HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-03, Page 5Tliereaday Selpternber 3rd, 19144,
Disease germs are on every hand, They are in the very air
we breathe. A system "run down" is a prey for them. One
must have vital force to withstand 'them, 'Vital force depends
nn digestion -011 whether or not food nourishes—on the
quality of blood coursing through the body.
Golden Medical Discovery
Strengthens the weak stoznach. Gives good digestion. Enlivens the
sluggish liver. Feeds the etarved nerves: „Again full health and strength
return. A general upbuilding enables the heart to pump like an engine
rennieg in oil. The vital force is once more'established to full power. •
Year in and year out for over forty years this great health -restoring
remedy has been spreading throughout the entire world -because of its
ability to make the sick well and the weak strong. Don't despair of
"being your old self again." Give this vegetable remedy a trial --Today
-No*. You willsoon feel "like new again. " Sold in liquid or tablet form by
Druggistsortrial box for 50c bymail. Write Dr. R. V, Pierce, Buffalo,N.Y.
• IDr. Pierces/roar 1008 paire"Modleal Adviser.. t
cloth -bonne, went for 31 one.cont stomps.
• Blyth.
'Henry Ede ards for 10 years a resi
dent of this district died at his home
L. in East Wa,wanosh very suddenly
Friday following an attack of heert
&Here. His heart had bothered him
some time bin he was able td get
around and, was in the village Thurs
day attending a meeting The funerel
took place from his late home on Sat
erday and he was buried in Westfield
cemetery. Heleaves besides his wife
four children.
( Word was received here Friday that
Mrs. Ise H. 'Young a former resident of
13Igth, had passed away in Toronto
after a long illness, The remains were
brought here for burial. The funeral
took place from the Methodist Church
on Saturday,
Death of Mrs, N. H. Young -It was
vvith feelings of sadness the citizens of
Blyth learned of the passing away of
Mrs. N. le -Young who had been for
twenty 'five years a resident of our
town. She was born in Streetsville
and at the tiu-ie Cif her decease was in
ber 66th eear. Her death took place
.at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.
N., Sloan, 167 Close Avenue. Toronto,
at noon on Thursday, Aug, 27th 1914,
, after an extended Mien of seven
months, where in spite of loving care
•and tender nursing the st001310138 came
ehe was ready to obey the call and
was longing to be at rest with him
whom she had served so faithfully
during her life. In early years she
(united with the Methodist church and
at once became an active worker con.
tinuing to labor for the Master until
, laid aside for illness. In 1880 she and
her late busband moved from Sea -
forth to Blyth, where it will be remem
ibered Mr. Young was extensively
, engaged in the manufacture of salt.
t She did her duty both socially and
'religiously and took an active part in
the promotion of temperance being
Sscretary of the W. 0. T.17. foi sev-
eral years, In the Sabbath school her
work will be remembered particularly
amongst the young people of the pees.
•eutgeneration, her work during the
(majority of these years being in con.
• nection with the Primary department
For 21 years she was the efficient
Preeident of the Lathes Aid Society,
;from the time of its inception until
' her removal from the town. She was
also a worker and held office in the
e'Veweeeeiej S. Ten years ago Mr. and
s' Mrs. Young moved from our midst to
( make their =Ms alternately with
their son and daughter. While in
'Sudbury and Toronto she was actively
engaged in every department of their
i churches work especially the allevia-
tion of the sufferings of the peon An
impressive service wee held on -Friday
ievening, Rev. Dr. Hazelwood, a rela-
livie of the family, Rev. Mr. Bright
and Rev, Mr, Sing taking part. The
remains were taken to Blyth on Sat-
urday morning where the funeral was
-held from the Methodist church, A
large congregation was assembled to
pay their last respects to one who was
beloved by all. This service was con-
ducted by Rev. Mr. Jewitt, Rev. Ur.
