirty
five sat down to a bountiful tea, The
presents were both useful and valuable
All friends join in wishing Mr. and
ears ttoberton a happy married life.
. Mr' and Mrs, Wm, Armstrong and
two children spent a few days with
her mother, Mrs, Comhes at London.
Mrs. I+'red Richards and two chil-
dren spent a week with her brother,
Amos Watson, of Lonaon.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lee spent Sun
day at the home of his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Lee,
Herman Sundercock has purchased
a grey driver.
Charlie Vodden spent this week with
his sister, Mrs, Frank Trickett of
A joint prayer int eting was held in
the i'reebvterian church on Wednes-
day evening of lastweekfor prayer
and hnmilation for .the countries in
war, Rev. Mr, Greene, of Clinton,
was present to represeatthe Methodist
church. Ar goodly number were
present all praying that right might
prev: it and that peace would reign,
miss Britton of St. Thomas, was the
guest of Mrs. Wood, of the Manse last
The 1Vlission Band of the Presbyti r.
len church were entertained on Satur-
day afternoon by Mrs, Gammil. About
80 of them were taken to her home,
where a right good time was spent..
Wrn McQueen who spent bis vac
ation preaching at St. Joseph's Island
has returned home. He will return to
Knox college.
Wm. Swann left last week for Tor-
Wedded -On We.lnesday of last
week two of our popular young people
were united in marriage at the home
of the bride's parents, t
s, 1Vir. and Mrs.
Roht. McKay of Tuckersmith, when
their daughter was married to Lorne
Wilson also of Tuckersmith The
marriage ceremony was performed by
Rev. Mr, Johnson of Varna :in the
presence of a large number of relatives
and friends. The. bride looked her
heat dressed in white. Afterdinner
and congratulations the happy young
couple left for their honeymoon in
Toronto Tney have since returned
to their new 'somewhere the good
wishes of a hust of good friends follow
Work for the so'diers has been taken
up by the, ladies of the neighborhood.
A large bale is being prepared which
will be shipped shortly. A meetiug of
ladies was held for sewingand prepar-
ing the goods at the home of Mae, Jas,
il of 'Tuckersmith." last week
where trey were beautifully entertain
Mr. Henderson Forrest hastaken a
school near Sault Ste Marie,
Mrs. Douglas is visiting her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Alex. Sparks this Week.
Mr. William McQueen is visiting his
friends on the line prior to his return
to his home in Michigan. He .has
spe.,t a pleasant tithe among his old
acquaintances here. Hale and hearty
he enjoys a song and chat,
The Voice of the • People
My original' thought in connection l
with the meeting at my place, on Sun t
de y, Sept. 201h, was to have the gospel
preached. The good apostle Paul, says
Karn not ashamed of the Gospel of
Christ, for it is the power of God unto
salvation to every one thatbelieveth,"
The present war coming on, changed
my ideas scmewhat. I thought of the
destitution_ in the waxing countries,
viz., Belgium, France and Britain -I
thought S would like to attempt, in
connection with the meeting. to start
a fund in Goderich Township for the
relief of the distress, hoping it might
become a county fund,
CASE of Mrs, HAM
Declares Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Saved Her Life
and Sanity.
Shamrock,, Mo. -"I feel it my duty
to tell the public the condition of my
health before using
your medicine. I had
falling, inflamma-
tion and congestion,
female weakness,
pains in both sides,
backaches and bear-
ing down pains, was
short of memory,
nervous, impatient,
passed sleepless
nights, and had
neither strength nor
energy. There was always a fear and
dread in my mind, I had cold, nervous,
weak spells, hot flashes over my body.
I had a place in my right side that was
so sore that I could hardly bear the
weight of my clothes. I tried medicines
and doctors, but they did me little good,
and I never expectedto get out again.
I got Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and Blood Purifier, and I cer-
tainly would have been in grave or in an
asylum if your medicines had not saved
me. But now i can work all day, sleep
well at night, eat anything I want, have
no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells.
'All pains, aches, fears and dreads are
gone, my house, .children and husband
are no longer neglected, as I am almost
entirely free of the bad symptoms I had
before taking your remedies, and all is
pleasure and happiness in my home. "-
Mrs. JostE HAM, R. F. D. 1, Box 22;
Shamrock, Missouri.
