HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-17, Page 1i:. Established 1865, Vol. 49, No. 12 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 17 '(,1914 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher See How The New Era Want Ads Can Serve You in Filling the Needs of To=day in Business or the Home 11 MMM/NMMAMMAAMMM 0A0ANVVVVVVdVWV VVWVWd • ow is the Time You will be busy printing pictures you have been taking during the holidays. We have a complete stock of Developing Powders and Photographic Papers in stock, also just received ,n, nice stock of Albums, 25c to $2,50 Remember the place The Kodak Store The Rexail Store IX.T. S. ',.'FSO LIiLE;ij Phm.B, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VVVV4iWWVVVVV10W0V1IVyVVVVV MAIVVVWVVVVVVVVVWANYV ' AMAAAMAAAMAAAAAA NNeee fine loyal Bar* OF CANADA Capital Authorized .... $25,000,000` Capital paid up .,. 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13;500,000 Total Assets ......... ......... 180,000,000 3`70 $ReNCHLS With World-wide Connections l Interest Allowed on Deposits' enera1 Banking Business Transacted. R• E. MANNING, 'Manor Clinton Branch The Molsons Bank Incorporated 185'5 Capital and Reserve $8,800.000 91 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL BANKIru BLT SINESKTRANSACTED.. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAVELLERH Ci HEWS }ISSUED BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS. DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest current rate. C E. DOWDING. Mana2'er Clinton Branch. 1,4419904)*•ONe♦' ••♦04.•♦•••O0 0000,41.04••♦e♦••O•®••'••♦♦♦• Ordered Clothing e What t e I Y Read -to-Wear Clothing w ♦ Let •us Help You Decide What Color? i ♦ Fall This hat Cloth ? What Style ? You will find it so easy and satisfactory to make your discussion from our elegant new,. fall styles. Your New Suit or Overcoat will surely come from here ;if you see these elegant garments and try them on. O 4 a t O 4 4 + i • e eZ i ♦ e e at Clinton on Sept. 30th„ 1CO' Years of Peace 'The Chicago Ex'apnines is one of the chtein of ;Hearst( si.eev'spapers,, which are not paitacularay friendly fo IGreai( Britain,' All the moils acceptable is .the follotwin,g ulttter-. ta'nce, inn which It ;setts forttih the kinship, of tall Angle -Saxon people i "When pa Am'erieant reads the de- peripttioni el the lor:lgr line od need. - ern and rcn'agni£iclenit itortiresset built and maintained, at enormous cent lamed 'strewn 'on tither side 'the entefirre linile of the border lne- ttw'eenc the republic of iFraneei and the empire of Germany-ttw'o civ- ilized, Christian, and neighboring. countries -he tunas w'iifh. more then , ordinary ealtisfae't ori. to the con- ttemplation of chis own. country. There are on the ,jos tdi stretches 3800 miles of border( that separ'a'te 'the reiltecl;St(a'tes from Canada and 'th'e Americlani possessions of Great Britain, And not a freeness or a cannon, or a troop of, eel diem gi wrdst that bordep on either side. Not la ba(t•t(le;ship orea war vessel an either shore ,o•d the ,,Gr atf Lakes excepts such vessels, at are 'needed for commerce or 'fon' police' patron. And foro hundred years ,not a shot ergs been fired; across 'that border Sage in salute or (ce'lebra- tiom, What a wonderful tribute;'to the spirit land un(pty of (the Eng- list speaking race! May it cont ttin;ue to the end of.