HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-10, Page 6•
Tlitaraday, $61A0ntpev :19011',
maaamm6mm16ll6mmlrmmmmlamlilf. m 6aamlmlmuu a96fm61
icor ■■ Wtl17111tltmtlllW�mlm 1111Wr11117tlj@MTllprftl@6111117irgNm111reWIIrIIIP!finew
■■circ•■rr■■ansate■ ea•a■•me•tometemur■•aaur
niurponilmlm6�uHbwuliumulticldlmmmumqu�6m>mol6tuammmum.emmwywlwmumunumu� ro �M+e���m�.Wlyuufumlumllcis161mks6mo,uumaolm6suluCmm;mmmymmmm;umrmr ■
Mothers! JustaWorou!
Daughters r
A woman's organism is a very delicate thing—it very easily, •
gets out of order—just like a delicate piece ,of machinery, it
requires more than ordinary care and attention. - ■
There are many signewhichpointtodisorder,suchsel.eadaches,unaccount-. r
able pains in various parts of the body, listlessness, nervousness, irritableness,. ' r
dizziness, faintness, backache, loss of appetite, depression, and many others. ��
• ■
Dr. tierce's Favorite Prescription .
has been the
means ofrestoring thousands ofsuffering women tonatural health
, ■
■ - and strength. For more than forty years it bus been successfully carrying on ■
IIIthis great work. Today it is known throughout the length and breadth of every ■
z land. Women everywhere look upon it as a helpful friend. Let it aid you. •
in liquid
tablet .form bY druggists,
ort trial l box mailed
You for SO eachfrom OrPismo s'Uisemar Buffalo,
"' ■
Buffal •
Dr.Plerce'sPleasant Pellets repo(ateStornach.Liverand Dowels
■ MRlm'!W®IINs3tlu1911mm9Gclimmli1mm1mtWm!mpa711mYum6mmumAy4ma910 mac m hilts Issnucsuo lontmmmnmrmmldmm6mJnslm'oain11mnM
o01 I•ImItllNrmlLtllmNUCmmmm9WIIm16mCNmmVE9a (seem c «ppm cIGNIGGAI LIalum9W7;mmm6ll'myWWIaolN6lWmlmClm4mllah.�i
A large' delegaattioln of T'emperansq
faosakers Wanted' otnithe town come-
cil' lia(slt'•ridsy evening and re-
quested tlua(t the law in regard, to
sellitng un?d'er the no liquor license
welt beenfoeced. The atlayar in:-
formed' mtheideputtatioii that the
council Would look an be. the Matter
and gee that' llhelavie was enforced
The tetmpeilatntce party promised to
give :adI!the aid in their power.
Alt the regular meeting{ of the
town cownlci1 ,provieibn wide made
to look after •t'heo eedy ones in
town this;etolmntvgl winter and also
to provide hoes, forthe 'wiles and
fiamiliesof�msoldiers who havve left
service. Thecouncil' propose to
join is with committees of various
societies and churches and have a
joint committee itoen(vestigate all
teases that come to their notice.
Mr, John McFarlane, and Mr. and
Mrs. Adarn Stewart attended the In-
•duetrial at Toronto last week,
Slr. Ed Glen is at the Industrial
;Exhibition at Toronto this weelc, ivir.
John Innes and wife also attended the
! Miss Edith Murray or London visit.
Reed at the home of Mr. John McCowan
•last week,
A. number of people from the line at-
tended the Missionary meeting in
Hensall on Tuesday.
Miss Daisy Copp of Clinton' visited,
at the home of Mr. Hugh Mctxregor at
the end of last week.
Miss Campbell, teacher of S. S. No,
10 Stanley, visited at her hone in /Jul-
iet en the holiday.
Mr. Woods of St. Helens visited at
the home of Mr. Thos. Campbell last
LUI1uC1n ROatfQ
people who travel the Louden
?`tee. ore thankful for the town Conn
cil li meting up the two electric
dtgbts at the bridge. It has been a
dark s,•ut for many years.
al Geo, Hanley is taking in the
Tote .o Exhibition this week.
M' + Tilly McCartney returned to
Det, nt after a visit in and around the
More wheat has been sown this° fall
in this neighborhood than for many
-years past,
Mr. Charles Holland gave an inter-
esting address at the League last Tues
•day night and they are glad to see him
back again.