If you want special advice write
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,
(confidential) Lynn, Mass.
Thos R. Bennett has ,leased his 2116
acre farm to N. Bowman and will re•
Imove to Wingham where he assumts
the Massey Harris agency,
The Atkinson family have decamred
For Detroit.
Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Walters
whu have been visiting Mr. Thomson
have re urued to their homes in
Her, Mr, Ciamplie'1, of Toronto, and
president of the Lord's Day Alliance
wilt preach in St, Andrew's church
next Sunday morning and in the
Methodist church in the evening.
The Council has completed an ex•
cellent amount of road work which is
their leading feature of good sense.
Porter's Hill
Mr. and Mr=, 0. W. Patter spent a
few days at Michell.
Milton VVcods and Howard Cox nre
among the number attending Loudon
P, Y. Cox was in Toronto at the fair
last week,
Miss Mealtnos is visiting at Mrs.
But ke's.
O; W. Potter has ettgnged Charles
Barker of Goderich to learn the black,
!yl,Cressie Elliott spent a couple of clays
at Seaforth last week.
5,;Mrs, Peter McDougall and children,
Murray and Marion are visiting at
Port Stanley.
All who attended the picnic on For-
ester's flats on Friday last report a
gond time, those who did not go miss-
ed it but will try and be there the
next Sunday School picnic.
Rally Sunday will he observed in
Bethelehuich on Sunday afternoon,
Sent, 27th,
The Ladies Aid meeting will he held
at the borne ob.i'1rs, Lindsay on Thurs-
day September 24th.
Tom Elliott wears a broad smile
these days as a little baby girl a rived
at his home this week.
Au rn u
There is evidences 01roe erit in
P p y
the improvements in teal estate in the
village and surrounding vicinity. A
number of buildings have been bright-
ened up by a coat of pant and Mr.
James Mutch , and Mr, Lemp have
added 'veru attractive verandahs to
thier residences. Mr. Lvwson's new
house is nearing completion. The
homes of Mr. Sturdy and Mr. Platezer
are almost finished, Messrs. McGee,
Howath and Wilson are putting addi-
tions and improvements at their
Me. John Symington has so'd his
farm to his son•in•law,. Mr: John
Mr. Joseph Carter met with a pain-
ful accident on Monday while driving
with Mr. 0. Asquith The horse be-
came frightened and threw Mr. Carter
out of the tuggy. His leg was badly
injured by getting caught in the
Misses Sadie and Lizzie Carter took
in the London Fair this week.
Mrs. Jones, of ,Dungannon spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Geo. Marsh.
A patricide concert and lecture will
he given in the F'orester's Hall on Fri-
day evening in aid, of `the Red Orme
Fund. A lecture on Fighting machin
ery and how to handle them will 1 e
given by Rev. ide. Fairful, Also ad-
dresses by Revs, Laing itnd Conway..
Also a program of vocal and instrum-
ental music and the Nile orchestra
and Auburn Brass Bandwill be in
Erttaeels' •`
thThe new Presbyterian' Church is
now ready for the staters. brick ai nk
is complete, excepting the ,tower,
which is now being built.
Contractor McLean is rushing the
Turn berry street sewer along. so as to
have it completed this. fall.
4. large number front this locality
will visitLonelomehis week and attend
the Western Fair. The trip will be
made by motor inuumnerous cases,
Next Sunday will, be Temperance
Field Day in Huron County, and out-
side speakers will visit Brussels as well
as other places in the program, •
Several local horsemen are fitting
their steeds for races at the conning
Fall Fair on October 1 and 2
Next Monday an organiz ition con-
vention will he held in Wingham
Baptist church for the purpose of pe•.
surrecting the one time far famed
County Sabbath School Convention;
Secretary HalFenny will be one of the
Goderich Township
A few took in the ,London Fair this
week. .
This township will be well represent
ed at Goderich Fair next week.
Unity Club, on the 16th, will hold a
Rox Social at the home of Mr. Bert
Murphy on Wednesday evening of
next week and the proceeds will go to
the Red Cross Society: Everybody
A Patriotic :social was held in the
Forrester's Hall, on Friday evening
last. A good program was given and
a light lunch was served afterward.