Keine and Rev. J. S. Fisher of London
, a former pastor and faithful friend for
many ,yeare. Those felt to mourn her
loss are one son Herbert S. of Sudbury
•pne daughter, Mrs. Sloan of Toronto,
two brother., F. G Sperling of Wing -
'ham, A. W. Sperling who lives in
Florida and a sister, Mrs, W. M. Gray,
of Toronto. Many and beautiful were
the floral tributes sent in loving re-
memberance of a life of devotion to
ethers -Truly she hath done what she
11 ensall
Miss Mary Ragan/London, is'spencl•
lug, her holidays5here. She has just
returned fromeetrip up the lakes.
The,bliise'S Mitchell and Wood have
rAtothed' after a pleasant holiday
liperit in Graad Bend.
' Mrs. Millar, of Michigan, is spending
a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. John
Mr. William Chapman is building a
fine house on his farm in the Township
' of flay.. When completed it will be
one of the finest on the line.
Mrs. B dlentyne, of Atwood is visit.
ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George
Master Clark Smith has returned
home from Lucan, where he spent his
Mrs. McVey, of Staffa, spent Sun-
day with her sister, Mrs. Drake.
Mr. Ben Smillie, who is going out to• I
India as a missionary in the fall,
preached in Carmel Presbyterian
Church last Sunday.
Miss Bessie Urquhart, who has been
spending the last couple of months
er parents, Mr. and Mrs D. Ur-
t, has returned to Elon College,
,wril Carolina, to resume her duties
as "dean of wonaen" and teacher in
the college there,
Miss Smith°, who leaves this fall for
India, to teach in a college there, ad-
dressed the girls of the McGregor
Circle last Thurslay evening.
Miss Constance Carlo!, 0 Beachville
spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs.
Sutherland. She Was accompanied by
her friend, Miss Carr, of the same
One of the p?st acts of patriotism we
can all join in is to give the preference
'to everything we boy to Canadian and
British manufactured goods,
womAN:s $OAP
Toronto Markets
• 8.90
Iratabs --i- 8.50
.. 1 6.50
I 14151-6c
Ruttier • • 25e to 27c
Eggs .....A ...... s .t... ...i.. .25c
Whelaft .e. 1,25
..58c to 60c
Barley ... 70e
(Potatoes per ,bag --------------1.25 ..
f3eans ..
el..75 to 1,85
elfre.Wan, tClintz, ha,dethei misfor-
tune on Friday of having a horse
kick 'hied On Ithe back ottiehe left
hand. Hewasi shoeing. the !beast
and had the stool in :an handwhen
et kicked and owing tic he weight
in his hainel (the [injury was worse
then it otherwise would have been.
The bones of the hand wore =meld
erably broken, and it will necessi-
tate his being off 'duty, for atime.
Mr. Henry Clausius, north of the
village, had the first finger of his left
hand badly crushed between the cog
wheels of a thrashing machine on Fri
day morning. The bone was splintered
and the end of the finger taken off.
An exciting runaway occurred. at
230 Tuesday afternoon. The rural
mail driver of No. 1 had just returbed
from delivering his route, when hie
horse broke loose from the hitching
post and started to run at a furious
rate, etrileing a wagou and then a tree
demolishing the mail wagon and har
ness. The horse was not badly hurt.
While strolling on the teach south
of St. Joseph one evening last week
Mr. R. T, Dunlop discovered asuit case
which no doubt was a relic of the great
storm of last fall. It bore evidences
of rough usage in the water, the loath.
er being worn and the frame twisted
There were no marks on the case by
which it could be identified.
Rev. Tomlie, M. P. P., of Windsor,
who is summering at Bayfleld, was
among the visitors here on Thursday.
Henry Eilber, NI, P. P., accompanied
by the brother, Attorney Dickson and
the editor of the Exeter Advocate paid
the village a visit on Thursday.
The staff of the local paper held their
ennual picnic on Friday.
London Road
Arthur Wiltse bas built a new
plank silo.
The last couple of weeks has been
bad for harvesting the Dutch sets.
Mr. Albert Livermore and Charles
Low returned to New Toronto on
Monday after a vacation here.
Mrs, John. Nott is 'visiting at Bay
tir. Charles Holland of Clinton will
address the League on Tuesday night
at B. Ron °Wee's.