League meets next Tuesday night at
the home of Mr, Frank Grant,
- Brussels
Lewis !Holler an olid resident of
Grey township, is from cancer
of the stomach. He was 78 years orf
age ,anid', is survived by sirs 'wife ants
grown up falmily. He died at the
home of his son-Matalw, James
Principal B. 45,, Scoot, of Brussels
Continuation. School,' was united in
marriage to Miss Dorothy Fern
'Hlanvmtan, of Collirvgwo,od. They
have sett lup housekeeping on'Turn-
berry 'sitree(t.
Wednesday of this week public
services' vvere; held in the churches
as day, of,' humiliation, and prayer
in connection with the present watr.
A'locall tennis tonrnament) is be-
ing he'1d, in which ta'score of girls
:and young men axe taking part
The; banks( (axe deducting two per
'cent 'discount on American money.
Brussels Continuation, Belden' op
t: hsa,week wthhvala
large a,
lance:tamdexre1lenh xosPestI•
(prl)Holmee' and, Mistds
rT'oronto Markets
Oaltiti,.e ; { 4 1 .9',00
Ltaambs i - 8.60
I Sheep{ 1 6,50
Cheeses 15 3-4c
Butter ' 25e to 27e
Eggs - 27e
Oasts '58e to 60c
Batley ▪ 70c
tPgtatoes per bag 1.25
Begins .. $1.75 do 1,85
thy have gone to the, (Pacific coast
foe 'aI visaht with relatives. •
Contractor Brown who fell with
the scaffold atlfhe see* (Presbyter
Church, is unipro ving and evill soon
bean right.
Dr. Thos. Holmes of Detroit, brother
of J. le Hanes, who has been spend-
ing a few weeks here, returned home
on Wednesday. Be was accompanied
by hie daughter, Estella. The Dr, is
in a very delicate state of beadth.
Mr. and Mrs: J. Howard, of Goderieb
are visiting at Miss Sarah Tebbutt's.
Mrs. D. Glidden spent the week end
in Mitchell,
The Episcopal Church people had a
corn roast on Mr. Forresters flats last
Friday evening. Quite a jolly time
was spent by those present.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all to attend the school picnic to he
held next Friday afternoon on Mr.
Forresters flats.
A. quite wedding was solemnized on
Mammy, Sept. 7th by Rev. A. J.
Thomas, M, A. B. D. at Dundee Oen•
tre Methodist parsonage, when Mr.
Frank Trickett, formerly of Londes
koro was united in t0
a Annie
Gertrude Vodden, daughter of Mr
Wm. A. Vodden of;Hullett.
The Londesbox'o branch of Women's
Institute will hold their regular
monthly meeting on Sept. 17 at half
past 2 p. m. A large attendance is re-
quested. Subject Economic problem
of• the country girl to be taken by Miss
S, Barri Solo by Mrs. E. Adams.
Mr and Mrs. Jos. McGuire and baby
of Watford spent a few days the guest
of her sister Mrs. W. Britten.
Mrs, Dan Sutherland is visiting her
daughter Mrs. S. B Kindy of Toronto.
Mr. W, McIntosh is improving.
Mr. Alex McDonald and Lester of
Stafford called on their uncle Mr. W.
2v Intosh on Sunday.
and Mrs, C. Adams and Tom
Aa ins were visitors at Blyth on Sat-
N ext public holiday • Will be
Thahnks'givinlg Day.
Lilts of rain.,
Labor Day holiday tivas not extra
heavy, foie the railways.
Got your coal in 'Meta'
Coming to Clinton
Wednesday, Sept: 23
of Toronto will be at the
Rattenbury House
a special Sample Stock of all
The Latest Styles in Hair uouds
FOR, LADIES There will be shown beautiful Braids, Switches, Trans-
formations; Pompadours, Waves, Fronts, Full Wigs, Etc., of the finest
quality hair and workmanship that cannot be excelled. Those who are
desirous of seeing something that will beautify their appearance should not
miss this opportunity of calling at the hotel during the visit
Tire You 'Bald ?