Among those taking part from •a dis-
Lance were, -Mrs. Eiliott and Miss
Mclvor, of Clinton, hotn rendered fine
solos; Mr Blanchard and Miss Scarlet,
'of 'Winthrop; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Rands, of Seafortb on the violin. Ad
dresses were given by Mr, Thos. Mc
Millan, Rev. Mr. kleid and Rev, Kaine
of Londesboro. The proceeds amount
edato about $37. •
Miss Edith Dnlmsge of Winthrop
spent a few days the guest of her
cousin, Miss Irene Riley.
Mrs. Ed, Button and Mies Marjorie
Hall are visiting .in London and. St.
Mrs. McIntosh happened an accident
last week and broke her'leftarm above
the elbow. We hope she will soon be
Netter again.
Mrs. Wrn. Woods of Welton spent
Sunday rhe guest of her friend Mrs.
Tilos, Pollard:
Mas. Benwick and friend of. Seaforth
spent Sunday the guests of her par
ants, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mann.
Nie,,,„ , ,"i^*• . i,• i,. i,' ,. ,*'1P' "++44+74
Personal Notes
aiik of those having relatives or friends oj.
isiting in town or going k away
notify et oY the feet sect week, we
would announce 1t in the Naw Ens.
14r; A. J. Grigg is,t fat • London
this week atesdinr,g the 'Wester'n
11a3r. L.
;1Mr, ninidi Mrs, Neld3ger ,and two
chdp;dren iaadi Mr. and MMrls, J. IE.
Can)telon, motored to London on
2'ucadaty. L
; (Miss Emma Plumslteel is spend-
ing la ,couple oft reeks in Wing -
halm with Mrs. Campbell atnld,other
Mr. and Mrs. Jatnes Slteepiwentl
to• iL'anidon on • Monday to visit
their daughter, Mrs. A, ii'..'Cullyer,
Mr. Steep, reltturnedlt ani [Wednesday
buts Mrs. Steep 7vi1L resnlain for • a
lotniger visulq.
\llslr, lend Mrs. Bait: Levis. have
arrived home from their wedding
Bev, D,r.Iiiultledge rarrivedhomte
from, hos vasartian, .on,.IWednesday.
Mr. and) Mrs. W. S. Doiwn(s visit-
dd in (Tlon•olnto pan+l: of last week
also taking ire the Exhib!tlion.
They ivrriveci kotme o{s Mon day
Mr. W. S. Dolwne. sold) hiss (louse
bin Vidtorea Street this ('week to
Mr. Jolsepli, Whela!tley. '
Mrs. M,1MeViltltie of Westfield
and Mrs. Thomas Lyon cif Larndies-
boro! spent Tuesday the guest? of
their- brother, Mr. J. G. Medd!.+
Mrs. MCGIarve a s is'iMisa; Wallace
speinit a 'day of fbwo .at , London
and St. Marys visiting' ofd rfriends
Mr. and Mrs. James Snvfta_ spent
i1ewt days, alt London. anal Wood-
stock. r, •
Mr. Joltia'Wisennla8 is tin Chicago
oil ar visit to' hits 'brother He was
accompanied` bylhria corn, Mr, Jack
Wisemiatni of Mt,,,Forestt L
Mrs, J. Wisemiatn evade a •'short
visit will -A hes mothers at ,St,INlarys
this .week:. tt i
Mr. amts) Mrs. Jamreg [Reynolds 14
Guelph, after a ;woelt's ,vis'ilt here
with 1VIr. amid' ears. J J. 'MCCau'
ft for t t
.lie le for De o �' o visit the
g y,
tt� i
�farimer�s parents, amid will continue
their trip to ;Buffalo, Hamilton;
Totrenit ,amid home thy tauto. •
1 Mr. Alex: Mitchell( left ialsrtliveek
Little Boy Was'ol
Expezted to Live
Alas taken Dick with Diarrhoea
They Were 30 Miles from a Outer
Extract of
Which Cured Him
Mrs. Fred Schopff, Pennant, Sask.,
writes: -"I used Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry when my little boy
was not expected to live. We were thirty
miles from a doctor, when the little
fellow took sick with Diarrhoea. He at
first would sleep nearly ail day, and at
night wouldhe in pain, and would have
a passage every five or ten minutes. This
went on day and night until he began to
pass blood. I gave him "Dr. Fowler's,"
but without any good effect at first, so
I began to give him a larger ,dose, and
soon he began to get relief. : It was
the: only medicine I had in the house at
the time, and I always keep it now for
inside of three days myboy'was outplay-.
ing, and was as well as ever."
