HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-10, Page 5PAGE FIVE, 'a 3S CLINTON NEW ERA. ■ ■ 1 ,i woranmponnumemminumanImmeamodomannisamaimmummemmoommignummli am mrsow•usmsosslimars••mossisawasesituicasit••Nore WIII6Nq,WRBIPmH,IyIhBpGu■aWlw*Liu ml,o a4■IdY6'BtlUNYlluuisti ffitWIIIIIpIWIszne WtItaugmuuulXltllWL'Itl°WyttNUyig9°NWutOINIUVIWiIV■IWV'Nser i Wives! Mothers! Daughters! A Woman's organism is a very delicate thing -it very easily ✓ : gets out of order -just like a delicate piece ,of machinery, it ▪ requires more than ordinary care and Attention,• - There are many signs which pointtodisorder,suchasheadaches,unaccount- ■ able pains in various parts of the body, listlessness, nervousness, irritableness, ■ 3 dizziness, faintness, backache, loss of appetite, depression, and many others. 171 ▪ Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ' ■ ▪ ' has been the means of restoring thousands ofsuffering women tonatural health ▪ �... and strength. For more than forty years it has been successfully carrying on this great work. Today itis known throughout the length and breadth of every • land. Women everywhere look upon it asa helpful friend. Let it aid you. ✓ ' Sold in liquid or tablet form by druggists, or trial box mailed "`t you for SO cents from Dr Pierce's Dispensary, Buffalo, N.Y. Dr.Pierce'• Pleasant Pellets regulate Stomach. Liver and 1130W01111 • ImmommausoompummanagOmminproommunommanrramenummonmoINPINIIMINIIIMIZIMMI111111111311 ■•r■■■■■urr■r■■r■■■rrr■rru■•■uaurr■r■■s■■■r■■a■ micaaluaMaunir rsr05JNaaiaiamsMrmao, M=wmaamatl>aamPuusNUMMMrIUMw wrIP;MlumluaPduuMalusiuMmr JustaWordWithYou! .. DIS.TRICT NEWS floderlch A' lalrge''delegation of Temperance Markers everted °l (the town come llalsltFridlay evening !and re- quested that the law in regard to selling( under (thepioliquor License is +t be„enforced. The Mayor ins foavned the idepritatione that the council 'would look dm tee the imla*ter and see (that dhelad* was enfarced The tefmpeeanlce party promised to give;alll(the aid in their power. Attlee; regular in -meting( of the tawtn coastal provisim was made to look ,a6I er ,t'he speedy onus in town this oammitgl winter ,and also Wiles aind to o file homes, for the per familiesofe 'soldiers who havve lelt service. The council' propose to join in with committees, of Various societies and churches and have a joint committee °todts(vestigate all <cases that .conn to their notice, Stanley Mr. John McFarlane, and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart attended the In- dustrial at Toronto last week, Mr. Ed Glen is at the Industrial ,Exhihition at Toronto this week, Mr. John Innes and wife also attended the fair. , Miss Edith Murray of London visit- ed at the home of Mr. John 11IcOowan .last meek. A number of people frcrn the line at. tended the Missionary meeting in Hansell on Tuesday. Miss Daisy Copp of Clinton visited at the home of Mi. laugh McGregor at the end of last week, Miss Campbell, teacher of S. S. No. 110 Stanley, visited at her home in Hui- , let en the holiday. Mr. Woods of St. Helens visited at the home of Mr. Thos. Campbell last week, Loudon Road ueople who travel the London tate, .;re thankful for the town Ooun cif fes, pu•ting up the two electric lights tit the bridge. It has been a bark sl ut for many years, " - Geo. Hanley is taking in the •T1� .o Exhibition this week. pet + Tilly McCartney returned to �nt after a visit in and Aground the ll ore wheat has been sown thio fall inttbie neighborhood than formany years past. Mr. Charles Holland gave an inter. t eating address at the League last Tues day night and they are glad to see him back again. League meets next Tuesday night at the home of Mr, Frank Grant, ) Toronto Markets Hogs -.,. Cattle Lambs I Sheep Cheese( 15 3-4c Butter :...25e to 27c 7.3ggs 27c Wheat -.... .. 