Come and have a
P� f4i►��c,,6jr rk (/ "The JDorenwend Sanitary
Patent Toupee."
which is the only structure of its kind. They are feather weight,
able, hygienic, and will makeyou appear 20 years younger.
av®9'n b men in all stations in lily D
y , over x5� ,goo in use
� r
103.105 Yonge Street; Toronto
250,000 (Russ inn treent This news
paper attributes L. i• lcitiiam'
presentee) ,aleMe, - „ .i coneelntra
ton of the 'ate 0,0 al. ,
The itwenjelb.L; eistu,?ity list just
issued by lthe eaerantatns i:otelains
1,1801 interims, Included in the list
are 187 dead and, ntearly.1,000 xvound
ed. ' 1
Theetotal casularliities thus far pub
fished is re
ate 2,273 dead ,
10,714 wounded and 3,240 miss-
There are arc preselnitl time' about
6,000 ' Crewman suspects and prison-
ers) wee Intl hies coneent(t'oett6on cemps
of Great Britain,
Gemmel Jofifre?s- plains; are being
Carried oiit Jared the allied troops
late forcing the G'ennamfs back i,n •
a North!, Best d'iredtiom,
!The{ German cruiser Gpebevi is
reported' to have been, released by
Thei Awstiralia,n, Dreadnought Aus
is -chasing, the German, erui-
ser Nurnberg in Hawaiian waters.
Ili is(reponted that the Germans
are sacking and burning T'ernionde
A 'British submarine pentet'6'ated
instal. harbor of Brean.erlva venin anal
caused a panic among Germans by
firing two torpedoes.
Two Russian) armies 'are 'marching
to ,invade Hungary 'while a (third
is foreing' back combined Austrian
and, 'German forces
The 'Germans .have destroyed the
Belgian, town of,.Din'andj, 15 ,mules
south of Namur, sifter shooting hun
deeds of the male inhabit...ante.
Ihla s
A despatch to the London Even-
ing 'News Mates that the ali,es
have been successful in !turning
back the enemy and the British
troopsi ,actnkihiltatled ' the Imperial
Guard( under the' comnnan(dt of the
Crowns Prinoet Frederick William,
`''The repulse of( the Getman at,-
-tack ;against the southern part? o8
Antwerp, at Oappelle au, Borst by
the Belgians was successful, the
Germans leavian(g thousands of
bodies on; (the field and retiring in
'disorder(' on 'Vilvorde, elk miles
noritheastl of Brussels. , They are
demoralized by the complete check
of the attempt against Antwerp
and by the loses inlfiicr;*d by,our
field artillery; The Beltant losses
are not entemercue."
A Petrogradt despaten qo The
Daily Mail, darted Sunday, says The
Beuese Gazette reports that a
squadrons of Death's ;Head Hussars,
of which +tied Crown, Prince was
com:mender during his stay at Dan-
zig wart defealteld and comp'leteliy
'cull up ,ntear, Hococzin, in ;Poland.
Count Stolberg, the( commander of
the sq;ttadron, avid all the other
officers were among the fallen
A Havas Agency despatch from
Zurich,. Switzerland, slays that the
newspapers( there aainoiince that
Germany has rejected Austria's re-
quest for a lolanl and that the bank-
ers have taken similar action,.
Advices frcen• Louvain State. that
priceless works of art were destrov
ed by •fthe Genm,a is there, namely ;
"The Descent From; the Cross,' The
Last Supper' +and( the 'fifteenth eerie
'tory; screen' entitled 'The Martyr-
dom of St. Erasmus, 'The. Last
Supper' was in three seetlio'ns, of
which the:twidtdle one was destroy-
R;ussiat, IFratnce and Great Britt -
Iain signed'an agreement that none
of them could' make peace without
the consent of tai three nations.
British C'oliumlbala .will sb,n,d 25.-
5:000 castes• of tinned, salmon as a
special giflt to the Empire, There
are. 48 (tins in each ease, and the
shipment is worth , !approximately
The Japanese naval commander
reports that two seaplanes, recon?.
'noi'tered' Tsin'g Ttau, in the, German
(territioryr of Kiao-Chau, yesterday,
land dropped bombs. on the wireless
barracks. One of the seaplanes re-
ceived fifteen phots in its planes
but. bo'thi returned stalely.
A despatch to The Express from
Stockholm says that' the name of
the Germta,n tEnnpetor has been
stricken from; the list; of aitominta-
tionls foe tore next Nobel peace
prize. '
A bombardment of the 'fortifica-
tions( in the Bay of Cattaro, Aus-
'hiial-Hiutng.ary, from the sea vas
begun by a barge Frenich flee t
which) passed northward.
Monday •
Germans lost 5,000 in Termonde
iflteen fishing: (betats spunk by the
Germans in (the -North Sea and tiie
British fi,ahermen were 'tlaken to
Wilhelm:shalven' as prisonlers of
Emperor William and ;general
attta;ftl'1 are with( the forces!attaeltyng
:the Boris {ally ;Neiney.