This grand remedy has been on the
Canadian market for nearly seventy
years, and is without a doubt, the best
known remedy for all Bowel Complaints.
Refuse to take any other preparation
when you ask for "Dr. Fowler's."
There is nothing ,,else that can be
Price, 3a cents.
Seethat thename of The T.'Milburn
Co., limited, appears on the wrapper.
Fire; Life and . Accident
Real estate bought send sold'
Money to loan
Office 'Isaac Street, next door to New
for Guelph where he ,hais secured
ih 1polalltiOire.
Seaifarth News, -Mrs. Mahaffy of
Clinton is vieliting her sister, Mrs..
Claaumichrael, this week. +
Mr. and Mrs, ;George Chesney lof
Sieaforittt were guests of Mr. ,And
Mrs. Henry Pluamsltee' lost5undlay.
• l@t, Marys Argus -Mr. ,George
Sutherland spent the lnodid:ay with
rfrietnids. alt'01enteent L
Mr, ePrcyl Couch( Wald 10 'L05141011
oto T'uesdlay,
Mr. IRiobert McLealnr oaf Goderich
wials in town oral (Friday last buy-
ing some horses)
' Mr. Charlie Kerr of Wellaind„for-
Merly of jOtiniton, esl, nlolw rap the
Valcartier Camp. - t
`Mr. Wilson of rH;atmallton ea now
ledger keeper alt the Moisotne Banks
Mr. and Mrs. 'Will, Plumrslteel and
children spent at qday .or secs at Lon-
on-&o s the guest clef Mr. lamas' Mrs,
Joel McLeod. ' . ,
Mi'. Ernest MelVlillairt, solo Of Bev.
Alexander McMfIlan rod lMimic°,
and well, known here, was attend-
ingwas inn Ba
the Wagner:Wiagner feel t¢ t•,
varia, !Germany, when -hire war
broke' out, farntd ;words halsj come to
bis pai'enits thrsugh the Acting
Canadian High Colmsniseioner in
London, 'theta he' hats been 'forbid:,,
den lto leave Gerrniatnte.
Barred Rocks for Sale.
About 20 good helarvy Barred
Rock Hens, fop'snle.t. Also cocker-
ockerels.. Apply to.
Clinton, Ont.
A Carload of Canada .
PoIllan4I Cemtnl
Phone us tor prices
it will pay you
John Hutton
For Sale Cheap
One .Happy Thought Range with
reservoir; also a Singer Sewing
Machine, bath in Matt -class. con-
dition.. Apply to
For -Sale
Owing to installing Hydro, a six
horse power gasoline engine, in good
running order, is offered for sale at
House of Refuge, Urinton, For par -
dealers and price apply to
r , v ,
I'llfIlllf.rr,te<ll ten ti9Cllool
1 palm re -commencing my private
Kindergarten on' Sept. 1st, in the
little school, Team 9 dem. to 11.30,
and would ilitte e limited number
of pupils between the ages of 4
.and, 7 years. Terms 131.00 a month
in advance.
Sale Farm for Sa le
135 aeras, Lot 36, Con. 8, Hullett
A first-class farm, well watered,
gond buildings, Well fenced, 6
acres of young orchard. Also his
100 -cera farm an the (Base Line,
11-2 mules (worth of Clinton.
Apply to
Farm for Sale
The • Executors of the Southcombe
Estate offers for sale 50 acres, east
half of lot 28, con. 0, Hullett. A first
class farm, well watered and improved
and with pond buildings. A good or-
chard and 7 acres of hush. Apply to
R. J. Southcombe on the; premises, or
Drs. Geo. tt 11 i. E. Whitley
Heiiemaun •
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
• Disorder®
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-Rattenbury Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
We're naw selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.). •
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn'
Highest Market Prices' paid for Hay
and all Grains.
