HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-10, Page 4PAGE FOUle. ''-' i fan('
It's alright if it comes
Be careful in selecting your
It will be viewed and criticised
by many. Those wllose,opinions
you most esteem will tee it
By it may be judged your
good taste and udSment ; per
hap§'your friendship, 'end your
Safeguard yourself 'by malting''�
use of as in 'th'e selection"
We have the goods that suit—
We know the latest styles—Best
makes—Most suitable gifts
Cut Glass. Silverware
Art Goods, China
Special Pieces that show
Refinement and Richness
at surprisingly moderate
Stratford. Ont.
Is a school with a continental
reputation for high grade work
and for the success of its gradu-
ates, .A school with Superior
courses and instructors, We
give individual attention in
Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy Departments
Why attend elsewhere' when
there is room here ? You may
enter at any time. Write for
our large tree catalogue.
D. A. McLachlan,
There is a Cold day Coming.
Why not prepare for it hy ordering
your winter supply of Lehigh Valley
Coal, none better in the world
1I, J. Holloway, Clinton
rr, nrorrirrnrorrnrrrrrrrirnrninrr
Highest market price will be paid in
, cash for wool.
Also on hand fur Sale
Flower Seeds,
Faris Produce taken in
Next door to Hospital
Victoria Street Clinton
To the Farmer
The Best Feed for Fattening the
Stock—Seientifle Feeding.
The testimony of some of the hest
farmers in Scarboro and Marscan,_
these men and many others, who are
making a business of dairying, find it
pays them to feed Dry Malt and
Malted Corn Fred e
at least twic a
day, no matter how good the pasture
is, Price's Dairy gets a car load every
two weeks, The City Dairy Co. use
them altogether at their farm. Why
Because they produce more and better
milk. These, feeds will do the same
for you. Try a ton of each and watch
results. There is, money in it for you.
Being an intelligent farmer you will
appreciate what others say about the,
value pf'the feed' I' am haiidl ng, end
get lie -line with them in°producing the
best niilk that 'copies into town, and
at the same time have eabig balance on.
the right side of the ledger.
Call and get some for your stock
ANii F� W. V E AN$
The New Era.
W. IL KERR & SON, Props
J. Leslie Kerr Business Manager
New Era, One Year in advance $1.00
New Era, when not paid in ad-
vance... $1.50
New Era, t;o the United States
in advance $1,50
Advertising Rates on Application
Job work . prices advance on July
1st, 1913, in accordance with
the Huron Co. Press Asso-
Office Phone 36 . .House Phone 95,
Canadian Par Harvest
The British' fur market is almost t•
much interested in the fox reaming
industry on Prince Edward Island :as
are the ranchers themselves, swa
London "People." Litters of yoag
silver foxes, are reported, from the
numerous ranches from week to
week; and from these reports,, It is
estimated that 'the fox crop of this
spring will be worth at current prl'eefs
from $5,000,000 to $6,000,000,
which would yield to the Provincial
Government a tax revenue of $59,000
. to ;60.000 °from this source.
Reduced Fares Io London
From Kingston, Renfrew and stations
west thereof in nanada, also Detroit
and Port Huron, Mich
Sept. 11. 12, 13, 14 and'18
Special Excursion days, Sept 15. 16 17
Special train for London will leave
Clinton Junction 7,12 a.m. Sent 151617
Return limit Sept 21, 1914
aomeseekers Excursion
Round trip tickets to poimtts in
Manri'toba, Saskatchewara and Al-
berta via Chicago, St.leaul, Du-
luth ' an sale each
Tuesday until October 27th, inclu-
sive, at law faares..
Berth reserv(atians and particle--
articut-tars at a11( :Grand Tnunk ticket of.
Sees Or write (
dunnHanslord &Son, city passen-
ger and 'Ticket Agents, phone 57
A. O. Pattison, station agent
C. E. HORNING, D. P. A.,
Union Station, Toronto, Ont.