(tLme-tau tangible and invisible line that unites ;rather than. divides. the Iwo great American 'bianfehes of the English-speaking people of the 'world." Ecanomically, as well as far sentiment,. Canada' and the United States are Much thrown together, tri the present crises. Friosn Pen- tn,sylvalrlia we get ;our coal. and front the American west Great Brzt GAD, via Canada, mewl freed( to sup- plement hes supply of Wheat. And irslo,Eurotpeart nation can prevent the flow off.' these things across our southern, border.. Systematic Gioia. Moderatorand Dr, Grant Will Visit Various Presbyteries. Att'tihd request of the commits, res csn Isystemlaltie ,gi.wing 'for,' the synods of Monttee(all and (Ottawa, Taranto and, Kingston, Hamilton amid Lo'nd'on, arrangements have been made coat Dr, W. T,,'Fleratidge moderator of the general assembly land( Dr. A. S. ,Granit, ahairttnan' of the board of finance, to visit the Presbyteries with their (bo'unds, Anter 't(heir visits tce 'thee tdiffeaeintt Presbyteries. wherethey will' Ideal with the church rats ti wlho'le,s !a vigorous( budget ealmpaign. lett be, carried an •tlurongh;all the, congree g,altiom:s. This will be undertaken by the Pre'sbyt{ery, coir, nittees sin. co-operation With the secret!arhes of the church and represenittttives of the Llaypuents, Mis'sionaayl Move- anent Dr;, 'Herrrdgo lan& Dr.iGrant.' are to begin their itinerary at'Que- bee this, ;week and" will work west- ward, Their addresses will be de livered' to the guroltn Presbytery O S, Specia1s s • • ♦ ♦ r •4 e O • •• • • • • •-. O e Themore oreyouapl►re6. ,, ♦ crate distinction in style and exactness of tailor- 0 • • ing, the more yon wffl like' these unequalled Coats and Suits. 2;. • 0 • C® •z � l�lil Clothing � . h� 1�1 ♦ A' Square Deal for EveryMan q 0•••0l••••*ON•NOOO.•iIrNOlINON'NO' 0 FEW SPECIALS THAT wB HAV -E TO OFFER THIS WEEK; Red Peppers, Green Peppers Pieklim,g "Onions Celery Clover Hanley Mutsle Melons Peaches( I T� NEi THE HUB' GROCER ' Phone 48 Efficiency First Last and all the time is the chief fea Lure efithe ceurees of instruction in the ELLIOTT Y•ong° .and iCherles Stso' Toronto 'Yes, our graduates euceeed, They have that habit Write for Catalogue =Give Thein a Tria}` lever -inch Siege Howitzer used by Germans *4' ' ' *' 'i'N. w: TThas huge gun. pa the type used aft the siege of, Liege. It its 9hiauledl across country by a no ter tractoa, and( has to be mounted on "calterpillar" ,Wheels iNo keep 11 llaom' eilnl ing inn;ot the earth ,too, 'Far:. It has a teerffie `recoils pact ,cef which it absorbed (by the sit3eai support$ Inalthe) Oar, and pa tet by the pneuliniaitic cylinders 'shower in the picture, - A HOWITZER WOEYA HIGli mum.' Mat MOUNTED 011 CATERPILLAR" letEii ir War Summary ire lit to/ n .Thursday The Turks\ eOneen•trare against Bulgalria. (Twelve •British entgtn err game (iced their lives to blow up; the bridge aer)ss the Aisne river. •Commelaindam(B Meuse, who wreck ed Louvain will be trued by count miartial, by 'the :Belgian's. ' Allies are holding 4f.irue all a1l:elg the line. .Germany intervened on July 31 tot prevent peaee with Russia and Ausltriia. Liege is reported eiacuated by Germans. Redmond, the Irish leader, has appealed for more recruits. The Jape occupy Kiao-Chau sta- tion which is oppes.t;e the Ger- main. 'fortified port of Tsin;g-Tau. Wednesday • A repoat states that. Maubeuge is relieved( rano! 12,000 captured. Brig. -General Finlay of the ,first British' R. tartiller division of Brl _ Royal. Y S alaskille in, action. Belgian army .safe in Antwerp forms. The retreating Germ'an's are hold- ing 'together pend( Von Kluck makes eland Noath of Aisne Weer.er . Rarrar his( caught( V to Ar st ran s in ta,,trapt between Vistula and the Sian. Tine Times, in,,in editorial ar- ticle, advocates• the obliteration' of works eel*Le the I rn ) t� the � ) 11 sacking and bur'mn(a of Louvain, d 'from San I- � 'eCer1eL A. (despatch