The British Admliralty has issued
the following notice; "Al's aids to
nlaNitgta(tionr oft it.he east' coast of
Enlglwlndd ;and'•Scottland, both by day
tamnldtlnight, may, be removecY at any
time, withoultikinly further, • warming
than. is :con(tailaed in this notice.'
1VLaniato'.bltt hast oftferedt.50,000 bags
of tile's!' to the 'Imperi(al Govenn-
, Tcmn
he Bllask Watch and Gireys stag
ger (the Gertmlalnsr in the fighting
Olt ISL Q'uenitlifn. ,
Sir; 'Cecil Sprung -Rice, the, British
Am'bl'assador to the 'nutted. States
received frot`ml the( British ,Foreigtn
Office( a statement that nine for-
eigni neutral merchant vessels had
been destroyed •by'Gexttntatnt mines
since( (the •bagiapniang of itthe ;war.
The despaltch read i "Follo'wing.
nielultnall merchant (vessels are
known by the: Admnmrla'lty to have
been destroyed by (Gentian, mines
in 'most eases with loss of llnlie a-
mong the crews ; Fivei. Danish, tw;o.
Dutch, nine 'Norwegia'n and one
Raeleita+ claims a great (victory
over Austria, 'Thousands of Aus-
streans are k deli anld ten, jthout-
sand ,taken prisoners.
According to information derived'
frojm, la Itrwslt(wo.rthy source seven
Ge-eniam sdesltroyers and tprtpedo
bolts have arrived at Kiel feu a
dlalmlagged, colndition, and it is under
sitolo'cll ?that, others( have hems sunk
in(the vicinity( of !the Kiel Canal,
Lady Sltrathcon'a has given ,$50,000
ttow(ards the )nainitenence of • (the
Mrs. KeIIy Advises. allWomen
to Take "Fruit -a -Tires"
Hnoaasvnr,r,n, Orea•, AUG. 26th. 1913.
"I Can highly recommend Fruit -a -
Lives" because they did Inc an awful
f good and I cannot t speak too
highly about, them. _About four years
ago, I commenced taking '+Fruit-a-
tiyes" for a general break -down and
they did me a world of goad. We
bought a good many dollar's worth,
but it was money well spent because
they did all that you claim for them.
Their action is so pleasant, compared
with other laxatives, that I found only
pleasure, aswell as health, in taking
them.. They seemed to me to be
particularly suited to woolen on
account of their mild and gentle action,
and I trust that some other women
may start taking "Fruit-a-tives" after
reading my tetter, and•if they do, I am
satisfied the results will be the same
as in my own case".
"Fruit-a-tives " are sold by all.
dealers at pc. a box, 6 for $2.5o, trial
size, 250, or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Strlaitthcoln(a Horse, raise(' by tier
father 'for the South African, War
who wilt be senit, it es staid', as e
unit with the Canadian expedition-
ary force.
Ln.addition Oto the' first expedi-
tion, Aualttrlaliii has arranged to
send Ito Britain. more; infantry and
light ,horse.
A French report, stbtese that the
German army is checked in' . dis-
trict of Verdrdn+.
A4desptatch tel the Pewter Tense
gram, Company from Rome says
that from private news which came
+serous the Austtlrialn froneiens it
appea.rs,thatlgreat discontent pre-
vails among, the Austlrian troops
of 'Slav nationality, a Several cases
of insubordination, it is said have
been suppressed; by the snooeing ox
those 'suspected of;dislopaiity but •
eantetinly in' some of the regiments
is feared.
Alist ,of Gweleve ships was placed
fCIT disposal before the first prize
court held tat London, England
since the Crimean war, The list
included four slteamships and eight
sailing vessels. Others will be dis
posed of tat later sessions of the
count, Most of 6o -day's' cases
were nundefelnded. The 'first case
called was:lthatpfl the Chile, which
is (a 2,000 ton, barque. The court is
presided over by Sir. Samuel Evans
President of•the Adminal'ty Div-
e n+
Germlany has lost c ver 100,000 ?nen
in ,vIarious battles.
The Bulgaria, Government ;will re
main; neutral,
Dtis reported theta big Russian
anmy landed in:Scotland and reship
ped *Ito serve in Belgium.