Seed Wheat
• We have a quantity ofa "Gold
Coign" Seed Wheat for sale. This
wheat /vas been proved to be ane
of (the( beat varieties to stand OUT
severe winters, givieng an •extra
large yield, this. year.
Fall Wheat Fertihzer
I$ you will compare ithe results
of Gunn's. IShur-Crop +Ferei'lizer
with others in this 'district, you
willbe eonviatect that there are
nook better. Try our brand this.
season and prove for yourself.
10,000 dozen! New Laid Eggs and
1,000, Hens anti Chile -kens wanted
each, week set top price's(.
We are wholesaleagents for
Asir" your 'dealer for Gunn's
Breakf.ast'Beaco'nt and Picnic Ham,
, • They/are Wieners.
Prices Moderate. Moderate.
The Goon -I aillois Co,, Limited
The up-to-date Firm, Clinton
Phone 190.
Ural art
qu ors
Walking and Rl1ing Olives'
I.11. C. Gasoline Engines
McCormick Machinery Pumps
and 'Windmill.
Miller Little
Corner of Prances and Albert
y ' A Dollar Down.
Is often an illumination asbig
as the sun. There is no place in
town where "money down" goes
farther than it does right here.
or dresser bought for `spot cash'
frofn • our present stock makes,
what you see elsewhere look
like thirty cents.
Its Bargains Galore we are
offering just now in our
entire Furniture Stack$
the Cheapest Spot in Huron �togBuy all kinds -of Furniture
BA:1:11,1 t7� :.�tt °.Jt., MIIN S01
Furniture Dealers and Funeral !Directors—Phone 104
N. Ball 110—RES1BENCE PHONIES--- J. D. Atkinson 186
'Thursday, l$erp(temfboxe loth„ 1914.
` � When
Print Blurs
1 0`
When print blurt/41r-
1A ritablo temper and
l • On oral discomtortr
l We positively sure'
-this condition with 1`U
;,lames. ,_,/YYY
A.J. Griag
Jeweler and Optician
issuer oI Marriage Licenses
Sleepless Children.
Indigestion, hunger, excitement,
too much home work in their
lessons, fear of the dark and
loneliness are the principal
causes of sleeplessness in chil-
dren, .
Indigestion can generally be
cured by giving them a pinch of
bicarbonate of soda in a. wine -
glassful of water.
If a child be hungry it should
be fed, a glass of warm milk
and some biscuits or any other
light and easily digested food
being given half an hour before
going to bed.
No, child under twelve or thir-
teen years of age should be al-
lowed' to study between supper
and bedtime. -It only tires the
young brain and produces worry '
about the following day's work.
When a child is afraid of the
dark it cannot help it and must.4.
be humored and treated with,'!'
sympathy. It should be taught
bow baseless its fears are, but
at the Same time a light should.
be left in the room.
care e beim
taken that it does not cast dark *'
i.shadowson walls and ceiling. e.
The door should he ' left open
that the child may 'hear tho
voices of others In the house. M
Exciting games should not be '+
played and exciting 'stories a
` should not be told. tou near bei *`
• . time..
Thehappinessof motherhood ist000ften
checked because the mother's strength is
not equal to her cares, while her unselfish
devotion neglects her own health.
It is•a duty of husband or friend to see
that she gets the pure medicinal nourish-
njent in Scott's Emulsion, which is not
a drug or stimulant but nature's •con-
centrated'oil-food tonic to enrich and en-
liven the, blood, strengthen the nerves and
aid the appetite. Physicians everywhere
prescribe Scott's F;mu1sfon ,for over-
worked; nervous; tired' women; it builds
up and holds up their strength.
Get Scott's at your nearest drug store.