Horse buyers are thick on the road
at present buying for the British Army
anu also for the lumber woods.
Miss Elva Manning has been visiting
her cousins, Mises Dora and Edie
Mogridge of Auburn for a few days.
Wm. Watson for forty years a resi
dent of Goderich and one of the best
known ship s carpentets on the Great
Lekes, was found dead in bed at his
home here on Saturday by hie sons.
He had been stricken with heart fail
ure while he slept, He was 67 years
old. Three sons survive -Fred George
and Henry all of Goderich.
The bend concert held Sunday even
ing to raise meney for the families of
the soldiers who have gene to the
front was very largely attended. The
33rd Regimental Band rendered a fine
Preens el,
The W.C.IFloiar Mills Co. will
require 1E0301k two weeks longer
to icomplete the allotment 02 75,000
bags of flour of (theone million
donated by the' Canadian Govern-
ment to the Maher Land.
Mrs. Charles Manning and daughter
Elsie of Londesboro and Mies Annie
Clark of the Clinton Hospital staff
were visiting at the home of the
former's brother, Mr. 11. Mogridge
over the week end,
Mrs, (Rev.) Musgrove called on
friends here last weak.
Mr, Will Fowler of Toronto came up
Wednesday and suld his choice farm
on the 2nd con. of Stanley and sold it
for a good price to a man from Strat.
The hoines of Messrs Fred Fowler
and John Murdoch are brightenedlay
the arrival of a new girl in each, a
sbort time ago,
Miss Parte left last •Friday for her
school in Sault Ste. Marie,
Mr, le Ross, principal of the Dun
gentian school visited qur teacher, Der,
W. H. Johnston and also Mr. be, S.
Howard, Principal of Zurich school
last week. ,
Mr. R Long of Toronto has returned
home after spending a pleasant two
weeks' visit with his friends in the
homes of Messrs, R. and Jr, Morrison.
Mr. W, H, Johnston and family are
home again after enjoying a long
vacation with friends in Ashfield and
West Wawanosh,
Mrs, Alex Buchanan of Whiatley,
accompanied by her son, Golden and
his bride of Detroit are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs, Webster Buchanan. Her
many friends here are pleased to see
Mrs. Buchanan again,
Rev. Mr. McKelvie. of Ethel took
Rev. Mr. , McCormick's work here on
Sunday last.
. Miss Ile Snyder and Mies Harris of,
earv.s are visiting at Mr. Geo. Ledd's
• Me. F. C. Eltord of Oi tawe spent
Sunday trod Alt.m..i.ty at Andrew
Courtice's. _
1 Mrs. Gibson 'and habe. of Detroit
wbo have been s 'siting for a couple of
months at her t ither's eft,. William
Mulholland returned uome on Tuesdity
Mies M. Holland returned to London
on Tuesday.
• The infant son of -Mr. and MFR.
Larder died on Thursday last aged 10
day, • Our sympathy is extended to
them in their bereavement,
Rev. R. Gardner= old time resident
of this place preached in Trinity
church on Sunday last. •
Rev, Mr. Larkin of Seaforth preach
ed in St. Andrews while Rev. Mr, Mc
Farlane officiated for him at Seaforth.
Miss Bengough of Wingham has
returned after a short visit to Mr.
The McEwan brothers are slowly
recovering after the serious runaway
St. Andrew's S. S. held their annual
pienic In Jowetes grove on Thursday
last when a large gathering from both
churches were present.
retire: Hugh McDiarmid, of Seaforth,
visited her daughter, Mrs. Thomas 13.
Rev. Henry Diehl and wife of Ade
laide township are visiting his brother
Mr, M, Diehl and other acquaintances
in this district. On Monday be called
at the home of his old teacher, Mr.
Geo. Baird and spent a pleasant hour.
On Monday Mrs. John E. Pepper
and children visited her mother Mrs.
Carter of Clinton previous to the re
opening of School on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Williamson, of
Bramptoti spent a few days at the
former's cousin, Mr. Henry Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elaggitt and
family of Blyth spent Monday at the
home of their cousin, Mr. Henry
Miss Mae Adams Sundayed-with her
cousiu, Miss 'Bessie Cockerline of
Miss Maggie and Norman Shepherd
of Harlock spent Sunday at the home
of Albert Nott,
Miss May Saville gave a birthday
party to her friends on Thursday.
