HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-10, Page 7PGB t9 THE CLINTON '`'V�V (A t t u gess an Salt Mater 1s Lovely New Things and Plenty of Them That You Will Like to See and That we're ,Anxious to Show You' ! i COME -I N Below are just brief hints of Fashion's Favorite Fabrics, colors and combinations, Co become thoroughly conversant with the new season's offerings you must see them, as represented in our very comprehensive display which is, without doubt, larger and more varied than ever. For the Smart Autumn Suit Rich, Silky Broadcloths are very much favored. Gabardines are again popular. Cheviots, Worsted. Plaids and Checks are much in evidence, and of course our stock includes the always serviceable Tweed effects, in dark grey shades, an the plain materials, "nigger" brown, dark green and blue are largely shown, while the popularity of black remains unchanged, For the Stylish Cape Coat and other Wraps The materials are striking in both de= sign and weave. Fur fabrics in tiger and leopard skin effect. Handsomely figured Mohair Plushes. Soft woolly Zibelins and richly hued Plaids are the leaders, with plenty of plain colors that are always sure to be wanted, in Broadcloths, Cheviots, Serges, Chinchilles, etc. Other New Things to See Our handsome showing of Silks, Vel- vets, Plushes, Corduroys, and other pile fabrics, so much in demand this season, For the One=Piece Dress Light weight Silk and Wool and A11 Wool materials are here in abundance to be used plain or in combination with Plaid or Roman Stripes, giving an effect that is both novel and charming. "Nigger" brown, dark green, beet root, and all stades of blue, are the 'popular colorings For the Dressy Afternoon Clown There is a most fascinating display of plain and brocaded Crope-de-Uhenes, Charmeuse, Satin, Moire, and Plain Silks, Poplins, and many new ffects, in Crepe and crinkly weaves. Our Stock of Trimmings now Complete Makes it easy to choose those neces- sary little finishing touches that go so far towards the success of your costume. Plain and fur -trimmed Shadow Flouncing, Shadow Allovers, Jet and Pear! Garni- tures, Silky Tassels and other individual ornaments are here in lavish assortment September Delineator. For' helpful hints on home dressmak- ing. We sell Butteric_k Patterns, 1 VVVWVVWVVVYVVVVVYVVVVWVMAAMMAAMA NNMMAMAAM C , B, Steamer "Stateof Ohio" T L IN FOR CLEVELAND Leaves Port Stanley 12 midnight on odd dates in August, even dates in Sept, to Sept. 10th Arrive in Cleveland at 0.30 mut. Fare from Port Stanley one wav $2.25, Round Trip $4.00 Saturday Excursions on above dates $2,25 round trip Lake (tides Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3 p m Fare 25c VVVVVVVWVVVVVVVWVVVV VOIAMMMMMMMAMMMMM sosassmoome awn STOCK4EDUCING SALE Having bought out the Furniture and Undertaking bus:nese of Mr, Wesley Walker, and in order to reduce stock, for the next 60 days, we put on one of the largest sales of Furniture that was ever held in the County of Huron. This Stock must be Reduced, and Prices are not to. be considered. All Goods Bought During Sale will be Cash d D''r Fe R "Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Day Calls answered,at Residence. over; Store A nonan BOI'iOio See our Big Window and Display' Tables inside. The :Lots are all differently assorted, all big values including Hardware Tinware Graniteware Alluminumware Japannedware Galvanizedware Woodenware Glassware It pays to buy when these opportunities'are offered A good supply of. Brantford Roofing, Roofing Paint, Sherwin Williams Paints. Beaver Board, Nails, Gass. HARLAN;D BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES VINO" LOCALS. Britons, strike home I War! But a little word but of what immense evil portent, BULLETS BREEDERS WIN Among the awards for Leicester Sheep tat the National Exhibition„ Toronto, James• Snell :and Son w nthe following , prizes two shears and over, first and third, Ilan 'shearlang, second and fourth, rant lamb, first; ram best Iain,y;age, silver, medal; ewe,' two, shears' an,dun!der: three) first aril tiled; ewe ahearling, first and fourth eweltalmbs a,ourth; ;envie beat Tony age •; silver lmedal, first pen,;one lamb) and three ewe lambs second; pen„rone realm, two eaves, ' one year old larucl under three and two .ewe iambs, first; pen, Cankr- dian bred,: second, GOOD ADVICE TO LAWYERS, Alt Oegoodei nein on Tuesday last at the ',opening of court before Hodgins J. A. he said; "Before.cram anenoin(g the business of the count 'after'vacation ittmay snout be ( out o.f,place to poirni butte the , profession throughout the Province that their weighty influence should betconititn'uously,• exerted) in. the direction of discouraging any traction onttJhe part of their clients 1 difficulties of the present. satua- ftaant, The Finance (Minister has pointed out 'the supreme patriotic duty of the( hour • ass being confi- dence in•our, country and ;in one; another. 