rC Ceio s anni, Albania, says the Mon- tenegrin troops have joined the Ser ' viennd(fdglrLang ander Set�vrau Genertals headed by General Vuk- dtich have repulsed the Austri,- a'n frontt(er. • 1 tthoBosnt .atnts all a ong i•• 1•Ca eT own• tc, l s )at..h ro Ace I P 1 r4 Renter's Tetlegnam Company says thlalt the Fourth South' Africa mount etli Rifles cosnnunnlcled by Colonel Daetsoln' 4fter two night (nts.rches surprised the,Gere_rate 0100 w hist. liladeeccupied a drift pity miles froml'-,Sitel=nkopf in the Nlalm'aquland After nrslearp skirmish the Ger., Mans wee° compelled to 'surrender Unclaear the elate o,f'S'ep)tiember 12 the War Office/ has given put an official statement relating to the Isiltuelttont rtTsing-Tau,, in'twhich is declared, ithatJapannelse cavalry captured/. Chir -Mol tlentuileps uotsiitle of Ithtet Kite -Chau( zone. No signs of the einspn Y `were discovered' north eine River 'Puh alA3e1 pestof the ein ma yoccasionally 'are sig ht ed A -despatch dTosn1Paris rvast The alllggiamo its atetharl(tly errs :the state anoint t(ha'bthe. Rusej.an Go,ve(rin- anlelnit hes 'decided in cannel all Gersnlan patentis within thelEmpia'e. The Jla'penes'e Goverment ordered The Herald e'German' comitrblled ;newspaper coutrolledi et Yokohama end The Deutsche ,Japan Poet a Gemmlanr news agency; to ceases; pub ahcaftio�i.< Atsre'ciatl; despatch) received 'from Rome :(pays The Tribunals tcnPtso- gnat(' corrfespaxdenit dlelclaryes itis repeated( il'"the Russian clapitel tient( .tlhe 'Auetiilns have Lost Q5 pee cent oiftheir Rata.. ,effective a'vlaiaable (troops imtculdt,nlg (250,000 mewl taken( us rprieoners by thelkies seams and FSer sees, The, despatch that Austria ie;withdrawvng• her (tforces ltoprotleet Viennlaf and, Bud iapelslt. Calcul!altio•ns based on the official returns issued ,choke tthet (the cost to;Grelat Britain of the 43;days of 'ibr counting from Augu's't, 1,\vhen the disibursemeiets heglau;has been lbon't 0105,500,000 or at' a ;rate of 03,870,000 pelt d(a)y. Tuesday Enemy driven across tire Aisne and retreating all along the Inci, Briltratin, aids Italy to 'm'obilize neer fleet. Strath'eom,a Horse and Royal Cen- adiian(, Dragoons(' is ,to be ,'added( do 'fnrts't expeditionary force from, Canada besides. twat squadrons; at Vaacar!tier. 25,050 .Top ltaaops land on Shan - Tung peninsula: The eoxreeponidenit tlothe Lon- ' don, on'.don, Clwonicle'stalteat that, the 'Ger- mans 'a are (trying tot fight their Continued on Page 6 asaaa0000aa00a1aOaap0a000o Local News eossoseeessissaSseee•••s.I LOST BY 8 (SHOTS.. .Four rinks of 'bowlers 'were in Mittc.helL on 'Tuesdlaly, and 'lost by eight shote. ' r 1 , ! I PATRIOTIC ENTERTAINMENT' SEE TEM BER, 24T11. L Thursday Sept, 24th is the date seledted for the first pattrioticen- tertainlme.rt in the town hall tan end we understand`, others will rfcillow during 'the coming months BANNERS STOLEN. ( , t On Sundlaty 'evening the banners decorating two verandahs in St.. Johnis( Wa'rdt were 'stolen an. as (the parties Were seen and. the job and' their nasnfee rare klnbis,n, they had beater( return (theae lane avoid a public rexamplel beung enadei at their expense.. WE EXPECT ANOTHER INDUSTRY TO START HERE, The Nene Elia expects that a all will be amlade Ito' Mr. J. Andrews td open up :his (cider anti'll, lad Olie< apple crop is heavy, land .praetic- elly no (market '1 or them, Cider and apple butter evould make a good billea-dare during the whiter BURIED HERE, ;Ward alas received here Thurs- day lalstt•of the death of Mrs. Hugh Moore, which took place at her homle in Detroitt, Mich'i The body \vats brought here lFricIey evening. and the Timmer' was'•heid from 'the ;cone o'f Mrs, /S. Crich, Huron S't., an (Saturday' auhternacen. Mrs. Meoreis Maiden name' was Maria M Davis'endendwas a sister o Mrs. rs CrichrnnrI Mr. 