Mrs. Albert Weymouth aud dim&
ter, Keatta, Mrs. Denby and son
Elmer are spending this week with
the former's brother, George Hesk of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carter spent
Sunday with their daughter Mrs. H,
Miss Pearl Hart is spending a few
weeks with her friend Miss Annie
Renry Adams has purchased a new
Williams piano from Robert Gibbs'
who is ageet for that firm,
Mr. James Faiiservice had his barn
raised on Tuesday.
Miss Elva,Manning was the guest of
her cousin, Miss Dora Mogrigde of
Mr. aud Mrs. Albert Vodden spent
Friday with Fordwich friends.
Robert Crawford has engaged with
James Snell for a few months.
Miss Flossie Brown left on Monday
for Stratfoad Normal school.
John Hazelwood has improved the
appearance of his house by giving it
a coat of paint.
Mrs. Nelson Steep and daughters of
Goderich spent a few days the guests
of their cousin, Mrs. H. Colcolough.
Messrs, Grey of Tuckersmith spent
Sunday the guests of Miss Mabel Arm
School started on Tuesday morning
The new teacher, Mies Edith Campbell
was in her place.
Mr. 'Vern. McIntosh at present time
of writing, is very poorly- We hope
he ill soon improve.
Mr. Mitchell, of Clinton, called in
our village one day last week.
Miss Dora Andrews, and Margaret
O'Brien of Cleveland, Ohio, left for
their home this week, Miss Margaret
Riley went with them for same time.
Mr. Cole of Orillia and Mrs, Wm.
Cole, of Clinton, visited the letters
daughter, Mrs, Thos. Pollard last
Rev. Mr. Pathan. of Whitechureh,
will preach here next Sunday after-
. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson and Fon Ken-
neth, of Toronto, and Miss Pearl
Wright, of Harnitton,eare visiting at
tho home of Jas. Jewell,
Verne Gledhill and Elwyn Long left
with the rest of the Goderich contin
gent for the training camp. at Valcar
tier last Thursday morning.They
carry with them the good wishes of
the wholecommunity for a safe return
Threshing is going on briskly Around
here. Levi Snyder is threshing on the
Maitland concession and Will Long
around Benmiller. Both machines
are reported as running splendidly.
Miss Ethel Straughan is visiting at
Con, Bisset's in Goderich Township.
School started Tuesday. Miss Yates
is the teacher.
Two of Arthur Fisher's children had
the whooping cough. They are re
covering now.
Mrs, Aaron Fisher is home from the
hospital in Goderich again. Let's hope
for a speedy recovery.
Miss Willoughby of Beeton was
the guest of Miss Hazel Elcoat last
Mrs. Joseph Addison and family
have returned from visiting relatives
86 Londesborough,
Mrs, McMahan of London and Mrs.
11. B. Kitchen and family of Etamilton
visited this week at the home of Mr,
Kitchen in Stanley, They have jest
returned from a trip to Europe. They
experienced a good deal of trouble in
getting aeross the ocean. They were
so near the enemy that they were
obliged to keep quiet, they could not
even blow the, tog horn. They can
truthfully say. There is no place like
home. .
On Wednesday quite a number of
our villagers took an automobile trip
the Bend, London and other points
they had a fine time and enjoyed
the outing, Mr. Mustard took them
in his auto.
Miss A. Petrie has returned to her
school at Sault Ste. Mairie.
Mrs, Roberts of Ohio and Mrs. VVil-
kins of Flint Mich. are the guests of
Mrs. Chas. Wasmen,
Malcolm A. Aikenhead and wife of
London are visiting at the home of
his brother F. Aikenhead.