Conneyance, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Huron$St., Clinton,
Notary Public, Convdlancer,
Financial and Real. Estate.
INSURANOE:ACIENT-Representleg 14 Piro in
•surance Companies..
Division Court 10i ice.
Physician. .Surgeon, Etc •
eneoisn attention elven to diseases el the
Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose,
Eyes dully amines', and suitable -glasses
°Mee and Residence. "
Two doers west or the Ceatnterclal Date
iluron Bt.
DRS, Gt0511 arid (Aitlli ID
Dr. W. Gunn, L. n, 0, P,. L. n. e. d.. Edlir
Dry d. C. Candler. B.A. II.11.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Sight oalh at residence. Retteabarr St.
or at bo,sltal
"7" --
cconrheur, etc;, oll7ce and residence on
tenbury St„ onoosite W. P'aren't residence,
Crown and Bridge Worst a Specialty.
Graduate of Chicago. and R,O,D.S
Bayfield en Mondays, May 1st to D
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special care taken to make dental *tett.
ment as painless as possible.
Live stock and general Auction ser
8atmstina sales -a special's), Oedete of. at
NEW ERA race, Clinton, prom, sty attended
to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale note
G. D. McTaggart M, D. MoTaggar
McTaggart Bros.
General Banking Business
Deafte issued. Interest allowed n
The illeKiltop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Perm and Isolated Town Props
erty Only Insured. j
J. B, McLean, President, Seaforth,
.1 Connolly, Viee-fres., Godee'leh,
T, E. Hays, Sec, -.Tress., Seafonith-,
Jas. Connelly, 'Hcimesville; John
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; D.
F. McGregor, Seaforth ; J. Evans,
Beechwood, J G. Grieve,'Wiatbrop
J Benneweis, Brodhagen ; M. Ma,
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses in his own district.
Rabt Smith, Harlock ; Ed. Hinck
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg-
mondville; e, W. 'keo, Holmeevillel,
Payments may bre ,made at The
Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or.
R. H. Cutt, Goderieh.
Grand Trunkitailw,uy System
Railway wt y Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce,
North Passenger
London, depart 8,30 a m 4.40 p m
Centralia 9.33 5.45
Exeter 9.44 5.54
Hensall 9.55 5.05
Kippen 10.01 6,11
Brucefleld 19.09 0.19
Clinton11.00 6.35
Londesboro 11.18 6.52
Bel rave 11.27 7.00
g 11.40 7.13
Wingham, arrive11.54 7.35
Wingham, depart.. 6.35 a in 3,30 p
Belgrave 6.50 3.44
Blyth 7.04 3.56
Londesboro 7.13 4,04
Clinton8,10 4.23
Brucefleld 8,27 4.30
Kippen 8.35 4.47
Hensall, 8.41 4.52
Exeter 8.5r4 5.05
London, arrive 1904
0,00 5.15
Buffalo and tloderich6.10
Wes' Pessengee
aro pm pm per,'
Stratford, ....,..10.00 12.30 5,25 10.25
Mitchell 10.22 12.55 5.55 10.49
Seaforth 10,45 1.20 6.18 11.11
Clinton 11.07 1.35 6.40 11,2$
Holmessrlle 11.18 1.43 6,46 I1.88
Goderich 11.35 2.00 7.05 11.55
East Passenger
am pin pm
7,05 2.35 4.50
Holmesvidle 7,22 2.52 5,06
Clinton 7.32 3 03 5.15
7.51 3.21 5,32
Mitchell 8.16 3,44 555
Stratford 8 40 4'15 8.20
Gods ^icb
'Cook's3 Cotten Root Compound:
-as JTle grseatore Mn
Regulator onwhich women
depend.. Sold in throe dogrees
of strength -No. 1, 01 5/10,„.0. 2,
10 degrees stronger 33; No. 3.
for s
pee al cases, 6 for so
pp ,�
1 x.
Sold U 1,
v a1 receipt, , or soot
b °
prepaid on t. dps' ea price.'
Free pamphlet. Address, j'NI1
COOKEteeliNIC0.,T000,NTO 0NT, (forntsrtyWondcor)..,