1,25 Oats 58c to 60c Bey 70c gtatoes per bag 1.25 i3 ins 51.75 do 1.85 • 510.00 9.00 8.60 6.50 thy ihaive,gene to tate Pacific coast for it visit with relatives. Cantraebor Brown who fell with the scaffold attire now ;Presbyter Chnrrelr, is dnnprovinlg and will so on befall right. llolu►esville Dr. Thus. Holmes of Detroit, brother of J. R Hr.hues, who has been spend- ing a few weeks here, returned home on Wednesday. He was accompanied by his daughter, Estella. The Dr, is in a very delicate state of health. Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard, of Goderich are visiting at Miss Sarah Tebbutt's. Mrs. D. Glidden spent the week end in Mitchell. The Episcopal Church people had a corn roast on Mr. Forresters flats last Friday evening. Quite a jolly time was spent by those present. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend the school picnic to he held next Friday atternoon on Mr. Forresters flats. Brussels Lewis .Holler rain old resident e k of 'Grey township, ds,ddad from cancer of the stomach, He vias 78 years off age and is survived by his wife and, grgtvsr up family. He died attire home of his soin'3 l4lalw, James Denlmore. Principal B,4St Scott, of Brussels Canitiniulation School,' was united in marriage to Miss Dorothy Fern Hammen, of Coilldragwood. They sett lup housekeeping on Tern - beery 'street. Wednesday of this week public services wase; held in the churches last, dray, of( humiliation, and prayer ia connection with'the present wee. A local tennis tournament is be- ing held in which tascore of girls and young men are taking parte The, banlcs('are dednctim',g two per cent discounts en 'Americana money. Brussels 'Co:nitin(uation, .Schlool op erred ,thet week avtlr;vai•arge eaten d'• roc tantee tanid excellent' ,' p p is ettI: 'Mrs. e(praeHoilmes land Miss Doro Londesboro A quite wedding was solemnized on Monday, Sept, 7th by Rev. A. J. Thomas. M. A. B. D. at Dundas Oen. tie Methodist parsonage, when 151, Frank Trickett,formerlyof Lon des horn was united in marriage to Annie Gertrude Vodden, daughter of Mr Wm. A. Vodden of.Hullett, The Londesboro branch of Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting on Sept. 17 at half past 2 p. re. A large attendance is re- quested. Subject Economic problem of the country girl to be taken by Miss S. Barr' Solo by Mrs, E. Adams. eonbtance Mr and Mrs. Jos. McGuire and baby of Watford spent a few days the guest of her sister Mrs. W. Britton. Mrs, Dan Sutherland is visiting her daughter Mrs. S. B "Cindy of Toronto. Mr, W. McIntosh is improving. Mr. Alex McDonald, and Lester of Stafford called on their uncle Mr, W. $• Intnsh on Sunday. and Mrs, O. Adams and Tom An refs were visitors at Slyth on Sat- urday, MINOR LOCALS. Next public holiday • (will be Tlalasnksgivinlg Day. Ldts of rate., Labor Day holiday was not extra heavy, f or the railways. Got your coal in Vete Corning to Clinton --ON- Wednesday, Sept: 23 PROF. DORENWEND of Toronto will be at the - Rattenbury House Alfspecial' Sample. Stock of all The Latest Styles in Hair Goods •••••••••AAAAA••A•A••AAAAA, :WAR SUMMARL • AAAAN - ' �AA�NANAAAi�AAA 250,000 dusftian' tranets, This news• paper attributes ft. ;r 1, il1iam' presented talc Me ti .0 ..I contaeletra tion of the (Rat is a r }rhe twee, ;'eIt t u sw:aiity List just issued bylthe 'tieru.ialns consPi'ins 1,1801 matures. In eluded in the list are 187 deadand ntear•1y-1,000 Wallin (.1 ed.- ub us tar �l earn alt fes thus e tots tP 'The fished iaggregalte 2,273 dead , and 10,714 'wounded and 3,243 aniiss- ing.:.- There are rarapresent' time about 6,000 German suspects and prison- ersl war int her con(centatetion cemps of Great: Britain. Tuesday Geneva Jofifre's plane are being gauried out end the allied troops ere forcing the Gerimnnls back . in ku ;North, Bast) direction. The German matinee Cloaca. is reporatedi to have been, released by Turkey. Thee Australian, Dreadnought Aus tr.alia, is • chasing the German, crud - ser laiur.nberg in ;Hewtaiiran waters. Lt ist-.reponted that.' the Germane rare sacking and burning Termonde A British subnnarine peneettrated rote, harbor of Bremr.erlliavene and Germans b caused a panic among y firing, itwo torpedoes. Two Russian armies are -march.intg to ,inv.ade' Hungary 'while a [third is forcing' back