Frank Aikenhead has returned from
• es:4-W
the Wet. *
Miss Margaret Rees Mee returned
t ' ' ' I t Blyth
1,00.1 visiting re mores e
Muster Harry Boesenbury who has
been the guest of Mr. D. Macintosh
has returnee to his hozne ar Grand
Miss Fannie Fotheriog is ill of ty-
phoid fever.;
At a meeting of the • ladies ot Sea -
forth held ill the town hall a Red Cross
Society was formed with the follow
• ing offieers; - Honotary,preeident, Mrs
A. E. Colson, vice president, Mrs. IL
Speare: treasurer, Mrs. Omar Neil;
secretary. Mr,,, L. T. DeLacey, with
an executive of two ladies from ea=
of thethurchee.
• As a means of starting a fund. Mr.
John McKenzie' of the Princess Thea-
ter, has offeredthe proceeds of this
Friday night's picture show. Cardno
Bros, have donated their empty store
foteSaturda.y, on which day the So.
cietywill serve tea, afternoon and
Tewn ond Country
• The Ilensall Observer is holiday-
ing thit week.
Court Goderich No. 32, C 0,F,,
Wilt hold Ks annual denorae
time day; service at Maittlan'el cemet-
tery entSusedayt September 6th
Word releched Seafoith late Wed-.
miesday night of the sudden death
of W. 'Heber Morrison; be Dauphin
Man. The, cause of death (banes •
complication of eleseases. Mr.
Morrison was anareied some few
years eget to Miss May Sooles, for-
merly of Seaforth, and hehas •
brother, WillIalmo living in McKil-
lop.. Deceiaised 'will be remember
ea here as one' of the crack foot -
bell player with the ,oldeffiuroms.
Dr. A.M.'Smith land Mrs. Smith
of Chicago are renewing :acquain-
tances in Seaforth and vicinity.
Dr. Smilth form erly lived in Me-
Killop where Mr. Dan- McDonald
DOW resides lead leilt here 27 years
Mrs. J. R. Williams of :Gorrlie
passed suddenly away onSunday
August 23rd. while on•her way to
An oldiand esteemed resident of
East Wawanosh passed away at
Edenio.neen In the person of Thom-
as Blackt authe age of 75 years.
Mr. A. H. Wilford, of ,Wingham,
who has been cciedueting a whole -
Bale produce business leaves for
Toronto where he becomes Super
tendanit of the Pouleiry Depar't'
anent of the Harris Abateloir lire St
Lawrence Market, Toronto.
Andrew Wilson, of East Wawa
nosh lost a valuable horse dast
week iat Wingham. Whene he was
aiboult Ito return( home) ehe horse.
dropped dead on the' street.
A pioneer of Morris eownship
passed away last week in the pees -
on of Allan Ramsay in his 85th year.
Mr. T. 0. MacGregor, B. A.of Loiv
er Wingharni met with al serious ace
cidenit on Wednesday morning
when his horse took fright throwne
ing him from his rig.
The many friendst et (Rev. Dr.
Meldrum, of Cleveland( both in, his
old home, town' ot Goderich and in
Huron will sympathize most sincere
ly with him in his bereavement( by
the de,atte of his wife whicle occurr
ed in Cleveland on Friday last. Mrs.
Meldeura's illness for some time
had been knOwn to the family
friends andrecent 'word was teat
her receverse 'was hopeless. 'elle
deceased lady during her wisies
made many friends and she
was muchibeloved by those who
knew her beet. The bereaved hus
band and sorrowing family can (feel
assured that they are.most kindly
remembered in their hoar of trial.
An Insp ector of Insurance Comp
anies, 'who was in eioderich last
week after looking around a bit
tells The 'Star there is considerable
of the•mhliwiring he has seen about
town which is defective and postive
ly dangerous, 'and he thinks our
proper authorities should see that
at least some ce it is (overhauled
d put in safe con dike) n.
Con•tractor Brown and. R. Hark-
ness were badly hurtet Brussels
on Friday last bye falling 30 treet
f rem a suet old( o n the see w Presby
'terian Church. Harkness in falling
struck a joist His condilbion is
precarious. 'Bro w n will recover..
Over 5200 has been forwarded by
Brussels and locality for thePat
rietic Fund, the Womenrs Instihuie
inaugurated the,movemente and it
was heartily s-upported.