'One of, the Ways off dis- playing andencouragnig !that.con fidience isiforthe legal profession sot to deal witlh%heir txa(nlsaetiot placed in their hands that. the courts evill'be(appliedi to only en exeeptional. cases and as.a lasts re- sort, fiviiii11111111.1110iiiriilliiiiiilir(I111!41 <� •. °'' lilt. Ours we would have you be That's why ,our ,'aids„ 1 So frequently, you teee. The Goods we Bake - We Bake ;tor ;YOU, And take the greatest care. Thay in Quality and •: Cleanliness Th'eyi eluall be beyond cpmpare. ,losagiy Pone 202 NEW lot& The range with pure white enamelled steel reservoir stamped from one piece. The ar rhe reservoir is seamless and clean enough to use in' cooking, and preserving. See the McClary dealer. Sold, by Harland Brothers mionemanromm ••..i••..••..•ss..•'iso...••oc4..•..0000•.i•o•s••eo••, Local News •• i :.....,.... �.................. o... •.. •..,.. •......... NEW .SIGN. The Clintoe school of Commerce had anew sign( put out on Friday. last, Mr. Joseph Copp was the clec orator, • PRESBYTERY MET HERE. The Presbytery held' a short ses- aion• here last Thursday evening at the indnclhion of Rev. Mr. Harper, There was a fair attendanceof min asters, GET IREADY,FOR HOCKEY Many places are re -organizing for the coming hockey season; We hops Otintoni will soon awake up and ige:t in dine. We have an A. 1. rink and should, get a ,g,orad team together. AFTER THE BUSINESS. The Jackson; Manufacturing Co., had two (advertisemenits in the Tor qnito ;Globe land Mail and Empire lash Friday. announcing their new spring goods land they would be shown, tat the. Prince George Hotel by Mr, Thoa. Jackson end Mr. Ken. Chawen,this week, We Trope their efforts brought- forth new anti good' business, The firm fstthe liarg es't exclusivt5 boys clothing arane- ilaeturerp i'n Canada. Mark that clown 404,\Oliniton, GO AT • DISCOUNT, ' ', 1 Only 08_cenits ecru be got ie 101110 of the barnks,Zo1'an Ameriean dell rr bill, This cliscountia(gi of ' United Slta4es money is clues to the fact that .an American dollar bill is good here only if at ean,lbe sent across .and ,a•dollar's worth of gold given in exchange, United States bank- ers hove ver 'are' not parting with gold at the present time and thus there ie;heavy( "discaunil• Nobody in Canada wants United States ex- change if, he caninole, geld gold for ft. MAY NOW SEND MONEY TO ENGLAND Postmaster James Scott, of the C1' niton nos office has been t 1 �( I in- formed bylthe Deputy Poatnyaster Genenall that money orders may now be (purchased for use inEng- land. Sevea'al regulations' accomp- anied theech'ices, as follows, No person' ander aaircumrstlances is allowed to purchase money orders Sia or.te day exceedingg .14100, In the con version of Canadian amounts in to sterling money, the.present table is Itof be used'. Ad &iti,otnlal, commis- sion of 4c'for each potted or fraction thereof niuist bepaid by the remit- ter land brought te account with the usual coanmisilen: collected. As.lthe re,asan for cluarginlgg: this ad ditidnivl "fee as,):'omeet! the prese{n,t rate of s,tlerling exchange a't is sub feat to change fr•oamtimc to time a,sIthe rates of exchange vary, KEEP REGIMENTS,, FULL Orders have been,isenecl by Col. W. IE. Hodgins of Lonllon to the commanding , officersof, all corps in the first! 'division t`o bend their efforts. 