comihined Austrian and, German, forces The Germans have destroyed the Belgi,a:m town, of .Dinant, 15 ,miles south of Namur, after shootinghun deeds of the male iinhabittar(cs. A despatch to the London Even- ing News States that the el ie•s have been successful in, turningg bac), (the enemy a'nfd' :the British troops, ,an¢:lihilatbd ' the Imperinial Guards under (the comment]) of the Crown\ tPrinee'Frederick William. "The repulse of the Ge(rmran at- tack tagains;tt the southerei parts of Antwerp, at Cappelle au. Bois by the( Belgians was successful, the Germans leaving ithousands of bodies ons the field and retiring in •dtis:ordert oin 'Vilvorde, six Miles mortheastl of Brussels. , They are demoralized by 'the: complete check of the, attempt against Antwerp and by Ithe loses in'flictaea by, our field artillery. The Belian, losses game not ntunaercus." A Petrogoadt despaten eo The Daily Mail, dated Sunday, says The Bourse Gazette repeats that a squadron, of Death's Head Hussars, of which 'thd Cronin Prince was comunander during hie shay at Dan- zig was defealtecl and completely eel up near, Rococzine in Poland. Count Stolberg, the commander of Ithe sgtrtadran, amid! all the other n officers were ,amfo,n,g the fa1 to . A Havas Agency despatch from,, Zurich„ Switzerland, says that the newspapers( there announce that Genm,any has, rejected Austria's re- quest for a loan) and that the bank- ers have 'take', similar ac'jiloiu. Advices from Louvain State- that Priceless works of art were destroy ed by •+the Germans there, ,namely ; "The Descent From the Cross,' 'The Last Supper''and( the'fift'eelith cen- tury! screen entailed 'The Martyr' - dam' of St. Erasmus.' 'T'he. Last, Supper' was in three sections, of which the middle one was destl•oy- ed." Russia, France and Great Britt - sin signed 'an agreemerlt that none of (them could make peace without the consent( of all three nations. British• C'allumbile .will sand 25,- 000 epics. of tinned salmon as a special gsef to the Empire, ame 1 There tine each and the are 48 I u am F case, shipment isworth is�Pr iat 1 Y 5135,0001 The Japanese naval commander reports bleed two( seaplanes', recant - 'mitered Tsing Tau, in the, German 'territory(' of Kitao-Chau, yesterday, and dropped bombs, an the wireless barracks. One of the seaplanes re- ceived fifteen) alias in its planes but. beta\ returned) safely. A despatch to The Express froan Stockholm says Chet the name of the German Emperor has been Stricken, from: the listi of nlomimia- 'tioints for the next Nobel peace prize. • A bombardment off the ,fortifica- Sions( int the Kaye oe Catltaro, Anes- trilal-Htumgan•y, from the sea ,ryas begun) by a large French fleet which) passed northward. Mon day FOR LADIES • 'L'bere will be shown beautiful Braids, Switcht s, Trans- formations; Pompadours, Waves; Fronts, Full Wigs, Eta, of the finest quality hair and workmanship that cannot be excelled, Those who are desirous of seeing something that will beautify their appearance should' not miss this opportunity of calling at the hotel during the visit GENTLEMEN - Are You Bald ? Come and have a FREE DEMONSTRATION of "The Dorentwend Sanitary Patent Toupee." which is the only structure of its kind. They are feather weight, indetect atria, hygienic, and will melte you appear 20 years younger. worn by men in, all stations in late, oyer -250,41%O tae use TiIE DORENWEND 'CO. OV TORONTO, Limited THE HOUSI OF f Qd17ALITT • HAIR GOODS. 