Mr. A. G. Soiilie, of Treasure Val-
ley Farm, Tuckersimith is having
e dispersion sale, of hie stoickpre-
peratory to going teiSeaforth to
At a meeting or the First, Presby
terian Church, Seaforth, to consider
the p ropositlioe Of iappointing 010
organist asee !chair leader, It was
unanimously agreed to give the
,appointment to Mr. Harold Nix=
of Londlon, who had played the
Sunday pre,viously lanel, who had
given genenal satisfaction to , all
• At the Manse, Henze% on Tues-
day, by Rev, E. McL Smith; Miss
Mary Riley, of Tackersoailth, to
Alex. Moose= of nay. The happy
couple left on \the eveiteing team
for London and !ether points. 'They
will reside on the tarmi.given title
groom, by his father.
Chas. gmatt, of Dungannon, was
in Lonelon last week attending a
meeting of •the London Rifle Asset -
dation, the annual maitchesi of
which will be held this year on Sep
te,mber Sand 9. He was -electOd
President of the Associebitan.
The Toronto Mail makes the fol-
lowing reference, to the late Geo.
Good, of Toronto, end foemeely -of
Seeforth, Success in the business
world has been recalled by the ewe
den 'death. of Mr. George 0-ood,
whose Dame appears above several
grocery,aleablishments in Tiorantle.
Mr. Good ewia,s Itake,n ill en Thin's-
dlay, Aingust 13th, and peered. away
(the following( Wedinlesid(ay moruing,
at his eine, 155 Margueretta Street
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, N.C. A. BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
LW, Westervelt J. W. westetvelt, Jr.
principal chartered Amman
to vire•erindrai
te rtet (eTeinigean. and ' .
deetroYer goes,aahoreetear 1 .............—..........e.....e..............,
lied to be, abandoned.
iGeneeal Pau, the oetle-annedt gem;
eine of the French army' hits a hard
blbsv alt the Gelman's( at pioniadie.
l coRE oF AsivmA
,adiati Regianent hit will replace the i . • •
Eight of the Royal Oai
ne • '
Oveesieas Iteolopst arearinig trent. l ' ,
British regulars' at Bei/mode. • i
8,000 foemen intended. up in 18,outh I Suffered Terribly,for 15 Years 'Until He
, Africa and they are pow in a I Tried "fruit -a -tires" •
,antlitary prison. P
Queen alieabeith end .chillidren 1 of
,Belginan are' safe in England. ' l
Austrians suttee, irrepa'imahle de-
fealt in, 'Russian !Poland. I
A report from rashingtlon states
' tha,t for the last the= (days 70,000
British treops, resieted 200,000 Gere
i:kish Ambassadou denies that
Turkey will 5oin, Europeian war. .•
, .
By Lydia E.Pinkham'a Vege-
table Compound—Their
Own Stories HereTold.
Edmonton, Alberta, Can. - " I think
It is no more than right for me to thank
you for what your kind advice and Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have
done for me.
"When twrote to you some time ago I
was a very sick woman suffering from
female troubles. I hactorganic inflam-
mation and could not stand or walk any
distance. At last I was confined to my
bed, and the doctor said I would have
to go through an operation, but this I
refused to do. A friend advised LydiaE.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
now, after using three bottles of it, I
feel like a new woman. I most heartily
recommend your medicine to all women
who suffer with female troubles. I have
also taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver
Pills, and think they are fine. I will
never be without the medicine in the
house." -Mrs. FRANK EmSLEY, 903 Col-
umbia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta.
The Other Case.
Beatrice, Neb.-"Just after my mar- •
riage my left side began to pain me and
the pain got so severe at times that I
suffered terribly with it. I visited three
doctors and each one wanted to operate
on me but I would not cosset t to an op-
eration. I heard of the good Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was
doing for others and I used several bot-
tles of it with the result that I haven't
been bothered with my side since then.