410 aecruli't}irn,g to full peace strength without 'delay. No, fur- ther recruits for a,verseuas: service will belsenit to Va'lcartier for a time iarstthaft camp, isrnow crowded to its; ulthnoel eapaeitys a•ndtluere is nolalceemanodation until the first contingent .goers overseas, As a result 'thepnla!uy volunteers for ac- tive' service who (appear daily be. fore officers( of (the difereuttl corps (and alttailitia headqueters' are be- ing told' to uaark time usrlta second call comes. This is to, be expected altlany time amid the drilling of the ' men 4a1t,home 'for the present( is to be conducted to the best !advantage possible. Look at The Label No matter whether you are ,sure you .are ,raid ahead or not, the Mailing List of The New 17r ra Wes corrected up to Saturday, (, August 15, and the date a(aiust th your name is e date to•°which your sr bscriptien'is recorded as being paid on our books. We are human: and make errors, and;if any subscriber considers we•have his date incorrectly, will he t please 'write at once and get it straightened out. If you find your date does not read to, some date in edvaner, this note is especially directed to YOU, The subscription price of The New Era is $1;011 There are some who are owing us for several years. and 'have taken no notice' os our appeals and unless part' is.paid ;;before ; September 21s1,' those accounts will be 'tended infer collection at, $1,50 h year fest ettd of $1.00; IF yoat settle', now 'd'l will take $1.00 a ve.ar, butafter Sept gl,;itpvil''/ be 111.50 and collector's fe ,s. '.0 a To the Uniterl�9tab.. tes sucr,hwrs it is 31;.50 sjfeictiy; in advance 4 CLINTON MARKETS. Hogs 29i25. Butter` 23e and 24c Eggs 22c to 23e. Wheat $1.00 to 1:08. Oats 45c to 48, Peas $1.10. Barley 55e and 60e, Buckwheat 60c. Shorts $28, Bran $26 LOST( BOTH 'GAMES. Thc( Baseball boys io51 i,Sobh. games at Lateran( on Labor Day. The Irnonnirjg• game was 8-7 and'tlle. afternoon 10-5. SOLD BUSINESS IN GUELPH. The New Era. und•erstoo,d that Hoover Sr. Walker have disposed,of their business in Guelph. If re- port) is true, wewouldln.'t mind see- ing bdth,back tin.Clinitlon again. STATION THIE17 SENTENCED. George Crye, a Landon youth was given not less than three months and notlniore than two years at the Guelph prison. farm ifor breaking into the,,GrandleTrunk Railroad sta- tions 'a't C1inJUan, recently and steal- ing some money. He was serpent ed ''alt Landon iS SHOWING IN,TH1i _ EASTERN STATES, t Mr, lEphrialm! 'Sne1.1 .10.s a number of, prize Leicester Sheep lin ((fee Eastern, States and is slrawingthepn eit;tlre various fairs. At the Syra- cuse' State :Pair tlhey(took first in every event entered ' and (against 5 connpetitoa•s, He will no doubt clelaln, uptdryfthe prize list •.at the various fairs and swill shote the "Ylanrkees" how Reran stands in ,the raising of prize sheep. AN HONOR TO HULLETT AND HURON COUNTY, Amer unusual, honor has came tc James Snell & Son, the well-known sheep breeders of Bullet township ,at Toronto Fair this year. 1t istan understood fact that any prize win mei` taking the fist prize( Dor Paoth male and female in any class. has never beeable l o repeat the, sec- ond ;year, e tar, bust the ,Messrs. Snell have shown •the Exhibitors of Tor - Quito that 31 "certainly can be did" It shows'. what goo' bleeding and excellent care will do. SPECIAL IItIEETING OF THE (BOARD OF TRADE, At (the pail' of (the President there Itrlays a special aneetitg of the Board of Trade last (Friday evening in, (thea Council chamber. There 'wine ,a good latlienclansee of members ualnd (the 0residdut out- lined the big (meeting held Tor- onto an the Tuesdlay previous, Af- ter is discussion, a motion was made to have a canuni8Gee meet' the Towle ,Ooun,cill to nalakd prepare - Cone for the co'm,in(g winter %and as the .Council itueel'l!s ion ;Tuesday .night as likelyt Mier. announce- ments : will be made later. FORMER CLINTON BOY (MARRIED. A quite but paetty, wedding was solelmtnized last Wcdaacsda•y morn- ing lat 10.30 Ia.tn. in the English church tat Bothwell, by t(he,ev, Tully, (when Miss Mabel 'Wade second' eldest d'aughbe., of ,Mr..a'dd Mrs. Nate 'Wade, became the bride of 'Mr. (Glens Marital The bride entered the church, leaning on the corm •of her lather. She focflrecp charming an.ta, white sills crepe de (thane, (arid wore wt bridal veil caught with) orange, blosagma and. carried' a shower boquet of white roses. The bride and groom were urlaltleuided, 'and only • immediate relatives were ,present at the Cere- mony A"u beery served) Mr,dan.d,'Mnty rs Blae had lelit an (She neon, 1iafn Iforf Detroit ,and'o!ther points west. The bride's 'havelling .sudsy, was of navy blue serge, witth a black moire plush hat CM their re(t(urn they will reside in Bothwell. herooan(is, a'' son of J. E. (Blacken, V. S. d'ormer5y