New Era and Daily Globe.$4.50
New Era and Daily Mail and
Now Era and Daily World
New Era and Daily News
New Era and Daily Star
N.,w Era and Family Herald
and Weekly Star .1.81
New Era and eVeekly Witness 1,85
New Era and Northern Mes-
senger "
New Era and Canadian Farm
New Era and Farmer's Sup...
New Era and ?Daily Free
Press, morning
New Era and Daily Free
Press, evening ... 2.85°
New Era and Weekly Free.
New Era and Daily Advertiser
tew Era and Weekly Adver-
7ew Era and 'Farm and Dairy
few Era and Farmer's Advo-
This is the closed season for title
hunting by American heiresses.
Sernitary1reasbns prompted • the
invention of anew' sugar receptacle
which delivers nremall portion of
its eoniteiilts through aspout as a
valve is opened' by , lever attach-
ed fro its. learndie,
Burdock Blood' Bitters 'Cored Her
Mrs, B. Bell, Box 104, Newboro, Ont.,
writes:—"Some time ago I was troubled`
with Salt Rheum on my hands, and it
was so bad I could not do my work..
I tried,' several medicines but they all
failed to help, me. One day a friend.
told me to,o�,,try Burdock Blood Bitters, so
I got aT9 ttle, and before I' had taken
it my hands were better. I' am not
afraid to recommend B.B.B. to any.
body," •
There is only one way to get rid of all
those obnoxious skim diseases, such as
Eczema, Salt Rheum, Boils, Pimples
etc., and, that is by giving the blood a'
thorough cleansing by the use of Bur
dock Blood Bitters.
This sterling remedy has been on'the
market for close on to forty years and
you will find that it will do all we claim
for it.
See that our name appears on the
bottle, label and wrapper.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
ne Toronto. Ont.
Purchase only goods "MADE IN CANADA"'
and help to keep your fellow -citizens em-
Is the only ;.Cereal Food under the Kellogg
name that is made in Canada. All others are
Bailie Creek Toasted Corn /lake Co.
Agriculture and • HOrticuIture
ShoUId beTaught in Schools
Prof. McCready, , of the 0. A. C. 'FALLL ASSIZES
Pointed Out that it Would be
Good for Huron County.
OD Monday afternoon Prof. S. B.
McCreedlyl 'addressed) as many sof
the C. C. I. nrwsilees ,and others
'that weed, able to melt him lthe
Council chawber mantle question
of (teaching Agriculeture and Her-
' tied -tares in the Collegiate and
opened' up amam(ytr new (thoughts in
that initerelsiteng study.
The( speaker. congratulated tthe
C. C. I. for staking 'up•this matter
as' in( s,eouring. Mr: 8~ lemrmg, who
along wlith the science startles, will
teach them two subjects in; the
school; Mr. Fleming having' lush fin
ished a summer 'course alt ;the 0
A. C.
Prof. iMeCrea'dy sketched,
caursel of the( study of agriculture
for the pasts 60 years and stated
that in 1847 Ryerson. first aaw'the
ligh'll an* that, a teacher from Ire-
land 'give injslt sat ion.
The Pail Assizes fdr'Huroln will
o peJn here on Sept. 22, 24r. Ju,stl?ce
Laltchiord' presiding. There( is only.
ante' crimlintelcaseiso far a charge of
saittelmp't;atrape, ln,whieh Thomas
A. 'Wylie,' of B'olwick is'the ,accused.
• Autumn session•
S Is now open in `Central, Business
• College, Toronto, and in each of ••
• its Six Branches. Free catalogue: •
• explains courses.'Write for a •
g copy• W. H. Show, president, •
•• Head office, 393 'Yonge Street,
• Toronto,
•. •'
the ••••••411•••••••••••••••••••
Ryerson pplammed to have agricul-
ture(' taugh
gricul-ture('taugh . in the schools nut the
practical side was never token up.