I am in good health and I have two little
at the 'age of 67. When he arrived
in Oantiela frome Fermanagh, Ird-
land, 40 years ago he stareed en
the grocery business along' withiris
brother and eyeteeth a •siltort • time
they had oeveral etores (antler their
A very peculiar freak of nature
Wes to be seen at Dr. Perdneen
alt Blyth lase week in (the form
of a colt tfaaleci inf with -
met either forelegs or tail and ex-
hibiting no sex. It was tali ve when
foaled ,and lived abent a day.
Richard Cousins, Dungannon, has
rented B. W. Derain's, farm, Con.
1, .West Waw.anosh for a year.
The honey crop wee Zurich was
tamest a WW1 failure this season.
Messrs. Harberer and sous who
own over 350 coliceeies will have a
surplus of Iasi ellen ten peunds
pee colony.
Whe•n Mr. John 'Gill, of Exeter,
entered his chicken house he was
surprised to find a large inumbereet
them dead. During the night a
weasel hate entered his hen house
and deetroyed 17 chickens and
'three ducks and had piled them up
in is heapt
When buying mention The New
Local news =an pages,
The enionmotus cost of war ser-
vice ,and the scarcity of printing
paper has resulted' in a reduction
in the size 'of all the leading Eng-
lish papers. (Even the London
Times, the hest tre show is Well is
being reduced.
War Summary
"Nbe "ft:
,Goveeniment of France removed
to Bordeaux.
The Germare right will* makein,g
hot alalack.
Nearly 15,000 Austrians 'were
buried on, batilliefield. •
Leesburg now in hands of Ruse
Austrians are defeatnell by the
Menton egrinsi.
Berlin in mourning ;over ithe
appalling', list of the Creranan dead.
Two French( aeroplanes, had a
holt aerial fig.hit, with three iGerman
airships. The latter turn tail.
Lichnowsky, exeamileassador to
London, is in els-grace 'with the
.Gea•anien Emperor because. ot • hie
report that, Britain' would not go
Ito war oneaccoume of the Irish
conteo verey„
The official press bureau states
that the Britian cavalry captured
10 ,G,erraisin gunel
Diepatch from Rome says that Rue
Edens captured 30,000 Austrians,
Plans gave out at Valcartiers camp
states that 8,000 'Men will be left be-
hind to form the nucleus of a second
Canadian contingent.
Australian warships are waiting off
Honolulu for German cruiser, Nurn-
Great Britain expects war with the
Turks and asks United States to take
care of her diplomatic affairs if trou
erman armies marching on
1.1'11.1iisOusands purpose to serve Britain
First 100,000 recruits go into camp in
13iisforces bold Germans in two
days desperate fight at town of 'Black'
es France, so the Censor says. ,
RUSSiTh129 claim a smashing defeat
against the Austrians, The enemy
lost 20,000 men
• Tues day
French capital May be moved ,bo
Bordeaux.LErrg!umloers, bf Brinell, troops
landed at Ostend and marched
et is repoetece (teat iGeranan !losses
are ewenity einies 'those of the alliee
[Overmans finds they (cermet( check
anserch of tha Eneslaine.
Lord ffertchener Secretary et
State 'of 'War made a report that
fer deur days the Britich *loops
had desperate figleteng and they
held Itheir owniagiabeatigireare odds.
The Samoan Islanda, with an area
of 1,050• square' tildes ,a,ndl a (native
population of 335;000 has beentaken
,by the Britleh force deem, New Zea-
.5.0 unconfirmed repeat ifa(om Van
cpuver states ehat ehe (German war
vessel, Leipeig„ Was -captured by
(the Canadian, cruiser .Raitneme, and
a French. eversible).
'Turkey rmay, declare war any imo
anent The British Government leie
warned Turkey plainly, that in
starting any caimpaig,a alethei time
shesigns her own, death warrant:
A Germani aeroplane dropped a
benth into Paris.
The Britiale have taken 225 Ger-
man vessels.
Rely may, decide war on Tues-
Bonin= was evacuated by the
military men.
Princess (Paltricie's Peitis dis-
embarked- alt Quebec after sailing
from Montreal. The „Brttish Gov-
ernment was not ready emhave a
convoy go with the 'eddies's.