103405 'Forage Street Toronto Thursday, $epfteraheir 10(111'0914. ••••.Ntiti ••••n••••iii•••••••.NN•••••••••••rti•••••••••••••4NNN 0••••••••••••••1 r,ecnwe �iio�n' r�rri�a � _ r• MEDICIN 1! Mrs. Kelly Advises all Women to Take "Fruit-a-Tives" HAGERSVI .LrE, ONT.. r. AUG.261h. 1913. ' ., . "I can highly recommend "Fruit-a- tives" because they did me an awful lot of good and I cannot speak too highly about them. -About four years ago, I commenced taking " Fruit -a - ti ves" for a general break -down and they did me a world of good. We bought a good many dollar's worth, but it was money well spent because they did all that you claim for them, Their action is so pleasant, compared with other laxatives, that I found only pleasure, as well as health, in taking them, They seemed to me to be ' particularly suited to women on account of their mild and gentle action, and I trust that some other women may start taking "Fruit-a-tives" after reading my letter, and•if they do, I am satisfied the results will be the same as in my own case". , MRS. W. N. I MI,LY "Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers at sec. a box, 6 for $2.5o, trial size, 250, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Strkathcanta Elorse, raised ,by titer father dor the South African, War who wilt be sent, it es said, as a unit with the Clmnladian exped;ition- ,ary force, 71n laridition tto the first expedir ,tion, Australia has arrainlgeco to send Ito Brittain, more;. infantry and lighft,horse, A French repoet, sttetes° that the German army, is checked) in t dis- trict of Verdaln,. A Idesplatch tie the Pouter Teter gnam, Company from Rome slays Shit from private news which came aeries the, Austrian frontie-r it appears ,that,grea't discontent pre- vails alm:ong, the Austrian troops of Slaty Ina!tiona'litly, ' Several cases of inesubordiniation it is said have been, suppressed( by eche anoo¢m of 'those •suspecttedl ofidisloyiality but ronotinfy in.,some of tftae regiments its feared. A list .of tweleve ships was placed for disposal beiome, the first prize cocas held at LonSion, England since the Crime(anr war. The list included four Steamships and eight sailing vessels. Others will be dos posed ofiatlater sessions of the court, Most of to-dlay'd cases were undefelndekl. The If 6 irsft cease called 'was(thatpf! the Chile, which is (a 2,000 ton, barque. The court is presided. over by Sir. SltmiuelEvans Fresidenit of•the Admiralty Div - n. ,i iia Germany has lost c ver 100,000 men im ,various battles. The Bulgaria tGoverom,enit will re malnl 'antral. Friday Dtis reported th;ata big Russian ,army Landed intScatland and reship ped. to serve in Belgium. An ad•dition}al casualty last of the British, losses bee been, publish ed as. follows, killed officers 66 ramie, 62 i iron sided 78 oftficers 312 rank, anissarag 86 Officers 4,672 ane''. The surrender of Amiens to the Germane etlt off all' communica- tion' between 'Petrie and the setaaby way of Calais and 'Bo,urlogrie. The Russiane 'still outnumber the Austna1ns and hayeI opened the he read to Berlin end Vienna, h s ttiemenelous Gdnmlan a } army losses ae,whole divisions of 4'th. corps is( wiped out. Nett' Brunsewick's gilIt to the laid of the Empire is 100,000 bushels of patatloes.. Kin ,Gearge andQueen Mary visited them/minded brought to Engiantd. Bom,bardmenit of 0llalines, lasted two hours, Tun'key bars Darde ellles to American cruiser, which went to aid Americans 'swfiferee. The change; of the British, 9th. Lalncers• is reported as a second Balaklava as they rode fonpea rd and d silenced aCtermean battery. Thet 'Emperor of'Hussiial in, a letter says thatlallthe money,,' that Bel- gium h!ad!beem made too pay ea Germany the latter country evill be forced oto:repay :with *tercet 'fie East 'Prussu•a „ n Germaine lost 5,000 in Termonde 't a}�ry�lel, Fifitean fishing;'boafts elanll by the Germane in the -North. Sea and the British fishermen, iwere taken to Wilhelmshaven, as prisoners , of -war., Emperor William and general state are 'with( the forcesla(ttackiing the forts talt;Nalncy. The British Admiralty has issued the follo.wiln!g 'notice; "All, ,alids to alalljigta(tioni all dhe east coast of Enlglan4d;and:Scoltland, both by day tanldlt11ght, May be removed' at any time, witllet:teenly further,warning thaln is contained im this., notice." Miami+tobI hast offered', 60,000 bags of Moue , to tate . Imperi(al Go venni- ,nnelnit. A The B'Iack Watch wined Greys stag ger the Gemmlane in the fighting rat tat. Quentin. , Sire Cecil Spring -Bice, they British Ambassador ito the United States receive'. frolny the( Rritieh Foreign Officet a sttatemenft that nine for- eignt