Text baoks' were issued in 1870 and
later in 1890 Dr. Mills and Mr,'
•Sleew com'pile'd a text book. The
Tames book was issued in 1895, In
1898:Ithe( first step was taken an,
making it compu:teary for the 4'tih
and 5th classes, bat after a bho:'t
time it fell by rthe wayside, •
The spanner in which the t muse
is taught now is by encamp_e anti
•nature. and not by 'text e sok.
It is ) , actically .•a .nature srady
for the I.ty, and girls at home ted
IL the school gruhonl'dsi Se . Lead
that Exeter A. as the first 1•. t the
up !the work but as the Principal
moved ,at the end of the 'term it
was given a six months trial. It
hhee been worked, for a year art Art-
Ither Drayton, Bo'wrmanaville) Vane
le'eltt 'Hill land' Sesex, The first
regal start in leen years was nom,
mermen by 'the County ;agents or
field lagenits( giviing insilructeon to
schools in 1907 set which time the
Departmenn had 4 men in Ontario
The field' agent at Galt anter apen,d
inn weeks trying to get ;a class had
2 pupils, while• at the lehool 'at
?nth head 6. The. course is show
two) 'ye rs for, the lower schools
and all Meeks !ohtaitied at exams
Iane,da bonus to. the pupil
The 'Professom,dlweallt on the 'fact
that (Huron 'Co, bad -lost 40 per cent
of her po'pullaltign and stated 'that
there were tn'ar(y 100 acres had -still
room for the boys. Hie cited anise -
stance hoav, eo-o+pema(tliott avou1d
hellp in the fact; that aroupvd Au
burn there were goad trees of Emg-
lish chelrries' that Should ;brirng.la
good,priee if anlarkelted,iln' the cen-
tral places,' If tate "back to 'the
lend;" ory,was Itaken up Huron Co.
might li(arve 65,000 people all happy
;and prosperous. He blamed dur
higher school 'for being !a (clause
why the boys left) the Ifla)rme and
showed 'th)alt Ian average of lithe
Collegiate .tatlt'endamloe over 55 'per
cent were frons the f(alrm after
which) one( .harddrop mai to- -ttake
up p'tlhneerr work. A atrium' (bailey
needs ant,' education to gen
blusiviese•. Antoithier. big semen
•to the` Cem eey ;bay Wee the (fact
:that the siehoois' had, Info, pern fans-.
epilt teachers, The teachers `=were
mostly girls lapid ethe shay • Was
'front, 6 •manithe .to la year; •He 'ask -
'ed' Ithfat some h'inig; be put lmitoethe
edluga?tion than would' appleal'dills
''tluaio calariea be (high enough (tlo
keep penn1 recti t 4eaehere.
Th'e speaker "ppoitilted'out that thel
bleekbonl9 of (Huron 'Co. " muss Iles'
ffauomin�gante teslIa��s, and the townie
ably •;e'xiet by/the Paroling trade
etc. ' The Dominion Government!,
was mow abfolult to make 'tgrapare
for'inclustrihil educa(tEbn, and hes
predicted that domestic atncl.matinee
at training and agricultural classes,
would' s'oo'n follow in Most niftihe
schools. • '
He 'closed) 'his address ion 4aki'zlt'
up the work har•'the first ;and sec-
ond' year of the +scbosl and showed
how; nnIterelsjtli(ryg• was Ithe study of
agriculture and horticulture as laid
(lawn .by the( deparam.exatt He said
it ;`yen Inio(t; far Diff when the Col-
'eigiatel Insifilttutes would have a
ItelIacher' for Mae, lime of work' -and
while( the pupils were inslteueted
the Mememlts a!t home would receive
Manes useful 'hintts. Ile :also stated
fthaltl the ,Boards" could.,@n'a9t'ie ; it
profiltatbl'e by having winner coul•r.
eel for the 'boys ole' the If(atrm,
There lame 125 schools it Mimtse,sota
(no(vl tearing" 'up ,t ole work.
Mr, D. A„ Forrester-, ohne of the
;trub,tees'stweed' a vote of thanks to
the :spe(a!ker.