'George Davie. SEE THE ELECTRIC;^•RANG'1f. The Public Utilities Coimanission ra have an electric e a their' I n g office, which is tett., wired for dem- onstrationur p oses. , There is also el (Metter (attached to'Oho'v how much it casts to Ido your baking. Several cakes have been baked in it. tBetten aaai and have a look, amtyway. I \7ETPO1tOLOGICAL REPORT FOR AUGUST,. 1914 7. he highest maximum temperature was 91 on the 9th, 'The lowest was 400 on the 2510. The highest range ware 380 on the 7th, and the lowest was 7 0 on 20 h, The means were, nviximnm 70,0'10, minimum 54 SO0and range 21,84°. The total rainfall was 4.9 Inches, the highest in August dur- ing the last eleven years. Pastures. good et end of month. Root crops growing well, Sorghum and cora wed crops, Thunder on 9th, 10th 17th 1810 and 201h. Z.111 syhea,t seeding on 318r. EMPLOYMENT' BUREAU. The recently organized employe anent bureau, 'sugg•estled by the Bolaxdr a: Trade is. Imeeftinrg (with fever and'already (several, ?men have eecuredt woe'k (through this pnedium. Any mere on women who are wanting; work .should not heli taitel to•,advise! tee Mayos{ or (Town clerk and 0. lislt will be kept 'at the clerks office. Fanners or orthers wlvo are needing help will find 'this esnploymen(t bureau' of 'great ad- \laaeltage. ;P:hotnel or,,write the clerk er Mayor. 'Thera is lno• d'ee incon- mnedti'o'n 'with it (and (these officials will be pleased' to serve both ear player and employee., COUCH-HISCOX WEDDING. (A pretty house wedding Was cel'ebeeted iln Lea dime on Tues- day, 'at the. home ,of 1VIr. andMos Geo»'t. 'Hiscox, when their young gest dda'ughtter, Elizabeth, ' was enlatrriled to (Mr. Fred. ,Couch elf Toromltofe The' bride wore (a bridal robe ' of ivory duchess , iiketynl with rase poi'nit 'llalce Said pearls, her tulle veil' (arranged in a Juliet dap, utnclf draped with', orange blies- 'same, land seed peaa•lse ger sister, Mrs. Charles E •Sceeattan, of Tor ren!to, Matteotti of honor, -was gown- ed in Mlailof;ne blue pussy willow tail' fete. Mrsa Iijs,osmill sang a solo, rand) the :'svecidlis}y nsaxohl was pl{alye.d by Miss Lusa.11e ;Conch, sister' of the bridegrooms, theecea'e- monry' bei0'gr performed by t Rev. Canon 'Tuckleii 'Folfbtwing this, breakfast was served., r 'p1111) 't'•he young ccouple• left for dtheirholn,ey moon,, 1The beicleis',ttrya'vellliug cos- tume being a 'bailomedi )suit; of navy blue, chic '(navy ti hale After a couple of 'weeks int (Muskoka, lily, Sand. Mrs. Conch wild; ;bake up (their eesidertee osis Roxton Road, To- rotnito. The( !harpy 'friends of tive bride and .groom i13 Pllnton offer homey congratt'ula'tieete, 114 EVAPORATOR OPENED. - t Mr, .A. (Case, proprieltor Of the Clinton Evaporator, ,h'as opened up the evaporator (Poe the (oolmdng session. 1 SEND IN COPY EARLY. Far the last threeew"eeko The New Era has 'beets) behind. isi,gett iwg Ito press a(t'the usual, hour, and for the reason that adveastiser4 and conrespawdents talre(seln'ding in their copy, latae. Try' rtatn'd gest copy telejarly, GOT At (,DUCK On T'uesdtay Messrs, N:(Fitzsimr amts, R. (M,arsleall, (Charlie and, .Hurry Twitchell opened the duck seaeotn by Charlie, Twitchell shoot- leg the (first .wild duck. As he only got one, hes ''fiends could not be( supplied; bud will probably gest ane 'before thee-se:aeon(is oven. PRESENTATION'OF, CUP. • Bast Thursday af'pernoon, the senior roam of (the tPublic School. Was 'declaimed (a Ishoa4tt !'time while Miss