An additional; casualty last, of
the British losses leae been publish
ed (as• follows killed officers 66
rank( 82 j Wounded 78 ofdicers 312
rank, andss,'iill-g 86 pfdicers 4,672
The" surrender of Amiens to the
Gemm;ane cult off alt' communica-
tion between( lamas: and?slue sera by
way of Calais and 'Bolutlogt,ie.
The ;Russians •still outtnumber the
Austnains and have opened the
road 'to Berlin land Vienna.
Genualre army haat tremendous
losses tas.whole divisions of 4th.
corps is wiped out.
New Brunswick's gift to the aid
of itheEmpire is 100,000 bushels of
King George iain;d Queen Mary
visited the ;wounded; brought to
Bombardment of Malines, lasted
two hours..
rutltey blatsl Darcienellles to
American, cruiser, which went 'tin
;aid Americans 'sufderets.
The charge, of the British 9th.
Lancers isreportedl as a second
Balaklava asttheYrode forward and
silenced a,Genman battery.
The 'Emperor, of Russia: in a letter
says that'all the money( that Bel-
ggittm hlad!been made too pay ea
Gormkan' the 'latter country will
be forced tto+repray withipnitereat;na
East 'Prussia, ,t 9 •
Pure Blood lion Best Be
Obtained Through Dr.
Williams Pink Pills
If people would realize the im-
portance fo keeping ;the blood rich
and pure there :would be leas, sick-
ness. The blood is the means;
through which' thenourishment,
lglalned fromi liboal reaches'the dif-
ferent parts• of, thebotdy. If the
blood is imparrd, the ntourishment
tthaltt reaches` the ntervesy bone and
muscle is fttatnited with; poison land
disease follows. The( blood is ;also
the medium 'by which' the body
fights off disease. Lf the blood • is
thin (amlcl watery •this power of re-
sidltence to'disda'se is (weakened.
Dr. tW'illirams' Pink Pauls build up
the blood. They increase the abili-
ty tof tihe', bodyl"lto resist disease.
They !sltrenglheln • he' nerves,in-
crelaep the appetite, cure headache
backache and aniv. dtisease caused
by Ithilnt or impturet blood.
If yaw are suffering and your
blood' is ithi;n or eneputret there is
al large ,p•obabililty that your con-
dition, , is clamed by the condition
of your blood. You should sltudy,
Your onin( ease.. If you lack ambi-
tion!, laird slioa t' \ of breath eater
slight exercise,; late prale or 'sallow
have no appetite, are not refreshed
by sheep, if you have backacheor,
headache, rhennnattic panne or stom-
ach trouble,
tormachttronuble, the treatment with Dr.
'Willilams' Pink ''ails for Pala Peo,-
ple is woetlal inv,e.stigating. You
elan( get these Pius 'through, : nnn;y
medicine dealers r dialect by mail
aft t50 ;cetnits a box of Dix boxes for
1$2.50 from ,The Dr . Williams' Media
cine, Co.; BroekV1I1d Ont.
••••N•••••••••••••••••••••••MOO••••NN•••••••••••• •••11•N•••O•••••N••N••••1
Boots Shoes, Dry Goods, Clothing
(Gent's Furnishings
Ladies and Children's Neari
ng Apparel
0 •
Also a line of Millinery
This Stock is to be Cl oC•
.,ed out in Four Weeks•
FewSseia1sHere ra
• •
Next to McTaggart's Bank ••
j MON••.•••.••.•NN••M••N•••••.•••O.O•.NN.1M.••MMO•.•...s..sli•••••• SS0
Regardless of Cost.
To Let you See What Bargains
We Intend t� Give You.
Men's Working Shirts at 49c
1000 yards of Print to clear at 9c
2 dozen Ladies Shoes to clear at $1.55
1 dozen Men's Suits, tweeds and serges, $1.50
Cardinal Chiesa
Chosen as Pope
RxF:•i,..aat t.Nomarot
Rom.ey September 7 Cardinal
Gloco moDella Chiestre Archbishop
of Bologna, 'ands ?former assistana
Papal Secretary b£ State, was to-
day 'eledted, Pope, succeeding 'the
Datta 'Ponitif'f, Plus; X. The elect ton
Was on the neaten, ballot. With all
of Ithei ceremony prescribed by the
century -old traditions, of the Cath
oleo church, the niew occupant of
the Fishermiain's throne,. received
the first (adoration of the Cardio
toted since; Monday in the election.