of Clinton, DOHE'RT'Y %PIANO EXHIBIT AT TORONTO. I One' of` the, +finies,r, exhibits, of Names, ktndr,Player-Piano Company IofClinton,,Ont., in the poultlhw,est corner of (the) MWIn'i3ftactlures Build in(g. The lovers of! music in this ' display are afrford,ed; a Lspecial privilege of seeing; leering and' enjoying the thigh( qutalimtPesi embod led in the Doherty Piano. They are also showing ;a handsome orches- tral' piano tor public use. Propri- etors of piclttur'e, shows sed ice; crelalm, panoral 'should be specially' imItmeatted, iart(lhis instrument and, 'the ,Dohertty Cloanplamly ext;eat(d, a cordial iin(viltation. Poo, di 'such and' 'the public generally tolake acb-1 v,anbage oflthe, opportunity ,to se' cure kv handlsolmd;11lxhibiltion piano. Mr. Wii3lalni .Doherty.,. the Presid-1 Snit (of the Co/manly,' is in. iatteaud-1 lancet ,'and. is eelcbrattan.gi • his 37tli,t year Ias,anexhibiltor. 0.1 T�V'lllie„'the coanplritnty'e, Baist!eth $0.1081 .Micniager isAn✓chal+ge ,,aaiusual and' is ,gaming his persontal attention to tall lentils `a : i .c ,( ,,, it Vii. 1. Lt Thursdle'y, Sep tember, 10tlh,<1914., R BRIT2 NNI'1 The patriotic spirit of the country demands the Flag of the Empire. We are ready to supply your requirements with hpto the 1Mlinute Patriotic Novelties.; C1ISIIION TOPS -Designs with crossed flags, "What we Have we Hold," "Britain Rules the Waves,' "The Empire for Ever," Price 30c PATRIOTIC STATIONERY -!n pads or in sheets, • with beautiful design of flag on corner, Pads 15e each, or 50 sheets for 250 SONGS AND MUSIC -"0 Canada,' "Sons of the Empire," "Soldiers of the King," "The Maple Leaf." 'Land of the M'apl'e," Etc. FL&GS--Jack or Ensign. Small enough to wear on your coat and large enough to decorate your wall 'or•maunt on a pole POST CAlt»S.-Pictures of King George, Dreadnaughts, Notional Mottoes, at 2 for Se and 5c each PENNANTS -Made of felt, assorted colors, with wording, "Let 'em Have it;" '"British Empire," good values at 15e BUTi'ONS-With red, white and blue ribbons attached, on which is printed Britain, France, Russia, price 5a The W. Do Fair eo. Often the ehapest--Byways the Best Bag a Kodak or BPOW& The pictures are easy to make. Always interesting, and grow in value year by year Any hey or girl can successfully accomplish every step in picture making, A carefully written book of instruction furnished with each camera. Brownie Cameras $I to $12 Kodaks $7 and up. Developing and printing done Promptly and Efficiently. TOE PENSL4R STORE IMMENNIUMMINNIIEL T. E_ IIOVEY Dispensing Chemist THE QUALITY DRUG STORE • f NATIONAL Portland Cement We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand of Portland Cement which has always given you suck com- plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements..,, You cannot make,a mistake in using the National. S. Jo ANDREWS, CLINTON,' : The eolrner Store � I "Lige and Let Live" Fab Strong Points in Retia, .Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in Coal. CALL AND BE CONVINCED OR Phone 53 FOR SALE' CHEAP, 1 second -haul FURNACE and 1 "Radiant Home" with oven. Thos. lawkins Plumbing and heating ileadaluart. rs dor the Best neliting and 'I able Vinegar. Every housekeeper yvlto puts up her 'own pickles knpws the im- portance of Good Vinegar. Reim White Pickling. 'Vinegar is distilled from: cereals and be- ing free from vegetable matters; is: to Perfect Preservative It is ,absolutely pure and whole- same, of greait etr.en,gth and fine flavor. • , r . . ALSO HEADQUARTERS FOR: THE BEST PICKING SPICES Butter 'and Eggs 'Wanted! highest Markeib..i'rice . „, E. E. Hunniford PRONE 45. ........+++++...+4...........÷..„.........+44......._.14 Our, Women's 4. 4. $2.50 Shops- fr + 4. 4. + 4• 4. 1. 4. 4. 444 4. A woman can always find good shoes at $3 or .$3.5o, 'but she does not always find them at $2.50' Two -fifty Shoes are always plentiful enough to be sure -but real good shoes at Two -fifty is another matter entirely, Our $2.50 Shoes are made from choice quality leather, in Vici, Douglas, Patent Calf and Tan Calf, These moderate priced shoes have all the good style features of higher priced shoes -well made and durable. Nearly evety shoe store in the country sells a$2,o shoes. Take a look at our $2,50 shoes, Madam, FRIBA J e SfeN THI HOME OF GOOD SHOES sit'fectV siwtDt:Fc.'N '1!rietic3: s 3 tri _ - .. : . t 4 N.