Loise Holmes Was tpeeseated with Pr, Daum Cup forClinton pupil takingg' the.'higestt marks at the, Enteanse Exams. Chairman Thote lColtlt'le Apo ,Pa•in,cipal Boucle spoke enoruiaging , weeds 'to the prizewinner a(nld'tihe Ipupills, Lo1"c:on Beale Mr. Frecl Wildon spent a few days in Toronto last week visiting his bro ther and taking in the Exhibition. League meets at the home of Sir, Arthur Stephenson next week. Not very many from the Road are taking in . •London Fair this week. Mr. George Layton has erected one of, the best driving sheds on the. Road It is fireproof, being built of cement and having a steel roof, - While the town people are complain ing of the unemployed the farmers are busy with their threshing, harvesting their beans, cutting corn, gathering the potatoes, apples and plowing, • No chance rtheod ma hell ha co ft 1 n to have a o day these days, Birth%t, Marriages tt Deaths MARRIA GES Roberton-Townsend,At the brides home Hall t i Wednesday Sept. st or 9th by Rev. 0 0, Keine ]Miss Mary S. Townsend to Mr. James W. Roberton of Huliett. DDA TILS Moore -In Detroit Mich., on Thurs- day, Sept. 10th, Maria Davis, wife of Hugh Moore. 6110000iutr'49848000C8 ele8111)8Q0 a WITH TER; CHURCIIFS. ., ® 0 000 eeeese'll+emetneeIDOM* ONTARIO ST: CHURCH. The pastors subjects of discourse on Sunday last were "The treasure and interests of heaven." and in the even ing, "The simple nature of religion." On Sunday next the pastor will preach in the morning and Rev. John Muir of Toronto: in the evening, The Yeuhg Women's League met on Monday evening at the Parsonage. They will give a banquet to the young men of the church on Sept. 28. Sunday, Sept. 27 will ;be observed as "Rally Day" for which a special pro gram is being prepared. WESLEY CHURCH. The Trustee Board has invited Rev. W. 13, Crossley to hold special meet ing in November sometime. The church financial reports are now being distributed.. The Junior League, Friday at 7 o'clock. The meeting will be in charge cf the Missionary,. Committee. Spec sal program. New members always welcome. - Rev. Dr. Rutledge will preach in the. morning and Rev. E. D. Silcox, editor. of the Canadian Oon re ationlist ill preach at night, Rev. E. G. Powell took as his morn ing subject "A man and 300" and at the evening •service . smoke on "the Aim of Life." Miss 13, Greene sang "A Dream of Paradise" at the evening G derich odus r�a Fair o tLFa September the 21st; 22nd; and 23rd., Great speed tests promised; Athletic sports, championship sprint, races for. the championship of the county. A large exhitit of Horses and Cattle: Fruit and Vegetables , Building filled' with Fine Arts, Ladies Work, Etc, l Track never in better shape. A good [holiday on Tuesday ,Or Wednesday, EDITORIAL • What about( the home guard? --0—� Pt is;wisdoen not to go out on torte many; lines in the Pat(tliot}ic fnnvd. Pn (;.miry there is strength. Guess "Britannia' rules the waves" yeit,ta'14 right, allright. Not. mach 'business 'doing though. Ad- miral ,Jellicoe `with possibly "grow nasty." Provincial Parliannenits arewake- ingup totheirduty ,inlrelaltion to, ing' up to their; d!utlyt iln'relaltiosrl Ira ad'iau people atnd, aiding the linea at.:. (the front, Pt is 'said a thorough, going cam- paign date bd prat Into effect :,In Huron Co. to get taftertael y violators.. of 'the Liquor License law and' a •wlarcry time' ss promised for the 'vie - nature �•M A crewel of (thorns is ,awaiting some fellow% who seit Nations afire in strife tend bi'S'teeness. The day - of reckoning will .assuredly come„ even if et seem,s long delayed some- times. Cutting the embargo from Wes< Indiat sugar•• is a move ,in(the (right direction. At these tire esthemono .polies should be asked tto share( up liberally wiltle the fellows who have - ?no (special "pull." ' Poets will have a chance to write a new version of "The Charge of Light Brigade," noe because "some, one had blundered" but om.accounte of cool headeddeteds o'f talon and bravery hoping to stem; the 'tide of battle, ,as'they sabrod the g'untnets:, while ;m(aruy a' man won'd'ered. —0--- . The New 'Bea, is glad to see R.u1,a12; County' taking a forensost place at tthe.Industrieaa Fair at; 'Toronto,. J'a'mes Snell ,& Son, the well kno•ivn Leicester sheep (mean ,of 'Hallett tare 'sleeping the County well in the public eye and have beelnfreceiving; congr.abelat(fons: over\ their success._ This is'acethinjg new, far the Snell'sc but itis of real value to this district_. _-n-- A,et. f v cars of apples are being•. shipped'aatvarious points hut' thou- earnds of barrels are on the twee in,. Baran County orcluards, with no buyers( in eight, It seems too had. • if they have to go to. waste, partic:u- lariy ae so ,each stress has been. laid, onl r' n m,provemenits, aannotilring may loom up but in the meantime. Harmers, wilt have ,to watch and wait. Nothing isgained 'by too much pu gn lacilty over the European war but tat thet same time this is British 'territory and the' swan who insults. the Nation's( flag should' be 'esnphat- tically told abo,ultt it. A few letters ire+ appearing' an print that would better berried, as some of (nhesn,are offensive, partisan and ,n'wmteroua ala te,meats totally, untrue, IZee,p. Copal is good laldvioe, The C.P.R. has a'nasty,job onhaud' inithe arrest of asyumber ou: Com - (lectors fax "fobbling" fares. Wise people would ,eltnroslt imagine that this olcl trick vas outiofdate but:, itlseems these (dozen, pasteboard punchers were Sattisfiedi to run the risk and consequently rt1Y landed dd rn the. (toils( The tempters ,are about as Lad laslthe thieves, in fact, it seems., to be to case of steal all round. "Should !amid (acquaintance be- forgot?"leaks' the little; Jap of his. big Russian, ally. as they bailee norw • fox ,a common. cause. By the meed., of (these ,weelikei' (times it would' not cause much surprise if ahalf 'dozens: more of the, Basters.Nations would take a handl in tb,e squabble. Sonne -1 time's la very ordinlarydog fight 'w'ill, end' up with the owners, of the canines, alrawiem what they clon'k knew - about Queen bury, rules. "Lanug'hireg's •c'atchi lg"' is aatl old stew, so fs fighting belt pouch, more: disastrous, "Ont to Auris" ansi i'On, to Ber-- lirn" (alrel the' watchwords of two . great aBmiesl in Europe today. No • anlaltlletr what the sacrifices are - seems to be (apparen4ly ` of very iftit(le( ,uoarnte Orme Th'ing is certain • such sllaughltelr; as the Russians', in- flicted n-flic ted ' on the Prussians cannot be • lung conitinuedi als piing' the dead up fn(thousap)dle in one battle aeilT '', soo!nr decimalte an armed host:end bring defeat even, if a no0,00ngnueg'e'd,. We h,ave,long hoped for ,Peace land .the settlement, bf international (bangles. by (rbiitration', hettitt would appear that situations. arise where. , war, savage and brutalas itis, ,ap- pears to be ,the only route whereby setthemten0 calm be arrived( at. It does tarot stagy" lnaauch for progress edioaiiiton or religion and an,akes difficult of Inuttlers(Qalnclling the fienclisdvn(gss that, eili4l Punks inthe humlaln ibr easlt Inc spite of the xefimr- ing tiefluencee that have beet at work foal (mlanty', a clay, 'Those who take, nap,. the rsavord oiltenc perish by the sword, hot what about the mil- lions (who innocently suffer?