The newt Ponitiff chase to` Ina
ldnneen as 'Bendiest XV., and, will
Calvet designate; the elate for his
coronation. ,
Held Post of Advises to the Holy
The new Pope was appoutntted sub
sltittute 'Secretary' of State in, 1001,
atn'd 50, 79V7 he was elecsted, to the
Poet ofAdriselr teethe Holy Office
Irl 1907 he wast appoin led Papal
Ntuncio alt101achect in succession to
Monsignor Itanlalld'ind, but this ap-
pointment wars cancelled three clrys
later. This incident had, 'oaourred
iustt before heuias mtadeArchbishop
of 13olcrtgla.
When, 1Vlonsagnor Delta? Chiesa
was approached tothis large and
important Set 111 was declared in
Rome that itt was mainly with the
object of combatting amoderilsm" re
lfgious ideas Bo'longa being the
helatdquarters of the National Dem
ciiatic League whose members ad vo
salted what is known as amateur-
ism, inireligioln., It will be remem
betel' that "modernism" was sweep
ingly condemned iniatn encyclical
bytthe•Dat,g Pope, Pius.'
Line?of new Pope.
Reekon'iro 'the Ronrlaia Po,n tiftf s, as
260 imirrambetr (there 'have been alto
Other 106:Popes who were 'Romen,s
102 otther,'dtivlian other than Roman ,
.ands 52 Transalpine or •(save from
Cicily or 'Satrdintua) 'Tranrmardnc.
Only one r nglishmanl Nicholas
Bnake'speare has ever reached the
chair of St., (Pettier.. He was elected
in 1154 arsAdv+aini IV. Nd Benedict
has' worm tthel Tripld Crownlsince
Pope Benedict XIV died in 1758.
The lisle oflthel 'fifteen Benedicts
who (have reached, the Papacy with
the, term of their occupancy is as
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
m session from Sept. 1st. /Catalogue
free. Enterany time.
J. W. Westervelt' J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
t. Principal. v`,.,-.1CbavereelAceuu'tant
Belnedlidt1., 62nd Pope, 5775-79.
Benedict 11., 8lsltt. (Pope, 684-85.
Benedict 1111., 104th Ftvpe 855-58
Benedict IV„ 117th Pope 900-033.
Benedict V., 133rd, Pope 964.
Benedict VI., 135th Pope 973-74.
Benedndt VII., 13611h, Pope. 974-83
Betnedidt VIII., 145th Pope 1012-24
Benedict tlt IX•> 147t1u Pope 1032-
Benedict X., 154th. Pope 1058-59,
Benedict XI„ 194th Pope, 17303-04.
Be'nedidt XII„ 197th Pope 11334-42
Banedidt XIII 203rd. Pope 1394 -
Front heart Trouble and
Nervous Prostration
Mrs, John Hewson, Caledonia, Ont.,
writes:—"I feel it my duty to let you
know of the great benefit your Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills did for me. I
suffered for four years with heart trouble
and nervous prostration. I was so bad
that I coP
go Id not upstairs without
sitting down at the top before I could
go to my room. I couldn't sleep nor
lie on ney left side, for it would seem as
though my beartwould ate?. Itelle, A
my time had come.- I was doe
with the doctor, but didn't get any ,
benefit. I was advised to take Milburn's 4
Heart and Nerve Pills, so I got two boxes, 4
and after I had taken one box I began
to feel better, and after I had taken 4
two I could go up and down stairs with- 4
out resting, so I took eight boxes, and 1
I am enjoying good health again. I I
consider it a Godsend to have your
pills in the house."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 4
50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $125 at
alt dealers or mailed direct on receipt
of price by The T. Milburn Co., Iamited,
Toronto. Ont,
Bened'idt XIV., 249th Pope 1740-58
Bened6dt•XV.,:260th Pope elected
9 t
9 t
9 See and here our finest so
9 New Stylish designs of
? Doherty Pianos , and I.
4 Organs, t
,special values in Art
9 Cases` 4
Pianos and organs rent i
9 ed, choice new Edison i'
4 phonographs, Music & 'E
3 variety goods. I.E
Music Emporium E
Ontario's Popular Exhibition
September rth to i th
p 9 1914
Magnificent Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily
New Fireworks every night.
The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and
The Canadian Royal Dragoons The Con, T. Kennedy Shows will fill the Midway,
Music by the Base available Bands
Reduced Railway Rates Commencing September 11th
Special Excursion Days, Sept, 15t1t, 16th, 17th.
All Tickets good till Sept. 21st.
W,' A. 11.11110, president A,111. HUNT, Secretary