neultrlal, 'merchant vessels had been destroyed by, iGer(m(aln' °mines': since, the begiasnLn,g, of 'the Par.The despaltch read ;i "Following lna Itrall merchant aeseels' are known bythe .Admiralty to have been destroyed fbyyemmant mines in imositt cases ;with loss of I'lgl6e e- reloing the crews ; Five Danish, two Dutch, tome Norwegian and one. Sieve dilsh." Al Saturday PURE BLOOD MEANS HEALTH Pure Blood Can Best Be Obtained Through Dr. Williams Pink Pills 7tirtssie claims a great lvidtery' over Ausrtria, Thousfantd% of Awe - striates lard killed anid ten (theme sand taken prisoners. , According to indlormlattion derived' from, a ttrustevorthy source seven' Germain 'desitr•oyers end 't)ortiedo beaks, have arrived, at Kiel in, a damaged condition, and it ie vender speed that, oftherst have been( sunk io the Vicinityi of the Kiel Clanal. Leidy Sltrathcoma has given 560,000 [toiwlards , thet priaitnitenance of , the, To Let you See What Bargains We Intend to Give You. Men's Working Shirts at 49c 1000 yards of Print to clear at 9c 2 dozen Ladies Shoes to clear at $1.55 1 dozen Men's Suits, tweeds and Berges, $4.60 • it t� S • . ThisClosedhi Four Weeks 1 Stock is to be. .. out , 0 • ▪ - • Regardless of Cost.: a • • • 1 i 1 �ewSpecials dere are a • • • i i •• •• • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • ankrup OF • • • Z`' 11 • DryGoods,Clothing Hoots:' Shoes, . Furnishings • Gent's Z Ladiesn s Wearin A. are ar�d Ch�ldre g pp 1 's • • Also a line of Millinery s • • • • • 0 • • •• • • • • • i ~i Bargaintore• Clintont t • •• • • • N• • ext to McTaggart's Bank • • 27 •• • j•••••eme••••••NN••••••••••••••••••••••NN••••••NN•••••••••••••••••NN• • Cardinal Chiesa Chosen as Pope b sl c >sem. Rome, September 2 -Cardinal Glocatmlo• Della, Chiesa; Archbishop of. Bologna, and ewe -nee assistee a Papal Secretary of State, vas to - clay oledted, Pope, succeeding 'the Late 'Pontiff, Plus' X. The elect'to,n Was an the ninth, ballot. With all of the ceremony prescribed by the century -old traditions, of the Cath otic church, the new occupant of the Fishermtan's throne,, received the first ladoratiao off the Cardio toted since Monday in the electio-n. The 'newt Pontiff chose to' Aro kln(awm as Benedict XV., and will tatter designate( the date for his coranlaltion. , Held Posit of Advises to [he Holy Office, Tlieine;w Pope was 'appointed sub statute, iSecrettary' of State Liu 1001, and ire lau7 he was electted to the Post of Advisefr t•o.'the Holy Office n 1907 het ase appointer] Papal I t5 PP Nuncio altl3Laclrid gni succession to lloosignlor 9.fiinladd nil, belt this ap- poirbment was cancelled three drys latter. This ilnlciddnt had, "occurred last before he 'was made Archbishop of Bc,lcrgla. When' Monsignor Della Chiesa Meas approached to,this large and important Selz Mt was, declared in Romte thlat its wee mainly with the object of cofmrbaatting "moderisnn" re ligioius ideas Bolo°niga being the heladquasIers of the National Demi crgatic League whose members ad vo gated what is kinpw,nt as anrrodern- ism ifntredigion., let will be remean beret" that "modernism" was sweep inlgly condemned ,in (an' encyclical by the .bate 'Pope. Pius. • Linea, of new Pope. If people would realize the im- portance fo keeping the blood rich and pure there would be leas, sick- ness. The ,blood is Ithe pneaine tthratugh which the no%urisiimen* !gained' from feed reachos the dif- ferent parts. of thebo,dy. If the blood fa impure, the nourishment that reaches the peervere bone) and muscle is tttainited with poison and disease' follows. Thef blood is also the medium by which the body fights off disease. if ;the blood -is ethini land, watery Penis, power of re- sistenlce to ,diseasse 5s (weak,¢nted. Dr. 