Lesson XL—Third Quarter, For
Sept., 13, .1914.
Text of the Lesson, Matt. xxv, 1-13.
Memory Verses, 1-4—Golden Text,
Matt. xxv, 13—Commentary Prepared
by Rev. D. M. Stearns. ,
Notwithstanding all His teaching
and Hismany mighty worsts, the ques-
tion of Ise. liii, 1, still remained, "Who
bath believed our report?" Many of
the chief rulers believed on Him, but
because of the Pharisees did not con-
fess Him for fear of being put out of
the synagogue, for they loved the
praise of men more than the praise of
God (John ail, 42, 43). After His many
woes upon the Pharisees He spoke of
the desolation which would come upon
Jerusalem until His coming again be-
cause of their rejection of Him (Matt.
Instead of admiring the magnifi-
cence of the temple, as His disciples
desired Him to do, He said that the
whole thing would be thrown down
and not one stone be left upon another.
As He sat upon the Mount of Olives
over against the temple Peter and
James and John and Andrew asked
Rim privately of the end of the age
and whenhes b
t e things would be (Matt.
xxiv, 1-3; Mark xiii, 14; Luke xxi,
5-7). His replyIs
7)given in thesethree
chapters and is of greater length than
any other recorded answer to a ques-
tion. Dr. Weston says that to no
vision but that of Jesus was the com-
ing overthrow visible. He saw what
seems to occur to no student of his•
'tory-that the destiny of a nation, as
that of an individual, 1s determined
Iby its relation to Christ,
In every -sentence of the discourse.
'there seem to resound Christ's open-
ing words, "Takeheed that no man
deceives you." Wars and rumors of
wars will characterize the whole age,
but the believer must not be troubled
(Matt. xxiv, 6). At the end of the age
there shall be a time of trouble such
as never was, before and never will be
again, , and Immediately after that
tribulation- shall the Son of Man come
to the clouds of heaven, with power
and great glory (Matt may, 21, 29-
81). He will find things. at His coming
in glory as they were in the days of.
Noah (Matt. xxiv, 27-39).
The lesson of today and next, week
1s found only in Matt. xxv, 'which
chapter consists of three parts—the
ten virgins, the talents and the judg
meat of the nations. The middle per
tion' we have already considered in
connection with the parable of the
pounds. Unless we learn to distinguish
•,Woo&'s P 1013 $i•eaine
The Great . Engtisit Remedy.
Tones and invigorates the 'whole
nervous system, makes new Blood
in old Veins., -Cures Nei•vw
Debility Mental and Brain Worry, Despon-:
Seam,.'Loa° of Energy, Palpitation- of the
Heart, Tailing Mernory. Price 81 per box, rix
for 55.g Ono w,ll ploaee,,,o will nure,t3Sold by all
druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on reooipt of
prier. Nero� qlanmphlcleie edfree. THE WOOD
MEIMCINE�CO..T0&ONTO.ONT. (ftrmeIeWlndier:),.
Ladies'and Children's
N Ti 1E S
The new Coats are now here and are ,without any
exception, the finest showing of high class garments.
The styles are the very latest and the prices the
lowest possible ,for high grade garments.
We want you to see these coats whether.,'; you buy
or not, Come in any time and look them over.
Ladies Raircoat Special
A beautiful Poplin Raincoat, and big
value at 8:50, special this week S•y'' •
RUBBERS -Just arrived -a big bright new stock—
, all styles and sizes, for all makes of shoes. Prices, the
very lowest, Buy rubbers early, as prices are likely
to advance,
Plumsteel Leel Bros.