.Germans lose a boat efe Chit*,
by a isea tattle and 5 are captured.
400,000 Poles are ,no.w blithe IRAls-
elan army,
Russians have Marched while.' 65
Melee of Koenigsburg.
Indian troops now on way to aid
Faia n ce.
.Germans see fire to Belgian*(
of Loevain.
Five) German, ships destroyed by
a 'British floeilla led' !by Hear-Ad-
mirel David Beatty lathe Bight of
Helligoland. The 'British lose of
life was net heavy and did not lose
a single ship.
Princess Palt's Reglment sailed
(this rnorniseg for the, war.
Eighty thousand Belgian.senarcb
to reoapeure Brussels
Am Austrian destroyer sun,k by
by a British deeemyer off Cereal,
after a ten, minute eight.
Russian plan is:to reach Berlin
Wilth,in;three weeek
Eingagemelnes tat 'Vosges and in
Belgium resulted en, vintories for
Femme, aril her °thee.
AustrSans prepare for defence, of
Vienna' against Russian army.
The Germans have levied a fine
of e300,000 on the Belgian town ee
Genie= lineA Kaiser Der Grosse
gems, 'down off the Airicien Coast
htivsrnerirgbeen shot bye British
iGeseelainis ere fighting heed to get
to Antwerp,
The Landon Territorial Associa- 4
tion has called for 30,000 Lone
leaflets to ;take the plaice of the el
Terneeoritaes whd have. goce to 4
the erent,
D. A, WHITE, Elm
Dec. 22nd. 1913."Having been a great sufferer from
Asthma for a period of fifteen years
(sometimes having to sit up at night
for weeks at a time) I began the use
of "Fruit-a-tives". These wonderful
tablets relieved me of Indigestion, and
through the continued use of same, I
am no longer distressed with that
terrible disease, Asthma, thanks to
"Fruit-a-tives" which are worth their
weight in gold to anyone suffering as
I did. I would heartily rectimmend
them to all sufferers from Asthma,
which I believe is caused or aggravated
by Indigestion". D. A.. WHITE
For Asthma, for Hay Pever, for any
troublecaused by excessive nervousness
dee to Impure Blood, faulty Digestion
or Constipation, take Fruit-a-tives "
500. a pox, 6 for $2.5o, trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tives
Limited, Ottawa.
Lille not earptuired says a Paris
Russians blow up 0 Germanicruie
see ineGuilf of Fintland.
The, mon of Claunern Clan are SUM
maned to rams by Earl Kitchener.
A,Trenish trawler and a Norwe-
gian, (steamer was blown up by
Mimes irafthe( North Sea.
Use Parisian Sage
It's Eintinely needless to have un
sightly, matted, thin or laded hair,
A little care is all that is needed
to make it thick, eoft, pretty, per-
fectly healthy and free from dand-
Use Persian Sage -it supplies
hair needs and is absolutely harm-
less. It quickly stops itching head
and falling hair, and is one of the
best tonics to invigorate ties scale,
and make the hair grow( long and
Get a bottle of Parisian Sage to
day from W. S.R. Holmes or at
any drfug counter. It costs but 50
cents. Rub it inte the scalp -all
clandritiff disappeerse-your head
Peels Tine -the hair is pretty and
perif eetly beralthy.
4 PP
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Many women work day after day
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Mrs. John Power, Peake Station,
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A friend told me to try your Doan's
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Had it not beenfor them I would be
suffering yet."
Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per
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Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
When ordering direct specify "Doan's,",
,Npecial values in Art
Cas es
Pianos and organs rent
ed, choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
Masse Enfirorium
_C. Hoare it
Ontario's Popular Exhibition
September irth to i9th. 1914
Magnificent Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily
New Fireworks every night.
The Dominion lexperinsental Farm Exhibit and
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The COD. T. Kennedy Shows will fill the Midway.
Music by the Best available Bands .
Reduced Railway Rates Commencing September lith
Special Excursion Rays, Sept. 15th, 16th, 17th.
Ail Tickets good till Sept. 21st,
W, J, RCM, president • A, M. HUNT, Secretary