'Williams' Fi'k P1395 build up ,the blood. They increase the abili- ty of the, body(Ito ,resist disease. They i5ltrengthein ,flhe nerves, i l,- creia.se the appetite, ours headache blackache and) .an r disease caused' by tgin, or impure: . If you are suffering \;smv3i your blood is lthi'I oat inipuawe )there 4e Of large' ,probability that your cont - dation is caused) 'by the condition of your bleed, You should study your awn! case.., If you lack ambi- tion, 'are short, of brelatjh 'after. slighlt exercise,, tan'e pale or •sallonv have no ,appetite, ' are not refresthed. by sleep, if you ' ileac backache or headache, xhe=atic paints or stom- ach trouble, the'tpr.eatinenit with Dr. Willilamna' Pend: Pais for Pale Poo,- ple is wealth intvaettigg'fatim,g. ,You, dant get these) PPa;ls 'through, goner medicine deadero' r direct by mail Malt 50 atlas a box' or six boxes for 52.50 from ,Phe Dr •,Williams' Medi- cine Co,; Breock'viile' Ont. Reckonii 'the Rorn(aela,'Pim tiff sas 260 inmumber (there have been alto gelther 106 Popes who were Romaine 102 othfem,'Ital.ia n' other than Borman amid 52Tram aalpine or •(savefro,m Cieily or iSati'dinwa) 'Trancmarinc. Only one. +Einglishmian Nicholas Beakespeeare has ever reached the chair of Sit., IPeetier. He was elected in 1154 atsAdivaini IV. Ng Benedict Masi wove !thiel Triple Cro,vlsi,nce' Pope Benedict XIV died in75 The line ofthe( fifteen Benedicts who have remrched the Papacy with the terms of their. occu,ppincy is, as follows; Benedict, 1.; 62nd Pope, 5775-79. Benedict 11., 815*. Pope, 684-85. Benedict 1111., 104th Fbpe 855-58 Benedict IV., 117th Pope 900-033. Benediet V., 193rd, Pope 964. Beinedidt VI., 135th Pope 973-74, B Anelilt VII, 1 titePope 974-83 1012-24 145th. Pope Benedict VIII.,p 7th 1 Bdneedidt IX., 4 s Pope 1032-45 Benedict X., 154th. Pope 1058-59. Benedidt XL, 194th Pope, 17303-04. 13enedidt XII., 197th Pope 1Z.334-42 Benedict XIII 203rd. Pope 1394- R YEARS RED FOR f OU SUFE E BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND .- Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y, M. C. A. BLDG.. .i LONDON.. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. .. 1W. Westervelt' J. W. Westervelt, Jr. to Principal too- 10CharteredAcceuntant vicerincipai Front Heart Trouble and Nervous Prostration Mrs. John Hewson, Caledonia, Ont„ writes: -'I feel it my duty to let you know of the great benefit your Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills did for Inc. I suffered for four years with heart trouble and nervous prostration. I was so bad that I could not go upstairs without sitting down at the top before I could go to my room I couldn't sleep nor lie on my left stile, for it would .seem as though my heart wouldo.$.w I shy my time bad come. I was dociotmg with the doctor, but didn't get any benefit. I was advised to take Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, so I got two boxes, and after I had taken one box I began to feel better, and after I had taken two I could go tip and down stairs with- out resting, so I took eight boxes, and I am enjoying good health again. I consider it a Godsend to have your in the house." pills Milburn's Heart and Nerve. Pills are 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt. of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. 1424a. Belnedidt XIV., 249th Pope 1740-58 Benedidt,XV.,.260th Pope elected 191'4. AAAAALAAAAILAAAAAAAAAOLAAAAA 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 a 1 4 4 v a 1 4 1 1 1 1 Pianos our finest See and hereot New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and E 1' Cases 4 E Musle Emporium Organs, special values in Art Pianos and organs rent ed, choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. C. Hoare ' . E f vveva, WESTERN FAIR LONDON, CANADA ion Ontario's Popular b palar Exhibit f�thl to i th September 91914 INCREASED PRIZE LIST Magniflcent Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily New Fireworks every night. • COME AND ,SEE The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and The Canadian Royal Dragoons The Con, T. Kennedy Shows will fill the Midway. Music by Best available Bands iiCin September 11th dua:astl RailwayRailwayRatesRates Colunlc t,t g ]2e Special EzplutiscikoentsliPaaoyosa tSielp. tSeliSti2a,1ft.th, 17th. ALL INFORMATION .FROM THE SECRETARY A, H. HUNT, Secretary, W, J. ItEH11; president w„a,POW,