• New Idea Patterns 1Oc a Made•to Measure Clothing
I You Cannot Iso Better Than
Attend the
British American college
Yonge andMcGill Ste., Toronto
2 far a Business or. Shorthand *
'1' Course. Fall Term is now open. *
4'I Weask youlto write for parttou:
W. Vauchope, principal,$
uerween the Jew. we gentile eau Lice
church of God (1 Cor. x, 32) we'may
miss much in the matter of interpreta-
tion, but the great thing 7s to get the
heart lesson for ourselves -the message
from His heart to our hearts.
He is still, at the time of our lesson,
dealing specihliy with Israel (the
Jews) and has only mentioned the
church as something yet to be built
(Matt. xvi, 18), but wherever we read
In the Bible there' is a message for the
heart of man.
The" message for my heart in chap-
ter xxiv is that 1 must let no man de-
ceive me; that 1 ,must patiently en-
dure; that 1 must, be watchful, ready.
faithful, doing. In the story of the
ten virgins I learn that lamps are no
use without oil, that mine should al-
ways be trimmed, filled and turning
brightly, never flickering or dim or
going out, and that 1 must be ever
ready and watchfuL From Zech.. iv
'I learn that to have a constant supply
of oil I must know and abide in Him
who, as my great High Priest, not only
redeems me, but ever lives ...for
• and as my King or Lord ;controls all,
my life, desiring to work in me to will'
and to do of His good pleasure. Then
shall I know the meaning of 'tNdt by
might nor by power. but by. My Spirit,
saitlr the Lord of Hosts" (Zech. Iv, 6).
Then shall I, controlled by the Spirit,
make good use of the talents intruste
ed to me and hear His '•1`We11, done,
`good and faithful servant." .
'May it by His grace be our bappy
privilege, dear reader, yours and mine.
What a terrible thing it will be to be
only professedly His and to hear Him
• says "Verily I say unto you I know
you not" (verse 12; compare chapter
vii, 21-23). Compare also the wise and
foolish of chapter vii, 24-29. What a
mercy that the door is not yet shut
(verse 10; Luke wilt, 25). What a;
blessing to be shut 1n with Him, as
Noah was in the ark (Gen. vii, 1-16).
As to the Interpretation of -the para-
ble, it specially concerns 3srael, for the
coming of the Son of Man (verse 13)
is always the coming of the Lord Je-
sus Christ in power and glory to judge
and to reign, which means His coming
with His saints after He shall have
receivett tnem tuw irn w:•ett. naw we
Vulgate and Syriac translations give
the' first verse of our lesson thus:
"Then shall the kingdom of heaven be
likened unto ten virgins, who, taking
their lamps, went out to meet the
bridegroom and the bride." It is the
return of Christ after the marriage of
the Lamb and has some special refer
enee Is'?"ael.
If you cannot put ;your hand on the
Syriac translation get a Roman Catho-
lic Testament. which is a translation
of the Vulgate 515.. and verity for
yourself :this 'translation 12 you can-
not agree With •others tut to the in-
terpretation -of this or any other pas.
sage do not fail to get yu u• own Leant
message from the Lord;
Fall Fair Dates.
Blyth Sept.129 and 30
Brussels Oct. 1 and 2
Exeter ....Sept. 21 and 2`L
Goderich Sept. 21 to 23
London Sept, 11 to 19
SeaforthSept. 21 and 25
Toronto ..........Aug28. to Sept,;12
Wingham Sept. 24 and 25
Zurich . . Sept, 23 and 24
• your Bowels
Cut out cathartics ao4 pit ons. Tim aro
Pur=ly..getable. Act
aelliminateble odd
��Cto,preea Con.
bUtoee A
.ti Headade ad !siltation... imataaa bate.
Small Pill, Small Doss, Small Prlc.,
Genuine cos bear' Signature
Your Fall Shoes
We are showing in Footwear for the New
• Fall and Winter Season, faithfully reproduce
all style features of the highest priced custom
made. We can meet every requirementat
moderate expense,, and thorough satisfaction
with every pair.
They are in Refined Styles
Made of the Best Materials
and easily stand at the head tor
Comfort, Quality and Value